28 results on '"Achmad Lefi"'
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- Author
Ronik Harsono Kamal, Kristanti Wanito Wigati, and Achmad Lefi
- Subjects
circadian rhythms ,exercise ,glucose ,moderate intensity ,morning ,night ,Biology (General) ,QH301-705.5 ,Medicine - Abstract
Background: There is a lot of research on the importance of exercise but studies on the effective time of exercise regarding regulation of blood glucose levels are not clearly known. Objective: This study aimed to determine the comparison of changes in blood glucose levels before and after moderate intensity physical exercise in the morning and evening. Materials and Methods: Healthy men (n=34), age between 17-22 years, Body Mass Index (BMI) between 18.5-22.9 kg/m2 (normal Asia Pacific), participating in the morning (8.00 am) or evening group (20.00 pm) are asked to do moderate intensity physical exercise (55-70% of maximum heart rate) using ergocycle for a total of 40 minutes. Blood glucose levels 2 hours post prandial capillaries were taken before exercise and blood glucose levels after exercise were taken acutely. Results: The mean decrease in blood glucose levels in the morning group was ± 8.353 ± 9.16 mg/dL and in the evening group was ± 6.294 ± 10.10 mg/dL. Blood glucose levels decreased significantly for the morning group (p=0.002) and the evening group (p=0.021). The comparison of changes in blood glucose levels between the morning and evening groups was not significant (p=0.538). Conclusion: There was no difference between morning or evening exercise related to changes in blood glucose levels.
- Published
- 2020
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3. Clinical Characteristics and Number of Valve Lesion in Rheumatic Heart Disease Severity
- Author
Saskia Ratna Desita, Achmad Lefi, Mahrus Rahman, and Yudi Her Oktaviono
- Subjects
clinical characteristic ,derajat keparahan ,karakteristik klinis ,lesi katup ,penyakit jantung reumatik ,rheumatic heart disease ,severity ,valve lesion ,Medicine ,Medicine (General) ,R5-920 - Abstract
Rheumatic heart disease (RHD) occurs due to sequelae in the form of damage to the heart valves from the failure of acute rheumatic fever (ARF) therapy. Heart valve damage can cause various complications such as congestive heart failure, arrhythmias, pulmonary hypertension, atrial fibrillation, endocarditis, which can cause death. The study aimed to assess the association between clinical characteristics and valve lesion and rheumatic heart disease severity. The study was an analytic observational with a cross-sectional design of 73 patients with definite RHD from September 2019 to March 2020 in Dr. Soetomo Regional General Hospital. The majority of patients were female (80%, p=0.235) 30–39 years old (34%, p=0.157). The mean age was 42.08±12.16 years. The majority of patients have low socioeconomic status (78%, p=0.025) and rural dwelling location (70%, p=0.138) over three-quarters of patients living with more than four people in the same house (75%). Multivalvular lesions (90%, p=0.003) and severe RHD (77%) were present predominantly. In conclusion, low socioeconomic status and multivalvular lesions are associated with rheumatic heart disease severity. KARAKTERISTIK KLINIS DAN JUMLAH LESI KATUP PADA DERAJAT KEPARAHAN PENYAKIT JANTUNG REUMATIK Penyakit jantung reumatik (PJR) adalah penyakit yang terjadi akibat gejala sisa berupa kerusakan katup jantung dari kegagalan terapi demam reumatik akut (DRA). Kerusakan katup jantung pada PJR dapat menimbulkan berbagai komplikasi seperti gagal jantung kongesti, aritmia, hipertensi pulmonal, atrial fibrilasi, dan endokarditis yang dapat menyebabkan kematian. Penelitian ini bertujuan mencari hubungan karakteristik klinis dan jumlah lesi katup dengan derajat keparahan PJR. Penelitian ini merupakan analitik observasional menggunakan pendekatan cross-sectional. Sampel penelitian ini adalah pasien yang terdiagnosis definitif PJR berdasar atas ekokardiografi pada bulan Sepetember 2019–Maret 2020 di RSUD Dr. Soetomo Surabaya. Didapatkan 73 pasien sesuai dengan kriteria inklusi. Mayoritas pasien berjenis kelamin perempuan (80%; p=0,235), dengan kelompok usia 30–39 (34%; p=0,157). Usia rerata 42,08±12,16 tahun. Sebagian besar pasien berstatus sosial ekonomi rendah (78%, p=0,025) dan lokasi tinggal pedesaan (70%; p=0,138). Lebih dari tiga perempat pasien tinggal dengan ≤4 orang di satu atap (75%). Lesi multivalvular (90%; p=0,003) dan PJR berat (77%) ditemukan secara dominan. Simpulan, status sosial ekonomi rendah dan lesi katup multivalvular berhubungan dengan derajat keparahan penyakit jantung reumatik.
- Published
- 2021
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- Author
Thomas Jatiman, Sony Wibisono, and Achmad Lefi
- Subjects
acs ,gda ,hiperglikemia ,Medicine (General) ,R5-920 - Abstract
Sindrom Koroner Akut (SKA) merupakan penyebab utama morbiditas dan mortalitas di dunia, termasuk Indonesia. SKA merupakan kumpulan gejala akibat iskemia miokardium karena terdapat penyumbatan pada arteri koronaria. Penyumbatan tersebut sebagian besar disebabkan oleh terbentuknya plak aterosklerosis. Salah satu faktor risiko terbentuknya plak aterosklerosis adalah gangguan metabolisme glukosa. Di sisi lain, gangguan metabolisme glukosa dapat terjadi pada penyakit akut dan kritis, sindroma koroner akut adalah salah satu dari antaranya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui karakteristik penderita SKA berdasarkan kadar gula darah acak ketika masuk rumah sakit RSUD Dr. Soetomo Surabaya. Penelitian ini menggunakan data rekam medis penderita SKA yang masuk rumah sakit pada periode Januari - Desember 2013 di Intensive Cardiac Care Unit (ICCU) RSUD Dr. Soetomo Surabaya. Metode sampling yang digunakan adalah total sampling, dimana jumlah sampel yang diperoleh yaitu 62 sampel. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis dengan metode statistik deskriptif. Dari penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa 72,6% penderita SKA mengalami hiperglikemia. Hiperglikemia terjadi pada penderita berjenis kelamin laki-laki dan berusia lebih dari 55 tahun. Gejala nyeri dada spesifik lebih banyak dikeluhkan pada penderita hiperglikemik (66,7%) daripada normoglikemia (47,1%). Diagnosa akhir ST-Elevation Myocardium Infarction (STEMI) lebih banyak daripada Non ST-Elevation Myocardium Infarction (NSTEMI) baik pada hiperglikemia (97,8% banding 2,2%) maupun normoglikemia (82,4% banding 17,6%). Riwayat penyakit diabetes mellitus tipe 2 lebih banyak didapatkan pada penderita SKA dengan hiperglikemik (53,3%) daripada normoglikemia (11,8%). Komplikasi ketika perawatan lebih banyak terjadi pada penderita SKA dengan hiperglikemia (1,2 komplikasi/penderita) daripada normoglikemia (1,17 komplikasi/penderita), dengan komplikasi organ jantung yang paling banyak terjadi, yaitu 64,4% pada hiperglikemia dan 58,8% pada normoglikemia. Lama rawat penderita SKA dengan hiperglikemia lebih lama daripada normoglikemia (7,81 ± 2,71 hari banding 6,67 ± 1,03 hari). Penderita SKA dengan hiperglikemia lebih banyak yang meninggal daripada penderita SKA normoglikemia.
- Published
- 2016
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5. Secretome And Ramiprilat Effects On Endothelial Progenitor Cells Proliferation In Chronic Coronary Syndrome Patient.
- Author
Yudi Her Oktaviono, Ferry Sandra, Achmad Lefi, and Christian Pramudita Budianto
- Published
- 2020
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6. Ramiprilat Effects on Endothelial Progenitor Cells Migration is Increased by Human Umbilical Cord Blood-Mesenchymal Stem Cells derived Secretome.
- Author
Yudi Her Oktaviono, Ilma Alfia Isaridha, Ferry Sandra, Achmad Lefi, and Agus Subagjo
- Published
- 2020
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7. Differences in interleukin-6 and interleukin-17 expression in covid-19 post-mortem lung tissue biopsy compared with noncovid- 19
- Author
Etty Hary Kusumastuti, Priangga Adi Wiratama, Grace Ariani, Stephanie Natasha Djuanda, Alphania Rahniayu, Nila Kurniasari, Dyah Fauziah, Anny Setijo Rahaju, Isnin Anang Marhana, Alfian Nur Rosyid, Dwi Wahyu, Gilang Muhammad Setyo Nugroho, Adhitri Anggoro, I Komang Rusgi Yandi, Bambang Pujo Semedi, Jilientasia Godrace Lilihata, Ummi Maimunah, Supriadi Supriadi, Achmad Lefi Achmad Lefi, Lalu Galih Pratama Rinjani, Edi Suyanto, and Ricardo Ardian Nugraha
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Pharmacology ,Drug Discovery - Published
- 2023
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8. Curcumin Involve the Myofibrosis Process of Rabbit Valve Interstitial Cells based on Expression Alpha- Smooth Muscle Actin: Experimental Posttest-only Control Group Design
- Author
Achmad . Lefi, J. N. E. . Putranto, and IGN Iswan R. Ranuh
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Pharmaceutical Science - Abstract
Introduction: Following an acute rheumatic fever infection brought on by an inflammatory reaction to streptococcal bacteria, rheumatic heart valve disease results in valve degeneration. Elements of the immune system play an important role, in facilitating myofibroblast transdifferentiation and clearing damaged tissue of apoptotic cells. Myelofibrosis arising in valve components is the main cause of valve dysfunction. Valve myelofibrosis showed a significantly increased collagen, proteoglycan, and elastin content in myofibrotic valves compared to healthy valves. Objective: To establish curcumin’s capacity to prevent rabbit valve interstitial cells (VIC) from differentiating into myofibroblasts after being stimulated by TGF-1 by comparing the results to controls. Method: This study uses a posttest-only control group design for an in-vitro laboratory experiment. Heart VIC of a New Zealand rabbit were isolated (Oryctolagus cuniculus), and induced fibrosis by administration of TGF-β1 5 ng/mL. VIC pretreated with TGF-β1 were treated with low-dose curcumin (20 nanoM/L) and high-dose curcumin (50 nanoM/L). The immunocytochemical method based on SMA expression observed the inhibition of myofibroblastic differentiation. Statistical significance was analyzed by Kruskal-Wallis statistical test with a p-value < 0.05 as the limit of significance. Result: Administration of curcumin with low doses (20 nanoM/L) and high doses (50 nanoM/L), significantly decreased TGF-β1-induced myofibroblastic differentiation of VIC, which was characterized by decreased SMA expression in all low-dose curcumin treatment groups (20 nanoM/L) (1.40 ± 6.30) and high-dose curcumin (50 nanoM/L) (1.40 ± 8.30). Conclusion: Curcumin potentially prevent the development of SMA-expressing VIC into myofibroblasts.
- Published
- 2022
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9. Paravalvular vegetations in prosthetic valve endocarditis with a malignant course: a case report
- Author
Eka Prasetya Budi Mulia, Tony Santoso Putra, Evelyne Chandra, Denny Suwanto, and Achmad Lefi
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Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine ,Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine - Abstract
Prosthetic valve endocarditis (PVE) accounts for 20.1% of all infective endocarditis cases. We report a case of PVE complicated by arrhythmias, embolic phenomenon, and sepsis. A 64-year-old female with history of mitral valve replacement presented to the hospital with febrile episode and malaise. Echocardiography showed vegetation at paravalvular area, and Staphylococcus aureus was found on blood culture. Aggressive intravenous antibiotic cover and hemodynamic support were initiated. The management of PVE remains a challenge due to its malignant course and heterogenous complications. Citation: Suwanto D, Lefi A, Chandra E, Putra TS, Mulia EPB. Paravalvular vegetations in prosthetic valve endocarditis with a malignant course: a case report. Anaesth. pain intensive care 2022;26(5):723-726. DOI: 10.35975/apic.v26i5.2012
- Published
- 2022
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10. Correlation of Neutrophyl-Lymphocyte Ratio, Vessel Score based on Sullivan Scoring System, and Troponin in Acute Coronary Syndrome Patients
- Author
Chelssi Gloria Tessari, Achmad Lefi, and Yetti Hernaningsih
- Abstract
Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) is one of the highest causes of death globally, with the number of deaths reaching more than 9 million people in 2016. Therefore, a fast and accurate ACS diagnosis is needed. This study aimed to determine the relationship between the neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio, the number of coronary artery lesions evaluated by angiography, and troponin I in ACS patients Material and Methods: This research is an analytic observational with a retrospective cross-sectional design. Sampling was carried out using a total sampling technique and obtained 87 samples that met the inclusion and exclusion criteria for the 2019-2020 period at Dr. Soetomo Regional General Hospital Surabaya. The correlation between the number of coronary artery lesions and the neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio to troponin I levels were respectively analyzed using chi-square and spearman-rho with SPSS ver. 25. Results: The results showed a moderately significant correlation between the neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio and troponin I levels (p =0.003, rs = 0.319). While the correlation analysis between the number of coronary artery lesions and the vessel score on troponin I showed insignificant results (p = 0.525), which means that the number of coronary artery lesions was not correlated with troponin I. Conclusion: This study concludes a significant correlation with moderate correlation between the neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio and troponin I. However, there is no significant correlation between the number of coronary artery lesions assessed by the Sullivan and troponin I levels.
- Published
- 2022
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11. Differences in interleukin-6 and interleukin-17 expression in covid-19 post-mortem lung tissue biopsy compared with noncovid- 19
- Author
Kusumastuti, Etty Hary, primary, Wiratama, Priangga Adi, additional, Ariani, Grace, additional, Djuanda, Stephanie Natasha, additional, Rahniayu, Alphania, additional, Kurniasari, Nila, additional, Fauziah, Dyah, additional, Rahaju, Anny Setijo, additional, Marhana, Isnin Anang, additional, Rosyid, Alfian Nur, additional, Wahyu, Dwi, additional, Nugroho, Gilang Muhammad Setyo, additional, Anggoro, Adhitri, additional, Yandi, I Komang Rusgi, additional, Semedi, Bambang Pujo, additional, Lilihata, Jilientasia Godrace, additional, Maimunah, Ummi, additional, Supriadi, Supriadi, additional, Achmad Lefi, Achmad Lefi, additional, Rinjani, Lalu Galih Pratama, additional, Suyanto, Edi, additional, and Nugraha, Ricardo Ardian, additional
- Published
- 2023
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12. Dexamethasone and olmesartan as potential antiremodelling agents of valvular interstitial cell into myofibroblast
- Author
Ardianto Nandiwardhana, Denny Suwanto, Eka Prasetya Budi Mulia, David Nugraha, Achmad Lefi, Mohammad Budiarto, and Johanes Nugroho
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General Nursing ,Education - Abstract
Rheumatic heart disease is a late complication of valvular inflammation caused by rheumatic fever. Studies have shown that the differentiation of valvular interstitial cells (VIC) into fibroblasts plays an important role in valvular remodeling and fibrosis. Various strategies to minimize valvular fibrosis has increased recently. This study aims to analyze the effect of dexamethasone, olmesartan, and its combination in inhibiting TGF-β1-induced VIC differentiation into myofibroblast. In vitro laboratory experimental-posttest only control group design was conducted. Isolated VIC of Oryctolagus cuniculus was pretreated using 2,5 ng/mL of TGF-β1 and divided into groups of dexamethasone (0.1 uM/L), olmesartan (100 nmol/L), and its combination. Inhibition of myofibroblast differentiation was quantified by the expression of α-SMA levels detected by immunofluorescence. Dexamethasone, olmesartan, and its combination administration were significantly reduced TGF-β1-induced VIC differentiation into myofibroblast expressed by α-SMA levels (dexamethasone 6823 ± 1735.3, olmesartan 6683.7 ± 2795.05). Combination of dexamethasone and olmesartan exhibit the most potent inhibition compared to control (5051.87 ± 1612.210 vs 22286.73 ± 2780.2; p < 0.000). In conclusion, dexamethasone, olmesartan, and the combination can significantly reduce the differentiation of VIC into myofibroblasts. The greatest potential is the combined effect of dexamethasone and olmesartan, while dexamethasone and olmesartan have the same potential.
- Published
- 2022
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13. Olmesartan inhibits transdifferentiation of rabbit’s valvular interstitial cells into myofibroblast based on α – smooth muscle actin expression
- Author
Alamanco Kardinov Kamardikan, Yudi Her Oktaviono, Bambang Herwanto, Achmad Lefi, and Denny Suwanto
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General Nursing ,Education - Abstract
Recent studies revealed that differentiation of valvular interstitial cell (VIC) into myofibroblasts played an important role in valvular remodeling and fibrosis. Study was performed on in vitro cultured of VIC from New Zealand rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Isolated VIC was pretreated using 5 ng/mL of TGF-β1 and divided into groups of olmesartan (100 nanomol/L) as short 30 minutes exposure duration and as continuous 72 hours exposure duration. Inhibition of myofibroblast differentiation was quantified by the expression of α-SMA levels detected by immunofluorescence staining. Olmesartan administration either, as short 30 minutes exposure duration or as continuous 72 hours exposure duration, were significantly reduced TGF-β1-induced VIC differentiation into myofibroblast expressed by α-SMA levels compared to control (short 30 minutes exposure duration: 9.18 ±2.25, as continuous 72 hours exposure duration: 10.13 ±0.69, and control 22.29 ±2.78; p < 0.001), but without significant difference between the two treatment groups (p 0.403). Olmesartan both on short and continuous exposure can inhibit the differentiation of valve interstitial cells into myofibroblasts based on the expression of αSMA, but without a significant difference in the inhibitory effect.
- Published
- 2022
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14. An atypical presentation of aortic dissection: echocardiography for accurate detection
- Author
Rizal Muhammad, Achmad Lefi, Dara Ninggar Ghassani, and Eka Prasetya Budi Mulia
- Subjects
Aortic Dissection ,Chest Pain ,Echocardiography ,Aortic Diseases ,Internal Medicine ,Humans ,Female ,Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and imaging ,General Medicine ,Middle Aged ,Echocardiography, Transesophageal - Abstract
Aortic dissection (AD) is a relatively rare but dreadful illness, often accompanied by severe, sharp (or 'tearing') back pain or anterior chest pain, as well as acute hemodynamic compromise. Painless dissection has also been reported in rare cases. Echocardiography has become the most commonly used imaging test for evaluating cardiovascular disease and, thus, plays an important role in aortic disease diagnosis and follow-up.This paper presents the case of a 63-year-old female presenting a chronic cough for more than 30 days, accompanied by chest pain radiating to the left scapula, a history of chronic hypertension, and recent chest x-ray findings of mediastinal mass on the upper left of the aortic knob. Transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) shows a clear image of a dissection flap on the ascending aorta and abdominal aorta, with a false lumen that is larger than the true lumen and filled with intramural thrombus. A transesophageal echocardiography (TOE) examination performed later shows a clear entry tear near the sinuses of Valsalva directly above the ostium of the right coronary artery (RCA). The patient was diagnosed with AD Stanford A de Bakey Type 1. Computed tomography (CT) focusing on the thoracoabdominal aorta and coronary artery was ordered upon suspicion of RCA ostium obstruction by the dissection flap and to further direct the surgical management. However, later on, the patient refused to undergo surgery, opting instead for conservative medical therapy.The diagnosis of AD is challenging. Our case emphasizes the vital role of TTE in diagnosing AD, particularly in patients with atypical symptoms in which the diagnosis of AD might not be considered. Such missed AD diagnoses can lead to precarious outcomes.
- Published
- 2022
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15. Characteristics of Patients with Ventricular Septal Defect that Had Been Closed with Transcatheter in Dr. Soetomo General Hospital from January 2019 to December 2021
- Author
Nada Salsabila, Taufiq Hidayat, and Achmad Lefi
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General Medicine - Published
- 2022
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16. Interleukin-6 (IL-6) expression of lung tissue in COVID-19 patient severity through core biopsy post mortem
- Author
Gilang Muhammad Setyo Nugroho, Isnin Anang Marhana, Etty Hary Kusumastuti, Bambang Pujo Semedi, Ummi Maimunah, Achmad Lefi, Edi Suyanto, Alfian Nur Rosyid, Dwi Wahyu, Priangga Adi Wiratama, Adhitri Anggoro, Komang I Rusgi Yandi, Stephanie Natasha Djuanda, Jilieanastasia Godrace Lilihata, null Supriadi, Lalu Galih Pratama Rinjani, and Ricardo Adrian Nugraha
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Surgery ,General Medicine - Abstract
In COVID-19 patients, Interleukin-6 (IL-6) will increase, and the production of antigens will be excessive, which will cause excessive inflammation of the tissues, especially the respiratory tract, which causes fibrosis in the lungs and can lead to death.To analyze IL-6 expression of lung tissue in COVID-19 patient severity.The study is an observational analytic design from July to December 2020. COVID-19 patient severity who died was examined for IL-6 expression on lung tissue. The lung tissue sampling uses the core biopsy method.The total number of samples obtained was 38 samples. Characteristics of patients with a mean age of patients were 48 years, male, the most common chief complaint was shortness of breath, mean symptom onset was 5 days, patient length of stay was 10 days, the most common cause of death was a combination of septic shock and ARDS and the most common comorbid diabetes mellitus. There is an increased WBC, neutrophils, platelets, procalcitonin, CRP, BUN, creatinine serum, AST, ALT, and D-dimer. In this study, the average tissue IL-6 expression was 72.63, with the highest frequency of strong positive 47.4%.An increase in IL-6 expression on lung tissue showed the severity of COVID-19 infection.
- Published
- 2022
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17. Diastolic dysfunction and atrial fibrillation in coronary heart disease surgery: A literature review
- Author
Lyndon Darwin, Yan Efrata Sembiring, and Achmad Lefi
- Subjects
Surgery - Published
- 2023
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18. Inhibition of Pathological Myofibroblast Differentiation of Valvular Interstitial Cell by Atorvastatin, Olmesartan, and Resveratrol in Experimental Heart Valve Model 'Contemporary Model with Rabbit Valve'
- Author
Denny Suwanto, Achmad Lefi, Budi Baktijasa Dharmadjati, Yudi Her Oktaviono, Agus Subagjo, Oryza Sativa, Dita Aulia Rachmi, and Ricardo Adrian Nugraha
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cardiology - Abstract
Introduction. Recent studies revealed that differentiation of valvular interstitial cell into myofibroblasts played an important role in pathological valve remodeling in rheumatic valvular disease. Objective. To investigate effects of atorvastatin, olmesartan, and resveratrol on Transforming Growth Factor β1-induced fibrosis. Methods. Valvular interstitial cell was isolated from 12-weeks male New Zealand rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Culture cells was divided into 4 groups, control group, group I (0.5 mg/mL Atorvastatin), group II (100 nmol/L Olmesartan), group III (50 μM/L Resveratrol) and group IV (combinations). All group were exposed to 100 nM Transforming Growth Factor β1 for 24 hours. Results. Immunochemical staining demonstrated that cells were completely differentiated into myofibroblasts with mean expression of α-smooth muscle actin 24522.64±4566.994. Atorvastatin, olmesartan, resveratrol, and its combination significantly reduced α-smooth muscle actin expression (6823±1735.3, 6942.7±2455.9, 14176.2±3343.3, 5051.8±1612.2 respectively (pConclusion. Our data showed atorvastatin, olmesartan, resveratrol, and its combination significantly reduce Transforming Growth Factor β1-induced valvular fibrosis.
- Published
- 2022
19. The association of depression and central obesity on hypertension in Indonesian provinces: a path analysis of the Indonesian baseline health research 2018 data
- Author
Achmad Shofwan Hadi, Achmad Lefi, Budi Susetyo Pikir, Budi Utomo, and Terrence Timothy Evan Lusida
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Cross-Sectional Studies ,Depression ,Indonesia ,Risk Factors ,Obesity, Abdominal ,Hypertension ,Internal Medicine ,Prevalence ,Humans ,General Medicine ,Obesity ,Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine - Published
- 2022
20. Human Umbilical Cord Blood-derived Secretome Enhance Endothelial Progenitor Cells Migration on Hyperglycemic Conditions
- Author
Melly Susanti, Ferry Sandra, Achmad Lefi, and Yudi Her Oktaviono
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Pharmacology ,Heart disease ,business.industry ,medicine.disease ,Umbilical cord ,Peripheral blood ,Coronary artery disease ,Andrology ,Basal (phylogenetics) ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,Diabetes mellitus ,Drug Discovery ,cardiovascular system ,Medicine ,Progenitor cell ,business ,Homeostasis - Abstract
Hyperglycemia state is harmful to body’s homeostasis. Uncontrolled hyperglycemic patients, especially patients with diabetes mellitus have a higher mortality risk of heart disease 2 to 4 times compared to non-hyperglycemic patients. Vascular endothelial impairment always been observed and found as a key feature of hyperglycemia state, which is correlated with reduced numbers and dysfunction of endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs). Objective: This paper aims to investigate the effect of hUCB-MSCs derived secretome treatment on the EPCs migration under hyperglycemia state. Materials and Methods: EPCs were isolated and cultured from peripheral blood samples and cultured for three days. Cultured EPCs were cultivated in 6-well plates until confluence and incubated with high glucose for 5 days, then placed in the modified Boyden chamber at the upper chamber with basal media. The lower chamber was supplemented with basal media and secretome at 2%, 10%, and 20% concentration and VEGF treated group as a control. EPCS migration was evaluated using a Boyden chamber assay. Statistical analysis was performed using SPS 25.0. Results: EPCs migration were significantly higher when hUCB-MSCs-derived secretome was given in high glucose concentrations compared to the and control group (79.80 ± 5.07 vs 51.00 ± 5.15, p
- Published
- 2020
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21. M12. Network Meta-Analysis about Cytokine Gene Functional Polymorphisms Towards the Susceptibility and Severity of Acute Rheumatic Fever and Rheumatic Heart Disease among Asian and Non-Asian People
- Author
Ricardo Adrian Nugraha, Bagus Putra Dharma Khrisna, Tony Santoso Putra, Lalu Galih Pratama Rinjani, Oryza Sativa, Achmad Lefi, Budi Baktijasa Dharmadjati, Agus Subagjo, and Yudi Her Oktaviono
- Subjects
Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine - Abstract
Background Great diversity among public hereditary variants may play a role in the susceptibility and severity of acute rheumatic fever (ARF)/rheumatic heart disease (RHD). Cytokine gene polymorphisms may contribute to the disease-associated cytokine imbalance. However, to the best of our knowledge, there is no existing meta-analysis concerning an association of the cytokine gene functional polymorphisms with the susceptibility / severity of ARF/RHD. Aims To investigate the potential association between cytokine gene functional polymorphisms of TNF-α, TGF-β, IL-10, IL-6 and IL-1β and the susceptibility and severity of ARF/RHD. Methods Comprehensive and structured search on Pubmed/Medline, Embase, EBSCO, and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials was performed. Statistical analyses were performed using STATA. First, we performed direct pairwise meta-analysis. Then, a network meta-analysis was performed with the consistency model to compare the genetic models of different cytokine gene polymorphisms. Results Evidence derived from the meta-analysis of 24 retrospective cohort and case-control studies identified that elevated serum levels of TNF-α have been observed in ARF cases, occurring as a result of a SNP (-308G>A) in the promoter site of the TNF-α gene. Our results also suggest that IL-1β (-511) C/T polymorphism, TGF-β1 [rs1800469], and IL-1β [rs2853550] single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) contributed to the susceptibility of ARF/RHD. Egger’s test did not demonstrate significant asymmetry in the dominant. Conclusion In summary, the polymorphism model increased the risk of RHD in the dominant genetic model, recessive genetic model, homozygote model and allelic genetic model among non-Asians while, recessive genetic model and homozygote model among Asians.
- Published
- 2021
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22. Association between Arterial Stiffness and Left Ventricular Diastolic Dysfunction in Stable Coronary Heart Disease
- Author
Achmad Lefi, Budi Utomo, Agus Soebagjo, and Diah Masita Cahyani
- Subjects
Psychiatry and Mental health ,Clinical Psychology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,business.industry ,Internal medicine ,Arterial stiffness ,Cardiology ,Medicine ,Left ventricular diastolic dysfunction ,Pshychiatric Mental Health ,business ,medicine.disease ,Coronary heart disease - Published
- 2020
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23. Relationship Between Risk Factors of Coronary Heart Disease on The Amount of Lesioned Coronary Artery
- Author
Djohar Nuswantoro, Achmad Lefi, and Monitrya Nababan
- Subjects
lcsh:R5-920 ,medicine.medical_specialty ,business.industry ,Retrospective cohort study ,Disease ,medicine.disease ,multivessel disease ,Coronary arteries ,Coronary artery disease ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,risk factors cad ,Relative risk ,Diabetes mellitus ,Internal medicine ,medicine ,Cardiology ,lcsh:Medicine (General) ,business ,single vessel disease ,coronary artery disease ,Dyslipidemia ,Artery - Abstract
Objective: To determine the relationship of coronary heart disease traditional risk factors to the number of lesioned coronary arteries and calculate the relative risk. Methods: This study used an analytical research design with a retrospective cohort study design using patient catheterization report data. Data analysis was performed using the chi square test and relative risk in 449 individuals. Results: Based on the analysis results obtained p value 0.05 indicating no relationship between risk factors for coronary heart disease with the number of coronary arteries the lesions based on sex, history of hypertension and history of smoking. Conclusion: There is a relationship between age, history of diabetes mellitus, history of dyslipidemia and the number of coronary arteries that are lesions in patients with coronary heart disease and there is no relationship between sex, history of hypertension and smoking history with the number of coronary arteries that are lesions in patients with coronary heart disease. Keywords: single vessel disease; multivessel disease; coronary artery disease; risk factors CAD
- Published
- 2019
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- Author
Achmad Lefi, Kristanti Wanito Wigati, and Ronik Harsono Kamal
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,moderate intensity ,Evening ,night ,exercise ,business.industry ,morning ,Physical exercise ,Effective time ,Intensity (physics) ,Endocrinology ,Internal medicine ,Heart rate ,medicine ,Circadian rhythms ,Circadian rhythm ,glucose ,business ,Body mass index ,Morning - Abstract
Background: There is a lot of research on the importance of exercise but studies on the effective time of exercise regarding regulation of blood glucose levels are not clearly known. Objective: This study aimed to determine the comparison of changes in blood glucose levels before and after moderate intensity physical exercise in the morning and evening. Materials and Methods: Healthy men (n=34), age between 17-22 years, Body Mass Index (BMI) between 18.5-22.9 kg/m2 (normal Asia Pacific), participating in the morning (8.00 am) or evening group (20.00 pm) are asked to do moderate intensity physical exercise (55-70% of maximum heart rate) using ergocycle for a total of 40 minutes. Blood glucose levels 2 hours post prandial capillaries were taken before exercise and blood glucose levels after exercise were taken acutely. Results: The mean decrease in blood glucose levels in the morning group was ± 8.353 ± 9.16 mg/dL and in the evening group was ± 6.294 ± 10.10 mg/dL. Blood glucose levels decreased significantly for the morning group (p=0.002) and the evening group (p=0.021). The comparison of changes in blood glucose levels between the morning and evening groups was not significant (p=0.538). Conclusion: There was no difference between morning or evening exercise related to changes in blood glucose levels.
- Published
- 2020
25. 'Narrow' complex tachycardia: Is it always supraventricular?
- Author
Filipus Michael Yofrido, Kevin Luke, Achmad Lefi, and Eka Prasetya Budi Mulia
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Tachycardia ,medicine.medical_specialty ,business.industry ,Internal medicine ,Emergency Medicine ,Cardiology ,Medicine ,medicine.symptom ,business - Published
- 2021
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- Author
Ronik Harsono Kamal, Kristanti Wanito Wigati, and Achmad Lefi
- Abstract
Background: There is a lot of research on the importance of exercise but studies on the effective time of exercise regarding regulation of blood glucose levels are not clearly known. Objective: This study aims to determine the comparison of changes in blood glucose levels before and after moderate intensity physical exercise in the morning and night. Material and method: Healthy men (n=34), Age between 17-22 years, Body Mass Index (BMI) between 18.5-22.9 kg/m2 (normal Asia Pacific), participating in the morning group (8.00 am) or the night group (20.00 pm) are asked to do moderate intensity physical exercise (55-70% of maximum heart rate) using ergocycle for a total of 40 minutes. Blood glucose levels 2 hours post prandial capillaries are taken before exercise and blood glucose levels after exercise are taken acutely. Result: The mean decrease in blood glucose levels in the morning group was -8.353±9.16 mg/dL and in the night group was -6.294±10.10 mg/dL. Blood glucose levels decreased significantly for the morning group (p=0.002) and the night group (p=0.021). The comparison of changes in blood glucose levels between the morning and night groups was not significant (p=0.538). Conclusion: There is no difference between morning or night exercise related to changes in blood glucose levels.
- Published
- 2020
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27. Carotid Intima-Media Thickness in Indonesian Subjects with Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors Who Were Not Receiving Lipid-Lowering Agents
- Author
Sodiqur Rifqi, Rinambaan W M Kaligis, Johanes Nugroho, Erwinanto, Suko Adiarto, Achmad Lefi, and Bagus Ari Pradnyana
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0301 basic medicine ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Multivariate analysis ,Population ,Disease ,Asymptomatic ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Internal medicine ,medicine.artery ,medicine ,cardiovascular diseases ,Common carotid artery ,education ,education.field_of_study ,business.industry ,language.human_language ,Surgery ,Indonesian ,030104 developmental biology ,Intima-media thickness ,030220 oncology & carcinogenesis ,cardiovascular system ,language ,Disease risk ,medicine.symptom ,Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine ,business - Abstract
Carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT) is frequently utilized for detection of subclinical atherosclerosis. This study aims to investigate the association between the CIMT values and demographic characteristics, cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors, lipid biochemistry profiles, and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) levels among the Indonesian population. Subjects who had two or more CVD risk factors but were not receiving lipid-lowering therapy were recruited from six hospitals of Indonesia. Measurements of CIMT are obtained by ultrasonography of 12 sites within the common carotid artery. CVD risk factors, lipid and glucose profiles, and hs-CRP values were analyzed with respect to distribution of CIMT. The mean–max CIMT was 0.805 ± 0.190 mm (minimum, 0.268 mm; maximum, 1.652 mm) and the mean–mean CIMT was 0.614 ± 0.190 mm (minimum, 0.127 mm; maximum, 1.388 mm). Multivariate analyses confirmed an independent association between increasing CIMT and increasing age (regression coefficient = 0.004; p = 0.004). Our data show normative mean–mean CIMT data for Indonesian subjects with two or more CVD risk factors who are not receiving lipid-lowering therapy, which may guide CVD risk stratification of asymptomatic individuals in Indonesia.
- Published
- 2016
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28. Association between Serum Magnesium Level with Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) in Diabetes Mellitus (DM) Patients
- Author
Soebagijo Adi Soelistijo, Ratih Wulansari, and Achmad Lefi
- Subjects
Serum magnesium level ,Acute coronary syndrome ,medicine.medical_specialty ,business.industry ,Incidence (epidemiology) ,Odds ratio ,medicine.disease ,Hypomagnesemia ,Diabetes mellitus ,Internal medicine ,Diabetes Mellitus ,Mann–Whitney U test ,medicine ,General Earth and Planetary Sciences ,Acute Coronary Syndrome ,Risk factor ,business ,General Environmental Science ,Cause of death - Abstract
Introduction : Until now, cardiovascular complications are still the highest cause of death and disability in DM patients. Hypomagnesemia in DM accelerate atherosclerosis and can cause instability and plaque rupture which can lead to acute coronary syndrome. M ethods : Design of this study was observational analytic using a "case control" study involved 76 samples of DM patients, consisting of 38 samples with SKA (+) and 38 samples with SKA (-). Subjects of this study were all DM patients in the period July-December 2018 in the Emergency Room (ER) and Outpatient Installation of Endocrine at the RSUD Dr. Soetomo Surabaya, which fulfills the criteria for inclusion and exclusion. Demographic data and clinical characteristics are presented descriptively. If data is normally distributed then an unpaired t test is carried out and if the data is not normally, distributed with Mann Whitney test is performed. The statistical test was stated to be significant if p
- Published
- 2019
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