Education & social behaviour ESL Teachers' knowledge on learner autonomy Z. Hasim & A.R. Zakaria Mother tongue education and ethnic identity of Malaysian Chinese secondary school students P.Y. Ho, F.P. Chew & K.P. Thock The acquisitions of knowledge in Chinese classical literature and academic achievement among the secondary schools' students C.F. Peng & P.S. Fong Implementation of the LINUS program in Malaysian primary schools C.F. Peng, C.H. Leng & F. Hutagalung Librarians' knowledge sharing behaviour M.Z.H.M. Sawal, N. Noordin, R.A.R. Omar, A.L.A. Rahman & Z. Zakaria Cross-racial supervision: Case conceptualization of supervisee-supervisor relationship N.A. Rosli Self-reflection: Self-assessment of supervision related to knowledge and skills N.A. Rosli Asian supervisor-western supervisee: Personal approach to supervision N.A. Rosli Parental involvement in students' academic achievement: A preliminary study J. Kandasamy, F. Hutagalung, M.R.A. Razak & Z.Md. Isa Approaches and models of behaviour management in classroom C. Yusof, M.N. Mariani & S. Hafiza The emphasis of Higher Order Thinking (HOT) in the curriculum and the implementation in reality C.C.S. Fern & U.K.M. Salleh Homeschooling: An alternative to mainstream L.C. Yin, A.R. Zakaria & H. Baharun Perception and expectation of parents and students regarding choice of secondary school type M.S.A. Patah, A.R. Zakaria & M. Mohsin Religious practices in delinquents M.A. Malik, A.R. Zakaria & A.M. Sulaiman Mental health literacy among undergraduate students in selected universities in Malaysia R.A.M. Jaladin, N.K. Yun & I.H.A. Tharbe Anti bias education practice in pre-school education in rural Malaysia A. Kadir, M.Md. Nor, F. Hutagalung & J. Chee Do we have salt & pepper on the table? (teaching style & learning style importance) R. Nadarajan, Z. Naimie & R.A. Abuzaid Identifying motivation factors of the participation of local community in tourism industry in National Park, Pahang, Malaysia M.R. Noorhayati, I.M. Hasmadi, H.Z. Pakhriazad & A.K. Wahidin Best practices with revenue sharing authentic assessment of preschool students' learning problems R.M. Rasul & M. Zagan Business & economics The role of the branding strategies in the promotion of Vladimir region (Russia) M.V. Roberts & A.V. Baikov Formation of methodological approach to evaluation of the national innovative environment R. Fedosova, B. Kheyfits & M. Ilyina A practical approach to modeling of regional state support system for small business development Y.V. Kuznetsov, N.M. Filimonova & R.N. Fedosova The evaluation of physical and environmental factors in low-cost housing W.R.A. Jiram, A.A. Bujang, I.A. Zairuslan & H.A. Zarin An investigation into Thai tourists' preferences of tourism domains: A case study of Chiang Mai province, Thailand T. Kamnardsiri, N. Choosri, P. Sureephong & A. Lbath Empirical evaluation of Gen Y housing affordability W.R.A. Jiram, A.A. Bujang, H.A. Zarin & F.H.M. Anuar Local revitalization through the local food system focused on Wanju, Korea J.-Y. Kim Effect of environmental knowledge and concern toward attitude of green home buyers' intention in Surabaya M. Wijayaningtyas, I. Sipan & C.W. Wai Investigating the required competencies of valuation surveying graduates W.R.A. Jiram, A.A. Bujang & H.A. Zarin The music licensing supply chain: The new demands of a new market M.P. Oliveira, A.J.R.R. Carmo, M.A. Duarte & L. Baumworcel The experience of teaching the nurses: Insights for developing an educational nursing management software L.H. Loureiro, A. Scavarda, M.M.V.N. Cardoso, I.C. da Silva, T. Tonini & L. Baumworcel Patient-centered lean process: A strategic implementation L. Baumworcel, A.L. Matheus Junior, L.B. Sartore & A. Scavarda The economic crises and the Brazilian healthcare system L. Baumworcel & A. Scavarda The fundamental of housing affordability and affordable houses: A review N. Azmi, A.A. Bujang, W.R.A. Jiram & H.A. Zarin Design of Knowledge Management System to support research activities at university M. Dachyar, M.B.N. Alam & N.R. Pratama Improvement of procurement business process (procure-to-pay) in Indonesian shipping company M. Dachyar & B. Praharani Impact of service quality on customer satisfaction in low cost airline service in Indonesia M. Dachyar & M.R. Siva A study to improve Enterprise Resources Planning post-implementation in Indonesian industries M. Dachyar & Y. Prawira An implementation model for the healthcare sustainability C.M.L. Machado, A. Scavarda & L. Baumworcel Monitoring news articles using multi-agent system D. Derakhshan, S. Christensen, M. Larsen & N. Memon Developer's perspective on communication issues in prototype model (case study: Warehouse management system of local agency for disaster management) N.W. Rahayu