13 results on '"ALICI, Ömer"'
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- Published
- 2014
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OKUYUCU, Ali, ŞALIŞ, Osman, ALICI, Ömer, GÜVENLİ, Abdullah, TERZİ, Yüksel, KELEŞ, Muhammed Emin, İLKAYA, Fatih, GÖREN, İbrahim, and ALAÇAM, Hasan
- Subjects
The liver has a very important role in thesynthesis and elimination of asymmetrical dimethylarginine (ADMA), which is amethyllated derivative of arginine. The relation of ADMA, which is a nitricoxide synthase inhibitor, with liver disease is documented; however if it isdirectly related with liver injury is unkown as of yet.Our aim in this study is to determine if ADMAhas a direct effect on liver injury, if so; to evaluate if ascorbic acid (AA)reduces the extent of damage.The study consisted of three groups comprisedof 10 rats each. 1) control group, 2) ADMA (2 mg/kg/day) recieving group, 3)ADMA+AA (50 mg/kg/day) recieving group. The rats were sacrificed on the 10thday, and AST, ALT, GGT and ALP activities were measured. The histomorphologicevaluation of the liver was done by the Ishak score system. When compared to the control group, ALT and ALPactivities were found to be higher in only the ADMA group (p=0.006 and p=0.041respectively). With AA addition, parameters were found to be lower, howeverstatistical significance was not achieved (p>0.05). when the control groupwas compared with the ADMA group; interface hepatitis, confluent necrosis,focal necrosis, histologic activity index, severity of hepatitis ve portalinflammation were all found to be higher in the ADMA group. With the additionof ADMA, although not significant, said histopathologic parameters improved (p>0.05).These results suggest that the increase inplasma ADMA levels had a detrimental effect on liver injury. The lack ofsignificant improvement with AA addition suggested that other factors besideprooxidant factors had an effect on injury.
- Published
- 2017
4. Kaposi Sarcoma in HIV Negative Patient
- Author
GÜMÜŞAY, Özge, ŞEN, Tuğba Arslan, ALICI, Ömer, TAKCI, Zennure, KABALAY, İpek Arslan, KAYA, Süheyla Uzun, and ÖZTÜRK, Banu
- Subjects
Kaposi sarkomu,HIV,skrotum,tedavi ,Kaposi Sarcoma,HIV,scrotum,Treatment - Abstract
Kaposi sarkomu(KS) iç organ tulumuolabilen cilt lezyonları ile prezente olan sistemik, malign ve multifaktöriyel bir hastalıktır. Cilt lezyonları maküler, yama, plak, nodüler ve egzofitikgibi farklı morfolojik özellikte olabilir. Kaposi sarkomunun 4 alt tipi vardır: klasik, endemik, iyatrojenik ve insan immün yetmezlik virusu/edinsel bağışıklık yetmezlik sendromu (HIV/AIDS) ilişkili. Kaposi sarkomunun skrotum tutulumu oldukça nadirdir ve genellikle HIV-ilişkili alt tipinde görülür. Tedavi seçenekleri cerrahi, kriyoterapi, elektrocerrahi, lazer ve radyoterapidir. Bu olgu sunumunda radyoterapi ile başarılı bir şekilde tedavi edilmiş skrotum yerleşimli nadir bir KS hastası sunulmaktadır., Kaposi’s sarcoma (KS) is a systemic, malignantand multifactorial disease that can present with cutaneous lesions The cutaneous lesions seen in KS have several morphologies: macular, patch, plaque, nodular, and exophytic. There are four types classic, endemic, iatrogenic presentation on the scrotum is uncommon and is mainly observed in HIV-positive patients. The treatment options for KS are surgery, cryotherapy, electrosurgery, laser and radiationt herapy. We present here a rare case of a HIV negative patient with the classic form on the scrotum who was successfully treated by radiation therapy
- Published
- 2015
5. Therapeutic Effects of Sildenafil on Experimental Mandibular Fractures
- Author
Çakir-Özkan, Nilüfer, primary, Bereket, Cihan, additional, Sener, Ismail, additional, Alici, Ömer, additional, Kabak, Yonca Betil, additional, and Önger, Mehmet Emin, additional
- Published
- 2016
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6. The comparison of some physical and physiological characteristics of the male sedentaries, male handball players and male wrestlers whose ages were between 13 and 15
- Author
Alici, Ömer, İri, Rüçhan, Bölüm Yok, Alıcı, Ömer, and Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Ana Bilim Dalı
- Subjects
Sedentary ,Physical properties ,Hentbol ,Güreş ,Fiziksel Özellik ,Physiological Characteristic ,Physical Characteristic ,Spor ,Handball players ,Physical parameters ,Handball ,Fizyolojik Özellik ,Wrestling ,Sedanter ,Physiological parameters ,Physiological properties ,Sports ,Wrestlers - Abstract
Bu çalışmanın amacı, 13-15 yaş erkek sedanter, hentbolcu ve güreşçilerin bazı fiziksel ve fizyolojik özelliklerinin karşılaştırılmasıdır. Araştırmaya yaş ortalamaları 13,95±0,81 yıl, boy ortalamaları 158,7±11 cm, vücut ağırlığı ortalamaları 52±12,32 kg ve beden kitle indeksi ortalamaları 20,33±2,9kg/m2, olan 77 erkek sporcu öğrenci(sedanter=26, hentbolcu=26 ve güreşçi=25) gönüllü olarak katılmıştır. Çalışmaya katılan deneklerin boy, vücut ağırlığı, beden kitle indeksi(BKİ) ölçülmüş ve el-pençe kuvveti, sırt-bacak kuvveti, 20 m. sürat, 30 sn. mekik, 30 sn. şınav, otur-uzan(esneklik), solunum fonksiyonu ve dikey sıçrama(anaerobik kapasite) testleri uygulanmıştır. Elde edilen verilerin SPSS 18.0 programı ile analiz edildiği araştırmada, örneklem gruplarında yer alan deneklerin demografik özellikleri ve ölçüm sonuçlarına ilişkin ortalama değerleri ve standart sapma değerlerinin tanımlayıcı istatistikleri hesaplanmıĢtır. Gruplar arası karşılaştırmalar tek yönlü varyans analizi (One way ANOVA) ile değerlendirilirken, gruplar arası farklılıkların hangi grup yada gruplardan kaynaklandığının tespiti için çoklu karşılaştırma testlerinden Tukey testi kullanılmıştır. Güven Aralığı %95 olarak belirlenmiş ve p0,05). Sonuç olarak; adölesan dönemdeki spor yapan bireylerin fiziksel ve fizyolojik parametrelerinin aynı yaştaki sedanter bireylerden daha yüksek olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Yine bu sonuca bağlı adölesan dönemde bireylerin branş gözetmeksizin spora yönlendirilerek fiziksel ve fizyolojik özelliklerinin geliştirilmesi gerekliliği ön plana çıkmıştır., The study aimed at the comparison of some physical and physiological characteristics of the male sedentaries, male handball players and male wrestlers whose ages were between 13 and 15. 77 male individuals (sedentaries=26, handball players=26 and wrestler=25) participated voluntarily in the study and their mean age was 13.95±0.81 years, mean height was 158.7±11 cm, mean weight was 52±12.32 kg and mean body mass index was 20.33±2.9kg/m2 . Height, weight and BMI values of the subjects were measured and tests for hand grip strength, leg and back strength, 20m sprint test, 30 sec sit-up, push-up, sit-reach, respiratory function and counter movement jump were performed. The data obtained were assessed using SPSS 18.0 program. Descriptive statistical values regarding arithmetic means and standard deviations of demographic characteristic and measurement results of the subjects were calculated. Intergroup comparisons were performed with Oneway ANOVA. Tukey test was employed to find out which group/s provided the intergroup differences. Confidence interval was 954%. Significance level was set p0.05). As a result; it was found out that those who did sports in adolescent period had higher physical and physiological parameters than sedentaries. Again; in light of the study results; it was recommended that individuals should be encouraged to do sports regardless of sportive branches and their physical and physiological characteristics should be improved.
- Published
- 2014
7. Overin primer müsinöz tümörlerinde emmprin (CD147) ve fascin ekspresyonlarının tümör progresyonu ile ilişkisi ve ayrıcı tanı açısından öneminin doku mikroarray tekniği ile incelenmesi
- Author
Alici, Ömer, Kefeli, Mehmet, and Patoloji Anabilim Dalı
- Subjects
Carcinoma ,Ovary ,Microarray analysis ,Adenocarcinoma ,Fascin ,Ovarian neoplasms ,Diagnosis-differential ,Neoplasm proteins ,Neoplasms ,Membrane proteins ,Pathology ,Emmprin ,Patoloji ,Ovarian diseases - Abstract
Amaç: Bu çalışmada overin primer malign, sınır (?borderline?) ve benign müsinöz tümörlerinde fascin ve EMMPRİN (CD147) ekspresyonlarının, tümör progresyonu ile ilişkisi ve ayrıcı tanı açısından kullanılabilirliğinin incelenmesi amaçlandı.Materyal-metod: 1990-2010 yılları arasında tanı almış 19 adet malign, 25 adet sınır ve 37 adet benign primer müsinöz over tümörü çalışmaya dahil edildi. Her olguya ait preparatlar yeniden gözden geçirildi. Daha sonra doku mikroarray tekniği ile bu vakalarda tümörün en iyi izlendiği alanlardan alınan dokulardan parafin bloklarlar oluşturuldu ve EMMPRİN ve fascin ile immünhistokimyasal çalışma yapıldı. Her vaka için boyanma yaygınlığı ve boyanma şiddeti değerlendirilerek bu iki parametrenin toplamından oluşan boyanma skoru belirlendi. Olgular boyanma skoruna göre negatif, zayıf pozitif ve şiddetli pozitif olarak ayrıldı.Bulgular: Fascin ile benign, sınır ve malign müsinöz over tümörleri arasında ki ilişki karşılaştırıldığında benign tümörlerin sınır ve malign tümörlere göre anlamlı olarak negatif boyandığı izlendi (P0,05). Sayısal olarak yapılan değerlendirmede ise malign tümörlerin %68' i fascin ile pozitif olarak boyanırken, sınır müsinöz tümörlerde bu oranın % 40 olduğu görüldü. EMMPRİN (CD147) ile benign, sınır ve malign müsinöz over tümörleri arasında ki ilişki karşılaştırıldığında benign tümörlerin sınır ve malign tümörlere göre anlamlı olarak negatif boyandığı izlendi (P0,05). Ancak malign tümörlerin tamamı EMMPRİN ile şiddetli pozitif olarak boyanırken, sınır müsinöz tümörlerde bu oran % 92' idi. Geri kalan vakalar ise zayıf pozitif olarak boyandı. EMMPRİN ve fascin' in boyanma skorları arasında ilişki olup olmadığı karşılaştırıldı. Her iki immün belirleyici de overin primer müsinöz tümörlerinde, malign ve sınır olgularda, benign olgulara göre artmış ekspresyon göstermelerine rağmen, kendi aralarında anlamlı ilişki bulunamadı (P>0,05).Sonuçlar: EMMPRİN ve fascin' in overin primer müsinöz tümörlerinde benign tümörlerden, karsinomlara kadar olan tümör progresyonunda önemli bir yeri olabileceği düşünülmektedir. Bu bağlamda fascin bazı problemli vakalarda overin müsinöz tümörlerinin ayırıcı tanısında kullanılabilme potansiyeline sahip olabilir. EMMPRİN ise müsinöz over tümörlerinde ki yaygın boyanma paternine bakılacak olursa, fascin' e göre ayırıcı tanı açısından kullanılabilirliği daha sınırlı olarak gözükmektedir. Objective: The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between fascin and EMMPRIN (CD 147) expression and tumor progression in primary malignant ovarian, borderline and benign mucinous tumors and their availability in differential diagnosis.Materials and Methods: 19 malignant, 25 borderline and 37 primary mucinous ovarian tumors diagnosed between the years 1990-2010 were included in the study. Preparations for each case were reviewed. Then, paraffin blocks which were obtained from the best-monitored sites were generated using tissue microarray technique and immunohistochemical study of EMMPRIN and fascin was performed. Staining score consisting of the sum of these two parameters was determined by evaluating the staining incidence and intensity for each case. Cases were grouped as negative, weak positive and strong positive in accordance with the staining score.Findings: When the relationship between fascin and benign; borderline and malignant mucinous ovary tumors were compared, significant negative staining was observed in benign tumors than those in borderline and malignant tumors (P 0.05). Quantitative evaluation of the malignant tumors showed that 68% of the malignant tumors were stained positively for fascin, whereas this ratio was %40 in borderline mucinous tumors. The comparison of the relationship between EMMPRIN (CD 147) and benign, borderline and malignant mucinous ovarian tumors revealed that benign tumors were stained significantly negative as opposed to borderline and malignant tumors (P 0.05). However, while all malignant tumors were strongly stained positively for all EMMPRIN, this ratio was %92 in borderline mucinous tumors. The remaining cases stained only weakly positive. The relation between staining scores of EMMPRIN and fascin was compared. Although both immune determinants showed increased expression in malignant and borderline cases in primary mucinous tumors of ovary in comparison with benign cases, no significant association was found between them (P> 0.05).Results: It is thouight that EMMPRIN and fascin may have an important role in tumor progression in primary mucious tumors. In this context, in some of the problematic cases of ovarian mucinous tumors, fascin may have a potential to be used in differential diagnosis. Based on the staining pattern of EMMPRIN in mucinous ovarian tumors, its availability in differential diagnosis seems to be limited in comparison with the fascin. 76
- Published
- 2011
8. The restorative effect of ascorbic acid on liver injury inducedby asymmetric dimethylarginine
- Author
OKUYUCU, Ali, primary, ŞALIŞ, Osman, additional, ALICI, Ömer, additional, GÜVENLİ, Abdullah, additional, TERZİ, Yüksel, additional, KELEŞ, Muhammed Emin, additional, İLKAYA, Fatih, additional, GÖREN, İbrahim, additional, and ALAÇAM, Hasan, additional
- Published
- 2016
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9. Myositis ossificans on the forearm in a 10-year-old girl
- Author
Say, Ferhat, primary, Coşkun, Sina, additional, Bülbül, Murat, additional, and Alici, Ömer, additional
- Published
- 2015
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10. Effects of alpha-lipoic acid on retinal ganglion cells, retinal thicknesses, and VEGF production in an experimental model of diabetes.
- Author
Kan, Emrah, Alici, Ömer, Kan, Elif, and Ayar, Ahmet
- Abstract
Purpose: The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) on the thicknesses of various retinal layers and on the numbers of retinal ganglion cells and vascular endothelial growth factor levels in experimental diabetic mouse retinas. Methods: Twenty-one male BALB/C mice were made diabetic by the intraperitoneal administration of streptozotocin (200 mg/kg). One week after the induction of diabetes, the mice were divided randomly into three groups: control group (non-diabetic mice treated with alpha-lipoic acid, n = 7), diabetic group (diabetic mice without treatment, n = 7), and alpha-lipoic acid treatment group (diabetic mice with alpha-lipoic acid treatment, n = 7). At the end of the 8th week, the thicknesses of the inner nuclear layer (INL), outer nuclear layer (ONL), and full-length retina were measured; also retinal ganglion cells and VEGF expressions were counted on the histological sections of the mouse retinas and compared with each other. Results: The thicknesses of the full-length retina, ONL, and INL were significantly reduced in the diabetic group compared to the control and ALA treatment groups ( p = 0.001), whereas the thicknesses of these layers did not show a significant difference between ALA treatment and control groups. The number of ganglion cells in the diabetic group was significantly lower than those in the control and ALA treatment groups ( p = 0.001). The VEGF expression was significantly higher in the diabetic group and mostly observed in the ganglion cell and inner nuclear layers compared to the control and ALA treatment groups ( p = 0.001). Therefore, the number of ganglion cells and VEGF levels did not show significant differences between the ALA treatment and control groups ( p = 0.7). Conclusions: Our results show that alpha-lipoic acid treatment may have an impact on reducing VEGF levels, protecting ganglion cells, and preserving the thicknesses of the inner and outer layers in diabetic mouse retinas. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2017
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11. Presentation of mantle cell lymphoma with symptoms of prostatism
- Author
Atay, Memiş H., primary, Kelkitli, Engin, additional, Alici, Ömer, additional, Çilingir, Fatih, additional, and Turgut, Mehmet, additional
- Published
- 2013
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12. The restorative effect of ascorbic acid on liver injury induced by asymmetric dimethylarginine.
- Author
OKUYUCU, Ali, ŞALIŞ, Osman, ALICI, Ömer, GÜVENLİ, Abdullah, TERZİ, Yüksel, KELEŞ, Muhammed Emin, İLKAYA, Fatih, GÖREN, İbrahim, and ALAÇAM, Hasan
- Subjects
LIVER injuries ,VITAMIN C ,OPERATIVE dentistry ,ASYMMETRIC dimethylarginine ,ALKALINE phosphatase - Abstract
We aimed to determine whether increased levels of asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) directly cause hepatic deterioration and whether it is decreased by ascorbic acid (AA) as an antioxidant. The study included three groups: Control (n = 10), ADMA (n = 10), and ADMA + AA (n = 10). ADMA was administered at 2 mg kg
-1 day-1 and AA was given at 50 mg kg-1 day-1 for 10 days. Serum aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), gamma-glutamyl transferase, and alkaline phosphatase activities were analyzed. Histomorphological evaluation of the liver was performed based on the Ishak scoring system. When compared with the control, ALT and ALP levels of the ADMA group were significantly higher (P = 0.006 and P = 0.041, respectively). When compared with the control, interface hepatitis, confluent necrosis, focal necrosis, histological activity index, severity of hepatitis, and portal inflammation were significantly higher in the group administered ADMA. The mentioned biochemical/histopathological parameters were lower in the ADMA + AA group when compared with the ADMA group even if no significant difference was encountered (P > 0.05). The results indicate that ADMA is a factor in the formation of liver injury. Insufficient recovery in biochemical/histopathological parameters when AA was given make us consider that different factors other than prooxidant factors are effective in the formation of liver injury. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]- Published
- 2016
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13. Myositis ossificans on the forearm in a 10-year-old girl.
- Author
Say F, Coşkun S, Bülbül M, and Alici Ö
- Subjects
- Child, Female, Humans, Forearm pathology, Forearm surgery, Myositis Ossificans diagnosis, Myositis Ossificans surgery
- Abstract
Myositis ossificans is a rarely encountered benign lesion characterized by a non-neoplastic heterotopic bone formation in both soft tissue and skeletal muscle. Three subgroups of myositis ossificans are identified: myositis ossificans progressiva, which is hereditary; nontraumatic or pseudomalignant myositis ossificans, which is developed in the absence of any trauma; and myositis ossificans circumscripta, which is related to evident and direct trauma. In this case report, we present a girl with a swelling on the forearm who was finally diagnosed with nontraumatic myositis ossificans.
- Published
- 2015
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