Aim of this study is to determine, in geographical perspective, how lands show distribution according to countries in property and make suggestions within scope of results of this distribution. Data of global organizations such as ILC, FAO and RRI were examined, converted into table, plotted and maps which showed spatial distribution of land property were prepared. We used descriptive method in the study. In this study, the evolution of land ownership from the past to the present has been discussed in general, especially the land ownership was evaluated on a global scale according to the Land Gini Index (LGI), and the LGI was compared with the Human Development Index. In addition, the global distribution of small farmers-small farms and the ownership status of indigenous people-local communities were examined. Later on, land ownership structure in Turkey was considered, in general, and examples of land reform implementations in Turkey and in the world were given in terms of supporting the whole of the work. Local&global forces that have held the power and hierarchical system, from the settled life to the present, laid claims to lands in the position of the most important natural resource which is irreproducible, and they saw lands as source of the unearned income. Today, land property has distributed in a more unequal way than income. Data from 110 countries show it is at hands of the rich in general. While half of households struggling with starvation are smallholder farmers, 20% have no land. A study conducted in 64 countries states 82% of total lands are at hands of governments and private entrepreneurs. Particularly, millions of small farmers in Latin America suffer from large landowners and sometimes they occupy lands. These results show global-local hegemonic powers virtually seized lands. This land property order disregarding local communities can cause crises of food, forest, water to be triggered and their spheres of influence to expand. On global scale, that 25% of lands become degraded states the said land property order should change urgently. Within this scope, global collaboration between local people and communities cultivating the land should be developed; the needed subsidies should be provided so that local resources can be used in a suitable way for their potential and small farmers be protected. In addition, countries should establish their own independent agricultural&food policies. In summary, within the framework of agricultural reforms with a holistic perspective, attention should be paid to the fair and equal distribution and consolidation of lands (not in certain hands), and through global and national organizations, small farmers-domestic production should be prevented from destroying by global companies. We hope that this study will contribute to the critical geography and political geography literature.