100 results on '"A. V. Stephen"'
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2. Optimum solar power usage as an off-grid/on-grid energy-security alternative for the state of Mizoram in India
- Author
Beihropathai, V. Stephen, Lalchhandama, H., Das, Priti, Kumar, Chandan, and Chatterjee, Saibal
- Published
- 2025
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3. Assessing Urban Flood Risk in Thoothukudi City: A GIS and Remote Sensing-based Approach to Climate Change
- Author
S, Richard Abishek, A, Antony Ravindran, V, Stephen Pitchaimani, P, Velmurugan, R, Sakthi Priya, S, Haris, and G, Nishamangai
- Published
- 2025
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4. An assessment of vulnerability in aquifer using GALDIT model in aquifer zones between Mookkaiyur to Tharuvaikulam, Southeast coast of India
- Author
V, Stephen Pitchaimani, S.K, Aswin, S, Richard Abishek, and R.J, Jerin Joe
- Published
- 2025
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5. "Integrating AHP and geospatial data analysis for mapping groundwater potential in tropical coastal villages of Thiruvananthapuram, Southern India"
- Author
Pitchaimani, V, Stephen, J, Jerin Joe R., S, Richard Abishek, K, Aswin S, and M, Seeththa Sankar Narayanan
- Published
- 2025
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6. Urban waterlogging vulnerability assess using SAR imagery and integrated terrain analysis
- Author
R. J. Jerin Joe, V. Stephen Pitchaimani, R. Gobinath, and G. Shyamala
- Subjects
Synthetic aperture radar ,Water logging ,Sustainability ,SDG 6 ,SDG 9 ,SDG 11 ,Environmental sciences ,GE1-350 - Abstract
Abstract Waterlogging is a significant concern in urban areas and can result in severe disruptions and damage and it’s an urban problem. This study is conducted in Thoothukudi and Tamil Nadu, which are particularly sensitive to waterlogging because of their geographical and meteorological circumstances. Using synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images from 2015 to 2022, topographical analysis, land use/land cover (LULC) data, and geological insights, this research intends to identify and assess areas prone to water logging. The data source for this study comprises rainfall records from the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD), Sentinel-1 SAR imagery, Sentinel-2 multispectral images from the European Space Agency (ESA), and the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) Digital Elevation Model (DEM).Terrain analysis was undertaken using DEM to generate elevation, slope, and aspect maps, while SAR data were processed to extract water pixels, which included the extraction of water pixels from SAR data for each year and overlaying them. The overlaid image was correlated with topographic maps to identify the high-risk regions. Key places such as Muthayapuram, Milavittan, Bryant Nagar, and Thalamuthunagar were constantly highlighted as prone to floods. Additionally, the saltpan regions, defined by low-lying water table levels, endure continuous flooding, demonstrating the usefulness of combining SAR imaging with topographic analysis for urban water management. These findings provide useful insights for urban planners and policymakers, underlining the need for deliberate steps to reduce waterlogging, maintain public health, and minimize infrastructure damage, thus enabling sustainable development in Thoothukudi.
- Published
- 2025
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7. Global scaling of the heat transport in fusion plasmas
- Author
Sara Moradi, Johan Anderson, Michele Romanelli, Hyun-Tae Kim, JET contributors, X. Litaudon, S. Abduallev, M. Abhangi, P. Abreu, M. Afzal, K. M. Aggarwal, T. Ahlgren, J. H. Ahn, L. Aho-Mantila, N. Aiba, M. Airila, R. Albanese, V. Aldred, D. Alegre, E. Alessi, P. Aleynikov, A. Alfier, A. Alkseev, M. Allinson, B. Alper, E. Alves, G. Ambrosino, R. Ambrosino, L. Amicucci, V. Amosov, E. Andersson Sundén, M. Angelone, M. Anghel, C. Angioni, L. Appel, C. Appelbee, P. Arena, M. Ariola, H. Arnichand, S. Arshad, A. Ash, N. Ashikawa, V. Aslanyan, O. Asunta, F. Auriemma, Y. Austin, L. Avotina, M. D. Axton, C. Ayres, M. Bacharis, A. Baciero, D. Baião, S. Bailey, A. Baker, I. Balboa, M. Balden, N. Balshaw, R. Bament, J. W. Banks, Y. F. Baranov, M. A. Barnard, D. Barnes, M. Barnes, R. Barnsley, A. Baron Wiechec, L. Barrera Orte, M. Baruzzo, V. Basiuk, M. Bassan, R. Bastow, A. Batista, P. Batistoni, R. Baughan, B. Bauvir, L. Baylor, B. Bazylev, J. Beal, P. S. Beaumont, M. Beckers, B. Beckett, A. 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- Subjects
Physics ,QC1-999 - Abstract
A global heat flux model based on a fractional derivative of plasma pressure is proposed for the heat transport in fusion plasmas. The degree of the fractional derivative of the heat flux, α, is defined through the power balance analysis of the steady state. The model was used to obtain the experimental values of α for a large database of the Joint European Torus (JET) carbon-wall as well as ITER like-wall plasmas. The fractional degrees of the electron heat flux are found to be α
- Published
- 2020
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8. Multivariate statistical and hydrogeochemical analysis of seasonal groundwater quality variations in coastal villages of Trivandrum district, south India
- Author
Pitchaimani, V. Stephen, Joe, R. J. Jerin, Shyamala, G., Manjula, G., Hemalatha, B., Babu, M. Dinesh, Ezhil, S. Shenbaga, and Ravindran, Gobinath
- Published
- 2024
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9. Microplastics in the surface waters of the South China sea and the western Pacific Ocean: Different size classes reflecting various sources and transport
- Author
Cui, Yaozong, Liu, Mengyang, Selvam, S., Ding, Yongcheng, Wu, Qianqian, Pitchaimani, V. Stephen, Huang, Peng, Ke, Hongwei, Zheng, Haowen, Liu, Fengjiao, Luo, Bojun, Wang, Chunhui, and Cai, Minggang
- Published
- 2022
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10. Urban waterlogging vulnerability assess using SAR imagery and integrated terrain analysis.
- Author
Joe, R. J. Jerin, Pitchaimani, V. Stephen, Gobinath, R., and Shyamala, G.
- Subjects
SYNTHETIC aperture radar ,WATER management ,MULTISPECTRAL imaging ,RAINFALL ,WATER levels - Abstract
Waterlogging is a significant concern in urban areas and can result in severe disruptions and damage and it's an urban problem. This study is conducted in Thoothukudi and Tamil Nadu, which are particularly sensitive to waterlogging because of their geographical and meteorological circumstances. Using synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images from 2015 to 2022, topographical analysis, land use/land cover (LULC) data, and geological insights, this research intends to identify and assess areas prone to water logging. The data source for this study comprises rainfall records from the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD), Sentinel-1 SAR imagery, Sentinel-2 multispectral images from the European Space Agency (ESA), and the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) Digital Elevation Model (DEM).Terrain analysis was undertaken using DEM to generate elevation, slope, and aspect maps, while SAR data were processed to extract water pixels, which included the extraction of water pixels from SAR data for each year and overlaying them. The overlaid image was correlated with topographic maps to identify the high-risk regions. Key places such as Muthayapuram, Milavittan, Bryant Nagar, and Thalamuthunagar were constantly highlighted as prone to floods. Additionally, the saltpan regions, defined by low-lying water table levels, endure continuous flooding, demonstrating the usefulness of combining SAR imaging with topographic analysis for urban water management. These findings provide useful insights for urban planners and policymakers, underlining the need for deliberate steps to reduce waterlogging, maintain public health, and minimize infrastructure damage, thus enabling sustainable development in Thoothukudi. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2025
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11. Assessment of coastal aquifer vulnerability to seawater intrusion: Insights from Kadaladi region using the GALDIT MODEL
- Author
Pitchaimani V, Stephen, primary, Narayanan M, Seeththa Sankar, additional, Abishek S, Richard, additional, and Shyamala, G., additional
- Published
- 2024
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12. Molecular dynamics investigations for the prediction of molecular interaction of cauliflower mosaic virus transmission helper component protein complex with Myzus persicae stylet’s cuticular protein and its docking studies with annosquamosin-A encapsulated in nano-porous Silica
- Author
Sharmila, D. Jeya Sundara, Blessy, J. Jino, Rapheal, V. Stephen, and Subramanian, K. S.
- Published
- 2019
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13. Delineation of groundwater potential zones using remote sensing and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in Kadaladi region, Southern India.
- Author
V., Stephen Pitchaimani, Narayanan MSS, Abishek R. S., Aswin S. K., and R. J., Jerin Joe
- Subjects
GROUNDWATER recharge ,GEOGRAPHIC information systems ,ANALYTIC hierarchy process ,REMOTE-sensing images - Abstract
The primary objective of this research is to delineate potential groundwater recharge zones in the Kadaladi taluk of Ramanathapuram, Tamil Nadu, India, using a combination of remote sensing and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) with the Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP). Various factors such as geology, geomorphology, soil, drainage, density, lineament density, slope, rainfall were analyzed at a specific scale. Thematic layers were evaluated for quality and relevance using Saaty's scale, and then integrated using the weighted linear combination technique. The weights assigned to each layer and features were standardized using AHP and the Eigen vector technique, resulting in the final groundwater potential zone map. The AHP method was used to normalize the scores following the assignment of weights to each criterion or factor based on Saaty's 9-point scale. Pair-wise matrix analysis was utilized to calculate the geometric mean and normalized weight for various parameters. The groundwater recharge potential zone map was created by mathematically overlaying the normalized weighted layers. Thematic layers indicating major elements influencing groundwater occurrence and recharge were derived from satellite images. Results indicate that approximately 21.8 km2 of the total area exhibits high potential for groundwater recharge. Groundwater recharge is viable in areas with moderate slopes, particularly in the central and southeastern regions. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
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14. Modelling and Implementation of a Hybrid Renewable Energy System for a Stand-Alone Application
- Author
Harrison Oyibo Idakwo, P. I. Adamu, V. Stephen, and I. Bello
- Subjects
General Medicine - Abstract
Rapidly developing modern energy systems incorporate significant contributions from renewable sources. The recent adoption of distributed generation sources and microgrids powered by renewable sources such as solar cells, tidal wind, and fuel cells is one of the primary causes of rising global energy demand. Integration of different energy sources into a hybrid system is envisioned as a viable solution for decentralized energy generation. Consequently, this study aims to integrate two energy sources with storage devices to construct a hybrid renewable energy system that will provide reliable electricity for remote and off-grid installations in the Sabon Gida Community of Kaduna State. This will contribute to the attainment of the seventh United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (Affordable and clean energy) (UN). This study utilized the Felicity PV panel. Its cell specifications are as follows: Peak power 175Wp, Open-circuit voltage (VOC) 21.6V, Maximum power current Imp 9.72A, Maximum power voltage Vmp 18V, short-circuits current Isc 10.2A, operating cell temperature Tc 250C, and Ideality factor Am 1.5. For the wind turbine, a model WT-400 with a rated power of 400W, 12V output voltage, and a wind controller with a standby current of 3.6mA, rated at 12/24V auto output voltage were utilized. The maximum power output of the PV energy model based on the specified weather variable was 620watts, whereas the maximum power output of the wind turbine energy model based on the selected wind speed was 301watts. Based on design calculations, the projected load demand for the location under consideration was 304 watts. The prototype was implemented, tested, and validated. The test results indicate that the output power was sufficient to fulfil the load requirements of the chosen location.
- Published
- 2022
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15. Distribution Patterns of Inner Shelf Benthic Foraminifera and Their Relationship to Climatic Conditions in Northeastern Tamil Nadu, India
- Author
V. Stephen Pitchainmani, Ganesh Babu, S. Selvam, and S. Venkatramanan
- Abstract
The present study, involving investigations of recent foraminifera from the sediments of the inner shelf off Nagapattinam on the southeast coast of India, was undertaken to document the composition, distribution, and ecology of the foraminifera and their relationship to the climatic conditions of the study area. Thirty sediment samples were collected from depths ranging from 3.4 to 30.8 m during the fieldwork conducted in July 2001 and various ecological parameters were determined. Sediment samples from the sediment-water interface yielded 151 benthic foraminifera species and varieties belonging to 82 genera, 42 families, 21 superfamilies, and 5 suborders, which have been described and illustrated in this study. The spatial and temporal variations of total (“live” + dead) foraminifera populations were analysed. The study shows significant total populations in the collected samples. This was attributed to higher temperatures resulting in higher salinities during this period. Both species and genus diversity increase with increasing depth. In the context of the Indian Ocean tsunami, the pronounced changes in the nearshore continental region will certainly provide a different picture, and the present results would provide a reliable database for comparative post-tsunami studies. The results show a clear relationship between foraminifera and local climatic conditions.
- Published
- 2022
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16. Micropaleontological Assemblages on December-2004 Tsunamigenic Sediments Record of Climate Variation Between Cuddalore and Nagapattinam, East Coast of India
- Author
V. Stephen Pitchainmani, M. Suresh Gandhi, S. Selvam, and S. Venkatramanan
- Abstract
Ninety-nine benthic foraminiferal species belonging to 41 genera, 26 families, 17 superfamilies and 5 suborders have been identified from 84 samples which were collected from beach (23 nos), offshore (24 nos), estuaries (8 nos), inland (23 nos) and one pit sample (6 nos), between Cuddalore and Nagapattinam in the tsunami affected coastal environment. Out of 99 species, only 20 species are living ones. The following species are appreciably distributed in different stations, namely Ammonia beccarii, Elphidiumcrispum, Rosalina globularis, Asterorotaliatrispinosa and Pararotalianipponica. The total distribution of foraminifera is higher at Cuddalore and Nagapattinam whereas at Pudupettai and Samadanpettai it is noticed in the lower order. Organic matter and living species show positive relation. No relationship is observed between dead species and the organic matter, which suggests that the dead species recorded in the sediment, must have been primarily drifted/transported as empty calcareous shells. From the sand/silt/clay ratios, it is inferred that the sediments are normally sandy in nature but silty sand dominates at deeper depths. Carbonate content establishes a positive correlation with all parameters. A fluctuation of salinity values in offshore regions indicates the influx of fresh water from Colleroon river. From the overall studies of foraminiferal distribution in this region, it may be inferred that the species distribution in the offshore region is mainly derived from the inner shelf region. To observe the earlier changes in climactic condition in marine environment mainly based on information from marine sediments. The collected samples from our study area marine sediments contain a variety of foraminifera, which archive climactic information from both planktonic and benthic assemblages and in their sedimentological compositions.
- Published
- 2021
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17. Monodisperse CuInS2/CdS and CuInZnS2/CdS Core-Shell Nanorods with a Strong Near-Infrared Emission
- Author
Portniagin, Arsenii S., Ning, Jiajia, Wang, Shixun, Li, Zhuo, Sergeev, Aleksander A., Kershaw, V, Stephen, Zhong, Xiaoyan, Rogach, Andrey L., Portniagin, Arsenii S., Ning, Jiajia, Wang, Shixun, Li, Zhuo, Sergeev, Aleksander A., Kershaw, V, Stephen, Zhong, Xiaoyan, and Rogach, Andrey L.
- Abstract
Given the ubiquitous examples of semiconductor nanorods synthesis, CuInS2-based anisotropic heterostructures still lag behind in terms of shape/optical properties control. Here, core/shell CuInS2/CdS dot-in-rod nanoheterostructures which exhibit high degree of the morphology control, and a strong emission in the near-infrared range of 700-900 nm, are realized. The authors made use of the seeded growth approach utilizing wurtzite CuInS2 quantum dots as seeds, which allows for tuning the dimension of the resulting core/shell nanorods, including the core size and the shell thickness. Time-dependent photoluminescence studies reveal slowing down of the recombination rate with increasing thickness of the shell, which is characteristic for the quasi-type II heterostructure. Alloying of the CuInS2 cores with Zn does not perturb the shell growth process, but enables improvement of the photoluminescence quantum yield of the resulting core/shell CuInZnS2/CdS nanorods to 45%, as compared to approximate to 30% for CuInS2/CdS nanorods.
- Published
- 2022
18. Research Methodology for Beginners
- Author
V, Stephen, primary and T, Velmurugan, additional
- Published
- 2020
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19. Human Growth and Development
- Author
V, Stephen, primary and T, Velmurugan, additional
- Published
- 2020
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20. Protein Sorting in the Exocytic and Endocytic Pathways in Polarized Epithelial Cells
- Author
Hunt, V. Stephen, primary and Nelson, W. James, additional
- Published
- 2006
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21. Contributors
- Author
Abumrad, Nada, primary, Akiba, Yasutada, additional, Anderson, James M., additional, Andrews, Nancy C., additional, Argent, Barry E., additional, Aziz, Qasim, additional, Bai, Liqun, additional, Bai, Longchuan, additional, Baldwin, Graham S., additional, Barrett, Kim E., additional, Barnard, John A., additional, Basson, Marc D., additional, Beyak, Michael J., additional, Blumberg, Richard S., additional, Bommer, Guido T., additional, Brookes, Simon J.H., additional, Bruno, Richard S., additional, Bulmer, David C.E., additional, Bunnett, Nigel W., additional, Buzan, Jenny M., additional, Case, R. Maynard, additional, Chen, Zhouji, additional, Christofi, Fedias Leontiou, additional, Claypool, Steve, additional, Clouse, Ray E., additional, Cohn, Steven M., additional, Collins, James F., additional, Cooke, Helen Joan, additional, Costa, Marcello, additional, Cousins, Robert J., additional, Cuppoletti, John, additional, Davidson, Nicholas O., additional, Dawson, Paul A., additional, De La Rue, Sarah A., additional, Diamant, Nicholas E., additional, Dickinson, Bonny, additional, Dickinson, Chris J., additional, Dockray, Graham J., additional, Drucker, Daniel J., additional, Dudeja, Pradeep K., additional, During, Alexandrine, additional, Eckmann, Lars, additional, Enck, Paul, additional, Englander, Ella W., additional, Evers, B. Mark, additional, Fearon, Eric R., additional, Forte, John G., additional, Frey, Mark R., additional, Ganapathy, Vadivel, additional, Gariepy, Cheryl E., additional, Gershon, Michael D., additional, Ghishan, Fayez K., additional, Giraud, Andrew S., additional, Gorelick, Fred S., additional, Granger, D. Neil, additional, Gray, Michael A., additional, Greeley, George H., additional, Grisham, Matthew B., additional, Grundy, David, additional, Gué, Michèle, additional, Gupta, Naren, additional, Harrison, Earl H., additional, Hasler, William L., additional, Hecht, Gail, additional, Hellmich, Mark R., additional, Hermann, Gerlinda E., additional, Hirayama, Bruce A., additional, Hobson, Anthony, additional, Hodges, Kim, additional, Hofmann, Alan F., additional, Holzer, Peter, additional, Hunt, V. Stephen, additional, Israel, Dawn A., additional, Jacob, Claire, additional, Jamieson, James D., additional, Jiang, Wen, additional, Johansen, Finn-Eirik, additional, Johnson, Leonard R., additional, Karvar, Serhan, additional, Kaunitz, Jonathan D., additional, Keating, C., additional, Keely, Stephen J., additional, Kevil, Christopher G., additional, Kiela, Pawel R., additional, Koh, Sang Don, additional, Kowdley, Kris V., additional, Krysinska, Hanna, additional, Kuver, Rahul, additional, LaRusso, Nicholas F., additional, Lee, Sum P., additional, Lencer, Wayne I., additional, Liddle, Rodger A., additional, Loo, Donald D.F., additional, Lynch, John, additional, Ma, Thomas Y., additional, MacNaughton, Wallace K., additional, Majumdar, Adhip P.N., additional, Makhlouf, Gabriel M., additional, Malinowska, Danuta H., additional, Martindale, Robert G., additional, Masyuk, Anatoliy I., additional, Masyuk, Tatyana V., additional, Mawe, Gary M., additional, McHugh, Kirk M., additional, Merchant, Juanita L., additional, Messner, Donald J., additional, Miller, Steven M., additional, Million, Mulugeta, additional, Montrose, Marshall H., additional, Moran, Timothy H., additional, Murray, Karen F., additional, Murthy, Karnam S., additional, Nelson, W. James, additional, Nowicki, Philip T., additional, Okamoto, Curtis, additional, Peek, Richard M., additional, Peppelenbosch, Maikel P., additional, Perdue, Mary H., additional, Pike, J. Wesley, additional, Polk, D. Brent, additional, Powell, Barry C., additional, Pozo, María J., additional, Ramaswamy, K., additional, Ratcliffe, Elyanne M., additional, Roberts, Drucilla J., additional, Rogers, Richard C., additional, Rong, Weifang, additional, Rustgi, Anil K., additional, Saccone, Gino T.P., additional, Said, Hamid M., additional, Samuelson, Linda C., additional, Sander, Guy R., additional, Sanders, Kenton M., additional, Sarna, Sushil K., additional, Seetharam, Bellur, additional, Shaker, Reza, additional, Shevde, Nirupama K., additional, Shi, Xuan-Zheng, additional, Shneider, Benjamin L., additional, Shulkes, Arthur, additional, Söderholm, Johan D., additional, Sokol, Ronald J., additional, Steward, Martin C., additional, Storch, Judith, additional, Szurszewski, Joseph H., additional, Taché, Yvette, additional, Tack, Jan, additional, Takeuchi, Koji, additional, Thiagarajah, Jay R., additional, Traber, Maret G., additional, Travagli, R. Alberto, additional, Turk, Eric, additional, van den Brink, Gijs R., additional, Verkman, A.S., additional, Vidrich, Alda, additional, Viswanathan, V.K., additional, Vodusek, David B., additional, Ward, Sean M., additional, Watanuki, Makoto, additional, Williams, John A., additional, Wolkoff, Allan W., additional, Wood, Jackie D., additional, Wright, Ernest M., additional, Xu, Hua, additional, Yen, Elizabeth H., additional, Yoshida, Masaru, additional, and Yule, David I., additional
- Published
- 2006
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22. Molecular dynamics investigations for the prediction of molecular interaction of cauliflower mosaic virus transmission helper component protein complex with Myzus persicae stylet’s cuticular protein and its docking studies with annosquamosin-A encapsulated in nano-porous Silica
- Author
V. Stephen Rapheal, J. Jino Blessy, Kizhaeral S. Subramanian, and D. Jeya Sundara Sharmila
- Subjects
Aphid ,biology ,Molecular model ,Chemistry ,media_common.quotation_subject ,fungi ,food and beverages ,Insect ,biochemical phenomena, metabolism, and nutrition ,biology.organism_classification ,Infectious Diseases ,Protein structure ,Biochemistry ,Docking (molecular) ,Virology ,Plant virus ,Original Article ,Cauliflower mosaic virus ,Myzus persicae ,media_common - Abstract
Large numbers of bioactive natural products from plant species such as alkaloids, phenolics, terpenoids etc. are remaining unexplored for their potential as plant protective agents as inhibitors for viral and other pathogenic infections of plant. Myzus aphids are important plant pests and vectors for several plant viruses. Cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) belongs to the plant virus family Caulimoviridae which is transmitted “non-circulative” from plant to plant through an interaction with aphid insect vectors. This viral transmission process most likely involves a protein–protein binding interaction between aphid stylet receptor cuticular protein and viral proteins namely, CaMV aphid transmission Helper Component protein and virion associated protein. Aphid stylets are made of cuticle and little is known about the structure of cuticle protein of this insect group. The present study reports the molecular modeling of the structures of Myzus persicae aphid stylet’s cuticular protein (MpsCP) and cauliflower mosaic virus aphid transmission Helper component protein (CaMV HCP). Protein–protein docking studies and molecular dynamics simulations are performed to establish the mode of binding of MpsCP with CaMV HCP. Molecular docking and molecular dynamics investigations of terpenoids Annosquamosin-A from Annona squamosa complex with CaMV transmitting aphid M. persicae stylet’s cuticular protein revealed their means of interaction perhaps relates to restrain viral binding and transmission. QM/MM optimization of mesoporous silica nanopores composite with Annosquamosin-A for smart and safe delivery of bioactive is carried out to study their electronic parameters such as heat of formation, total energy, electronic energy, Ionization potential, Highest Occupied Molecular Orbital, Lowest Un-occupied Molecular Orbital and energy gaps.
- Published
- 2019
23. Exempting the mentally retarded from the death penalty: a comment on Florida's proposed legislation.
- Author
Cohen, V. Stephen
- Subjects
Capital punishment for mentally handicapped -- Laws, regulations and rules ,Florida -- Social policy - Published
- 1991
24. Evaluation of Acid Leachable Trace Metals in Soils Around a Five Centuries Old Mining District in Hidalgo, Central Mexico
- Author
N. Thangadurai, Priyadarsi D. Roy, S. Muthuraj, M. Jayaprakash, Seshachalam Srinivasalu, M.P. Jonathan, and V. Stephen-Pitchaimani
- Subjects
Pollution ,Total organic carbon ,Cadmium ,Environmental Engineering ,Soil test ,Ecological Modeling ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Environmental engineering ,chemistry.chemical_element ,Soil contamination ,Industrial waste ,Altitude ,chemistry ,Environmental chemistry ,Soil water ,Environmental Chemistry ,Environmental science ,Water Science and Technology ,media_common - Abstract
We present the concentrations and distribution patterns of nine acid leachable trace metals (ALTMs) Fe, Mn, Cr, Cu, Ni, Co, Pb, Zn, and Cd in the soil samples from the five century old Pachuca-Mineral de Monte mining district of the Central Mexico. The ALTMs do not show any significant correlation with pH, EC, CaCO3, and organic carbon. The metal concentration indicates three distinct distribution patterns. Fe, Mn, Cr, Pb, and Zn show enrichment in the high altitude region of the northern and central part of the study area. Likewise, Cu and Cd are enriched in the northern mountainous terrains. Both these groups show strong positive correlation with Mn indicating that they are associated with Mn-bearing minerals. However, we relate the first group of metals to excessive vehicular transportation and second group to mining waste dumps. The third group of ALTMs Co and Ni indicates its direct relationship to ore processing activities. Comparison of ALTMs concentrations from this study and various other studies throughout the world suggests the need to take precautionary measures of surface soil in high altitude areas to avoid metal enrichments and its subsequent environmental problems.
- Published
- 2009
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25. Dual-Polarized Near-Field Microwave Reflectometer for Noninvasive Inspection of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer-Strengthened Structures
- Author
V. Stephen, Sergey Kharkovsky, A. C. Ryley, and Reza Zoughi
- Subjects
Carbon fiber reinforced polymer ,Materials science ,business.industry ,Acoustics ,Structural integrity ,Near and far field ,Dual polarized ,Microwave reflectometry ,Surface roughness ,Electrical and Electronic Engineering ,Aerospace ,business ,Instrumentation ,Microwave - Abstract
Carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) composites are increasingly being used to strengthen various components of civil, aerospace, and automotive infrastructures. Subsequent to the application of CFRP, evaluation of the structural integrity of the strengthened members becomes a critical issue. Microwave noninvasive inspection techniques have been successfully used for this purpose. To this end, a novel near-field microwave inspection system that employs a dual-polarized reflectometer for detecting defects, such as disbonds between CFRP laminates and strengthened structures, was developed. It is shown that this system is capable of automatic removal of the influence of undesired standoff distance (or surface roughness) variations. It can simultaneously generate three images of a defect: two at orthogonal polarizations and one after the influence of standoff distance variations is removed using the information provided by the two images. This paper discusses the unique features of a unidirectional CFRP laminate that enabled the design of this unique system, as well as the design of the dual-polarized reflectometer at the X-band (8.2-12.4 GHz). The detail design of the reflectometer, as well as the results of several measurements conducted on an actual bridge, whose members were strengthened with CFRP laminates, are also presented, illustrating the practical utility of this system.
- Published
- 2008
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26. Enrichment of trace metals in surface sediments from the northern part of Point Calimere, SE coast of India
- Author
V. Stephen-Pichaimani, Seshachalam Srinivasalu, M.P. Jonathan, S. P. Mohan, and N. Rajeshwara-Rao
- Subjects
Pollution ,Total organic carbon ,media_common.quotation_subject ,General Engineering ,Geochemistry ,Sediment ,Silt ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,Oceanography ,Calcium carbonate ,chemistry ,Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) ,General Earth and Planetary Sciences ,Environmental Chemistry ,Carbonate ,Submarine pipeline ,Transect ,Geology ,General Environmental Science ,Water Science and Technology ,media_common - Abstract
This study deals with the geochemical nature of distribution, enrichment of total trace metals (Fe, Mn, Cr, Cu, Ni, Co, Pb, Zn, Cd) in bulk sediments and its association with sediment texture, carbonates and organic carbon. Sixty surface sediment samples were collected during two different seasons in 2002 and 2003 along the coastal regions in three transects from Nagapattinam town, north of Point Calimere in southeast coast of India. The sediments are mostly sandy silt and are dominated by the carbonate content. Organic carbon distribution indicates that they are brought in by the minor river input. Enrichment of trace metals is clearly identified by the domination of Pb, Zn, Cd with high values than the average crustal values and comparison of trace metals from other coastal regions in the southeast coast of India. Statistical analysis clearly indicates that Fe and Mn control the distribution of trace metals and are concentrated in the finer particles and organic carbon fraction. The increase in concentration signifies the need for regular monitoring of the offshore coastal region in southeast coast of India which was recently destroyed by the 2004 December tsunami event, and which is also located near the Sethu Samuthram Ship Canal Project.
- Published
- 2007
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27. Molecular dynamics investigations for the prediction of molecular interaction of cauliflower mosaic virus transmission helper component protein complex with Myzus persicaestylet’s cuticular protein and its docking studies with annosquamosin-A encapsulated in nano-porous Silica
- Author
Sharmila, D. Jeya Sundara, Blessy, J. Jino, Rapheal, V. Stephen, and Subramanian, K. S.
- Abstract
Large numbers of bioactive natural products from plant species such as alkaloids, phenolics, terpenoids etc. are remaining unexplored for their potential as plant protective agents as inhibitors for viral and other pathogenic infections of plant. Myzusaphids are important plant pests and vectors for several plant viruses. Cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) belongs to the plant virus family Caulimoviridaewhich is transmitted “non-circulative” from plant to plant through an interaction with aphid insect vectors. This viral transmission process most likely involves a protein–protein binding interaction between aphid stylet receptor cuticular protein and viral proteins namely, CaMV aphid transmission Helper Component protein and virion associated protein. Aphid stylets are made of cuticle and little is known about the structure of cuticle protein of this insect group. The present study reports the molecular modeling of the structures of Myzus persicaeaphid stylet’s cuticular protein (MpsCP) and cauliflower mosaic virus aphid transmission Helper component protein (CaMV HCP). Protein–protein docking studies and molecular dynamics simulations are performed to establish the mode of binding of MpsCP with CaMV HCP. Molecular docking and molecular dynamics investigations of terpenoids Annosquamosin-A from Annona squamosacomplex with CaMV transmitting aphid M. persicaestylet’s cuticular protein revealed their means of interaction perhaps relates to restrain viral binding and transmission. QM/MM optimization of mesoporous silica nanopores composite with Annosquamosin-A for smart and safe delivery of bioactive is carried out to study their electronic parameters such as heat of formation, total energy, electronic energy, Ionization potential, Highest Occupied Molecular Orbital, Lowest Un-occupied Molecular Orbital and energy gaps.
- Published
- 2019
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28. Dual-Polarized Microwave Near-Field Reflectometer for Non-Invasive Inspection of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) Strengthened Structures
- Author
A.C. Ryley, V. Stephen, Reza Zoughi, and S. Kharkovsky
- Subjects
Carbon fiber reinforced polymer ,Data acquisition ,Materials science ,law ,System of measurement ,Surface roughness ,X band ,Forensic engineering ,Near and far field ,Composite material ,Waveguide ,Microwave ,law.invention - Abstract
Carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) composites are increasingly being used in strengthening structures of civil infrastructures, aerospace and automotive industries. Subsequent to the application of CFRP, detection and evaluation of the structural integrity of the member becomes a critical issue. Microwave non-invasive inspection techniques have been successfully used for inspecting these structures. A novel inspection system with a dual-polarized microwave near-field waveguide probe for detecting defects such as disbond between CFRP laminates and strengthened structures is presented. It is shown that this system provides automatic removal of the influence of undesired standoff distance (or surface roughness) variations. It may simultaneously generate three images of defects: two at orthogonal polarizations and one after the influence of the undesired variations is removed. The novel measurement system provides for detection and evaluation of different types of defects in CFRP reinforced composite structures, reducing the time required for data acquisition. This paper also presents the design of the dual-polarized reflectometer at X-band (8.2 ? 12.4 GHz) and details of the measurement system as well as the results of application of this system for inspecting CFRP reinforced composites cement-based structures including some from an actual bridge. The results clearly illustrate the utility of this system for non-invasive inspection of CFRP strengthened structures.
- Published
- 2006
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29. Contributors
- Author
Nada Abumrad, Yasutada Akiba, James M. Anderson, Nancy C. Andrews, Barry E. Argent, Qasim Aziz, Liqun Bai, Longchuan Bai, Graham S. Baldwin, Kim E. Barrett, John A. Barnard, Marc D. Basson, Michael J. Beyak, Richard S. Blumberg, Guido T. Bommer, Simon J.H. Brookes, Richard S. Bruno, David C.E. Bulmer, Nigel W. Bunnett, Jenny M. Buzan, R. Maynard Case, Zhouji Chen, Fedias Leontiou Christofi, Steve Claypool, Ray E. Clouse, Steven M. Cohn, James F. Collins, Helen Joan Cooke, Marcello Costa, Robert J. Cousins, John Cuppoletti, Nicholas O. Davidson, Paul A. Dawson, Sarah A. De La Rue, Nicholas E. Diamant, Bonny Dickinson, Chris J. Dickinson, Graham J. Dockray, Daniel J. Drucker, Pradeep K. Dudeja, Alexandrine During, Lars Eckmann, Paul Enck, Ella W. Englander, B. Mark Evers, Eric R. Fearon, John G. Forte, Mark R. Frey, Vadivel Ganapathy, Cheryl E. Gariepy, Michael D. Gershon, Fayez K. Ghishan, Andrew S. Giraud, Fred S. Gorelick, D. Neil Granger, Michael A. Gray, George H. Greeley, Matthew B. Grisham, David Grundy, Michèle Gué, Naren Gupta, Earl H. Harrison, William L. Hasler, Gail Hecht, Mark R. Hellmich, Gerlinda E. Hermann, Bruce A. Hirayama, Anthony Hobson, Kim Hodges, Alan F. Hofmann, Peter Holzer, V. Stephen Hunt, Dawn A. Israel, Claire Jacob, James D. Jamieson, Wen Jiang, Finn-Eirik Johansen, Leonard R. Johnson, Serhan Karvar, Jonathan D. Kaunitz, C. Keating, Stephen J. Keely, Christopher G. Kevil, Pawel R. Kiela, Sang Don Koh, Kris V. Kowdley, Hanna Krysinska, Rahul Kuver, Nicholas F. LaRusso, Sum P. Lee, Wayne I. Lencer, Rodger A. Liddle, Donald D.F. Loo, John Lynch, Thomas Y. Ma, Wallace K. MacNaughton, Adhip P.N. Majumdar, Gabriel M. Makhlouf, Danuta H. Malinowska, Robert G. Martindale, Anatoliy I. Masyuk, Tatyana V. Masyuk, Gary M. Mawe, Kirk M. McHugh, Juanita L. Merchant, Donald J. Messner, Steven M. Miller, Mulugeta Million, Marshall H. Montrose, Timothy H. Moran, Karen F. Murray, Karnam S. Murthy, W. James Nelson, Philip T. Nowicki, Curtis Okamoto, Richard M. Peek, Maikel P. Peppelenbosch, Mary H. Perdue, J. Wesley Pike, D. Brent Polk, Barry C. Powell, María J. Pozo, K. Ramaswamy, Elyanne M. Ratcliffe, Drucilla J. Roberts, Richard C. Rogers, Weifang Rong, Anil K. Rustgi, Gino T.P. Saccone, Hamid M. Said, Linda C. Samuelson, Guy R. Sander, Kenton M. Sanders, Sushil K. Sarna, Bellur Seetharam, Reza Shaker, Nirupama K. Shevde, Xuan-Zheng Shi, Benjamin L. Shneider, Arthur Shulkes, Johan D. Söderholm, Ronald J. Sokol, Martin C. Steward, Judith Storch, Joseph H. Szurszewski, Yvette Taché, Jan Tack, Koji Takeuchi, Jay R. Thiagarajah, Maret G. Traber, R. Alberto Travagli, Eric Turk, Gijs R. van den Brink, A.S. Verkman, Alda Vidrich, V.K. Viswanathan, David B. Vodusek, Sean M. Ward, Makoto Watanuki, John A. Williams, Allan W. Wolkoff, Jackie D. Wood, Ernest M. Wright, Hua Xu, Elizabeth H. Yen, Masaru Yoshida, and David I. Yule
- Published
- 2006
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30. Protein Sorting in the Exocytic and Endocytic Pathways in Polarized Epithelial Cells
- Author
W. James Nelson and V. Stephen Hunt
- Subjects
Chemistry ,Protein targeting ,Endocytic cycle ,medicine ,medicine.disease_cause ,Cell biology - Published
- 2006
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31. Building condition monitoring
- Author
Leon Glicksman., Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dept. of Mechanical Engineering., Samouhos, Stephen V. (Stephen Vincent), 1982, Leon Glicksman., Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dept. of Mechanical Engineering., and Samouhos, Stephen V. (Stephen Vincent), 1982
- Abstract
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, 2010., Cataloged from PDF version of thesis., Includes bibliographical references (p. 201-206)., The building sector of the United States currently consumes over 40% of the United States primary energy supply. Estimates suggest that between 5 and 30% of any building's annual energy consumption is unknowingly wasted due to pathologically malfunctioning lighting and comfort conditioning systems. This thesis is focused on developing analytical methods embodied within useful software tools to quickly identify and evaluate those building system faults that cause large building energy inefficiencies. The technical contributions of this work include expert rules that adapt to HVAC equipment scale and operation, a general framework for applying probabilistic inference to HVAC fault detection and evaluation, and methods for sorting fault signals according to userdefined interests such as annual cost of energy inefficiencies. These contributions are particularly unique in their treatment of model and measurement uncertainty within the fault inference, and the careful consideration of user interests in fault evaluation. As a first step to developing this general framework for fault detection, I targeted first order faults such as simultaneous heating and cooling and imbalanced air flows within several large air-handling units in three buildings on the MIT campus. Experiments included the purposeful implementation of mechanical and software control programming faults on otherwise fault-free equipment. Between the five pieces of equipment, the software system successfully identified all previously known and experimentally implemented faults, as well as additional faults that had not been previously identified or imposed during the experiment. User testing and experiments show that embracing uncertainty within HVAC fault detection and evaluation is not only paramount to judicious fault inference but it is also central to gaining the trust and buy-in of system users who ultimately can apply fault detection information to actually fix and improve building operations., by Stephen Samouhos., Ph.D.
- Published
- 2011
32. Nano-materials for novel magneto-rheological liquids and nano-fluids
- Author
Gareth H. McKinley., Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dept. of Mechanical Engineering., Samouhos, Stephen V. (Stephen Vincent), 1982, Gareth H. McKinley., Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dept. of Mechanical Engineering., and Samouhos, Stephen V. (Stephen Vincent), 1982
- Abstract
Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, 2007., Includes bibliographical references (p. 56-60)., Introduction: Nanotechnology, in its many forms, has evolved as a forefront of the global scientific and technological frontier. Materials once disregarded as very small dust or particulate impurities twenty years ago, are today, the focus of intensely popularized investigation. New materials have been synthesized via nanometer precision engineering, and their resulting properties continue to defy the thermal, electrical, and mechanical limitations of conventional materials [1]. Even liquid suspensions of nano-particles yield tremendous enhancements in thermal and transport rates that still remain unexplained. Analogously, forty years ago the machining and synthesis of object features with nanometer dimensions and accuracy was a mere scientific interest. Today, that capability forms the core technical competency of the leading manufacturers of micro-processor electronics. The purpose of this thesis is to contribute to the field of nanotechnology through the synthesis of a novel nano-material, and to examine its utility in areas such as directed self-assembly and nanofluid enhanced mass transport., by Stephen V. Samouhos., S.M.
- Published
- 2008
33. Information flow & knowledge capture : lessons for distributed integrated product teams
- Author
Daniel Whitney., System Design and Management Program., Glynn, Stephen V. (Stephen Vincent), 1962, Pelland, Thomas G. 1967, Daniel Whitney., System Design and Management Program., Glynn, Stephen V. (Stephen Vincent), 1962, and Pelland, Thomas G. 1967
- Abstract
Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, System Design & Management Program, 2000., Includes bibliographical references (p. 134-135)., Two major organizational tools, Integrated Process and Product Development (IPPD) and co-location, have been key initiatives in many corporate knowledge management and information flow strategies. The benefits of IPPD and co-location are well documented, and central to the success of these tools is the increased information flow and knowledge transfer across organizational boundaries. The fundamental knowledge management philosophy of IPPD is person-to-person tacit knowledge sharing and capture through the establishment of multi-disciplined Integrated Product Teams (IPT). Co-location of the integrated product team members has facilitated frequent informal face-to-face information flow outside of the structured meetings typical of IPPD processes. In today's global environment, the development and manufacture of large complex systems can involve hundreds, if not thousands, of geographically dispersed engineers often from different companies working on IPTs. In such an environment, the implementation of IPPD is challenging, and co-location is not feasible across the entire enterprise. The development of a comprehensive knowledge capture and information flow strategy aligned to the organizational architecture and processes involved with proper utilization of available information technologies is critical in facilitating information flow and knowledge transfer between dispersed IPTs. In this thesis we provide a case study of the knowledge capture and information flow issues that have arisen with the recent transition to the Module Center organization at Pratt & Whitney. We identify several critical enablers for efficient information flow and knowledge capture in a dispersed IPT environment by analyzing qualitative and quantitative survey data obtained at Pratt & Whitney, existing research in this area, and our own observations as participants in this environment. From this analysis, we identify key information flow and knowledge capture issues and provide recommendations, by Stephen V. Glynn [and] Thomas G. Pelland., S.M.
- Published
- 2005
34. News and Notes... (1991)
- Author
Unknown, Unknown, Walker, Stephen V. (Stephen Vincent), Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919, Unknown, Unknown, Walker, Stephen V. (Stephen Vincent), and Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919
- Abstract
Variety marks this edition of the "News and Notes" section, beginning with the celebration of the 90th anniversary of Theodore Roosevelt's inauguration at the Theodore Roosevelt Inaugural National Historic Site in Buffalo, New York, and the establishment of a Theodore Roosevelt Police Award for western New York. "News and Notes" also details the rededication of a monument to Roosevelt in Montana by Edith Roosevelt Derby Williams and provides a lengthy obituary for Cornelius V.S. Roosevelt, son of Brigadier General Theodore Roosevelt. A Roosevelt family reunion, bringing together the Oyster Bay and Hyde Park, New York, branches is also covered along with an appeal from Stephen V. Walker for music composed in honor of Theodore Roosevelt's children. "News and Notes" also features a text box "About the Theodore Roosevelt Association" that highlights the purpose, work, and history of the Theodore Roosevelt Association (TRA). A photograph of the Theodore Roosevelt Inaugural National Historic Site, an illustration of both sides of the TRA medallion, and Howard Chandler Christy's painting of the Battle of Las Guasimas in Cuba illustrate the section.
- Published
- 1991
35. The Music of Theodore Roosevelt (1988)
- Author
Walker, Stephen V. (Stephen Vincent), Walker, Stephen V. (Stephen Vincent), Walker, Stephen V. (Stephen Vincent), and Walker, Stephen V. (Stephen Vincent)
- Abstract
Stephen Vincent Walker surveys the music inspired by Theodore Roosevelt from his time as a Rough Rider until his death. Walker also notes the music composed in honor of some of Roosevelt's children, and briefly discusses some of the musical pieces and songs that Roosevelt enjoyed. Walker looks at specific periods or episodes in Roosevelt's life and lists the musical works composed in his honor, many of which involved the use of the name "Teddy." A picture of the cover of a piece of sheet music featuring Roosevelt appears on the first page of the article. A listing of the officers of the Theodore Roosevelt Association also appears in the article.
- Published
- 1988
36. Remembering the Avant-Garde: Moscow Architects and the "Rehabilitation" of Constructivism, 1961–64
- Author
V., Stephen and Bittner
- Published
- 2001
37. Reviews of books
- Author
James B. Caird, A. R. Wannop, Susan Luther‐Davies, John McCorkell, K. Smith, R. J. Price, V. Stephen, W. K. D. Davies, Arthur Morris, L. F. Havitt, Ian A.G. Kinniburgh, T.C. McIver, R. Bernard, Elizabeth D. Graham, E. M. Forbes, W. A. M. Shepherd, R. K. Denholm, R. B. Salmon, Kenneth Maclean, A. B. Dall, W. S. Hall, and Allan C. M. Rodger
- Subjects
Geography, Planning and Development ,Earth-Surface Processes - Published
- 1971
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38. Arms & armor : essays by Stephen V. Grancsay from the Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin 1920-1964
- Author
Pyhrr, Stuart W, Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, N.Y.), Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, N.Y.). Department of Arms and Armor, Grancsay, Stephen V. (Stephen Vincent), 1897-1980, Pyhrr, Stuart W, Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, N.Y.), Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, N.Y.). Department of Arms and Armor, and Grancsay, Stephen V. (Stephen Vincent), 1897-1980
- Abstract
Biography of S.V. Grancsay and complete bibliography of his publications by Stuart W. Pyhrr
- Published
- 1986
39. The armor of Galiot de Genouilhac / by Stephen V. Grancsay
- Author
Grancsay, Stephen V. (Stephen Vincent), 1897-1980 and Grancsay, Stephen V. (Stephen Vincent), 1897-1980
- Published
- 1937
40. American engraved powder horns : a study based on the J.H. Grenville Gilbert Collection / by Stephen V. Grancsay
- Author
Grancsay, Stephen V. (Stephen Vincent), 1897-1980, Gilbert, J. H. Grenville (John Humphrey Grenville), Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, N.Y.), Grancsay, Stephen V. (Stephen Vincent), 1897-1980, Gilbert, J. H. Grenville (John Humphrey Grenville), and Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, N.Y.)
- Abstract
A new printing., Includes index
- Published
- 1965
41. Early firearms of Great Britain and Ireland from the collection of Clay P. Bedford / [introduction by Clay P. Bedford and Stephen V. Grancsay]
- Author
Bedford, Clay P., 1903-1991, Grancsay, Stephen V. (Stephen Vincent), 1897-1980, Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, N.Y.), Bedford, Clay P., 1903-1991, Grancsay, Stephen V. (Stephen Vincent), 1897-1980, and Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, N.Y.)
- Abstract
Includes bibliographical references (p. [190]-[191]), Catalog of the exhibition "Early firearms of Great Britain and Ireland from the collection of Clay P. Bedford" held at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Nov. 11, 1971 - Feb. 22, 1972
- Published
- 1971
42. American engraved powder horns : a study based on the J.H. Grenville Gilbert Collection / by Stephen V. Grancsay
- Author
Grancsay, Stephen V. (Stephen Vincent), 1897-1980, Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, N.Y.), Grancsay, Stephen V. (Stephen Vincent), 1897-1980, and Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, N.Y.)
- Abstract
Includes index, Bibliography: p. 89-96
- Published
- 1946
43. Historical armor : a picture book
- Author
Grancsay, Stephen V. (Stephen Vincent), 1897-1980, Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, N.Y.), Grancsay, Stephen V. (Stephen Vincent), 1897-1980, and Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, N.Y.)
- Abstract
Text signed: Stephen V. Grancsay
- Published
- 1944
44. Sculpture in arms and armor : a picture book / the Metropolitan Museum of Art
- Author
Grancsay, Stephen V. (Stephen Vincent), 1897-1980, Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, N.Y.), Grancsay, Stephen V. (Stephen Vincent), 1897-1980, and Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, N.Y.)
- Abstract
Text signed: Stephen V. Grancsay, "Printed in an edition of 1,500 copies, September, 1940."
- Published
- 1940
45. Historical armor : a picture book
- Author
Grancsay, Stephen V. (Stephen Vincent), 1897-1980, Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, N.Y.), Grancsay, Stephen V. (Stephen Vincent), 1897-1980, and Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, N.Y.)
- Abstract
Illustrations: p. [7]-[29], Text signed: Stephen V. Grancsay
- Published
- 1946
46. Historical armor : a picture book
- Author
Grancsay, Stephen V. (Stephen Vincent), 1897-1980, Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, N.Y.), Grancsay, Stephen V. (Stephen Vincent), 1897-1980, and Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, N.Y.)
- Abstract
Illustrations: p. [7-29], Text signed: Stephen V. Grancsay
- Published
- 1957
47. Handbook of arms and armor : European and Oriental, Metropolitan Museum of Art / by Bashford Dean
- Author
Dean, Bashford, 1867-1928, Grancsay, Stephen V. (Stephen Vincent), 1897-1980, Nichol, Robert T., Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, N.Y.), Dean, Bashford, 1867-1928, Grancsay, Stephen V. (Stephen Vincent), 1897-1980, Nichol, Robert T., and Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, N.Y.)
- Abstract
"4th edition with additions, corrections, and a chapter on the Bashford Dean Memorial Gallery, by Stephen V. Grancsay", List of personages and families (European) whose arms, personal or state, are represented in the collection, by Bashford Dean and Robert T. Nichol: p. 293-316, Includes indexes
- Published
- 1930
48. Loan exhibition of European arms and armor : The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, August 3 to September 27, 1931
- Author
Grancsay, Stephen V. (Stephen Vincent), 1897-1980, Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, N.Y.), Grancsay, Stephen V. (Stephen Vincent), 1897-1980, and Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, N.Y.)
- Abstract
At head of the title : The Metropolitan Museum of Art, "Of this catalogue one thousand copies were printed, July, 1931.", Introduction signed: Stephen V. Grancsay
- Published
- 1931
49. Historical arms and armor : twenty plates
- Author
Grancsay, Stephen V. (Stephen Vincent), 1897-1980, Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, N.Y.), Grancsay, Stephen V. (Stephen Vincent), 1897-1980, and Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, N.Y.)
- Abstract
At head of title: The Metropolitan museum of art, Text signed: Stephen V. Grancsay
- Published
- 1935
50. Report of the Board of Governors 1936-1937 / The Metropolitan Museum of Art Employees' Association
- Author
Grancsay, Stephen V. (Stephen Vincent), 1897-1980, Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, N.Y.). Employees' Association, Grancsay, Stephen V. (Stephen Vincent), 1897-1980, and Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, N.Y.). Employees' Association
- Abstract
Text signed Stephen V. Grancsay, President, October 31, 1937
- Published
- 1937
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