15 results on '"AĞIR, Bülent Sarper"'
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2. Bush Doktrini: Küresel Bir Hegemonik İstikrar Arayışı mı?
- Author
AĞIR, Bülent Sarper
- Published
- 2006
- Author
AĞIR, Bülent Sarper, ARMAN, Murat Necip, and AKÇAY, Ekrem Yaşar
- Subjects
Stabilization and Association Process ,Kosovo ,the European Union ,Peace-building,Macedonia,Kosovo,the European Union,Stabilization and Association Process,Stabilization and Association Agreements ,Makedonya,Kosova,Avrupa Birliği,İstikrar ve Ortaklık Süreci,İstikrar ve Ortaklık Anlaşmaları,Barış İnşası,İstikrar ve Ortaklık Anlaşmaları ,Macedonia ,İstikrar ve Ortaklık Süreci ,Makedonya ,Kosova ,Barış İnşası ,Social ,Peace-building ,İstikrar ve Ortaklık Anlaşmaları ,Stabilization and Association Agreements ,lcsh:H1-99 ,Avrupa Birliği ,lcsh:Social sciences (General) ,Sosyal - Abstract
This paper is written in the belief that the EuropeanUnion uses different instruments in order to maintain a permanent peaceenvironment in the post-conflict regions. To answer the question of what thoseinstruments are, we begin by taking a closer look at Macedonia and Kosovo caseswhich clarify the peace-building conception of the Union. In accordance withthe aims of this study, the concept of human security will be regarded to meana circumstance that the European Union has officially recognized as a basicpolicy to evaluate the peace-building instruments. The major instrument thatthe European Union uses at the nation and state building processes ofpost-conflict regions is the Stabilization and Association Process. Under thatprocess, the European Union signed several agreements with the Western Balkanscountries known as Stabilization and Association Agreements. We found a significantcorrelation between Stabilization and Association Agreements and thereconstruction of the Western Balkan countries’ economic and politicalconditions, which have gained their independency after the disunification ofYugoslavia but experienced serious state-building problems. These consequencesof the Stabilization and Association Agreements with Macedonia and Kosovocomplement each other and help to illuminate the phenomenon of the success ofStabilization and Association Process of the European Union., Bu makale, AvrupaBirliği’nin çatışma sonrası bölgelerde kalıcı bir barış ortamı sağlamak içinfarklı araçlar kullandığı inancıyla yazılmıştır. Bu araçların ne olduğusorusuna cevap vermek için, Makedonya ve Kosova örneklerine daha yakındanbakarak başlıyoruz. Bu iki örnek, Birliğin barış inşası anlayışına açıklıkgetirebilecektir. Bu makalenin amaçları doğrultusunda, insan güvenliği kavramı,Avrupa Birliği’nin barış inşası için kullandığı araçları değerlendirmek içinresmi bir politika olarak resmen tanındığı bir durum anlamına gelecektir.Avrupa Birliği’nin çatışma sonrası bölgelerin ulus ve devlet inşasısüreçlerinde kullandığı başlıca araç İstikrar ve Ortaklık Süreci’dir. Busüreçte Avrupa Birliği, Batı Balkanlar’daki ülkeler ile İstikrar ve OrtaklıkAnlaşması olarak adlandırılan çeşitli anlaşmalar imzalamıştır. Biz İstikrar veOrtaklık Anlaşmaları ile Yugoslavya’nın dağılmasından sonra bağımsızlıklarınıkazanmış, ancak ciddi devlet-inşa problemleri yaşayan Balkan Devletleri’ninekonomik ve politik koşulların yeniden yapılandırılması arasında anlamlı birilişki bulduk. Makedonya ve Kosova ile İstikrar ve Ortaklık Anlaşmaları’nın busonuçları birbirini tamamlar ve Avrupa Birliği’nin İstikrar ve OrtaklıkSüreci’nin başarısını aydınlatmaya yardımcı olacak niteliktedir.
- Published
- 2019
4. Transformation of Kosovar Albanians’ Struggle from Parallelism to Armed Conflict: Why is Violence Necessary?
- Author
Ağir Bülent Sarper
- Subjects
Computer science ,Political Science ,Siyasi Bilimler ,Armed conflict ,Parallelism (grammar) ,Kosovo,Non-Violent Resistance,Parallel State Structures,Albanians,International Community ,Computer security ,computer.software_genre ,computer ,Transformation (music) - Abstract
Following the abolition of the Kosovo’s autonomy in the 1989, Albanians refused to accept the legitimacy of Serbian rule over Kosovo and advocated the peaceful strategy to resolve the Albanian-Serbian conflict. In this respect, parallel state structures emerged as a hallmark of the K-Albanians peaceful resistance to Serbian rule. However, in the second half of the 1990s, K-Albanians’ resistance took the form of an armed struggle with the actions of the KLA. Insufficient involvement of international community for solving of the Kosovo issue and lack of democratic cooperation mechanisms and relatedly existence of “democratic deficit” in the issue contributed to the transformation of KAlbanians’ struggle into an armed conflict
- Published
- 2012
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5. State, State-Building and Security in the Western Balkans
- Author
Ağir, Bülent Sarper, primary
- Published
- 2017
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6. Non-Traditional Security Issues of the Western Balkan: Actors, Causes and Implications
- Author
Ağir Bülent Sarper
- Subjects
Political Science ,Siyasi Bilimler ,Building and Construction ,Non-Traditional,Western Balkan,Causes and Implications - Abstract
For the moment wars were over in the Balkans region, but insecurities caused by weak states constitute an important concern for stability of the region. Therefore, it is argued that insecurity predicament in the Western Balkans is best explained in terms of the „weak state‟. A weak state is defined not merely as one with inefficient institutions but one that is unable or unwilling to enforce rules or to implement consistent policies. Accordingly, the non-traditional security issues in the Balkans threaten the democracy, the rule of law, human rights and the stability and the economic progress within the region, even with an impact beyond the Balkans. In this process, violent non-state actors VNSA and their activities in spheres of drugs and human trafficking, terrorism, corruption, money laundering and the proliferation of small arms endanger security in its all levels - human, societal, national, regional and international. In this article, it will be aimed to examine the severity of VNSAs problems and their implications in Western Balkans with reference to the weak state concept
- Published
- 2014
7. Güvenlik çalışmaları alanında Kopenhag Okulu'nun toplumsal güvenlik kavramsallaştırması çerçevesinde bir etnik çatışma örneği olarak Kosova sorunu
- Author
Ağir, Bülent Sarper, Uzgel, İlhan, and Uluslararası İlişkiler Anabilim Dalı
- Subjects
Social security ,Albanians ,International Relations ,Uluslararası İlişkiler ,Kosovo ,Security ,Serbians ,International security - Abstract
Kopenhag Okulu'nun toplumsal güvenlikle ilgili çalışmaları mevcut güvenlik teorilerindeki önemli eksikleri ele alan değerli bir girişimi temsil etmiştir. Toplumsal güvenlik, kimlik temelli toplumsal grupların diğer toplumsal gruplarla ve devletle ilişkilerindeki güvenlik durumu ve algılamaları ile ilgilidir. Bu çalışmada, devlet-içi güvenlik dinamiklerinin anlaşılmasında toplumsal güvenlik kavramının analitik ve kavramsal yararlılığını ortaya koymak amaçlanmıştır.1989 da Kosova?nın özerkliğinin kaldırılmasını takiben Kosova daki Arnavut kimliği Sırbistan yönetimi tarafından marjinalleştirilmiştir. Bu bağlamda, Arnavutlar, Kosova'daki Sırp yönetiminin meşruiyetini reddederek Sırp hâkimiyetine karşı pasif direniş stratejisini benimsemişlerdir. Fakat 1990?lı yılların ikinci yarısında Arnavutların direnişi KKO nun eylemleri ile silahlı mücadele biçimini almıştır. Bu dönemde Sırp yönetimi ise, Kosova sorununu, Arnavutların toplumsal güvenlik sorunlarını dikkate almaksızın devlet güvenliği anlayışına göre ele almıştır. 1990 larda Arnavutlar baskı altında olan bir etnik grup iken, 1999 yılındaki NATO müdahalesinden sonra Kosovalı Sırplar, Arnavutlar tarafından baskıya maruz bırakılmıştır. UNMIK yönetiminde Kosovalı Arnavutlar hâkim kimlik haline gelirken, Kosovalı Sırplar, Sırbistan tarafından desteklenen paralel devlet yapıları aracılığıyla kimliklerini korumaya çalışmışlardır. UNMIK'in azınlıkların güvenliklerini sağlama çabalarına rağmen, Sırplar hem günlük temelde hem de kitlesel şiddet eylemlerine maruz kalmışlardır. Savaş sonrası dönemde Kosova?nın Arnavutlar için bir ?devlet? güvenliği sorunu; Kosovalı Sırplar için ise bir toplumsal güvenlik sorunu olarak anlaşılması gerekir. The works of the Copenhagen School on societal security represent a valuable attempt to address some important weaknesses in existing theories of security. Societal security is about the perceptions and security situation of identity-based societal groups? relations with other societal groups and the state. In this study, it is aimed to introduce the analytical and conceptual usefulness of societal security concept in understanding of intra-state security dynamics. Following the abolition of the Kosovo?s autonomy in the 1989, Albanian identity in Kosovo was marginalized by the Serbian administration. In this context, Albanians refused the legitimacy of Serbian rule over Kosovo and advocated the passive resistance strategy against the Serbian domination. However, in the second half of the 1990s, Albanians? resistance took the form of an armed struggle with the actions of the KLA. In this period of time, Serbian administration handled the Kosovo question in accordance with the state security conception without any consideration of Albanians? societal security problems.If in the 1990s it was Albanians who were the oppressed ethnic group, it is now the Serbs who are harassed by Albanians after the NATO intervention in 1999. While under UNMIK administration Kosovar Albanians have become dominant identity, Kosovar Serbs tried to preserve their identity through the parallel state structures supported by Serbia. Despite of the efforts of UNMIK to provide security for minority groups, Serbs suffered both daily-based and massive violence actions. In post-war period, Kosovo needs to be understood as a state security problem for Albanians and as a societal security problem for Kosovar Serbs. 342
- Published
- 2013
8. Rethinking Security in the Balkans: The Concept of Weak State and its Implications for Regional Security
- Author
AĞIR, Bülent Sarper
- Subjects
Weak State, Balkans, Non-traditional Security Issues ,Weak State,Balkans,Non-traditional Security Issues - Abstract
The nation-states are considered to have sovereign control over their territories. However, in weak states, empirical sovereignty of the state is questioned by several actors inside of it, especially in respect of the idea of the state. Insecurities caused by weak states such as terrorism, organized crime, refugee flows, mass migration and regional instability have a spill-over effect. For the moment wars were over in the Balkans region, but insecurities caused by weak states structures constitute an important concern for stability of the Balkans. The main aim of this paper will be to argue that a comprehensive rethinking is required to examine security situation of the region. In this context, the concept of weak state should be given priority in assessing the security predicament of the Balkans
- Published
- 2009
9. The Bush Doctrine: A Search For Global Hegemonic Stability?
- Author
AĞIR, Bülent Sarper
- Subjects
Hegemony,Hegemonic Stability,Democratic Peace Theory,InternationalNormative Order,Preventive War ,Social ,Hegemonya,Hegemonik İstikrar,Demokratik Barış Teorisi,Uluslararası Normatif Düzen,Önleyici Savaş ,Sosyal - Abstract
Uluslararası sistemde gücün nasıl dağıldığının, uluslararası sistemin işleyişi ve uluslararası sistemde yer alan aktörlerin davranışı üzerinde önemli bir etkisi vardır. Soğuk Savaş sonrası dönemde uluslararası sistemde tek süper güç olarak kalan ABD, 1990’lı yıllar boyunca iyicil hegemonya olarak tanımlanan bir strateji çerçevesinde bu konumunu sürdürmeye çalışmıştır. Buna karşılık bu çalışmanın temel konusunu, Bush Doktrini olarak adlandırılan Amerikan dış ve güvenlik politikasının 1990’lı yıllarda geçerli olan hayırhah hegemonya kavramın küresel tek merkezli bir hegemonik istikrar arayışına geçiş çabasının teorik olarak incelenmesi oluşturmaktadır. Bu çerçevede, uluslararası sistemde ABD’nin sahip olduğu tek kutuplu yapının sürdürülmesini sağlayacak sistemik güç unsurlarının oluşturulması büyük önem kazanmaktadır. ABD’nin, terörizme karşı savaşta kullandığı demokratik barış teorisi ve önleyici savaş argümanları kapsamında, tek taraflılığı öne çıkararak sürdürdüğü politikaların Rusya, AB ve Çin gibi önemli uluslararası aktörler ile ilişkiler ve uluslararası normatif düzen üzerindeki yansımaları da incelenmektedir., The pattern of distribution of power has a crucial impact on the international system. After the Cold War, the USA, as a sole superpower in the international system, tried to pursue its current position in the context of a strategy that is conceptualized as benign hegemony. This paper analyzes the theoretical bases of the transition of American foreign and security policy from benign hegemony to global hegemonic stability search efforts. In this extent, systemic power components which enable the pursuit of a unipolar structure of international system is of guest great importance for the USA. In the context of the arguments of democratic peace theory and preventive war been that have been employed by the USA for a war against terorism, impacts of its unilateral actions on relations with significant international actors such as Russia, the EU and China and implications for international normative order will be analyzed respectively
- Published
- 2006
10. Güvenlik ve Göç Kavşağında Kosova Sorunu
- Author
AĞIR, Bülent Sarper, primary
- Published
- 2014
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- Author
AĞIR, Bülent Sarper and GÜRSOY, Barış
- Abstract
Copyright of Ankara Review of European Studies (ARES) / Ankara Avrupa Çalışmaları Dergisi (AAÇD) is the property of Ankara University European Union Research Centre and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2016
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12. Güvenlik Kavramını Yeniden Düşünmek: Küreselleşme, Kimlik ve Değişen Güvenlik Anlayışı.
- Author
AĞIR, Bülent Sarper
- Abstract
The state-centric and military-based security conception, which was conceptualized in the respect of international anarchic system, has been reconsidered with the end of the Cold War. In this article, difficulties of traditional security conception in defining of widening agenda and deepening actors of security will be addressed in the context of relationship between globalization and security in post-Cold War era. Connected to globalization process, the close connection of identity concept with integration and fragmentation processes obliges the analysts to focus on the relationship between the concepts of security and identity. Because, although globalization accelerates the integration process in economic, political, social and cultural realms, the homogenizing tendencies of globalization instabilize the existing identities and encourages the resistance of local identities. Thus, nation-state itself has to face both the globalizing and localizing pressures from below and above of it. As a result, a perspective, which solely focuses on state security but ignores the security of social groups, would have difficulty for considering the essence of the problem. In this respect, it is needed to place a normative conception, which considers the security requirements of individuals, social groups and humanity in security policies. This article emphasizes the importance of social structures such as identity in understanding of relationship between globalization and security in terms of method. It aims to evaluate the changing security conception in the framework of identity and globalization process in a critical manner. Thus, it targets to contribute to the security studies literature in Turkey. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2015
- Author
AĞIR, Bülent Sarper
- Published
- 2014
14. Romanya'nın Avrupa Birliği Bütünleşme Sürecinde Romen Milliyetçiliği ve Etnik Macar Azınlığın Konumu.
- Author
AĞIR, Bülent Sarper
- Abstract
Copyright of Review of International Law & Politics / Uluslararasi Hukuk ve Politika is the property of International Strategic Research Organization and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2012
15. Rus Dış Politikasını Oluşturan İç Etkenler.
- Author
AĞIR, Bülent Sarper
- Abstract
Copyright of Review of International Law & Politics / Uluslararasi Hukuk ve Politika is the property of International Strategic Research Organization and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2011
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