1. Fabrication of a 3D printed prosthesis for a dog with fore-limb amputation
- Author
Črnko, Tamara and Lampe, Tomaž
- Subjects
ortotika in protetika ,diploma theses ,orthotics and prosthetics ,3D technology ,protetika ,3D tehnologija ,3D tiskane proteze ,3D modeliranje ,prosthetics ,udc:617.3 ,3D printed prostheses ,diplomska dela ,3D modeling - Abstract
Uvod: Živali so še nedavno zaradi prepričanja, da bodo po amputaciji imele slabšo kakovost življenja raje uspavali. Danes lahko te živali oskrbimo z različnimi protetičnimi rešitvami in jim s tem povrnemo funkcijo gibanja ter izboljšamo njihovo kakovost življenja. Zaradi napredka tehnologij se klasični način izdelave protez v zadnjih letih začne nadomeščati z tridimenzionalnimi tehnologijami, ki omogočajo natančnejšo, hitrejšo in še bolj individualno izdelavo pripomočkov. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je s pomočjo tridimenzionalnih tehnologij izdelati protezo za psa z amputacijo sprednje okončine, predstaviti postopek tridimenzionalnega skeniranja, modeliranja, tiskanja in končne obdelave proteze ter preveriti njeno učinkovitost. Metode dela: Diplomsko delo temelji na praktičnem delu, ki je bilo sestavljeno iz dveh faz. Prva faza je vključevala klasičen odvzem mere z mavčnimi povoji in obdelavo mavčnega modela na klasičen način. V drugi fazi smo s pomočjo tridimenzionalnega skeniranja zajeli mavčni model in ga pretvorili v digitalno obliko. Nato smo pridobljeni model računalniško obdelali in izdelali modele priključka ležišča, paščkov in spodnjega dela proteze. Vse modele smo na koncu s pomočjo tridimenzionalnega tiskalnika še natisnil, jih sestavili in pripravili na preizkus. Rezultati: Pes je protezo uporabljal dva tedna in se je po poročanju lastnikov nanjo dobro navadil. Lastniki niso imeli težav z nameščanjem proteze prav tako niso zaznali sprememb na koži ali negativnih sprememb v gibanju psa. Razprava in zaključek: Pri amputaciji ene od prednjih okončin se 17 % teže prenese na kontralateralno okončino in 13 % na zadnji dve okončini, kar povzroči spremembe gibanja in razvoj drugih ortopedskih težav. Uporaba proteze pri amputacijah prednje okončine tako lahko vpliva na enakomernejšo razporeditev sil, preprečuje nastanek deformacij, degeneracijo sklepov in izboljša ravnotežje psa. Z izdelavo in aplikacijo proteze, izdelane s tridimenzionalno tehnologijo, smo dokazali, da je lahko tak način izdelave proteze za živali konkurenčen klasičnemu načinu izdelave in da ima na področju ortotike in protetike svetlo prihodnost. Introduction: Until recently, animals were euthanized due to the belief that they would have a worse quality of life after amputation. Today, we can make various prosthetic solutions for these animals to restore their function of movement and improve their quality of life. Due to technological advances in recent years, the classic way of manufacturing prostheses has begun to be replaced by new three-dimensional technologies which enable more accurate, faster, and even more individual production of aids. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to use three-dimensional technologies to make a prosthesis for a dog with a front limb amputation, to present the process of three-dimensional scanning, modeling, printing, and final processing of the prosthesis, and to check its effectiveness. Methods: The thesis is based on practical work which consisted of two phases. In the first phase, we took measurements with plaster bandages and processed the plaster model. In the second phase, we captured the plaster model with a three-dimensional scanner and processed the obtained model with the computer program. We also made models of socket connectors, straps, and the lower part of the prosthesis. In the end, we printed all the models with a three-dimensional printer, assembled the prosthesis, and prepared it for testing. Results: The dog used the prosthesis for two weeks and, according to the owners, got used to it well. The owners had no problems with fitting the prosthesis nor did they notice any changes on the skin or negative changes in the dog's movements. Discussion and conclusion: When one of the front limbs is amputated, 17% of body mass transfers to the contralateral limb and 13% to the two hind limbs, which causes a change in gait and the development of other orthopedic problems. The use of prostheses for front limb amputations can distribute forces more even, prevent deformations and joint degeneration, and improve the dog's balance. By manufacturing and applying a prosthesis made with three-dimensional technology, we proved that this method of manufacturing a prosthesis for animals can be competitive with the classic manufacturing method and that it has a bright future in the field of orthotics and prosthetics.
- Published
- 2023