1. Prototype modeling of the model of the city of Pula
- Author
Bičanić, Krešimir and Maričić, Sven
- Subjects
TEHNIČKE ZNANOSTI. Strojarstvo. Proizvodno strojarstvo ,Production engineering ,znamenitosti ,TECHNICAL SCIENCES. Mechanical Engineering. Production Mechanical Engineering ,3D pisač ,3D oblikovanje ,3D design ,additive technologies ,landmarks ,3D printer ,aditivne tehnologije ,Pula city model ,maketa grada Pule ,proizvodno strojarstvo - Abstract
Ovim radom obrađuje se tema „Prototipno modeliranje makete grada Pule“ kao i detaljno modeliranje pojedinih znamenitosti grada Pule. Priprema modela za 3D ispis te usporedba materijala i cijena također su uključeni u izradu završnog rada. Navedeni su opisi i vrste aditivnih tehnologija, a kao glavna vrsta odabrano je taložno srašćivanje (FDM - Fused Deposition Modelling). FDM tehnologija je najjraširenija tehnologija za komercijalne 3D pisače. Aditivne tehnologije omogućuju brojne uštede materijala i energenata u usporedbi s konvencionalnim tehnologijama kao što su razni postupci odvajanja čestica. Razvoj aditivnih tehnologija je započeo 1945. godine kada je pisac znanstvene fantastike Murray Leinster zamislio stroj koji bi postojeće crteže replicirao “pokretnom rukom” koristeći otopljeni polimer za oblikovanje 3D objekta. 2018. godine je ispisana prva 3D kuća, a u narednim godinama tehnologija će zasigurno napredovati. Vrijeme ispisa 3D modela mjeri se u satima, a pojedinim modelima je potrebno i do nekoliko dana da bi ispis bio u konačnici gotov. Za 3D model Arene, koji ima masu od 66 grama, vrijeme ispisa iznosi 4 sata i 3 minute. Za izradu cijele makete grada koja je modelirana za potrebe ovog završnog rada, potrebno je 1800 grama filamenta i nešto više od 14 dana neprestanog rada 3D pisača. Za potrebe modeliranja korišten je jedan od mnogobrojnih CAD (Computer-aided desing) programa, a konkretno ovdje se radi o programu Fusion 360. With this work, I deal with the topic " Prototype modeling of the city of Pula " as well as detailed modeling of individual landmarks of the city of Pula. The preparation of the model for 3D printing, and the comparison of materials and prices are also included in the creation of the final work. Descriptions and types of additive technologies are listed, and the main type is FDM - Fused Deposition Modelling. FDM technology is the most widespread technology for commercial 3D printers. Additive technologies enable numerous material and energy savings compared to conventional technologies such as various particle separation procedures. The development of additive technologies began in 1945 when science fiction writer Murray Leinster envisioned a machine that would replicate existing drawings with a “moving arm” using molten polymer to shape a 3D object. In 2018, the first 3D house was printed, and in the coming years the technology will certainly progress. The printing time of 3D models is measured in hours, and some models require up to several days for the printing to be finally finished. 3D model Arena, which has a mass of 66 grams, printing time is 4 hours and 3 minutes. To create the entire model of the city plan that was modeled for the needs of this final work, 1800 grams of filament and a little more than 14 days of non-stop work of the 3D printer are needed. One of the many CAD (Computer-aided design) programs was used for modeling purposes, and specifically, it is the Fusion 360 program.
- Published
- 2022