We associate to a projective n-dimensional toric variety X Δ a pair of co-commutative (but generally non-commutative) Hopf algebras H X α , H X T . These arise as Hall algebras of certain categories Coh α (X) , Coh T (X) of coherent sheaves on X Δ viewed as a monoid scheme—i.e. a scheme obtained by gluing together spectra of commutative monoids rather than rings. When X Δ is smooth, the category Coh T (X) has an explicit combinatorial description as sheaves whose restriction to each A n corresponding to a maximal cone σ ∈ Δ is determined by an n-dimensional generalized skew shape. The (non-additive) categories Coh α (X) , Coh T (X) are treated via the formalism of proto-exact/proto-abelian categories developed by Dyckerhoff–Kapranov. The Hall algebras H X α , H X T are graded and connected, and so enveloping algebras H X α ≃ U (n X α) , H X T ≃ U (n X T) , where the Lie algebras n X α , n X T are spanned by the indecomposable coherent sheaves in their respective categories. We explicitly work out several examples, and in some cases are able to relate n X T to known Lie algebras. In particular, when X = P 1 , n X T is isomorphic to a non-standard Borel in gl 2 [ t , t - 1 ] . When X is the second infinitesimal neighborhood of the origin inside A 2 , n X T is isomorphic to a subalgebra of gl 2 [ t ] . We also consider the case X = P 2 , where we give a basis for n X T by describing all indecomposable sheaves in Coh T (X) . [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]