渡辺 将久, Watanabe, Masahisa, 梅宮 典子, Umemiya, Noriko, 田川 明広, Tagawa, Akihiro, 川瀬 啓一, Kawase, Keiichi, 野口 真一, Noguchi, Shinichi, 坂爪 克則, Sakazume, Yoshinori, 渡邊 雅範, Watanabe, Masanori, 時澤 孝之, Tokizawa, Takayuki, 渡辺 将久, Watanabe, Masahisa, 梅宮 典子, Umemiya, Noriko, 田川 明広, Tagawa, Akihiro, 川瀬 啓一, Kawase, Keiichi, 野口 真一, Noguchi, Shinichi, 坂爪 克則, Sakazume, Yoshinori, 渡邊 雅範, Watanabe, Masanori, 時澤 孝之, and Tokizawa, Takayuki
除染作業に利用できる技術について民間企業から技術提案を受け、その除染効果を経済性,安全性等とともに検証する「除染技術実証試験事業」を環境省からの委託を受けて実施した。原子力機構は、焼却灰の洗浄やため池浚渫等の15件の技術を採択し、実証試験への助言及び評価を実施した。, To discover technologies that can be utilized for decontamination work and verify their effects, economic feasibility, safety, and other factors, the Cabinet Office, Government of Japan launched the FY2012 Decontamination Technology Demonstrations Project to publicly solicit decontamination technologies that would be verified in demonstration tests and adopted 15 candidates. JAEA was commissioned by the Ministry of the Environment, Government of Japan to provide technical assistance related to these demonstrations. JAEA carried out technical advice of demonstration test and evaluation of 15 technologies (e.g., decontamination technology of Burned ash washing and Pond Dredging) to perform decontamination of the environment., 著者所属: 日本原子力研究開発機構(JAEA), JAEA-Review 2013-052