
Your search keyword '"辨证施护"' showing total 73 results

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73 results on '"辨证施护"'

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1. Establishment and practice of nursing outpatient clinics in the grass-roots hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine (基层中医院中医特色护理门诊的创建与实践)

2. Emotional nursing by syndrome differentiation combined with narrative nursing for a patient with blood stasis and qi stagnation type lumbar disc herniation accompanied by emotional distress (中医辨证施志联合叙事护理调节腰椎间盘突出症患者情志不畅的护理体会)

3. Nursing of a patient with post-stroke constipation of Qi-deficiency type treated by Baliao acupoints moxibustion and acupuncture combined with oral administration of Yiqi Runchang decoction (灸八髎穴联合内服益气润肠中药汤剂治疗1例中风后气虚便秘患者的护理体会)

4. Progress of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the treatment of chemotherapy-induced hiccup (肿瘤化疗相关性呃逆的中医治疗进展)

5. Moxa stick moxibustion combined with auricular acupoint pressure in the treatment of insomnia in a patient with syndrome of spleen and kidney deficiency after lung cancer surgery (艾条灸联合耳穴贴压治疗1例肺癌术后脾肾亏虚患者失眠的护理体会)

6. Nursing of a patient with cervical spondylotic radiculopathy treated by Huolong cupping and moxibustion technology (火龙罐综合灸技术治疗神经根型颈椎病1例的护理体会)

7. Research progress of auricular acupoint sticking in the treatment of intolerance of early enteral nutrition after surgery for gastric cancer (耳穴贴压治疗胃癌术后早期肠内营养不耐受的研究进展)

8. Nursing interventions based on the theory of syndrome differentiation in the treatment of herpes zoster (以辨证施护理论为导向的护理模式在带状疱疹中的应用)

9. Nursing management of severe eczema in a patient with fracture of the humeral shaft (1例右肱骨干骨折患者重度湿疹的护理体会)

10. Integrated medical and nursing ward rounds for an elderly patient with chronic renal failure guided by Traditional Chinese Medicine theory (1例以中医理论为指导的老年慢性肾衰竭患者医护一体化查房体会)

11. Research progress of Traditional Chinese Medicine treatment and nursing interventions after hip fracture surgery (髋部骨折术后中医疗法的应用研究进展)

12. Nursing of a patient with acute cerebral infarction combined with lower gastrointestinal tract bleeding (1例急性脑梗死并发下消化道出血患者的护理体会)

13. Discussion on management mode of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Nursing Inheritance Studio (中医护理传承工作室管理模式探讨)

14. Studying classic Traditional Chinese Medicine literatures and establishing a solid theoretical foundation (研读中医经典, 夯实理论根基)

15. Nursing report of a patient with dermal toxic reaction caused by antitumor drugs (1例抗肿瘤药物引起皮肤毒性反应患者的护理体会)

16. Establishment and implementation of the nursing order system based on the Gui Meifen's nursing records model of syndrome differentiation (桂梅芬辨证施护病历模式下医院信息管理护嘱系统的构建与实施)

17. Research status in Traditional Chinese Medicine nursing of epigastric pain (胃脘痛的中医护理研究现状)

18. Research progress on Traditional Chinese Medicine nursing of otitis media with effusion in children (儿童分泌性中耳炎中医护理研究进展)

19. Development and inheritance of Traditional Chinese Medicine nursing (中医护理发展历程与传承)

20. Application of Traditional Chinese Medicine ointment and nursing management of a patient with bone pain induced by multiple myeloma (中药膏摩治疗1例多发性骨髓瘤所致骨痛患者的护理体会)

21. Nursing of a patient with stage III pressure ulcer infection treated by compound Huangbai lotion combined with silicone foam dressing (黄柏洗液辅以硅酮泡沫敷料治疗1例压疮患者的护理体会)

22. Nursing care of a case of juvenile myopia treated by electric plum-blossom needle (电梅花针叩刺法治疗1例青少年近视的护理体会)

23. Unblocking stuffy orifice and scraping technique for a child with allergic rhinitis of Qi deficiency of lung and spleen and related nursing measures (局部通窍刮痧技术治疗1例肺脾气虚型变应性鼻炎患儿的护理体会)

24. Application of cold compress of Traditional Chinese Medicine in a patient with wind-warm and pulmonary heat syndrome (中药冷敷技术在1例风温肺热病患者中的应用)

25. Observation of a case of mass diarrhea and related integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine nursing (1起群体性腹泻的病情观察及中西医护理体会)

26. Nursing of a patient with stage II pressure sore after stroke treated by Chinese herbal medicine external application (中药涂药法治疗1例中风后II期压疮患者的护理体会)

28. Current status of application of Traditional Chinese Medicine nursing for patients with dysphagia after stroke (中医护理在脑卒中后吞咽困难患者中的应用现状)

29. Application of Chinese herbal ointment and massage in nursing of a patient with diabetes mellitus and arthralgia (中药膏摩技术在1例消渴病痹症患者护理中的应用)

30. Suggestions and thoughts on the construction of 'One Syndrome and One Product' nursing brand ('一证一品'护理品牌建设的建议与思考)

31. Brand construction of 'One Syndrome and One Product' in nursing management of patients with lumbar disc herniation ('一证一品'品牌建设在腰椎间盘突出症患者护理中的应用效果分析)

32. Nursing management of a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patient with gastroparesis (1例慢性阻塞性肺疾病合并胃轻瘫患者的护理)

33. Construction of 'One Syndrome and One Product' Traditional Chinese Medicine nursing service in the specialized spine department (脊柱专科'一证一品'中医特色护理服务品牌建设思路)

34. Application of 'One syndrome and One Product' combined with medical care integration model for osteoporotic patients with spleen-kidney deficiency and blood stasis syndrome ('一证一品'联合医护一体化模式在骨质疏松症脾肾两虚兼血瘀证患者护理中的应用)

35. Thinking and practice on the construction of 'One Syndrome and One Product' specialized nursing demonstration ward in the Anorectal Department (肛肠科'一证一品'专科护理示范病房建设思考与实践)

36. Application of 'One Syndrome and One Product'nursing mode for inpatients with post-stroke depression ('一证一品'护理模式在中风后抑郁患者护理中的应用)

37. Application of 'One Syndrome and One Product' nursing model in nursing care of patients with optic atrophy ('一证一品'护理模式在青盲患者中的应用探讨)

38. Application of integrated service mode of Traditional Chinese Medicine and health care in 'One Syndrome and One product' ward (中医医护一体化服务模式在'一证一品'专科病房中的应用)

39. Traditional Chinese Medicine nursing by regulating Liver for patients with hyperthyroidism (甲状腺功能亢进症的中医从肝护理)

40. Progress on Traditional Chinese Medicine nursing of peptic ulcer bleeding (消化性溃疡出血的中医护理研究进展)

41. Nursing experience of intradermal needle therapy in improving sleep quality of a patient with insomnia (皮内针改善1例失眠患者睡眠质量的护理体会)

42. Influence of different temperature of intestinal liquid on the effect of colon cleansing under the guidance of syndrome differentiation and classification (辨证分型指导下不同清肠液温度对清肠效果的影响)

43. Highlight Traditional Chinese Medicine nursing thinking and build 'One Syndrome and One Product ' ward (突出中医护理思维 建设'一证一品'病房)

44. Enhancing continuous quality improvement of nursing care in surgery of Traditional Chinese Medicine to meet the needs of multi-level and diversified healthcare services (持续改进中医外科护理服务质量满足人民群众多层次多样化健康服务需求)

45. Traditional Chinese Medicine nursing management for patients with sequelae of pelvic inflammatory disease (盆腔炎性疾病后遗症中医护理探讨)

46. Traditional Chinese Medicine nursing experience of a case of Guillain-Barre syndrome complicated with chronic hepatitis B virus infection (1例吉兰-巴雷综合征合并慢性乙型病毒性肝炎患者的中医护理体会)

47. 模块化教学在中西医结合护理人员辨证施护能力 培训中的应用效果.

48. 护士主导的腰椎间盘突出症辨证评估表的设计及应用研究.

49. 便秘中医辨证治疗与施护方案初探.

50. 新型冠状病毒肺炎中医护理初探.


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