
Your search keyword '"肠内营养"' showing total 165 results

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165 results on '"肠内营养"'

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1. 早产/低出生体重婴儿特殊医学用途配方 食品注册相关问题的考虑.

2. 特殊情况的早产儿肠内营养管理专家共识(2024 年).

3. 肠内营养治疗对重症脑卒中患者炎症应激程度的影响 及肠道菌群失调的影响因素.

4. 阿替普酶联合早期肠内营养制剂用于急性脑梗死患者的效果观察.

5. Research progress of nutritional interventions for patients undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (造血干细胞移植患者营养干预模式研究进展)

6. Progress in the symptom cluster management of patients with Crohn's disease (克罗恩病患者症状群管理研究进展)

7. 基于能量代谢监测下肠内营养对老年危重症患者营养状态, 肠道功能及免疫功能的影响.

8. 造血干细胞移植儿童的营养支持进展.

9. 神经外科重症患者肠内营养循证护理策略的价值.

10. Research progress of auricular acupoint sticking in the treatment of intolerance of early enteral nutrition after surgery for gastric cancer (耳穴贴压治疗胃癌术后早期肠内营养不耐受的研究进展)

11. 肝移植受者营养评估与营养支持进展.

12. 重症急性胰腺炎患者肠内营养喂养不耐受风险预测模型的 构建和验证.

13. Application of gastrointestinal decompression method in determining tip position of the triple-lumen nasointestinal tube in critically ill patients (胃肠减压法在危重症患者三腔鼻肠管位置判断中的应用)

14. Rehabilitation nursing management of a patient with severe traumatic brain injury complicated with multiple rupture of thoracic-abdominal organs based on the concept of enhanced recovery after surgery (1例基于加速康复外科理念的特重型颅脑创伤合并胸腹腔多脏器破裂患者的康复护理体会)

15. Current status of management of stress hyperglycemia in stroke patients with enteral nutrition (脑卒中肠内营养应激性高血糖的管理现状)

16. Application of cluster nursing management in enteral nutrition of critically ill patients (集束化护理管理在危重症患者肠内营养中的应用)

17. Risk factors of aspiration in neurocritical care patients with enteral nutrition (神经重症肠内营养支持患者误吸危险因素分析)

18. Nursing management of the enteral nutrition for a patient with endotracheal intubation for acute respiratory failure complicated with severe pneumonia (1例急性呼吸衰竭气管插管合并重症肺炎患者肠内营养的护理体会)

19. 品管圈管理对降低肺结核有创机械通气患者肠内营养 相关误吸发生率的效果.

20. 不同比例肠内联合肠外营养治疗方案对重型颅脑创伤患者的影响.

22. 腹压监测联合循证护理在重症急性胰腺炎患者早期肠内营养 喂养不耐受预防管理中的应用.

23. 早期不同营养支持方式在腹腔镜直肠癌低位前切除术后患者中的应用 比较及吻合口瘘的危险因素分析.

24. Progress in the prevention and treatment of feeding intolerance in patients with enteral nutrition after esophageal cancer surgery (食管癌术后肠内营养患者喂养不耐受防治进展)

25. 益生菌联合早期肠内营养对重症卒中患者肠道功能影响的meta分析 Effects of Probiotics Combined with Early Enteral Nutrition on Intestinal Function in Patients with Severe Stroke: A Meta-Analysis

26. Nursing of a patient with COPD complicated with type II respiratory failure treated by sequential non-invasive positive pressure ventilation via nasal high-flow oxygen therapy (经鼻高流量氧疗序贯无创正压通气治疗1例COPD合并Ⅱ型呼吸衰竭患者的护理)

28. 重症急性胰腺炎肠内营养喂养不耐受的影响因素分析 及腹内压的预测价值探讨.

29. Research progress on causes and interventions on enteral nutrition-associated diarrhea in critically ill patients (危重症患者肠内营养相关性腹泻发生原因及干预措施的研究进展)

31. Nursing of a case of severe pneumonia complicated with respiratory failure treated by mechanical ventilation (机械通气治疗1例重症肺炎合并呼吸衰竭患者的护理)

32. Nursing care a patient with duodenal fistula and deep venous thrombosis after resection of giant retroperitoneal tumor (1例腹膜后巨大肿瘤切除术后合并十二指肠瘘及深静脉血栓患者的护理)

33. 不同肠内营养液对老年重度 AECOPD 机械通气患者肠道屏障功能、 免疫功能和炎症因子的影响.

34. 肠内营养治疗炎症性肠病疗效的 meta 分析.

35. 肠内营养对活动期溃疡性结肠炎伴营养不良患者营养状况、肠黏膜屏障功能和肠道菌群的影响.

36. Blood glucose management for a patient with esophageal foreign body-induced esophageal perforation combined with mediastinal infection (1例食管异物穿孔伴纵隔感染患者的血糖管理)

37. Clinical research progress of oral enteral nutrition in enhanced recovery after colorectal surgery (口服肠内营养在结直肠癌术后加速康复中应用的临床研究进展)

38. 肠内营养不同递增输注速度对重症急性胰腺炎患者喂养耐受性、生存质量和胃肠功能恢复的影响.

39. 添加益生菌的早期滋养性肠内营养治疗对重症脑卒中患者胃肠功能及血清炎症因子的改善作用.

40. Enteral nutrition support and nursing care for a patient with severe pneumonia and diabetes mellitus (1例重症肺炎合并糖尿病患者的肠内营养支持与护理)

41. Nursing experience of a patient with Guillain-Barr syndrome after combination therapy with PD-1 inhibitors (PD-1免疫抑制剂联合治疗后出现吉兰-巴雷综合征1例的护理体会)

42. 不同肠内营养支持方案对2型糖尿病并发急性脑卒中患者肠黏膜屏障功能和Th17/Treg免疫应答平衡的影响.

43. 基于肠内营养耐受性定时评估管理的营养支持在行食管癌 根治术后患者中的应用.

44. 益生菌肠内营养对重型颅脑损伤患者呼吸机相关性肺炎的影响.

45. 肠内营养联合益生菌对直肠恶性肿瘤术后大鼠肠粘膜屏障及血清炎症因子的影响.

46. 早期护理干预在重症监护室危重患者中的应用效果.

47. 腹部按摩配合穴位按压对行肠内营养支持危重症患者的影响.

48. 强化肠内营养对急诊重症患者血糖控制及病情转归的影响.

49. 益生菌联合膳食纤维的肠内营养对重型颅脑损伤患者术后营养状况、免疫功能和肠黏膜屏障功能的影响.

50. 早期营养不足与支气管肺发育不良风险的Meta 分析.


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