To investigate the effect of different tillage methods on soil carbon pool management index (CPMI), carbon sequestration rate (CSE), wheat yield and straw returning apparent humification coefficient, a nine- year (2007- 2016) field experiment with six tillage measures under straw returning condition in Wei Highland was conducted. The tillage measures included three single continuous tillages (no-tillage (NN), subsoiling (SS) and conventional tillage (CC)), and three rotational tillages (no- tillage- subsoiling (NS), subsoiling- conventional tillage (SC) and conventional tillage-no-tillage (CN)). The results showed that, compared with the conventional tillage, the measure of NN increased carbon sequestration rate, soil organic carbon content (SOC) and its oxidative components (EOC), and carbon pool management index in surface soil (0 to 10 cm) while decreased SOC and EOC, but increased the stability coefficient of organic carbon (KOS) in soil layer deeper than 10 cm. The measure of SS increased the SOC, EOC content, CSE, CPMI in the surface soil layer and 35-50 cm soil layer, improved the EOC/SOC values in the soil layers of 0-10 cm and 35-50 cm, and increased KOS in 10-20 cm soil layer. Rotational tillages increased the SOC, EOC content and CSE in each soil layer, and increased the EOC/SOC value in the soil layers of 0-10 cm and 35-50 cm, NS and CN rotational tillages increased CPMI in each soil layer. Compared with the conventional tillage, the yield of wheat grain and the dry mass of wheat straw were increased in the treatment of SS, NN and rotational tillage, and the maximum increment was found to be in the treatment of NS which was 14.3% for grain yield and 12.9% for straw dry mass, respectively. After the nine-year straw returning, the apparent humification coefficient of returning straw increased in the SS, NN and rotational tillage, and the apparent humification coefficient of NS treatment was significantly higher than that of the conventional tillage. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]