Objective To undcrstanel the prevalence of motoric cognitive risk syndrome (MGR) among the elderly in rural areas of Guizhou province and explore its possible influencing factors, so as to provide reference for promoting the health of the elderly in rural areas. Methods The design of the current situation study was adopted in this study. The multi - stage cluster random sampling method was used to select the elderly aged 60 years and above from 12 villages in 2 counties (districts) of Guizhou Province: as the research objects. Questionnaire survey, physical examination, laboratory sample; de:tce:tion anel MGR diagnosis were: e:ondue:-teel from July te) August 2019. Multivariate: logistie: regression model was uscel te) calculate: OR anel 95% Cl te) evaluate: the: influencing fae:tors erf MGR. Results 1 653 eleicrly people: were: ineluelcel in the: analysis, among which 107 (6.5%) hael MGR. Multivariate: logistie: regression analysis showcel that primary schorl {OR = 3.756, 95% Cl-1.054 - 13. 381), illitcraey OR semi - illiteracy (OR = 3. 269, 95 % Cl; 1.010 - 10. 581), lack erf physical exercise: (OR = 1.988, 95% Cl-. 1. 144 -3.457), low anel medium level of social support {OR = 1.855, 95%CZ; 1. 123 -3. 065), poor sle:e:p epiality {OR = 1.505, 95%Cl- 1.006-2.252), BMI obesity (OR = 2.760, 95%C/:1.815 -4. 197) anel Buyi cthnie: group(O7? = 1.871, 95%CZ; 1.226 -2. 856) we:re: assoelatexi with a higher risk erf' MGR. in the: elderly. Further analysis erf' modifiable: risk factors shewed that with the: cumulative: increase: erf modifiable: risk fae:tors, The: correlation strength increased (P for tre:nel < 0. 001). Conclusion In rural areas of Guizhou Province;, MGR is more; prevalent among people with low education level, BMI obesity, lack of physical exercise, poor sleep quality, low and medium level of social support and Buvi ethnic group. Strengthening the; intervention of potentially modifiable factors (physical exercise, obesity, sleep, etc.) may reduce the risk of MGR among the elderly. Howe;vcr, further experimental epidemiological studies an; needed for confirmation. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]