本文以法學實證研究方法進行撰寫,並全面性地蒐集我國自 2000 年1月1 日起至2010 年6 月30 日止,所有地方法院作成的刑事醫療糾紛判決書,並且擷取判決書中之客觀可辨的資訊進行建檔,利用統計軟體SPSS 17.0版進行描述性統計分析與推論性統計,期待真實呈現地方法院刑事醫療糾紛的訴訟現況。本研究共蒐集到277 個刑事判決,計380 名具醫師身分之被告,並發現此類訴訟有著「低定罪率」與「高自訴比率」等特徵,足供醫療糾紛研究者加以關注。 Recently, the debate on decriminalization of medical malpractice has received mounting attentions in both medical and law communities. An increasing number of studies try to analyze different aspects of the issue for future criminal law revision. However, the existing literature focuses mainly on theoretical discussion. Of the limited legal empirical studies, they are mostly limited in study scope and number of cases analyzed. Due to the limitations in study scope and size, previous findings may not reflect the true picture of medical malpractice lawsuits in Taiwan over time. Therefore, we aimed to conduct a population-based study to analyze characteristics, process, and court decisions of medical malpractice lawsuits in Taiwan. The “Law Bank” database was used to search all the district criminal court’s medical malpractice judgments from 21 district courts in Taiwan during the period of January 1st, 2000 to June 30th, 2010. Exclusion criteria were applied. A total of 277 eligible cases and 380 physician-defendants were included. Contents of each court judgment were analyzed and description statistical methods were applied. Factors affecting judgment was revealed by chi-square test and logistic regression analysis. In general, medical malpractice lawsuits had a low conviction rate, the punishment tended to be trivial, and when patient hurt from medical malpractice accidents, they preferred to use private prosecution procedure.