本研究の目的は,全国のがん専門病院に外来通院するがん患者の療養生活上のニードとその指向性を明らかにすることである.文献検索および面接質問調査の結,果を基に,外来に通院するがん患者の療養生活上のニードを明らかにするための自記式選択式質問紙を作成し,6つのがん専門病院に外来通院するがん患者で,参加協力が得られた患者1,034名を対象に質問紙調査を行い,主因子法およびバリマックス回転による因子分析を行った.その結果,〈病気・治療に起因する心理社会的苦痛と医療者の支援の要望〉,〈周囲の入との関係に関する負担と支援の要望〉,〈生活の変化により生じる苦痛と再発への恐れ〉,〈身体的変化による苦痛〉,〈正しい病名・病状の不安を軽減するような説明への要望〉,〈治療の十分な説明と意思決定への援助の要望〉,〈外来通院の苦痛と待ち時間への要望〉の7つの因子が明らかになり,外来通院するがん患者の克服課題と,外来看護実践のあり方やそのシステムへの示唆が得られ,外来通院するがん患者のニードをみた す外来看護援助の主要点を示した., The purpose of this study is to identify multidimensional needs in outpatients Uving with cancer.The study was designed using a structured questionnaire which consists of 80 items extracted from 74 articles published in Japan between 1994 and 1999 and from results of a preliminary survey for 37 outpatients living with cancer to clarify multidimensional needs. The subjects were patients with cancer who visited six major Cancer Centers in Japan・ The investigator explained the purpose of the study to the subjects, and asked patients who agreed to participate in the study to complete the questionnaire. The data was analyzed statistically using the factor anaiysis, the principal factors method and varimax rotation. As a result, seven factors were extracted and explained 62.1%of variance. The seven factors are "Psychosocial suffering caused by cancer/treatment and demands for supPorts of medical staff", "A burden about relationship with surrounding people and demands of support" "Distress by changes of life and fear to recurrence", "Distress by physical changes" "Demands for suffiicient explanations about disease and medical treatment and for supports on decision-making", "Demands for right explanations about disease/the condition of disease to reduce anxiety" "Enough explanation about a treatment and demands of supports to decision rnaking", "Pain by visiting a hospital demands for waiting time". Seven factors of multidimensional needs in outpatients living with cancer were clarified. The findings of this study suggest the ideal ways of outpatient nursing practice and the system. Some important points of nursing to meet the needs of outpatients living with cancer are also shown.