ニホンジカ(Cervus nippon)の採食による植生変化が近年目立つようになった京都大学芦生研究林において, 2002年から2003年にかけて, ニホンジカの採食とササ群落の衰退の関係を調査した.糞分析を行い, ニホンジカの餌資源としてのササの重要性を調べた.また, シカによる葉の被食, 稈の枯死の程度を調べ.地形条件との関係を調べた.さらに, 積雪期に踏査を行い, ササの衰退と積雪分布の関係を調べた.シカの糞内容物に占めるササの割合は年間を通じて20~50%であり, 特に冬期に高かった(54.12 ± 16.73%).ササの葉の被食と稈の枯死は, 緩傾斜, 高標高, 尾根部において多かった.また, 積雪が少なく融雪が早い地点でササ群落の衰退が進み, 積雪が多く融雪の遅い地点で衰退の程度が小さい傾向が見られた.以上より, シカの採食によるササ群落の衰退地の分布は地形条件と積雪分布に強く影響を受けることが示唆された.その背景には, シカが緩傾斜の尾根部のような採食行動をとりやすい地形条件を選択してササ群落を採食すること, 特にシカにとってササが重要である積雪期には, 積雪の少ない地点を集中的に採食することが考えられた., Recently, the effects of Sika deer (Cervus nippon) grazing have changed vegetation in Ashiu Research Forest Station, Kyoto in western Japan. In this forest, we studied the relationships between Sika deer grazing and the decline of Sasa spp. distribution from 2002 to 2003. We investigated the food habits of Sika deer by fecal analysis method. We surveyed the relationships between the terrain attributes and the ratio of eaten Sasa leaves and dead culms, and the relationships between snow distribution and the decline in Sasa spp. distribution. The fecal analysis showed that the proportion of Sasa in the feces was great all year round and was highest during winter (54.12 ± 16.73%). This indicates that Sasa was an important food plant for Sika deer, particularly during winter. Heavy grazing of Sasa leaves and dead culms were observed in the gentle terrain at high elevation or on ridges. Further, Sasa decline was more marked at shallow snow places than deep snow places. We concluded that decline of Sasa was caused by Sika deer grazing and that grazing intensity on each community was strongly affected by topography and by the snow depth., 特集 : ニホンジカの森林生態系へのインパクト: 芦生研究林