305 results on '"študija primera"'
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2. Agile Transformation: A Case Study on Early Stage of Agile Adoption
- Author
Helmlinger Peter
- Subjects
agile product development ,organizational transformation ,agile adoption ,pilot project ,case study ,o31 ,m10 ,o32 ,agilni razvoj izdelkov ,organizacijska preobrazba ,sprejetje agilnih rešitev ,pilotni projekt ,študija primera ,Business ,HF5001-6182 - Abstract
Agile transformation is identified as a facilitator to keep pace with frequent changes within product development. Although initial research exists, the empirical literature on the implementation process of the agile approach, specifically using pilot projects as a change strategy, is scarce. The purpose of this article is to contribute to closing this gap by investigating into effects of piloting agile change projects. To shed light on agile pilots a project within the context of mechatronic system development in the high-tech industry was accompanied over six months. After the initiation of the members and a period of practicing agile a survey was performed. The interviewed team members are bringing up interesting findings, as although they had a different understanding of agile at the beginning of the pilot, they recognized agile values, principles and methods as supportive to the products cycle and specifically development time. Further findings are indicating that professional third-party support is a key success factor. Also piloting, as a change strategy for agile adoption, is proven to be supportive. Although piloting is proven a supportive strategy, the downsides, such as limited scalability caused by extraordinary setups, are identified and analyzed. The limiting factor of this single-case study is the small sample size of data due to the intention of the pilot project to limit impact and risk on the organization.
- Published
- 2023
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Copyright of Journal of Elementary Education / Revija za Elementarno Izobraževanje is the property of University of Maribor, Faculty of Education and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2022
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NATURAL numbers ,SCHOOL year - Abstract
Copyright of Journal of Elementary Education / Revija za Elementarno Izobraževanje is the property of University of Maribor, Faculty of Education and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2021
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5. Razvoj supervizije na področju socialnega varstva in uvajanje izobraževanja za supervizorke.
- Author
Videmšek, Petra
- Subjects
Copyright of Socialno Delo is the property of Socialno Delo and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2020
6. Analiza intenzivnosti telesnega napora pri kajtanju na valovih – študija primera.
- Author
Majerič, Matej
- Abstract
Copyright of Revija Šport is the property of Sport: Revija Za Teoreticna in Praticna Vprasanja Sporta and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2020
7. Gerotranscendenca in odnos med zakoncema v starosti: primer gospoda Metoda.
- Author
Gerdina, Otto
- Subjects
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MARITAL relations , *EGOISM , *AGE groups , *MARITAL satisfaction , *CONTENT analysis - Abstract
As a stage of life, old age is characterized by ambivalence. Old age research has traditionally focused on loss and decline in old age, while more recent gerontological findings suggest that old age can be a period of growth and development at the same time. The theory of gerotranscendence states that in old age egocentrism decreases, ego integrity is achieved, the opposition to superfluous distinction between "right and wrong" is increased, and openness and tolerance are enhanced. The aim of the article is to stress the need to examine gerotranscendence in the context of intimate partner relationships. Using a case study, this article illustrates how gerotranscendence manifests itself after retirement and how it can affect marital relationships. It uses a combination of conventional and directed qualitative content analysis. The case of Mr. Metod shows that gerotranscendence is not only associated with greater subjective satisfaction but also with marital satisfaction. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2020
8. Oblikovanje integriranega sistema programov podpore za otroke in njihove družine: primer dveh lokalnih okolij.
- Author
Jager, Jerneja and Režek, Mateja
- Subjects
PILOT projects ,QUALITATIVE research ,QUANTITATIVE research ,SYSTEMS development ,PRIMARY schools - Abstract
Copyright of Journal of Contemporary Educational Studies / Sodobna Pedagogika is the property of Association of Slovenian Educationalists and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2020
9. Narečna igra kot sredstvo ohranjanja žive kulturne dediščine
- Author
Smole, Vera and Suljević, Darinka
- Subjects
živa kulturna dediščina ,ustvarjalec narečne igre ,udc:792.25(497.4):811.163.6'282 ,Slovene dialect drama ,slovenska književnost ,narečne igre ,living cultural heritage ,slovenščina ,percepcija ,študija primera ,perception ,slovenska narečna dramatika ,slovenska narečja ,case study ,Slovene language ,Slovene literature ,Slovene dialects ,dialect play ,creator of a dialect play ,slovenska dramatika ,ankete - Abstract
Ustvarjalnost v narečju je prisotna v vseh časih spreminja se le moda, s pomočjo katere pride v širšo javnost. Ta tudi določa, ali se v nekem času (in prostoru) z njo ukvarjajo samo "ljudski" in priložnostni ustvarjalci, ali pritegne tudi (že) uveljavljene. V prispevku bomo prikazali primer "nastanka" priložnostne ustvarjalke narečnih iger, analizirali bomo namen teh iger ter priložnosti in kraje za uprizoritev - metodološko kot študijo primera. S pomočjo ankete smo ugotavljali, kako so bile igre sprejete pri gledalcih. The creative use of dialect is present at all times - only fashion, through which it comes to a wider public, changes. Fashion also defines whether - over time and across space - it engages only "popular" and amateur creators or also attracts established ones. This article presents an example of the creative work of an amateur playwright and discusses the purpose of her plays, and the places and opportunities for staging them - methodologically as a case study. With the help of a survey, we establish how well these plays have been received by audiences.
- Published
- 2023
10. Research based development of the activity with refrigerator magnets
- Author
Jerman, Žan and Planinšič, Gorazd
- Subjects
case study ,research based activity development ,Hladilniški magneti ,raziskovalno podprt razvoj aktivnosti ,ISLE ,študija primera ,Refrigerator magnets - Abstract
V magistrskem delu je predstavljen razvoj aktivnosti s hladilniškimi magneti pri pouku fizike. Aktivnost je bila zasnovana na podlagi pristopa ISLE (znanstvenoraziskovalno učno okolje, angl. investigative science learning environment), ki je eden izmed najbolj učinkovitih pristopov za poučevanje fizike. Pristop temelji na razvijanju znanstvenih sposobnosti, ki jih današnji trg dela pričakuje od mladih. Te spodobnosti so tiste, ki jih pri svojem delu uporabljajo profesionalci (raziskovalci) kot na primer delo v skupini, predlaganje lastnih hipotez, predlaganje poskusov, ki hipoteze preverjajo in sodba na podlagi primerjave izida poskusov s podano hipotezo. Za razvijanje teh sposobnosti izvajalci pristopa ISLE pri pouku uporabljajo t.i. aktivnosti. Aktivnost je premišljeno zasnovana naloga, kjer učenci na aktiven način pridobivajo znanje. Pri tem utrjujejo že usvojeno znanje, uporabljajo različne reprezentacije ter samostojno in fizikalno smiselno pridejo do razlage kompleksnih fizikalnih pojavov. Aktivnost je osredotočena na magnetno strukturo vsakdanjega »pripomočka« - hladilniškega magneta ter na polje, ki ga povzroča okoli sebe. Prvotno zasnovana aktivnost je bila testirana na več različnih testnih skupinah. Po prvotnem testiranju je bila opravljena temeljita analiza ter primerjava rezultatov med različnimi testnimi skupinami. Analiza je bila podlaga za izoblikovanje smernic, ki bodo služile za nadaljnje izboljšave ter nadaljnje testiranje aktivnosti. This master's thesis presents the development of activities with refrigerator magnets in physics classes. The activity was designed based on the ISLE (investigative science learning environment) approach, which is one of the most effective approaches for teaching physics. The approach is based on developing the scientific skills that today's labor market expects from young people. These skills are those used by professionals (researchers) in their work, such as working in a group, proposing one's own hypotheses, proposing experiments that test those hypotheses, and making judgments based on comparing the results of experiments to a given hypothesis. To develop these skills, the teachers who use the ISLE approach use so-called activities. An activity is a thoughtfully designed task where students acquire knowledge in an active, non-traditional way. In doing so, they consolidate already acquired knowledge, use different representations, and independently come to a physically feasible explanation of complex physical phenomena. The activity developed in this work is focused on the magnetic structure of an everyday "tool" - a refrigerator magnet, and on the magnetic field it creates. The originally designed activity was tested on several different test groups. After the initial testing, a thorough analysis and comparison of the results between the different test groups was carried out. The analysis was the basis for creating guidelines that will serve for further improvements and further testing of the activity.
- Published
- 2023
11. Training of Verbal Working Memory and Reading-to Learn Strategies in Fifth Grade Pupil With Dyslexia
- Author
Leskovar, Katarina and Magajna, Lidija
- Subjects
reading – learning strategies ,case study ,disleksija ,bralne učne strategije ,dyslexia ,udc:376(043.2) ,študija primera ,verbalni delovni spomin ,verbal working memory - Abstract
Disleksija je vseživljenjska bralno napisovalna motnja učenja, ki ovira usvajanje in avtomatizacijo spretnosti branja in pisanja. Težave posegajo na področje kognitivnih funkcij, kot so fonološko in vizualno procesiranje informacij, zaznavanje, hitrost izvrševanja in obdelovanja informacij in izvršilnih funkcij, kot so organizacija nalog in časa, načrtovanje, izvrševanje nalog, usmerjanje pozornosti na naloge, delovni spomin idr. Z ustreznimi poučevalnimi pristopi in treningi pomoči lahko tem učencem pomagamo pri premagovanju kognitivnih primanjkljajev in razvijanju področja izvršilnih funkcij. V magistrskem delu bodo predstavljena teoretična dejstva o disleksiji, verbalnem delovnem spominu, bralnih učnih strategijah in izsledki raziskav o učinkovitosti treningov s področja delovnega spomina in bralnih učnih strategij. Empirični del temelji na študiji primera treninga verbalnega delovnega spomina in bralnih učnih strategij pri petošolcu z disleksijo, ki je usmerjen v izobraževalni program s prilagojenim izvajanjem in dodatno strokovno pomočjo zaradi primanjkljajev na posameznih področjih učenja. Dodatno strokovno pomoč ima dodeljeno v obsegu treh ur tedensko s strani specialne in rehabilitacijske pedagoginje. Za diagnostiko učenčevih težav so bili uporabljeni naslednji merski instrumenti: Test motenosti branja in pisanja (Šali, 1975), Test razvojnih sposobnosti ACADIA (Atkinson idr., 1972, v Novosel, 1989), Test hitrega avtomatiziranega poimenovanja (Dencla in Rudel, 1976), Profil ocene posebnih potreb – SNAP (Weedon in Reid, 2010), Preizkus bralnega razumevanja (Elley idr., 1995), Test ponavljanja povedi (Grobler, 2005) in samoevalvacijski vprašalnik o uspešnosti treninga verbalnega delovnega pomnjenja in bralnih učnih strategij, ki je bil posebej zasnovan za namen te naloge. Poleg omenjenega so bili opravljeni še intervjuji z mamo učenca, učiteljico in specialno in rehabilitacijsko pedagoginjo ter opazovanje učenca pri izvrševanju nalog. Glavni cilj magistrskega dela je bil ugotoviti, ali trening verbalnega delovnega spomina in bralnih učnih strategij vpliva na izboljšanje specifičnih kognitivnih sposobnosti in rabe bralnih učnih strategij pri učencu z disleksijo v 5. razredu osnovne šole. Po primerjavi pridobljenih rezultatov na začetku in koncu testiranja je razvidno, da je trening imel pozitiven vpliv na učenčevo razumevanje in uporabo bralnih učnih strategij ter na specifične kognitivne sposobnosti. S poznavanjem problematike delovanja verbalnega delovnega spomina in težav pri usvajanju bralnih učnih strategij bo v prihodnje lažje kompleksno načrtovati in nuditi pomoč za učence z disleksijo. Dyslexia is a lifelong reading and writing disability that interferes with learning and automating literacy skills. Difficulties occur in the area of cognitive functions, such as phonological and visual processing of information, perception, speed of execution and processing of information, and executive functions, such as organizing tasks and time, planning, performing tasks, diverting attention to tasks, working memory, etc. With appropriate teaching methods and supportive training, we are able to help these students overcome their cognitive deficits and develop the area of executive functions. This master thesis presents theoretical facts about dyslexia, verbal working memory, reading-to learn strategies, and research findings on the effectiveness of training in working memory and reading-to learn strategies. The empirical section is based on a case study of training in verbal working memory and reading-to learn strategies for a fifth- grade pupil with dyslexia who, because of his learning difficulties, was enrolled in an educational programme with adapted implementation and additional professional support. He receives 3 hours of additional professional support per week from a special education teacher. We have used the following tests to diagnose learning disabilities in pupils. Diagnostic Test of Reading and Writing Disorders (Šali, 1975), ACADIA Test of developmental abilities (Atkinson idr., 1972, v Novosel, 1989), RAN Rapid automatized naming test (Dencla in Rudel, 1976), SNAP Special needs assessment profile (Weedon in Reid, 2010), Reading comprehension test (Elley idr., 1995), Sentence Repetition Test (Grobler, 2005), and a self-assessment questionnaire developed specifically for this thesis to assess the effectiveness of verbal working memory training and reading-to learn strategies. In addition to the aforementioned tests, we also interviewed the pupil’s mother, his teacher, and his special education teacher and observed him performing various learning tasks. The main goal of this master thesis was to find out if we can improve the specific cognitive skills and the use of reading-to learn strategies in fifth graders with dyslexia by providing training of verbal working memory and reading-to learn strategies. After comparing the pre-test and post-test results, we can see that the training had a positive effect on the pupil’s comprehension and use of reading-to learn strategies, as well as on their specific cognitive skills. If we are familiar with the problems of verbal working memory and the difficulties in using strategies to learn to read, we will be able to plan more complex help for pupils with dyslexia more easily and better in the future.
- Published
- 2023
12. Risba kot izrazno sredstvo otroka z avtizmom in motnjo senzorne integracije
- Author
Lampret, Katja and Selan, Jurij
- Subjects
senzorna integracija ,avtizem ,Sensory Integration ,Case study ,autism ,udc:741:616.896(043.2) ,risanje ,Študija primera ,drawing - Abstract
Risba velja za enega od boljših orodij za prepoznavanje razvojnih mejnikov in zrelosti otroka na več področjih delovanja. V študijo primera je vključen 15-letni deček z avtizmom in motnjo senzorne integracije. Študija primera zajema celostno predstavitev opazovanca in opažanja ljudi, ki ga spremljajo. Preučen je dečkov proces risanja in njegove risbe v starosti 8–15 let. Empirični del raziskave obsega analizo dokumentov in zapis spremljanja njegovega procesa risanja, spremljanja specifik na področju senzorne integracije, predvsem na področju prijema risala. Raziskava je osredotočena na taktilno in proprioceptivno zaznavanje v procesu risanja. Risanje ima močno sporočilno in komunikacijsko vrednost. Preko spontane reprezentacije objektov obdajajočega sveta se odpira pomemben kanal komunikacije, ki omogoča izražanje razmišljanja, občutkov, želja in potreb. Risba je kot rezultat risanja utelešenje, ki otroku omogoča konkretnejšo povezavo s svetom. Ustrezna senzorna organizacija je pomembna za delovanje v svetu. Težave senzorne integracije in osmišljanje teh težav predstavlja večino problemov pri otrocih z avtizmom, zato je načrtovana aktivnost risanja za otroka z avtizmom posebnega pomena. V raziskavi skušamo potegniti vzporednice med razvojem risbe dečka z avtizmom in motnjo senzorne integracije ter razvojem risbe, ki se smatra za tipični razvoj risbe. Osredotočili se bomo na procesni del risanja in na analizo risb, ki so nastajale med dečkovim 8. in 15. letom starosti. In developmental age the drawing process represents one of the best tools to assess the level of maturity reached by the child in his various areas of functioning. This single case study considers a 15 years old boy diagnosed with Autism and Sensory integration disorder, more specifically it is concerning his drawings and development of his drawing process between years of the age 8-15. The practical part of this study consists of document analysis (his drawings from past) and a close look at the specifics in his drawing process. This research will focus on tactile and propriception sensory systems in the process of drawing. Drawing that in its manifestation took greater communicative value, so becoming a valuable tool for acessing the relational openness when a child uses his own drawings to spontaneoussly represent objects of the surrounding world, this opens an impontant channel of communication, which allows him to express his feelings, needs and desires. Drawings leave tangible traces that allow the child a more concrete comparison with the world. Adequate sensory organisation is of great importance in order to use the objects and interact with the world. The difficulties in sensory integration are responsible for most of the problems of autistic children. Considering the difficulties that the child with autism encounters in integrating the various senses and in conceptualising them, it is better understood as how important is drawing, if intended as act of knowledge. In this case study we will try to highlight the drawing stages reached and the correlation between typical drawing development and drawing process development of the autistic boy with Sensory Integration disorder. In this research we will also focus on actual process on his drawing and planning necessary for the activity.
- Published
- 2023
13. Strategije učenja besedišča v slovenščini kot drugem in tujem jeziku
- Author
Nikolovski, Gjoko and Pšeničnik, Kaja
- Subjects
slovenščina kot tuji jezik ,udc:811.163.6'243'367.62 ,slovenščina kot drugi jezik ,Slovene ,slovenščina ,učenje jezika ,študija primera ,Slovene as a foreign language ,language teaching ,besedišče ,language learning ,case study ,Slovene as a second language ,poučevanje jezika ,vocabulary - Abstract
V prispevku obravnavamo strategije učenja besedišča, ki jih uporabljajo učeči se slovenščine kot drugega in tujega jezika. Cilji prispevka so: 1) definirati strategije za usvajanje besedišča, 2) ugotoviti, katere strategije učeči se najpogosteje uporabljajo, in 3) odgovoriti na raziskovalno vprašanje, ali obstajajo razlike v uporabi strategij učenja besedišča glede na stopnjo znanja slovenščine. Izhodiščna hipoteza je, da anketiranci razmeroma pogosto uporabljajo strategije učenja besedišča, katerih pogostost uporabe se stopnjuje v smeri strategije formalnega učenja besedišča → strategije samospodbudnega učenja besedišča → strategije spontanega učenja besedišča, in sicer skladno z napredovanjem v znanju jezika v smeri A1 → A2–B1 → B2 → C1–C2. This article discusses vocabulary learning strategies used by students of Slovenian as a second and foreign language when learning vocabulary. Its aims are 1) to define the vocabulary learning strategies, 2) to identify which strategies are most frequently used, and 3) to determine whether there are differences in the use of the vocabulary learning strategies depending on the level of Slovenian proficiency. The initial hypothesis is that the respondents use vocabulary learning strategies relatively often, and that the frequency of use increases in the direction of formal vocabulary learning strategies → self-motivated vocabulary learning strategies → spontaneous vocabulary learning strategies, in accordance with progress in language proficiency in the direction of A1 → A2–B1 → B2 → C1–C2.
- Published
- 2023
14. Uporaba novega L1 RTK GNSS sprejemnika na primeru alpskega smučanja.
- Author
Krejač, Klemen, Žvan, Milan, Lešnik, Blaž, Čoh, Milan, and Supej, Matej
- Abstract
Copyright of Revija Šport is the property of Sport: Revija Za Teoreticna in Praticna Vprasanja Sporta and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2021
15. Inclusion by Co-Production of Social Housing: The Slovak Experience.
- Author
Svidronova, Maria Murray, Meričková, Beata Mikušová, and Nemec, Juraj
- Subjects
SOCIAL integration ,HOUSING ,HOUSING policy ,HOUSING subsidies - Abstract
Copyright of Central European Public Administration Review is the property of University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Public Administration and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2019
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- Author
Lapuh, Alja
- Subjects
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ASPERGER'S syndrome , *AUTISM spectrum disorders , *MUSIC theory , *BODY movement , *MUSICAL ability , *AUDITORY perception , *DANCE improvisation - Abstract
Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are a group of neurobiological disorders that last a lifetime and have a strong impact on the quality of affected individual's life (Jurišič, 2016). One of the ASD is Asperger's syndrome (AS) (Attwood, 2007). Children with AS have a different kind of auditory perception than their neurotypical peers (DePape, 2012). The aim of our qualitative research was to examine ways of adopting musical knowledge and skills at music theory lessons of children with Asperger's syndrome. We conducted two case studies of an 8-year old boy and 9-year old girl, diagnosed with AS in whom we systematically observed their adoption of musical knowledge and skills at music theory lessons. Both participants in the case study are exceedingly good in imitation and aural recognition of intervals and chords, however they show lower abilities in synchronizing body movements and music, memorizing lyrics and improvisation. The positive effects of music-educational inclusion were observed in both directions; on one hand on two children v AS, both also on both music groups, they've attended. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
17. Vrednotenje kakovosti notranjega okolja visokošolske knjižnice - primer knjižnice Fakultete za gradbeništvo in geodezijo Univerze v Ljubljani.
- Author
Povh, Teja Koler and Dovjak, Mateja
- Subjects
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LIBRARY laws , *LIBRARY education , *LIBRARY science , *LIBRARY personnel , *BUILDING repair , *MOBILE geographic information systems , *SPECIAL libraries - Abstract
Purpose: The purpose of this article is to study the existing provisions for libraries in terms of librarianship and labour legislation to ensure comfort and safety in libraries, with an emphasis on higher education libraries. On the basis of the study results, the space of a sample higher education library of the Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering at the University of Ljubljana will be evaluated. Methodology/approach: An overview of library and labour law provisions for higher education libraries has been carried out, and a model scheme of active zones of a sample higher education library of the Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering at the University of Ljubljana (hereinafter UL FGG) has been formulated. The provisions and technical standards have been applied to the UL FGG sample library. A quality study of the sample library indoor environment was carried out, which included measurements of five parameters and evaluation. Results: Taking into account the recommendations of the IFLA principles and technical specifications for the safe and comfortable indoor library environment, the functional scheme for the UL FGG sample library was created. Based on the results of the performed measurements for selected parameters, we assessed the indoor environmental quality of the UL FGG library according to the provisions of library and work protection legislation. Research limitation: The study of the indoor environmental quality in the sample higher education library was carried out during the Spring Examination period, when the library operated in special conditions. Therefore, it would be useful to repeat it in the future and to re-evaluate the measurement results. Originality/practical implications: On the basis of legal and technical provisions, a functional scheme for the allocation of premises and equipment for the UL FGG sample library has been developed, which is also applicable to other higher education libraries. The methodology used for assessing the indoor environmental quality is in accordance with the IFLA principles. The recommended values of the selected parameters are precisely defined in the technical specifications and listed in the research results. They have a practical value for the construction or renovation of library buildings in the spirit of designing a safe and comfortable indoor environment for library visitors and staff as well as ensuring the conditions for quality storage of materials. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
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- Author
Breznik, Lidija, Lahovnik, Matej, and Dimovski, Vlado
- Subjects
INFORMATION technology ,BUSINESS development ,ECONOMIC development ,STRATEGIC planning ,ECONOMIC competition - Abstract
Copyright of Economic & Business Review is the property of Economic & Business Review and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2019
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19. Pristop za izboljšanje zajema zahtev pri razvoju programske opreme
- Author
Vehovec, Nina and Hovelja, Tomaž
- Subjects
izboljšava ,case study ,zajem zahtev ,information system success model ,študija primera ,merjenje uspešnosti ,improvement ,requirement elicitation - Abstract
Zajem zahtev pri procesu razvoja programske opreme je eden najtežjih in najbolj kritičnih podprocesov. Cena popravka napak namreč raste eksponentno v kasnejših podprocesih. V magistrskem delu smo se osredotočili na izboljšanje zajema zahtev v konkretnem slovenskem podjetju. Analizirali in izrisali smo obstoječi podproces zajema zahtev. Nato smo ocenili uspešnost obstoječih informacijskih sistemov. Na podlagi analize obstoječih podprocesov in analize ankete smo pripravili predloge izboljšav. Rezultate ocenjevanja in predloge izboljšav smo predstavili vodstvu podjetja, ki je potrdilo ustreznost predlaganih izboljšav. S pomočjo predlogov izboljšav, pogovorov z zaposlenimi in vodstvom podjetja smo pripravili nov izboljšan podproces. Requirement elicitation is one of the hardest and most critical subprocesses of software development. It is a well known fact that the cost of solving mistakes grows exponentially in later subprocesses. This master thesis focuses on improvement of requirements elicitation in a Slovenian company. The requirement elicitation of the company has been thoroughly analysed and diagrammed. After that we evaluated the success of the existing information systems. Based on the findings from the existing subprocesses and the analysis of the surveys we suggested improvements to requirement elicitation. The results of the evaluation and the suggested improvements were presented to company leadership, who confirmed the suitability of the suggested improvements. A proposal for a new and improved subprocess has been issued based on suggested improvements, discussions with both employees and company leadership.
- Published
- 2023
20. Distance learning in physical education at the Primary school of dr. Alojzija Šuštarja Ljubljana
- Author
Gradišnik, Rok and Kovač, Marjeta
- Subjects
ravnatelj ,učitelji športa ,students ,poučevanje na daljavo ,delovanje šole ,physical activity ,študija primera ,head master ,physical education teachers ,učenci ,COVID-19 epidemic ,school performance ,case study ,distance learning ,telesna dejavnost ,epidemija COVID-19 - Abstract
Z magistrskim delom želimo predstaviti poučevanje na daljavo pri predmetu šport na Osnovni šoli dr. Alojzija Šuštarja Ljubljana med drugim valom epidemije COVID-19, ki je trajal od 19. 10. 2020 do 12. 2. 2021. Cilji so bili ugotoviti, kako so učitelji predmeta šport (N = 3) izvajali pouk na daljavo, s katerimi programskimi orodji so si pri tem pomagali in kako so podajali, preverjali ter ocenjevali znanje učencev. Raziskali smo, kako je ravnateljica organizirala delovanje celotne šole in kako je vrednotila delo učiteljev predmeta šport. Pri učencih od 6. do 9. razreda (N = 197) smo želeli ugotoviti, kako so doživljali pouk na daljavo pri predmetu šport in preveriti, ali so bili zadostno telesno dejavni ter kje so bili dejavni. Z učitelji predmeta šport in ravnateljico smo izvedli intervjuje, medtem ko smo z učenci izvedli ankete v živo. Pridobljene podatke pri intervjujih smo analizirali s tehniko kvalitativnega raziskovanja. Statistično obdelavo podatkov pri anketah smo analizirali s tehniko kvantitativnega raziskovanja v programu IBM SPSS 25. Pri tem smo uporabili enovzorčni t-test in enosmerni 2 test. Primerjavo smo izvedli pri stopnji tveganja 5 %. Ravnateljica trdi, da je bilo težje organizirati pouk na daljavo, saj je porabila več časa. Zaradi dobre organizacije je uspešno vodila strokovne delavce na šoli. Delo aktiva učiteljev športa je ocenila pozitivno, pohvalila je njihov trud in številne inovativne pristope poučevanja. Učitelji športa so večinoma kombinirali pouk (pošiljali pisna navodila za izvedbo učnih ur in izvajali pouk v živo prek videokonference) in pri tem uporabljali različna programska orodja (računalnik, kamero, telefon). Pri tem so se v večini osredotočali na cilje, povezane z razumevanjem pomena gibanja in s prijetnim ter pozitivnim doživljanjem športa. Ponudili so prilagojene športne praktične in teoretične vsebine. Posredovali so jih različno in ne v zaključenih tematskih sklopih. Učitelji so sproti preverjali opravljene naloge prek oddanih nalog in preverjali znanje s sodelovanjem pri pouku ter z reševanjem kvizov. Znanja so tudi ocenili s pregledom športne mape in učenčevega vodenja vadbe v živo. Neodzivnih učencev je bilo manj kot 10 %. Učitelji so jih poskušali pridobiti tako, da so jih motivirali za vadbo, jim pošiljali sporočila ali se povezovali s starši. Statistično značilne razlike smo ugotovili med priporočljivo dnevno telesno dejavnostjo (tj. 60 minut na dan) po priporočilih Svetovne zdravstvene organizacije in dejansko poročano telesno dejavnostjo učencev. V povprečju so bili telesno dejavni 102 minuti/dan, od tega 43 minut zelo intenzivno. Med izvedbo ur športa so bili učenci najpogosteje telesno dejavni v naravi. Kot najbolj zanimive so ocenili tiste učne ure, kjer so vadili v živo prek videoklica, vendar razlike med različnimi izvedbami ur niso bile statistično značilne. Najbolj zanimive športne vsebine pri učencih so bile igre z žogo, splošna kondicijska priprava in kolesarjenje, pri učenkah pa pohodništvo, kolesarjenje in ples. Ob koncu raziskave smo navedli smernice dobre prakse poučevanja predmeta šport na daljavo, ki bodo v pomoč učiteljem v primeru ponovnega zaprtja šol. With the master's thesis we want to present distance learning in physical education (PE) at the primary school of dr. Alojzija Šuštarja Ljubljana during the second wave of the COVID-19 epidemic, which lasted from 19.10.2020 to 12.02.2021. The aims were to find out how PE teachers (N=3) conducted distance learning, what software tools they used to support it, and how they taught, monitored, and assessed students' knowledge. We investigated how the head teacher organised the functioning of the entire school and how she evaluated the work of the PE teachers. For the 6th-9th grade students (N=197), we wanted to find out how they experienced distance learning in PE, and check whether they were getting enough physical activity and where they were active. We conducted interviews with the PE teachers and the head master, and live surveys with the students. The data obtained from the interviews were analysed using the qualitative research technique. Statistical processing of the survey data was analysed using the quantitative research technique in the programme IBM SPSS 25. We used the one-sample t-test and the one-way 2-test. The comparison was performed with a risk level of 5 %. The head master claims that it was more difficult to organise distance learning because she invested more time. Due to her good organisational skills, she successfully managed the professionals at the school. She evaluated the work of the PE teachers positively, praising their efforts and many innovative teaching approaches. The PE teachers mostly practised hybrid teaching (sending written instructions on how to conduct the lesson and conducting the lesson live via videoconference) and used various software tools to assist them (computer, camera, telephone). They focused mainly on objectives related to understanding the importance of exercise and an enjoyable and positive experience of sport. They offered tailored sports practical and theoretical content. They were delivered differently and not in closed thematic groups. Teachers checked completed tasks against submitted assignments and verified knowledge through class participation and quizzing. Knowledge was also checked through inspection of the students' sports portfolio and live practise management. Less than 10 % of students did not respond to the tasks. The teachers tried to motivate the students by encouraging them to participate in sports, texting them, or contacting their parents. Statistically significant differences were found between the daily physical activity (i.e., 60 minutes per day) by recommendations of the World Health Organisation and the actual physical activity reported by the students. On average, they were physically active for 102 minutes per day, of which 43 minutes were very intense. The students were most physically active there in nature during PE classes. The classes where the training took place live via video call, were rated as the most interesting, but the differences between the different classes were not statistically significant. The most interesting sports for male students were ball games, general conditioning, and cycling, for female students they were walking, cycling and dancing. At the end of the study, we created best practice guidelines for PE at a distance, which will help teachers if the schools are closed again.
- Published
- 2023
21. Pomen multidisciplinarnega pristopa pri delu z ranljivo mladostnico
- Author
Paladin, Stjepan and Poštrak, Milko
- Subjects
case study ,dejavniki odraščanja ,ranljivi mladi ,multidisciplinarni pristop ,factors of growing up ,vulnerable young people ,multidisciplinary approach ,udc:364.4:376 ,študija primera ,čustvene in vedenjske motnje ,emotional and behavioural disorders - Abstract
V magistrskem delu smo proučili življenjski svet mladih in pojasnili vplive posameznih dejavnikov odraščanja, ki pri ranljivih mladih lahko delujejo kot varovalni dejavniki ali dejavniki tveganja. Pri ranljivi mladostnici iz študije primera so dejavniki spola, družine, šole in vrstnikov negativno vplivali na njen življenjski potek, saj so se težave na čustvenem, vedenjskem in duševnem področju skozi leta poglabljale. Gre predvsem za povezavo med nefunkcionalnostjo družine, neuspehom na šolskem področju, spolno vlogo, vrstniško družbo in kasnejšimi težavami v funkcioniranju mladostnice zaradi obremenilne preteklosti. Zlasti gre za zlorabe ali posledice trpinčenja in zanemarjanja v domačem okolju oz. primarni družini. Tekom let so težave pri mladostnici postopoma prehajale v različne motnje in se manifestirale na več področjih življenja tudi do te mere, da so postajale ogrožajoče za njeno življenje. Pri njej je prevladovalo avtoagresivno vedenje s hujšimi oblikami samopoškodb in poskusi samomora. Osrednji metodološki pristop v magistrskem delu je bil integracija kvalitativne in kvantitativne metodologije, katere namen je bil preseči omejitve zgolj enega pristopa. Glede na vir podatkov je bil uporabljen kvalitativni oz. kvantitativni pristop k raziskovanju z namenom pridobivanja vpogleda z različnih zornih kotov. Pri tem je šlo za poudarek na triangulaciji oz. osvetljevanju predmeta proučevanja na podlagi različnih tipov in virov informacij na eni strani ter različnih strok in pristopov na drugi strani. V študiji primera smo analizirali vire pomoči mladostnici (odvzem iz družine, rejništvo, skrbništvo, namestitev v vzgojno-izobraževalni zavod) in oblike odklonskega vedenja v povezavi z različnimi dejavniki odraščanja. Kvalitativna analiza sekundarnih virov je pokazala, da je bila mladostnica že kot otrok umaknjena iz škodljivega okolja, najprej odvzeta iz primarne družine in nameščena v rejniško družino, kasneje v vzgojno-izobraževalno ustanovo, kjer so njene agresivne izpade bolj ali manj uspešno obvladovali. Test hipotez je potrdil, da je bila njena fizična agresija usmerjena v zaposlene predvsem zaradi izvajanja nadzora (iz varnostnih razlogov) in postavljanja meja ter upoštevanja dnevne strukture. Mladostnica je bila v ustanovi vključena v celostno obravnavo v sklopu multidisciplinarnega tima strokovnjakov, pri čemer sklepamo, da ima multidisciplinarni pristop pri delu z ranljivo populacijo pozitivne učinke. Kvalitativna analiza je pokazala, da je preprečevanje, zgodnje odkrivanje in ustrezno ukrepanje ključno v primerih nasilja v družini, zlasti v razvojnem obdobju je bistvenega pomena za otrokov optimalen psihosocialni in duševni razvoj. Analiza anket, ki so jih izpolnili strokovni delavci, je pokazala, da je socialni delavec, vključen v multidisciplinarni tim, eden od pomembnih strokovnjakov, saj ima ključno vlogo pri delu oz. pomoči družinam s številnimi izzivi. In this master’s thesis, we examined the life of young people and explained the impact of individual factors of growing up, which may act as protective factors or risk factors in vulnerable young people. In relation to a vulnerable adolescent examined in a case study, the gender-, family-, school and peer-related factors had a negative impact on her life, as her emotional, behavioural and mental problems gradually exacerbated. This is mainly related to family dysfunctionality, poor performance at school, gender role, peers and later problems in terms of the adolescent’s functioning due to her burdensome past. In particular, the problems concern abuse or consequences of torture and neglect in her home environment and among her nuclear family members. Throughout years, the adolescent’s problems gradually led to different disorders and manifested themselves in several areas of life, to the extent where they started threatening her life. In her case, auto-aggressive behaviour with severe forms of self-injury and suicide attempts prevailed. The main methodological approach used in this master’s thesis was an integration of qualitative and quantitative methodology, the aim of which was to exceed limits of only one approach. According to the data source, the qualitative or quantitative research approach was used in order to gain insight from different points of view. We tried to emphasise triangulation and address the research subject based on different types and sources of information on the one side and different fields and approaches on the other. In the case study, we analysed sources of assistance provided to the adolescent (removing her from their family home, foster care, guardianship, placement into an educational institution) and forms of aberrant behaviour in relation to different factors of growing up. The qualitative analysis of secondary sources showed that the adolescent was removed from a harmful environment as early as in her childhood, first removed from her nuclear family and placed into a foster family, and was later admitted into an educational institution, where her aggressive outbursts were more or less successfully managed. A hypothesis test showed that her physical aggression was directed towards the employees mainly because they carried out surveillance (from safety reasons), set boundaries and considered a daily structure. The adolescent underwent holistic treatment provided by a multidisciplinary expert team. Based on this, we can conclude that the multidisciplinary approach to working with the vulnerable population has positive effects. The qualitative analysis showed that prevention, early detection and appropriate action are key measures in case of family violence and essential for a child’s optimal psychosocial and mental development in their developmental period. The analysis of interviews conducted with professional workers showed that a social worker included into a multidisciplinary team is one of its important experts, as they have a crucial role in working with and providing support to families facing numerous challenges.
- Published
- 2023
22. Model ocenjevanja uspešnosti sistema ERP s poudarkom na dimenziji sprejemanja sistema ERP s strani uporabnikov
- Author
Karpljuk, Gregor and Hovelja, Tomaž
- Subjects
enterprise resource planning ,case study ,sistemi za načrtovanje virov ,model ,informacijski sistemi ,študija primera ,ključni dejavniki uspeha ,information systems ,critical success factors - Abstract
Sistemi za načrtovanje virov (ERP) so informacijski sistemi, v katere podjetja po vsem svetu vlagajo veliko sredstev. Implementacije sistemov ERP lahko podjetjem prinesejo velike koristi z avtomatizacijo in integracijo vseh ali pa velikega števila poslovnih procesov, a so hkrati izpostavljene tudi velikim tveganjem za neuspeh. Veliko novih informacijskih sistemov naleti na težave, slabosti in pomanjkljivosti pri implementaciji, a večinoma ne zaradi morebitnih tehnoloških pomanjkljivosti programskih rešitev, ki ponujajo možnosti načrtovanja virov, temveč zaradi pomanjkanja zavedanja in upoštevanja vrste organizacijskih dejavnikov. Izvajanje projekta uvedbe je poleg tega pogosto dražje kot načrtovano ali pa zamuja, strategija podjetja v zvezi z ERP pa se v mnogo primerih nenehno vrti okoli odpravljanja težav, povezanih z implementacijo, zaradi česar ni napredka pri doseganju strateških ciljev v zvezi s sistemom ERP. Skladno s tem so raznovrstne problematike v zvezi z implementacijami sistemov ERP v podjetjih pomembna tema akademskih raziskav. Čeprav številni ključni dejavniki uspeha obravnavajo vprašanja na organizacijski ravni, kot so podpora vodstva, upravljanje sprememb in komunikacija, je končni cilj, da uporabniki v celoti izkoristijo potencial funkcionalnosti sistemov ERP – prava poslovna vrednost sistema ERP se doseže z ustrezno uporabo v ciljni skupini uporabnikov. Prav to področje obravnava tudi ta naloga, saj je bila na podlagi pregleda literature zaznana vrzel na področju modelov za ocenjevanje uspešnosti sistemov ERP, ki bi smiselno in celovito vključili tudi sprejemanje sistema s strani uporabnikov. Teoretični model je bil med izvajanjem študije primera praktično preizkušen in ovrednoten v velikem slovenskem proizvodnem podjetju. Začenši z rezultati statistične analize vprašalnikov, ki temeljijo na predlaganem modelu, smo s strokovnjaki za informacijsko tehnologijo in poslovne procese ter ključnimi uporabniki sistema ERP opravili individualne intervjuje. Na podlagi ankete in individualnih intervjujev smo ustvarili konkretne predloge izboljšav in jih predstavili upravi obravnavanega podjetja. S tem, ko je uprava podjetja potrdila predloge izboljšav, pritrdila, da so rezultati vprašalnika aplikativni ter da jim skupaj z individualnimi intervjuji prinašajo dodatno razumevanje problematik, smo pridobili sedem empirično potrjenih področij, ki pomembno vplivajo na uspešnost sistema ERP v preučevanem podjetju. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems are information systems in which companies around the world are investing heavily. ERP system implementations can bring great benefits to companies by automating and integrating all or a large number of their business processes, but the systems are also subject to high risks of failure. Many new IT systems encounter implementation problems, weaknesses and limitations, but mostly not due to potential technological shortcomings of software solutions offering resource planning capabilities, but rather due to a lack of awareness and consideration of a range of organisational factors. In addition, ERP implementation projects are often more expensive than planned or delayed, and the company's ERP strategy in many cases continuously revolves around fixing implementation-related problems, resulting in no progress towards the achievement of strategic ERP objectives. Accordingly, the diverse issues related to ERP implementations in enterprises are an important topic of academic research. Although many of the critical success factors address organisational-level issues such as management support, change management and communication, the ultimate goal is for users to fully exploit the potential of ERP functionality, as the true business value of an ERP system is achieved through its appropriate use by the target user group. It is precisely this area that this thesis addresses, as a literature review identified a gap in among the models designed for evaluating the performance of ERP systems that at the same time meaningfully and comprehensively incorporate user acceptance of the ERP system. During the case study, the theoretical model was practically tested and evaluated in a large Slovenian manufacturing company. Starting with the results of the statistical analysis of the questionnaire based on the proposed model, individual interviews were conducted with IT and business process experts as well as with key users of the ERP system. Based on the questionnaire and the individual interviews, tangible suggestions for improvement were generated and presented to the management of the company. By having the company's management endorse the improvement suggestions, agree that the results of the questionnaire were applicable and that they – together with the individual interviews – provided them with a deeper understanding of the issues, we obtained seven empirically validated areas that have a significant impact on the performance of the ERP system in the studied company.
- Published
- 2022
23. Development of a new expert system for diagnosing marine diesel engines based on real-time diagnostic parameters
- Author
Hla Gharib and György Kovács
- Subjects
case study ,Mechanics of Materials ,diagnostični parametri ,Mechanical Engineering ,marine engines ,nov diagnostični ekspertni sistem ,vzdrževanje ,diagnostic parameters ,motorji za plovila ,študija primera ,newly developed diagnosis expert system ,udc:621.8 ,maintenance - Abstract
Implementing adequate diagnostic strategies for marine engines offers a good possibility to focus on the early recognition of potentialproblems and prevent catastrophic and costly consequences. The successful and increasing application of diagnostic systems and devices for machines depends significantly on the precision of the diagnostic approaches. This research aims to develop an improved diagnosis expert system for determining the real-time technical condition of marine diesel engines. The adequate selection of the diagnostic parameters is crucial in detecting early-stage defects and failures since each parameter responds to the changes in structural parameters of the engine in different modes and degrees. This result provides valuable information on the accurate location of the fault and describes the relationship between operational and structural parameters. Firstly, this article introduces the relevant literature relating to the selection of the diagnostic parameters for marine engines and their subsystems through different statistical methods. The next part contains the description of marine diesel engine subsystems and the selected marine diesel engine’s diagnostic parameters. After that, a newly developed expert system for diagnosing marine diesel engines’ technical conditions is introduced. Finally, a case study of the operation of the developed diagnostic system is presented. The main contribution of the article is the introduction of the newly developed diagnosis expert system, which can be offered to inexperienced users on ships to effectively manage abnormal situations. Furthermore, this diagnostic tool can be applied to the engines’ subsystems to improve the reliability and efficiency of the marine diesel engines’ operation and maintenance.
- Published
- 2022
24. Medgeneracijski prenos doživljanja in regulacije strahu v družinskem sistemu
- Author
Kotnik, Danijela and Simonič, Barbara
- Subjects
udc:316.4.051.6:159.942(043.2) ,nevrološki principi ,študija primera ,intergenerational transfer ,anxiety ,case study ,qualitative method ,neurological principles ,strah ,fear ,celični spomin ,medgeneracijski prenos ,cell memory ,tesnoba ,kvalitativna metoda - Abstract
V magistrskem delu smo raziskovali doživljanje in regulacijo strahu v družinskem sistemu ter medgeneracijsko prenašanje tega čustva. V teoretičnem delu smo predstavili temeljne značilnosti strahu, tesnobe in celičnega spomina v medgeneracijskem prenosu čustev. Pozorni smo bili na sam proces čustvovanja, prikazali razliko med strahom in tesnobo ter umestili regulacijo strahu. V empiričnem delu smo s pomočjo študije primera dobili poglobljen vpogled v dejavnike in regulacijo strahu v medgeneracijski prenos strahu v družinskem sistemu pri 4 udeležencih, ki izhajajo iz iste družine in so med seboj bratje. Preučevali smo njihovo primarno družino ter zakonske zveze in starševske vloge. Strah v primarni družini udeležencev pred izgubo življenja, imetja, ugleda, dostojanstva, itd. se je v omenjenem družinskem sistemu nezavedno prenašal iz roda v rod. Pri udeležencih je bilo moč opaziti, da so se in se še vedno trudijo predelati vzorce iz primarne družine. Le-ti so v precejšnji meri zaznamovali tudi odnose v zakonski zvezi in starševski vlogi. Nizka samopodoba, občutek manjvrednosti in nezadostnosti ter strah pred izgubo bližnje osebe je še vedno močno prisoten tudi v kasnejših generacijah, kar potrjuje tudi nevrobiologija. In the Master's Thesis, we researched experiencing and regulation of fear in the family system and intergenerational transfer of this emotion. In the theoretical part, we presented the fundamental characteristics of fear, anxiety, and cell memory in the intergenerational transfer of emotions. We were focused on the emotional process itself, presented the difference between fear and anxiety, and did the placement of fear regulation. In the empirical part, by means of case study, we gained a deeper insight into the factors and fear regulation within the intergenerational transfer of fear in the family system with four participants, who are brothers from the same family. We studied their primary family and marriages, as well as their parenting roles. In the participants' primary family fear of losing life, property, reputation, dignity, etc. was subconsciously transferred from generation to generation in their family system. It was observed that the participants were and are still trying to process the patterns from the primary family. Those also marked, to a considerable extent, the relationships in their marital and parental roles. Low self-esteem, feelings of inferiority and inadequacy, as well as fear of losing loved ones is still strongly present even in later generations, which is also confirmed by neurobiology.
- Published
- 2022
25. Vadbeni program po popolni raztrganini nadgrebenčnice
- Author
Ponikvar, Katja and Dolenc, Maja
- Subjects
supraspinatus tear ,case study ,raztrganina nadgrebenčnice ,Exercise rehabilitation ,rotatorna manšeta ,kinezioterapija ,Vadbena terapija ,študija primera ,kinesiotherapy ,rotator cuff - Abstract
Velika pogostost raztrganine nadgrebenčne mišice v kombinaciji z malo dostopnimi konkretnimi vadbenimi programi za zdravljenje raztrganin polne debeline poudarja potrebo po oblikovanju enotnih smernic. Osrednji namen magistrske naloge je bil na osnovi pregledane literature pripraviti 15-tedenski vadbeni program za pacientko z diagnozo degenerativne majhne raztrganine nadgrebenčnice polne debeline in oceniti spremembe v gibljivosti, moči, oceni bolečine in funkcionalnosti rame pred in po 15-tedenskem programu. Domnevali smo, da bo vadbena terapija uspešna in bo povzročila izboljšanje na vseh štirih področjih. V prvem delu smo na podlagi pregledane literature predstavili antomijo in biomehaniko ramenskega sklepa, glavne značilnosti raztrganin rotatorne manšete ter pomembne komponente, ki jih je potrebno upoštevati pri sestavi vadbenega programa. V drugem delu smo predstavili avtorski 15-tedenski vadbeni program, v katerega je bila vključena ena preizkušanka. Pred izvedbo programa je opravila meritve obsegov gibljivosti, manualno testiranje mišične zmogljivosti in oceno bolečine ter izpolnila vprašalnik o funkcionalnosti zgornjega uda. Po zaključku vadbenega programa se je pokazalo izboljšanje v vseh merjenih komponentah. Uspešna vadbena terapija za zdravljenje majhnih raztrganin nadgrebenčnice v celotni debelini je v našem primeru omogočila povrnitev polnega obsega gibljivosti, mišične zmogljivosti, odsotnost bolečine in polno pridobljeno funkcionalnost znotraj vsakodnevnih aktivnosti. High frequency of supraspinatus tears in combination with the limited availability of specific exercise programs for treatment of full-thickness tears underlines the need for uniform guidelines. The main purpose of the master's thesis was to prepare a 15-week exercise program for a patient with a diagnosis of a degenerative small full-thickness supraspinatus tear, which would be based on reviewed literature, and to evaluate changes in their range of motion, strength, pain assessment and functionality of the arm before and after the 15-week program. We presumed that exercise therapy would be successful and would bring improvement in all four domains. In the first part, which is based on literature review, we presented the anatomy and biomechanics of the shoulder joint, the main characteristics of rotator cuff tears, and the important components that must be taken into account when creating an exercise program. In the second part, we presented our 15-week training program in which one test subject was included. Before implementing the program, measurements of their range of motion, manual muscle testing and pain assessment were performed, and a questionnaire about upper limb functionality was completed. After completion of the exercise program, an improvement in all measured components was shown. The successful exercise therapy for treatment of small full-thickness supraspinatus tears therefore resulted in the restoration of the full range of motion, muscle performance, absence of pain and restoration of the efficiency in daily activities.
- Published
- 2022
26. Vloga centra za socialno delo v postopkih za varstvo koristi otroka razvezujočih se staršev
- Author
Toplikar, Lea and Sobočan, Ana Marija
- Subjects
assessing child’s best interests ,case study ,cooperating with the court ,sodelovanje s sodiščem ,razveza ,udc:364-781.4-053.2/.6 ,pisanje mnenja sodišču ,role of the center for social work ,vloga centra za socialno delo ,presojanje otrokove največje koristi ,študija primera ,writing an opinion to the court - Abstract
V magistrskem delu, s pomočjo študije primera, pišem o vlogi centra za socialno delo v postopkih za varstvo koristi otroka razvezujočih se staršev. Poleg tega se osredotočam tudi na dejstvo, ali je pristojni center za socialno delo v raziskovanem primeru deloval v skladu z zakoni, priporočili in javnimi pooblastili. Obenem me tudi zanima, kako je socialna delavka v danem raziskovanem primeru pristopila k pisanju mnenja sodišču v sodnem postopku za varstvo koristi otroka, katera znanja in strokovne podlage je potrebovala za strokovno opravljanje dela ter kako je potekalo sodelovanje z okrožnim sodiščem. Teoretični del zajema splošne opredelitve zakonske zveze, zunajzakonske skupnosti, družine in razveze zakonske zveze ali razpada zunajzakonske skupnosti. V nadaljevanju pišem o posledicah razveze in o otroku v postopku razveze. Osredotočam se tudi na socialno delo z družino, vlogo centra za socialno delo v procesu razveze in v nadaljevanju na varstvo koristi otrok, upoštevanje otrokovega glasu v presoji njegove koristi in na ukrepe za varstvo koristi otroka. Teoretični del sklenem s temo sodelovanja centra za socialno delo in sodišča ter mnenja sodišču v sodnih postopkih za varstvo koristi otroka. V empiričnem delu so predstavljene značilnosti izvedene kvalitativne študije primera in rezultati, pridobljeni s pomočjo analize spisovnega gradiva in delno standardiziranega intervjuja, opravljenega s socialno delavko, ki je bila nosilka raziskovanega primera, in tremi okrožnimi sodnicami. Rezultati so pokazali, da je vloga centra za socialno delo v omenjenem postopku s starši soustvariti sporazum o varstvu, vzgoji, preživljanju in stikih mladoletnega otroka. Če so otrokove največje koristi ogrožene, mora center zaščititi otroka tako, da sodišču napiše mnenje, v katerem predlaga smiselno začasno odredbo, ki bo otroka zaščitila do zaključka predmetnega postopka. Center za socialno delo je deloval v skladu z veljavno zakonodajo in priporočili. Dejstvo je, da je k pisanju mnenja socialna delavka pristopila timsko in tako ohranila težo ter objektivnost mnenja. V raziskovanem primeru je uporabljala tudi različne pristope dela, sodelovanje s sodiščem pa je potekalo predvsem uradno in prek pisne izmenjave sporočil. In my master's thesis, with the help of a case study, I write about the role of the competent center for social work in proceedings for he protection of child's best interests in case of separation. Furthermore I also focus on whether the center for social work in the case study acted in accordance with laws, recommendations and public authority. I am also interested in how the social worker, in the researched case, approached writing an opinion to the court in the court procedure for protection of the best interests of the child, what knowledge and professional bases she needed for competent work and how she cooperated with the court. The theoretical part covers the topic of general definitions of marriage, cohabitation, family and divorce or disintegration of the cohabitation. In the following I write about the consequences of divorce and about the child in the divorce process. I also focus on social work with the family, the role of the center for social work in the divorce process and further on the protection of the interests of children, the consideration of the child's voice in assessing their benefits and measures to protect the best interests of the child. I conclude the theoretical part with the topic of cooperation between the center for social work and the court and opinions to the court in court proceedings for the protection of the interests of the child. The empirical part presents the the characteristics of a qualitative case study and the results obtained through the analysis of family file and a partially standardized interview conducted with a social worker who was responsible for the case and three district judges. The results showed that the role of the center for social work in the mentioned procedure is to reach an agreement with the parents on the care, upbringing, maintenance and contacts of the minor child. If the child's best interests are endangered, the center for social work, must protect the child by writing an opinion to the court proposing a reasonable temporary assessment order to protect the child until the completion of the proceedings in question. The Center for Social Work operated in accordance with the applicable legislation and recommendations, and the social worker approached the writing of the opinion through teamwork, thus maintaining the importance and objectivity of the opinion. In the researched case, she also used different approaches to work, and cooperation with the court took place mainly formally and through written correspondence.
- Published
- 2022
27. Teoretični modeli obsesivno-kompulzivne motnje (OKM).
- Author
Vec, Tomaž and Bošnjak, Nika
- Abstract
In this article we present the most important features of anxiety disorders, together with the functionality and non-functionality of anxiety and in relation to that, the difference between anxiety and anxiety disorder. We also present the causes and symptomatology of such disorders. We consider the theoretical basis of anxiety and theories concerning the causes of anxiety, and introduce different types of anxiety disorders, and in particular obsessive compulsive-disorder. Together with consideration of the mechanisms of OCD we focus on theoretical explanations of the disorder, including presentation of different causes and treatments. Special attention is given to the cognitive-behavioural model which can be evaluated as very successful (as opposed to the model of cognitive deficit which is usually evaluated as unsuccessful) and new (neuro) biological models. In the article, we also present the therapies derived from these models, the results of research into various therapies, and give special attention to more modern integrative approaches (eg. multimodal and family-inclusive treatments) that show good results. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2018
28. Analiza intenzivnosti napora pri jadranju na deski na valovih - študija primera.
- Author
Matej, Majerič
- Abstract
Copyright of Revija Šport is the property of Sport: Revija Za Teoreticna in Praticna Vprasanja Sporta and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2018
29. Vpliv organizacijske kulture na uspešnost uvajanja tehnologij Podjetje 2.0.
- Author
Stritar, Grega and Jaklič, Jurij
- Abstract
Copyright of Uporabna Informatika is the property of Slovensko Drustvo Informatika and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2018
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30. Nabavne poti v splošnih knjižnicah - študija primera
- Author
Drofenik, Urh and Blatnik, Andrej
- Subjects
nabavne poti ,založništvo ,public libraries ,case study ,splošne knjižnice ,book trade ,knjigotrštvo ,distribution channels ,študija primera ,book publishing - Abstract
Diplomski seminar obravnava nabavne poti knjig v splošnih knjižnicah. Prvi del diplomskega seminarja je osredotočen na teorijo in tako obravnava spremembe nabavnih poti, stanje slovenskega založništva ter knjigotrštva in stanje slovenskih splošnih knjižnic. Za slovenske splošne knjižnice je značilna decentralizirana nabava gradiva, saj vsaka splošna knjižnica zase in za svoje podružnice sama nabavlja gradivo. Za nabavo gradiva v splošnih knjižnicah je bilo v letu 2021 namenjenih dobrih 7.700.000 evrov. Drugi del diplomskega seminarja je zastavljen problemsko - s študijo primera je predstavljena nabava tiskanih knjig, e-knjig in avdioknjig v Knjižnici Rogaška Slatina v letu 2021. Glavna financerja knjižnice sta občini soustanoviteljici, to sta občini Rogaška Slatina in Rogatec. Poleg tega sredstva pridobivajo še od Ministrstva za kulturo. Za nabavo novega gradiva so v letu 2021 namenili 49.084 evrov, sodelovali pa so z 58 različnimi dobavitelji. Gradivo pridobivajo na različne načine, še vedno pa je za splošne knjižnice zelo pomembna zastopniška prodaja, ki se je poslužujejo večji igralci na knjižnem trgu. Največ gradiva so v Knjižnici Rogaška Slatina odkupili od distribucijskih založnikov Avrora in Primus, pomemben delež predstavlja tudi odkup gradiva od dveh največjih slovenskih založb Učila International in Mladinska knjiga. My diploma paper deals with distribution channels of books in public libraries. The first part is theoretical and therefore discusses the changes in distribution channels, the state of Slovenian publishing and book trade and the state of Slovenian public libraries. Slovenian public libraries are characterised by decentralised acquisition of materials, with each public library acquiring materials for itself and its branches. In 2021, more than € 7,700,000 were used for the acquisition of materials in public libraries. The second part of my diploma paper is problem based - a case study is presented on the acquisition of printed books, e-books and audiobooks in the Rogaška Slatina Library in 2021. The main funders of the library are the co-founding municipalities, Rogaška Slatina and Rogatec. They also receive funding from the Ministry of Culture. In 2021, € 49,084 were used for the purchase of new material and 58 different suppliers were involved. They acquire material in a variety of ways, however direct or door to door sales are still very significant for public libraries, as they are used by the major publishers in the book market. The majority of the materials that were purchased by the Rogaška Slatina Library were purchased from the distribution publishers, Avrora and Primus. However, the two largest Slovenian publishing houses, Učila International and Mladinska knjiga, also present an important part of material acquisition.
- Published
- 2022
31. Intelligence scandals
- Author
Prezelj, Iztok and Ristevska, Teodora Tea
- Subjects
comparative model ,obveščevalna dejavnost ,obveščevalne službe ,študija primera ,intelligence ,komparativni analitični model ,Severna Makedonija ,scandals ,case study ,komparativni model ,škandali ,udc:351 ,comparative analytical model ,afere - Abstract
Most countries that possess intelligence services have encountered intelligence scandals involving actual or alleged intelligence activities. This paper offers a definition of intelligence scandal and creates a new analytical model for assessing intelligence scandals. Application of the analytical model to six key intelligence scandals in North Macedonia shows that various intelligence and political actors can commit a wide range of transgressions in largely internal and external political contexts with very broad political and security impacts. The case also shows the competitive nature of the triggers of the scandals, various kinds of actors’ defences, and the scandals’ long duration.
- Published
- 2022
32. The Influence of Non-formal Artistic and Creative Activities in Multicultural Educational Contexts.
- Author
- Subjects
MULTICULTURAL education ,CREATIVE activities & seat work ,COMMUNICATION in education ,COMMUNITY education ,ETHNIC groups - Abstract
Copyright of Journal of Elementary Education / Revija za Elementarno Izobraževanje is the property of University of Maribor, Faculty of Education and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2017
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33. Fenomen ZLOvenija: v precepu med digitalnim aktivizmom in omrežnim individualizmom.
- Author
Črnič, Tanja Oblak
- Abstract
Copyright of Journal for the Critique of Science, Imagination & New Anthropology / Časopis za Kritko Znanosti, Domišljijo in Novo Antropologijo is the property of Institute for the Critique of Science and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2017
34. Družbena in kulturna interpretacija memetike med mladimi odraslimi v Sloveniji: študija primera
- Author
Rožman, Carolina and Pužar, Aljoša
- Subjects
case study ,udc:316.6:316.472.4-053.81(497.4)(043.2) ,internetna memetika ,young ,kultura ,internet memetics ,internetni memi ,študija primera ,internet memes ,mladi ,culture - Abstract
Komunikacijska oblika, ki je poznana pod izrazom memetika oziroma, v sodobnem času, internetni memi, je popolnoma zaobjela svet. Sprva je bila uporabljena le v humoristične namene, danes pa jo prepoznamo tudi v družbenokritičnem kontekstu, in sicer v pogostem izražanju nasprotovanja ter v oglaševanju. Z razširitvijo interneta in njegove uporabe se je pomen memetike prelevil iz zgolj posmehovanja in apliciranja subjektivnega humorja znotraj skupin ljudi v močno diskurzivno in afektivno nabitost: množično opozarjanje na ekonomsko neenakost, kulturno zatrtost in politično ideološkost, a z ohranjeno zabavno perspektivo. V tem delu bo moj cilj podati kvalitativni opis te razširjene prakse v lastnem kulturnem in družbenem kontekstu, hkrati pa v praktičnem delu osvetliti in razumeti različne interpretacije takšnega načina medsebojne komunikacije. Image communication, known as memetics or, in modern times, internet memes, has completely embraced the world. Initially, it was used only for humorous purposes, but today it is also recognized in a socially critical context, namely in the frequent expression of opposition and in advertising. With the spread of the internet and its use, the meaning of memetics has shifted from ''just funny'' and application of "inside jokes" within groups of people to a strong discursive and affective charge: it gives mass attention to economic inequality, cultural repression and political ideology, but with a fun perspective. In this work, my goal will be to give a qualitative description of this widespread practice in our own cultural and social context, and at the same time in the empirical part to illuminate and understand different interpretations of this way of mutual communication.
- Published
- 2021
35. Zasebno varovanje kot nadzorovalec privatiziranih urbanih prostorov: študija primera nakupovalnega središča v Sloveniji.
- Author
Tominc, Bernarda, Dvojmoč, Miha, and Sotlar, Andrej
- Abstract
Copyright of Varstvoslovje: Journal of Criminal Justice & Security is the property of University of Maribor, Faculty of Criminal Justice & Security and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2016
36. Ogrodje za izboljšanje procesov razvoja informacijskih sistemov z uporabo hevristik za izboljšave splošnih poslovnih procesov.
- Author
Kojić, Aleksandar, Hovelja, Tomaž, and Vavpotič, Damjan
- Abstract
The paper presents an approach to improve the information system development process by applying a heuristics for the general business process improvement on the information system development process. The developed comprehensive approach helps enterprises in their selecting an appropriate heuristics to improve their information system development process. The approach is tested in a case study performed in an enterprise developing information systems. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2016
- Author
- Subjects
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- Published
- 2016
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- Author
- Subjects
LIFESTYLES ,UKRAINIAN social conditions, 1991- ,SOCIAL interaction ,JOB satisfaction ,QUALITY of life - Abstract
Copyright of Teorija in Praksa is the property of Teorija in Praksa and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2015
39. Razvoj poslovnointeligenčnih sistemov v slovenski javni upravi - študija primera.
- Author
Terglav, Jurij
- Abstract
Copyright of International Public Administration Review / Mednarodna Revija za Javno Upravo is the property of University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Public Administration and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2015
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- Author
Ramšak, Mojca
- Abstract
Copyright of Glasnik Slovenskega Etnološkega Društva is the property of Slovene Ethnological Society and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2015
41. The Transfer of Knowledge in Intra-Organizational Networks: A Case Study Analysis.
- Author
Sroka, Włodzimierz, Cygler, Joanna, and Gajdzik, Bożena
- Subjects
KNOWLEDGE transfer ,MERGERS & acquisitions ,KNOWLEDGE management ,CORPORATE culture - Abstract
Copyright of Organizacija is the property of Sciendo and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2014
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42. Inkluzija slabovidne deklice v vrtec
- Author
Pogačnik, Karmen and Videmšek, Petra
- Subjects
zgodnja celostna obravnava ,case study ,predšolska vzgoja ,otroci s posebnimi potrebami ,pre-school education ,Center IRIS ,študija primera ,early comprehensive treatment ,IRIS Center ,children with special needs - Abstract
V magistrskem delu na začetku teoretično opredelim terminologijo na področju otrok s posebnimi potrebami, definiram, kdo so slepi in slabovidni otroci, in opišem njihov specifičen razvoj. Predstavim celostno zgodnjo obravnavo predšolskih otrok s posebnimi potrebami, ki je osnovana na novem zakonu (ZOPOPP), definiram centre za zgodnjo obravnavo, ki so temelj izvajanja tega zakona, in opišem multidisciplinarne time. Podrobneje opišem Center IRIS, ki izvaja zgodnjo obravnavo na področju slepote in slabovidnosti. Zaradi pogostega nerazumevanja in menjavanja izrazov integracija in inkluzija sem naslednje poglavje v celoti namenila definiranju teh dveh konceptov. Bolj podrobno sem se posvetila inkluziji, ki je bila tudi predmet raziskovanja. Nadaljevala sem z implementacijo inkluzivne vzgoje v vrtcu, kjer sem se dotaknila vključitve v program, vloge strokovnih delavcev v oddelku, vloge dodatne strokovne pomoči, sodelovanja s starši in socialnega vključevanja slepih in slabovidnih v skupino. Teoretični uvod sem zaključila s kratko predstavitvijo tehnike sociometrične preizkušnje, ki sem jo v vrtcu izvedla, da sem dobila notranji vpogled v socialne strukture v skupini. Zanimala me je namreč dekličina sprejetost z vidika drugih otrok. V empiričnem delu sem oblikovala raziskovalna vprašanja, na katere sem poskušala odgovoriti s pomočjo intervjujev s posamezniki, ki so pomembni pri dekličini inkluziji – starši, strokovni delavci v vrtcu (vzgojiteljica, pomočnica vzgojiteljice, spremljevalka) in tiflopedagoginja. S tem sem z več različnih kotov osvetlila dotični primer inkluzije. Zanimala me je usposobljenost strokovnih delavcev v vrtcu pri delu s slabovidnim otrokom in podpora, ki jo dobijo pri svojem delu. Zanimalo me je tudi, kdo staršem nudi podporo in kako medsebojno sodelujejo s tiflopedagoginjo in strokovnimi delavci v vrtcu. Ugotavljala sem, kako je deklica vključena v svojo skupino, kakšne koristi prinaša inkluzija in s kakšnimi izzivi so se strokovni delavci, deklica in skupina pri tem soočali. Za konec me je zanimalo še mnenje intervjuvancev, kako bi inkluzijo slepih in slabovidnih v prihodnje lahko izboljšali. In the beginning of the master's thesis I theoretically determine the terminology in the field of children with special needs, define who blind and visually impaired children are and describe their specific development. I present a comprehensive early treatment of pre-school children with special needs, which is based on the new law (ZOPOPP), define the early treatment centers, which are the basis for the implementation of this law, and describe multidisciplinary teams. I describe more in detail the IRIS Center, which provides early treatment in the field of blindness and low vision. Due to the frequent misunderstanding and confusion of the terms integration and inclusion, I have devoted the next chapter entirely to defining these two concepts. I focused more on inclusion, which was also the subject of my research. I continued with the implementation of inclusive education in kindergarten, where I talk about inclusion in the program, the role of professionals in the department, the role of additional professional assistance, cooperation with parents and social inclusion of the blind and visually impaired in the group. I concluded the theoretical part with a short presentation of the sociometric test technique, which I performed in kindergarten to gain an inside vision into the social structures in the group. I was interested in the girl's acceptance from the point of view of other children. In the empirical part, I formulated research questions, which I tried to answer through interviews with individuals who are important in the girl's inclusion - parents, kindergarten professionals (educator, assistant educator, companion) and a typhlo-pedagogue. In doing so, I illuminated the case of inclusion in question from several different angles. I was interested in the training of kindergarten professionals in working with a visually impaired child and the support they receive in their work. I was also interested in who offers support to parents and how they interact with the typhlo-pedagogue as well as the professional staff in the kindergarten. I established how the girl is included in her group, what the benefits of inclusion are and what challenges the professionals, the girl and the group have faced along the way. Finally, I was interested in the opinion of the interviewees on how the inclusion of the blind and visually impaired could be improved in the future.
- Published
- 2020
43. Early intervention for selective mutism - case study
- Author
Kunstelj, Aleksandra and Košir, Katja
- Subjects
selective mutism ,early intervention ,case study ,anxiety disorders ,zgodnja obravnava ,udc:376(043.2) ,študija primera ,anksiozne motnje ,selektivni mutizem - Abstract
Pričujoča študija primera temelji na opazovanju petletnega dečka s selektivnim mutizmom, ki sem ga dva meseca obiskovala v vrtcu in v tesnem sodelovanju s starši in strokovnimi delavkami spremljala ter beležila njegovo počutje in komunikacijske vzorce. S pomočjo intervjujev in informativnih pogovorov sem poskušala dobiti vpogled v ozadje motnje pri dečku in ovire, s katerimi se v okolju vrtca spopada. V teoretičnem delu sem ugotavljala, kam uvrščamo selektivni mutizem in zakaj je v različnih klasifikacijah bolezni različno uvrščen. Predstavila sem različne pristope zdravljenja selektivnega mutizma in oblike sodelovanja med starši, učitelji/vzgojitelji in svetovalno službo. Opisala sem didaktične pristope ter konkretne napotke za delo z otrokom. V empiričnem delu sem podrobno opisala srečanja z dečkom ter evalvirala svoje delo, prav tako pa sem opravila analizo vprašalnikov, ki sem jih predhodno izročila dečkovi mami in vzgojiteljici. Opravila sem intervjuje z dvema vzgojiteljicama in dečkovo materjo. Za dodaten oris pomembnosti zgodnje obravnave pri zdravljenju selektivnega mutizma sem opravila še intervju z mamo (zdaj že) študentke, ki se je kot otrok s selektivnim mutizmom spopadala z mnogimi ovirami v procesu vzgoje in izobraževanja. This case study is based on the observation of a five-year-old boy with selective mutism (SM), who I have visited in kindergarten for two months, and due to close collaboration with his parents, kindergarten teachers and professional workers I was able to monitor and keep track of his well-being as well as his communicaion patterns. With the help of interviews and informative conversations I attempted to gain insight into the background of the dysfunction/disorder that the boy deals with in kindergarten. In the theoretical part, I established where selective mutism is classified and why it is classified differently in different classifications of the disease. I presented various approaches to the treatment of selective mutism and forms of cooperation among parents, teachers and consultants. I demonstrated didactic approaches and specific instrucions for working with the boy. In the empirical part, I described encounters with the boy in detail, evaluated my work and did the analysis of the questionnaires that I presented beforehand to the boy`s mother and teacher. I interviewed his mother and two kindergarten teachers. To further outline the significance of early treatment in the treatment of selective mutism, I interviewed the mother, now already a student, who as a child diagnosed with selecive mutism, faced several obstacles in the process of upbringing and education.
- Published
- 2020
44. Sodelovalno učenje pri pouku angleščine v kombiniranem oddelku 4. in 5. razreda
- Author
Duljak, Anja and Bratož, Silva
- Subjects
sodelovalno učenje ,English as a foreign language ,case study ,angleščina ,combined classes ,kombinirani oddelek ,collaborative learning ,študija primera ,projektno delo ,project work ,udc:37.091.31:811.111(043.2) - Published
- 2020
45. Praktično pedagoško usposabljanje študentov v vrtcu
- Author
Štih, Mateja, Zupanc, Damjana, and Hozjan, Dejan
- Subjects
mentor ,partnerska institucija ,protokol ,udc:378.147:373.2(043.2) ,praktično usposabljanje ,praktikant ,študija primera ,vodstvo - Published
- 2020
46. Teorija uma in vrstniški odnosi otroka z motnjo avtističnega spektra
- Author
Rahotin, Veronika and Kavčič, Tina
- Subjects
socialni razvoj otrok z motnjami avtističnega spektra ,vrstniški odnosi ,teorija uma ,udc:376:616.896(043.2) ,študija primera ,motnje avtističnega spektra - Published
- 2020
47. Forced Marriages as a Security Threat
- Author
Kocjančič, Klemen
- Subjects
organized crime ,Združeno kraljestvo ,human trafficking ,varnostna grožnja ,versko nasilje ,študija primera ,zlorabe vere ,islam ,United Kingdom ,varnost ,forced marriages ,udc:342.7:343.43 ,international crime ,prisilne poroke ,national security ,trgovina z ljudmi - Abstract
Namen: Članek predstavlja analizo prisilnih porok v kontekstu varnostnega ogrožanja Združenega kraljestva, s poudarkom na primeru Velike Britanije, na naslednjih kazalnikih: kakšne so pojavne oblike prisilnih porok, kakšen je njihov namen ter s kakšnimi mehanizmi in instrumenti sta država in družba odgovorili na ta problem. Članek se osredotoča tudi na prisilne poroke kot del trgovine z ljudmi in kot nacionalnovarnostni problem. Metode: Uporabljene so metode analize in interpretacije primarnih in sekundarnih virov (zakonodaja, znanstveni in poljudni članki, poročila) ter deskriptivna in zgodovinska metoda. Ugotovitve: Problematika prisilnih porok je relevantna za varnostno politiko Združenega kraljestva, saj ogroža varnost na več ravneh (posameznik, država, svet). Britanci so zato ustanovili specializirane državne institucije ter spremenili zakonodajo. Analiza je pokazala, da večino primerov prisilnih porok predstavljajo prisilne poroke iz etnično-kulturnega vzroka. V zadnjem času pa narašča število primerov medetničnih prisilnih porok, katerih osnovni namen je kršenje migracijske zakonodaje. Predstavljen je tudi aktualen širši družbeni odziv, viden predvsem v ustanovitvi nevladnih organizacij, ki poudarjajo problematiko ter pomagajo tako žrtvam kot tudi državnim institucijam. Omejitve/uporabnost raziskave: Prispevek je omejen zaradi uporabe maloštevilnih (tujih) virov, vseeno pa predstavlja izhodišče za nadaljnje preučevanje. Izvirnost/pomembnost prispevka: O prisilnih porokah v slovenski strokovni in znanstveni literaturi ni veliko napisanega, zato članek predstavlja boljši vpogled v to tematiko (na primeru druge države) in razmislek o domačih razmerah. Purpose: The paper deals with the analysis of forced marriages as a security threat to the United Kingdom. The focus is on the Great Britain and on the following indicators: what are the types of forced marriages, their intentions, and what are the mechanisms and tools of the state and society to combat this phenomenon. The paper also explains forced marriages as a human trafficking problem and as national-security problem. Design/Methods/Approach: The paper is based on the analysis and interpretation of primary (legislature) and secondary sources (scientific and journalistic works) as well on descriptive and historical methods. Findings: The paper shows that the issue related to forced marriages is relevant to the security policy of the United Kingdom, as forced marriages represent security threat on several levels (individual, state, world). As result of this, several specialized state institutions were formed, and the legislature was changed. An analysis also reveals that ethnic-culture based forced marriages make most of the cases, but in recent time there is a rise in cases of intra-ethnic marriages with the goal of violating the migration law. There is also focus on actual wider-societal response to this problem, showed by the formation of non-governmental organizations, working on this problem. Research Limitations / Implications: The paper has a limitation due to restriction of the available sources on this subject, but nevertheless forms a basis for future research. Originality/Value: Slovenian scientific corpus on forced marriages is small and this article contributes to expand it by offering an alternative view (from another country) on the subject and self-reflection on domestic matters.
- Published
- 2020
48. Economic feasibility of industrial hemp production for tea
- Author
Gerlušnik, Anej and Pažek, Karmen
- Subjects
anketa ,industrial hemp ,case study ,marketing ,študija primera ,survey ,ekonomika ,economics ,industrijska konoplja - Abstract
V diplomskem delu je bila s pomočjo metode simulacijskega modeliranja razvita planska modelna kalkulacija skupnih stroškov pridelave industrijske konoplje za čaj, sorte »KC-DORA«, in sicer na podlagi tehnološko-ekonomskih podatkov s posestva Sončni raj v Malečniku. Kalkulacija skupnih stroškov je bila razvita v elektronski preglednici Microsoft Excel. V drugem delu raziskave je bila z namenom definiranja profila potencialnega potrošnika strukturirana in izvedena anketa. Slednja je bila pripravljena in analizirana s pomočjo 1ka spletne strani. Rezultati raziskave kažejo, da je v analiziranem primeru posestva Sončni raj pridelava industrijske konoplje za čaj ekonomsko upravičena, saj je ocenjena vrednost koeficienta ekonomičnosti večja od 1 (Ke = 9,70). V primerjavi z do sedaj opravljenimi raziskavami drugih raziskovalcev ugotavljamo, da je v teh primerih pridelave industrijske konoplje za čaj vrednost koeficienta ekonomičnosti večja (v analiziranem primeru Ke = 17,91). Ugotavljamo, da je ocena vrednosti koeficienta ekonomičnosti tako odvisna od vhodnih tehnološko-ekonomskih podatkov pridelave. Pri anketirancih prevladujejo ženske. Največ anketirancev je starih med 21 in 50 let. Ugotavljamo, da je potrošnikom dokaj pomembno, da je na embalaži zapisan tudi recept za uporabo in da je čaj ekološkega porekla, za katerega so pripravljeni plačati od 10 do 20 % več. V izvlečke iz konoplje (smola, kapljice) anketiranci v celoti zaupajo in tudi večina jih je že slišala za dva glavna kanabinoida v konoplji (CBD, THC). Predpisov za gojenje konoplje v Sloveniji ne poznajo dobro, kar ni presenetljivo, ker so to specifične zadeve, ki se tičejo bolj pridelovalcev samih. In the diploma thesis, using the method of simulation modeling, a plan model calculation of the total costs of production of industrial hemp for tea, variety "KC-DORA" was developed, based on technological and economic data from the estate Sunny Paradise in Malečnik. A total cost evaluation was developed in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. In the second part of the survey, the profile of potential consumers was constructed and analyzed using the 1ka website. The results of the study show, that in the analyzed case of the Sončni raj estate, the production of industrial hemp for tea is economically justified, since the estimated value of the economic coefficient is greater than 1 (Ke = 9.70). Compared to other studies conducted so far, it was found that in these cases of industrial hemp production the value of the economic coefficient is higher (in the case analyzed Ke = 17.91). The results indicate that the estimation of the value of the economic coefficient depends on the technological-economic data input of production. The respondents were mainly women. Most respondents were between 21 and 50 years old. The results also indicate that it is quite important for consumers that the packaging also contains a usage prescription and that the tea is of organic origin, for which they are willing to pay 10 to 20% more. Respondents showed complete confidence in cannabis extracts (pitch, droplets) and most have already heard of the two main cannabinoids in cannabis (CBD, THC). The regulations for the cultivation of cannabis in Slovenia are not well known, which is not surprising, since these are specific issues that mainly concern the producers themselves.
- Published
- 2020
49. Nursing care of the child with turner syndrome
- Author
Kolar, Maja and Stričević, Jadranka
- Subjects
case study ,impact of TS on the family ,kromosomopatija ,rastni hormon ,udc:616-053.2-083(043.2) ,Girls ,growth hormone ,Deklice ,študija primera ,vpliv TS na družino ,chromosomopathy - Abstract
Turnerjev sindrom (TS) je kromosomopatija, pri čemer en kromosom X delno ali v celoti manjka, zato je vseh kromosomov samo 45 namesto običajnih 46. Jajčniki deklic brez drugega kromosoma X ne delujejo normalno, zato ne proizvajajo hormonov, ki so potrebni za normalno rast in spolni razvoj. Namen zaključnega dela je predstaviti življenje 14 letne deklice s TS. Uporabili smo kvalitativno metodo raziskovanja. Podatke smo zbrali s pomočjo vprašalnika, namenjenega staršem deklice s TS in je sestavljen iz odprtega tipa vprašanj. S pomočjo študije primera smo prišli do ugotovitve, da ima TS velik vpliv tako na vsakdanja opravila obolele deklice, kot tudi na celotno družino. Menimo, da največji oviri pri TS predstavljata nizka rast in neplodnost, vendar se lahko oboje uspešno regulira tako z uporabo rastnega hormona, ki pripomore k višji rasti, kot tudi nove tehnike umetne oploditve z darovanjem jajčnih celic, ki povečujejo možnost spočetja pri osebah z mozaicizmom. Turner syndrome (TS) is a condition in which a female is partly or completely missing one X chromosome. Instead of 46 there are only 45 chromosomes. The ovaries of girls without the second chromose X do not funtion normaly, they do not produce hormones that are necessery for normal growth and sexual development. The purpose of this undergraduate thesis is to present the life of a 14 year old girl with TS. A qualitative methodology of research was used. The data was collected using a questionnaire designed for the parents of a girl with TS and consists of open-ended questions. With a case study, it was concluded that TS has a great impact on everyday tasks of the affected girl, as well as on the whole family. It was concluded that low growth and infertility are the biggest barriers for people affected by TS. However, both can be successfully regulated by the use of a growth hormone and/or with new artificial insemination techniques by donating eggs. The latter increases the possibility of conception in persons with mosaicism.
- Published
- 2020
50. Priložnosti prodaje na novih tujih trgih na primeru podjetja X
- Author
Kokalj, Barbara and Faganel, Armand
- Subjects
d. o. o ,case study ,international business performance ,udc:339.138(043.2) ,mednarodno trženje ,Alpina ,študija primera ,international marketing ,internationalization ,mednarodno poslovanje ,internacionalizacija - Published
- 2020
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