99 results on '"študentje"'
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2. Perceptions of Students and Teachers of the University of Montenegro on Academic Integrity.
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Copyright of CEPS Journal is the property of University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2023
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3. Retrospective and Concurrent Victimisation as Predictors of Social Self-Concept and Loneliness in First-Year University Students.
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- Subjects
SELF-perception ,COLLEGE students - Abstract
Copyright of CEPS Journal is the property of University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2023
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- Author
Efek, Engin and Eryigit, Hakan
- Subjects
COMPETITION (Psychology) ,SPORTS participation ,PSYCHOLOGY of college students ,COLLEGE athletes ,AGE distribution ,SEX distribution ,PSYCHOSOCIAL factors ,PSYCHOLOGICAL resilience - Abstract
Copyright of Kinesiologia Slovenica is the property of Faculty of Sport and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2022
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5. Quo Vadis Academia? Student Attitudes Regarding Croatia University Missions.
- Author
Jurčević, Ružica
- Subjects
STUDENT attitudes ,ATTITUDE (Psychology) ,PUBLIC universities & colleges ,GRADUATE students ,UNDERGRADUATES ,COLLEGE students - Abstract
Copyright of Journal of Contemporary Educational Studies / Sodobna Pedagogika is the property of Association of Slovenian Educationalists and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2021
6. The Sustainability of Pre-Service Teachers' Consumer Behaviour for the December Holidays.
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- Subjects
STUDENT teachers ,CONSUMER behavior ,SUSTAINABILITY - Abstract
Copyright of CEPS Journal is the property of University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2021
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7. Komunikativne figuracije v času karantene
- Author
Dejan Jontes, Breda Luthar, and Maruša Pušnik
- Subjects
komunikativne figuracije ,mediatizacija ,medijska potrošnja ,karantena ,študentje ,History of scholarship and learning. The humanities ,AZ20-999 ,Literature (General) ,PN1-6790 - Abstract
Karantena je kot spopad z epidemijo prinesla transformacijo prostorsko-časovne dimenzije vsakdanjega življenja. Porušila se je fizična in družbena diferenciacija prostorov v vsakdanjem življenju (delo, počitek, zabava, zasebno, javno, ospredje, ozadje ...). Obenem so bili ukinjeni običajni interakcijski rituali, ko je digitalno komuniciranje potisnilo ob stran telesni vidik družbenosti in utelešeno interakcijo med ljudmi. Življenje v karanteni se tako prevladujoče dogaja v sintetičnih situacijah. Avtorji analizirajo medijske prakse »komunikativne figuracije« skupine študentov – sošolcev, pri čemer se osredotočajo na spremembo komunikacijskih praks v obdobju najstrožnjih omejitev v času epidemije v kontekstu intenzivne mediatizacije. Ugotavljajo, da je permanentna raba medijev okrepila integracije tehnologije in praks občinstvenja v vsakdanje življenje, naturalizacijo digitalne družbenosti in fragmentacijo pozornosti. To je spletna predavanja na platformi Zoom spremenilo v eno od številnih enakovrednih medijskih praks. Predavanja so tako zaradi tesne integracije v siceršnjo medijsko pro-trošnjo izgubila svojo ritualno distinktivnost in lokacijo zunaj komodificirane digitalne kulture.
- Published
- 2021
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8. Challenges of Immediate Transition to e-Learning.
- Author
Pust, Monja and Zoran, Annmarie Gorenc
- Subjects
COVID-19 pandemic ,VOCATIONAL school students ,VOCATIONAL high schools ,TEACHER educators ,COVID-19 - Abstract
Copyright of Journal of Universal Excellence (JUE) / Revija za Univerzalno Odličnost (RUO) is the property of Fakulteta za Organizacijske Studije v Novem mestu and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2021
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9. Business School Teachers' Experiences with a Student with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
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Copyright of CEPS Journal is the property of University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2020
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10. Analiza vpliva stresa pandemije covida-19 na študente Fakultete za upravo
- Author
Rajšek, Tajda and Kotnik, Žiga
- Subjects
change of environment ,stress ,pandemija ,študentje ,covid-19 ,students ,sprememba okolja ,udc:37.015.3:159.95:616-036.21:578.834(497.4Ljubljana)(043.2) ,pandemic ,distance learning ,študij na daljavo ,stres - Abstract
Pandemija covid-19 je predstavljala številne izzive za študente Fakultete za upravo, Univerze v Ljubljani, še posebej v zvezi s študijem. Izvajanje študijskih aktivnosti in izpitov na daljavo je bil največji izziv, s katerim so se morali soočiti. Za namen raziskave je bil pripravljen vprašalnik, ki se je osredotočil na vpliv stresa pri študiju študentov Fakultete za upravo. Cilj raziskave je bil analizirati intenzivnost stresa pred in med covid-19 pandemijo pri študentih Fakultete za upravo ter ugotoviti morebitne razlike med moškimi in ženskami, glede povečanja stresa pred in med pandemijo, ter ali se je raven stresa med pandemijo povečala. Rezultati so pokazali, da izbruh covid-19 ni imel pomembnega vpliva na stres, povezan s pedagoškim procesom in, da se večina študentov uspešno spopada s stresom po pandemiji. Prav tako niso bile ugotovljene statistično značilne razlike med moškimi in ženskami v zvezi s povečanjem stresa pred in med pandemijo. Študentje so izrazili skrb glede nezadostne kakovosti opreme za izvedbo študija na daljavo ter težave s slabšo internetno povezavo. Kljub temu pa je bil pozitiven vidik pandemije ta, da so študentje prihranili čas, ki so ga prej porabili za potovanje in so zato bili bolj spočiti in osredotočeni na predavanja. Rezultati te raziskave lahko pomagajo Fakulteti za upravo in drugim organizacijam v isti panogi, da bolje razumejo vidik študentov glede študija na daljavo. Prav tako se lahko uporabijo pri oblikovanju rešitev za zmanjšanje stresa pri študentih. Diplomsko delo prinaša vpogled v stresna obdobja študentov pred in med pandemijo covid-19, kar nam omogoča boljše razumevanje, kako se študentje odzivajo na hitre spremembe. The covid-19 pandemic has brought numerous challenges for the students of the Faculty of Administration, University of Ljubljana, particularly in relation to their studies. Conducting study activities and exams remotely has presented the biggest challenge they had to face. For the purpose of this research, a questionnaire was prepared focusing on the impact of stress on the studies of the students at the Faculty of Administration. The research aimed to analyse the intensity of stress before and during the covid-19 pandemic among the students of the Faculty of Administration, as well as to identify potential differences between males and females regarding the increase in stress before and during the pandemic, and whether the stress level increased during the pandemic. The results indicated that the covid-19 outbreak did not have a significant impact on the stress associated with the educational process and the majority of students successfully coped with stress after the pandemic. Furthermore, no statistically significant differences were found between males and females regarding the increase in stress before and during the pandemic. Students expressed concerns about inadequate equipment for remote learning and issues with poor internet connectivity. However, a positive aspect of the pandemic was that students saved time previously spent on commuting, allowing them to be more rested and focused during lectures. These research findings can assist the Faculty of Administration and similar organizations in the industry to better understand the student’s perspective on remote learning. Additionally, the results can be utilized in designing solutions to reduce stress among students. The thesis provides insight into the stressful periods experienced by students before and during the covid-19 pandemic, offering a better understanding of how students respond to rapid changes.
- Published
- 2023
11. Comparison of self-perception between Slovenian, Finnish and Lebanese students.
- Author
Krivec, Jana and Perdih, Tjaša Stepišnik
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SELF-perception , *FINNISH students , *SOCIAL change , *SOCIAL systems , *INDIVIDUALISM - Abstract
A multitude of social changes, which take place from the local to the global level, have made the social systems highly diverse. People from different cultural backgrounds need to coexist, interact and cooperate at different social levels, from everyday life to the creation of state and world policies. Therefore, it is important to understand how people perceive themselves. The study presents a comparative analysis of the self-perception of Slovenian, Finnish and Lebanese students. We have found that students, regardless of nationality, use more individual than social self-descriptors. Next, the results confirmed that there are differences in individualist-collectivist cultures and independent vs. interdependent self. On average, Slovenians and Finns used more individualistic descriptors (personality traits or states of mind, other people's judgement, preferences, etc.), while Lebanese had the highest number of social descriptors (social roles, group commitment, etc.). The self-complexity was the lowest with Lebanese students. The understanding of self-conception can benefit the individual's ability to adapt to the social context and to reflexively align his or her life paths to the desired goal. The understanding of self--content and complexity can also be useful for the correct design of therapy and counselling goals and procedures. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
12. Higher-education teaching staff attitudes towards adjustments of the academic process for students with special needs
- Author
Živa Jakšić Ivačič and Babuder, Milena Košak
- Subjects
inclusion ,prilagoditve ,akademski proces ,študentje ,higher education ,teachers’ attitudes ,adjustment ,visokošolski učitelji ,udc:376:378 ,Higher education ,teachers' attitudes ,students with special educational needs ,accessibility - Abstract
Adjustments to the academic process are one of the most crucial factors that enable students with special educational needs (SEN) to succeed in higher education. They can also be viewed as positive discrimination, enabling students with SEN to fully participate in their studies and achieve their educational goals. Students with SEN can be as successful in their studies as their peers without SEN, provided that higher-education teaching staff adjust the academic process. However, willingness to adjust in the academic process is also influenced by teachers’ attitudes toward and provision of adjustments. Research shows that the more positive higher-education teacher' attitudes toward adjustments are, the greater their willingness to adapt the academic process. In the present study, we investigated the attitudes of higher-education teaching staff involved in the teaching process at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, towards adjustments in the academic process for different groups of students with SEN. We found that higher-education teaching staff have a positive attitude towards adjustments in the academic process for all groups of students with SEN, but there is a greater reluctance to adapt the academic process for students with emotional and behavioural problems, blind and visually impaired students, and students with speech and language disorders.
- Published
- 2023
13. Analiza dejavnikov zadovoljstva z delovanjem Kluba logaških študentov
- Author
Jereb, Zala and Benčina, Jože
- Subjects
udc:378.091.8(497.4Logatec)(043.2) ,members ,satisfaction factors ,študentski klubi ,students ,društvo ,satisfaction ,association ,zadovoljstvo ,dejavniki zadovoljstva ,študentje ,člani ,student clubs - Abstract
Zadovoljni člani društva predstavljajo kriterij za uspešno in učinkovito delovanje društva. Zadovoljen član bo k društvu pripeljal in povabil tudi svoje prijatelje, kar pomeni, da pomaga k rasti društva, medtem ko nezadovoljstvo pripelje do manjšega članstva, kar tudi pripelje do slabše produktivnosti društva. Namen diplomskega dela pa je raziskati dejavnike, ki imajo največji vpliv na zadovoljstvo članov, in s katerimi dejavniki so člani najbolj zadovoljni. S tem pripomoči Klubu pri svojem delovanju. Cilj diplomskega dela je analizirati zadovoljstvo članov Kluba logaških študentov, ugotoviti dejavnike, ki vplivajo na zadovoljstvo članov in na koncu Klubu podati predloge za povečanje le-tega. V teoretičnem delu diplomskega dela so predstavljeni različni pojmi, kot sta društvo in študentski klubi, ter pravna podlaga. Kasneje je predstavljeno tudi zadovoljstvo s storitvami v društvu ter dejavniki zadovoljstva. V empiričnem delu pa so predstavljeni anketa in njeni rezultati. V sklopu raziskave sem preučevala dve hipotezi in sicer hipoteza 1 je bila: Člani Kluba logaških študentov so najmanj zadovoljni z javno podobo in hipoteza 2: Na zadovljstvo najbolj vpliva kakovost dogodkov najmanj pa javna podoba. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da so člani najbolj zadovoljni s kakovostjo dogodkov in z vključenostjo v delovanje kluba, najmanj pa z javno podobo in vodstvom kluba. Pri preverjanju hipotez smo ugotovili, da kakovost dogodkov najbolj vpliva na zadovoljstvo članov in so člani najmanj zadovoljni z javno podobo kluba. Za zvišanje zadovoljstva članov bi klub moral največ narediti na dejavnikih, kot so javna podoba, vodstvo kluba in vsebina dogodkov. Na splošno je bilo ugotovljeno, da so člani z delovanjem kluba zadovoljni. Za slabše ocenjene rezultate smo podali tudi predloge za izboljšave. Satisfied members are a criterion for the successful and efficient functioning of the Association. A satisfied member will bring and invite their friends to the association, which means thatthey help the association to grow, while dissatisfaction leads to a lower membership, which also leads to a lower productivity of the association. The aim of the thesis is to help the Logatec Students' Club to find out the current state of the satisfaction factors of the members and to give them suggestions to increase them by means of a satisfaction factor survey. The aim of the thesis is to investigate the factors that have the greatest impact on member satisfaction. In the theoretical part of the thesis, the different concepts such as association and student clubs are presented, as well as the legal basis behind them. Later on, satisfaction with the services and in the association itself is presented, as well as the factors of satisfaction. In the empirical part, the survey and its results are presented. Through the survey I wanted to find out which factors the club members are most and least satisfied with, as well as their overall satisfaction with the club. The results of the survey showed that members are most satisfied with the quality of events and involvement in the club's activities, and least satisfied with the club's public image and leadership. In testing the hypotheses, I found that the quality of events has the greatest impact on member satisfaction, and members are least satisfied with the public image of the club. In order to increase member satisfaction, the club would need to do the most work on factors such as public image, club leadership and the content of events. Overall, it was found that members are satisfied with the Club's performance. Suggestions for improvement were also made for the lower scores.
- Published
- 2022
14. Significance of didactic tools in power electronics teaching.
- Author
Srpak, Dunja, Šumiga, Ivan, and Srpak, Josip
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POWER electronics , *ENGINEERING students , *ENGINEERING teachers , *ELECTRICAL engineering , *UNDERGRADUATES - Abstract
The paper presents results of a research made by teachers of undergraduate electrical engineering students in determining the significance of using didactic tools in order to increase the students` motivation to participate actively in the teaching process. Converters used in this research are designed and modelled by students themselves for laboratory power-electronics exercises. It is shown that using didactic tools improves understanding of complex subjects when the students have the opportunity to link practical exercises with the theoretical explanations given in lectures. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2018
15. Izraženost stigme do iskanja strokovne psihološke ali psihoterapevtske pomoči med slovenskimi študenti.
- Author
Seršen, Sara
- Abstract
Stigma is defined as being perceived as insufficient by society or to perceive yourself as insufficient because of some socially unacceptable psychological or physical feature. The stigma of mental disorder is one of the most common reasons why people who suffer from mental disorder do not seek therapy. The aim of this study was to examine to what degree is the stigma of seeking psychological or psychotherapeutic help expressed among Slovenian students depending on gender, experience with mental disorder, place of residence in Slovenia and attachment style. Data was collected from 211 students, aged 18-26, 146 were women. They filled in the Perceived Devaluation discrimination scale, Self-stigma of seeking help scale and Relationship questionnaire. Results show that people with preoccupied attachment style and men express more self-stigma. Higher social stigma was found in respondents from the eastern part of Slovenia. On the basis of our results, we can therefore conclude that gender, place of residence in Slovenia and attachment style have an important impact on the attitudes of Slovenian students toward seeking psychological or psychotherapeutic help. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2018
16. Komunikativne figuracije v času karantene
- Author
M. Pusnik, D. Jontes, and B. Luthar
- Subjects
študentje ,Differentiation ,Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) ,Commodification ,General Arts and Humanities ,komunikativne figuracije ,New media ,Digital culture ,medijska potrošnja ,karantena ,Aesthetics ,AZ20-999 ,mediatizacija ,History of scholarship and learning. The humanities ,Literature (General) ,Optimal distinctiveness theory ,Sociology ,Everyday life ,PN1-6790 ,Sociality - Abstract
The use of lockdowns as a way of fighting the COVID-19 epidemic has caused a transformation of spatial and temporal dimensions of everyday life. The physical and social differentiation of spaces in everyday life has changed (work, rest, leisure, private, public, front stage, backstage ...) At the same time, common interactional rituals were suspended as digital communication replaced physical aspects of sociality and bodily interactions among people. Life in the quarantine thus takes place predominantly in synthetic situations. The authors analyse the media practices of "communicative figuration" of a group of students in the same programme to understand the processes of radical mediatization that deeply permeated societies in almost a year of lockdowns during the COVID-19 pandemic. They conclude that permanent media use intensified the integration of technology and practices of audiencing into everyday life, naturalized digital sociality and the fragmentation of attention. Among the processes mentioned were the use of online Zoom lectures, which were just one of many new media practices. Because of this close integration into their media prosumption, online lectures lost their ritual distinctiveness and their place outside of commodified digital culture.
- Published
- 2021
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17. Alcohol Drinking Among Students of the University of Ljubljana
- Author
Hafner Marja Biščak, Kolšek Marko, and Rebek Kaja
- Subjects
students ,alcohol drinking ,cross-sectional studies ,binge drinking ,hazardous drinking ,harmful drinking ,slovenia ,študentje ,pitje alkohola ,presečne študije ,verižno popivanje ,tvegano pitje ,škodljivo pitje ,slovenija ,Public aspects of medicine ,RA1-1270 - Abstract
Izhodišča. Tvegano in škodljivo pitje alkohola v Sloveniji predstavlja velik zdravstveni, socialni in ekonomski problem, tudi med mladimi. V Sloveniji obstajajo temeljite raziskave o pitju alkohola med osnovnošolci in srednješolci, medtem ko so podatki o pitju alkohola med študenti pomanjkljivi. Metode. Presečna študija. Študentje prvih letnikov rednega študija Univerze v Ljubljani, ki so prišli na obvezni redni preventivni zdravstveni pregled med oktobrom 2009 in majem 2010, so izpolnili neanonimni vprašalnik o življenjskem slogu. Ta je vseboval tudi standardizirani vprašalnik o pitju alkohola AUDIT-C ter vprašanji o kajenju in izkušnjah z drogo. Podatki so bili analizirani z multivariatnimi in večnivojskimi metodami. Rezultati. Vprašalnik je izpolnilo 7.221 študentov, 38,5 % moških in 61,5 % žensk. V zadnjem letu je alkohol pilo 87,3 % študentov. Tvegano ali škodljivo pije 23,1 % študentov. V zadnjem letu se je vsaj enkrat opilo 61,4 % študentov. Abstinentov je 11,8 %. Večji obet za tvegano in škodljivo pitje imajo študenti moškega spola, kadilci in študenti z izkušnjami z drogo. Večino variance v tveganem in škodljivem pitju alkohola pojasnimo z dejavniki na ravni študentov, razlike med fakultetami pa pojasnijo samo 2 % skupne variance. Sklepi. Študentje Univerze v Ljubljani alkohol pijejo prekomerno. Med kajenjem, izkušnjami z drogo in tveganim ali škodljivim pitjem je jasna povezava. Rezultati raziskave kažejo na potrebo po pripravi ustreznega preventivnega programa, s katerim bi zmanjšali porabo alkohola med študenti
- Published
- 2014
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18. Validation of Slovenian version of Jefferson scale of empathy for students
- Author
Šter Marija Petek, Šter Branko, Petek Davorina, and Gorup Eva Cedilnik
- Subjects
empathy ,Jefferson scale of empathy ,students ,validation ,Slovenia ,empatija ,Jeffersonova lestvica empatije ,študentje ,validacija ,Slovenija ,Public aspects of medicine ,RA1-1270 - Abstract
Namen: Empatija je najpogosteje omenjena človeška lastnost v odnosu do bolnika in predstavlja pomembno vrednoto v zdravniškem poklicu. Krepitev empatičnega odnosa pri študentih medicine je pogosto poudarjena v mednarodnih smernicah za medicinsko izobraževanje. Namen raziskave je bil validacija in adaptacija slovenske variante študentske različice Jeffersonove lestvice za merjenje empatije na vzorcu študentov prvega letnika medicine.
- Published
- 2014
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19. The role of sports clubs in sports activity of students
- Author
Golja Petra and Robič Tatjana
- Subjects
active lifestyle ,students ,sports activity ,sports clubs ,weekly activity ,aktiven življenjski slog ,športni klubi ,študentje ,tedenska aktivnost ,športna aktivnost ,Public aspects of medicine ,RA1-1270 - Abstract
Uvod: Športna vadba je danes priznano sredstvo za izboljšanje kakovosti življenja. V splošnem velja, da so študentje manj športno aktivni kot prejšnje generacije. V nasprotju s tem pa se mlajši mladostniki pogosteje vključujejo v tekmovalni šport. Cilj te raziskave je bil zato oceniti, koliko študentov je vključenih v športne klube, kako športno dejavni so študentje ne(člani) in kakšen dejanski učinek imajo športni klubi pri doseganju zadostne športne aktivnosti.
- Published
- 2014
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20. Student's Experience of the Covid-19 Pandemic Crisis
- Author
Lavin, Anjel and Gril, Alenka
- Subjects
cognition ,pandemija ,študentje ,students ,fizično distanciranje ,omejevalni ukrepi ,udc:613.86-057.875 ,motivacija ,anxiety ,emotions ,coping strategies ,optimism ,stres ,kognicija ,duševno zdravje ,stress ,lockdown measures ,covid-19 ,optimizem ,motivation ,strategije spoprijemanja ,čustva ,physical distancing ,mental health ,tesnoba - Abstract
Pandemija covid-19 je kot krizni dogodek in dalj trajajoče stanje izrednih razmer vplivala na veliko področij naših življenj. Študentje so kot ranljiva skupina mladih na prehodu v odraslost še toliko bolj dovzetni za različne negativne vplive iz okolja. Nenadne spremembe, kot je nastop pandemije, lahko ustavijo ali otežijo izpolnjevanje razvojnih nalog, značilnih za to obdobje, zato lahko pandemija še toliko bolj negativno vpliva lahko na blagostanje in duševno zdravje mladih na prehodu v odraslost. V diplomski nalogi sem na kvalitativen način raziskovala, kako so študentje doživljali zdravstveno krizo, ali je prišlo do sprememb v blagostanju in čustvovanju, kako je zdravstvena kriza vplivala na optimizem, kakšne so bile zaznane posledice ukrepov za širjenje nalezljive bolezni, kakšne so bile spremembe v kognitivnem delovanju in motivaciji študentov, kako so študentje doživljali stres v času pandemije, kakšne strategije za spoprijemanje s stisko so uporabljali, kakšno je bilo njihovo poznavanje oblik pomoči in kakšno pomoč so prejemali. As a crisis event and a prolonged state of emergency, the Covid-19 pandemic has affected many aspects of our lives. Being a vulnerable group of young people transitioning to adulthood, students are even more susceptible to various negative influences from the environment. Sudden changes, such as the onset of a pandemic, can halt or hinder the fulfilment of developmental tasks typical for this period. Therefore, a pandemic can have an even greater negative impact on the well-being and mental health of young people transitioning to adulthood. The diploma thesis comprises a qualitative research of how students experienced the health crisis, whether changes occurred in well-being and emotions, how the health crisis affected optimism, what were the perceived consequences of measures introduced to contain the spread of the infections, what were the changes in cognitive functioning and motivation of students, how students experienced stress during the pandemic, what coping strategies they used to manage distress, how familiar were they with the forms of support, and what help they received.
- Published
- 2022
21. Higher education students’ achievement emotions and their antecedents in e-learning amid COVID-19 pandemic
- Author
Raccanello, Daniela, Keržič, Damijana, Ravšelj, Dejan, Tomaževič, Nina, Umek, Lan, and Aristovnik, Aleksander
- Subjects
študentje ,achievement emotions ,dosežki ,higher education students ,čustva ,samoučinkovitost ,COVID-19 ,e-učenje ,visokošolski študij ,self-efficacy ,e-learning ,udc:35:378-057.875:37.018.43:004:616-036.22 ,univerzitetni študij - Abstract
The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has had a wide range of negative consequences for higher education students. We explored the generalizability of the control-value theory of achievement emotions for e-learning, focusing on their antecedents. We involved 17019 higher education students from 13 countries, who completed an online survey during the first wave of the pandemic. A structural equation model revealed that proximal antecedents (e-learning self-efficacy, computer self-efficacy) mediated the relation between environmental antecedents (cognitive and motivational quality of the task) and positive and negative achievement emotions, with some exceptions. The model was invariant across country, area of study, and gender. The rates of achievement emotions varied according to these same factors. Beyond their theoretical relevance, these findings could be the basis for policy recommendations to support stakeholders in coping with the challenges of e-learning and the current and future sequelae of the pandemic.
- Published
- 2022
22. Sociološki vidiki partnerstev pri študentih in študentkah v Sloveniji
- Author
Gjorgjieva, Sara and Kogovšek, Tina
- Subjects
študentje ,udc:305(497.4)(043.2) ,students ,spolnost ,intimnost ,partnerships ,late modernity ,partnerske zveze ,pozna modernost ,intimacy ,sexuality - Abstract
V današnji družbi ima spolnost osrednjo vlogo pri formiranju oz. pri razumevanju romantičnih odnosov in partnerskih zvez. Zahodne družbe v zadnjih desetletjih doživljajo obsežno kulturno preobrazbo na temo spolnosti in dejavnike povezane z njo. V povezavi s tem lahko rečemo, da je danes med mladimi sprejetih več raznolikih življenjskih stilov. Prejšnje študije izpostavljajo, da se je sfera intimnosti v zadnjih nekaj desetletjih močno spremenila pod vplivom širših družbenih sprememb in predvsem vpliva refleksivnega individualizma. Izpostavljeni so bili tudi procesi, ki so značilni za sodobno realnost, kot so individualizacije, zmanjševanje tradicionalne norme, demokratizacije ter pluralnost standardov in vrednot. V diplomskem delu nas je najprej zanimalo ali se partnerske zveze mladih, konkretno, študentske populacije, razlikujejo oz. ali imajo značilnosti, ki so pomembne za sodobno družbo. Značilnosti študentske populacije smo potem povezali s tradicionalnimi vrednotami, intimnostmi in spolnimi željami. Nato smo opravili statistično analizo s pomočjo podatkov iz raziskave ‘‘Intimni življenjski stili študentov in študentk v Sloveniji’’(2018) iz leta 2010/2011. Rezultati statističnih analiz so pokazali, da med študenti obstajajo statistično značilne povezanosti med romantičnimi odnosi in spolnimi željami ter tradicionalnimi vrednotami. S tem smo tudi potrdili, da za slovenske študente veljajo zahodni trendi, ki se pojavljajo na področju intimnosti. In today's society, sexuality plays a central role in understanding romantic relationships and partnerships. In recent decades, Western societies have gone through a major cultural transformation in terms of sexuality and the factors associated with it. In addition to that, we can say that today there are different and diverse lifestyles among young people. Previous studies have shown that the sphere of intimacy has changed dramatically in recent decades under the influence of broader social changes, including the influence of reflective individualism. Individualization, reduction of traditional norms, democratization, and plurality of standards and values, were all highlighted as processes that are typical of modern reality. In this thesis, we were first interested in whether the partnerships of young people, specifically, the student population, differ or not. We wanted to see in whether they have characteristics that are important to modern society. We then associated the characteristics of the student population with traditional values, intimacy, and sexual desires. We then conducted a statistical analysis using the data from the 2010/2011 study ‘‘Intimni življenjski stili študentov in študentk v Sloveniji’’ (2018). The results from the statistical analysis showed that among students, there are statistically significant associations between romantic relationships, sexual desires, and traditional values. With this, we also confirmed that western trends that are emerging in the field of intimacy were applied to Slovenian students as well.
- Published
- 2022
23. Changes in Beliefs Regarding Good Teachers and the Characteristics of Child Development of Primary Education Students.
- Author
- Subjects
CHILD development ,PRIMARY education ,ACADEMIC achievement - Abstract
Copyright of CEPS Journal is the property of University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2017
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24. Odnos dijakov in študentov do vseživljenjskega učenja
- Author
Marijeta Mašić, Anita Zovko, and Tihana Kovačić Samaržija
- Subjects
vseživljenjsko učenje ,učenci ,študentje ,vedenje ,znanje ,Education (General) ,L7-991 - Abstract
Članek predstavlja rezultate raziskave, ki je analizirala odnos mladih do vseživljenjskega učenja. Študija je bila izvedena na vzorcu 100 hrvaških univerzitetnih študentov različnih programov ter 100 dijakov srednje šole iz Opatije. Cilj študije je bil pridobiti vpogled v znanje o vseživljenjskem učenju in v odnos udeležencev do njega ter hkrati preveriti, ali pri tem obstajajo razlike med dijaki in študenti. Pri pridobivanju podatkov sta bila uporabljena dva vprašalnika, eden za dijake in drugi za študente. Rezultati so pokazali, da študenti o vseživljenjskem učenju vedo več kot dijaki ter da pri večini udeležencev obstaja zanimanje za nadaljevanje učenja v prihodnosti. Medtem ko več kot polovica dijakov vseživljenjskega učenja ne doživlja kot nujnega, je večina študentov prepričana, da je pomembno za njihovo prihodnost. V zaključku članka so podana priporočila in nakazani možni praktični nastavki raziskave.
- Published
- 2016
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25. Difference in the attitude of students and employees of the University of Ljubljana towards work from home and online education
- Author
Drašler, Varineja, Bertoncelj, Jasna, Korošec, Mojca, Pajk Žontar, Tanja, Poklar Ulrih, Nataša, and Cigić, Blaž
- Subjects
udc:378.147.018.43:616-036.21 ,work from home ,študentje ,pandemija ,students ,profesorji ,koronavirus ,pandemic ,Slovenia ,COVID-19 ,študij na daljavo ,online education ,university ,distance learning ,educators ,commute time ,visoko šolstvo ,delo od doma - Abstract
The COVID-19 pandemic caused a large and involuntary shift to work from home (WFH) or teleworking, and widespread adoption of web-based platforms. This study aims to uncover the attitude and perception of WFH and online education among students and employees of the University of Ljubljana. A web-based questionnaire survey was conducted in November 2020, and more than 1300 valid responses were received. The lack of daily commuting, improved eating habits, and more time available for a family were the main reported advantages of WFH. The main issues, highlighted by respondents, were higher stress levels, lower study/work efficiency, and poorer working environment at home. When comparing the online educational process with the traditional one, the absence of traditional laboratory work, inadequate social interactions, and limitations of online knowledge assessment were identified as drawbacks by both students and educators. A significant difference between students and educators was observed in their opinion on the efficiency of online lectures compared to traditional ones, with the former being significantly more favored by students than educators. Overall, the majority of the respondents from all groups wish for the preCOVID-19 study/work mode to be established as soon as possible. This implies that the perceived drawbacks of online education outweigh its advantages.
- Published
- 2022
26. Kulturni šok in intergracija tujih študentov v Sloveniji
- Author
Majetić, Ajla and Pužar, Aljoša
- Subjects
Republic of Slovenia ,študentje ,students ,Jugoslavija ,kulturni šok ,Yugoslavia ,intercultural understanding ,culture ,Republika Slovenija ,kulturni relativizem ,medkulturno razumevanje ,medkulturna komunikacija ,cultural relativism ,kultura ,intercultural communication ,culture shock ,udc:316.7:316.77-057.875(497.4)(043.2) - Abstract
Diplomsko delo obravnava kulturni šok, njegove stopnje, simptome in glavne značilnosti. Uporabljena teorija je podprta z lastnimi izkušnjami in intervjuji opravljeni s študentkami iz nekdanje Jugoslavije. Obravnavana tema skuša prikazati učinke, ki nastanejo pri srečanju s kulturo, ki je na prvi pogled zelo podobna lastni, po drugi strani pa je popolnoma drugačna. Kot sem poudarila, je bil poudarek na študentkah, ki so se zaradi študija preselile v Slovenijo. Sledijo faze kulturnega šoka, ki se kažejo v vsakodnevnem življenju in v opravljanju v obveznosti, ki privedejo do globljega razumevanja druge kulture. Na drugi strani se izpostavi pozitivna plat, ki nakazuje na to, da kulturni šok spodbuja medkulturno razumevanje in medkulturno komunikacijo. Prilagoditev intervjuvank je očitna, kar je razvidno iz empiričnega dela diplomskega dela, medkulturno razumevanje in medkulturno komunikacijo pa smo dosegli z razvojem kulturnega relativizma. To jih je pripeljalo do krepitve osebne samozavesti, razumevanja lastne kulture, večjega poznavanja in razumevanja slovenske kulture, a ne le nje, ampak tudi kulture nasploh. The diploma thesis deals with culture shock, its stages, symptoms, and main characteristics. The theory used is supported by my own experience and interviews with female students from the former Yugoslavia. The topic under discussion attempts to show the effects of encountering a culture that, at first sight, is very similar to one's own but which is, on the other hand, com- pletely different. As I pointed out, the focus was on female students who moved to Slovenia to study. There are successive phases of culture shock, manifested in everyday life and the per- formance of duties, leading to a deeper understanding of another culture. On the other hand, there is a positive side, suggesting that culture shock promotes intercultural understanding and communication. The interviewees' adaptation is evident, as seen in the empirical part of the diploma thesis, and intercultural understanding and intercultural communication were achieved through cultural relativism. Furthermore, it led them to strengthen their self-confidence, knowledge of their own culture, more excellent knowledge and experience of Slovenian culture, not only it but also culture in general.
- Published
- 2021
27. Študentje razrednega pouka in njihovo pojmovanje različnih razsežnosti naravoslovja.
- Author
Hribar, Simona and Fošnarič, Samo
- Subjects
PRIMARY education ,STUDENTS ,TEACHING ,NATURAL history ,ELEMENTARY education ,ENVIRONMENTAL education - Abstract
Copyright of Journal of Elementary Education / Revija za Elementarno Izobraževanje is the property of University of Maribor, Faculty of Education and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2016
28. Zanesljivost odčitavanja radiogramov študentov radiološke tehnologije
- Author
Šart, Zala, Trebušak, Klavdija, and Starc, Tina
- Subjects
udc:616-07 ,diploma theses ,reporting ,študentje ,radiographers ,red dot sistem ,odčitavanje radiogramov ,radiološki inženirji ,diplomska dela ,red dot system ,radiography students ,apendikularni skelet ,radiološka tehnologija ,radiologic technology,reporting radiography ,appendicular skeleton - Abstract
Uvod: Odčitavanje radiogramov je diagnostična praksa odčitavanja radioloških slik, pri kateri ob prvemu pregledu rentgenske slike radiološki inženir poda prvo mnenje (na sliko označi sumljivo mesto) o morebitni patološki spremembi na rentgenogramu in s tem pripomore k hitrejši in učinkovitejši končni diagnozi podani s strani zdravnika. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je bil predstaviti zgodovinski razvoj in vlogo pisanja izvidov radioloških inženirjev v radiologiji po svetu in ugotoviti, s kakšnim odstotkom prepoznavanja so študentje 3. letnika radiološke tehnologije ocenili patološke in fiziološke radiograme. Metode dela: V teoretičnem delu smo s pomočjo tujih strokovnih člankov in raziskav, ki so bile izvedene na področju pisanja izvidov rentgenskih slik radioloških inženirjev, predstavili zgodovinsko ozadje in vlogo pisanja izvidov rentgenskih slik radioloških inženirjev v državah, kjer se pisanje izvidov rentgenskih slik radioloških inženirjev uporablja kot del ustaljene prakse. V empiričnem delu pa smo kot merski inštrument uporabili anketni vprašalnik. Anketni vprašalnik je izpolnilo 40 študentov tretjega letnika radiološke tehnologije na Zdravstveni fakulteti v Ljubljani. Rezultati: Ob analizi rezultatov smo prišli do ugotovitev, da so študentje pravilno prepoznali patološko spremembo v 59 % na radiogramih, ki so vsebovali patološko spremembo. Med tem, ko so pri prepoznavanju fizioloških radiogramov pravilno prepoznali, da gre za radiograme brez patoloških sprememb v 52,8 %. Kar pomeni, da so študentje pravilno diagnostično ocenili radiograme apendikularnega skeleta v 55,9 %. Razprava in zaključek: Ugotovili smo, da je pisanje izvidov rentgenskih slik radioloških inženirjev pomemben del radiološke prakse, ki se dobro obnese. Z označevanjem radiogramov in dopisovanjem komentarjev je vključevanje tovrstne prakse doprineslo k izboljšanju podajanju diagnoz in končnem manjšem številu napak pri pisanju izvidov s strani radiologov in izboljšanju zajemanju radiogramov s strani radioloških inženirjev. Introduction: Reporting radiography is a diagnostical practice of examing x-ray images in which the radiographer gives the first opinion (marks a suspicious place on the image) about a possible pathological change which contributes to a faster and more effective final report and diagnosis given by the doctor. Purpose: The purpose of diploma work was to present the historical background and development of reporting radiography and to determine with what kind of percentage of recognition did students of the 3rd year of Radiologic technology evaluated normal and abnormal radiograms. Methods: In the theoretical part, with the help of foreign professional articles and research conducted in the field of reporting radiography, we presented the historical background and role of reporting radiography in countries where reporting radiography is used as part of established practice. In the empirical part, we used a survey questionnaire. The survey questionnaire was completed by 40 third-year students of radiologic technology at the Faculty of Health Sciences in Ljubljana. Results: After the analysis, we concluded that the student recognized pathological change on radiograms correctly in 59 % of radiograms of appendicular skeleton that had pathological change. On the radiograms that did not include pathology they correctly recognized that radiograms did not contain any pathological chances in 52,8 %. This means that the students correctly reported x-ray images in 55,9 % Discussion and conclusion: This led us to the conclusion that reporting radiography is an important part of the clinical practice performed in the hospital that contributes enhancement of clinical work. Marking radiograms with red dots and adding reporting in terms of comments helps doctors with their image report and contributed to the improvement of the final inaccuracy of final reports on X-ray images made by Radiologists and leads to improvement of taking X-ray images by Radiographers.
- Published
- 2021
29. Physical/sports activity of students of the Faculty of Education, the University of Ljubljana during the first wave of coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 epidemic
- Author
Mlakar, Sabina and Štemberger, Vesna
- Subjects
študentje ,students - Abstract
V magistrskem delu smo ugotavljali, kako je epidemija covida-19 vplivala na gibalno/športno aktivnost študentov UL Pedagoške fakultete. V teoretičnih izhodiščih smo na začetku predstavili pomen rednega izvajanja gibalnih/športnih aktivnosti, zapisali različne opredelitve gibalnih/športnih aktivnosti, opisali gibalno/športno aktivnost študentov, naredili pregled strukture športnih dejavnosti na slovenskih univerzah ter navedli priporočila glede količine in intenzivnosti izvajanja gibalnih/športnih aktivnosti. V nadaljevanju smo opisali pandemijo covida-19 in bolezen COVID-19, našteli državne ukrepe RS v času epidemije covida-19 ter predstavili, kako je epidemija vplivala na življenje študentov. V empiričnem delu je sodelovalo 41 študentk in študentov Oddelka za razredni pouk na Pedagoški fakulteti v Ljubljani. Zanimalo nas je, kako pogosto so študentje izvajali gibalne/športne aktivnosti pred epidemijo in v času epidemije covida-19, kateri dejavniki so med epidemijo v največji meri pozitivno vplivali na njihovo gibalno/športno aktivnost in kako je epidemija vplivala na splošno počutje, indeks telesne mase, samooceno gibalne/športne aktivnosti in telesno zmogljivost študentov. Rezultati so pokazali, da je obdobje epidemije covida-19 pozitivno vplivalo na pogostost izvajanja gibalnih/športnih aktivnosti študentov, ki so bili pred epidemijo manj pogosto gibalno/športno aktivni kot med epidemijo, v času katere so bili sicer bolj intenzivno in dlje časa gibalno/športno aktivni v 2. mesecu kot v 1. mesecu. Napredek med 1. in 2. mesecem epidemije so študentje potrdili tudi z boljšimi samoocenami glede lastnih telesnih zmogljivosti in boljšimi dosežki na preizkusu zmogljivosti, ki so jih dosegli v 2. mesecu epidemije, ko smo pri študentih ugotovili tudi boljše splošno počutje. Med 1. in 2. mesecem epidemije covida-19 pri normalno težkih študentih nismo zaznali statistično pomembnih razlik glede pogostosti izvajanja gibalnih/športnih aktivnosti, medtem ko so se pri prekomerno težkih študentih pojavile statistično pomembne razlike. Prekomerno težki študentje so bili v 2. mesecu epidemije bolj pogosto gibalno/športno aktivni kot v 1. mesecu epidemije. Tako pri normalno težkih študentih kot pri prekomerno težkih študentih nismo ugotovili statistično pomembnih razlik glede povprečnega ITM-ja v 1. in v 2. mesecu epidemije covida-19. Ugotovili smo, da so prosti čas, vreme in družba najbolj pozitivno vplivali na izvajanje gibalnih/športnih aktivnosti tako v 1. kot v 2. mesecu epidemije covida-19, medtem ko so se kot manj pomemben dejavnik izkazale brezplačne vadbe in pa dnevnik vadbe, katerega pozitiven vpliv se je sicer v 2. mesecu epidemije zvišal za skoraj 1 oceno. Z dnevnikom vadbe smo želeli študente dodatno spodbuditi h gibanju. In the master's thesis, we researched how the COVID-19 epidemic affected the physical/sports activity of students of the Faculty of Education at the University of Ljubljana. In the theoretical part of this master’s thesis, we presented the importance of regular physical/sports activities, wrote down various definitions of physical/sports activities, described students' physical/sports activity, reviewed the structure of sports activities at Slovenian universities, and gave recommendations regarding the amount and intensity of physical/sports activities. In the following, we described the COVID-19 pandemic and the COVID-19 disease, listed measures of the Republic of Slovenia during the COVID-19 epidemic, and presented how the epidemic affected the lives of students. In the empirical part. 41 students participated from the Department of Elementary Teaching at the Faculty of Education in Ljubljana. We researched how often students performed physical/sports activities before and during the COVID-19 epidemic, what factors had the greatest positive effect on their physical/sports activity during the epidemic, and how the epidemic affected general well-being, body mass index (BMI), self-assessment of physical/sports activity, and physical performance of students. The results showed that the period of the COVID-19 epidemic had a positive effect on the frequency of physical/sports activities of students who were less often physically/sports active before the epidemic than during the epidemic. The results also showed that during the pandemic they were more intensely and longer physically active in the 2nd month than in the 1st month. The students also confirmed the progress between the 1st and the 2nd month of the epidemic with better self-assessments regarding their physical capabilities and better performance on the performance test achieved in the 2nd month of the epidemic. Between the 1st and 2nd months of the COVID-19 epidemic, no statistically significant differences in the frequency of physical/sports activities were detected in normally heavy students while statistically significant differences occurred in overweight students. Overweight students were more often physically/sports active in the 2nd month of the epidemic than in the 1st month of the epidemic. For normal and overweight students, we found no statistically significant differences in the average BMI in the 1st and the 2nd month of the COVID-19 epidemic. We found that free time, weather, and society had the most positive impact on physical/sports activities in both the 1st and 2nd months of the COVID-19 epidemic. Less important factors were free sports activities and an exercise diary even though the positive impact of exercise diary increased by almost one mark in the 2nd month of the epidemic. With the exercise diary, we wanted to encourage students to exercise further.
- Published
- 2021
30. Partnerske zveze študentov in študentk v Sloveniji
- Author
Štante, Anja and Kogovšek, Tina
- Subjects
udc:305(043.2) ,pure relationship ,čisto razmerje ,plastic sexuality ,late modernity ,partnerske zveze ,relationships ,pozna modernost ,Students ,Študentje ,plastična spolnost - Abstract
Raziskovanje spolnosti mladostnikov se pri nas začne ob tranziciji, kar je v primerjavi z ostalimi državami dokaj pozno. Prve študije s tega področja izpostavljajo problematičnost spolnega vedenja mladostnikov za javno zdravje. Osredotočajo se na poznavanje spolno prenosljivih bolezni in varnost spolnih praks. Raziskave, ki se osredotočajo izključno na študentsko populacijo, so redke in največkrat niso reprezentativne. "Intimni življenjski stili študentov in študentk v Sloveniji" (2018) je prva raziskava spolnega življenja študentske populacije pri nas. Eno izmed raziskovalnih tematik predstavlja tudi partnerstvo študentske populacije. V tej nalogi smo za raziskovalno metodo uporabili sekundarno analizo podatkov omenjene raziskave in preverili, ali so za partnerske zveze študentov in študentk v Sloveniji značilne karakteristike pozne modernosti. Karakteristike pozne modernosti smo merili skozi prisotnost čistega odnosa, posameznikove samoizpolnitve in izginjanja tradicionalnih vzorcev. Rezultati so pokazali, da so za partnerske zveze slovenskih študentov in študentk značilne karakteristike pozne modernosti, kljub temu pa njihovi odnosi ostajajo bolj tradicionalni, kot bi pričakovali. Research of adolescent sexuality in Slovenia begins at the transition, which is relatively late compared to other countries. The first studies in this field highlighted the issue of adolescent sexual behaviour for public health. They focused on knowledge of sexually transmitted diseases and the safety of sexual practices. Research focusing exclusively on the student population is rare because it is not representative. Intimate lifestyles of students in Slovenia (2018) is the first research on the sexual life of the student population in Slovenia. One of the research topics is also the partnership of student population. In this paper, we used the secondary data analysis of the mentioned research and tried to find out if students relationships in Slovenia have characteristics of late modernity. The characteristics of late modernity were measured through the presence of a pure relationship, the individual’s self-fulfilment, and the disappearance of traditional patterns. The results showed that the relationship of Slovenian students does have the features of late modernity. However, the key finding is that their relations have remained more traditional that we would expect.
- Published
- 2021
31. Čustvena inteligentnost pri študentih fizioterapije – pregled literature
- Author
Drole, Lara and Kavčič, Tina
- Subjects
udc:615.8 ,diploma theses ,študentje ,students ,delovna uspešnost ,emotional intelligence ,čustvena inteligentnost ,work performance ,diplomska dela ,fizioterapija ,physiotherapy - Abstract
Uvod: Izraz čustvena inteligentnost se nanaša na človekovo sposobnost prepoznavanja lastnih in tujih čustev, izražanja, sprejemanja in uravnavanja čustev, razlikovanja med čustvi ter uporabe čustev pri mišljenju in vedenju. V literaturi za čustveno inteligentnost ni enotne definicije, največkrat je opredeljena kot sposobnost, ki jo merimo s testi, ali kot osebnostna lastnost, ki je merjena s samoocenjevanjem. Fizioterapevti z visoko razvito čustveno inteligentnostjo lažje vzpostavijo kakovosten odnos s pacientom, bolje sodelujejo v timu ter so bolj empatični in skrbni, vse to pa izboljša kakovost njihovega dela. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je bil na osnovi pregleda literature preučiti, ali se pri študentih fizioterapije čustvena inteligentnost med študijem in kliničnim usposabljanjem spreminja ter ali se povezuje z njihovo delovno uspešnostjo. Metode dela: Iskanje literature je potekalo v dveh podatkovnih bazah, PubMed in Google Učenjak, z izbrano kombinacijo ključnih besed. V pregled literature so bile vključene raziskave v angleškem jeziku, ki so ustrezale vključitvenim kriterijem. Rezultati: V pregled literature je bilo zajetih osem raziskav, objavljenih med letoma 2010 in 2019. Sedem raziskav je spremljalo čustveno inteligentnost študentov med študijem. V štirih raziskavah so avtorji ugotovili, da se je čustvena inteligentnost s trajanjem študija izboljševala, v dveh je bila ta sprememba statistično pomembna. V eni raziskavi je prišlo do statistično pomembnega poslabšanja pri eni izmed komponent čustvene inteligentnosti, in sicer v asertivnosti. V treh raziskavah večje spremembe čustvene inteligentnosti niso bile zaznane. V treh raziskavah so se avtorji osredinili še na iskanje povezave med čustveno inteligentnostjo študentov fizioterapije in njihovo delovno uspešnostjo. V vseh treh so zaznali statistično pomembno povezavo med čustveno inteligentnostjo in merami učne oz. delovne uspešnosti, velikost povezav je bila v eni raziskavi ocenjena kot nizka, v dveh pa zmerno visoka. Razprava in zaključek: Na podlagi rezultatov lahko sklenemo, da se čustvena inteligentnost med študijem fizioterapije spremeni, pri čemer je opaženih več pozitivnih kot negativnih sprememb. Med čustveno inteligentnostjo in delovno uspešnostjo študentov fizioterapije se povezave pojavljajo, vendar so te premajhne, da bi na podlagi posameznikove čustvene inteligentnosti lahko napovedali, kako uspešen bo v delovnem okolju. Introduction: The term emotional intelligence applies to the ability to recognize one's own and others' emotions, express, accept and regulate emotions, distinguish between emotions and use them in thinking and behaviour. There is no uniform definition for emotional intelligence in literature. Most often it is defined as an ability, which we measure with tests, or as a personality trait, which is measured with self-assessment. Physiotherapists with high levels of emotional intelligence tend to establish high quality relationships with their patients, work better in teams, and are more empathetic and caring, which improves the quality of their work. Purpose: The aim of this thesis was to review the literature and investigate, if the emotional intelligence of students of physiotherapy changes during their study and if their emotional intelligence is associated with their work performance. Methods: The search for the literature took place in two databases, PubMed and Google Scholar, with a selection of keywords. Studies in English language, meeting the inclusion criteria, were included in the literature review. Results: The literature review included eight studies, which were published between 2010 and 2020. Seven studies followed in the students’ emotional intelligence during their study. Four studies found an increase in emotional intelligence with study duration, and in two, this change was statistically significant. In one study, there was a statistically significant decline in one of the components of emotional intelligence, namely assertiveness. In three studies, no major changes in emotional intelligence were detected. Three studies focused on associations between the emotional intelligence of physiotherapy students and their work performance. All three revealed a statistically significant correlation between emotional intelligence and measures of learning success or work performance, and the size of these correlations was estimated as low in one study and moderate in two studies. Discussion and conclusion: Based on the results, we can conclude that the emotional intelligence changes during the university study of physiotherapy, and these changes are more often more positive than negative. Work performance is related to emotional intelligence of students, but the associations are too weak to enable reliable prediction of physiotherapy students’ work performance based on their emotional intelligence.
- Published
- 2021
- Author
Valek, Nataša Slak, Bednarik, Jakob, Kolar, Edvard, and Leskošek, Bojan
- Abstract
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- Published
- 2015
33. Znanje študentov 1. letnika dvopredmetnega študija biologija-gospodinjstvo in biologija-kemija o izbrani biološki vsebini
- Author
Beljan, Mateja and Verčkovnik, Tatjana
- Subjects
botanika ,ekologija ,knowledge ,geology ,analiza ,študentje ,cultivated plants ,students ,analysis ,biology ,zoology ,botany ,knowledge assessment ,udc:37.02:004.85:001.101(043.2) ,testi znanja ,zoologija ,biologija ,mycology ,identification ,geologija ,gojene rastline ,ecology ,systematics ,mikologija ,sistematika - Published
- 2020
34. Vpliv 45-urnega programa predmeta ples na morfološki status in samopodobo študentov Fakultete za šport.
- Author
Zaletel, Petra
- Abstract
Copyright of Revija Šport is the property of Sport: Revija Za Teoreticna in Praticna Vprasanja Sporta and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2014
35. Vključenost staršev v terciarno izobraževanje njihovih otrok
- Author
Bajc, Rebeka and Štemberger, Tina
- Subjects
udc:378(043.2) ,vključevanje staršev ,študentje ,starši ,vključenost v šolanje ,terciarno obdobje - Published
- 2020
36. Pogledi študentov Univerze v Ljubljani o prekomernem pitju alkoholnih pijač med študenti
- Author
Zupanič, Anita and Filipovič Hrast, Maša
- Subjects
študentje ,students ,simbolni interakcionizem ,tematska analiza ,alcohol ,družbeni problemi ,udc:316.6:663.5-057.875(043.2) ,alkohol ,social problems ,thematic analysis ,symbolic interactionism - Abstract
Prekomerno pitje alkoholnih pijač, definirano z medicinskega vidika, študentje ne nujno dojemajo kot problematično. Četrtina mladih se visoko tvegano opija in ravno zaradi tega so predvsem nagnjeni k posledicam, ki jih takšno uživanje alkohola prinaša. Z uporabo tematske analize sem ugotovila, da večje količine popitega alkohola študentje Univerze v Ljubljani povezujejo z določenim obdobjem življenjskim obdobjem in identiteto biti študent, prav tako jim pitje alkoholnih pijač prinaša večjo sprostitev in je neločljivo povezano s svečanimi in družabnimi dogodki, kjer je zaslediti še posebej precej vrstniškega pritiska, če kdo ne želi piti alkohola ali spiti le malo alkoholni pijač. Študentje strogo nasprotujejo vožnji pod vplivom alkohola, pitju alkohola v primeru bolezni ali ob jemanju zdravil, ob znakih in posledicah, ki se pojavijo pri dolgoročnem uživanju alkohola in tistih, ki so značilne za odvisnost, pa tudi takrat, ko se pojavijo učinki oziroma posledice, ko je koncentracija alkohola v krvi skoraj nad dvakratno legalno mejo pijanosti. Students do not necessarily perceive excessive drinking of alcoholic beverages, defined from medical point of view, as harmful. Quarter of youth binge drinks and due to that are particularly prone to consequences from such type of alcohol consumption. By using thematic analysis, I discovered that higher levels of alcoholic beverages consumption students of University of Ljubljana connect with specific period in their life and with identity of being a student, also drinking alcoholic beverages brings them more relaxation and is inseparably connected with special and social events, where especially a lot of peer pressure concerning drinking can be evident if somebody does not want to drink alcohol or drink just few alcoholic drinks. Students are highly against driving under the influence of alcohol, drinking alcohol in case of being sick or when taking medications, the signs and effects that occur with long-term alcohol consumption and those notable in addiction, as well as when effects or consequences occur when the blood alcohol concentration is almost twice the legal limit for drunkenness.
- Published
- 2020
37. Vpis v višjo stopnjo univerzitetnega študija kot mehanizem za postopni prehod na trg dela
- Author
Potočnik, Vlasta Valentina and Šumi, Irena
- Subjects
vodstvo fakultet ,študentje ,students ,career counselors ,faculty management ,enrollment in higher education ,opportunistic enrollment ,vpis v višjo stopnjo študija ,oportunistični vpis ,karierni svetovalci - Abstract
Namen magistrske naloge je povezati mnenja študentov, kariernih svetovalcev in vodstva fakultet družboslovnih ved študija Univerze v Ljubljani o nadaljnjem vpisu študentov v višjo stopnjo študija. Pri tem me je zanimalo, kakšen je razlog študentov za njihov vpis v višjo stopnjo študija: ali za tem stoji želja po znanju, želja po lažjem prehodu na trg dela ali gre predvsem za koriščenje bonitet, ki jih prinese status študenta. V kolikor se študentje vpišejo v študij z namenom oportunizma oziroma navideznega vpisa, kako na takšen vpis gleda vodstvo fakultet ali spremljajo število navideznih vpisov in imajo v namen zmanjšanja navideznih vpisov oblikovane mehanizme preprečevanja ali ne. Kot povezavo med fakulteto in študenti vidim delovanje kariernega centra. Pri tem me je zanimalo, kakšno vlogo ima karierno svetovanje na fakulteti pri zmanjševanju navideznega vpisa. V teoretičnem delu naloge sem se oprla na teorijo visokošolskega izobraževanja in masovnega vpisa v študij, procesa prehoda študenta na trg dela in koncept podaljšanja prehoda v odraslost. V raziskavo sem vključila študente druge in tretje stopnje družboslovnih ved študija Univerze v Ljubljani, prodekane za študijske zadeve in karierne svetovalce omenjenih fakultet. Podatke sem zbrala preko spletne ankete in tremi anketnimi vprašalniki. Glavne ugotovitve so, da se študenti v višjo stopnjo študija vpišejo predvsem zaradi povečanja svoje zaposljivosti. To kaže na premajhno veljavo prve stopnje bolonjskega študija. Drugi razlog za vpis v nadaljevanje študija je želja po pridobivanju znanja, tretji je dodaten čas za razmislek o svoji prihodnosti. Želja študentov je, da med študijem dobijo več podpore za njihov prehod na trg dela in usmerjen študijski proces v povečanje svoje konkurenčnosti na trgu dela. Vodstva fakultet in karierni svetovalci ocenjujejo, da oportunističnega vpisa v študij na njihovih fakultetah ni oziroma je ta odstotek zanemarljiv. Odgovornost za lažji prehod študentov na trg delovne sile vidijo v soodgovornosti izobraževalne ustanove in študenta. Prostor za izboljšanje zaposljivosti mladih s področja družboslovnih ved študija je v povečanju povezave med trgom dela in študijskim procesom, ureditvi pripravništva, delu na znanju in informacijsko-komunikacijski tehnologiji, angažiranosti in samoiniciativnosti študentov pri študijskem procesu. The purpose of the master's thesis is to make the connection between the opinions of students, career advisers and the management of the faculties of social sciences studies of the University of Ljubljana on the further enrollment of students in higher education. In doing so, I was interested in the reason why students enrolled in higher studies whether it is the desire for knowledge, the desire for an easier transition to the labour market, or simply taking advantage of the student status benefits. In the case of opportunistic or virtual enrollment, how does the faculties' management address this problem whether they monitor the number of virtual enrollments and, with the aim of reducing virtual enrollments, create prevention mechanisms or not. I think the strong connection between faculty and students can be established through the activities of the career center. In the thesis, I was especially interested in the research of the role of career counselling at the faculty in reducing virtual enrollment. In the theoretical part of the thesis, I relied on the theory of higher education and mass enrollment, the process of student transition to the labour market and the concept of prolonging the transition to adulthood. In the research I included the second and third-degree students of social sciences at the University of Ljubljana, the Vice-deans for study matters and the career advisers of these faculties. I collected the data through an online survey and three survey questionnaires. The main findings of the presented study are that students enroll to the higher degrees of studies mainly to increase their employability, which points on the lack of validity of the first degree of Bologna study. The second reason why young people decide to continue their studies at an advanced level is the desire to gain knowledge and the third is to take extra time to reflect on one's future. Students want to receive more support during their studies to ease their transition to the labour market and at the same time prefer a focused study process to increase their competitiveness. Faculty executives and career counsellors estimate that there is no opportunistic enrollment in the studies in their faculties or that it is practically negligible. In their opinion, the responsibility for facilitating the transition of students to the labour market lies in the co-responsibility of the educational institution and the student. The employability of young people in the social sciences could be improved by enhancing the connection between the labour market and the study process, regulating and organizing internships, emphasizing knowledge and the importance of information and communication technologies, and by the students' engagement and initiative in the study process.
- Published
- 2020
38. Sense of safety and risk of students at workplace
- Author
Gjergjek, Adriana and Lobnikar, Branko
- Subjects
safety ,študentsko delo ,varnost ,delovno mesto ,študentje ,ogroženost ,students ,diplomske naloge ,job ,Students work ,danger ,udc:351.78:331.5(043.2) - Abstract
Diplomska naloga se navezuje in osredotoča na študente, ki opravljajo študentsko delo, in njihov občutek varnosti in ogroženosti na delu. V prvem delu diplomske naloge je opredeljen pojem dela, ki je temeljni pojem diplomske naloge, študentsko delo pa je kot ena izmed oblik dela. Za lažje razumevanje študentskega dela so v nalogi opredeljeni in razloženi pravni akti in ureditev študentskega dela v Sloveniji, ki se posredno in neposredno navezujejo na študentsko delo. Ker se diplomska naloga navezuje na občutek varnosti in ogroženosti študentov na delovnem mestu, sem poiskala statistične podatke in zakonsko opredelitev varnosti in zdravja pri delu, katero področje ureja Zakon o varnosti in zdravju pri delu [ZVZD-1]. Predstavljene so različne in najpogostejše oblike zlorabe študentskega dela s strani delodajalcev kot tudi s strani študentov ter vpliv študentskega dela na študente. V zadnjem delu teoretičnega dela diplomske naloge je podrobneje predstavljeno nacionalno poročilo raziskave EVROŠTUDENT VI, ki je za družbeni razvoj ključnega pomena, saj iz njega boljše razumemo pogled mladih na izobraževanje in življenje v času šolanja. Izpostavljeni je sedmi sklop poročila, ki zajema glavne ugotovitve o delu študentov in njihov pogled na delo v času študija. V sklopu drugega dela je bila izvedena anketa s pomočjo spletnega anketnega vprašalnika 1KA. Namen ankete je bil izvedeti, kako se študentje počutijo na delovnem mestu in kakšni so odnosi na delu. V anketi so izprašani imeli možnost predstaviti dogodek, ki je za njih pomenil nevarnost, ter podali odgovore o spoprijemanju z nevarnim dogodkom in posledicami po njem. Rezultati so v večini pokazali pozitivne izkušnje in mnenje o delu in dobro klimo med njimi in drugimi zaposlenimi. Največ slabih izkušenj so doživeli študentje, ki opravljajo delo v strežbi in so tako v neposrednem kontaktu s strankami. V večini primerov so študentje o dogodku obvestili nadrejenega, da uredi zadeve. Le v nekaj primerih so zaradi hujše nevarnosti morali posredovati varnostni organi. Dissertation degree is focusing on students with jobs and their sense of safety and risk at work. The first part of degree defines a concept of work. This is the key term from which is the dissertation derived. For better understanding of student work are in dissertation defined and explained legal acts and arrangements of work. Because the dissertation attests about safety and risks at work, we have found some statistical data, legal definitions of the health and safety at work which field regulates the act Zakon o varnosti in zdravju pri delu (ZVZD-1). Along with this are in dissertation presented the most common forms of exploitation of student, from the student side and the side of employers. In the last part of the theoretical terms is presented a report of national research EUROSTUDENT VI. This statics results based on student population from Slovenia are important, because they show us realistic youth view on student life and education. Exposed is the seventh chapter of the research which covers the main findings about student work and their look at the work in general and look at the work during the schooling. Through the second part of the dissertation was conducted a survey. With a help of online one click survey 1KA. With the survey we wanted to find out How the students are feeling on work and what kind of relationships they have with other employees. In survey the respondent had a chance to present the event in which they felt threatened. Besides that, they were able to provide the anderes how they handled the event and what consequences the event left on them. The results show mostly positive experiences, positive opinions about work and positive and good relations among students and other employees and their superiors. Most of the bad experiences students had in the service, because they are in direct contact with customers. In a dangerous situation the most of the students informed a superior to sort things out. Only in a few cases they had to intervene security authorities.
- Published
- 2020
- Author
Čotar Konrad, Sonja and Kukanja Gabrijelčič, Mojca
- Subjects
ACADEMIC motivation ,METACOGNITION ,LEARNING strategies ,ACADEMIC achievement research ,SELF-efficacy in students ,SELF-perception ,TEST anxiety ,COLLEGE students' psychology research - Abstract
Copyright of Anthropos: Revija za Filozofijo in Psihologijo is the property of Anthropos and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2013
40. The Relationship between Social Gender and the World of Values in Higher Education.
- Author
- Subjects
GENDER studies ,SEX discrimination in higher education ,VALUES (Ethics) ,STUDENT mobility ,ANALYSIS of variance - Abstract
Copyright of CEPS Journal is the property of University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2012
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41. Character Strengths and Life Satisfaction of Slovenian In-service and Pre-service Teachers.
- Author
- Subjects
SLOVENIAN language ,PRIMARY schools ,UNIVERSITIES & colleges - Abstract
Copyright of CEPS Journal is the property of University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2012
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- Author
Vidic, Mira and Južnič, Primož
- Subjects
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ACADEMIC librarians , *ACADEMIC libraries , *LIBRARY public services , *EMPLOYMENT & education - Abstract
An academic library is supposed to provide quality services to the students, faculty employees and others. The students, who constitute the majority of the users, often seem to lack the skills and knowledge necessary to navigate and locate items within the library during this crucial period of life between education and employment. University librarians play a key role in explaining all the services of an academic library. A library is used by students mostly as a place to study, wait for their classes to start or search for the necessary literature. A question arose: how well do the students know the duties of academic librarians and how to encourage them to learn more about their work and find out what these information technology experts can offer? Students of the University of Ljubljana have been interviewed to determine that. 98 students of the average age of 23 years were interviewed in December 2008 and January 2009. The results showed their poor knowledge of academic libraries as most of the students do not know how many people are employed there and what their skills and everyday duties are. They do believe, however, that the professors encourage them to visit the library, but sadly do not perceive the librarians as qualified assistants of the faculty and only seldom credit them for their part in achieving their scholastic performance. We can therefore conclude that academic librarians are not key persons to the students during the time of attending the university. The academic library should try harder to emphasize its prominence and role in tertiary education as a key factor in information literacy - an important part of lifelong learning. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2010
43. Elements Influencing Study Success.
- Author
Jereb, Eva
- Subjects
EDUCATION ,SOCIAL classes ,GRADING of students ,CURRICULUM planning ,SUCCESS - Abstract
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- Published
- 2010
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44. Mnenje študentov radiološke tehnologije o mentorjih na kliničnih vajah in praksi
- Author
Plazl, Tina, Podbregar, Lidija, and Starc, Tina
- Subjects
mentor ,študentje ,motivation ,students ,pripravništvo ,clinical exercises and practice ,traineeship ,klinične vaje in praksa ,motivacija - Abstract
Uvod: Mentorstvo predstavlja načrtano pot, proces vodenja, svetovanja in odnos med mentorjem in posameznikom/študentom v katerem zelo veliko vlogo igrajo značajske lastnosti mentorja. V mentorskem odnosu lahko uporabljamo različne stile vodenja, poznamo: gospodovalni, družinski ali prijateljski, resonančni in tovarniški stil vodenja. Tako mentor kot tudi študent, za pridobitev dobrega končnega rezultata potrebuje motivacijo oziroma stvari ali dejavnike za motiviranje, o katerih govorijo različne motivacijske teorije. Namen: Ugotoviti mnenje študentov radiološke tehnologije drugega in tretjega letnika o mentorjih in dejavnikih, ki jih motivirajo na kliničnih vajah in praksi ter kaj le ta pomeni za njihov poklic. Metode dela: Kot merski inštrument kvantitativne metode smo uporabili anketni vprašalnik. Anketo je izpolnilo 37 študentov drugega in tretjega letnika radiološke tehnologije na Zdravstveni fakulteti v Ljubljani, ki so opravljali klinične vaje in prakso na oddelku za mamografijo, stomatologijo, CT, MR, nuklearno medicino in radioterapijo. Rezultati: Po obdelavi podatkov smo ugotovili, da študentje mentorje ocenjujejo kot osebe s pozitivnimi lastnostmi, pri katerih prevladuje tovarniški in gospodovalni stil mentorstva. Študente za opravljanje dela na kliničnih vajah in praksi najbolj motivira vzdušje na delovnem mestu, poleg tega menijo, da so jih klinične vaje in praksa navdušile za nadaljnje poklicno delo, skrajšanje pripravništva pa zanje ne prinaša pozitivnih sprememb. Razprava in sklep: Mentorje opisujejo s pridevniki prijatelj, vodnik in svetovalec, rezultati naše raziskave to potrjujejo, saj imajo študentje na splošno pozitivno mnenje o mentorjih in mentorstvu na kliničnih vajah in praksi, pri delu jih motivirajo pozitivni dejavniki in so v veliki večini z izbiro poklica zadovoljni. Skrajšanje pripravništva pa zanje ne predstavlja nič pozitivnega. Introduction: Mentoring represents a planned path, a leadership process, counseling and a relationship between a mentor and an individual/student in which the tutor's characteristic features play a very important role. In mentoring, we can use different leadership styles, we know: commanding, family or friendship, resonance and factory style of leadership. Both the mentor and the student, in order to obtain a good final result, need motivation or causes and/or motivational factors that are discussed by different motivational theories. Purpose: To determine the opinion of students of radiology technology of the second and third year about mentors and the factors that motivate them in clinical exercises and practice, and what this means for their profession. Methods of work: A survey questionnaire was used as a measurement instrument of the quantitative method. The survey was carried out by 37 students of the second and third year of radiology technology at the Faculty of Medicine in Ljubljana, who performed clinical exercises and practice at the Department of Mammography, Dentistry, CT, MR, Nuclear Medicine and Radiotherapy. Results: After data processing, we found that mentors are assessed as persons with positive attributes, with the dominance of the factory and the corporate style of mentoring. The students are motivated by the atmosphere at the workplace, and they feel that they have been enthusiastically trained in clinical practice and practice for further professional work, while shortening the trainership does not bring about positive changes for them. Discussion and conclusion: The mentors are described with the following adjectives: friend, guide and counselor, the results of our research confirm this, as students generally have a positive opinion about mentors and mentoring in clinical exercises and practice, motivated by positive factors at work and are largely happy with the chosen profession. However, they do not have a positive opinion about the shortage of traineeship.
- Published
- 2019
45. Students' Trust in Private Security
- Author
Gašpar, Jasmina and Modic, Maja
- Subjects
študentje ,udc:351.746.2(043.2) ,diplomske naloge ,students ,trust ,private security guards ,Private security ,zasebno varovanje ,zasebni varnostniki ,zaupanje - Abstract
Zasebno varovanje je zelo razširjeno, saj v marsikateri državi število zasebnih varnostnikov presega celo število policistov. Zasebni varnostniki pridobivajo čedalje večja in obsežnejša pooblastila oziroma ukrepe za opravljanje svojih nalog. Zato je zelo pomembno, da jim javnost zaupa, kar pomeni, da so njihova dejanja bolj legitimna in spoštovana. Zaupanje lahko pridobijo z usposobljenostjo in učinkovitostjo, saj morajo biti prebivalci zadovoljni z njihovim delom in imeti občutek varnosti. V diplomskem delu smo ugotavljali, kakšno mnenje si je slovenska javnost ustvarila o zasebnem varovanju, pri čemer smo se omejili na študentsko populacijo. Študentje se z zasebnimi varnostniki srečujejo v nočnih klubih, v trgovskih centrih, na nogometnih tekmah in drugih športnih prireditvah, na koncertih in drugih kulturnih prireditvah ali pa tudi v študentskih domovih. Rezultati naše ankete so pokazali, da so si študentje ustvarili pozitivno mnenje o zasebnem varovanju. Večina mladih zaupa zasebnim varnostnikom in je zadovoljna z njihovim delom, ter menijo, da zasebni varnostniki primerno opravljajo svoje delo. Študentje prav tako menijo, da so zasebni varnostniki primerno usposobljeni, imajo primerne kompetence in lastnosti za opravljanje poklica. V njihovi prisotnosti se tudi počutijo varno. Private security is widespread, since, in many countries, the number of private security guards exceeds the number of police officers. Private security guards are gaining greater and more extensive powers to carry out their duties. It is therefore very important that the public trusts them, which means that their actions are more legitimate and respected. Citizens' trust is gained through competence and efficiency, as citizens must be satisfied with their work and have a sense of security. In the diploma thesis, we determined the opinion of the Slovenian public about private security, where we limited ourselves to the student population. Students meet with private security guards in nightclubs, shopping centres, at football matches and other sporting events, concerts and other cultural events, or even in student dormitories. The results of our survey showed that students have a positive opinion on private security. Most young people trust private security guards, are pleased with their work, and feel that private security guards are doing their job properly. Students also believe that private security guards are properly trained, have the appropriate competencies and qualities to pursue the profession. They also feel safe in their presence.
- Published
- 2019
46. Odnos študentov do zdravega življenjskega sloga
- Author
Barbarič, Sabrina and Kostanjevec, Stojan
- Subjects
študentje ,students - Abstract
Zdrav življenjski slog je pomemben za zdravje ljudi in predstavlja kazalec kakovosti življenja. Le zdrav človek je lahko srečen in zadovoljen, zdravje človeka pa je v večini primerov povezano tudi z zdravim življenjskim slogom. Namen magistrskega dela je bil ugotoviti, kakšen je življenjski slog študentov in kakšen odnos imajo do zdravega življenjskega sloga. Podatke sem pridobila s pomočjo anketiranja študentov. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 121 študentov, ki so v času študija poslušali vsebine zdravega življenjskega sloga, in 115 študentov, ki v času študija niso poslušali vsebin zdravega življenjskega sloga. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da študentje poznajo priporočila zdravega življenjskega sloga, se zavedajo pomembnosti priporočil o zdravi prehrani, vendar je delež študentov, ki sledijo priporočilom in živijo zdrav življenjski slog, nizek. Nizek je delež študentov, ki upošteva priporočila o telesni aktivnosti. Ocenjujem, da dve tretjini študentov (70,8 %), izpolnjuje priporočila glede količine spanja. Statistično pomembne razlike so se pojavile tudi pri pomembnosti upoštevanja določenih prehranskih priporočil. Študenti, ki so na svojem študijskem programu poslušali vsebine zdravega življenjskega sloga, dajo večji pomen upoštevanju prehranskih priporočil kot študenti, ki v času svojega študija niso poslušali vsebin zdravega življenjskega sloga. Glede na rezultate raziskave predlagam, da je za študente potrebno izvajati dejavnosti, ki spodbujajo njihovo redno telesno aktivnost in redno prehranjevanje. Študentom je potrebno nuditi informacije o načinih obvladovanja stresa, negativnih vplivih uživanja alkohola, kajenja in uporabe elektronskih medijev. S temi dejavnostmi bi vplivali na stališča in vedenje študentov, da bi oblikovali zdrav življenjski slog. Healthy lifestyles are important for human health and represent an indicator of the quality of life. Only a healthy man can be happy and content, and human health is also linked in most cases to a healthy lifestyle. The purpose of this Master’s thesis was to identify students’ lifestyles and attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle. I have obtained my data from surveying students. The survey involved 121 students who at the time of studying had courses about a healthy lifestyle and 115 students who did not have courses about a healthy lifestyle at the time of studying. The results of the survey showed, that students are aware of the recommendations of a healthy lifestyle and are aware of the importance of the recommendations on healthy nutrition. However, the proportion of students following the recommendations and living with a healthy lifestyle is low. Likewise, the proportion of students abiding by the recommendations for physical activity is low. I estimate that approximately two thirds of students (70,8 %) comply with the recommendations on the quantity of sleep. Statistically significant differences have also emerged as regards the importance of taking into account certain nutritional recommendations. Students who at the time of studying had courses about healthy lifestyle have given greater importance to nutritional recommendations than students who at the time of studying did not have courses about a healthy lifestyle. On the basis of the results of the survey, I propose that certain measures promoting regular physical activity and eating habits should be implemented. Students should be provided with information on how to manage stress, negative impacts alcohol consumption and smoking have, and on the effects of using electronic media. These measures would influence students’ attitudes and behaviour in order for them to develop a healthy lifestyle.
- Published
- 2019
47. Trženje destinacije za študente obalne regije
- Author
Budja, Lara and Faganel, Armand
- Subjects
študentje ,turizem ,students ,udc:338.487(497.4)(043.2) ,anketiranje ,questionnaire ,mesto Maribor ,the city of Maribor ,Primorska ,Slovene Littoral - Published
- 2019
48. Empathy and narcissism among students of psychology and medicine
- Author
Korošec, Lea and Rakovec Felser, Zlatka
- Subjects
odkriti narcisizem ,študentje ,students ,empatija ,cognitive empathy ,emotional empathy ,udc:159.923.3(043.2) ,emocionalna empatija ,covert narcissism ,prikriti narcisizem ,empathy ,kognitivna empatija ,overt narcissism - Abstract
Novejša dognanja na področju empatije in narcisizma poročajo o zmanjšanju prisotnosti empatije, hkrati pa je moč zaslediti porast narcisizma, kar je zlasti opazno pri študentih. Te ugotovitve pa niso problematične samo za posameznike, temveč tudi za celotno kulturo. Namen raziskave je torej preučiti empatijo in narcisizem (tako odkriti kot prikriti) ter njuno povezanost pri študentih psihologije in medicine. Zanimalo nas je, katere demografske lastnosti napovedujejo empatijo in narcisizem ter ali se pojavljajo razlike med skupinama študentov psihologije in medicine. Prav tako smo raziskali, kakšno vlogo nosita odkriti in prikriti narcisizem pri napovedovanju empatije – tudi kognitivne in emocionalne empatije. Na koncu nas je zanimala še teža smeri študija pri empatiji in odkritem narcisizmu na vzorcu vseh študentov, ki je zajemal tako študente psihologije in medicine kot tudi študente ostalih smeri. Končni vzorec je zajemal 323 študentov, od tega je bilo 236 študentov psihologije in medicine. Podatke smo pridobili z apliciranjem testne baterije, ki je vsebovala demografski del, vprašalnik empatije Indeks medosebne odzivnosti IRI, Vprašalnik (odkritega) narcisizma NPI in Lestvico hipersenzitivnega (prikritega) narcisizma HSNS. S statističnimi analizami smo najprej podrobneje proučili vzorec študentov psihologije in medicine, kasneje pa še celoten vzorec. Hipoteze, ki smo jih oblikovali na podlagi preteklih raziskav, smo preverjali s pomočjo regresijskih analiz in t–testom. Rezultati na vzorcu študentov psihologije in medicine so pokazali, da imajo ženske višje izraženo empatijo v primerjavi z moškimi. Hkrati pa imajo študentje z nižje izraženim odkritim narcisizmom in višje izraženim prikritim narcisizmom višje izraženo empatijo. Enako se je izkazalo tudi za emocionalno in kognitivno empatijo, le pri slednji se prikriti narcisizem ni izkazal kot statistično pomemben napovednik. Nadalje se je pokazalo, da imajo moški višje izražen odkriti narcisizem v primerjavi z ženskami, in da študentje psihologije izkazujejo višjo raven empatije v primerjavi s študenti medicine. Na vzorcu vseh študentov pa smo ugotovili, da imajo študentje psihologije in medicine višje izraženo empatijo v primerjavi z ostalimi študenti, ki niso toliko usmerjeni na delo z ljudmi. Omenjeni rezultati opozarjajo na pomembnost proučevanja empatije in narcisizma ter nakazujejo na morebitne intervencije, ki bi bile potrebne za povečanje empatije in zmanjšanje narcisizma pri študentih. Recent findings in the field of empathy and narcissism, report a reduction in the presence of empathy, and at the same time it is possible to see an increase in narcissism, which is particularly noticeable among students. These findings are not only problematic for individuals, but also for the whole culture. The purpose of the research is to study empathy and narcissism (both overt and covert) and their connection with students of psychology and medicine. We were interested in what demographic characteristics predict empathy and narcissism, and whether there are differences between groups of students of psychology and medicine. We also explored the role of overt and covert narcissism in predicting empathy - including cognitive and emotional empathy. In the end, we were also interested in the difficulty of study in empathy and narcissism on a sample of all students, which included students of psychology and medicine, as well as students of other fields. The final sample consisted of 323 students, of which 236 were students of psychology and medicine. The data was obtained by applying a test battery containing the demographic part, the empathy questionnaire Interpersonal Reactivity Indeks (IRI), the (overt) Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI) and the Hypersensitive (covert) Narcissism Scale (HSNS). With statistical analyses, we first studied in more detail the sample of students of psychology and medicine, and later the entire sample. Hypotheses, which were developed on the basis of past research, were checked using regression analysis and t-test. The results of a sample of students of psychology and medicine showed that women have higher empathy in comparison to men. Concurrently, students with lover overt narcissism and higher covert narcissism were shown to have higher empathy. The same results were observed with emotional and cognitive empathy, but only in the latter, covert narcissism has not proved to be a statically important predictor. Furthermore, the results showed that men have higher overt narcissism comparing to women, and that students of psychology show higher level of empathy in comparison to students of medicine. On a sample of all students, students of psychology and medicine therefore have higher empathy compared to other students, who are not as focused on working with people. These results point to the importance of studying empathy and narcissism, and point to possible interventions that would be needed to increase empathy and reduce narcissism among students.
- Published
- 2019
49. Povezanost agentnosti in komunosti z osebnostjo in s subjektivnim blagostanjem
- Author
Doležalek, Staša and Avsec, Andreja
- Subjects
komunost ,five factor personality model ,študentje ,communion ,students ,cross cultural difference ,agentnost ,agency ,well being ,petfaktorski model osebnosti ,blagostanje ,medkulturne razlike - Abstract
Agentnost združuje lastnosti, ki poudarjajo individualnost, komunost pa značilnosti, pomembne za medosebne odnose (Abele idr., 2016). V različnih kulturah njuno izraženost različno spodbujajo, kar se odraža tudi v posameznikovem zaznavanju sebe, drugih ter subjektivnega blagostanja (Ng, Ho, Wong in Smith, 2003). V raziskavi sem se osredotočila na kulturno raznolikost v odnosu med agentnostjo in komunostjo, osebnostjo ter subjektivnim blagostanjem. Vključila sem nemške (N = 108) in slovenske (N = 213) študente rezultati so pokazali, da so si podobni v izraženosti agentnosti, v izraženosti komunosti pa se razlikujejo. Do medkulturnih razlik prihaja tudi pri povezanosti agentnosti in komunosti z velikimi petimi osebnostnimi potezami ter s subjektivnim blagostanjem. Kljub temu se je agentnost pri obeh vzorcih povezovala z več komponentami subjektivnega blagostanja kot komunost. Razlike med vzorcema bi lahko pripisali socializacijskim vzorcem, vplivom trenutnih družbenih razmer ali posledicam vzorčenja. K napovedovanju subjektivnega blagostanja ločeno doprinesejo agentnost in komunost ter velikih pet osebnostnih potez. Agency combine characteristics that emphasise individuality and communion combine characteristics important for interpersonal relationships (Abele et. al., 2016). In various cultures agency and communion are differently emphasised which is reflected in one’s perception of self, others and subjective well-being (Ng, Ho, Wong in Smith, 2003). This research is focused on cultural diversity in relationship between agency and communion, personality and subjective well-being. German (N = 108) and Slovenian (N = 213) students took part in research. Results showed that there is no difference in agency between samples but there are differences in communion. There are also cultural differences in correlations between agency and communion with personality and subjective well-being. Agency correlates with more components of subjective well-being than communion in both samples. These differences can be explained by process of socialisation, by current circumstances in society or by consequences of sampling. For prediction of subjective well-being agency and communion and Big Five are separately important predictors.
- Published
- 2019
50. Reading in english and pronunciation difficulties relation to different text types
- Author
Horvatič, Zala and Jurančič, Klementina Penelope
- Subjects
študentje ,Pronunciation ,Fonetika ,Fonologija ,Branje ,Soglasniki ,udc:811.111'344.1:028(043.2) ,Phonology ,Aspiration ,Izgovarjava ,Reading ,Phonetics ,Consonants ,Students ,Aspiracija - Abstract
V magistrski nalogi smo predstavili različne vidike psiholingvistike, ki se ukvarja prav s prejemanjem, procesiranjem in tvorjenjem jezika v možganih. V teoriji smo zajeli tudi osnove fonetike in fonologije in opise glasov ter procesov, pomembnih za našo raziskavo. Naslonili smo se na raziskave dr. Klementine Jurančič in dr. Rastislava Šuštaršica, ki sta vodilna raziskovalca angleške fonetike na slovenskih tleh. Postavila sta temelje izgovarjave angleščine pri Slovencih, ki so bili teoretično izhodišče magistrske naloge. Ker je naša raziskava bazirala na branju teksta, smo se v teoretičnem delu ukvarjali tudi s temo glasnega branja. V magistrski nalogi se nismo ukvarjali z vsemi angleškimi fonemi, temveč smo se osredotočili na nekatere soglasnike in procese, pri katerih sodelujejo. Ugotovili smo veliko različnih pomembnih novosti, ki jih je mogoče raziskovati vnaprej in ki nam dajejo pomemben vpogled v govor naših študentov. Glavni cilji naše magistrske naloge so bili smiselnosti teoretičnih problemov/vidikov fonetike in fonologije pri študiju angleškega jezika v Sloveniji ter njenega poučevanja. Tukaj se je smiselno vprašati, koliko časa je dovolj, da študentom predstavimo fonetiko in fonologijo, da jo razumejo, znajo in ponotranjijo. Glede na to, da je govorjeni jezik prvi stik pri spoznavanju novih ljudi, je v tujem okolju izgovarjava angleščine izjemnega pomena, sploh za študenta angleškega jezika, kaj šele za bodočega profesorja angleščine, ki želi svoje znanje predajati mladim umom.. Angleška fonetika in fonologija je izjemno pomemben predmet, ki ga študentje angleškega jezika spoznajo v prvem letniku. Zaradi tega s to magistrsko nalogo iščemo načine, kako lahko teoretični del predmeta fonetike infiltriramo v praktični del, da bi se študentje pri predmetu čim več naučili in uporabili svoje znanje fonetike v vsakdanjem življenju. Zaradi kompleksnosti fonetike in fonologije je treba najprej raziskati dejansko znanje študentov angleščine Univerze v Mariboru. V magistrski nalogi smo raziskovali angleško izgovarjavo 20 študentov UM, prvega letnika 1. stopnje bolonjskega sistema, smeri Angleški jezik in književnost. Nekaj smernic, na katere smo bili med našo raziskavo posebej pozorni, smo dobili iz prejšnjih raziskav dr. Klementine Jurančič in dr. Rastislava Šuštaršica, ki sta naša vodilna raziskovalca angleške fonetike. Študentom smo pripravili dva različna teksta, in sicer odlomek iz pravljice Piskač iz Hamelina in odlomek iz zgodovinske monografije. Prvi tekst, ki je bil zgodovinska monografija, je vseboval nekaj besed, ki jih v prostem govoru zelo redko zasledimo, zato smo ga klasificirali kot težek tekst. Drugi tekst smo označili za lahkega zaradi enostavnega in vsem znanega besedišča iz pravljice. Med obdelavo rezultatov smo uporabili program SPSS, ki nam je z Paired Samples T-Test pokazal zanimive rezultate. Na tem mestu moremo opozoriti na majhen vzorec sodelujočih (dvajset študentov). Test je pokazal, da so odstopanja med lahkim in težkim tekstom minimalna, kar pomeni, da so študenti, ki so imeli dobre rezultate na lahkem tekstu, prenesli znanje na težek tekst. Le temu rečemo govorne navade ali po angleško “speech habits. Pri tem enakem testu, pa so se nam pokazala tri odstopanja, ki so se nagibala v eno ali drugo smer torej v prid težkemu ali lahkemu tekstu. Zreducirana zvenečnost v začetnih soglasniških sklopih (z izjemo aspiracije) (60% mean v prid tekstu 1) je imel eno besedo (flowers) za glas /l/ in dve (izmed treh) za /r/, zreducirana zvenečnost v končnem soglasniškem sklopu (aritmetična sredina/povprečje/mean 22% v prid tekstu 2) je imel le en reprezentativni glas za process (/b/), in variante morfemov (44,5% v prid tekstu 2) so imeli neenakomerno porazdeljene besede, kjer so se lahke besede ponavljale ( beseda rats tudi 7 krat. Poleg tega ne moremo čez dejstvo, da je pri glasnem branju vključen stres in vsi ostali procesi, ko beremo v tujem jeziku. The MA thesis researches the correct English pronunciation of two read texts. One text is taken from a fairy tale and is therefore considered an easy text to read, the second text is taken from a historical monograph, with specific historic names and dates, and is therefore considered a difficult text. The respondents in the research are first year BA students of English who had not yet become familiar with the course English Phonetics. I will be focusing on the pronunciation difficulties of RP consonants and vowels focusing on aspiration and devoicing. The experiment included materials gained at the end of the course English Phonetics in order to establish whether the students’ pronunciation had improved or not, and how. We have focused specifically on pronunciation of the English language in Slovenia. There are already some known mistakes Slovenians make in their pronunciation of words in English. They are listed in literature which proved beneficial also for this study. Paired Samples T-Test showed some interesting results for our research. We have to take into account that we had a very small sample (20 students). All the percentages were such that we can draw the conclusion that students that did well on the easy text, did almost equally well on the difficult text. We can draw parallels here because of the speech habits, which should be the same in any type of text. The additional problem could also be the unequal representation of the words relating to processes. Some processes had only 3 words where the sound was represented and the other processes had more (10+), which makes them more reliable. Devoicing in initial clusters (aspiration excluded) (60% mean in favour of text 1) had one (flowers) for the sound /l/ and two (from and three) for /r/, devoicing in final clusters (mean 22% favour of text 2) had only one representative sounds for the process (/b/), and allomorphs (44,5% mean favour of text 2) had an unequal representation pattern of easy and difficult words (more repetitive easy words as “rats”- 7 times per text). On the other hand, we have to take into account all of the stress and the mind process that goes on in our brain as we read out loud in the second language. As we could see with all the word transformations, the students have similar speech habits, but they adjust the words they do not recognize.
- Published
- 2019
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