15 results on '"Šumonja, Sanja"'
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2. Effect of Health educational intervention in the form of counseling on changes in anthropometric and biochemical parameters of type 2 diabetes mellitus
- Author
Stantić-Romić Dijana, Požar Hajnalka, and Šumonja Sanja
- Subjects
body mass ,type 2 diabetes ,glycemia ,waist circumference ,counseling work ,Nursing ,RT1-120 - Abstract
Introduction: Diabetes is a significant public health problem. In Serbia, 12% of the population suffers dominantly from type 2 diabetes, the development of which is associated with an inadequate diet and lack of physical activity. The treatment of patients involves the application of diet therapy in combination with medical treatment. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the differences in anthropometric and biochemical parameters in patients with type 2 diabetes after the counseling work. Respondents and methods: The research was conducted as a retrospective evaluation study through the analysis of medical records of users of the Nutrition Counseling Service of the Public Health Institute of Subotica. The sample included 34 patients with type 2 diabetes, mostly women (71%). Results: The average body weight of the patients was 87.6 kg, waist circumference 105 cm, the average glycemima was 7.14 mmol/l, and the blood pressure level was 140/84 mmHg. After counseling, at the first control measurement 2-4 months after the first examination, the patients lost an average of 3 kg, the waist circumference decreased by an average of 2 cm, and the percentage of fat in the body decreased by 1.6%. There was a decrease in glycemia by 0.6 mmol/l and systolic blood pressure by 5 mmHg. Although the second control examination was attended by a much smaller number of patients, based on the results, it was observed that the average values of the observed parameters were significantly lower compared to the initial values (body mass decreased by 1 kg, waist circumference by 4 cm, glycemia level by an additional 1 mmol/l). Conclusion: Based on the results of the research, it can be concluded that after the counseling work, there was a significant improvement in the nutritional status and glycemia in patients with type 2 diabetes.
- Published
- 2023
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3. Diet habits of employees in higher education
- Author
Požar Hajnalka, Šumonja Sanja, Sekulić Nataša, Čamprag-Sabo Nataša, and Puškaš Valentin
- Subjects
habits ,nutrition ,chronic mass non-communicable diseases ,employees ,Nursing ,RT1-120 - Abstract
Introduction: Inadequate nutrition, excessive use of alcohol and tobacco can significantly increase the risk of chronic mass non-communicable diseases, which are responsible for more than two-thirds of deaths in the adult population globally. The aim of this paper is to analyze the risk factors for chronic non-communicable diseases among employees in higher education. Material and methods: The research was conducted in the form of a cross-sectional study during May 2022. The surveyed population consists of 31 employees of the College of Vocational Studies in Subotica. The research instrument consists of a survey questionnaire created for research purposes. The data analysis was performed using the statistical package SPSS 20. The methods of descriptive statistical analysis, cross-tabulation analysis were applied, and the parametric ch2 test was used to confirm the correlation. Results: A third of the employees have been diagnosed with a chronic disease, most often hypertension and hypercholesterolemia. More than half (58%) of employees eat breakfast, 87% eat lunch and 52% eat dinner regularly. About 60% of employees consume fruits and vegetables at least 5-6 days a week, significantly more often employees over 45. Almost half (42%) of employees consume sweets at least 5-7 days a week, or more often. A quarter (24%) of employees consume alcoholic beverages on a weekly basis. Conclusion: The results of the study show that among employees in higher education there are inadequate eating habits that can increase the risk of chronic mass non-communicable diseases.
- Published
- 2023
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4. Effects of Nutritional Interventions on Metabolic Syndrome Parameters Among Employees in Higher Education
- Author
Požar, Hajnalka, primary, Šumonja, Sanja, additional, Sabo, Nataša Čamprag, additional, Sekulić, Nataša, additional, Puškaš, Valentin, additional, and Požar, Čaba, additional
- Published
- 2024
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5. Current knowledge and attitudes of nurses: Technicians regarding hospital aquired infections
- Author
Marjanović Jelena, Šumonja Sanja, and Požar Hajnalka
- Subjects
knowledge ,nosocomial infections ,nurses ,prevention ,Nursing ,RT1-120 - Abstract
Introduction: Intrahospital infections have a great impact on the mortality rate and morbidity of hospitalized patients. The importance of nosocomial infections makes it important for nurses to know and implement preventive measures during provision of nursing care. Objective: To analyze knowledge and attitudes of nurses about nosocomial infections. Material and methods: The research was conducted on a population of nurses and technicians employed at the General Hospital in Subotica. The sample included 44 participants. The research instrument was a questionnaire designed for the purposes of the research. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and hi-square test. Results: The definition of nosocomial infections was known to 68% of respondents, but only 50% of respondents knew that the hands of healthcare professionals were the most common way of spreading nosocomial infections. Basic preventive measures against nosocomial infections were familiar to 82% of respondents, and 95% of the respondents thought that nurses have important role in the control and prevention of nosocomial infections. Significantly more respondents who have more than 20 years of work experience thought that nurses do not have contribution in prevention and control of nosocomial infections (p=0.011). Conclusion: Most participants were familiar with the definition of nosocomial infections and basic preventive measures. It is necessary to improve the knowledge about the ways of spreading and the risks for the occurrence of nosocomial infections.
- Published
- 2021
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6. Nursing: An essential profession in providing universal health coverage
- Author
Šumonja Sanja
- Subjects
Nursing ,RT1-120 - Published
- 2022
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7. DASH diet in the prevention and treatment of arterial hypertension
- Author
Jelačik, Laura, primary, Požar, Hajnalka, additional, and Šumonja, Sanja, additional
- Published
- 2022
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8. Impact of the Cross-Curricular Education Program on Food Intake, Physical Activity, and Body Mass Index of School Children in a Local Community in Northern Serbia
- Author
Šumonja, Sanja, primary and Jevtić, Marija, additional
- Published
- 2021
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9. Nursing profession in the contemporary healthcare system and public health: New roles and challenges
- Author
Živanović, Dejan, primary, Javorac, Jovan, additional, Dimoski, Zvonko, additional, and Šumonja, Sanja, additional
- Published
- 2021
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10. Evaluacija integrisane edukacije dece uzrasta 7 do 10 godina o ishrani i fizičkoj aktivnosti
- Author
Šumonja, Sanja, Jevtić, Marija, Cvjetićanin, Stanko, Milutinović, Dragana, Brestovački, Svitlica Branislava, Simin, Dragana, Bogosavljević, Radmila, and Bjelanović, Jelena
- Subjects
дете ,навике у исхрани ,здравствено васпитање ,знање о здрављу, ставови, пракса ,физичка активност ,упитници ,Child ,Food Habits ,Health Education ,Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice ,Motor Activity ,Questionnaires ,dete ,navike u ishrani ,zdravstveno vaspitanje ,znanje o zdravlju, stavovi, praksa ,fizička aktivnost ,upitnici - Abstract
УВОД: Нeпрaвилнa исхрaнa и нeдoвoљнa физичкa aктивнoст припaдajу групи нajзнaчajниjих здрaвствeнo-ризичних пoнaшaњa шкoлскe дeцe. Незадовољавајући трендови стања ухрањености и физичке активности деце школског узраста у Србији намећу потребу креирања и евалуације програма за унапређење исхране и физичке активности деце. Према искуствима других земаља, најефективнији програми унапређења исхране и физичке активности деце су програми који комбинују учење кроз наставни програм и утицај на родитеље или школску средину. Унапређење исхране и физичке активности у школама у Србиjи спрoвoди сe углaвнoм крoз краткотрајне кампање, промоције правилне исхране и физичке активности чији резултати нису евалуирани. У образовном систему Р. Србије не придаје се довољно значаја садржајима везаним за правилну исхрану и физичку активност у највећој мери због оптерећења наставника и ученика другим наставним предметима и садржајима. Интегрисана едукације деце и родитеља прeдстaвљa jeдaн нaчин нa кojи сe мoжe oргaнизoвaти едукација о исхрани и физичкој активности у нижим рaзрeдимa oснoвнe шкoлe, бeз дoдaтнoг oптeрeћeњa учeникa и aнгaжoвaњa нaстaвникa. ЦИЉЕВИ: Циљеви овог рада били су да се утврди да ли интегрисана едукација деце о исхрани и физичкој активности може значајно да унапреди знање и навике деце везане за исхрану и физичку активност, те стање ухрањености деце узраста 7 до 10 година. МАТЕРИЈАЛ И МЕТОДЕ: У истрaживaњу су употребљене мeтoде eкспeримeнтa сa пaрaлeлним групaмa, дескриптивна и аналитичка метода. У истраживање су укључена деца узраста 7 до 10 година из две основне школе у Сомбору. Формирање узорка вршено је по принципу једнофазног кластер узорковања. Нeзaвисне вaриjaбле истраживања биле су едукација деце о исхрани и физичкој активности и едукација родитеља о исхрани и физичкој активности. Зависне варијабле истраживања чинили су: ниво знања дeцe o прaвилнoj исхрaни и физичкoj aктивнoсти, навике у исхрани, одлике породичне исхране, физичка активност, седентарно понашање и стaњe ухрaњeнoсти дeцe. Утврђивање навика у исхрани, стања физичке активности, стања ухрањености деце и одлика породичне исхране у експерименталној групи спроведено је пре (термин Т1) и по завршетку примене едукације деце и родитеља (термин Т2). Утврђивање нивоа знања о правилној исхрани и физичкој активности спроведено је пре (термин Т1), по завршетку (термин Т2) и два месеца после примене интегрисане едукације деце и родитеља (термин Т3). Утврђивање значајних разлика између Е и К групе у терминима Т1, Т2 и Т3 вршено је применом χ2 теста за категоријске податке, Mann Whitney U теста за нумеричке непараметријске варијабле односно t-теста за параметријске варијабле. Утврђивање значајних разлика унутар Е и К групе у одпносу на термине Т1 и Т2 односно Т2 и Т3 вршено је применом hi2 теста за категоријске податке, Вилкоксоновог теста за упарене непараметарске податке односно t-теста упарених узорака за параметријске податке. Евалуација је извршена у односу на пол и узрасне групе деце. РЕЗУЛТАТИ: У термину Т1 узорак је чинило укупно 167 испитаника (94 испитаника у Е-експерименталној групи, а 73 испитаника у К-контролној групи), док је у термину Т2 узорак чинило 177 испитаника (92 испитаника у Е-експерименталној групи, а 85 испитаника у К-контролној групи). У термину Т2 постигнуто је значајно повећање знања деце првог разреда о улогама хране (T1=0,84; Т2=1,56; рТ1:Т2, UVOD: Nepravilna ishrana i nedovoljna fizička aktivnost pripadaju grupi najznačajnijih zdravstveno-rizičnih ponašanja školske dece. Nezadovoljavajući trendovi stanja uhranjenosti i fizičke aktivnosti dece školskog uzrasta u Srbiji nameću potrebu kreiranja i evaluacije programa za unapređenje ishrane i fizičke aktivnosti dece. Prema iskustvima drugih zemalja, najefektivniji programi unapređenja ishrane i fizičke aktivnosti dece su programi koji kombinuju učenje kroz nastavni program i uticaj na roditelje ili školsku sredinu. Unapređenje ishrane i fizičke aktivnosti u školama u Srbiji sprovodi se uglavnom kroz kratkotrajne kampanje, promocije pravilne ishrane i fizičke aktivnosti čiji rezultati nisu evaluirani. U obrazovnom sistemu R. Srbije ne pridaje se dovoljno značaja sadržajima vezanim za pravilnu ishranu i fizičku aktivnost u najvećoj meri zbog opterećenja nastavnika i učenika drugim nastavnim predmetima i sadržajima. Integrisana edukacije dece i roditelja predstavlja jedan način na koji se može organizovati edukacija o ishrani i fizičkoj aktivnosti u nižim razredima osnovne škole, bez dodatnog opterećenja učenika i angažovanja nastavnika. CILJEVI: Ciljevi ovog rada bili su da se utvrdi da li integrisana edukacija dece o ishrani i fizičkoj aktivnosti može značajno da unapredi znanje i navike dece vezane za ishranu i fizičku aktivnost, te stanje uhranjenosti dece uzrasta 7 do 10 godina. MATERIJAL I METODE: U istraživanju su upotrebljene metode eksperimenta sa paralelnim grupama, deskriptivna i analitička metoda. U istraživanje su uključena deca uzrasta 7 do 10 godina iz dve osnovne škole u Somboru. Formiranje uzorka vršeno je po principu jednofaznog klaster uzorkovanja. Nezavisne varijable istraživanja bile su edukacija dece o ishrani i fizičkoj aktivnosti i edukacija roditelja o ishrani i fizičkoj aktivnosti. Zavisne varijable istraživanja činili su: nivo znanja dece o pravilnoj ishrani i fizičkoj aktivnosti, navike u ishrani, odlike porodične ishrane, fizička aktivnost, sedentarno ponašanje i stanje uhranjenosti dece. Utvrđivanje navika u ishrani, stanja fizičke aktivnosti, stanja uhranjenosti dece i odlika porodične ishrane u eksperimentalnoj grupi sprovedeno je pre (termin T1) i po završetku primene edukacije dece i roditelja (termin T2). Utvrđivanje nivoa znanja o pravilnoj ishrani i fizičkoj aktivnosti sprovedeno je pre (termin T1), po završetku (termin T2) i dva meseca posle primene integrisane edukacije dece i roditelja (termin T3). Utvrđivanje značajnih razlika između E i K grupe u terminima T1, T2 i T3 vršeno je primenom χ2 testa za kategorijske podatke, Mann Whitney U testa za numeričke neparametrijske varijable odnosno t-testa za parametrijske varijable. Utvrđivanje značajnih razlika unutar E i K grupe u odpnosu na termine T1 i T2 odnosno T2 i T3 vršeno je primenom hi2 testa za kategorijske podatke, Vilkoksonovog testa za uparene neparametarske podatke odnosno t-testa uparenih uzoraka za parametrijske podatke. Evaluacija je izvršena u odnosu na pol i uzrasne grupe dece. REZULTATI: U terminu T1 uzorak je činilo ukupno 167 ispitanika (94 ispitanika u E-eksperimentalnoj grupi, a 73 ispitanika u K-kontrolnoj grupi), dok je u terminu T2 uzorak činilo 177 ispitanika (92 ispitanika u E-eksperimentalnoj grupi, a 85 ispitanika u K-kontrolnoj grupi). U terminu T2 postignuto je značajno povećanje znanja dece prvog razreda o ulogama hrane (T1=0,84; T2=1,56; rT1:T2, INTRODUCTION: Improper diet and lack of physical activity belonging to the group the most significant health risks behavior of school children. Current trends in nutritional status and physical activity of schoolchildren in Serbia impose the need for creating and evaluating programs to improve nutrition and physical activity of children. According to the experience of other countries, the most effective programs for the improvement of nutrition and physical activity of children are programs that combine learning across the curriculum and the impact on parents or the school environment. Programs for improving nutrition and physical activity in schools in Serbia are usually carried out through short-term campaigns whose results are not evaluated. Contents about nutrition and physical activity are not properly represented in the curriculum for elementary schools in Serbia partly due to the workload of teachers and students in other school subjects and contents. Integrated education of children and parents may be a solution for conducting nutrition and physical activity education in primary schools without the additional burden of engaging students and teachers. AIMS: Aims of this study were to determine whether integrated education of 7 to 10 year/old children may have significant influence on children`s knowledge about nutrition and physical activity, dietary habits, physical activity, sedentary behavior, characteristics of family nutrition and children`s nutritional status. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study used experimental methods with parallel groups, descriptive and analytical methods. The study included children aged 7 to 10 years from two primary schools in Sombor. Single-phase cluster sampling was used to form sample. Independent research variables were nutrition and physical activity program education for children and nutrition and physical activity education program for parents. Dependent research variables were the level of knowledge about proper nutrition and physical activity, dietary habits, physical activity, sedentary behavior, characteristics of family nutrition, and nutritional status of children. Determining sohrani habits, physical activity status, nutritional status of children and the quality of family nutrition in the experimental group was carried out before (the term T1) and after application of educating children and parents (a term T2). Determining the level of knowledge about proper nutrition and physical activity was carried out before (term T1) at the end (term T2) and two months after the application of the integrated education of children and parents ( term T3). Determination of significant differences between the groups E and K in terms of T1, T2 and T3 was conducted using hi2 test for categorical variables, the Mann-Whitney U test for numerical non-parametric variables and t-tests for continuous variables. Determining significant differences within the group E and K in relation to the time slots T1 and T2 or T2 and T3 was performed using hi2 test for categorical variables, the Wilcoxon test for paired data for the non-parametric variables and t-test for paired samples for parametric data. The evaluation was made in relation to gender and age groups of children. RESULTS: In the term T1 total sample included 167 subjects (94 subjects in the experimental group E, and 73 subjects in the K-control group), while in the term T2 sample consisted of 177 subjects (92 subjects in the experimental group E and 85 respondents in K-the control group). Significant increase in the knowledge of 7 year-old children in the term T2 was achieved on the roles of food (T1 = 0.84, T2 = 1.56; T1: T2
- Published
- 2016
- Author
ŠUMONJA, Sanja and JEVTIĆ, Marija
- Subjects
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SEDENTARY behavior , *CHILD psychology , *PHYSICAL activity , *PARENTS , *TELEVISION viewing - Abstract
Introduction. The aim of this study was to determine the agreement between parents’ and children’s reports of children’s physical activity and screen-based sedentary activities. Material and Methods. The sample included 7 - 10 year-old children (n = 94) and their parents (n = 94) in a local community in Vojvodina. Parents and children separately completed questionnaires about the types of physical and sedentary activities and the time children spent in different activities during one day. The agreement between children’s and parents’ responses was calculated using Cohen’s kappa. The differences in parents’ and children’s responses in relation to gender and grade the students attended were analyzed using χ2 test. P-values less than 0.05 were considered statistically significant. Results. The highest level of agreement (κ = 0.74; p = 0.00) was found for the questions concerning physical activity in the morning before going to school. The lowest level of agreement was found for watching TV in the morning before going to school (κ = 0.21; p = 0.04). Children reported spending more time in screen-based sedentary activities than their parents. Conclusion. This research showed that there are differences in reports of children’s physical activities and screen time obtained from children aged 7 to 10 years and their parents. The lowest level of agreement was found for watching television, indicating low level of awareness and control of this screen-based sedentary behavior. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
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- Author
Sokolova, Liljana, Šumonja, Sanja, Simić, Duško, and Đokić, Nenad
- Subjects
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ANIMAL products , *MALNUTRITION , *STUDENT health - Abstract
For students, nutrition is of primary importance because during adolescence the qualitative and quantitative needs for a well-balanced diet, are bigger than during any other period of life. Numerous reports in Serbia, talk about students health problems because of the incorrect diet, such as anemia, malnutrition, and obesity. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the diet, the frequency of weekly intake of foods of animal origin and the Body Mass Index. A survey was conducted between students of all study groups and all the years, a total of 133 respondents. The state of nutrition of students is significantly related to the intake of certain foods of animal origin. Chicken is significantly less represented in the diet of overweight students, opposite to other meat (except fish and chicken) that is more represented in both sexes. There is no significant correlation between nutrition status and diet. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2018
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13. Determinants of Fruit, Vegetable, and Dairy Consumption in a Sample of Schoolchildren, Northern Serbia, 2012
- Author
Šumonja, Sanja, primary and Novaković, Budimka, additional
- Published
- 2013
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14. Psychosocial Aspect, Frequency and Intercorrelation of Students` Health Risk Behaviours / Psihosocijalni aspekt, čestotnost i međupovezanost rizičnih zdravstvenih ponašanja studenata
- Author
Marić, Mia, primary and Šumonja, Sanja, additional
- Published
- 2013
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15. Psychosocial Aspect, Frequency and Intercorrelation of Students' Health Risk Behaviours.
- Author
Maric, Mia and Šumonja, Sanja
- Subjects
PSYCHOSOCIAL factors ,TRAIT intercorrelations ,HEALTH behavior ,ALCOHOL drinking ,YOUTH health - Abstract
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- Published
- 2013
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