Ovaj rad temelji se na prikazu uloga obitelji i odgojitelja u odgoju, razvoju i napretku djeteta s autističnim poremećajem. Prvi dio bazira se na prikazu definicije i dijagnoze autizma kroz stručnu literaturu. Također, definira se pojam obitelji te potrebne kompetencije odgojitelja. Drugi dio sastoji se od intervjua s majkom autističnoga mladića i asistenticom u nastavi. Cilj intervjua s majkom, kao i cijeloga završnog rada, bio je prikazati na koji način mladić s autizmom funkcionira u svakodnevnome životu te koja je uloga obitelji i odgojitelja u njegovu odgoju. This thesis is based upon the representation of the roles of family and educators' in upbringing, development and progress of an autistic child. The first part is based upon the representation of the definition of autism throughout professional literature. Furthermore, the concept of the family along with educators competences are being defined. The second part consists of an interview with the mother of an autistic boy and a teaching assistant. The goal of said interview, as well as the whole thesis, is to show how does the autistic boy function in everyday life and what role, the family and educators, have in upbringing him. more...