21 results on '"Šolar, Renata"'
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2. Kartografski zakladi slovenskega ozemlja / Cartographic Treasures Of Slovenian Territory
- Author
Gašperič, Primož, primary, Šolar, Renata, primary, and Zorn, Matija, primary
- Published
- 2020
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3. Kartografske zbirke in konceptualne spremembe v pojmovanju kart in kartografije
- Author
Šolar, Renata, primary
- Published
- 2017
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4. Večrazsežnostni prikazi naravne in kulturne dediščine v projektu DEDI: Multidimensional representations of natural and cultural heritage in the DEDI project
- Author
Eiselt, Irena, Horvat, Boris, Kovačič, Blaž, Radovan, Dalibor, Šmid Hribar, Mateja, Šolar, Renata, Vladušič, Daniel, and Vodopivec, Ines
- Abstract
DEDI stands for the Digital Encyclopaedia of natural and Cultural Heritage in Slovenia which was a result of two prototype research and development projects DEDI and DEDI II in the period between 2008 and 2010. The two projects were co-financed by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology and the European Regional Development Fund in the frame of research and development projects e-content and e-services. DEDI is the first attempt of multimediarich digital representation of Slovenian natural and cultural heritage on a common web site offering verifiable, qualitative and complex content to a wide range of general public. Digital content (text, video records, audio records, photographs) is enriched by 2-dimensional and/or 3-dimensional visualisation of geographical data or even by 4-dimensional models with time component. 4D models combine 3D models with the time dimension. Thus it is possible to simulate the past, the current and the future condition of natural and cultural heritage objects, their changes, growth, deterioration or oscillation. 3D and 4D models are more explanatory, plastic and attractive to the unprofessional public thus increasingthe interest in the digital encyclopaedia. Technological solutions for the project were developed by the consortium partners in the field of web technologies who succeeded to locate all immovable natural and cultural heritage objects. The Google maps web platform is normally used for 2D representations but it is often too complex to represent a large amount of data. In order to meet the needs of the digital encyclopaedia data need to be structured and linked which is one of the main advantages of Geopedia, an interactive atlas which enables active user participation in adding and editing information on Slovenia. A 3D visualisation tool Gaea+ is used for real time visualisation of 3D models offering user-friendly presentation of any geospatial information and an interactive walk-through allowing users to move in 3D space. Many advanced DEDI files (dynamic multimedia representations or dediteka) of some natural and cultural objects of national importance were created. An advanced dediteka combines several object representation into interactive non-linear stories and upgrade them in various ways. The advanced dediteka "The story of Martin Krpan and his age" is a digitised story of Martin Krpan written in 1858 by Fran Levstik enriched by the audio record. The user can read a story and listen to the Slovenian language of the Levstik´s time.Two main digitisation criteria of equal importance were used for the selection of natural and cultural heritage objects: geographical area and the content value. The article describes a 4D simulation of the urban growth of Ljubljana and the virtual reconstruction of the Žiga Zois study room. 4D simulation of the growth of Ljubljana is based on historical and contemporary sources, i.e. 3D visualisation with time component. It is based on old city plans, digitised terrain model, national topographic maps, contemporary city plan and cadastre. 3D terrain models of buildings are enriched by a city plan of a specific period of time. The historical growth of the city is represented by a 2D dynamic map with floor plans and isochrones. 3D scanned exterior of the Žiga Zois Mansion is represented as well as a part of the interior with the virtual reconstruction of his study room where the collection of minerals was kept. Some specimens are 3D scanned. A few items of his literary opus are digitised, too. V okviru projekta Digitalne enciklopedije naravne in kulturne dediščine na Slovenskem, DEDI II, je bil prikaz digitalnih vsebin običajnih formatov (tekst, video, zvočni zapis in fotografija) obogaten z geografsko informacijo, ki je hkrati prikazana dvo- in/ali trirazsežnostno, lahko pa tudi štirirazsežnostno s časovno komponento. 4D modeli prikazujejo 3D modele objektov v času, kar pomeni, da lahko simuliramo pretekla, sedanja in prihodnja stanja objektov, njihovo spreminjanje, rast, upadanje ali nihanja. 3D in 4D modeli povečajo nazornost, plastičnost in privlačnost prikaza objektov laičnim uporabnikom, s tem pa se poveča zanimanje za enciklopedijo. V prispevku sta podrobneje predstavljena 4D simulacija rasti mesta Ljubljane in virtualna rekonstrukcija kabineta Žige Zoisa. Za Ljubljano je narejena 4D simulacija rasti mesta na osnovi zgodovinskih in sodobnih virov, tj. 3D prostorski prikaz s časovno komponento. Kot vir so uporabljeni stari načrti Ljubljane, digitalni model reliefa, državne topografske karte in sodobni mestni načrti ter podatki katastra stavb. Stavbe so prikazane tridimenzionalno na modelu reliefa , ki je za vsako dobo razvoja mesta prekrit s karto tistega obdobja. Rast mesta je dvodimenzionalno dinamično prikazana tudi na karti s prikazom naraščanja števila tlorisnih prikazov stavb in z izohronami rasti mesta. Za Zoisovo palačo je izdelan 3D prikaz skenirane zunanjosti ter del notranjosti hiše z virtualno rekonstrukcijo njegovega kabineta, v katerega je umeščena zbirka mineralov. Nekaj primerkov iz zbirke je tudi 3D skeniranih, prav tako je digitaliziranih nekaj del iz Zoisove pisne zapuščine.
- Published
- 2012
5. Vpliv razvoja kartografskih tehnik na podobe zemljevidov slovenskega ozemlja od 16. do 19. stoletja
- Author
Fridl, Jerneja and Šolar, Renata
- Abstract
Purpose: the paper presents the most important maps of the present-day Slovenian territory from 16th to 19th century contributed by many foreign and local authors. Due to technological, social, political, economic, cultural, and ideological conditions their image was constantly changing. Some of them are highlighting the key turning points in a centuries-long cartographic development. Methodology/approach: the survey is based on the analysis of primary sources held in the Map Collection of the National and University Library as well as in Geographical museum of Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts. The existing secondary sources, particularly the literature and the results of selected projects, are also critically evaluated. From the scientific point of view the paper is interdisciplinary although its content mostly affects the scope of cartography. Results: the inductive method offers conclusions on the role of maps as a medium for transferring different information. Maps are presented either in the light of their communicative value or in the light of using modern cartographic principles. Maps as graphic images captured on paper demonstrate technological development of selected historical periods and characteristics of different countries, their people, and especially the emergence of individual countries and national border changes. Research limitation: due to limitations in the length of the study text we focus only on the selected items of the cartographic collection and their authors. As usually, we were unable to avoid important cartographers, such as Valvasor, Florjančič and Kozler. The major national cartographic materials held by a two institutions, the National and University Library and GIAM ZRC SAZU Geographical Museum are exposed. Originality/practical implications: the originality of this paper lies mainly in the fact that we deal with maps and their authors together with the impact of technological development on the image of the maps. We also expose their informative value as they reflect not only the cartographer's views about the world, but also the current values of the society. Namen: v prispevku so predstavljena pomembnejša kartografska dela od 16. do 19. stoletja, ki prikazujejo območje današnje Slovenije in so delo številnih tujih in domačih avtorjev. Njihova podoba se je zaradi tehnoloških, družbenih, političnih, gospodarskih, kulturnih in ideoloških danosti nenehno spreminjala, zato so pri posameznih zemljevidih poudarjene ključne prelomnice v več tisočletnem kartografskem razvoju. Metodologija/pristop: raziskava temelji na analizi primarnih virov, ki jih hranijo v Kartografski in slikovni zbirki Narodne in univerzitetne knjižnice, nekaj redkih primerkov pa tudi v Zemljepisnem muzeju Znanstvenoraziskovalnega centra SAZU. Kritično so ovrednoteni tudi obstoječi sekundarni viri, predvsem literatura in izsledki izbranih projektov. Z znanstvenoraziskovalnega stališča je prispevek interdisciplinaren, čeprav vsebinsko v največjem obsegu še vedno posega na področje kartografije. Rezultati: na osnovi zbranih dejstev ter primerov so z induktivno metodo podani sklepi o vlogi zemljevidov kot medija za prenašanje najrazličnejših informacij. Zemljevidi so osvetljeni z vidika njihove sporočilne vrednosti ali uvedbe novih kartografskih načel, saj grafične podobe, ujete na papir, pričajo o tehnološkem razvoju izbranega zgodovinskega obdobja in značilnostih različnih dežel, njenih ljudeh, predvsem pa o nastajanju posameznih držav in spreminjanju njihovih meja. Omejitve raziskave: zaradi omejitev v dolžini besedila smo se v raziskavi osredotočili le na izbrano kartografsko gradivo in njihove avtorje. Kot običajno nismo mogli obiti že večkrat omenjenih kartografov, kot so Valvasor, Florjančič in Kozler. Obravnavamo predvsem nacionalno najpomembnejše kartografsko gradivo, ki ga hranita dve instituciji, to je Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica ter Zemljepisni muzej GIAM ZRC SAZU. Izvirnost/uporabnost raziskave: izvirnost prispevka je predvsem v tem, da smo v obravnavo zemljevidov in njihovih avtorjev tokrat vključili tudi vpliv tehnološkega razvoja na podobo zemljevidov. Izpostavili pa smo še njihovo sporočilno vrednost, saj se v zemljevidih zrcalijo tako kartografove predstave o svetu kot trenutne vrednote družbe.
- Published
- 2011
6. Knjiga kot premična kulturna dediščina v portalu DEDI: umestitev knjige v digitalno enciklopedijo naravne in kulturne dediščine na Slovenskem
- Author
Eiselt, Irena, Horvat, Boris, Šavc, Urška, Šmid Hribar, Mateja, Šolar, Renata, Vladušič, Daniel, and Vodopivec, Ines
- Abstract
The project entitled "Digital encyclopaedia of Slovenian natural and cultural heritage" (DEDI II) has been evolved as a prototype research and development project (2009-2010). It represents the first attempt of multimedia-rich digital representation of Slovenian natural and cultural heritage by the means of interdisciplinary work of different cultural and educational institutions. Verifiable, qualitative and complex content of four types of heritage is co-located on a common site (immovable, movable, vivid and natural heritage) with the goal to promote the heritage and educate the general public, as well as to encourage the public to create tomorrow's heritage. A new detailed thesaurus was constructed enabling the classification of different kinds of heritage.It merges the established and newly created taxonomies of each type of heritage. To ensure the quality of published contents, the professional Editorial Board has been established. The National and University Library of Slovenia (NUK), one of the fundamental institutions for collecting and keeping the written cultural heritage of Slovenia, has already participated in the conception of the first project scheme. In the second part of the DEDI project, NUK contributed a number of digitalized books selected on the basis of their historical and literary importance. Digitalized books were published on the DEDI portal under the movable cultural heritage taxonomy. Projekt Digitalna enciklopedija naravne in kulturne dediščine na Slovenskem (DEDI II) je prototipni raziskovalno-razvojni projekt (2009-2010) in predstavlja prvi poskus večmedijske digitalne predstavitve slovenske naravne in kulturne dediščine in interdisciplinarno združuje delo različnih kulturnih in izobraževalnih institucij, s čimer so bile na enem mestu zbrane verodostojne, kakovostne in kompleksne vsebine štirih vrst dediščine (nepremične, premične, žive kulturne ter naravne) z namenom, izobraževati in približati dediščino najširši javnosti in jo spodbuditi k soustvarjanju jutrišnje dediščine. Za potrebe projekta je bil narejen podroben tezaver dediščine, ki združuje do sedaj znane in na novo dopolnjene taksonomije za posamezne vrste de-diščine. Ustanovljena je bila strokovna uredniška skupina, ki skrbi za kakovost objavljenih vsebin. Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica (NUK) je kot ena temeljnih ustanov za hranjenje in zbiranje slovenske pisne kulturne dediščine sodelovala že pri zasnovi pilotnega projekta DEDI, v nadaljevalnem projektu pa je z digitalizacijo pomembnih zgodovinskih in literarnih del v okviru premične dediščine prispevala k primerni zastopanosti virtualne knjige na spletnem portalu DEDI.
- Published
- 2010
7. Obvezni izvod v kartografski in slikovni zbirki Narodne in univerzitetne knjižnice
- Author
Šolar, Renata
- Abstract
Legal deposit has been the most important way of the acquisition of cartographic and pictorial library materials. For the period from 1948 to 1991, it represented up to 80% of the inflow, composed mostly of postcards, obituaries, posters, congratulation cards, holly cards, calendars, maps, prints and atlases. High numbers of up to 5.000 copies were noted in the 70's and 80's. A notable decrease of items received through legal deposit was noted after 1991. Total inflow was between 1.000 and 2.000 copies per year. Traditional print maps and atlases still represent the majority of contemporary cartographic legal deposit inflow along with posters, postcards and calendars of pictorial materials. Obvezni izvod je bil in je še zmeraj najpomembnejši vir dotoka kartografskega in slikovnega gradiva. V času od ustanovitve zbirke pa do leta 1991 je predstavljal tudi do 80% dotoka. Največji je bil pritok razglednic, sledile so osmrtnice, plakati, voščilnice, podobice, koledarji, zemljevidi, grafika in atlasi. Največji dotok obveznega izvoda beležimo v 70-ih in 80-ih letih, ko je v zbirko prišlo tudi do 5.000 kosov gradiva. Po osamosvojitvi se je dotok obveznega izvoda zmanjšal, njegov delež pri celotnem dotoku gradiva pa upadel. Giblje se med 1.000 in 2.000 kosi letno. Pri kartografskem gradivu je še zmeraj največji dotok tradicionalnega tiskanega gradiva, pri slikovnem pa plakatov, razglednic in koledarjev.
- Published
- 2007
8. Kartografija Austro-Ugarske monarhije: prinos hrvatskih i slovenskih kartografa 19. stoljeća
- Author
Miletić Drder, Mira and Šolar, Renata
- Subjects
povijest kartografije ,Austro-Ugarska ,Hrvatska ,Slovenija. 19. stoljeće - Abstract
Poster prikazuje najznačajnije kartografske uradke hrvatske i slovenske kartografije 19. stoljeća
- Published
- 2005
9. Digital cartographic materials: a new challenge for cartographic collections
- Author
Šolar, Renata, primary
- Published
- 2014
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10. Methods and Benefits of Georeferencing Library Collections
- Author
Šolar, Renata, primary
- Published
- 2014
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11. Digitalno kartografsko gradivo, nov izziv kartografskih zbirk
- Author
Šolar, Renata
- Abstract
Avtorica v članku ugotavlja razlike med digitalnim in tradicionalnim kartografskim gradivom ter izpostavlja posebnosti njihove bibliografske obdelave. Navaja in opisuje tudi osnovne geoprostorske standarde, ugotavlja stanje na področju digitalnega kartografskega gradiva v Sloveniji ter opisuje izkušnje z digitalnim kartografskim gradivom drugod po svetu.
- Published
- 2003
12. Geographic location as an access model to library collections – a pilot project of European Digital Library
- Author
Šolar, Renata, primary and Radovan, Dalibor, additional
- Published
- 2013
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13. Legal deposit in the Map and Picture Collection of the National and University Library
- Author
Šolar, Renata, primary
- Published
- 2013
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14. The influence of cartographic techniques development on the images of the Slovenian territory: from 16th to the 19th century
- Author
Fridl, Jerneja, primary and Šolar, Renata, additional
- Published
- 2013
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15. Multidimensional Representations of Natural and Cultural Heritage in the DEDI Project
- Author
Radovan, Dalibor, primary, Šolar, Renata, additional, Kovačič, Blaž, additional, Vodopivec, Ines, additional, Vladušič, Daniel, additional, Šmid Hribar, Mateja, additional, Eiselt, Irena, additional, and Horvat, Boris, additional
- Published
- 2013
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16. Book as movable cultural heritage on the DEDI portal: the place of the book in the Digital encyclopaedia of Slo
- Author
Jerele, Ines, primary, Šavc, Urška, additional, Eiselt, Irena, additional, Šolar, Renata, additional, Šmid Hribar, Mateja, additional, Horvat, Boris, additional, and Vladušič, Daniel, additional
- Published
- 2013
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17. Kartografske zbirke in konceptualne spremembe v pojmovanju kart in kartografije.
- Author
Šolar, Renata
- Abstract
Purpose: The article addresses the problem of conceptual changes in the concept of maps and cartography that are reflected in the work in cartographic collections of libraries. The introductory part is followed by a theoretical overview which highlights the development and changes of the definition of the term map. It also emphasizes conceptual changes between the web cartography and geographic information systems (GIS). The article further systemizes characteristics of geospatial data, which differ from others in terms of size, diversity and the rate of change - this requires additional effort in cataloguing, management and preservation. The emphasis is on GeoHydra, geospatial data infrastructure of Stanford University library and cartographic collection of the Cartography and Geological Institute of Catalonia with its virtual maps in geospatial infrastructure in Catalonia - both are examples of cartographic collections of academic and special libraries that provide a rapid and easy access to complex geospatial data. Methodology/Approach: The desk review presents modern findings on conceptual changes at the level of real / virtual map and online cartography, and systematized characteristics of geospatial data as well. Content analysis shows efforts required in cataloguing, management and long-term preservation of spatial data in order to enable effective access to geoinformation. Results: Even though geospatial data are generated according to the established standards, results of content analysis show that there are still many unresolved issues in their capture, management and storage. At present, only few map collections are effectively coping with their complex structure. Research limitations: Relevant literature is available mostly for map and geoinformation collections from the US. Resources for European countries are scarce. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2016
18. Projekt digitalizacije starih karata slovenskog prostora - u suradnji bibliotekarstvo i geodezija
- Author
Šolar, Renata, Radovan, Dalibor, Šolar, Renata, and Radovan, Dalibor
- Abstract
Projekti digitalizacije kartografske građe su sastavni dijelovi velikih projekata digitalizacije svjetske kulturne baštine koji se odvijaju u knjižnicama, muzejima, arhivima širom svijeta. U sklopu pilot projekta Kartografske i grafičke zbirke Narodne i univerzitetne knjižnice u Ljubljani i Geodetskog instituta Slovenije digitalizirano je 20 najznačajnijih karata slovenskog prostora od 16. do sredine 19. stoljeća. U okviru projekta su primijenjeni različiti postupci analogno-digitalne pretvorbe sa skeniranjem i digitalnom fotografijom te postupci obrade skenograma., Projects of digitisation of cartographic material are a part of important projects of digitisation of the world cultural heritage, taking place in libraries, museums, and archives around the world. 20 most significant maps of Slovenian territory from the 16th to the mid 19th century were digitised within the pilot project of the Map and Pictorial Collection of the National and University Library in Ljubljana and Geodetics Institute of Slovenia. Various analogue-digital conversion procedures, including scanning and digital photography, as well as scanogram processing procedures were used during the project.
- Published
- 2004
- Author
Šolar, Renata
- Subjects
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LIBRARY materials , *CARTOGRAPHIC services , *SUBJECT headings , *ACCESS to information , *GEOGRAPHIC information systems , *GAZETTEERS - Abstract
Purpose: Wide use of web mapping and online geolocation services have changed search models and users' requirements for presentation, navigation and access to library collections, wherein the spatial retrieval with coordinates in the background is certainly one of the options. Methodology/approach: The contribution is based on the analysis and comparison of elements for formal georeferencing in MARC formats and metastandards for spatial data ISO 19115 and FGDC CSDMG as well as gazetteers for geographical names such as ADL Gazetteer Protocol, ADL Gazetteer Content Standard, Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names and GeoNames for informal georeferencing. Results: Today's technology allowing connection of online library catalogs with online registers for geographical names and geographical forms, the general subject headings, Wikipedia and other sources of information can dramatically change not only the geographical information search and access to cartographic materilas in libraries, but also to library resources in general. Research limitation: Insufficient number of examples of how libraries take advantage of geographic names and geographic codes in bibliographic records. Originality/practical implications: Results of the study are useful for the development of library services based on georeferencing of bibliographic records. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2013
- Author
Radovan, Dalibor, Šolar, Renata, Kovačič, Blaž, Vodopivec, Ines, Vladušič, Daniel, Hribar, Mateja Šmid, Eiselt, Irena, and Horvat, Boris
- Subjects
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CULTURAL property , *ENCYCLOPEDIAS & dictionaries , *DIGITALLY printed materials , *HIGHER education , *ELECTRONIC services , *THREE-dimensional imaging - Abstract
DEDI stands for the Digital Encyclopaedia of Natural and Cultural Heritage in Slovenia which was a result of two prototype research and development projects DEDI and DEDI II in the period between 2008 and 2010. The two projects were co-financed by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology and the European Regional Development Fund in the frame of research and development projects e-content and e-services. DEDI is the first attempt of multimedia-rich digital representation of Slovenian natural and cultural heritage on a common web site offering verifiable, qualitative and complex content to a wide range of general public. Digital content (text, video records, audio records, photographs) is enriched by 2-dimensional and/or 3-dimensional visualisation of geographical data or even by 4-dimensional models with time component. 4D models combine 3D models with the time dimension. Thus it is possible to simulate the past, the current and the future condition of natural and cultural heritage objects, their changes, growth, deterioration or oscillation. 3D and 4D models are more explanatory, plastic and attractive to the unprofessional public thus increasing the interest in the digital encyclopaedia. Technological solutions for the project were developed by the consortium partners in the field of web technologies who succeeded to locate all immovable natural and cultural heritage objects. The Google Maps web platform is normally used for 2D representations but it is often too complex to represent a large amount of data. In order to meet the needs of the digital encyclopaedia data need to be structured and linked which is one of the main advantages of Geopedia, an interactive atlas which enables active user participation in adding and editing information on Slovenia. A 3D visualisation tool Gaea+ is used for real time visualisation of 3D models offering user-friendly presentation of any geospatial information and an interactive walk-through allowing users to move in 3D space. Many advanced DEDI files (dynamic multimedia representations or dediteka) of some natural and cultural objects of national importance were created. An advanced dediteka combines several object representations into interactive non-linear stories and upgrade them in various ways. The advanced dediteka "The story of Martin Krpan and his age" is a digitised story of Martin Krpan written in 1858 by Fran Levstik enriched by the audio record. The user can read a story and listen to the Slovenian language of the Levstik's time. Two main digitisation criteria of equal importance were used for the selection of natural and cultural heritage objects: geographical area and the content value. The article describes a 4D simulation of the urban growth of Ljubljana and the virtual reconstruction of the Žiga Zois study room. 4D simulation of the growth of Ljubljana is based on historical and contemporary sources, i.e. 3D visualisation with time component. It is based on old city plans, digitised terrain model, national topographic maps, contemporary city plan and cadastre. 3D terrain models of buildings are enriched by a city plan of a specific period of time. The historical growth of the city is represented by a 2D dynamic map with floor plans and isochrones. 3D scanned exterior of the Žiga Zois Mansion is represented as well as a part of the interior with the virtual reconstruction of his study room where the collection of minerals was kept. Some specimens are 3D scanned. A few items of his literary opus are digitised, too. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2012
- Author
Šolar, Renata and Radovan, Dalibor
- Subjects
- *
DIGITAL libraries , *GEOGRAPHIC information systems , *WEB portals , *INFORMATION storage & retrieval systems , *LIBRARIES - Abstract
In the frames of the European eContentplus project European Digital Library (EDL) a pilot GIS application was integrated in The European Library (TEL) portal. The application was realized in the cooperation between the National and University Library of Slovenia and the Geodetic Institute of Slovenia. The pilot GIS application represents the beginning of the development of digital geolibrary where a map is the starting point leading to different geodifferentiated resources. At the same time, it also represents an upgrade of the static presentation of different kinds of digitised materials in the library, as well as an attempt of interdisciplinary presentation with additional educational value. The goal, content, methodology and the results of the pilot GIS application are presented in the article. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2007
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