19 results on '"İSMAİLOĞLU, Özgür"'
Search Results
2. Effect of Melatonin on Cerebral Edema in Rats
- Author
Görgülü, Aşkn, Palaoğlu, Selçuk, İsmailoğlu, Özgür, Tuncel, Mürvet, Sürücü, Meltem Tuncer, Erbil, Mine, and Klnç, Kamer
- Published
- 2001
3. Selenium Decreases Myelin and Axonal Damage in Peripheral Nerve Injury
- Author
- Published
- 2017
4. Infected Metastatic Brain Tumor Mimicking Brain Abscess
- Author
Deniz, Fatih Ersay, Demir, Özgür, Öksüz, Erol, Berker, Mustafa, İsmailoğlu, Özgür, and Özcan, Osman Ekin
- Subjects
Metastatik,beyin,tümör,apse ,Metastatic,Brain,Tumor,Abscess - Abstract
Çok sayıda çevresel kontrast tutan lezyonlar, beynin görüntülemelerinde en çok karşımıza çıkan anormalliklerden biridir. Bu durum çeşitli enfeksiyonlar, neoplastik veya vasküler hastalıklar nedeniyle oluşabilir. Neoplastik lezyonları neoplastik olmayan lezyonlardan ayırmak son derece önemlidir. Bu çalışmada çok sayda serebralabse veya granüloma ön tanısı olan ve ilk cerrahi sonrası serebralabse tanısı alan 39 yaşında bir erkek hastayı sunduk. Hastanın klinik semptomları ameliyat sonrası düzelmedi ve ileri incelemeler sonucunda hastada akciğer karsinomu metastazı tespit edildi. Hastaya yapılan ikiknci cerrahi de son tanıyı doğruladı. Doğru ve tam tanı için ileri çalışmalar sonrasında uygun cerrahi planlaması gereklidir. Şu unutulmamalıdır ki; abse ve beyin metastazının birlikteliği mümkündür., Multiple ring-enhancing lesions of the brain are one of the most commonly encountered abnormalities on neuroimaging. These can be caused by a variety of infectious, neoplastic, inflammatory or vascular diseases. Distinguishing non-neoplastic causes from neoplastic lesions is extremely important. This report describes a 39-year-old male patient, who underwent a surgical procedure with the initial diagnosis of multiple cerebral abscess or granuloma and was diagnosed with cerebral abscess after first surgical intervention. His clinical symptoms did not improve postoperatively, and lung carcinoma metastasis was detected after further investigations. Second surgical intervention also confirm final diagnosis. To correctly and completely diagnose patients with multiple intracranial lesions, advanced studies and adequate surgical intervention must be undertaken. It must be kept in minds that abscess and brain metastasis can be concomitant
- Published
- 2016
- Author
Kızılay, Zahir, primary, Erken, Haydar Ali, additional, Aktaş, Serdar, additional, Ersoy, Nevin, additional, Abas, Burçin İrem, additional, Topcu, Abdullah, additional, Yenisey, Cigdem, additional, and İsmailoğlu, Özgür, additional
- Published
- 2017
- Full Text
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6. Kafa travmalı 1872 hastanın demografik özellikleri, cerrahi yaklaşımlar ve sonuçları
- Author
Şenol, Nilgün, Tomruk, Önder, Karaaslan, Tamer, İsmailoğlu, Özgür, Beceren, Nesrin Gökben, Görgülü, Aşkın, Özdemir, Sinan, and Kapçı, Mücahit
- Subjects
head trauma,Glasgow Coma Scale,Glasgow Outcome Score ,Diş Hekimliği ,kafa travması, glasgow koma skalası, glasgow sonuç skalası ,Dental ,kafa travması,glasgow koma skalası,glasgow sonuç skalası - Abstract
Background: Head traumas are serious problems among neurosurgical emergencies. In this study, we aimed to contribute to the epidemiological studies in our country. Material and Method: In this study, 1872 cases consulted in the emergency service of Suleyman Demirel University Medical School between January-2006 and January-2012 were evaluated retrospectively for ages, gender, etiology, arrival Glasgow Coma Score(GCS), modalite, complications, duration of stay in the hospital, and Glasgow Outcome Score(GOS). Results: In the result, it is found that the mean age of the cases was 28, and most of them were male (67%). Traffic accidents (48%) were the most seen etiological cause. The ratio of the cases with arrival GCS 8 or higher was 95%. Hospitalized patients were 36%, and most of the cases (414 cases-62%) were hospitalized in the neurosurgery clinic. The ratio of the operated patients was 23%. The surgical intervention was administered mostly for epidural hematomas (33%), and descenting fractures (33%). Conclusion: In general, traffic accidents with mild head injuries consist most of the head traumas, also most of the mortal accidents are caused by traffic accidents. It is seen that the cautions should be increased, training and illumination of society is still not maintained, Background: Head traumas are serious problems among neurosurgical emergencies. In this study, we aimed to contribute to the epidemiological studies in our country. Material and Method: In this study, 1872 cases consulted in the emergency service of Suleyman Demirel University Medical School between January-2006 and January-2012 were evaluated retrospectively for ages, gender, etiology, arrival Glasgow Coma Score(GCS), modalite, complications, duration of stay in the hospital, and Glasgow Outcome Score(GOS). Results: In the result, it is found that the mean age of the cases was 28, and most of them were male (67%). Traffic accidents (48%) were the most seen etiological cause. The ratio of the cases with arrival GCS 8 or higher was 95%. Hospitalized patients were 36%, and most of the cases (414 cases-62%) were hospitalized in the neurosurgery clinic. The ratio of the operated patients was 23%. The surgical intervention was administered mostly for epidural hematomas (33%), and descenting fracturs(33%). Conclusion: In general, traffic accidents with mild head injuries consist most of the head traumas, also most of the mortal accidents are caused by traffic accidents. It is seen that the cautions should be increased, training and illumination of society is still not maintained.
- Published
- 2015
7. Serebellar vermis kavernomu
- Author
- Subjects
Vasküler malformasyon, kavernom, serebellar vermis ,Vasküler malformasyon,kavernom,serebellar vermis - Abstract
Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi TIP FAKÜLTESİ DERGİSİ: 2008 Aralık; 15 (4)Serebellar vermis kavernomuOrhan Oyar*, Önem Löker Altıntaş*, Aşkın Görgülü**, Özgür Ismailoğlu**, F. Nilgün Kapucuoğlu***ÖzetKavernomlar, santral sinir sisteminin nadir görülen, sinüzoidal yapılı, intraparankimal vasküler malformasyonlarındandır (1-2). Genelde serebral hemisferler, beyin sapı ve orta beyin bölgelerinde lokalize kavernomların serebellum yerleşimi çok daha nadirdir (3-7). Bu olgu sunumunda, literatürde çok az sayıda rapor edilmiş olan serebellar vermis düzeyinden gelişen kavernoma ait bir olgu sunulmuştur. Anahtar kelimeler: Vasküler malformasyon, kavernom, serebellar vermisAbstractCavernoma of cerebellar vermis Cavernomas are unusual type of intraparenchymal vascular malformations which have sinusoidal structure and being found in the central nervous system. Generally, cavernomas are located in cerebral hemispheres, brain stem and midbrain, but they occurs very rarely within cerebellum. In this case report, a cavernoma was presented, originataning from cerebeller vermis which was reported very few in the literature.Key words: vasculer malformation, cavernoma, cerebellar vermis
- Published
- 2009
- Author
KIZILAY, Zahir, ERKEN, Haydar Ali, AKTAŞ, Serdar, ERSOY, Nevin, ABAS, Burçin İrem, TOPÇU, Abdullah, YENİSEY, Çiğdem, and İSMAİLOĞLU, Özgür
- Subjects
SCIATIC nerve ,SPINAL nerves ,PERONEAL nerve ,NEUROPATHY ,CENTRAL nervous system - Abstract
Copyright of Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine / İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi is the property of Istanbul Tip Fakultesi Dergisi and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2017
9. Neuroprotective effects of tamoxifen on experimental spinal cord injury in rats
- Author
İsmailoğlu, Özgür, Oral, Baha, Görgülü, Aşkın, Sütçü, Recep, and Demir, Necdet
- Published
- 2010
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10. Ratlarda beyinde kortikal çarpma yaralanması sonrası melatoninin ve nimodipinin etkileri
- Author
İsmailoğlu, Özgür, Palaoğlu, Selçuk, and Nöroşirürji Anabilim Dalı
- Subjects
Neurosurgery ,Nöroşirürji - Abstract
ÖZET İsmailoğlu Ö., Katlarda beyinde kortikal çarpma yaralanma sonrası melatoninin ve nimodipinin etkileri, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Nöroşirurji Uzmanlığı Tezi, Ankara, 2004. Nöroşirurji ve yoğun bakım ünitelerinin en önemli uğraşlarından birisi haline gelmiş olan kafa travmasımn tedavisinde; günümüzde primer ve sekonder hasar üzerinde odaklanılmıştır. Sekonder beyin yaralanması, hücre içi ve dışı kalsiyum konsantrasyonundaki değişiklikler; araşidonik asit metabolitleri, nöropeptitler, serbest oksijen radikalleri ve monoaminler gibi endojen maddelerin aktif hale geçmeleri ile başlar. Patogenezde sekonder hasar, primer hasardan çok daha zararlı etkiler yapabilmektedir. Kafa travması sonrası; enerji yetersizliği sonucu gelişen iyon pompasının bozukluğu (voltaj bağımlı Ca+2 kanalları) hücre içine kalsiyum girişini çoğaltır. Ayrıca, gelişen laktik asidoz da hücre içinde kalsium almımmı artırmaktadır. Sonuç olarak; hücre içi litik enzimlerin aktivasyonu ve buna bağlı nöral ölüm oluşur. Ayrıca gelişen serbest oksijen radikalleri, membran lipid peroksidasy onuna sebep olur. Oluşan, Malondialdehit serbest oksijen radikal oluşumunun indirekt bir ölçümüdür. Bu yüzden sekonder hasarın uygun ajanlarla kontrol altına alınabilmesi, kafa travması geçiren hastaların morbidite ve mortalitesini önemli derecede azaltabilir. Bu bilgiler ışığında, çalışmamızda, Mamuri ve arkadaşlarının kortikal çarpma yaralanması modelini kullanarak, 38 sıçanda nimodipin ve melatoninin travmadan 6 saat sonra etkilerini araştırıldı. Bu konuyu seçmemizdeki neden; nimodipin ile yapılan klinik ve deneysel çalışmaların sonuçlarının karşıt görüşler içermesi ve melatoninin ise kafa travmasında sekonder hasan önlemede yararlı olabileceğini öne süren deneysel çalışmaların varlığıdır. Çalışma sonucunda elde edilen bulgular: 1- Nimodipin verilen grupta beyin suyu travmadan 6 saat sonra, travma grubuna göre istatiksel olarak anlamlı derecede artmıştır. Histopatolojik olarak da nimodipin verilen grupta beyin hasarının, melatonin verilen gruba göre çok daha fazla olduğu saptandı. 2- Ratlarm çıkarılan beyin dokularındaki MDA düzeyleri, nimodipin verilen grupta travma grubuna göre istatistiksel olarak anlamlı düşmesine rağmen bu düşüş, melatonine göre çok daha azdı. 3- Travma sonrası melatonin verilen grupta, histopatolojik olarak beyin ödeminin travma grubuna göre, istatiksel olarak anlamlı derecede azaldığı, nimodipin ile nimodipin ve melatoninin kombine verildiği gruplarda ise azalmadığı saptandı. Sonuç olarak melatoninin kafa travmasının erken fazında hasar azaltıcı etkili olduğu, nimodipinin ise belirgin bir etkisi olmadığı saptandı. Anahtar Kelimeler: Melatonin, Nimodipin, Kafa Travması, Rat iv ABSTRACT İsmailoğlu Ö., The effects of melatonin and nimodipine in rats after cortical impact injury, Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Thesis in Neurosurgery, Ankara, 2004. In the treatment of head trauma which is one of the most significant struggles of neurochirurgy and intensive care units, today focusing is on the primary and secondary damage. Secondary brain injury starts with the changes in intracellular and extracellular calcium concentration and activation of endogenous subtances like arachidonic acid metabolites, neuropeptides, free oxygen radicals and monoamines. In the pathogenesis secondary damage can make much more destructive effects than primary damage. After head trauma; ion pump failure (voltage dependent Ca+2 channels) due to the energy deficiency increases calcium entrance into the cell. Also emergent lactic asidosis increases the calcium intake in the cell too. As a conclusion activation of lytic enzymes in the cell and being dependent to the activation neural death exist. Furthermore emergent free oxygen radicals cause the membrane lipid peroxidation. Formed malondialdehyde is an indirect measurement of free oxygen radical formation. So being able to control the secondary damage with proper agents can significantly decrease morbidity and mortality of patients having head trauma. In the light of these informations, in our study we searched the effects of nimodipine and melatonin in 38 rats after 6 hours of head trauma using the cortical impact injury model of Mamuri et all. In our decision to select this subject, the unclear results of clinical and experimental studies with nimodipine and the presence of experimental studies which propose the melatonin can be useful to prevent the secondary damage in the head trauma were effective. Findings obtained at the end of the study: 1- After 6 hours of trauma, brain water in nimodipine given group increased significantly in comparison with trauma group. Histopathologically determined brain damage in the nimodipine given group was higher than melatonin group.. 2- MDA levels in the removed brain tissues of the rats ; in the nimodipine given group decreased significantly statistically in comparison with control group, however this decrease was quite lower than melatonin given group. 3- We determined after trauma in the melatonin given group brain edema decrased significantly in comparison with the trauma group histopathologically. As a conclusion melatonin was determined effective in the early phase of head trauma but for nimodipine any clear effect was observed. Key Words: Melatonin, Nimodipine, Head Trauma, Rat v 66
- Published
- 2004
- Author
Avci, Zekai, Kaya, Ibrahim Safa, Selman Doğukan, A., Aydin, Özgür, and Ismailoğlu, Özgür
- Subjects
Atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumor (AT/RT) is extremely malignant, highly aggressive primitive central nervous systemneoplasm of infancy with very poor prognosis. Histologically, AT/RT is defined as a polymorphous neoplasm often featuring rhabdoid, PNET, mesenchymal, and epithelial components. We report the clinical history, radioligical, and pathological findings in a child affected bycentral nervous system AT/RT. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2003
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12. Sıçanlarda oluşturulan laminektomi modelinde epidural fibrozisin önlenmesi: İnsan amnion sıvısı ve amniotik membranın etkinliği = Prevention of postlaminectomy epidural fibrosis in rats: The effects of human amniotic fluid and amniotic membrane
- Author
Kara, Deniz, 1971- 11634 author, Türeyen, Kudret. thesis advisor 11637, İsmailoğlu, Özgür, 1971- thesis advisor 11638, and Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi. Tıp Fakültesi. Nöroşirürji Anabilim Dalı. issuing body 11618
- Subjects
Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi - Abstract
Çalışmamızda post operatif spinal epidural fibrozisin önlenmesinde, insan amnion sıvısı ve amniotik membranının sıçanlardaki deneysel laminektomi modelinde etkinliğinin araştırılmasını amaçladık. Bu çalışmada ortalama 200 gram ağırlıkta, 27 adet Sprague-Dawley cinsi erkek sıçan kullanıldı. Sıçanlar üç gruba ayrılarak her sıçana, arada sağlam mesafe kalmak üzere iki seviyeden laminektomi yapıldı (L1 ve L4 seviyeleri). Laminektomi yapılan seviyeler kontrol grubunu oluşturdu. Laminektomi sonrası insan amnion mayisi ve amniotik membranı kullanılan seviyeler, tedavi grubunu oluşturdu. Postoperatif dönemde nörolojik bozukluğu olan, takibinde yara yerinde enfeksiyon gelişen 6 denek çalışmadan çıkarıldı. 1. grupta toplam 5 adet sıçanın L1 ve L4 seviyelerine laminektomi yapıldı. 2. grupta toplam 9 adet sıçanın L1 ve L4 seviyelerine laminektomi yapılarak, L4 seviyesine amniotik membran serildi. 3. grupta toplam 7 adet sıçanın L1 ve L4 seviyelerine laminektomi yapılarak, L4 seviyesine topikal amnion sıvısı uygulandı. L1 seviyesi grup içi kontrol seviyesi olarakta kullanıldı. Tüm sıçanlar 6. haftanın sonunda dekapite edilip ilgili vertebral kolonlar blok olarak çıkarıldı. Gruplar literatürdeki histolojik kriterlere uygun olarak değerlendirildi ve sonuçlar istatistiksel olarak karşılaştırıldı. Gruplar epidural skar dokusu ve ortalama fibroblast sayısı açısından değerlendirildiklerinde aralarında anlamlı bir farklılık olmamakla birlikte amniotik membran kullanılan grubda yoğun skar dokusu izlendi. Diğer gruplarla kıyaslandığında ortalama fibroblast düzeyinin daha az olduğu ancak anlamlı ölçüde inflamatuar hücrelerin olduğu görüldü. Çalışmamız göstermiştir ki, insan amnion sıvısı ve amniotik membranın epidural skar dokusu üzerine önleyici bir etkisi bulunmamaktadır. Amniotik membran grubunda fibroblast düzeyinin daha az olmasına rağmen epidural skar dokusunun izlenmesi amniotik membrana karşı yoğun bir inflamatuar reaksiyonun skar dokusuna sebep olabileceğini düşündürmüştür. Anahtar Kelimeler: Epidural fibrozis, laminektomi, amniotik membran, amnion sıvısı., In our study we aimed to investigate the effectiveness of human amniotic fluid and amniotic membrane on experimental rat laminectomy model in preventing the post operative spinal epidural fibrosis. 27 Sprague-Dawley male rats, that each weight was average of 200 grams were used in this study. Rats divided into three groups and each underwent laminectomy at two levels (L1 and L4 levels) with giving undamaged area between them. Levels which made laminectomy, formed the control group. Levels that human amniotic fluid and amniotic membrane used after laminectomy formed the treatment group. Six test subjects were excluded from the study in post operative period because of neurological defects and infected wound area during their followings. In first group total of 5 rats were underwent laminectomy at L1 and L4 levels. In second group total of 9 rats were underwent laminectomy at L1 and L4 and amniotic membrane were wrapped over L4 level. In third group total of 7 rats were underwent laminectomy and amniotic fluid were administrated topically on L4 level. L1-level also used as control level in same groups. All rats decapitated after six weeks and related vertebral colon was removed en bloc. Groups were evaluated according to the histological criterion as in the literatures and results were compared with statistically. When the groups evaluated with epidural scar formation and mean fibroblast count there were no meaningful difference between them nevertheless excessive scar tissue were seen in amniotic membrane group. When compared with other groups mean fibroblast level was less however significantly much inflammatory cells were seen in this group. Our study suggests that the human amniotic fluid and amniotic membrane has no preventing effect on epidural scar tissue formation. Although fibroblast levels were less in amniotic membrane group, the existence of epidural scar tissue thought to be the result of scar formation by intensive inflammatory reaction against amniotic membrane. Keywords: Epidural fibrosis, laminectomy, amniotic membrane, amniotic fluid., Tez (Tıpta Uzmanlık) - Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi, Nöroşirürji Anabilim Dalı, 2007., Kaynakça var.
13. Deneysel spinal kord yaralanmasında arka kök ganglion hücrelerinde (AKG) Ca+2 sinyali ve oksidatif stres değerleri üzerinde Nimodipin'in etkisi = Effect of nimodipine on calsium signal and oxidative stress values in dorsal root ganglion cells (DRG) in experimental spinal cord injuries purpose
- Author
Borcak, Muhammed. 11639 author, İsmailoğlu, Özgür, 1971- 11638 thesis advisor, and Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi. Tıp Fakültesi. Nöroşirürji Anabilim Dalı. issuing body 11618
- Subjects
Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi - Abstract
Tez (Uzmanlık)- Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi, Nöroşirürji Anabilim Dalı, 2012., Kaynakça var.
14. Demographic characteristics, surgical approaches and outcomes of 1872 patients with head trauma.
- Author
Şenol, Nilgün, Tomruk, Önder, Karaaslan, Tamer, İsmailoğlu, Özgür, Beceren, Nesrin Gökben, Görgülü, Aşkın, Özdemir, Sinan, and Kapçı, Mücahit
- Subjects
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HEAD injuries , *NEUROSURGERY , *MEDICAL emergencies , *TRAFFIC accidents , *HEALTH outcome assessment , *RETROSPECTIVE studies , *PATIENTS - Abstract
Background: Head traumas are serious problems among neurosurgical emergencies. In this study, we aimed to contribute to the epidemiological studies in our country. Material and Method: In this study, 1872 cases consulted in the emergency service of Suleyman Demirel University Medical School between January-2006 and January-2012 were evaluated retrospectively for ages, gender, etiology, arrival Glasgow Coma Score(GCS), modalite, complications, duration of stay in the hospital, and Glasgow Outcome Score(GOS). Results: In the result, it is found that the mean age of the cases was 28, and most of them were male (67%). Traffic accidents (48%) were the most seen etiological cause. The ratio of the cases with arrival GCS 8 or higher was 95%. Hospitalized patients were 36%, and most of the cases (414 cases-62%) were hospitalized in the neurosurgery clinic. The ratio of the operated patients was 23%. The surgical intervention was administered mostly for epidural hematomas (33%), and descenting fractures (33%). Conclusion: In general, traffic accidents with mild head injuries consist most of the head traumas, also most of the mortal accidents are caused by traffic accidents. It is seen that the cautions should be increased, training and illumination of society is still not maintained. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2014
15. Serebellar vermis kavernomu.
- Author
Oyar, Orhan, Altıntaş, Önem Löker, Görgülü, Aşkın, İsmailoğlu, Özgür, and Kapucuoğlu, F. Nilgün
- Subjects
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CENTRAL nervous system , *CEREBRAL hemispheres , *SPLIT brain , *BRAIN stem , *MESENCEPHALON , *CEREBELLUM - Abstract
Cavernomas are unusual type of intraparenchymal vascular malformations which have sinusoidal structure and being found in the central nervous system. Generally, cavernomas are located in cerebral hemispheres, brain stem and midbrain, but they occurs very rarely within cerebellum. In this case report, a cavernoma was presented, originataning from cerebeller vermis which was reported very few in the literature. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2008
16. Deneysel spinal kord yaralanmasında arka kök ganglion hücrelerinde kalsiyum sinyali ve oksidatif stres değerleri üzerinde Nimodipin'in etkisi
- Author
Borcak, Muhammed, İsmailoğlu, Özgür, and Nöroşirürji Anabilim Dalı
- Subjects
Oxidative stress ,Neurosurgery ,Spinal cord injuries ,Nöroşirürji ,Ganglia ,Nimodipine ,Calcium - Abstract
AmaçÇalışmamızda, Ca+2 kanal blokeri olan olan Nimodipin`in spinal kord yaralanması sonrası AKG (Arka kök ganglion) hücrelerinde Ca+2 sinyali ve oksidatif stres üzerine olan etkileri araştırılmıştır.Materyal ve MetodDeneyimizde kilogramları 170-346 gram olan 48 adet Wistar Albino cinsi erkek sıçan kullanıldı. 5 gruba ayrılarak olup kontrol grubu hariç tüm gruplara Eter anestezi altında laminektomi (Th8- Th 12) yapıldı. 1.grup: Kontrol grubu olarak kullanıldı. 2.grup: Sham kontrol grubu olarak kullanıldı. Laminektomi sonrası 3 gün sonra AKG (Arka kök ganglion) hücreleri alındı. 3.grup: Laminektomi sonrası travma oluşturularak 3 gün sonra AKG alındı. 4.grup: Laminektomi sonrası travma oluşturularak travmadan sonra başlamak üzere Nimodipin iv verilerek sonra AKG alındı. 5.grup: Laminektomi sonrası travma oluşturularak travmadan sonra başlamak üzere Nimodipin iv verildi ve gavajla Nimodipin verildi sonra AKG hücreleri alındı.BulgularCa sinyali açısından değerlendirdiğimizde kontrol grubu ile diğer gruplar arasında p değeri 0.05'ten küçük olduğu için istatistiksel anlamlılık saptandı. Sham kontrol grubu ile diğer gruplar arasında p değeri 0.05'ten küçük olduğu için istatistiksel anlamlılık saptandı. 3.grup (Laminektomi ve spinal travma uygulanan ratlarla) 4.grup arasında p değeri 0.094 saptanması üzerine istatstiksel olarak anlamlı farklılık saptanmadı. 3.grup ile 5.grup arasında p değeri 0.024 saptanması üzerine istatstiksel olarak anlamlı farklılık saptandı. 4.grup ile 5. grup arasında p=0.161 gelmesi üzerine istatstiksel olarak anlamlı farklılık saptanmadı.Oksidatif stres değerlerinde de Lipid peroksidasyon, GSH, GSH-Px değerleri bakımından p değeri 0.05'den büyük olduğu için gruplar arası anlamlı farklılık gözlenilmedi.SonuçSonuç olarak çalışmamız, travmatik omurilik hasarı sonrası AKG hücrelerinde Nimodipin'in Ca+2 sinyalini azalttığı gözlendi. Ancak oksidatif stres değerleri üzerinde anlamlı değerler bulunamadı.Anahtar Kelimeler: Nimodipin, Kalsiyum, AKG (Arka kök ganglion), oksidatif stres PurposeIn our study, the effects of nimodipine which is a Ca+2 channel blocker over Ca+2 signal and oxidative stress in DRG (Dorsal root ganglion) cells after spinal cord injury are examined.Material and MethodIn our experiment, 48 Wistar Albino type male rats are used which are between 170 and 346 grams in weight. They are divided in 5 groups and laminectomy (Th8-Th12) under ether anesthesia is applied to all the groups except the control group. First group is used as the control group. Sekond group is used as the Sham control group. The DRG cells are taken 3 days after the laminectomy. Third group: Trauma is developed after laminectomy and DRG is taken after 3 days. Fourth group: Trauma is developed after laminectomy and as of the trauma, Nimodipine is started to be applied intravenously and DRG is taken. Fifth group: Trauma is developed after laminectomy and as of the trauma, Nimodipine is started to be applied intravenously and Nimodipine is given by gavage and then the DRG cells are taken.FindingsWhen we evaluated in terms of the Ca signal, a statistical significance is determined between the control group and the other groups the p value is less than 0,05. Statistical significance is determined between the Sham control group and the other groups the p value is less than 0,05.No statistical significance is determined between the third group (rats to which laminectomy and spinal trauma are applied) and the fourth group the p value is found as 0,094. Statistical significance is determined between the third group and the fifth group because the p value is found as 0,024. No statistical significance is determined between the fourth group and the fifth group because the p value is found as 0,161.About the oxidative stress values, no significant difference is observed between the groups because the p value is more than 0,05 in terms of the lipid peroxidation, GSH, GSH-Px values.ConclusionAs a result, it is observed that Nimodipine has decreased Ca+2 signal in DRG cells after a traumatic spinal cord injury. However no significant values are found upon the oxidative stress values.Key words: Nimodipine, Calcium, DRG (Dorsal root ganglion), oxidative stress 62
- Published
- 2012
17. Sıçanlarda oluşturulan laminektomi modelinde epidural fibrozisin önlenmesi: İnsan amnion sıvısı ve amniotik membranın etkinliği
- Author
Kara, Deniz, Türeyen, Kudret, İsmailoğlu, Özgür, and Nöroşirürji Anabilim Dalı
- Subjects
Neurosurgery ,Nöroşirürji - Abstract
AmaçÇalışmamızda post operatif spinal epidural fibrozisin önlenmesinde, insan amnion sıvısı ve amniotik membranının sıçanlardaki deneysel laminektomi modelinde etkinliğinin araştırılmasını amaçladık.Materyal ve metodBu çalışmada ortalama 200 gram ağırlıkta, 27 adet Sprague-Dawley cinsi erkek sıçan kullanıldı. Sıçanlar üç gruba ayrılarak her sıçana, arada sağlam mesafe kalmak üzere iki seviyeden laminektomi yapıldı (L1 ve L4 seviyeleri). Laminektomi yapılan seviyeler kontrol grubunu oluşturdu. Laminektomi sonrası insan amnion mayisi ve amniotik membranı kullanılan seviyeler, tedavi grubunu oluşturdu. Postoperatif dönemde nörolojik bozukluğu olan, takibinde yara yerinde enfeksiyon gelişen 6 denek çalışmadan çıkarıldı. 1. grupta toplam 5 adet sıçanın L1 ve L4 seviyelerine laminektomi yapıldı. 2. grupta toplam 9 adet sıçanın L1 ve L4 seviyelerine laminektomi yapılarak, L4 seviyesine amniotik membran serildi. 3. grupta toplam 7 adet sıçanın L1 ve L4 seviyelerine laminektomi yapılarak, L4 seviyesine topikal amnion sıvısı uygulandı. L1 seviyesi grup içi kontrol seviyesi olarakta kullanıldı. Tüm sıçanlar 6. haftanın sonunda dekapite edilip ilgili vertebral kolonlar blok olarak çıkarıldı. Gruplar literatürdeki histolojik kriterlere uygun olarak değerlendirildi ve sonuçlar istatistiksel olarak karşılaştırıldı.BulgularGruplar epidural skar dokusu ve ortalama fibroblast sayısı açısından değerlendirildiklerinde aralarında anlamlı bir farklılık olmamakla birlikte amniotik membran kullanılan grubda yoğun skar dokusu izlendi. Diğer gruplarla kıyaslandığında ortalama fibroblast düzeyinin daha az olduğu ancak anlamlı ölçüde inflamatuar hücrelerin olduğu görüldü.SonuçÇalışmamız göstermiştir ki, insan amnion sıvısı ve amniotik membranın epidural skar dokusu üzerine önleyici bir etkisi bulunmamaktadır. Amniotik membran grubunda fibroblast düzeyinin daha az olmasına rağmen epidural skar dokusunun izlenmesi amniotik membrana karşı yoğun bir inflamatuar reaksiyonun skar dokusuna sebep olabileceğini düşündürmüştür.Anahtar Kelimeler: Epidural fibrozis, laminektomi, amniotik membran, amnion sıvısı ObjectiveIn our study we aimed to investigate the effectiveness of human amniotic fluid and amniotic membrane on experimental rat laminectomy model in preventing the post operative spinal epidural fibrosis.Material and Methods27 Sprague-Dawley male rats, that each weight was average of 200 grams were used in this study. Rats divided into three groups and each underwent laminectomy at two levels (L1 and L4 levels) with giving undamaged area between them. Levels which made laminectomy, formed the control group. Levels that human amniotic fluid and amniotic membrane used after laminectomy formed the treatment group. Six test subjects were excluded from the study in post operative period because of neurological defects and infected wound area during their followings. In first group total of 5 rats were underwent laminectomy at L1 and L4 levels. In second group total of 9 rats were underwent laminectomy at L1 and L4 and amniotic membrane were wrapped over L4 level. In third group total of 7 rats were underwent laminectomy and amniotic fluid were administrated topically on L4 level. L1-level also used as control level in same groups. All rats decapitated after six weeks and related vertebral colon was removed en bloc. Groups were evaluated according to the histological criterion as in the literatures and results were compared with statistically.ResultsWhen the groups evaluated with epidural scar formation and mean fibroblast count there were no meaningful difference between them nevertheless excessive scar tissue were seen in amniotic membrane group. When compared with other groups mean fibroblast level was less however significantly much inflammatory cells were seen in this group.ConclusionOur study suggests that the human amniotic fluid and amniotic membrane has no preventing effect on epidural scar tissue formation. Although fibroblast levels were less in amniotic membrane group, the existence of epidural scar tissue thought to be the result of scar formation by intensive inflammatory reaction against amniotic membrane.Key words: Epidural fibrosis, laminectomy, amniotic membrane, amniotic fluid 48
- Published
- 2007
18. Topical Application of Cyclosporine Reduces Epineurial Fibrosis: Gross Postsurgical, Histopathological and Ultrastructural Analysis in a Rat Sciatic Nerve Model.
- Author
Çetinalp NE, Albayrak SB, Ismailoğlu Ö, Temiz NÇ, Solmaz İ, Tanriöver G, and Demir N
- Abstract
Aim: To investigate the antiscarring potential of topical cyclosporine on rat sciatic nerves., Material and Methods: Both sciatic nerves were exposed in 24 adult male albino Wistar rats, and an abrasion injury was made on the biceps femoris close to the sciatic nerve. Cotton pads soaked with cyclosporine (5 mg/mL) and saline (0.9% NaCl) were placed around the nerves for 10 minutes in the experimental group and control group, respectively. All rats were sacrificed 8 weeks later and the sciatic nerves were examined. Epineural adhesions were assessed using light and electron microcopy. Quantitative histologic parameters, epineurial thickness, and scar density were evaluated in the histologic investigation., Results: Significantly fewer epineurial adhesions were observed in the cyclosporine group in the postsurgical assessment, and the histopathologic and ultrastructural examination of the nerve segments than in the controls. The cyclosporine-treated animanls had a statistically significant reduction in the density and quantity of epineurial scarring compared with the controls., Conclusion: Topical cyclosporine effectively reduced epineurial scar formation on rat sciatic nerves.
- Published
- 2017
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19. Neuroprotective effects of raloxifene on experimental spinal cord injury in rats.
- Author
Ismailoğlu Ö, Oral B, Sütcü R, Kara Y, Tomruk O, and Demir N
- Subjects
- Animals, Interleukin-1beta metabolism, Male, Rats, Rats, Wistar, Spinal Cord metabolism, Spinal Cord ultrastructure, Spinal Cord Injuries metabolism, Spinal Cord Injuries pathology, Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha metabolism, Neuroprotective Agents therapeutic use, Raloxifene Hydrochloride therapeutic use, Spinal Cord Injuries drug therapy
- Abstract
Introduction: The aim of this study was to evaluate the possible beneficial effect of raloxifene on cytokine production and ultrastructure of the spinal cord after spinal cord injury (SCI) in an animal model., Methods: Forty-eight male, adult Wistar Albino rats were divided into 4 groups for this study: A (only laminectomy), B (trauma; laminectomy + spinal trauma), C (raloxifene group; laminectomy + spinal trauma + raloxifene treated) and D (vehicle group; laminectomy + spinal trauma + vehicle treated). SCI was achieved by compression of the spinal cord horizontally and extradurally for 1 minute with an aneurysm clip (Sugita no: 07-934-11, closing pressure of 1.37-1.72 N). Spinal cords were extirpated at T7-T12 level, and tissue samples of the spinal cord samples were gathered for tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α)/protein and interleukin (IL)-1β/protein measurements at first and sixth hours. Spinal cords harvested at sixth hour were evaluated for ultrastructural changes., Results: Both TNF-α/protein and IL-1β/protein levels in the samples harvested 6 hours after surgery in the group B (62.70 ± 6.67 pg/mg and 11.25 ± 1.37 pg/mg, respectively) were higher than those taken from group A (P = 0.002 and P = 0.041, respectively). Furthermore, TNF-α/protein and IL-1β/protein levels in the samples of animals treated with raloxifene (23.27 ± 5.27 pg/mg and 6.09 ± 0.77 pg/mg, respectively) were significantly lower than those taken from group B (P = 0.002 and P = 0.002, respectively). In the trauma group, electron microscopic examinations revealed deformities inside the cells and severe edema in neuropil. Raloxifene seemed to attenuate these ultrastructural changes at sixth hour after SCI., Conclusion: A single dose of 3.0 mg/kg of raloxifene intraperitoneally given 30 minutes after the induction of SCI reduced the production of TNF-α and IL-1β 6 hours after SCI and attenuated ultrastructural changes in a rat model.
- Published
- 2013
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