265 results on '"človeški kapital"'
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- Author
Gugushvili, Temur, Roep, Dirk, and Durglishvili, Nino
- Subjects
HUMAN capital ,RURAL geography ,RURAL families ,TRADITIONAL knowledge ,RURAL development - Abstract
Copyright of Dela is the property of University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Philosophy / Univerza v Ljubljani, Filozofska Fakulteta and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2021
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- Author
Adam, Frane and Gorišek, Maruša
- Subjects
PERSONNEL management ,HUMAN resources departments ,RESOURCE allocation ,MERITOCRACY ,HUMAN capital ,PUBLIC opinion - Abstract
Copyright of Družboslovne Razprave is the property of Druzboslovne Razprave and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2020
4. Idea championing as a missing link between idea generation and team innovation implementation
- Author
Černe, Matej, Kaše, Robert, and Škerlavaj, Miha
- Subjects
innovations ,ustvarjalnost ,inovacije ,multilevel emergence ,human capital ,človeški kapital ,prenos znanja ,knowledge transfer ,teams ,udc:331.108 ,creativity ,innovation ,idea championing - Abstract
We examine idea championing as a key intermediary process of the idea journey linking idea generation and idea implementation in teams. Building upon multilevel framework of emergence we theorize about how compositional and compilational emergence of idea generation along with idea championing behaviors translate team members’ creative ideas into team-level innovative solutions. We adopt a two-study research design including a two-wave two-source field study (309 employees nested into 92 teams with direct supervisors) and an experimental study (423 students nested into 79 teams) to test our conceptual model. The results of field study show that team innovation process featuring strong compilational (selected actor-maximum) idea generating followed by compilational idea championing leads to best team-level innovative solutions. Using a sociometric approach as a part of an experimental study, we further show that individuals exhibiting the strongest idea generating activity are also significantly more likely the ones engaging in most intense idea championing behavior. While having team members exhibiting such exceptional behaviors is relatively more effective in an unstructured team innovation setup, structured idea journey setups result in better team-level innovative solutions, when idea championing behaviors are more equally distributed among team members. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.
- Published
- 2023
5. Organizational Hierarchies in the Slovenian Manufacturing Sector
- Author
Sašo Polanec and Santiago Bonilla
- Subjects
udc:005.9 ,Economics and Econometrics ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Slovenia ,Wage ,hierarchy ,wages ,podjetje ,človeški kapital ,organizational hierarchies ,Human capital ,Manufacturing sector ,Consistency (negotiation) ,Capital (economics) ,Manufacturing firms ,human capital ,Slovenija ,Business ,enterprises ,Set (psychology) ,salaries ,hierarhija ,Industrial organization ,plače ,media_common - Abstract
We study organizational hierarchies in a transition country. Using employer-employee matched data for a set of Slovenian manufacturing firms, we find strong support for the key hypotheses of the knowledge-based hierarchies proposed by Garicano (2000) and Caliendo and Rossi-Hansberg (2012). According to these theories, firms should organize in consecutively ordered layers with less hours and higher wages in higher layers. Following Caliendo, Monte, and Rossi-Hansberg (2015b), who were the first to test the predictions of knowledge-based theories of organizational hierarchies, we are able to directly compare our results to those obtained for French manufacturing firms. We find that Slovenian firms exhibit lower consistency with consecutive ordering of organizational layers, have on average fewer organizational layers and change them less frequently. We attribute lower organizational depth to the higher wage premia to workers in higher organizational layers, which is an implication of under-investment in human capital during the socialist era.
- Published
- 2021
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6. Effect of Rurality and Human Capital Resources in the Entrepreneurial Opportunity Identification Process / Vpliv ruralnega okolja in človeškega kapitala v procesu zaznavanja podjetniških priložnosti
- Author
Kedmenec Irena, Šebjan Urban, and Tominc Polona
- Subjects
entrepreneurship ,human capital ,opportunity identification ,rural areas ,človeški kapital ,podjetniško izobraževanje ,razpoznavanje poslovnih priložnosti ,ruralno okolje ,Business ,HF5001-6182 - Abstract
V prispevku, v katerem je predstavljena študija na primeru Slovenije, smo želeli odgovoriti na vprašanje, zakaj posamezniki iz ruralnih okolij v svojem okolju manj pogosto razpoznavajo poslovne priložnosti. Naši podatki kažejo, da ima povečanje virov človeškega kapitala, sestavljenega iz izobrazbe, znanja, izkušenj in sposobnosti za podjetništvo, pomemben in pozitiven vpliv na identificiranje poslovnih priložnosti. Za oblikovalce ukrepov ekonomske politike so naši rezultati pomembni, saj nakazujejo, da so politike, usmerjene v podjetniško izobraževanje (predvsem tisto, ki vključuje pridobivanje izkušenj in veščin v realnem podjetniškem okolju), koristne, in to predvsem na ruralnih območjih.
- Published
- 2015
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7. Vpliv človeškega kapitala na poslovno uspešnost turističnih agencij.
- Author
Kaluža, Vojko and Bojnec, Štefan
- Abstract
Copyright of Journal of Universal Excellence (JUE) / Revija za Univerzalno Odličnost (RUO) is the property of Fakulteta za Organizacijske Studije v Novem mestu and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2018
8. Značilnosti alopoietske in avtopoietske družbe iz perspektive doktorandov FOŠa.
- Author
Peček, Tanja Balažic, Neral, Mihaela Rudar, Lauc, Ante, and Brcar, Franc
- Abstract
Copyright of Journal of Universal Excellence (JUE) / Revija za Univerzalno Odličnost (RUO) is the property of Fakulteta za Organizacijske Studije v Novem mestu and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2018
9. Odnos do tujih jezikov pri študentih poslovnih in ekonomskih ved
- Author
Igor Ivašković
- Subjects
odnosi ,Slovenia ,šport ,team work ,trust ,človeški kapital ,economics ,zaupanje ,teamsko delo ,študenti ,tuji jeziki ,higher education ,poslovanje ,human capital ,foreign languages ,sports ,business ,ekonomija ,udc:331.108 - Abstract
Raziskovalno vprašanje (RV): Kakšen odnos imajo študenti in diplomanti poslovnih in ekonomskih ved do učenja tujih jezikov? Ali obstajaj razlike med zaposlenimi in nezaposlenimi ter med študenti dodiplomskih in podiplomskih študijskih programov? Namen: Namen prispevka je pomagati načrtovalcem izobraževalnih programov na področju ekonomskih in poslovnih ved z analizo odnosa študentov in diplomantov na tem strokovnem področju do učenja tujih jezikov. Metoda: V teoretičnem pregledu je uporabljena deskriptivna oz. opisna metoda, podatki so bili zbrani s pomočjo spletnega orodja 1ka, nato pa obdelani s programom SPSS, pri čemer je bila uporabljena deskriptivna statistična analiza, ki je omogočila prikaz distribucije anketirancev po posameznih razredih. Na koncu sta bili z namenom preverjanja odnosov med spremenljivkami uporabljeni še faktorska in korelacijska analiza. Rezultati: Rezultati, pridobljeni na vzorcu 283 oseb, kažejo, da se proučevana populacija pogosto sooča s potrebo po znanju tujega jezika. Delovno aktivni, med njimi še posebej zaposleni na delovnih mestih, kjer je potrebna visokošolska izobrazba, bolj zaznavajo to potrebo. Ravno tako zaznavanje potrebe po znanju tujega jezika narašča s stopnjo študija, pri čemer le znanje angleščine ne zadošča vsem potrebam. Organizacija: Študija prikazuje odnos do tujih jezikov po posameznih segmentih populacijo razdeli na dodiplomske in podiplomske študente ter na diplomante brez statusa, nato preučuje odnos tudi glede na aktivnost na trgu dela, in sicer populacijo razdeli na neaktivne, zaposlene prek študentskih servisov in redno oz. samozaposlene. Družba: Rezultati študije ponujajo uvid trenutno stanje v segmentu slovenske družbe, ki deluje na področju ekonomije in poslovanja, poudarja pomen učenja tujih jezikov na tem strokovnem področju in postavlja izhodišče za modifikacijo vloge jezikov v poslovnih in ekonomskih študijskih programih. Originalnost: Ena obsežnejših raziskav o odnosu slovenskih študentov ekonomskih in poslovnih ved v do učenja tujih jezikov v zadnjem desetletju. Omejitve/nadaljnje raziskovanje: Priporočljive so nadaljnje raziskave med študentsko populacijo skozi daljše časovno obdobje, v različnih okoljih in na različnih strokovnih področjih. Research Question (RQ): What is the attitude of students and graduates of business and economics towards learning foreign languages? Are there differences between employed and unemployed and between undergraduate and postgraduate students? Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to help planners of educational programs in the field of economics and business by analysing the attitude of students and graduates in this professional field towards learning foreign languages. Method: Descriptive method was used in the theoretical part, data were collected using the online tool 1ka, and then processed with the SPSS program, using descriptive statistical analysis, which allowed showing the distribution of respondents. Finally, factor and correlation analyses were used in order to test the relations between variables. Results: The results obtained on a sample of 283 respondents show that the studied population often faces the need for knowledge of foreign languages. Employees, especially those in jobs where higher education is needed, are more aware of this need. Likewise, the perception of the need for foreign language skills increases with the level of study, and knowledge of English alone does not meet all the needs. Organization: The study presents the attitude towards foreign languages by segments it divides the population into undergraduate and postgraduate students and graduates without status, then examines the relationship according to activity in the labour market (divides the population into inactive, employed through student services and regularly or. self-employed). Society: The results of the study offer an insight into the current situation in the segment of Slovenian society which operates in the field of economics and business emphasizes the importance of learning foreign languages in this professional field and sets the starting point for modifying the role of languages in business and economic study programs. Originality: One of the first comprehensive studies on the attitude of Slovenian students of economics and business towards learning foreign languages in the last decade. Limitations / further research: Further research is recommended among the student population over a longer period of time, in different environments and in different professional fields.
- Published
- 2022
10. Investicije v človeški kapital in raziskave ter razvoj kot dejavnik gospodarske rasti v Republiki Sloveniji
- Author
Agrež, Katja and Ilič, Branko
- Subjects
economic growth ,investicije v izobraževanje ,investment in education ,udc:331.101.262:330.34(497.4)(043.2) ,investicije v raziskave in razvoj ,human capital ,človeški kapital ,investment in research and development ,gospodarska rast - Abstract
V magistrskem delu ugotavljamo povezavo med državnimi vlaganji v izobraževanje, raziskave in razvoj ter gospodarsko rastjo na primeru Republike Slovenije med letoma 2005 in 2017. Izobraževanje identificiramo kot enega izmed pomembnejših elementov človeškega kapitala. Za človeški kapital je zelo pomembno tudi področje raziskav in razvoja. V povezavi z gospodarsko rastjo so pri človeškem kapitalu ter na področju raziskav in razvoja izjemnega pomena prav investicije v slednje. V nalogi se osredotočamo na povezavo med investicijami v izobraževanje, raziskave in razvoj ter gospodarsko rastjo. V teoretičnem delu naloge pojasnimo teoretično povezavo med investicijami v omenjena področja in gospodarsko rastjo. V nadaljevanju naloge v izbranem obdobju s pomočjo multivariatne linearne regresijske analize ugotavljamo povezavo med omenjenimi spremenljivkami. Gospodarska rast je bila v Republiki Sloveniji do začetka svetovne gospodarske krize v letu 2008 razmeroma visoka. Kriza je slovensko gospodarstvo zaznamovala z močnim padcem BDP-ja in šele po letu 2014 se je Republika Slovenija znova približala gospodarsko bolj razvitim državam. Na drugi strani pa je v proučevanem obdobju višina investicij v izobraževanje ter raziskave in razvoj ostala relativno nespremenjena. S podrobno statistično analizo ugotavljamo, da v izbranem obdobju na slovensko gospodarsko rast niso vplivala ne vlaganja v izobraževanje, ne v raziskave in razvoj, niti interakcija obeh vrst investicij. In the master's thesis, we discover a link between state investments in education, research, and development and economic growth in the Republic of Slovenia between 2005 and 2017. Education is identified as one of the most important elements of human capital. The field of research and development is also very important for human capital. When it comes to economic growth, investments in human capital and research and development are critical. The task focuses on the relationship between education, research and development, and economic growth. We explain the theoretical link between these investments and economic growth in the theoretical section of the paper. The following section of the task determines the relationship between the mentioned variables in the selected period using multivariate linear regression analysis. Prior to the onset of the global economic crisis in 2008, the Republic of Slovenia experienced relatively rapid economic growth. The Slovenian economy suffered a sharp decline in GDP as a result of the crisis, and it was only after 2014 that the Republic of Slovenia began to move closer to economically more developed countries. On the other hand, investment in education and research and development remained relatively stable during the reviewed period. A detailed statistical analysis reveals that, during the reviewed period, investments in education, research and development, or the interaction of both types of investments had no effect on Slovenian economic growth.
- Published
- 2022
11. Better to be mindful, optimistic, or both?
- Author
Bunjak, Aldijana, Hafenbrack, Andrew, Černe, Matej, and Arendt, Johannes F. W.
- Subjects
human resource management ,mindfulness ,task engagement ,human capital ,organizacija ,človeški kapital ,organization ,uporaba človeških zmogljivosti ,udc:331.108 ,optimism - Abstract
This paper investigates the relationships between optimism, mindfulness, and task engagement. Specifically, we hypothesized that optimism, mindfulness, and their interaction would facilitate individuals’ task engagement. We tested our research model in four studies: two surveys among gig workers and two experiments. The results of the two surveys among gig workers indicated that optimism predicted higher task engagement, but trait mindfulness did not, and that a multiplicative interaction existed between high optimism and high mindfulness in stimulating task engagement. Our two experiments confirmed a significant interaction between optimism and induced state mindfulness and showed that the most engaging situation is being high in both mindfulness and optimism. Although optimism predicted task engagement, the experiments indicated that the effect of the state mindfulness manipulation was above and beyond that of optimism. Finally, we discuss the nuances of the interaction between optimism and mindfulness in predicting task engagement.
- Published
- 2022
12. Dimenzije človeškega kapitala in organizacijske klime v turističnih agencijah.
- Author
Kaluža, Vojko and Bojnec, Štefan
- Abstract
Copyright of Journal of Universal Excellence (JUE) / Revija za Univerzalno Odličnost (RUO) is the property of Fakulteta za Organizacijske Studije v Novem mestu and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2017
13. Trust as the Sport Team Cohesion Factor
- Author
Igor Ivašković
- Subjects
teamsko delo ,šport ,team work ,human capital ,trust ,človeški kapital ,General Medicine ,sports ,udc:331.108 ,zaupanje - Abstract
Raziskovalno vprašanje (RV): Kakšno vlogo in kako močan vpliv ima zaupanje v soigralce in zaupanje v trenerja na kohezivnost športnegatima? Namen: Namen je prispevati k teoriji menedžmenta človeških virov s pojasnjevanjem odnosov med zaznavo kakovosti MČV, zaupanjem v sodelavce in nadrejenega ter timsko kohezivnostjov športu. Na temelju teorijeje razvit model, njegova veljavnost pa preverjena v praksi. Metode: Model je bil testiran na podatkih, zbranih pri 559 košarkarjih iz 73 klubov, in sicer z modeliranjem strukturnih enačb.Uporabljen je tudi Sobelov test učinka posredovanja. Rezultati: Zaupanje športnikov v trenerja in v soigralce neposredno pozitivno vpliva na raven kohezivnosti tima. Percepcija kakovosti MČV močno neposredno pozitivno vpliva na zaupanje v trenerja, ne pa tudi neposredno na kohezivnost ali na zaupanje v soigralce. Kljub temu se pozitiven učinek percepcije MČV posredno preliva preko zaupanja športnikov v trenerja na njihovozaupanje v soigralce, posredno pa tudi povečuje stopnjo kohezivnosti tima. Organizacija: Študija ponuja novo lestvico za merjenje percepcije kakovosti MČV.Opozarja trenerje na nujnost zavedanja pomembnosti zaupanja, ki ga uživajo med športniki, saj je to generator tako zaupanja med samimi športniki kot tudi kohezivnosti. Družba: Študija poudarja pomen medosebnih odnosov in pojasnjuje, kako ljudje svoje zaupanje pretvarjamo v občutek boljše povezanosti s sodelavci. Originalnost: Nova lestvica za merjenje percepcije kakovosti dela z ljudmi pri delu.Prva raziskava odnosa kakovosti MČV, dveh timskih relacij zaupanja in kohezivnosti športne ekipe. Omejitve/nadaljnje raziskovanje: Uporaba subjektivnih podatkov in njihovo zbiranje v samo eni časovni točki. Priporočamo nadaljnje raziskave med športnimi klubi skozi daljše časovno obdobje, v različnih okoljih in v različnih športnih panogah. Research Question (RQ):What role do the trust in teammates and trust in coach have and how strong do they influence the cohesiveness of a sport team? Purpose: The aim is to contribute to the theory of human resource management by explaining the relationships between the perception of the HRM quality, trust in co-workers and superiors, and team cohesiveness in the context of sport team. The main goal is to develop a model based on theory and test its validity in practice. Method: The model was tested on data collected from 559 athletes from 73 basketball clubs by structural equation modelling and Sobel's test of mediation. Results: Athletes’ trust in the coach and in the teammates has direct positive effect on the team cohesiveness. The perception of the HRM quality has a strong direct positive effect on trust in the coach, but does not directly affect cohesiveness or trust in teammates. Nevertheless, the positive effect of the HRM perception indirectly spills over through the athletes’ trust in coach on their trust in teammates, and indirectly also increases the team cohesiveness. Organization: The article provides a new scale for measuring the perception of HRM quality. It reminds coaches of the importance of athletes’ trust in coach, as it stimulates trust among athletes and cohesiveness. Society: The study emphasizes the importance of interpersonal relationships and explains how people turn their trust into a sense of better connection with co-workers. Originality: A new scale for measuring the perception of the HRM quality. It is the first study of relationships between the quality of HRM, two trust relations and team cohesiveness within sport team. Limitations / further research: Use of subjective data and their collection in only one time point. We recommend further research between sports clubs over a longer period of time, in different environments and in different sports.
- Published
- 2020
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14. Does international work experience pay off?
- Author
Andresen, Maike, Lazarova, Mila, Apospori, Eleni, Cotton, Richard, Bosak, Janine, Dickmann, Michael, Kaše, Robert, and Smale, Adam
- Subjects
kadri ,education ,innovativeness ,career success ,človeški kapital ,knowledge transfer ,inovativnost ,stimulacija ,stimulation ,economic freedom ,international work experience ,human capital ,personnel ,employability ,prenos znanja ,udc:331.108 ,management - Abstract
Drawing on human capital theory, our study examines the relationship between international work experience and individuals' career success in terms of promotions and subjective financial success. We propose that these relationships are mediated by external employability and hypothesise a moderating role of national-level economic freedom. Using data from 19,421 respondents, residing in 30 countries and working in different occupational groups (managers, professionals, clerical and blue-collar workers), our results suggest that international work experience is positively related to promotions and subjective financial success across our study's different national contexts. These positive relationships were mediated by individuals' perceived external employability. Some support for the moderation of the relationship between international work experience and employability through economic freedom was only found when we differentiate between different types of international work experience. The findings enhance our understanding of the association between international work experience and career success from a human capital perspective.
- Published
- 2022
15. Privabljanje in izbiranje kadrov v izbrani organizaciji
- Author
Grošelj, Martin and Černe, Matej
- Subjects
analiza ,kadri ,analysis ,človeški kapital ,strateški management ,case study ,human resource management ,strategic management ,udc:658.3 ,izbira ,personnel ,human capital ,uporaba človeških zmogljivosti ,choice - Published
- 2022
16. Strateške dileme in alternativne usmeritve neprofitnih športnih klubov
- Author
Igor Ivašković
- Subjects
tranzicija ,šport ,strategije ,team work ,transition ,trust ,General Medicine ,človeški kapital ,športni klubi ,zaupanje ,sports clubs ,teamsko delo ,non-profit organizations ,strategies ,poslovno odločanje ,human capital ,neprofitne organizacije ,sports ,udc:331.108 ,business decisions - Abstract
Raziskovalno vprašanje (RV): Katere so ključne strateške odločitve, o katerih odločajo vodstva športnih klubov in katere strateške alternative so jim na voljo? Namen: Namen prispevka je pomagati vodstvom neprofitnih športnih klubov pri identifikaciji ključnih strateških dilem in strateških alternativ, ki so na voljo tem organizacijam. Metoda: Uporabljena je analiza ekonomskih, političnih in drugih družbenih dejavnikov, ki so vplivali na športno industrijo na obravnavanem področju. Nato so s pregledom literature s področja poslovnih ved pojasnjene posebnosti procesa produkcije in identifikacijo treh ključnih strateških dilem. Rezultati: Ugotovljene tri dileme so: a) fokus na tekmovalnih rezultatih ali na razvoju lokalne skupnosti, b) hitrejše doseganje ciljev ali manjša stopnja tveganja, c) zmanjševanje stroškov ali rast organizacije. Na podlagi različnih kombinacij članek na koncu predstavi pet temeljnih alternativnih usmeritev, in sicer: a) strateški fokus na športnih rezultatih, b) strategija anorganske rasti, c) strategija organske rasti, č) strategija razvoja okolja ter d) strategija povečevanja rezerv oz. preživetja. Organizacija: Študija ponuja novo klasifikacijo strategij neprofitnih športnih klubov. Družba: Študija poudarja pomen odnosa med športnimi klubi in lokalno skupnostjo in prikazuje, kako se ta odnos spreminja glede na izbrano strategijo. Originalnost: Nova klasifikacija strateških alternativ. Ena prvih raziskav o ključnih poslovnih odločitvah neprofitnih športnih klubov v Jugovzhodni Evropi. Omejitve/nadaljnje raziskovanje: Priporočljive so nadaljnje raziskave med športnimi klubi skozi daljše časovno obdobje, v različnih okoljih in v različnih športnih panogah. Research Question (RQ): What are the key strategic decisions made by sport club management and what strategic alternatives are available to them? Purpose: The purpose is to help the management of non-profit sport clubs by identifying key strategic dilemmas and their strategic alternatives. Method: The analysis of economic, political and other social factors that influenced the sports industry was used. Then, a review of the management literature is used for an explanation of the production process specifics and identification of three key strategic dilemmas. Results: Three dilemmas identified are: a) the focus on sport results vs. the development of the local community, b) quick achievement of goals vs. reducing the level of risk, c) reduction of costs vs. organizational growth. Based on different combinations, the article presents five basic alternative orientations, namely: a) strategic focus on sports results, b) strategy of inorganic growth, c) strategy of organic growth, d) strategy of local community development, and e) strategy of increasing organizational reserves. Organization: The study offers a new classification of strategies for non-profit sports clubs. Society: The study emphasizes the importance of the relationship between sports clubs and the local community, and shows how this relationship changes according to the chosen strategy. Originality: A new classification of strategic alternatives. One of the first surveys on key business decisions of non-profit sports clubs in South-East Europe. Limitations / further research: Further research between sports clubs over a long period of time, in different environments, and in different sport branches is recommended.
- Published
- 2021
17. Knowledge Factors and Their Impact on the Organisation.
- Author
Kozjek, Domen and Ovsenik, Marija
- Subjects
KNOWLEDGE management ,HUMAN capital ,INFORMATION technology ,FACTOR analysis ,BUSINESS success - Abstract
Copyright of Journal of Universal Excellence (JUE) / Revija za Univerzalno Odličnost (RUO) is the property of Fakulteta za Organizacijske Studije v Novem mestu and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2016
18. Politična psiho-patoekonomija narcizma: od človeškega kapitala do družbene agresivnosti.
- Author
Nedoh, Boštjan
- Abstract
Copyright of Journal for the Critique of Science, Imagination & New Anthropology / Časopis za Kritko Znanosti, Domišljijo in Novo Antropologijo is the property of Institute for the Critique of Science and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2016
19. Pomen intelektualnega kapitala v podjetju.
- Author
Lavrič, Andreja
- Abstract
Copyright of Journal of Universal Excellence (JUE) / Revija za Univerzalno Odličnost (RUO) is the property of Fakulteta za Organizacijske Studije v Novem mestu and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2016
20. Analiza pristopov managementa človeških virov v izbranem podjetju
- Author
Sikošek, Barbara and Černe, Matej
- Subjects
leadership ,analiza ,research ,analysis ,človeški kapital ,vodenje ,motiviranje ,medosebni odnosi ,human resource management ,motivation ,udc:658.3 ,human capital ,uporaba človeških zmogljivosti ,raziskave ,interpersonal relations - Published
- 2021
21. HR systems and leadership attachment affecting idea generation and implementation
- Author
Batistič, Saša, Kenda, Renata, Premru, Maruša, and Černe, Matej
- Subjects
leadership attachment styles ,človeški kapital ,knowledge transfer ,innovation ,innovations ,HR systems ,kreativnost ,inovacije ,idea implementation ,human capital ,idea generation ,prenos znanja ,udc:331.108 ,creativity - Abstract
This paper focuses on the direct and interactive influence of leadership attachment styles (secure, anxious, and avoidant) and commitment HR system on two distinct stages of the individual innovation process—idea generation and implementation. We test our hypotheses in two studies. An experimental study of undergraduate students establishes a positive effect of secure attachment on idea implementation. The interplay between commitment HR system and avoidant attachment marginally predict idea generation commitment HR system and neither secure nor anxious attachment predict implementation. A multisource multi-level field study in three EU-based private firms replicates the direct role of commitment HR system in stimulating idea implementation (but not generation) and suggests that secure attachment fosters both generation and implementation, whereas anxious attachment hinders both. Moderation analyses support only a marginal interaction between commitment HR system and secure attachment in fostering idea generation. We discuss theoretical, practical, and future research implications.
- Published
- 2021
22. Posebnosti računovodenja poklicnih nogometnih igralcev
- Author
Planinšek, Nejc and Hočevar, Marko
- Subjects
primeri ,Nogometni klub Maribor ,tangible and intangible assets ,investicije ,osnovna sredstva ,accounting ,šport ,človeški kapital ,udc:657 ,accounting statements ,investments ,cases ,računovodstvo ,Nogometni klub Olimpija ,human capital ,sports ,računovodski izkazi ,Borussia Dortmund - Published
- 2021
23. The characteristics of foreign direct investments in the emerging market of Kosovo
- Author
Rexha, Donjetë and Lahovnik, Matej
- Subjects
politika ,foreign direct investments ,udc:658.152 ,Kosovo ,ekonomski razvoj ,človeški kapital ,neposredne tuje investicije ,modeli ,economic development ,models ,human capital ,history ,politics ,zgodovina - Published
- 2021
24. Vlaganje v človeški kapital in vpliv na produktivnost v izbranih slovenskih storitvenih podjetjih
- Author
Benedik, Tjaša and Farčnik, Daša
- Subjects
usposabljanje ,services ,analiza ,training ,productivity ,research ,analysis ,investicije ,Slovenia ,storitve ,podjetje ,človeški kapital ,produktivnost ,investments ,udc:658.3 ,human capital ,Slovenija ,raziskave ,enterprises - Published
- 2021
25. The Role of Sustainable HRM in Sustainable Development
- Author
Andrej Kohont and Barbara Duvnjak
- Subjects
družbena odgovornost podjetja ,social responsibility of business ,Geography, Planning and Development ,TJ807-830 ,človeški kapital ,Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law ,Strategic human resource planning ,TD194-195 ,Competitive advantage ,Renewable energy sources ,Individualism ,Sustainability reporting ,human capital ,GE1-350 ,udc:005.95/.96:502.131.1 ,Sustainable development ,sustainability reporting ,sustainable development ,corporate social responsibility ,Environmental effects of industries and plants ,Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment ,business.industry ,Public relations ,Environmental sciences ,sustainable HRM ,accountability ,strategic HRM ,Sustainability ,Accountability ,trajnostni razvoj ,Corporate social responsibility ,business ,management ,upravljanje - Abstract
Achieving sustainability is becoming a primary agenda for many societies throughout the world. However, we are currently witnessing a surprising stagnation in progress toward this goal. Neoliberal values of individualism, privatization and competitive advantage are proving to be hard to breach. Hence, there is a pressing need for change. Through an extensive literature overview, the present paper identifies existing misconceptions and differences in the comprehension of concepts such as sustainable development, corporate social responsibility and the relationship between strategic human resource management (HRM) and sustainable HRM. It describes and acknowledges the hindrances that sustainable HRM faces in practice, with a particular focus on the predominant schema of strategic HRM and the misconception of corporate social responsibility. The aspiration of the paper is to pose a new model of sustainability by implementing sustainable HRM at the center of sustainable development and corporate accountability. The proposed model is intended as a measurement of the levels of sustainable development in which organizations find themselves and report on, and as a more comprehensive model of sustainable HRM, which has the potential to be applied in practice.
- Published
- 2021
26. Analiza pozitivnega psihološkega kapitala in zavzetosti zaposlenih na primeru podjetja SENG
- Author
Kristančič, Nina and Penger, Sandra
- Subjects
razvoj ,analiza ,research ,analysis ,človeški kapital ,psychology ,socialni kapital ,case study ,human resource management ,social capital ,udc:658.3 ,psihologija ,human capital ,uporaba človeških zmogljivosti ,raziskave ,development - Published
- 2020
27. Vpliv izbranih dejavnikov na zavzetost v kadrovskih agencijah
- Author
Filipič, Špela and Mihelič, Katarina Katja
- Subjects
analiza ,research ,kadri ,analysis ,nagrajevanje ,človeški kapital ,motiviranje ,medosebni odnosi ,rewarding ,human resource management ,motivation ,personality ,udc:658.3 ,personnel ,human capital ,uporaba človeških zmogljivosti ,raziskave ,osebnost ,interpersonal relations - Published
- 2020
28. Volunteering - an alternative pedagogical strategy to combat Early School Leaving and to enhance Success at School.
- Author
Halba, Bénédicte
- Subjects
VOLUNTEER service ,NONFORMAL education ,CONTINUING education ,SCHOOL dropouts - Abstract
Copyright of Šolsko Polje is the property of Solsko Polje and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2014
29. Mladi, izobraževanje in neoliberalizem
- Author
Hadžisulejmanović, Sara and Šadl, Zdenka
- Subjects
udc:37:331.1(043.2) ,neoliberal ideology ,kompetence ,družba znanja ,lifelong learning ,neoliberalna ideologija ,human capital ,competences ,človeški kapital ,knowledge society ,vseživljenjsko učenje - Abstract
Neoliberalna ideologija vpliva na vsakodnevno življenje posameznikov. Izpostavlja nenehno vlaganje v človeški kapital in kot najpomembnejšo funkcijo v posameznikovem življenju vidi izobraževanje. Neoliberalna paradigma deluje skozi subjekte, ki jim vceplja miselnost konstantnega discipliniranja, spreminjanja, optimiziranja, izpopolnjevanja in aktiviranja. Ustvarja aktivne, podjetniške, disciplinirane in samozadostne delavce in državljane. Neoliberalno delovanje pa ne izvzema mladih, ki so najbolj na udaru nenehnega izobraževanja in vseživljenjskega učenja. Mladi imajo močan občutek individualne odgovornosti za svojo prihodnost, ne glede na spol ali družbeni razred. Večinoma mladi, ki živijo v današnjem neoliberalizmu verjamejo, da je dobra akademska izobrazba nujna zato svoj prosti čas uporabljajo v koristne namene. Svoje finančne resurse (družine), trud in čas usmerjajo v pridobivanje kompetenc, veščin in različnih znanj. Nenehno tekmovanje, želja po čim večjem človeškem kapitalu, prizadevanje za čim višjo in čim boljšo izobrazbo jih postavlja pod konstantni stres. Svoj prihodnji uspeh ali ne uspeh na trgu dela vidijo kot svojo lastno odgovornost. Ob doseganju neoliberalnega ideala pa so soočeni z različnimi psihološkimi obremenitvami, kot so tesnoba, zaskrbljenost, strah in dvom. Neoliberal ideology affects the daily lives of individuals. It emphasises ongoing investment into human capital and sees education as the most important function in an individual's life. The neoliberal paradigm affects the subjects by instilling them with the mindset of constant disciplining, changing, optimising, perfecting and activating themselves. It creates active, entrepreneurial, disciplined and self-sufficient workers and citizens. The neoliberal action does not exclude young people, who are pressured into lifelong learning and training at every step. Consequently, the young people accept a strong sense of individual responsibility for their future, regardless of their gender or social class. For the most part, young people living in today’s neoliberalism believe that a good academic education is essential, so they use their free time for useful purposes. They allocate their financial resources (or of their family’s), effort and time into acquiring competences, skills and various types of knowledge. The constant competition, the desire for obtaining as much human capital as possible, the pursuit of the highest and best possible education puts them under constant stress. They see their future success or failure on the labour market as their own responsibility. Whilst striving to achieve this neoliberal ideal, however, they are faced with a variety of psychological difficulties, such as anxiety, worry, fear and doubt.
- Published
- 2020
30. Zaznavanje raznolikosti zaposlenih - med stereotipi in dejstvi
- Author
Prešeren, Janja and Žnidaršič, Jana
- Subjects
analiza ,skills ,spol ,analysis ,starost ,človeški kapital ,udc:331.5 ,sposobnosti ,human resource management ,age ,religion ,sex ,human capital ,uporaba človeških zmogljivosti ,religija - Published
- 2020
31. Odprtost dostopa do izobraževanja in e-učenje
- Author
Ana Krajnc
- Subjects
odprt dostop do znanja ,centralizacija človeškega kapitala ,človeški kapital ,socialni kapital ,uporaba interneta ,e- izobraževanje ,Education (General) ,L7-991 - Abstract
Prost dostop do izobraževanja (Open Access to Education) je temeljna paradigma informacijske družbe. Selektiven šolski sistem, tekmovalnost in točkovanje v nasprotju z razvojem in razmerami v naši družbi izloča del generacije, zapre ji dostop do znanja. Znanje ni več privilegij elite, je splošna dobrina. Razvoj in vitalnost družbe sta odvisna od stopnje razvitosti prebivalstva. Intelektualna elita ne zadošča več, ker se je stopnjevala zahtevnost dela in življenja za vse ljudi. Razvoj človeškega kapitala zahteva odprt dostop do izobraževanja po formalni in neformalni poti. Informacijsko komunikacijska tehnologija odpre pot do znanja vsem ljudem. Raziskave kažejo, da z uporabo interneta premagujemo v Sloveniji centralizacijo razvitega človeškega kapitala in izobraževalne ponudbe, ter možnosti za učenje. Regije se izenačijo s centrom. Človek potrebuje vsaj 4-letno srednjo šolo, da se vključi. Med funkcionalno nepismenimi uporabnikov e-izobraževanja skoraj ni. Človek je pri e- izobraževanju odvisen od osebne motivacije za učenje. Za njim ni več učitelja. Sam mora odločati in voditi izobraževanje ima pa zato brezmejne možnosti učenja. Na razpolago mu je svetovna zakladnica, kar je pomemben dosežek globalizacije.
- Published
- 2008
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32. Menedžment kompetenc v slovenskih podjetjih
- Author
Renata Mihalič
- Subjects
kompetence ,izobraževanje in usposabljanje ,menedžment znanja ,inovacije ,človeški kapital ,zaposleni ,Education (General) ,L7-991 - Abstract
Prispevek obravnava področje upravljanja kompetenc v sodobnih organizacijah. Poseben poudarek je namenjen predstavitvi rezultatov empiričnega proučevanja razvojne stopnje upravljanja s kompetencami na primeru velikih in srednje velikih slovenskih podjetij. Rezultati raziskave izpostavljajo predvsem področja pridobivanja in razvoja znanj, veščin ter inovativnosti kot ključnih kompetenc. Z analizo in diskusijo empiričnih rezultatov so podani temeljni vzroki za identificirane probleme na tem področju ter oblikovani predlogi za izboljšanje stanja v smeri uspešnejše in učinkovitejše prakse pri upravljanju kompetenc v slovenskih podjetjih.
- Published
- 2007
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- Author
- Abstract
Copyright of Economic & Business Review is the property of Economic & Business Review and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2011
34. Developing Measures of Intellectual Capital for the Venture Capital Industry in Taiwan.
- Author
Chung-Chu Liu
- Subjects
- *
VENTURE capital , *CONTENT analysis , *INTELLECTUAL capital , *HUMAN capital , *SUSTAINABILITY , *INFORMATION technology - Abstract
The Taiwanese venture capital industry has played a critical role in the development of the Taiwan IT industry. The purpose of this study is to construct and prioritize the intellectual capital measures of venture capital in Taiwan and to formulate a strategy map based on these measures. A thorough interview was used to collect the data, while the content analysis method and the analytic hierarchy process were used to analyze the data. Intellectual capital can be categorized into three dimensions: Human Capital, Relational Capital and Structural Capital. The research also developed twelve indicators to assess business intellectual capital, as well as a strategy map for the venture capital industry. Measuring intellectual capital can help to formulate business strategies and allocate business resources. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2011
35. Organizacijska antropologija - nova organizacijska veda.
- Author
Mayer, Janez, Labovič, Dunja, and Zupan, Neja
- Subjects
MANAGEMENT science ,PERSONNEL management ,ORGANIZATIONAL change ,HUMAN capital ,PRODUCTION (Economic theory) ,ANTHROPOLOGY - Abstract
Copyright of Organizacija is the property of Sciendo and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2011
36. Higher Education Demand Factors and the Demand for Tourism Education in Slovenia.
- Author
Čepar, Žiga and Bojnec, Štefan
- Subjects
HIGHER education ,TOURISM ,REGRESSION analysis ,DEMOGRAPHIC characteristics ,EDUCATION policy - Abstract
Copyright of Organizacija is the property of Sciendo and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2010
37. Pismenost na delovnem mestu
- Author
Angela Ivančič
- Subjects
pismenost ,funkcionalna pismenost ,kadrovski viri ,delovno mesto ,temeljne spretnosti ,človeški kapital ,Education (General) ,L7-991 - Abstract
Pismenost na delovnem mestu postaja vse aktualnejsa taka zaradi zahtev, ki jih pred zaposlene postavlja informacijska tehnologija, kakor tudi zaradi novih pristopov k upravljanju delovnega mesta. Pojem pismenosti ne vkljucuje več samo branja in pisanja, ampak tudi t. i. nove temeljne spretnosti in kljucne kompetence, ki delavcem omogocajo, da sami upravljajo svoje delo in prevzemajo odgovornost za izboljsevanje produktivnosti ter doseganje organizacijkih ciljev. Zaradi velikega pomena, ki ga obdobje hiperkonkurence pripisuje podatkovno utemeljenemu odlocanju, je raba spretnosti pismenosti pomaknjena tudi v sredisce upravljanja novega delovnega mesta. Pri tem pa kritiki opozarjajo na evidenco, ki kaze, da se tudi ob sodobnih modelih upravljanja v organizacijah se vedno ohranjajo odnosi kontrole in omejene avtonomije delavcev. V takSnem kontekstu imajo lahko celo enostavne aktivnosti pisanja in branja razsirjene implikacije za delavce, kajti njihove pisane besede postajajo 'podatki' v procesu.
- Published
- 2004
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38. Transfer znanja in socialni kapital v družbi znanja.
- Author
Lenarčič, Blaž
- Subjects
KNOWLEDGE transfer ,THEORY of knowledge ,SOCIAL action ,SOCIAL capital ,SOCIOLOGY - Abstract
Copyright of Družboslovne Razprave is the property of Druzboslovne Razprave and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2007
39. Razmerje med človeškim in socialnim kapitalom pri zaposlitvi mladih diplomantov
- Author
Radešček, Tamara and Mohorčič Špolar, Vida A.
- Subjects
pedagoška metodologija ,andragogika ,zaposlovanje ,človeški kapital ,udc:374.7 ,diplomska dela ,socialni kapital - Published
- 2019
40. Znanje zaposlenih kot konkurenčna prednost podjetja
- Author
Vesel, Laura and Mohorčič Špolar, Vida A.
- Subjects
izobraževanje v podjetjih ,intelektualni kapital ,pedagoška metodologija ,konkurenčnost ,andragogika ,razvoj kadrov ,človeški kapital ,udc:374.7 ,diplomska dela - Published
- 2019
41. Ugotavljanje in analiza potreb zaposlenih po dodatnih znanjih v izbranem podjetju
- Author
Razingar, Urška and Mohorčič Špolar, Vida A.
- Subjects
analiza potreb ,izobraževanje v podjetjih ,pedagoška metodologija ,upravljanje človeških virov ,andragogika ,znanje ,človeški kapital ,udc:374.7 ,vseživljenjsko izobraževanje ,diplomska dela - Published
- 2019
42. Človeški kapital in ekonomska uspešnost regij
- Author
Čanželj, Violeta and Muršak, Janko
- Subjects
izobraževanje v podjetjih ,pedagoška metodologija ,upravljanje človeških virov ,kompetence ,PIAAC ,andragogika ,človeški kapital ,udc:374.7 ,vseživljenjsko izobraževanje ,diplomska dela - Published
- 2019
43. The difference of human resources management between bigger and smaller firms
- Author
Döller, Jakob and Černe, Matej
- Subjects
leadership ,majhna in srednja podjetja ,start-up ,research ,analiza ,kadri ,analysis ,SMEs ,človeški kapital ,vodenje ,strategija ,human resource management ,udc:658.3 ,human capital ,personnel ,uporaba človeških zmogljivosti ,raziskave ,strategy ,zagonsko podjetje - Published
- 2018
44. Zaposleni: nevidna dodana vrednost podjetij
- Author
Zupančič, Magda
- Subjects
vrednotenje ,udc:005.962:331.101.262 ,employee ,assessment ,zaposleni ,human capital ,podjetje ,človeški kapital ,value added ,dodana vrednost - Abstract
In developed economies, where the work input exceeds the physical input, the lack of harmonised and standardised rules of human capital assessment is visible. The mentioned indicates the deficit of an important part of the comprehensive value-added assessment. What do we lose by ignoring the important part of the employee’s value added in the working process? Companies underestimate the employee’s human capital input. Consequently, society typically does not recognize invisible sources of value added in companies. The goals of this article are to highlight the missing human capital (HC) element at the company level assessment and to raise the awareness about its importance. By analysing existing methods of coping with the mentioned challenge, no harmonised solution is evident. By the increasing share of the service sector, emphasis on the HC element should be monitored more closely. The article focuses on the missing and invisible human capital elements in the framework of the value added it offers suggestions for inclusion of the human capital factor in the process of company’s value added assessment as well as reflections on further steps in this direction. V razvitih državah, kjer doprinos človeškega dejavnika presega fizični kapital, je razvidno pomanjkanje harmoniziranih ter standardiziranih pravil, vezanih na ocenjevanje vloge človeškega kapitala v družbi. Omenjeno dejstvo se navezuje na pomanjkanje vrednotenja človeškega kapitala kot pomembnega dela ocene dodane vrednosti podjetja. Kaj izgubljamo z neupoštevanjem pomembnega dela dodane vrednosti zaposlenega v delovnem procesu? Podjetja podcenjujejo vložek človeškega dejavnika. Posledično družba ne prepoznava nevidnih virov dodane vrednosti v podjetjih. Cilj članka je poudariti manjkajoči element človeškega kapitala v procesu vrednotenja podjetij in dvigovanje zavedanja o pomenu človeškega kapitala. Ob analizi obstoječih metod vrednotenja človeškega kapitala je očitno, da v svetu ne obstaja enotna rešitev. Ob naraščajočem deležu storitev, kjer prevladuje človeški kapital, je omenjeni tematiki nedvomno treba posvetiti več pozornosti. Članek se osredotoča na manjkajoči in nevidni element človeškega kapitala v okviru dodane vrednosti podjetja. Podaja predloge za vključitev človeškega kapitala v proces ocenjevanja dodane vrednosti podjetja kot tudi razmislek o nadaljnjih korakih v tej smeri.
- Published
- 2018
45. Podjetniške mreže
- Author
Klenovšek, Majda and Slavec Gomezel, Alenka
- Subjects
analiza ,primeri ,research ,analysis ,vedenjske znanosti ,socialne mreže ,človeški kapital ,modeli ,behavioural sciences ,models ,cases ,udc:658.3 ,human capital ,social network ,raziskave - Published
- 2018
46. Analiza razvoja avtentičnega vodenja v sodobni poslovni praksi
- Author
Dmitrović, Sanela and Peterlin, Judita
- Subjects
avtentično vodenje ,razvoj ,leadership ,knowledge ,analiza ,skills ,research ,analysis ,znanje ,authentic leadership ,vodenje ,človeški kapital ,emotional intelligence ,sposobnosti ,human resource management ,udc:658.3 ,human capital ,uporaba človeških zmogljivosti ,raziskave ,čustvena inteligentnost ,development - Published
- 2018
47. Kritična presoja računovodstva človeških zmožnosti
- Author
Seničar, Kaja and Hočevar, Marko
- Subjects
vrednotenje ,metode ,trends ,knowledge ,primeri ,skills ,znanje ,accounting ,človeški kapital ,trendi ,methods ,udc:657 ,sposobnosti ,cases ,računovodstvo ,human capital ,valuation - Published
- 2018
48. Effect of Rurality and Human Capital Resources in the Entrepreneurial Opportunity Identification Process / Vpliv ruralnega okolja in človeškega kapitala v procesu zaznavanja podjetniških priložnosti
- Author
Irena Kedmenec, Urban Šebjan, and Polona Tominc
- Subjects
Economic growth ,Entrepreneurship ,HF5001-6182 ,Process (engineering) ,rural areas ,opportunity identification ,razpoznavanje poslovnih priložnosti ,ruralno okolje ,človeški kapital ,entrepreneurship ,Human capital ,Entrepreneurial education ,Management ,Identification (information) ,Geography ,Rurality ,Country study ,podjetniško izobraževanje ,human capital ,Business ,Rural area - Abstract
V prispevku, v katerem je predstavljena študija na primeru Slovenije, smo želeli odgovoriti na vprašanje, zakaj posamezniki iz ruralnih okolij v svojem okolju manj pogosto razpoznavajo poslovne priložnosti. Naši podatki kažejo, da ima povečanje virov človeškega kapitala, sestavljenega iz izobrazbe, znanja, izkušenj in sposobnosti za podjetništvo, pomemben in pozitiven vpliv na identificiranje poslovnih priložnosti. Za oblikovalce ukrepov ekonomske politike so naši rezultati pomembni, saj nakazujejo, da so politike, usmerjene v podjetniško izobraževanje (predvsem tisto, ki vključuje pridobivanje izkušenj in veščin v realnem podjetniškem okolju), koristne, in to predvsem na ruralnih območjih.
- Published
- 2015
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- Author
RIHTARŠIČ, JANIS and Ivanko, Štefan
- Subjects
intellectual capital ,intelektualni kapital ,methods of measuring intellectual capital ,Tobinov Q ,metoda VAIC ,human capital ,človeški kapital ,VAIC method ,metode merjenja intelektualnega kapitala - Abstract
Za ustvarjanje dodatne vrednosti organizacije je vse bolj pomemben intelektualni kapital, ki predstavlja ključni dejavnik pri poslovanju organizacije. Intelektualni kapital predstavlja neprecenljivo bogastvo organizacije, zato je merjenje intelektualnega kapitala v organizaciji nujno. Namen tega diplomskega dela je podrobno predstaviti intelektualni kapital in poudariti pomembnost merjenja intelektualnega kapitala za organizacije. Cilji teoretičnega dela diplomskega dela so bili predstaviti intelektualni kapital in njegovo uporabo ter začetek, razvoj in strukturo intelektualnega kapitala ter opisati komponente intelektualnega kapitala, ki jih uporabljamo v empiričnem delu. Cilj empiričnega dela pa je bil ugotoviti kakšna je stopnja intelektualnega kapitala v organizacije in s pomočjo ugotovitev predlagati nasvete oziroma spremembe, ki so potrebne za izboljšanje intelektualnega kapitala organizacije. Uporabljeno je bilo več različnih raziskovalnih metod, in sicer metoda deskripcije, klasifikacije, kompilacije in metode anketiranja. Na podlagi vprašalnika je bilo ugotovljeno, da je višina intelektualnega kapitala v obravnavani organizaciji srednja, ker so višine procesnega, inovacijskega, človeškega in relacijskega kapitala dosegale srednjo stopnjo. Višina socialnega kapitala pa je visoka. Iz rezultatov se torej ugotavlja, da se aktivnosti, vezane na intelektualni kapital, sicer izvajajo, vendar pa bo na nekaterih področjih potrebno izboljšanje intelektualnega kapitala, saj si le z uspešnim upravljanjem intelektualnega kapitala organizacije gradi zadovoljstvo zaposlenih, kupcev, dobaviteljev in vseh strank v poslu, konkurenčno prednost in nazadnje uspeh. Rezultati so uporabni in v korist predvsem za obravnavano organizacijo, saj je v raziskavi sodelovala večina zaposlenih. S proučevanjem rezultatov in izboljšanjem področij intelektualnega kapitala bo organizacija vplivala na izboljšanje poslovanja organizacije. Intellectual capital is becoming a key competitive factor in creating added value for the company. The need for monitoring and reporting is increasing. The purpose of this diploma thesis is to present the intellectual capital and the importance of its monitoring for companies more precisely. The goals of the theoretical part of the diploma work were to define the intellectual capital and its use, the beginning and development and structure of intellectual capital, and to describe the components of intellectual capital that we use in the empirical part. The aim of the empirical work was to determine whether the mass of human capital in the company is high, and on the basis of all the findings to put forward proposals for strengthening the intellectual capital in the company. We used several different methods of research, namely: the method of description, classification, compilation and survey methods. On the basis of the questionnaire, it was found that the mass of intellectual capital in the organization concerned is medium because the masses of process, innovation, human and relational capital reached the median level. The mass of social capital is high. It is therefore concluded from the results that activities related to intellectual capital are implemented, but in some areas it will be necessary to improve the intellectual capital, since only through the successful management of intellectual capital, the satisfaction of employees, customers, suppliers and all clients in the business is a competitive advantage And lastly success. The results are useful and helpful for the organization in question, since the majority of employees participated in the survey. By examining the results and improving the areas of intellectual capital, the organization will influence the improvement of the company's business.
- Published
- 2017
50. Model dejavnikov managementa znanja in njihov vpliv na uspešnost organizacije
- Author
Kozjek, Domen and Ovsenik, Marija
- Subjects
knowledge factors ,dejavniki znanja ,udc:005.2 ,human capital ,človeški kapital ,knowledge management ,upravljanje z znanjem - Abstract
Purpose: The purpose of this research is to identify the factors of knowledge which have a significant impact on the outcome (measured as value added per employee) of the company. The existence, long-term survival, profitability, etc. of the company depends on the competitiveness of the products and services (regardless of industry or economic branch). Transformation of “raw materials” into competitive products is possible only with the knowledge of employees. Therefore, it is necessary to identify the factors of knowledge which can influence a positive result of the company. Methodology: We reviewed the relevant literature in the field of knowledge management. On this basis, we summarized the factors of knowledge. We performed a survey among the 69 largest Slovenian commercial companies (public and banking sectors excluded). Based on the research, we developed a regression model of value added per employee in euros. Results: The study showed that, of all factors studied, motivation in the form of assessing employees’ performance has the largest positive correlation with the value added per employee. Furthemore, training for the performance, the use of technological tools and organizational climate can bring significant value added per employee. The most important factor that affects the value added per employee is the industry branch which the company deals with. The factors which follow are the simplicity of using IT tools and the example that the managers give to the employees. Conclusion: A model of knowledge management factors helps to identify which knowledge factors should be given priority to for increasing the company’s performance. The model also considers the industry in which the company operates. Namen: Namen raziskave je identifikacija dejavnikov znanja, ki pomembno vplivajo na rezultat merjen v dodani vrednosti na zaposlenega. Dolgoročni obstoj podjetja, profitabilnost, itd. temelji na konkurenčnosti produktov ali storitve organizacije. Transformacija »surovih materialov« v konkurenčne produkte je mogoča samo z znanjem zaposlenih. Zato je pomembno, da identificiramo dejavnike znanja, ki imajo pozitivni vpliv na uspešnost organizacije. Metoda: Proučili smo relevantno literaturo s področja upravljanja z znanjem. Na podlagi tega smo povzeli dejavnike znanja. Izvedli smo anketo med 69 največjimi slovenskimi gospodarskimi družbami (javni in bančni sektor sta bila izključena). Na podlagi raziskave smo razvili model dejavnikov znanja v povezavi z dodano vrednostjo na zaposlenega. Rezultati: Raziskava je pokazala, da je motivacija z ocenjevanjem delovne uspešnosti zaposlenih izmed proučevanih dejavnikov v največji pozitivni korelaciji z dodano vrednostjo na zaposlenega v podjetju. Tudi usposabljanje za opravljanje, uporaba tehnoloških orodij in organizacijska klima pomembno doprinesejo k dodani vrednosti na zaposlenega. Najbolj pomemben razlikovalni dejavnik podjetij glede na dodano vrednost na zaposlenega je dejavnost s katero se podjetje ukvarja, naslednja po pomembnosti sta kako enostavna je uporaba informacijskih orodij ter kakšen zgled med zaposlenimi imajo vodje oziroma nadrejeni. Zaključek: Model dejavnikov znanja pomaga identficirati tiste dejavnike znanja katerim bi morali posvetiti dodatno pozornost z namenom povečanja dodane vrednosti na zaposlenega. Model upošteva tudi dejavnost, s katero se podjetje ukvarja.
- Published
- 2017
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