321 results on '"Čustva"'
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2. "Ghosting emotions": An open door for navigating intimacy in contemporary Spain.
- Author
Fernández-García, Sandra and Sánchez-Valle, Francisco
- Abstract
Ghosting has mostly been associated with app-dating. However, our research addresses ghosting as a broader field of face-to-face avoidance practices. The article highlights the role of avoidance in emotional practices to maintain ongoing relationships. In the case of contemporary Spain, the structural uncertainty that permeates intimate relationships-related to neoliberalism’s emphasis on individualism in the shaping of subjectivities-is reinforced by the tension in the coexistence of romantic and confluent models of love, which translates into a lack of scripts when it comes to dealing with intimacy. Drawing on the results of an ethnographic research project based on interviews with adults in the city of Madrid, we examine the ways in which social actors adapt their behavior to the context through what we have called ghosting emotions. This analytical tool accounts for those individual strategies, which, as a result of an exercise of emotional reflexivity, limit relationality by avoiding certain social practices in the shaping of intimacy. Thus, this article shows the concrete processes through which actors develop patterns shaping structural dimensions in contemporary intimacies when facing uncertainties. To safeguard individuality within relationships, these practices function as a means of enhancing a sense of control by leaving an open door. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
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3. Recognising and Expressing Emotions: Difficulties of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Learning a Foreign Language and How to Resolve Them.
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- Subjects
FOREIGN language education ,CHILDREN with autism spectrum disorders ,EMOTIONS - Abstract
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- Published
- 2023
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4. Body in Mind: The Role of the Body in Damasio’s Theory of Emotion.
- Author
Vršič, Zarja
- Abstract
Copyright of Filozofski Vestnik is the property of Scientific Research Centre of Slovenian Academy of Sciences & Arts and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2023
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5. Svetovalčev notranji dialog kot pomoč ali ovira pri vodenju svetovalnega pogovora?
- Author
Rakovec, Primož
- Subjects
Copyright of Socialno Delo is the property of Socialno Delo and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2023
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- Author
JERETIČ, Sebastjan
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Copyright of Teorija in Praksa is the property of Teorija in Praksa and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2023
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7. Vojna v literaturi: doživljanje vojne pri literarnem branju.
- Author
Žunkovič, Igor
- Abstract
Copyright of Comparative Literature / Primerjalna Književnost is the property of Slovenian Comparative Literature Association and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2022
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8. Vloga čustev pri učenju na delovnem mestu
- Author
Marjeta Šarić
- Subjects
čustva ,učenje ,učenje odraslih ,učenje na delovnem mestu ,Education (General) ,L7-991 - Abstract
Namen članka je prikazati pomen čustev pri učenju na delovnem mestu. Čustva so element, ki priteguje vse večjo pozornost različnih ved, med drugim so vse bolj intenzivna prizadevanja raziskovalcev, da bi razumeli vlogo čustev pri učenju. Skozi pregled literature, ki je zasnovan predvsem na psihološki in socialno psihološki teoretični perspektivi, je utemeljena glavna teza o pomembni vlogi čustev pri učenju, ki jo velja upoštevati pri spodbujanju kakovostnega učenja na delovnem mestu. Pregledu različnih opredelitev čustev sledi obravnava čustev pri učenju, nato pa so predstavljeni nekateri specifični vidiki čustev ob učenju na delovnem mestu. Pri tem je razvidno, da je to specifično področje še precej neraziskano in nima oblikovanega enotnega teoretičnega okvira. Kljub temu lahko ugotovimo, da je odnos med čustvi in učenjem na delovnem mestu kompleksen in vzajemen. Analiza obravnavane literature kaže, da ni smotrno spregledati vloge, ki jo ima čustveno doživljanje delavcev, ko se učijo na delovnem mestu.
- Published
- 2020
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9. Nietzsche in Cankar
- Author
Alojzija Zupan Sosič
- Subjects
Cankar ,Nietzsche ,morala ,čustva ,nad/človek ,smrt Boga ,History of scholarship and learning. The humanities ,AZ20-999 ,Literature (General) ,PN1-6790 - Abstract
Roman Gospa Judit (1904) Ivana Cankarja še ni bil obravnavan kot izhodišče za primerjavo s filozofsko in umetniško mislijo Friedricha Nietzscheja, zato sem s primerjalno analizo, različnimi metodami teorije pripovedi ter primerjalno-interpretativnim pristopom stičnosti tega romana dokazovala s fragmenti Nietzschejeve misli oziroma naslednjimi miselnimi jedri: morala, čustva, smrt Boga in nadčlovek. Če se morala v romanu Gospa Judit kaže kot Nietzschejev moralni perspektivizem ali, preprosteje, celo kot predsodek, jo Cankar literarno ošvrkne kot okostenel seznam pravil, ki jih mora pravi umetnik preseči. Pripovedovalka Judit v enačenju naroda z moralo ter umetnika z nemoralo ne ironizira samo strogosti morale do umetnika, ampak tudi do ženske, torej do nje same, v patriarhalni družbi. Juditin položaj poudarja posebnost umetnika, predvsem specifičnost njegovega pogleda na svet, v katerem osrednje mesto zavzema srce. Srce kot sinonim za čustva je pomembno sidrišče Nietzschejeve filozofije in Cankarjeve literarno-publicistične misli: v slovenski književnosti je prav Cankar tisti umetnik, ki se je najbolj sistematično ukvarjal s čustvi in se v različnih besedilih ni sramoval poudarjati njihove življenjske pomembnosti. Tudi kategorijo nadčloveka (delno jo zastopa Judit) Cankar predstavlja podobno kot Nietzsche – ta naj bi imel vse tiste lastnosti, ki jih ne more več imeti odsotni ali mrtvi Bog, zato naj bi bil človek nove vrste dionizični človek, vitalen in močan. Tudi inovativnost na pripovedni ravni lahko primerjamo s provokativnostjo nekaterih Nietzschejevih tekstov, na primer filozofskega romana Tako je govoril Zaratustra; tu mislim predvsem na zvrstni sinkretizem v smislu prepleta esejizacije, lirizacije in inovativnosti avtobiografskega izhodišča ter na večperspektivičnost satire in polisemičnost ironije.
- Published
- 2020
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10. Study in the Virtual Class: Doings of Feminist Pedagogy and the Covid-19 Crisis.
- Author
Šribar, Renata
- Subjects
Copyright of Šolsko Polje is the property of Solsko Polje and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2020
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- Author
Vitulić, Helena Smrtnik and Prosen, Simona
- Subjects
PRESCHOOL teachers ,EDUCATIONAL leadership ,PRESCHOOLS ,CHILDREN'S health ,PRESCHOOL children ,WORKING parents - Abstract
Copyright of Socialna Pedagogika (14082942) is the property of Socialna Pedagogika and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2020
12. Sram in krivda v kratki zgodbi»Marija, pomagaj«Suzane Tratnik.
- Author
Koron, Alenka
- Abstract
Copyright of Comparative Literature / Primerjalna Književnost is the property of Slovenian Comparative Literature Association and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2020
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13. Walking together as protest: Collective identity transformation in sectarian Northern Ireland.
- Author
Lubit, Amanda J.
- Abstract
Although thirty years of violent sectarian conflict ended with the 1998 peace agreement, public spaces and politics in Northern Ireland remain contested. Paramilitaries and violence persist, affecting daily lived experiences. Following the death of journalist Lyra McKee in April 2019 at the hands of a dissident paramilitary group, a grassroots social movement developed, demanding to “re-boot” the peace agreement. Lyra’s Walk for Peace engaged in a three-day 68-mile walk across Northern Ireland to acknowledge shared memories of loss and protest persistent sectarianism in politics and public life. Using embodied walking ethnography, I examine what meanings participants assigned to participation and what these narratives tell us about the embodied experience of walking in protest. Participants and organisers initially created a collective identity based on three themes: history, collective suffering, and an imagined future. This identity did not remain static throughout the protest. Instead, the meaning and identity of Lyra’s Walk evolved through embodied experiences of public hospitality, solidarity and the bodily pain of walking which together generated strong emotions. Although the protest began with an orientation towards the past and future of Northern Ireland, by the end, the focus had shifted towards the embodied present. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2020
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14. Nietzsche in Cankar.
- Author
Sosič, Alojzija Zupan
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Copyright of Ars & Humanitas is the property of Ars & Humanitas and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2020
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15. Emotional regulation, soping with conflicts and satisfaction in a relationship
- Author
Rebernik, Maja and Simonič, Barbara
- Subjects
communication ,conflict ,Emotions ,emotional regulation ,konflikt ,udc:159.942:316.362.1(043.2) ,Čustva ,partnerski odnos ,komunikacija ,čustvena regulacija ,zadovoljstvo v partnerskem odnosu ,satisfaction in partner relationship ,partner relationship ,soočanje s konflikti ,coping with conflicts - Abstract
V magistrskem delu je prikazan pregled literature o čustveni regulaciji, soočanju s konflikti ter o zadovoljstvom v partnerskem odnosu. Teoretični del je avtorica razdelila na dva poglavja. Prvo poglavje zajema opredelitev čustev, osnovna in sestavljena čustva, čustveno regulacijo, čustveno inteligenco ter soočanje s kritičnimi situacijami, kot so frustracija in konflikt ter kriza in stres. Drugo poglavje je razdeljeno na tri podpoglavja. Prvo podpoglavje je namenjeno opisu zadovoljstva v partnerskem odnosu, v drugem podpoglavju je opis komunikacije v partnerskem odnosu in v tretjem podpoglavju je namenjeno opisu konflikta v partnerskem odnosu, kjer med drugim opisuje naravo konflikta, stopnje partnerskega konflikta, osnovne teme intimnih odnosov ter reševanje konfliktov z vsebino kako lahko preprečimo in zmanjšamo konflikte ter predlogi za preprečevanje in reševanje konfliktov. V empiričnem delu je avtorica s kvantitativno metodo želela ugotoviti, kakšna je povezanost med čustveno regulacijo, soočanjem s problemi in zadovoljstvom v partnerskem odnosu ter raziskati razlike v čustveni regulaciji glede na spol. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 183 udeležencev starih med 17 in 69 let, od tega 18 moških in 165 žensk. Rezultati so pokazali, da več kot imajo posamezniki težav s čustveno regulacijo, več imajo težav v soočanju s partnerskimi konflikti. Posamezniki, ki imajo več težav s čustveno regulacijo, imajo nižje zadovoljstvo v partnerskem odnosu. Prav tako se je izkazalo, da več kot je težav v soočanju s partnerskimi konflikti, manj je zadovoljstva v partnerskem odnosu. Ugotovljeno je bilo še, da med moškimi in ženskami obstajajo statistično pomembne razlike pri izražanju čustev, in sicer, da ženske slabše regulirajo izražanje svojih čustev kot moški. The current master's thesis deals with a review of the literature on emotional regulation, dealing with conflicts, and satisfaction in a partner relationship. The author divided the theoretical part into two essential chapters. The first chapter covers the definition of emotions, basic and compound emotions, emotional regulation, emotional intelligence and ways of dealing with critical situations such as frustration and conflict and crisis and stress. The second chapter is further divided into three sub-chapters. The first sub-chapter gives a description of satisfaction in a partner relationship, the second sub-chapter contains a description of communication in a partner relationship, and the third sub-chapter is dedicated to a description of conflict in a partner relationship, where, among other things, it describes the nature of this type of conflict, the levels of partner conflict, the basic themes of intimate relationships and conflict resolution with the help of of useful content: ways to prevent and reduce conflicts and suggestions for preventing and resolving conflicts. In the empirical part of the master's thesis, the author, using a quantitative method, wanted to find the connection between emotional regulation and cases of facing problems and satisfaction in a partner relationship, and to investigate differences in emotional regulation with regard to gender. In her research, the author included 183 participants between the ages of 17 and 69, of which 18 were men and 165 were women. The results showed that the more problems individuals have with emotional regulation, the more problems they have in dealing with partner conflicts. Individuals who have more problems with emotional regulation have lower satisfaction in the partner relationship. The research also showed that the more problems there are in dealing with partner conflicts, the less satisfaction there is in the partner relationship. During the research, it was also established that there are statistically significant differences between men and women in the ways of expressing emotions, namely that women regulate the expression of their emotions worse than men.
- Published
- 2023
16. Pravo in čustva
- Author
Dolinšek, Eva and Novak, Aleš
- Subjects
pristranskost ,bias ,sojenje ,sodniki ,vrednote ,odločanje ,decision-making ,trial ,emotions ,reason ,quality of trial ,values ,čustva ,razum ,kvaliteta sojenja ,judges - Abstract
Objektivnost je ena od temeljnih načel vsakega pravnega sistema in to še toliko bolj pride do izraza v vsakem konkretnem primeru pred sodiščem. V svojem magistrskem delu pa se osredotočim na nasprotje te zahteve in se sprašujem, ali so čustva v sodni dvorani popolnoma prepovedana in ali vedno vodijo v pristransko sprejeto sodnikovo odločitev. S pomočjo teoretične podlage ugotavljam, da čustva niso vedno nekaj slabega. Biti sodnik namreč pomeni biti čustven, zato se v nalogi sprašujem, koliko se tega sodniki zavedajo in kako to vpliva na sprejemanje odločitev. Osvetlim vprašanje, ali je vpliv čustev nujno škodljiv in ko ugotovim, da odgovor ni pritrdilen, obravnavam merila in pogoje tistih čustev, ki so med sojenjem zaželena. To storim v želji prikazati razmejitev med primeri škodljive in neškodljive čustvenosti. Izvor take razmejitve najdem v vrednotah, s katerimi je prav tako potrebno biti previden, saj so razumljene relativno in jih je mogoče različno interpretirati. Gre namreč za kolizijo vrednot, ki podpirajo sodnikovo posamično odločitev in vrednot, na katerih bazira pravni sistem. Objectivity is one of the basic principles of any legal system, and this is all the more apparent when it comes to each specific case before the court. However, my master’s thesis considers the opposing view, and explores whether emotions should be completely forbidden in the courtroom, and whether they always lead to biased decisions by the judge. Using a theoretical basis, I have found that emotions are not always a bad thing. Being a judge means being emotional, so in my thesis I ask to what extent judges are aware of this and how it affects their decision-making. After examining the question of whether the influence of emotions is necessarily harmful, my answer is not always affirmative, and therefore I address the criteria and conditions of those emotions that are desirable during a trial. I do this in an attempt to show the demarcation between cases of harmful and harmless emotionality. The origin of such a demarcation can be located in values, which also need to be treated with caution, since they are understood in relative terms and are open to interpretation. This is a case of a conflict between the values that support the judge's individual decision, and the values on which the legal system is based.
- Published
- 2023
17. Experiencing the desease of covid-19 through the eyes of the employees of the Home for senior citizens Metlika
- Author
Vukšinič, Andreja and Poštrak, Miloslav
- Subjects
čustva ,covid-19 ,nursing home employees ,mental distress ,Domovi za ostarele ,duševna stiska ,zaposleni v domovih za ostarele ,Nursing homes ,emotions - Abstract
V magistrskem delu raziskujem, kako so zaposleni v Domu starejših občanov Metlika doživljali bolezen covid-19 v prvem valu epidemije. Ta dom je bil prvi dom za ostarele v Sloveniji, v katerega je covid-19 prodrl. V teoretičnem delu opisujem zgodovino domov za ostarele in nekoliko več pozornosti namenjam dolgotrajni oskrbi. Opišem delo v domovih za ostarele in vlogo socialnega delavca v njih ter predstavim Dom starejših občanov v Metliki (DSO Metlika), kjer sem opravila praktični del magistrskega dela. Predstavim glavne značilnosti bolezni covid-19, ukrepe ter posledice, ki jih je bolezen prinesla. Pišem tudi o počutju ter duševnem zdravju zaposlenih v domovih za ostarele, tako v času covida-19 kot tudi v obdobju, ko ni bilo izrednih razmer, ter pojasnim vlogo socialnega dela v kriznih razmerah. V zadnjem poglavju teoretičnega dela predstavim primer pomoči s supervizijo, namenjeno zaposlenim v domovih, ki se srečujejo s stisko, stresom in izgorelostjo. V raziskovalnem delu magistrskega dela s pomočjo anketnih vprašalnikov ugotavljam, s kakšnimi problemi in čustvi so se soočali zaposleni v DSO Metlika v času prvega vala epidemije covida-19 pri nas. Dobljene rezultate predstavim s pomočjo tabel in grafov. Prav tako v raziskovalni del vključim »svojo zgodbo«, ki je v obliki dnevnika nastajala v času, ko sem prvič prebolevala covid-19. Rezultati raziskave kažejo, da so se zaposleni v DSO Metlika soočali s precejšnim strahom, duševno stisko, pa tudi diskriminacijo in drugimi problemi, ki jih je prinesel covid-19. In my master's thesis, I research how the employees of the Home for Senior Citizens in Metlika experienced the disease of covid-19 in the first wave of the epidemic, since they were the first nursing home in Slovenia into which covid penetrated. In the theoretical part, I describe the history of nursing homes and pay a little more attention to long-term care. I describe the work in nursing homes, the role of the social worker in them, and I present the Home for the Senior Citizens in Metlika (DSO Metlika), where I did the practical part of my master's thesis. I present the main characteristics of the covid-19 disease, the measures and consequences that the disease brought. I also write about the feelings and the mental health of the employees in nursing homes, during covid-19 and also during the period when there were no emergency situations, and also the role of social work in crisis situations. In the last chapter of the theoretical part, I present an example of help with the supervision for the employees in nursing homes who are experiencing distress, stress and burnout. In the research part of my master's thesis, with the help of questionnaires I found out what problems and emotions the employees of DSO Metlika faced during the time of first wave of the covid-19 epidemic in our country. The results I got, I presented with the help of tables and graphs. In the research part of the assignment I also included "my story", which was created in the form of a diary, at the time when I was first recovering from covid-19. The results of the survey showed that the employees of DSO Metlika faced considerable fear, mental distress, discrimination and other problems that covid-19 brought.
- Published
- 2023
18. Korelacija med umom in vokalizacijo
- Author
Poljak, Antea and Drašček, Nuška
- Subjects
udc:782(043.2) ,glasba ,čustva ,anatomija ,petje - Published
- 2023
19. Razvijanje strategij uravnavanja jeze pri učencih v razredu
- Author
Korenč, Marja and Prosen, Simona
- Subjects
emotion regulation ,prepoznavanje čustev ,Emotions ,anger ,emotion recognition ,jeza ,tehnike sproščanja ,uravnavanje čustev ,relaxation techniques ,Čustva ,udc:159.942(043.2) - Abstract
V teoretičnem delu magistrskega dela so predstavljena najprej čustva na splošno, nato pa čustvo jeze, pri čemer so podrobneje predstavljeni prepoznavanje, izražanje in uravnavanje jeze, specifične strategije za uravnavanje jeze ter jeza v šolskem prostoru. Empirični del je zasnovan kvalitativno in kvantitativno. Vzorec zajema šestindvajset učencev 3. in 4. razreda osnovne šole, s katerimi so bili opravljeni polstrukturirani intervjuji pred in po treningu uravnavanja čustev in izvedeno strukturirano opazovanje izražanja čustev učencev med treningom. Trening so sestavljale aktivnosti: reševanje delovnih listov o prepoznavanju, izražanju in uravnavanju čustev s poudarkom na jezi, učenje novih strategij uravnavanja čustev s poudarkom na jezi, pogovorov o tem in izvajanje različnih tehnik sproščanja. Na začetku in ob koncu vsakodnevnih aktivnosti treninga je vsak učenec tudi prepoznal in komentiral svoje trenutno čustveno doživljanje. V raziskavi me je zanimalo, na katere načine so učenci prepoznavali in izražali jezo pred celotnim treningom in med vsakodnevnimi aktivnostmi treninga, na katere načine so učenci uravnavali jezo pred in po celotnem treningu in kako uspešni so bili učenci pri uravnavanju jeze med vsakodnevnimi aktivnostmi treninga. Poleg tega me je zanimalo tudi, katere tehnike sproščanja so prepoznali kot najbolj učinkovite pri uravnavanju jeze. Rezultati pred treningom so pokazali, da učenci znajo prepoznavati čustvo jeze in se zavedajo vzrokov zanjo, pri čemer kot glavni vzrok jeze navajajo nasilje vseh vrst. Pri doživljanju jeze se vsi učenci počutijo neprijetno in si želijo svoje počutje čim prej spremeniti, pri skoraj vseh učencih pa se ob jezi pojavljajo agresivni vzgibi. Pred treningom je bilo največkrat prepoznano čustvo veselja, jezo na začetku aktivnosti pa so učenci med samo aktivnostjo znali uravnati in so po koncu aktivnosti doživljali druga čustva. Večina učencev je bila pred našim treningom navajena izražati jezo na neprimeren način z agresivnim vedenjem. Učenci so poročali, da svojo jezo večinoma uravnavajo s preusmeritvijo pozornosti, umikom iz situacije ali pogovorom. Rezultati intervjujev z učenci po treningu so pokazali, da se učenci v situacijah, ki jih razjezijo, v večini najprej ustavijo in razmislijo, kako odreagirati, uporabljajo dihalne vaje, rešujejo konflikte s pogovorom, prakticirajo čuječnost in strategijo štetja. Rezultati opazovanja med treningom so pokazali, da so učenci svojo jezo dokaj uspešno uravnavali, nekateri pa so med izvajanjem aktivnosti potrebovali nekaj opozoril. Vzroki za opozorila in pogostost opozoril so se iz tedna v teden spreminjali. Med najuporabnejše tehnike sproščanja so učenci uvrstili dihalne vaje, čuječnost, jogo, masažo, gibalne aktivnosti in vizualizacijo. In the theoretical part of the master thesis there are firstly presented emotions in general, then emotion of anger with the focus on recognition, expression and regulation of anger, specific strategies of anger regulation and emotion of anger in school environment. Empirical part includes qualitative and quantitative research. Twenty-six pupils of third and fourth grade took part in the research, in which they took part in a half-structured interview before and after our training of emotion regulation and structured observation of their emotional expressions during our training. Training consisted of activities: solving worksheets about recognition, expression, and regulation of emotions, especially anger learning new strategies of emotion regulation, especially anger conversations about it and trying various relaxation techniques. At the beginning and at the end of everyday activity of the training each student recognised and commented on his current emotional state. In my research I wanted to figure out the ways in which the students will recognise and express anger before and during our training, in which ways will they regulate their anger before and after our training and how successful will they be at regulating anger during everyday activities in training. Furthermore, I wanted to find out which relaxation techniques will students recognize as the most efficient for regulating anger. Results gathered before training show that students can recognise emotion of anger and reasons for it with the main reason of their anger being violence of all kinds. When they are dealing with anger they all feel uncomfortable and want their emotions to improve as soon as possible. In almost all students anger is accompanied with the violent impulses. Before our training emotion of happiness was the most frequently reported, while the emotion of anger when reported at the beginning of the activity was regulated during the activity and students felt other, more pleasant emotions at the end of the activity. Students reported they mostly regulate their anger by redirecting their attention, moving out of the situation or by conversation. Results of the interviews after training showed that when dealing with anger most students use strategy where they first stop and think about their reaction, they use breathing exercises, they are solving conflicts by conversation, practise mindfullness and by counting strategies. Results of observation during our training showed that students were quite successful in regulating anger, some of the students needed a few warnings during the activities. Reasons and frequency of the warnings were changing throughout the training. Students believe that most efficient relaxation techniques are breathing exercises, mindfullness, yoga, massage, activities that include moving and visualization.
- Published
- 2023
20. Strategije uravnavanja čustev in splošno zdravje pri učiteljih razrednega pouka
- Author
Bobek, Meta and Smrtnik Vitulić, Helena
- Subjects
general health ,profesionalni razvoj ,emotion regulation ,splošno zdravje ,učitelji razrednega pouka ,primary class teachers ,čustva ,udc:37.011.3-051(043.2) ,uravnavanje čustev ,emotions ,professional development - Abstract
V magistrskem delu obravnavamo strategije uravnavanja čustev, splošno zdravje in profesionalni razvoj učiteljev, ki poučujejo v prvih petih razredih osnovnih šol. Zanima nas, kakšne strategije uravnavanja čustev uporabljajo učitelji, kakšno je njihovo splošno zdravje in tudi, ali obstaja povezanost med uporabo različnih strategij uravnavanja čustev in splošnim zdravjem. Ugotavljamo tudi, ali obstajajo razlike med učitelji z različno delovno dobo v pogostosti uravnavanja čustev in v kakovosti splošnega zdravja. V teoretičnem delu najprej opredelimo čustva in proces uravnavanja čustev ter podrobneje opišemo Grossov in Thompsonov (2007) model uravnavanja čustev. V nadaljevanju opredelimo splošno zdravje, opišemo njegove značilnosti in predstavimo izsledke raziskav s področja splošnega zdravja učiteljev. Nato opredelimo profesionalni razvoj in faze, ki jih vključuje, ter podrobneje opišemo S-model profesionalnega razvoja (Javrh, 2007), ki je bil oblikovan posebej za slovenski prostor. V empiričnem delu opišemo izvedeno raziskavo, v kateri je sodelovalo 114 učiteljev, ki poučujejo v prvih petih razredih osnovnih šol v različnih slovenskih regijah/pokrajinah. Podatke smo pridobili s pomočjo spletnega anketnega vprašalnika. Rezultati so pokazali, da učitelji za uravnavanje čustev pogosto uporabljajo strategije preusmerjanja pozornosti, kognitivnega prevrednotenja pomena situacije in telesno umirjanje, redkeje pa ostale vrste strategij. Ugotovili smo tudi, da se izbira večine strategij uravnavanja čustev med učitelji z različno delovno dobo večinoma ne razlikuje. Statistično pomembne razlike so se pokazale le pri strategiji preoblikovanja odziva z uporabo psihoaktivnih snovi, ki so jo najpogosteje uporabljali učitelji z enim do treh let delovne dobe. Rezultati so pokazali tudi, da je imelo 56 % učiteljev manjše težave s splošnim zdravjem, 6 % učiteljev pa večje težave s splošnim zdravjem. Učitelji so večinoma ocenili, da je bilo njihovo splošno zdravje v času reševanja vprašalnikov enako kot v preteklosti. Rezultati niso pokazali statistično pomembnih razlik v splošnem zdravju med učitelji z različno delovno dobo. Povezanost med strategijami uravnavanja čustev učiteljev in njihovim splošnim zdravjem večinoma ni bila statistično pomembna. Rezultati raziskave nam omogočajo boljše razumevanje uravnavanja čustev učiteljev, njihovega splošnega zdravja ter njune medsebojne povezanosti. So tudi osnova za ozaveščanje o pomembnosti učinkovitega izražanja čustev učiteljev pri njihovem delu in skrbi za zdravje. In this master’s thesis, we discuss the strategies of emotion regulation, general health, and the professional development of primary school teachers of the first five grades. We are interested in which strategies of emotion regulation teachers use, what their general health is like and whether there exists a connection between the use of different strategies for emotion regulation and general health. Furthermore, we set out to find whether there are differences among teachers with different length of service in terms of frequency of emotion regulation and the quality of general health. The theoretical part of the thesis is where we define emotions and the process of emotion regulation as well as describe Gross and Thompson’s (2007) model of emotion regulation in detail. Hereafter, we define general health, describe its features and present research findings from the field of teachers’ general health. Afterwards, we define the professional development of teachers with its phases and describe in detail the developmental S-model of teaching career (Javrh, 2007), which was designed specifically for Slovenian area. In the empirical part, we describe the conducted research, in which 114 teachers of the first five grades from different Slovene regions took part. We gathered the data using an online questionnaire. The results showed that teachers often use strategies of attentional deployment, cognitive reappraisal of situation meaning and modification of physiological response when regulating their emotions, while seldomly using other strategies. We also established that the choice of most of the strategies for emotion regulation among teachers with different length of service does not differ. Statistically significant differences only occurred for the strategy of response modulation using psychoactive substances, which was mostly used by teachers working between one and three years. The results also showed that 56 % of teachers had had fewer impairments regarding general health, while 6 % had had greater impairments. Most teachers declared that their general health was at the time of answering the questionnaires the same as it had been in the past. There were no statistically significant differences in terms of general health among teachers with different length of service. The connection between strategies of emotion regulation and the teachers’ general health was, for the most part, statistically insignificant. The results from the research enable us to better understand teachers’ emotion regulation, their general health, and their interconnectivity. Finally, the results form a basis for spreading awareness about the importance of effective emotion expression in teachers at their work and of their general health.
- Published
- 2023
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USER experience - Abstract
Emotional design as a user-generated product approach has been recognized as a valuable concept that has emerged through implementation and evoking of consumer emotions. Today this approach is considered as an innovative process, and as sort of toolkit that designers can use to enhance innovation activities and improve business results. Emotional design has a strong emphasis on visualization, research methods, collaborative techniques and experimentation. Research within emotional design implies a discussion of affective phenomena in design, such as pleasure, mood, emotion, and consumerism. This article describes the development of emotional design, explains the role of emotions within the emotional design area, and explains the processes and tools used in practice. It provides an overview of the models for evoking emotions with design products, deals with understanding consumer needs and desires, and focuses on establishing relationships between user's product and emotions. It describes products that have been created to stimulate and to evoke emotions and explains the importance of their realization in contemporary design practice. Emotional design is a relatively new and insufficiently empirically researched concept that is complicate to quantify and determine. However, this article provides an exhaustive list of theoretical approaches related to emotions, design products and user experience. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
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22. Love, cynicism, wanderlust
- Author
Lukan, Tinca and Čehovin Zajc, Jožica
- Subjects
poklicno usmerjanje ,novinarji ,Novinarstvo ,career trajectories ,udc:159.93/.94 ,Novinarji ,emotional turn ,novinarstvo ,emotional turn, career trajectories, love, cynicism ,prekarno delo ,udc:159.942:070.42 ,Prekarno delo ,cynicism ,čustva ,Čustva ,Poklicno usmerjanje ,love - Abstract
This article addresses a lacuna in the literature on the ‘emotional turn’ in journalism by examining how emotions shape journalists’ career trajectories. In-depth interviews conducted at two points in time reveal that love leads journalists to accept precarious work. Over the years, cynicism developed. Cynicism shaped careers in two ways: some moved into public relations and expressed emotions of relief. Others left media organisations to work as freelance journalists, expressing emotions of wanderlust and love. We address the ambivalence of love as an emotion. It leads journalists to accept precarious work that prevents investigative journalism. However, love of journalism has led others to pursue careers outside of media organisations that offer more freedom of expression, which is crucial for democracy. Nasl. z nasl. zaslona. Opis vira z dne 28. 3. 2023. Bibliografija: str. 13-16. Abstract.
- Published
- 2023
23. Čustva, njihovo uravnavanje in duševno zdravje pri specialnih in rehabilitacijskih pedagogih v osnovnih šolah s prilagojenim programom z nižjim izobrazbenim standardom
- Author
Pegan, Katja and Smrtnik Vitulić, Helena
- Subjects
duševno zdravje ,udc:159.9(043.2) ,emotion regulation ,čustva ,adapted programme with lower educational standard ,prilagojen program z nižjim izobrazbenim standardom ,uravnavanje čustev ,special education teachers ,emotions ,mental health ,specialni in rehabilitacijski pedagogi - Abstract
Specialni in rehabilitacijski pedagogi, zaposleni v osnovni šoli s prilagojenim programom z nižjim izobrazbenim standardom, se pri delu vsakodnevno vključujejo v številne interakcije z učenci z različnimi primanjkljaji, ovirami oz. motnjami. Različne težave učencev, predvsem na socialnem in vedenjskem področju, lahko prispevajo k pojavu zelo raznolikih, zahtevnih, nepredvidljivih in konfliktnih situacij. V teh situacijah lahko specialni in rehabilitacijski pedagogi doživljajo in izražajo različna čustva ter jih tudi uravnavajo to se lahko povezuje z njihovim duševnim zdravjem. V empirični raziskavi me je zanimalo, kako intenzivno specialni in rehabilitacijski pedagogi pri svojem delu doživljajo posamezna čustva, kako pogosto uporabljajo posamezne strategije uravnavanja neprijetnih čustev in kakšne so značilnosti njihovega duševnega zdravja. Pri učiteljih v osnovni šoli s prilagojenim programom z nižjim izobrazbenim standardom sem prav tako ugotavljala, ali se intenzivnost doživljanja posameznih izbranih neprijetnih čustev povezuje s pogostostjo uporabe posameznih strategij uravnavanja neprijetnih čustev in ali se kakovost njihovega duševnega zdravja povezuje z uporabo posameznih strategij uravnavanja neprijetnih čustev. V raziskavi sem uporabila kvantitativni raziskovalni pristop, vanjo pa je bilo vključenih 60 specialnih in rehabilitacijskih pedagogov iz različnih slovenskih regij, ki poučujejo v osnovnih šolah s prilagojenim programom z nižjim izobrazbenim standardom. Udeleženci raziskave so izpolnili spletni vprašalnik, ki je vključeval tri področja: intenzivnost doživljanja čustev, strategije uravnavanja čustev in duševno zdravje. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da specialni in rehabilitacijski pedagogi v osnovni šoli s prilagojenim programom z nižjim izobrazbenim standardom pri delu v povprečju dokaj oz. zelo intenzivno doživljajo vsa izbrana prijetna čustva (veselje, ponos, ljubezen), medtem ko izbrana neprijetna čustva (jeza, brezup, izčrpanost) doživljajo zmerno oz. manj intenzivno. Izmed vseh strategij uravnavanja neprijetnih čustev najpogosteje uporabljajo naslednje strategije: preusmerjanje pozornosti, iskanje socialne opore in kognitivno prevrednotenje pomena situacije. Prav tako je raziskava pokazala, da je 28 % udeležencev raziskave poročalo o manjših in 8 % o večjih težavah z njihovim duševnim zdravjem, med temi težavami pa so prevladovali občutki nekoristnosti pri delu, težave s koncentracijo in nesposobnost uživanja v vsakodnevnih dejavnostih. V raziskavi se je pokazala tudi pomembna pozitivna povezanost med intenzivnostjo doživljanja vseh izbranih neprijetnih čustev (jeza, izčrpanost, brezup) in pogostostjo uporabe strategij uravnavanja neprijetnih čustev z izogibanjem situacij oz. preoblikovanjem odziva prek doživljanja. Povezanost med pogostostjo uporabe posameznih strategij uravnavanja neprijetnih čustev in prisotnostjo duševnih težav v večini primerov ni bila pomembna. Special education teachers working in primary schools with an adapted programme with a lower educational standard are involved in many daily interactions with pupils with different deficits, barriers and disabilities. The different problems of pupils, especially in the social and behavioural areas, can contribute to the emergence of very diverse, challenging, unpredictable and conflicting situations. In these situations, special education teachers may experience, express and regulate different emotions this may be linked to their mental health. In this empirical study, I was interested in how intensely special education teachers experience particular emotions in their work, how often they use particular strategies to regulate unpleasant emotions, and what are the characteristics of their mental health. For special education teachers in primary schools with an adapted programme with a lower educational standard, I also researched whether the intensity of experiencing selected unpleasant emotions was associated with the frequency of using particular emotion regulation strategies, and whether the quality of their mental health was associated with the use of particular emotion regulation strategies. The study used a quantitative research approach and involved 60 special education and teachers from different regions of Slovenia who teach in primary schools with an adapted programme with a lower educational standard. Participants completed an online questionnaire covering three domains: intensity of emotion experience, emotion regulation strategies and mental health. The results of the survey showed that special education teachers in primary schools with an adapted programme with a lower educational standard on average experience all selected pleasant emotions (joy, pride, love) quite or very intensely at work, while selected unpleasant emotions (anger, hopelessness, exhaustion) are experienced moderately or less intensely. Of all the coping strategies for unpleasant emotions, the most frequently used are: distraction, seeking social support and cognitive reappraisal of the meaning of the situation. The survey also showed that 28% of the participants reported minor and 8% major problems with their mental health, and that these problems were dominated by feelings of uselessness at work, difficulty concentrating and inability to enjoy everyday activities. The study also showed a significant positive correlation between the intensity of experience of all the selected unpleasant emotions (anger, exhaustion, hopelessness) and the frequency of use of coping strategies such as avoiding situations or reframing the response through experience. The association between the frequency of use of each coping strategy and the presence of mental health problems was not significant in most cases.
- Published
- 2023
24. Model nepremičninskih in psiholoških dejavnikov odločanja za nakup nepremičnine
- Author
Bojan Grum and Darja Kobal Grum
- Subjects
odločanje za nakup nepremičnine ,psihološki dejavniki ,pričakovanja ,motivacija ,čustva ,City planning ,HT165.5-169.9 - Abstract
Avtorja v članku raziskujeta temeljne psihološke značilnosti potencialnih kupcev nepremičnin, ki se povezujejo z njihovo odločitvijo za nakup. S pregledom raziskav se pokaže, da je večina raziskav psiholoških dejavnikov odločanja za nakup nepremičnine naravnana parcialno in razpršeno ter da proučuje posamične dejavnike neodvisno drug od drugega. Tako se zdi, da v raziskovalnem prostoru manjkajo jasno opredeljeni modeli psiholoških dejavnikov odločanja za nakup nepremičnine, ki bi integrirano in relacijsko pojasnjevali vlogo psiholoških značilnosti kupcev nepremičnin in njihova pričakovanja v zvezi z odločitvijo za nakup. Članek v tem kontekstu prepoznava dvoje psiholoških dejavnikov, in sicer motivacijske in čustvene dejavnike, ugotavlja njihovo povezanost s pričakovanji potencialnih kupcev pri odločanju za nakup nepremičnine, na koncu pa poda izhodišča za oblikovanje hipotetičnega modela.
- Published
- 2015
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25. Izbira barve pri upodabljanju čustveno intenzivne motivike
- Author
Škrgić, Sabina and Podobnik, Uršula
- Subjects
likovno izražanje ,čustva ,izbira barve ,colour choice ,udc:7(043.2) ,artistic expression ,predšolski otrok ,emotions ,preschool child - Abstract
Diplomsko delo vsebuje teoretični in empirični del. V teoretičnem delu sem raziskovala razvoj otrokovega likovnega in čustvenega izražanja. Pri likovnem izražanju sem se tako osredotočila na otrokovo risbo in razvoj likovnega izražanja v predšolskem obdobju. V predšolskem obdobju velikokrat opazujemo in raziskujemo otroško risbo, pri čemer lahko razmeroma hitro ugotovimo, kako pomembno vlogo ima ta pri otrokovem izražanju čustev in misli. Na osnovi risbe lahko razberemo tako potencialno stisko otroka kot tudi njegove potrebe, izkušnje in želje. V okviru svojega diplomskega dela sem se pri čustvenem izražanju osredotočila na opredelitev čustev in področja čustvovanja ter tudi njihov razvoj v predšolskem obdobju. Pri tem je pomembno, da otrok zna izraziti in prepoznati čustva, saj le tako lahko z njimi upravlja. Dotaknila sem se tudi področij, ki v predšolskem obdobju podobno kot likovnost vsebujeta zaznaven čustveni vidik. To sta pripovedovanje in glasba ter njun pomen v tem obdobju. Glasbene izkušnje, ki jih otrok pridobi, spodbujajo raziskovanje idej, povečajo otrokovo izražanje čustev ter povečajo zavedanje in opažanje čustev drugih ljudi. Pripovedovanje je v predšolskem obdobju močno povezano s slikanicami, ki tako v narativu zgodbe kot tudi z ilustracijami lahko vplivajo na otrokova čustva in njihovo izražanje. V empiričnem delu diplomskega dela sem z raziskavo skušala ugotoviti, ali oziroma kako spodbujanje čustev vpliva na otrokovo izbiro barv pri likovnem izražanju. S tem namenom sem izvedla tri ločene aktivnosti, vezane na pripoved, ilustracijo in poslušanje glasbe. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 12 otrok. Vsak otrok je ustvarjal šestkrat, in sicer: na podlagi dveh likovnih del, dveh zgodb in dveh glasbenih del. V vseh primerih je imelo eno delo pozitivno, drugo pa negativno konotacijo. Avtor likovnih del je Henri Matisse, avtorica žalostne zgodbe je Ida Mlakar (Kako sta Bibi in Gusti preganjala žalost, 2021), avtorja vesele zgodbe sta Uli Geissler in Gunther Jakobs (Smeh je najboljše zdravilo, 2009), avtor žalostne glasbe je Beethoven (Moonlight Sonata), avtor vesele pa Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Mala nočna glasba). Likovni deli sta se med seboj razlikovali po drži telesa in izrazu na obrazu gospe na sliki. Prebrani zgodbi sta se med seboj razlikovali po vsebini, ena je žalostna in druga vesela. Ilustracije so pri obeh zgodbah v živahnih barvah. Prav tako sta se glasbeni deli, ki so ju otroci poslušali in pri tem ustvarjali, razlikovali po poskočnosti, umirjenosti. Otroci so imeli za ustvarjanje na izbiro živahne in umirjene barve. Z analizo risb sem ugotavljala, kako so umetniški deli, zgodbi in glasbi vplivali na izbiro barve pri likovnem izražanju. Prav tako sem ugotavljala, kako sta ilustraciji vplivali na vsebino likovnega izražanja otrok. The diploma thesis contains a theoretical and an empirical part. In the theoretical part I researched the development of children's artistic and emotional expression. In case of artistic expression, I focused on the child's drawing and the development of artistic expression in the pre-school period. In preschool, we often observe and explore children's drawing, and we can relatively quickly realise how important a role it plays in a child's expression of emotions and thoughts. Drawing can help us to understand both the child's potential distress and his or her needs, experiences and wishes. As part of my thesis, I have been looking at the emotional expression, where I focused on the definition of emotions and the domains of emotion, as well as their development in pre-school period. It is important for the children to be able to express and identify their emotions, as only then they can manage them. I have also touched on the areas that are important in the pre-school period like art class, which contain a perceptible emotional aspect. Others are storytelling and music and their affective aspects in child's life. The musical experiences of children encourage exploration of their ideas, increase the child's expression of emotions and increase awareness and observation of the emotions of other people's feelings. Storytelling in the pre-school period is strongly linked to picture books, which, in both the narrative of the story as well as through illustrations, can influence children's emotions and their expression. In the empirical part of my thesis, I conducted research to find out whether or how stimulating emotions influences children's choice of colours in artistic expression. To this end I carried out three separate activities related to narration, illustration and listening to music. Twelve children took part in the study. Each child expressed himself six times: based on two artworks, two stories and two pieces of music. In all cases, one piece of art had a positive and the other one a negative connotation. The author of both artworks is Henri Matisse, the author of the sad story is Ida Mlakar (Kako sta Bibi in Gusti preganjala žalost, 2021), the author of the happy story is Uli Geissler and Gunther Jakobs (Laughter Is The Best Medicine, 2009), while the author of the sad music is Beethoven (Moonlight Sonata) and the author of the happy music piece is Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (A Little Night Music). The two artworks differed in the posture of the body and the facial expression of the subject in the picture. The two stories differed in the content, one was sad and the other happy, meanwhile the illustrations in both stories were in vivid colours. The music that the children listened to and created to differed in the tempo and calmness. They had a choice of vibrant or calm colours for artistic creation. By analysing the drawings, I found out how the artworks, the stories and the music influenced the choice of colours in artistic expression. I also looked at how the illustrations influenced the content of the children's artistic expression
- Published
- 2022
26. Vloga objektivnih in subjektivnih značilnosti situacij pri doživljanju in uravnavanju čustev
- Author
Kovač, Beti and Zager Kocjan, Gaja
- Subjects
Situacijskih osem DIAMONDS ,metoda vzorčenja izkušenj ,experience sampling method ,strategije za uravnavanje čustev ,emotion regulation strategies ,čustva ,Situational Eight –DIAMONDS ,emotions ,psihologija situacij ,situational psychology ,udc:159.942(043.2) - Abstract
V zadnjih letih se je med raziskovalci okrepilo zanimanje za sistematično raziskovanje psihologije situacij. Z raziskavo smo želeli preučiti, kako se doživljanje in uravnavanje čustev razlikujeta glede na objektivne kategorije situacij (s kom, kje in kaj počne posameznik) ter kako se doživljanje in uravnavanje čustev povezuje s subjektivno zaznanimi značilnostmi situacij, kot jih opredeljuje taksonomija situacijskih osem – DIAMONDS (Rauthmann idr., 2014). V vzorec je bilo vključenih 63 študentov psihologije (92 % žensk M = 20 let, SD = 0,89 leta), ki so štiri dni prek mobilne aplikacije štirikrat dnevno izpolnili vprašalnik o doživljanju in uravnavanju čustev ter značilnostih situacij, v katerih so čustva doživljali. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da posamezniki o višji stopnji valence in aktivacije čustev poročajo v situacijah, ko so z bližnjimi osebami, ko so v naravi, na obisku, ko so telesno aktivni, se družijo, prehranjujejo in izvajajo prostočasne aktivnosti. Udeleženci so v vseh kategorijah situacij najpogosteje poročali o veselju, manj pogosto pa o žalosti, jezi, strahu, presenečenju in gnusu. Prav tako so rezultati pokazali, da posamezniki v situacijah, v katerih so z bližnjimi osebami, na obisku, ko se družijo in so telesno aktivni, za uravnavanje svojih čustev najpogosteje uporabljajo strategijo izražanja čustev, supresijo pa v situacijah, vezanih na študij, delo in opravila. Strategiji preusmerjanja pozornosti in ponovne ocene so uporabljali manj pogosto. Rezultati, vezani na subjektivne značilnosti situacije, so pokazali, da se valenca čustev pozitivno povezuje z dimenzijo pozitivnosti in negativno z dimenzijo negativnosti, aktivacija čustev pa se pozitivno povezuje z dimenzijama pozitivnosti in socialnosti. V situacijah, zaznanih kot prijetne in socialne, so udeleženci za uravnavanje čustev uporabljali strategijo izražanja čustev v situacijah, zaznanih kot neprijetne, pa so uporabljali strategijo preusmerjanja pozornosti. Ugotovitve raziskave, s katero smo psihologijo situacij aplicirali na področje čustev, kažejo na pomembnost subjektivne ocene situacij pri proučevanju čustev, kar se ujema z vlogo kognitivne ocene situacij v kontekstu modela pojavitve čustev. In recent years, there has been an increased interest among researchers in the systematic research of the psychology of situations. This study aims to examine how emotion experience and regulation differ according to objective categories of situations (with whom, where and what the individual is doing) and how the emotion experience and its regulation are related to the subjective characteristics of the situation as defined by the taxonomy of the Situational Eight – DIAMONDS (Rauthmann et al., 2014). The sample included 63 psychology students (92% women M = 20 years, SD = 0.89 years), who filled out a short questionnaire about their emotion experience, regulation and the characteristics of situations via a mobile application four times a day in a period of four days. Results showed that the participants felt a higher level of emotional valence and activation in situations in which they are together with people with whom they are in close relationships, when they are in nature, on a visit, and when they are physically active, socialising, eat and participate in leisure activities. In most situations, participants felt happiness, less often sadness, anger, fear, surprise and disgust. To regulate emotional experience, participants used the strategy of expressing emotions in situations when they were with their partner and friends, on a visit, when they socialised and were physically active, and suppression in situations related to studies, work and obligations. The strategies of redirecting attention and cognitive reappraisal were used less frequently. The results related to subjectively perceived dimensions of situations showed that the valence of emotions is positively correlated with the dimension of positivity and negatively with the dimension of negativity. Also, the dimension of positivity and sociality is positively correlated with the level of activation of emotions. In situations that the participants perceived as pleasant and social, they more often regulated their emotions by sharing them with others, and in situations which are perceived as unpleasant and negative, they used the strategy of redirecting attention. The findings of the research, with which we applied the field of psychology of situations to the field of emotions, clearly demonstrate the importance of the subjective assessment of situations in the field of emotions. This also corresponds to the role played by the cognitive evaluation of situations in the context of the emotion emergence model.
- Published
- 2022
27. Obravnava telesnih zaznav pri mladostnikih v relacijski družinski terapiji
- Author
Avberšek, Marija and Cvetek, Robert
- Subjects
emotional processing ,čuti ,občutki ,emotion ,body ,interocepcija ,interoception ,telesne senzacije ,bodily sensations ,bodily perceptions ,telo ,udc:159.942-053.6(043.3) ,čustva ,čustveno procesiranje ,adolescence ,senses ,mladostništvo ,feelings ,telesne zaznave - Abstract
Telesne zaznave so entiteta, ki vznikajo, spremljajo, zorijo in skozi obdobje mladostništva dobivajo svoj pomen kot same zase ali v povezavi z notranjim čustvenim svetom mladostnika in njegovo regulacijo. V zgodnjem obdobju adolescence mladostnik nima izoblikovanih mehanizmov, ki bi mu pomagali pri prepoznavanju in uravnavanju telesnih sprememb, težje opredeljuje telesne zaznave in jih težje povezuje s svojim čustvenim doživljanjem. V splošnem se predvideva, da se mlajši mladostniki od starejših razlikujejo glede na zmožnosti zaznavanja telesnih zaznav in zmožnostjo povezovanja tega vidika s čustvi. Dotično delo skuša prikazati, kaj so telesne zaznave, kako jih mladostniki prepoznavajo in kako se področje povezuje s čustvi. Avtorico je posebej zanimalo, kakšne strategije uporablja terapevt inovativnega modela relacijske družinske terapije pri delu s telesom in telesnimi zaznavami pri mladostnikih. V kvantitativnem delu raziskave je sodelovalo 792 mladostnikov med 15. in 25. letom starosti, razdeljenih v skupino mlajših (15–25 let N = 591) in starejših mladostnikov (20–25 let N = 201). Kvantitativna raziskava je bila dopolnjena še s kvalitativnim delom. V njem je sodelovalo 18 mladostnikov iz obeh skupin. Za preverjanje zmožnosti zaznavanja telesnih zaznav je bil uporabljen vprašalnik Multidimensional assessment of interoceptive awareness (MAIA), izraženost psihosomatskih pritožb je bila merjena z vprašalnikom Psychosomatic complaints scale (PCS), za preverjanje zmožnosti čustvenega procesiranja je bil uporabljen vprašalnik Emotional processing scale (EPS), Alexithymia questionnaire for children (AQC) pa je meril zmožnost prepoznavanja in ubesedenja občutkov. V kvalitativnem delu, kjer so bile raziskovane intervencije v povezavi s procesiranjem telesnih zaznav pri mladostnikih, je sodelovalo 10 udeležecev med 17. in 25. letom starosti. Rezultati kvantitativnega dela raziskave na izbranem vzorcu niso potrdili predvidevanja o obstoju razlike med skupinama v izbranih dimenzijah ocene notranjega zavedanja (MAIA). Pri obeh skupinah je bila stopnja izraženosti psihosomatskih pritožb (PCS) obratno povezana z izbranimi dimenzijami ocene notranjega zavedanja (MAIA). Skupini sta se razlikovali v stopnji izraženosti psihosomatskih pritožb (PCS): starejši mladostniki so jih izražali manj. Na izbranem vzorcu se je pokazala povezanost med skoraj vsemi izbranimi dimenzijami ocene notranjega zavedanja (MAIA) in dimenzijami čustvenega procesiranja (EPS). Potrdila se je obratna povezanost med čustveno stabilnostjo (EPS) in splošno izraženostjo telesne simptomatike (PCS). Enako se je pokazala povezanost med težavnostjo prepoznavanja občutkov (AQC), težavnostjo opisovanja občutkov (AQC) in stopnjo izraženosti telesne simptomatike (PCS). Rezultati kvalitativne raziskave, ki je dopolnjevala kvantitativni del za prvo raziskovalno vprašanje, se kažejo v zmožnostih mladostnikov za opredelitev vrst fizioloških zaznav v telesu, opredelitev lokacije telesnih zaznav v telesu, opredelitev možnih načinov opisovanja telesnih zaznav v telesu s pomočjo fizikalnih kategorij, opredelitev načinov telesnega odgovarjanja na telesne zaznave in reflektiranje telesnih zaznav v duševnosti. V kvalitativnem delu, ki se je nanašal na oblikovanje nabora terapevtskih strategij pri obravnavi telesnih senzacij, so opredeljene identifikacija terapevtskih strategij rokovanja s telesnimi zaznavami in telesom pri mladostnikih, identifikacija strategij rokovanja s telesnimi zaznavami pri terapevtu v navezavi na telesne zaznave pri mladostniku in identifikacija korakov v procesu predelovanja telesnih zaznav pri mladostnikih. Pri dobljenih rezultatih je treba upoštevati tudi omejitve raziskave: način pridobivanja udeležencev, način pridobivanja podatkov, neprilagojenost postavk vprašalnikov populaciji mladostnikov, dolgotrajnost zbiranja kvalitativnih podatkov. Throughout the course of adolescence, bodily perceptions become entities that arise, accompany and mature, acquiring their meaning on their own or in connection with the adolescent’s inner emotional world and its regulation. In the early period of adolescence, adolescents have no established mechanisms to help them recognize and regulate bodily changes, they find it hard to define bodily perceptions, and also to relate bodily states to their emotional experience. It is generally assumed that younger adolescents differ from older ones in terms of their ability of perceiving bodily perceptions (sensations) and in the ability to associate this aspect with emotions. The present dissertation attempts to define bodily perceptions, how adolescents recognize them, and how the field of feelings relates to emotions. The author was also particularly interested in strategies the therapists of an innovative model of relational family therapy use when working with the body and body perceptions in adolescents. The quantitative part of this research included 792 adolescents between 15 and 25 years of age. They were divided into a group of younger (15–25 years N = 591) and older adolescents (20–25 years N = 201). Quantitative research was supplemented by qualitative research in which 18 adolescents from both age groups participated. The Multidimensional assessment of interoceptive awareness (MAIA) was used to measure the ability of perceiving bodily sensations, the expression of psychosomatic complaints was measured with the Psychosomatic complaints scale (PCS), the Emotional processing scale (EPS) was used to measure the ability of emotional processing, Alexithymia questionnaire for children (AQC) measured the ability to identify and verbalize bodily feelings. Ten participants between 17 and 25 years participated in the qualitative part of the research which identified developed categories of theurapeutic interventions related to processing of bodily perceptions in adolescents. The results of the quantitative part of this research failed to confirm the hypothesis of the existence of statistically significant differences between the groups on the selected dimensions of the MAIA in the selected sample. In younger adolescents, there is an inverse statistically significant degree of association between some selected dimensions of the MAIA and the dimension of PCS. In older adolescents, the prediction of an inverse statistically significant degree of correlation between selected dimensions of the MAIA and the overall expression of psychosomatic complaints was confirmed. There is a statistically significant difference in the rate of overall dimension of PCS between the two groups, with the rate of expression of psychosomatic complaints being statistically significantly lower within the group of older adolescents. There is also a statistically significant degree of correlation between almost all selected dimensions of the MAIA and the EPS. There is an inverse statistically significant degree of association between emotional stability (EPS) and expression of physical symptoms (PCS) in the selected sample. The existence of a statically significant degree of association between the dimensions of difficulty recognizing feelings, difficulty describing feelings (AQC), and level of expression of physical symptoms (PCS) was confirmed. The results of the qualitative research supplementing the quantitative part of the first research question, define the types of possible physiological perceptions in the body, location of bodily perceptions in the body, definition of possible ways of describing bodily perceptions in the body with the help of physical categories, and definition of bodily responses to bodily perceptions. Categories of therapeutic interventions emerging from the use of ground theory research method are identification of: therapeutic strategies of handling bodily perceptions and the body in adolescents, strategies of handling bodily perceptions in the therapist in relation to bodily sensations in adolescents, and identification of the steps in the therapeutic process of processing bodily sensations in adolescents. The results of this research have to be interpreted in the context of its limitations, including: the participant recruitment method of obtaining, the method of data acquisition, and inadequacy of questionnaire items when applied to the adolescent population.
- Published
- 2022
28. Čustvena kompetentnost odvetnika in doživljanje čustev v sodnih postopkih
- Author
Dular Javornik, Lara and Simonič, Barbara
- Subjects
sodni postopki ,experiencing of emotions ,court proceedings ,čustvena kompetentnost ,emotional competence ,attorney profession ,emotional intelligence ,emotions ,odvetništvo ,udc:159.942: 347.965(043.2) ,reason ,doživljanje čustev ,čustva ,razum ,čustvena inteligentnost - Abstract
Odvetniki se pri svojem dinamičnem delu osredotočajo na potrebe in interese posamezne stranke. Izpostavljenost stresu in delovnim obremenitvam je velika, kar se odraža pri zadovoljstvu z delom in splošnem počutju. Po naravi stvari se srečujejo z mnogimi situacijami, ki prebujajo različna čustvena stanja. V magistrskem delu smo preučevali doživljanje čustev odvetnikov. Osredotočeni smo bili na zavedanje doživljanja čustev in čustvenih stanj pri opravljanju odvetniškega poklica predvsem v sodnih postopkih in posledičnem odražanju v zasebnem življenju. Namen naše raziskave je bil pridobiti tudi vpogled v področje čustvenih kompetenc odvetnika. V raziskavi je sodelovalo šest udeležencev (tri predstavnice ženskega spola in trije predstavniki moškega spola), ki opravljajo odvetniški poklic najmanj pet in največ petnajst let. Izbrali smo fenomenološko metodo raziskovalnega pristopa in podatke pridobili s pomočjo vnaprej pripravljenega polstrukturiranega intervjuja. Na podlagi opravljene raziskave lažje razumemo področje doživljanja čustev in zavedanja čustvenih stanj pri predstavnikih odvetniškega poklica. Analiza rezultatov je pokazala, da v okviru naše raziskave ne moremo govoriti o tem, da odvetniki kljub opravljanju poklica, ki je bolj razumsko naravnan, ne doživljajo čustev oziroma da se svojih čustvenih stanj ne zavedajo. Delo je čustveno zelo naporno in obremenjujoče. Udeleženci naše raziskave se najpogosteje srečujejo z občutki razburjenosti, utrujenosti, občasno pa tudi jeze na stranko. Zaradi intenzitete in pogostosti doživljanja čustvenih stanj so oblikovali njim lasten tehnični pristop. Vsebine primerov so se jih v začetku poklicne kariere močno dotaknile, sčasoma pa so spremenili dojemanje obravnavnih primerov. Ugotovili smo, da med čustvenimi kompetencami pri udeležencih kot razvita najbolj prevladuje vzajemno socialno reševanje problemov (sodelovanje z drugimi). Večina udeležencev ima manj razvito čustveno kompetenco, zmožnost čustvene umiritve, kar se pri večini udeležencev odraža na način, da se lastnim notranjim doživljanjem zaradi preobilice dela ne posvečajo in da občasno nekontrolirano čustveno izbruhnejo. In their dynamic work, attorneys focus on the needs and interests of individual clients. There is a big exposure to stress and workload, which is reflected in job satisfaction and general well-being. By the nature of things, they encounter many situations that awaken different emotional states. In the master’s thesis, we studied the experiencing of emotions by attorneys. We focused on the awareness and emotional states in the practice of attorney profession, especially in court proceedings, and the consequent reflection in private life. The purpose of our research was to also obtain an insight into the area of attorney’s emotional competences. Six participants (three representatives of female gender and three representatives of male gender) who have been practising as lawyers for a minimum of five years, and a maximum of 15 years, took part in the study. We chose the phenomenological method of research approach and collected the data through a pre-prepared semi-structured interview. Based on the research conducted, it is easier for us to understand the field of experiencing of emotions and the awareness of emotional states among representatives of attorney profession. The analysis of results has shown that, within the frame of our research, we cannot say that attorneys, despite their practising of profession being more rationally oriented, do not experience emotions or are not aware of their emotional states. The work is emotionally very straining and stressful. Participants in our research most often experience feelings of agitation, fatigue and, occasionally, anger at the client. Due to intensity and frequency of experiencing emotional states, they have developed their own technical approach. At the start of their professional careers, they were strongly affected by the subject matter of the cases early but have over time changed their perception of the cases dealt with. We found that among emotional competences, reciprocal social problem-solving (cooperation with others) was the most prevalent as developed in the participants. Most have a less developed emotional competence - the ability of emotional calming, which is reflected in not paying attention to own inner experiences due to work overload, and occasional emotional outbursts.
- Published
- 2022
29. Povezanost kakovosti spanja z doživljanjem in uravnavanjem čustev
- Author
Brejc, Aleša and Kobal Grum, Darja
- Subjects
pomanjkanje spanja ,emotional regulation ,čustva ,kakovost spanja ,sleep quality ,uravnavanje čustev ,emotions ,sleep deprivation ,udc:159.963.2:159.942(043.2) - Abstract
Kakovost spanja se pomembno povezuje z našim čustvovanjem, nadalje torej z našim razpoloženjem in tudi razpoloženjskimi motnjami (Ben Simon idr., 2020). Namen magistrske naloge je bil raziskati, ali in kako se splošna kakovost spanja posameznika povezuje z doživljanjem in uravnavanjem pozitivnih ter negativnih čustev in ali se konstrukti medsebojno napovedujejo, s katerimi čustvi specifično se kakovost spanja najmočneje povezuje in obratno, s katerimi vidiki kakovosti spanja je najpomembneje povezano čustvovanje. Zanimalo me je tudi, ali je morda uravnavanje negativnih čustev močneje povezano s kakovostjo spanja kot uravnavanje pozitivnih čustev. Za namen raziskave je 109 udeležencev izpolnilo slovenski prevod Pittsburškega vprašalnika kakovosti spanja (Jurjevčič, 2013 PSQI Buysse idr., 1989), razširjeno obliko Vprašalnika pozitivnega in negativnega čustvovanja (Modic in Kobal Grum, 2020 PANAS-X Watson in Clark, 1994), ki sem ga sama še enkrat prevedla in dopolnila, in prevod Vprašalnika kompetenc čustvene regulacije (Makarić, 2020 PERCI Preece idr., 2018). Rezultati so pokazali, da ob slabši kakovosti spanja doživljamo več negativnih čustev, predvsem sovražnosti in krivde ter utrujenosti, ob dobrem spanju pa manj. Prav tako se kakovost spanja negativno povezuje z zmožnostjo uravnavanja čustev, še posebej z uravnavanjem negativnih. Negativna čustva in uravnavanje le-teh so se v splošnem pokazali kot pomembneje povezani s kakovostjo spanja v primerjavi s pozitivnimi čustvi, predvsem s subjektivno kakovostjo spanja in motnjami podnevi zaradi slabše kakovosti spanja. Potrebne bi bile nadaljnje podrobnejše raziskave povezav in vplivov med omenjenimi konstrukti v slovenskem prostoru, saj bi z ozaveščanjem in različnimi intervencijami na področju spanja pripomogli k družbi z več pozitivnega in manj negativnega čustvovanja, k boljšemu uravnavanju čustev in morda nižji prevalenci razpoloženjskih motenj. Sleep quality is significantly connected to our emotions, to our mood and also mood disorders (Ben Simon et al., 2020). This master’s thesis explores if and how does one’s sleep quality connect with experiencing and regulating positive and negative emotions. What is more, it explores if this constructs are each other’s predictors, which specific emotions connect most significantly to sleep quality and, on the other hand, which aspects of sleep quality connect most significantly to emotions. Furthermore, this thesis investigates if the regulation of negative emotions is connected to sleep quality more significantly as opposed to when being compared to the regulation of positive emotions. For the purpose of this research, 109 participants filled Slovenian translation of Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (Jurjevčič, 2013 PSQI Buysse et al., 1989), The Positive and Negative Affect Schedule – Expanded form (Modic and Kobal Grum, 2020 PANAS-X Watson and Clark, 1994), which I retranslated and improved, and the translation of Perth Emotion Regulation Competency Inventory (Makarić, 2020 PERCI Preece et al., 2018). Results show that we experience more negative emotions – especially hostility, guilt and fatigue – and less positive emotions when the sleep quality is low. There is also a negative correlation between sleep quality and emotion regulation competency, especially regulation of negative emotions. Negative emotions and regulation of negative emotions are in general more significantly correlated to sleep quality than positive emotions, especially with Subjective sleep quality and Daytime dysfunction because of poor sleep quality. Further and more thorough research is needed to explore connections and influences between aforementioned constructs in Slovenian population. Spreading awareness about the topic could benefit us in building a society with more positive and less negative emotions, better emotional regulation and lower prevalence of mood disorders.
- Published
- 2022
30. Mi vsi smo zelo tesnobni Sedem tez o tesnobi, o tem, zakaj učinkovito preprečuje militantnost, in o morebitni strategiji za njeno premagovanje.
- Abstract
Copyright of Journal for the Critique of Science, Imagination & New Anthropology / Časopis za Kritko Znanosti, Domišljijo in Novo Antropologijo is the property of Institute for the Critique of Science and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2018
31. Upravljanje emocij v delovnem okolju
- Author
Zorko, Karla and Šadl, Zdenka
- Subjects
emotional labour ,emotion management ,emotion expression ,emocionalno delo ,delovno okolje ,čustva ,upravljanje čustev ,udc:159.942:331.4(043.2) ,work environment ,izražanje čustev ,emotions - Abstract
Čustva so vpletena v vse vidike družbenega življenja, vključno z delovnim okoljem, ki v zadnjih desetletjih zajema velik del poklicnih in profesionalnih obveznosti. Storitveni delavci in delavke morajo slediti pravilom in smernicam, ki jih določa menedžment podjetij, vključno s smernicami in pravili glede upravljanja s čustvi. Čustva predstavljajo pomemben del našega vsakdanjika, zato se moramo naučiti upravljati z njimi. Emocionalno delo kot nova oblika dela vključuje bodisi omejevanje bodisi spodbujanje poklicu oziroma profesiji ustreznih čustev, s katerimi zaposleni čim bolje opravljajo svoje delo oziroma storitve. V svojem diplomskem delu sem zajela dva poklica, ki zajemata dva različna pola emocionalnega dela in od katerih se pričakuje različno izkazovanje in upravljanje čustev. Ta poklica sta prodajalec/-ka v trgovini z oblačili ter referent/-ka na področju izvršb. Poklic prodajalca/-ke zahteva izkazovanje predvsem pozitivnih čustev, medtem ko zahteva poklic referenta/-ke na področju izvršb izkazovanje predvsem negativnih čustev. V svojem delu se bom ukvarjala z vprašanji glede zaželenih in zahtevanih čustev pri obeh poklicih, zanimalo me bo, ali prihaja pri tem do razlike med spoloma, ali sta poklica čustveno naporna in ali se čustvena obremenitev razlikuje glede na spol. Cilj diplomskega dela je odkriti, s katerimi čustvi se zaposleni soočajo v svojem delovnem vsakdanu, katera so tista čustva, ki so v njihovem delovnem okolju zaželena in kako se obremenitve glede upravljanja čustev razlikujejo glede na spol. S pomočjo kvalitativne metode raziskovanja bom podprla teoretični del diplomskega dela in s pol-strukturiranimi, poglobljenimi intervjuji primerjala zahteve obeh poklicev. Intervjuvanci so kot eno izmed ključnih sposobnosti, ki jih zahteva obravnavani poklic, izpostavili uspešno upravljanje čustev v stiku s strankami, saj je stranka tista, kateri se morajo zaposleni prilagajati, da lahko uspešno izpolnijo pričakovane cilje. Za prodajalce/-ke je pomembno izražanje pozitivnih čustev, ki povzročijo boljše razpoloženje strank in boljše ocene uspešnosti, medtem ko je pri referentu/-ki pomembno, da izraža tista čustva, ki ga bodo v dani situaciji pripeljala do uspešno izpolnjene delovne naloge. Emocionalno delo predstavlja ključni element storitvenega dela in poklicev, ki temeljijo na medosebnem stiku. Emotions are involved in all aspects of social life, including the work environment, which in recent decades have encompassed large parts of occupational and professional responsibilities. Service workers must follow the rules and guidelines set by company management, including the guidelines and rules regarding the management of emotions. Emotions are an important part of our everyday life, so we must learn to manage them. Emotional work, as a new form of work, includes either limiting or encouraging the profession or occupation of the corresponding emotions with which employees perform their work or services as best as possible. In my diploma thesis, I covered two professions, which comprise two different poles of emotional work and from which different expressions and management of emotions are expected. These professions are a salesperson in a clothing store and a clerk in the enforcement field. The profession of salesperson requires the salesperson to show mainly positive emotions, while the profession of clerk in the field of executions requires showing mainly negative emotions. In my diploma thesis, I will deal with questions regarding the desired and required emotions in both occupations, whether there is a difference between the sexes, whether these occupations are emotionally demanding, and whether the emotional load differs according to gender. The aim of the thesis is to find out which emotions employees face in their everyday working life, which emotions are desirable in their work environment and how the stress on managing emotions is used according to gender. With the help of a qualitative research method, I will support the theoretical part of the thesis and compare the requirements of both professions with semi-structured, in-depth interviews. The interviewees pointed out that one of the key skills required of them by the professions in question is the successful management of emotions in contact with customers, since it is the customer that the employee must adapt to successfully fulfil the goals expected of them. For salespeople, it is important to express positive emotions, as this leads to a better mood of the customer and a better performance evaluation, while for the clerk, it is important to express those emotions that will lead him to successfully fulfil that work goal at that moment. Emotional work is a key element of service work and professions based on interpersonal contact.
- Published
- 2022
32. Pogled staršev na proces usmerjanja otrok s posebnimi potrebami
- Author
Hrovat, Tjaša and Videmšek, Petra
- Subjects
komisija za usmerjanje ,čustva ,sprejemanje posebnih potreb ,placement committee ,feelings ,accepting special needs ,udc:376-055.52 - Abstract
V prvem poglavju, teoretičnem delu diplomske naloge, sem razčlenila in podrobneje predstavila vrste posebnih potreb. Povzela sem jih iz Zakona o usmerjanju otrok s posebnimi potrebami (ZUOPP-1), kjer so natančno opredeljene. Nato sem predstavila vse programe, ki izvajajo izobraževanje otrok s posebnimi potrebami. Poglobila sem se v vključenost otrok s posebnimi potrebami v družino in širšo družbo. Raziskala sem tudi odnos staršev do otrok s posebnimi potrebami. Teoretski uvod sem zaključila s predstavitvijo dela komisije za usmerjanje in odnosa staršev otrok s posebnimi potrebami do komisije in do samega procesa usmerjanja. Proces usmerjanja otrok s posebnimi potrebami je zelo kompleksen, spremljajo pa ga različna čustvena stanja pri samih otrocih, kot tudi njihovih starših. Pri svojem delu kot učiteljica otrok s posebnimi potrebami sem tudi sama prepoznala stisko nekaterih staršev in njihovo nezaupljivost do strokovnih delavcev šole, ki se najpogosteje kaže takoj po usmeritvi v novi program. V empiričnem delu naloge sem ugotovila, da se starši v procesu usmerjanja otrok s posebnimi potrebami soočajo tako s pozitivnimi kot tudi negativnimi čustvi. Starši so bili v večini zadovoljni s postopkom usmerjanja in tudi s sodelovanjem strokovnih delavcev, vključenih v proces. Ugotovila sem, da če so starši med samim postopkom razvili nezaupanje do strokovnih delavcev, je to negativno vplivalo tudi na njihove izkušnje med samim procesom usmerjanja. In the first chapter, which is the theoretical part of my dissertation, I present the different types of special needs and analyse them in detail. The descriptions have been summarized from the Placement of Children with Special Needs Act, which specifies them. Then, I introduce the types of programmes that educate children with special needs. I thoroughly examine the inclusion of children with special needs in their own family and the society. I also look into the relationship between the parents and the children with special needs. The theoretical introduction is concluded with the presentation of the placement committee, while also presenting the relationship of the parents of children with special needs towards the committee and the placement process. The special education placement process is very complex and accompanied by various emotional states of the children and their parents as well. In my work as a special education teacher, I myself recognized parental distress in some individuals and their mistrust towards the school’s professional workers, which was usually most apparent right after transferring to this new program. In the empirical part of the dissertation, I discovered that during the special education placement process the parents experience both positive and negative emotions. Parents are usually satisfied with the placement process as well as with the professional workers involved in it. However, I found out that if parents started to distrust the professional workers during the placement process that negatively affected their experience of the process itself.
- Published
- 2022
33. Doživljanje izražanja in sprejemanja čustev v partnerskih konfliktih
- Author
Fišter, Anja and Simonič, Barbara
- Subjects
partnerstvo ,sprejemanje čustev ,conflict ,partnership ,anger ,jeza ,expressing feelings ,konflikt ,izražanje čustev ,fenomenološka psihološka metoda ,udc:159.964.21(043.2) ,phenomenological psychology method ,čustva ,feelings ,accepting feelings - Abstract
Kljub temu da prepire občutimo kot nekaj slabega, lahko njihovo konstruktivno reševanje pripelje do večje povezanosti in uglašenosti s partnerjem. Prepiri so navadno odraz hrepenenja po stiku s partnerjem. Pogosto se zgodi, da se partnerja kregata zaradi povsem nepomembnega razloga. Razlog za to tiči v njuni preteklosti in njunih medgeneracijskih vzorcih, ki sta jih nezavedno sprejela vase tekom njunega odraščanja. Ljudje smo si me sabo različni, zato ob konfliktu različno reagiramo. Nekateri se hitro razjezijo in hitro pomirijo, spet drugi pa potrebujejo dalj časa, da se pomirijo. Razlika med ljudmi se kaže tudi pri odprtosti izražanja čustev, saj nekateri nimajo težav govoriti o svojih čustvih, spet drugi pa svoja čustva v konfliktnih situacijah popolnoma zatrejo. Ker je naše vzorce doživljanja, izražanja in sprejemanja čustev težko spremeniti, je pogovor s partnerjem o doživljanju čustev, predvsem v konfliktnih situacijah, ključnega pomena. V magistrskem delu smo s kvalitativno metodo znanstvenega raziskovanja (fenomenološko psihološko metodo) želeli dobiti vpogled v doživljanje izražanja in sprejemanja čustev v partnerskih odnosih pri udeležencih obeh spolov. S šestimi udeleženci smo opravili polstrukturirane intervjuje. Med udeleženci je bila polovica moškega spola, polovica pa ženskega. Tako smo pridobili vpogled v doživljanje procesa partnerskega konflikta obeh spolov. Med udeleženci so se pokazale zelo podobne ugotovitve. Med konfliktom vsi občutijo močan občutek jeze. Njihovo jezo navadno spremljajo občutek nemoči, žalost, obup in frustracije. Med konfliktom večina poviša glas in nakazuje kretnje z rokami. Prav tako v konfliktu doživljajo podobne telesne senzacije. Čutijo vročino, napetost v telesu in povišan srčni utrip. Vsi udeleženci strmijo k pozitivnemu reševanju konflikta in so mnenja, da je pogovor s partnerjem ključnega pomena za doseganje sprave. Krivdo tesno povezujejo z obžalovanjem, zanjo pa se tudi vedno opravičijo, kljub temu da je polovici udeležencev krivdo težko priznati. Razočaranje tesno povezujejo z žalostjo, ki jo po konfliktu večkrat občutijo. Strah v konfliktnih situacijah občutijo, vendar je ta prisoten zelo redko in v nizki intenziteti. Vsi udeleženci se trudijo biti čustveno odzivni in sprejemati vsa čustva, ki jih partner izraža. Po spravi občutijo pomirjenost in večjo povezanost s partnerjem. Although fighting makes us feel bad, finding constructive solutions to fights can lead to a better connection and harmony between partners. Fights usually reflect a longing for a connection with one’s partner. It is not unusual for fights to occur for no specific reason at all. The reason for this is the partners’ pasts and their intergenerational patterns that they have subconsciously internalized while growing up. Because no two people are the same, each person reacts differently to conflict. Some get angry fast, but they calm down just as quickly, whereas others need more time. Differences between people are also reflected in their openness to express feelings some people have no issue discussing their feelings while others might completely suppress them during a conflict. Our patterns of experiencing, expressing, and accepting feelings are quite resistant to change, which is why communicating our feelings to our partners, especially during conflicts, is crucial. Failing to solve relationship conflicts can quickly lead to a never-ending cycle of having one and the same fights. By using the qualitative method of scientific research (phenomenological psychology method) for this master’s thesis, we tried to get an insight into how participants of both genders experience expression of feelings and how they accept them in relationships. We carried out half-structured interviews with six participants, equally representing both genders in number. This gave us an insight into each gender’s process of experiencing relationship conflicts. The participants showed very similar reactions to conflict. All of them experienced a strong wave of anger, usually accompanied by feelings of helplessness, sadness, desperation, and frustration. Most of them raised their voices and used hand gestures during fights. The participants also experienced similar physical sensations: raised body temperature, physical tension, and increased heart rate. They all strive for positive conflict solutions and believe that communication between partners is crucial for achieving reconciliation. They closely associate guilt with regret, and they always apologize despite the admission of guilt proving to be difficult for half of the participants. For them, disappointment is tightly connected to sadness, which they often experience after conflict. Fear is also a part of their conflict experience however, it is rarely present, and when it is, it is of low intensity. All the participants try to be emotionally responsive and acceptive of their partner’s feelings. Resolution makes them feel at peace and more connected to their partner.
- Published
- 2022
34. Povezanost med čustveno izraznostjo družine, psihosomatiko in zadovoljstvom z družino
- Author
Jurgec, Elvira and Simonič, Barbara
- Subjects
zadovoljstvo z družino ,family ,udc:159.923.31: 316.356.2(043.2) ,psychosomatics symptoms ,psihosomatika ,family emotional expressiveness ,izražanje čustev ,emotions ,psihosomatski simptomi ,satisfaction with family life ,stres ,stress ,čustvena izraznost družine ,čustva ,psychosomatics ,expression of emotions - Abstract
V magistrskem delu je avtorica raziskovala povezanost med čustveno izraznostjo družine, psihosomatskimi simptomi in zadovoljstvom z družino. Teoretični del je razdeljen na tri poglavja. Prvo poglavje zajema opis čustev, teorij čustev, delitve čustev, funkcije čustev in izražanja čustev. Drugo poglavje je razdeljeno na dve podpoglavji. Prvo podpoglavje je namenjeno opisu stresa in stresnega odziva, vrstam stresa, opisu fiziologije stresa, posledicam stresa in tehnikam obvladovanja stresa, medtem ko je v drugem podpoglavju podana razlaga psihosomatskih motenj in njihovih splošnih značilnosti, opis osebnostnih struktur pri posameznih psihosomatskih motnjah ter razlaga povezanosti relacijske travme s psihosomatskimi simptomi. Tretje poglavje je namenjeno opisu čustvovanja in čustvene izraznosti v družini, v povezavi z kvaliteto medosebnih odnosov. V empiričnem delu je s kvantitativno metodo avtorica na 252 udeležencih, od tega 55 moških in 197 žensk, preverjala pogostost pojavljanja psihosomatskih simptomov, stopnjo čustvene izraznosti družine, v kateri so odraščali in stopnjo zadovoljstva z lastno družino ter preverjala povezanost vseh treh spremenljivk. Preverjala je tudi razliko v psihosomatskih simptomih in zadovoljstvu z družino glede na spol. Pogostost pojavljanja psihosomatskih simptomov je preverjala z vprašalnikom PHQ-15 (Patient Health Questionnaire–15), stopnjo čustvene izraznosti družine z vprašalnikom FEQ (Family Expressiveness Questionnaire) in stopnjo zadovoljstva z družino z vprašalnikom KFLS (Kansas Family Life Satisfaction Scale). Analiza je pokazala, da obstaja statistično pomembna pozitivna povezanost med zadovoljstvom z lastno družino in pozitivno čustveno izraznostjo družine ter da obstaja trend, da višja kot je negativna čustvena izraznost družine, v kateri so posamezniki odraščali, več je psihosomatskih simptomov. Raziskava je pokazala, da obstaja statistično pomembna negativna povezanost med zadovoljstvom z lastno družino in psihosomatskimi simptomi, saj obstaja trend, da bolj, kot so posamezniki zadovoljni z lastno družino in družinskim življenjem, manj je pri njih psihosomatskih simptomov. Raziskava je pokazala tudi, da ženske doživljajo več psihosomatskih simptomov kot moški, ugotovljeno pa je bilo tudi, da med moškimi in ženskami ne prihaja do statistično pomembnih razlik v zadovoljstvu z družino. In her master's thesis, the author investigated the relationship between emotional expressiveness, psychosomatic symptoms and satisfaction with the family. The theoretical part is divided into three chapters. The first chapter describes emotions, theories of emotions, the division of emotions, the function of emotions and the expression of emotions. Chapter 2 is divided into two sub-chapters. The first sub-chapter is devoted to a description of stress and the stress response, types of stress, the physiology of stress, the consequences of stress and stress management techniques, while the second sub-chapter provides an explanation of psychosomatic disorders and their general characteristics, a description of the personality structures of individual psychosomatic disorders, and an explanation of the relationship between relational trauma and psychosomatic symptoms. Chapter 3 is devoted to the description of emotion and emotional expression in the family in relation to the quality of interpersonal relationships. In the empirical part, the author used a quantitative method to examine the frequency of psychosomatic symptoms in 252 participants, 55 men and 197 women. The analysis showed that there is a statistically significant positive correlation between satisfaction with one's own family and positive family emotional expressiveness and that there is a statistically significant positive correlation between negative family emotional expressiveness and psychosomatic symptoms. There is a trend that the higher the negative emotional expressiveness of the family in which individuals grew up, the more psychosomatic the symptoms. The study found that there is a statistically significant negative correlation between satisfaction with one's family and psychosomatic symptoms, with a trend that the more satisfied individuals are with their family and family life, the fewer psychosomatic symptoms they experience. The study also found that women experience more psychosomatic symptoms than men, and that there are no statistically significant differences in satisfaction with family between men and women.
- Published
- 2022
35. Uravnavanje čustev med učenjem
- Author
Kalin, Anja and Juriševič, Mojca
- Subjects
čustva ,emotions - Abstract
Glavni namen pričujočega magistrskega dela je bil ugotoviti, kako učenci uravnavajo svoja čustva med učenjem. Zanimalo nas je, koliko so učenci zmožni uravnavanja čustev, katere strategije za to uporabljajo, kako se učijo uravnavanja čustev ter kako čustveno uravnavanje vpliva na njihovo učenje. V teoretičnem delu magistrskega dela so opredeljena čustva in njihov razvoj, opisani so proces in strategije uravnavanja čustev, vse to pa je umeščeno tudi v vzgojno-izobraževalni kontekst. V empiričnem delu smo za raziskavo uporabili kvantitativni pristop in na vzorcu 112 učencev 4. in 9. razreda s pomočjo kombiniranega vprašalnika odgovarjali na zastavljena raziskovalna vprašanja. Pridobljene rezultate smo kvantitativno statistično analizirali, pri odgovorih na odprta vprašanja smo izvedli analizo vsebine. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da imajo učenci prav dobro razvito zmožnost uravnavanja čustev, kar podobno tudi samoocenjujejo, pri tem pa imajo nekoliko višjo zmožnost četrtošolci v primerjavi z devetošolci. Pokazali so tudi prevladujoče strategije, ki jih učenci uporabljajo za uravnavanje lastnih čustev med učenjem (predvsem preusmeritev pozornosti ter preoblikovanje odziva), razlike v uporabljenih strategijah glede na starost ter vpliv zmožnosti uravnavanja čustev na učenje – ta je imela pozitiven vpliv pri doživljanju pozitivnih čustev (veselje) ter negativnega pri doživljanju negativnih čustev (žalost, jeza). Menimo, da rezultati raziskave lahko prispevajo k ozaveščanju o pomembnosti vključevanja čustev v pouk in k sistematičnemu učenju strategij uravnavanja čustev z namenom vpliva na procese učenja, odnose in druga področja življenja učencev. The main purpose of the master's thesis was to find out how students regulate their emotions during learning. We were interested to learn how capable the students are of regulating their emotions, which strategies they use to do so, how they learn emotion regulation, and how the emotion regulation influences their learning. In the theoretical part of the master's thesis, we defined emotions and their development, described the process and strategies of emotion regulation, and integrated all of this into the educational context. In the empirical part, we used a qualitative research paradigm on a sample of 112 students of the 4 th and 9th grade. We used a combined questionnaire to answer our research questions. The results obtained were analysed using quantitative statistics, while content analysis was used when analysing the answers to the open-ended questions. The results showed that students have a highly developed ability of regulating their emotions, which they self-evaluate similarly, with a somewhat better developed ability in 4th graders compared to 9th graders. The results also showed the predominate strategies the students use to regulate their own emotions during learning (mainly attention deployment and response regulation) the differences in the strategies used based on age and the influence of the ability of emotion regulation on their learning – it had a positive influence while experiencing positive emotions (joy) and a negative one while experiencing negative emotions (sadness, anger). We believe the results of our research can contribute to raising awareness of the importance of integrating emotions into the learning process, and of systematic teaching and learning of the strategies of emotion regulation, with the purpose of influencing the learning processes, relationships, and other areas of students' lives.
- Published
- 2022
36. Emotions and affect in political discourse
- Author
Zdenka Šadl
- Subjects
hatred ,political discourse ,politična komunikacija ,neoliberalism ,General Social Sciences ,emotions ,neoliberalizem ,populism ,populizem ,politični diskurz ,udc:316.613.4:316.774:32 ,čustva ,sovraštvo ,political communication - Abstract
V članku se ukvarjamo s sodobno obliko emocionalne politične komunikacije, posebej nas zanima populizem kot oblika politike, ki na ljudi apelira primarno na emocionalni ravni. Opozorimo na problematičnost emocionalizacije populističnih diskurzov, ki se kaže v legitimizaciji agresivne retorike, manipuliranju emocij, emotivizmu in ustvarjanju antagonističnih kolektivov. Na podlagi kritične ocene, da razumevanje političnosti emocij zahteva sistematično teoretizacijo emocij, se v zadnjem delu opremo na konceptualni okvir avtorice Sare Ahmed, s pomočjo katerega prikažemo performativno vlogo emocij in njihovo "lepljivost", zlasti sovražnih emocij. Analiza pokaže, da teorija premikajočih se in "lepljivih" emocij ter afektov omogoča boljše razumevanje vloge emocij v političnem diskurzu, zlasti desnega populizmaIn this article, we deal with the contemporary form of emotional political communication, where we are especially interested in populism as a form of politics that appeals to people chiefly on an emotional level. We draw attention to the problematic nature of the emotionalisation of populist discourses as reflected in the legitimisation of aggressive rhetoric, the manipulation of emotions, emotivism, and the creation of antagonistic collectives. Building on the critical assessment that understanding the politics of emotions requires the systematic theorising of emotions, in the last part we rely on Sarah Ahmed's conceptual framework to show the performative role of emotions and the 'stickiness' of hatred. The analysis shows that her approach to emotions can be fruitful for better understanding the role of emotions in political discourse, particularly right-wing populist parties
- Published
- 2021
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37. Student's Experience of the Covid-19 Pandemic Crisis
- Author
Lavin, Anjel and Gril, Alenka
- Subjects
cognition ,pandemija ,študentje ,students ,fizično distanciranje ,omejevalni ukrepi ,udc:613.86-057.875 ,motivacija ,anxiety ,emotions ,coping strategies ,optimism ,stres ,kognicija ,duševno zdravje ,stress ,lockdown measures ,covid-19 ,optimizem ,motivation ,strategije spoprijemanja ,čustva ,physical distancing ,mental health ,tesnoba - Abstract
Pandemija covid-19 je kot krizni dogodek in dalj trajajoče stanje izrednih razmer vplivala na veliko področij naših življenj. Študentje so kot ranljiva skupina mladih na prehodu v odraslost še toliko bolj dovzetni za različne negativne vplive iz okolja. Nenadne spremembe, kot je nastop pandemije, lahko ustavijo ali otežijo izpolnjevanje razvojnih nalog, značilnih za to obdobje, zato lahko pandemija še toliko bolj negativno vpliva lahko na blagostanje in duševno zdravje mladih na prehodu v odraslost. V diplomski nalogi sem na kvalitativen način raziskovala, kako so študentje doživljali zdravstveno krizo, ali je prišlo do sprememb v blagostanju in čustvovanju, kako je zdravstvena kriza vplivala na optimizem, kakšne so bile zaznane posledice ukrepov za širjenje nalezljive bolezni, kakšne so bile spremembe v kognitivnem delovanju in motivaciji študentov, kako so študentje doživljali stres v času pandemije, kakšne strategije za spoprijemanje s stisko so uporabljali, kakšno je bilo njihovo poznavanje oblik pomoči in kakšno pomoč so prejemali. As a crisis event and a prolonged state of emergency, the Covid-19 pandemic has affected many aspects of our lives. Being a vulnerable group of young people transitioning to adulthood, students are even more susceptible to various negative influences from the environment. Sudden changes, such as the onset of a pandemic, can halt or hinder the fulfilment of developmental tasks typical for this period. Therefore, a pandemic can have an even greater negative impact on the well-being and mental health of young people transitioning to adulthood. The diploma thesis comprises a qualitative research of how students experienced the health crisis, whether changes occurred in well-being and emotions, how the health crisis affected optimism, what were the perceived consequences of measures introduced to contain the spread of the infections, what were the changes in cognitive functioning and motivation of students, how students experienced stress during the pandemic, what coping strategies they used to manage distress, how familiar were they with the forms of support, and what help they received.
- Published
- 2022
38. Higher education students’ achievement emotions and their antecedents in e-learning amid COVID-19 pandemic
- Author
Raccanello, Daniela, Keržič, Damijana, Ravšelj, Dejan, Tomaževič, Nina, Umek, Lan, and Aristovnik, Aleksander
- Subjects
študentje ,achievement emotions ,dosežki ,higher education students ,čustva ,samoučinkovitost ,COVID-19 ,e-učenje ,visokošolski študij ,self-efficacy ,e-learning ,udc:35:378-057.875:37.018.43:004:616-036.22 ,univerzitetni študij - Abstract
The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has had a wide range of negative consequences for higher education students. We explored the generalizability of the control-value theory of achievement emotions for e-learning, focusing on their antecedents. We involved 17019 higher education students from 13 countries, who completed an online survey during the first wave of the pandemic. A structural equation model revealed that proximal antecedents (e-learning self-efficacy, computer self-efficacy) mediated the relation between environmental antecedents (cognitive and motivational quality of the task) and positive and negative achievement emotions, with some exceptions. The model was invariant across country, area of study, and gender. The rates of achievement emotions varied according to these same factors. Beyond their theoretical relevance, these findings could be the basis for policy recommendations to support stakeholders in coping with the challenges of e-learning and the current and future sequelae of the pandemic.
- Published
- 2022
39. What individuals experience during visuo-spatial working memory task performance
- Author
Oblak, Aleš, Slana Ozimič, Anka, Repovš, Grega, and Kordeš, Urban
- Subjects
constructivist grounded theory ,background feelings ,zaznavanje sprememb ,emotions ,cognitive psychology ,short term memory ,vidno-prostorski spomin ,change detection task ,visuospatial memory ,kognitivna psihologija ,utemeljena teorija ,čustva ,psychological task ,visuo-spatial working memory ,change detection ,empirical phenomenology ,naloga prepoznave sprememb ,udc:159.953.2 ,delovni spomin ,grounded theory - Abstract
In experimental cognitive psychology, objects of inquiry are typically operationalized with psychological tasks. When interpreting results from such tasks, we focus primarily on behavioral measures such as reaction times and accuracy rather than experiences – i.e., phenomenology – associated with the task, and posit that the tasks elicit the desired cognitive phenomenon. Evaluating whether the tasks indeed elicit the desired phenomenon can be facilitated by understanding the experience during task performance. In this paper we explore the breadth of experiences that are elicited by and accompany task performance using in-depth phenomenological and qualitative methodology to gather subjective reports duing the performance of a visuo-spatial change detection task. Thirty-one participants (18 females) were asked to remember either colors, orientations or positions of the presented stimuli and recall them after a short delay. Qualitative reports revealed rich experiential landscapes associated with the task-performance, suggesting a distinction between two broad classes of experience: phenomena at the front of consciousness and background feelings. The former includes cognitive strategies and aspects of metacognition, whereas the latter include more difficult-to-detect aspects of experience that comprise the overall sense of experience (e.g., bodily feelings, emotional atmosphere, mood). We focus primarily on the background feelings, since strategies of task-performance to a large extent map onto previously identified cognitive processes and discuss the methodological implications of our findings.
- Published
- 2022
40. Intenzivnost doživljanja čustev in njihovo uravnavanje pri učiteljih razrednega pouka
- Author
Križnič, Marjeta and Smrtnik Vitulić, Helena
- Subjects
čustva ,emotions - Abstract
V magistrskem delu obravnavamo intenzivnost doživljanja čustev in njihovo uravnavanje pri učiteljih razrednega pouka. Osrednji namen magistrskega dela je bil raziskati, kako intenzivno učitelji razrednega pouka pri svojem delu doživljajo posamezna čustva (veselje, ljubezen, ponos, jezo, izčrpanost, brezup), kako pogosto v vsakodnevnih situacijah uporabljajo strategije uravnavanja čustev in ali se pri učiteljih razrednega pouka pogostost uporabe posameznih strategij uravnavanja neprijetnih čustev v vsakodnevnih situacijah povezuje z intenzivnostjo doživljanja izbranih neprijetnih čustev (jezo, izčrpanostjo, brezupom) pri njihovem delu. V teoretičnem delu najprej pojasnimo opredelitev, terminologijo, delitev, funkcije in značilnosti posameznih čustev, ki jih obravnavamo v raziskavi. Nato opredelimo strategije uravnavanja čustev po modelu Grossa in Thompsona (2007), učinkovitost uravnavanja čustev in čustveno zrelost. Sledi poglavje o značilnostih učiteljskega poklica, teoretični del pa zaključimo z opisom čustvovanja ter uravnavanja neprijetnih čustev učitelja. V raziskavi, ki jo opišemo v empiričnem delu, je sodelovalo 114 učiteljev razrednega pouka iz različnih osnovnih šol v Sloveniji. Učitelji so izpolnili spletni anketni vprašalnik o njihovem doživljanju in uravnavanju čustev. Rezultati so pokazali, da učitelji pri svojem delu veselje doživljajo zelo intenzivno, intenzivno doživljajo ponos in ljubezen, zmerno intenzivno doživljajo izčrpanost, manj intenzivno pa doživljajo brezup ter jezo. Učitelji intenzivneje doživljajo prijetna kot neprijetna čustva. Učitelji čustva pogosto uravnavajo s preusmerjanjem pozornosti, prevrednotenjem pomena dogajanja in preoblikovanjem telesnega doživljanja, občasno jih uravnavajo s telesno aktivnostjo, socialno oporo, spremembo situacije, izbiro situacije, prikrivanjem in kognitivnim prevrednotenjem pomembnosti situacije, redkeje jih uravnavajo tako, da se tolažijo s hrano in zelo redko z uporabo psihoaktivnih snovi (npr. tablet). Pri učiteljih se intenzivnost doživljanja jeze pomembno pozitivno povezuje s pogostostjo uporabe strategij, ki vključujejo tolažbo s hrano, socialno oporo, prevrednotenje pomembnosti, prikrivanje, uporabo psihoaktivnih snovi in preoblikovanje doživljanja, negativno pa s strategijo preusmerjanja pozornosti. Pri učiteljih se intenzivnost doživljanja brezupa pomembno pozitivno povezuje s pogostostjo uporabe strategij, ki vključujejo tolažbo s hrano, socialno oporo, prevrednotenje pomembnosti, prikrivanje in preoblikovanje doživljanja, negativno pa s strategijama preusmerjanje pozornosti in prevrednotenje pomena. Pri učiteljih se intenzivnost doživljanja izčrpanosti pomembno pozitivno povezuje s pogostostjo uporabe strategij, ki vključujejo tolažbo s hrano, uporabo psihoaktivnih snovi in preoblikovanje doživljanja. Dobljeni rezultati raziskave omogočajo boljše razumevanje intenzivnosti čustvovanja učiteljev in njihovega uravnavanja, zato učiteljem in drugih strokovnim delavcem lahko pomagajo pri učinkovitejšem uravnavanju čustev in s tem s kakovostnejšim delom z učenci. In our master’s thesis we discuss the intensity of emotion experience and emotion regulation of primary teachers who deal with children from the first two three-year cycles. Our main goal was to examine how intense these teachers experience individual emotions (happiness, love, pride, anger, exhaustion and hopelessness), the frequency of using emotion regulation strategies in everyday situations and whether there are any connections between the frequency of using individual emotion regulation strategies and different levels of intensity of unpleasant emotions experience (anger, exhaustion and hopelessness) for the above-mentioned primary school teachers. The theoretical part first summarizes definition, terminology, classification, functions and characteristics of individual emotions we discuss in our thesis. Secondly, it defines emotion regulation strategies as they were described by Gross and Thompson (2007), the efficiency of emotion regulation and emotional maturity. In the following chapter we outline the characteristics of teaching as a profession. The theoretical part concludes with the description of teachers’ emotions and their regulation of unpleasant emotions. The empirical part describes our study which included 114 elementary teachers from different Slovenian primary schools. Teachers completed an online questionnaire about their emotion experience and emotion regulation. Results show that teachers experience very intense happiness, intense pride and love, exhaustion of moderate intensity and less intensive hopelessness and anger during work. All in all, teachers experience pleasant emotion of higher intensity than unpleasant emotions. They often regulate their emotions with attention deployment, cognitive change of meaning and physiological response modulation. Occasionally, they regulate emotions with physical activation, social support seeking, situation modification, situation selection, suppression and cognitive change of importance. They rarely regulate emotions with comfort eating and hardly ever use substances to regulate emotions (e.g., pills). There is a significant positive correlation between the intensity of teachers’ anger experience and the frequency of using the following emotion regulation strategies: comfort eating, social support seeking, cognitive change of importance, suppression, substance use and experiential change and significant negative connection between the intensity of anger experience and attention deployment strategy. The intensity of teachers’ hopelessness experience is significantly positively correlated with the frequency of following emotion regulation strategies: comfort eating, social support seeking, cognitive change of importance, suppression and experiential change. It is also significantly negatively correlated to the frequency of strategies attention deployment and cognitive change of meaning. Teachers’ exhaustion experience intensity is significantly positively correlated with following strategies: comfort eating, substance use and experiential change. Our findings provide improved understanding of teachers’ emotions and emotion regulation. They can assist teachers and other staff to regulate their emotions more efficiently, which may improve their work quality with pupils.
- Published
- 2022
41. Emotionen in Wolframs von Eschenbach Willehalm
- Author
Hozjan, David and Javor Briški, Marija
- Subjects
srednjeveška književnost ,smrt ,Tod ,Deutsche Literatur ,Konflikt ,Nemška književnost ,spor ,vera ,Religion ,čustva ,Willehalm ,Wolfram von Eschenbach ,Literatur des Mittelalters ,Emotionen - Abstract
In der vorliegenden Diplomarbeit wird die Bedeutung von Emotionen in Wolframs von Eschenbach Willehalm erläutert, wie auch deren Auswirkungen auf die Verhaltensweisen der Figuren. Die wichtigsten Begriffe werden am Anfang der Arbeit erklärt, gefolgt von einer kurzen Zusammenfassung der Primärliteratur und einer Übersicht der wichtigsten Emotionen. Im sechsten Kapitel wird über die zahlreichen Deutungsmuster, die Wolfram verwendet, gesprochen und darüber hinaus beschäftigt sich die Arbeit mit der Frage, ob Emotionen eine Lösung für die Konflikte zwischen Figuren darstellen. Letztlich wird gezeigt, auf welche Weise die Religion, der Tod von Geliebten, und der Aufbau der sippe die Verhaltensweisen der Figuren bestimmen. V diplomskem delu je obrazložen pomen čustev v Willehalmu Wolframa von Eschenbacha. Delo namreč podrobneje obravnava učinke čustev na ravnanje figur. Na začetku diplomskega dela se nahajajo razlage najpomembnejših pojmov, sledi jim kratek povzetek Willehalma in predstavitev glavnih čustev, ki jih tematizira Wolframovo delo. Šesto poglavje govori o raznolikosti uprizoritvenih vzorcev, ki jih Wolfram uporablja pri prikazih čustev. V nadaljevanju se delo sooča z vprašanjem, ali čustva predstavljajo rešitev sporov med figurami ali jih zgolj napajajo. Razložen je tudi vpliv smrti bližnjih, vere in zgradbe srednjeveške sippe na dejanja figur in njihova čustva.
- Published
- 2022
- Author
- Subjects
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VENDETTA , *CEREMONIAL exchange , *CONFLICT management , *HUMILIATION in literature , *MIDDLE Ages - Abstract
The article, based on interdisciplinary historiographical and anthropological studies and archival documents, collected folk literature and other documents, will reconstruct the ritual of blood feud with emphasis on the act of humiliation and penance as reflected in documents from Southeast Europe, comparing them with many fragments of medieval European cases, reflecting general ritual structure in the field of public affairs: Homage (gift, first approach), Fides (fidelity, oath, truce) and Investiture (appointment), and, in case of dispute settlement, Pace Perpetua - lasting peace (love, marriage), with particular focus on principles of the so called gift-exchange societies. The hypothesis of this article, based on collected material and on outlined cases, is arguing in favour of the principle of the general ritual structure for all public affairs, in which precisely the gesture of penance and humiliation plays an important symbolic role, especially in the ritual of vindicta, that is in the customary system of conflict resolution. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2017
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43. Pomoč z umetnostjo osebi po hudi poškodbi glave.
- Author
Kokalj, Ines
- Abstract
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- Published
- 2017
44. Children Without Childhood: The Emotionality of Orphaned Children and Images of Their Rescuers in Selected Works of English and Canadian Literature.
- Author
Nabergoj, Irena Avsenik
- Subjects
ORPHANS in literature ,CHILDREN in literature ,SOCIAL conditions of abandoned children ,ABANDONED children in literature - Abstract
Copyright of Acta Neophilologica is the property of Acta Neophilologica and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2017
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45. Characteristics of anger expression in students in the first and second elementary school education periods
- Author
Iskra, Rebeka and Smrtnik Vitulić, Helena
- Subjects
čustva ,emotions - Abstract
Učenci v šoli vsakodnevno doživljajo prijetna in neprijetna čustva, med katerimi se pogosto pojavi tudi jeza, na katero smo se osredotočili v magistrskem delu. V empiričnem delu smo predstavili raziskavo o doživljanju in izražanju jeze pri učencih od 1. do 5. razreda, v kateri je sodelovalo 114 učencev iz približno 70 različnih osnovnih šol po Sloveniji. V vsakem razredu smo naključno izbrali enega učenca, pri katerem smo opazovali čustva. Opazovanje učenca je trajalo en šolski dan (približno 5 šolskih ur) in je potekalo po vnaprej pripravljeni shemi za opazovanje čustev. Shema je vključevala opis situacij, v katerih je učenec izražal čustva, njegove besedne in nebesedne odzive, oceno intenzivnosti izraženega čustva ter odzive drugih učencev in učiteljev na njegova čustva. Z namenom poglobitve naše raziskave smo dodatno izvedli intervjuje s petimi učiteljicami, ki poučujejo v 1., 2., 3., 4. in 5. razredu osnovne šole. V intervjujih nas je zanimalo, kako so učenci jezo doživljali in izražali v času pred šolanjem na domu zaradi izrednih razmer zaradi covid-19 (september in oktober 2020) in ob ponovni vrnitvi v šolo (januar in februar 2021) ter ali so se pokazale razlike v doživljanju in izražanju jeze (tudi na agresiven način) pri učencih v obdobju pred šolanjem na domu in po njem. Rezultati opazovanj učencev in intervjujev z učitelji so pokazali, da so učenci jezo izražali v različnih situacijah, najpogosteje pa v odnosu do drugih oseb (npr. ko so jim drugi odvzeli predmet, ob kritiki drugih, ob nagajivost drugih učencev). Rezultati opazovanj in intervjujev so pokazali, da so učenci jezo izražali na različne besedne načine (npr. s pripombo, komentarjem, tožarjenjem) in nebesedne načine (npr. z obrazno spremembo), pa tudi z agresivnim vedenjem (npr. s ščipanjem, vlečenjem, porivanjem). Rezultati opazovanja so pokazali, da so učenci jezo večinoma izrazili »srednje intenzivno«. Rezultati opazovanj in intervjujev so pokazali, da so se sošolci na jezo učenca pogosto odzvali, najpogosteje z nasprotovanjem/obrambo, prav tako pa se na jezo učenca pogosto odzvali učitelji, najpogosteje z ukazom oz. navodilom. Rezultati intervjujev so pokazali, da so učiteljice jezo pri učencih zaznale v času pred šolanjem na domu zaradi izrednih razmer zaradi covida-19 (september in oktober 2020) in ob ponovni vrnitvi v šolo (januar in februar 2021), prav tako so učiteljice v obeh omenjenih obdobjih pri učencih zaznale izražanje jeze na agresiven način, ki pa je bila po mnenju dveh učiteljic pogostejša ob ponovni vrnitvi v šole kot pred šolanjem na domu. Rezultati omogočajo boljše razumevanje doživljanja in izražanja jeze pri učencih od 1. do 5. razreda osnovne šole, učiteljem in drugih strokovnim delavcem pa lahko pomagajo pri kakovostnejšem delu z učenci, ki doživljajo neprijetna čustva (jezo) tudi v času, ko je naše življenje zaznamovano s pandemijo covida-19. School children can daily face a variety of positive and negative emotions. One of the most common emotional states they experience is anger. This master thesis focuses on examining the experience and characteristics of anger expression in students in the first and second elementary school education periods. It aims at presenting the differences in children’s emotional state and reactions to anger before the coronavirus disease 2019 (covid-19) pandemic and after the period of time they spent studying from home. The theoretical part of the thesis is followed by the empirical part. The latter introduces the study that was conducted among 114 students in 70 different Slovenian primary schools. In each classroom, random chosen individuals were observed in order to notice and gather their responses to situations that triggered anger. In addition, teachers were included in the study as well – five of them were interviewed and asked to reflect on their students’ responses to anger. They were specifically asked to compare their behavior before learning from home and after it. The obtained results bring about students’ immediate and delayed emotion and behavioral responses to anger. Their comments, remarks, accusations and arguments were parts of their verbal responses. They also expressed their anger nonverbally – they changed their facial expressions or moved their bodies in particular ways. They pinched and pushed each other as well. The teachers mainly claimed that their students’ expressions of anger after they returned to school were similar to those they had showed before they experienced the process of studying from home – there were two teachers claiming that their students started to express their anger more aggressively. Using various research methods one could obtain more relevant results, but the thesis nevertheless helps to understand the students experience of anger in classrooms better. The results can also contribute to a more dedicate and quality way of teaching and guiding youngsters when it comes to experiencing negative emotions. Since our daily tasks have lately become marked by the dimensions of the covid-19 pandemic, one should not overlook individuals struggles to overcome difficult situations.
- Published
- 2022
46. Posameznikovo doživljanje konfliktne situacije v intimnih odnosih z vidika čuječnosti in temeljnih čustvenih kompetenc
- Author
Kogoj, Anja and Cvetek, Mateja
- Subjects
mindfulness ,izkušnja ,zavedanje ,udc:159.942:613.88(043.2) ,emotions ,conflict relations ,experience ,čustvene kompetence ,emotional competencies ,čuječnost ,čustva ,konfliktni odnosi ,awareness ,sprejemanje ,acceptance - Abstract
V magistrskem delu smo raziskovali doživljanje konfliktne situacije posameznikov v intimnih odnosih z vidika čuječnosti in temeljnih čustvenih kompetenc. V teoretičnem delu, ki je bil namenjen pregledu literature, smo se osredotočili na tri področja. Najprej smo govorili o konfliktih, njihovih značilnostih in strategijah razreševanja. Nato smo se posvetili temeljnim čustvenim kompetencam (čustvena umirjenost in zanimanje za svet, intimna povezanost z drugim ter dvosmerna namerna izmenjava) in temu, kakšno vlogo imajo v intimnih odnosih, predvsem v povezavi s konfliktnimi situacijami. Na koncu smo zajeli še področje čuječnosti (z vidika zavedanja in sprejemanja) in prav tako skušali izpostaviti njeno vlogo v medosebnih odnosih v povezavi s konfliktnimi situacijami. V empiričnem delu smo naredili raziskavo, pri kateri smo uporabili fenomenološko kvalitativno metodo raziskovanja. Na podlagi omenjenega pristopa smo pridobili poglobljen vpogled v doživljanje posameznega udeleženca. Doživljanje smo raziskovali pri osmih udeležencih, starih med 25 in 35 let, ki imajo različne vrste pedagoških izobrazb, znotraj katerih so se na kakršenkoli način že srečali s konceptom čuječnosti. Najprej smo z njimi opravili polstrukturiran intervju, ki je zajemal vprašanja iz treh zgoraj omenjenih glavnih področij (konfliktne situacije, temeljne čustvene kompetence in čuječnost), nato smo oblikovali splošne opise doživljanja individualnih psihičnih struktur, kasneje pa še skupni opis doživljanja konfliktne situacije z vidika čuječnosti in temeljnih čustvenih kompetenc. Ugotovili smo, da čuječnost in razvite temeljne čustvene kompetence pomembno vplivajo na doživljanje konfliktnih situacij v intimnih odnosih mladih odraslih. Kot smo spoznali med raziskavo, k temu najbolj prispeva praksa čuječnosti in za to ni dovolj le teoretično poznavanje tega koncepta. Tu so se namreč pokazale razlike v doživljanju in odzivnosti v konfliktni situaciji med udeležencem, ki čuječnost prakticira, in ostalimi, ki tega v praksi ne počnejo. Na koncu raziskave smo izpostavili še omejitve in smernice za nadaljnje raziskovanje, ki so se odprle tekom raziskave. In the master's thesis, we explored the experience of a conflict situation of individuals in intimate relationships in terms of mindfulness and basic emotional competencies. In the theoretical part, which was devoted to the review of the literature, we focused on three areas. We first talked about conflicts, their characteristics, and resolution strategies. We then focused on basic emotional competencies (emotional calmness and interest in the world, intimate connection with others, and two-way intentional exchange) and what role they play in intimate relationships, especially in connection with conflict situations. Finally, we covered the area of mindfulness (in terms of awareness and acceptance) and also tried to highlight its role in interpersonal relationships in connection with conflict situations. In the empirical part, we conducted research in which we used a phenomenological qualitative research method. Based on the mentioned approach, we gained an in-depth insight into the experience of an individual participant. We researched the experience in eight participants, aged between 25 and 35, who have different types of pedagogical educations, within which they have already encountered the concept of mindfulness in some way. We first conducted a semi-structured interview with them, covering questions from the three main areas mentioned above (conflict situations, basic emotional competencies, and mindfulness), then we formed general descriptions of experiencing individual psychic structures, and later a joint description of the experience of a conflict situation in terms of mindfulness and core emotional competencies. We found that mindfulness and well-developed basic emotional competencies significantly influence the experience of conflict situations in intimate relationships of young adults. As we have learned during the research, the practice of mindfulness contributes the most to this, and theoretical knowledge of this concept alone is not enough. This is where the differences in experience and responsiveness in a conflict situation between a participant who practices mindfulness and others who do not in practice became apparent. At the end of the research, we highlighted the limitations and guidelines for further research that opened up during the research.
- Published
- 2021
47. Nasilje nad ženskami v partnerskem odnosu - pomen podpore bližnjih in stroke
- Author
Kovačec, Doris and Leskošek, Vesna
- Subjects
odziv ,družba ,response ,society ,udc:364.63-055.2 ,čustva ,help ,razkritje ,disclosure ,emotions ,pomoč ,potrebe ,needs - Abstract
V magistrskem delu predstavljam pomen podpore bližnjih in stroke za ženske, ki so žrtve nasilja v partnerskem razmerju. V teoretičnem delu sem predstavila nasilje na splošno, vrste nasilja, intimnopartnersko nasilje, pomen podpore bližnjih in stroke, dolžnost prijave nasilja in komunikacijo z žrtvami nasilja. V raziskavi sem se osredinila na čas, ko je ženska v nasilnem razmerju oz. v postopku prekinitve, ki je polno negotovosti in nevarnosti, zato je podpora ženske bistvenega pomena. Magistrsko delo temelji na pripovedih in zgodbah žensk, ki so bile žrtve nasilja v partnerskem nasilju. Zanimalo me je, kakšna čustva so jih spremljala, ko so se odločile spregovoriti o nasilju, pomisleki, ki so jih imele, komu so povedale o nasilju in zakaj, kakšno pomoč so potrebovale od bližnjih in od strokovnjakov, s katerimi so imele stik. Kakšen bi bil zanje idealen odziv družbe na nasilje in kaj bi želele sporočiti bližnjim osebam, ki doživljajo nasilje, in strokovnjakom, ki se pri svojem delu srečujejo z žrtvami nasilja. Ugotovila sem, da imajo žrtve nasilja, preden o nasilju spregovorijo, mnoge strahove in pomisleke, saj menijo, da je družba še vedno premalo občutljiva na nasilje, obsoja žrtve in se ne odzove. Žrtve najpogosteje zaupajo staršem, otrokom, prijateljem, sodelavcem in tudi sorojencem, od njih pa želijo podporo in sprejemanje, predvsem pa to, da jim verjamejo. Enako si želijo tudi od strokovnjakov, na katere se obrnejo po pomoč. Nemalokrat se zgodi, da naletijo na odziv, ki povzroči negativna čustva, globoke bolečine, žrtve pa velikokrat odvrne, da bi ponovno spregovorile o nasilju. Zato je pomemben pravi odziv, ki žrtvam da sprejemanje, razumevanje in moč, da se lahko borijo naprej. In my master's thesis I'm introducing the importance of support from close relatives, friends and professional helpers for women in abusive relationships. In theory, I presented abuse in general, types of abuse, intimate relationship abuse, meaning of support from people close to the victims of abuse and support from professionals as well as the duty to communicate with the victim and report any kind of abuse. I focused on the time when a woman is in an abusive relationship or is in the process of a break up where support is crucial for her. A time which can be dangerous and full of insecurities. My master's thesis is based on stories of women, who were victims of abuse in intimate relationships. I was especially interested in their emotions, when was the right time for them to speak up about the abuse and the hesitation that accompanied them, who was the person they told first and why make them choose them, what kind of help they needed from their close ones and other experts. I was also interested in what would be an ideal response of society for them, what would be the victims message to others with similar experiences and to the professionals, which encounter victims with abusive relationships. In my findings, victims of abuse have a lot of fears and second thoughts before they speak out. They think that the society is still insensitive and unresponsive to abuse and judgemental towards the victims. Victims of abuse usually reach out first to their parents, children, friends, coworkers and even siblings. They seek support, acceptance and belief. They want the same from experts, with which they cooperate. Often they receive responses that cause negative emotions, pain, which can discourage them to speak of the abuse. That is why the right response is important, not only for their acceptance and understanding, but also to give them strength.
- Published
- 2021
48. Otrok v bolnišničnem okolju brez prisotnosti staršev
- Author
Ribič, Gaja and Bizjak, Martina
- Subjects
diploma theses ,zdravstveni delavci ,starši ,illness ,parents ,medical staff ,emotions ,diplomska dela ,zdravstvena nega ,udc:616-083 ,bolezen ,igra ,čustva ,play ,nursing care - Abstract
Uvod: Hospitalizacija otroka je lahko stresen dogodek zanj in za njegovo družino. Včasih straši ne morejo biti prisotni pri hospitalizaciji, kar lahko na njih še bolj negativno vpliva. To lahko pusti različne posledice. Prisotnost staršev oziroma skrbnikov pa ima lahko tudi vpliv na samo zdravljenje in ozdravitev otroka. Če starši niso prisotni, lahko k boljšemu počutju otroka prispevamo zdravstveni delavci. Tudi v primeru, če so starši prisotni med hospitalizacijo, se lahko pojavi stres pri njih in pri njihovem otroku. In tudi v tem primeru imajo zdravstveni delavci veliko vlogo. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je ugotoviti, kako bolnišnično okolje vpliva na otroka, če v njem biva brez staršev, ter kako se počutijo starši, če je njihov otrok hospitaliziran. Ocenjujemo, da je kar nekaj načinov, kako lahko zdravstveni delavci pomagamo k učinkoviti zdravstveni negi in dobremu počutju otroka ter kako lahko morebiti za nekaj časa nadomestimo njegove starše. Metode: V diplomskem delu smo zbirali, pregledali in analizirali literaturo s področja pediatrične zdravstvene nege, in sicer od leta 2000 do 2021. Pregledali smo strokovno in znanstveno literaturo v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku, povezano s to tematiko. Uporabljena je bila deskriptivna metoda, torej smo opazovali, kakšno je dejansko stanje. Rezultati: Na splošno je hospitalizacija za otroke stresna izkušnja. Številne študije so pokazale, da se, ne glede na starost in obvladovanje, šolski otroci lahko bojijo in imajo skrbi zaradi bolezni in hospitalizacije. Tudi na starše lahko hospitalizacija otrok vpliva zelo stresno, se bojijo, ne vedo kaj jih čaka in iščejo informacije. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da imajo pri hospitalizaciji otrok precej veliko vlogo tudi zdravstveni delavci, ne samo starši. Razprava in zaključek: Zelo je pomembno, da se otrok v bolnišnici počuti dobro, kljub temu, da je bolan. Zdravstveni delavci moramo otroku in njegovi družini zagotoviti čim bolj prijetno okolje, jim nuditi informacije in se pogovarjati tudi z otrokom. Igra otrokom pomeni ogromno, saj se na ta način zamotijo, se počutijo, kot da bi bili doma, ter pozabijo na morebitne bolečine in bolezen. Otrok v bolnišnici ob sebi nima prijateljev in ostalih sorodnikov, zato je pomembno, da mu zagotovimo stik z njimi. Enako velja za starše. Hospitalizacija je stresen dogodek v življenju otroka in njegovih staršev oziroma skrbnikov, zato je najbolj pomembno, da jim zdravstveni delavci zagotovimo čim bolj kakovostno in celovito zdravstveno nego ter čim bolj prijetno bolnišnično okolje. Introduction: Hospitalisation of children can be a stressful experience for the child as for his or her family. Not always can parents be present at the hospitalisation, which can result in an even more negative experience. The effects of such events are various. The presence of parents or guardians contributes to the healing process and the child’s recovery. If the parents are not present, healthcare workers take on the role to better the child’s well-being. Children and their parents can experience stress even if the latter are present at the hospitalisation. This is where healthcare workers also carry a significant role. Purpose: The purpose of the dissertation is to find out how the hospital environment influences a child if they are staying there without their parents and to observe the parents' well-being. To evaluate – there are different ways how healthcare workers can contribute to effective health care and the child's well-being. Methods: The dissertation consists of examined selected literature estimated in the years of 2000 to 2021 from the field of pediatric health care. We examined technical and scientific literature related to the field in the Slovene and English language. The method used was descriptive, meaning we observed the actual condition. Result: Overall, hospitalisation is a stressful experience for children. Numerous research studies showed that, regardless of their age and self-control, children can be afraid and worry about their condition and hospitalisation. Hospitalisation is stressful for the parents as well they experience fright, worry about what is going to happen next, and try to find information. It was discovered that during hospitalisation healthcare workers carry a very important role, not only parents. Discussion and conclusion: The child’s well-being during their time in the hospital is of much importance, regardless of their illness. It is the healthcare worker’s duty to provide the most pleasant environment possible as well as information and make sure to keep on having conversation with the child. To a child, play means a great deal, because it is a way of distraction, feeling more like at home, and they forget about the possible pain and illness for the time being. At the hospital, the child lacks friends and relatives, that is why it is important to keep in touch with him or her. The same goes for the parents. Hospitalisation is a stressful experience in a child’s life and their parents or guardians, which is why it is vital for the healthcare workers to ensure quality as well as complete health care and as pleasant hospital environment as possible.
- Published
- 2021
49. Tesnoba in nelagodje pri literarni interpretaciji v gimnazijah
- Author
Polanc, Manuela, Zupan Sosič, Alojzija, and Balžalorsky Antić, Varja
- Subjects
Filio ni doma ,literary lessons ,kultivirani bralec ,branje ,Zmote dijaka Tjaža ,tabu teme ,cultivated reader ,emotions ,Slovenian literature ,Filio is Not at Home ,afriška književnost ,pouk književnosti ,Suzana Tratnik ,reading ,Florjan Lipuš ,The Errors of Young Tjaž ,taboo topics ,čustva ,gimnazija ,African literature ,literarna interpretacija ,Berta Bojetu ,Ahmadou Kourouma ,Alahu ni treba ,slovenska književnost ,literary interpretation ,My Name is Damian ,grammar school ,udc:821.163.6+821(666.8).09:801.73 ,Ime mi je Damjan ,social problem novel ,problemski roman ,Allah is Not Obliged - Abstract
Magistrska naloga je sestavljena iz dveh delov. V prvem, ki obsega poglavji Vzgoja kultiviranega bralca med učnim načrtom in prakso in Literarno branje in literarna interpretacija ter razlogi za nelagodje ob njej, je opisan pouk književnosti v gimnazijah s poudarkom na pomenu književnosti nasploh, pojasnjena je vloga učitelja, obrazložena sta literarno branje in literarna interpretacija z ozirom na pripovedna čustva, predvsem negativna, kot je npr. tesnoba, ter razlogi zanje v sklopu sprejemanja določenega literarnega dela. V tem delu so podrobno predstavljene tujosti literature, sistematizacija katerih poskuša razrešiti odpor do branja in obravnave zahtevnejših besedil v gimnazijah. V drugem delu magistrske naloge sledi analiza izbranih romanov: Zmote dijaka Tjaža (Florjan Lipuš), Filio ni doma (Berta Bojetu), Ime mi je Damjan (Suzana Tratnik) in Alahu ni treba (Ahmadou Kourouma). Izpostavitev tabujskih tem, ki jih našteta dela problematizirajo, je namenska, saj lahko dijaku kot »bralcu mislecu« pomagajo razrešiti in urediti lastne občutke ter določene presoje o svetu. The Master's thesis consists of two content parts. In the first one, which includes the chapters The education of cultivated reader during syllabus and internship and Literary reading and literary interpretation as well as the reasons behind its discomfort, literary lessons in grammar schools with the emphasis on the meaning of literature in general, are described. In this part, the role of the teacher is also explained, literary read and literary interpretation concerning narrative emotions are described, especially negative such as anxiety and the reasons for it in the framework of acceptance of a certain literary work. Additionally, the strangeness in literature is presented in detail, the systematisation of which tries to resolve the reluctance towards reading and handling of more demanding texts in grammar schools. The second part of Master’s Thesis follows the analysis of chosen novels: Zmote dijaka Tjaža (The Errors of Young Tjaž) by Florjan Lipuš, Filio ni doma (Filio is Not at Home) by Berta Bojetu, Ime mi je Damjan (My Name is Damian) by Suzana Tratnik and Alahu ni treba (Allah is Not Obliged) by Ahmadou Kourouma. The exposure of taboo topics, which are problematised and unveiled in the mentioned literary works, is made on purpose because they can help the student as “the thinking reader” to solve and organise their own emotions and certain judgments about the world.
- Published
- 2021
50. Matere z izkušnjo ločitve v svojem otroštvu, njihovo sočutje do sebe in spoprijemanje z neprijetnimi čustvi svojih otrok
- Author
Okorn, Karmen and Cvetek, Mateja
- Subjects
starševstvo ,parental separation ,odnos z otrokom ,parenting ,sočutje do sebe ,relationship with the child ,satisfaction ,čustva ,zadovoljstvo ,emotions ,udc:159.942-055.2:316.363.5(043.2) ,ločitev staršev ,self-compassion - Abstract
Avtorica v magistrskem delu raziskuje, ali ločitev staršev v otroštvu vpliva na načine spoprijemanja staršev z neprijetnimi čustvi otrok in na sočutje do sebe. Zanimali sta jo tudi povezava med sočutjem do sebe in načini spoprijemanja ter povezava teh dveh dimenzij z zadovoljstvom. Teoretični del osvetljuje področje čustvovanja, načine spoprijemanja z neprijetnimi čustvi otrok, moč starševstva, sočutje do sebe in temo ločitve kot travmatične izkušnje. Empirični del v obliki kvantitativne raziskave, v kateri je sodelovalo 224 mater, je namenjen analizi rezultatov in dobljenim ugotovitvam. Uporabljeni so bili Vprašalnik o spoprijemanju z negativnimi čustvi otrok (Fabes in drugi 2002), Lestvica sočutja do sebe (Neff 2003a), Lestvica zadovoljstva z življenjem (Diener in drugi 1985) in Lestvica zadovoljstva v zakonu oziroma partnerskem odnosu (Schumm in drugi 1986). Prva in druga ugotovitev ne prikazujeta, da je ločitev staršev v otroštvu negativno vplivala na spoprijemanje mater z neprijetnimi čustvi svojih otrok in na razvoj sočutja do sebe. Izkazala pa se je povezava med več dimenzijami sočutja do sebe in dimenzijami načinov spoprijemanja z neprijetnimi čustvi otrok. To pomeni, da matere, ki so do sebe sočutnejše in prijaznejše, v večji meri spodbujajo izražanje čustev in manj pogosto uporabljajo nepodporne načine spoprijemanja z otrokovimi neprijetnimi čustvi, kot so kaznovanje, ignoriranje, razvrednotenje čustev in zmanjševanje problemov. Neprijetna čustva otroka pa tudi redkeje izzovejo stresni odziv matere oziroma jo spravijo v stisko. Analiza podatkov je pokazala, da so matere, ki so s svojim življenjem in zakonom oziroma partnerskim odnosom zadovoljnejše, do sebe sočutnejše in se na otrokova neprijetna čustva odzivajo na bolj podporne načine, medtem ko ločitev staršev v otroštvu mater na njihovo zadovoljstvo ni pomembno vplivala. In the master's thesis, the author investigates whether the parental separation in childhood affects the ways in which parents deal with children's unpleasant emotions and self-compassion. She was also interested in the connection between self-compassion and ways of coping, and the connection between these two dimensions and satisfaction. The theoretical part sheds light on the field of emotion, ways of coping with children’s unpleasant emotions, the power of parenthood, self-compassion, and the topic of separation as a traumatic experience. The empirical part in the form of a quantitative research, in which 224 mothers participated, is intended for the analysis of the results and the obtained findings. The Coping with Children's Negative Emotions Scale (Fabes, Poulin, Eisenberg and Madden-Derdich 2002), the Self-Compassion Scale (Neff 2003a), the Satisfaction with Life Scale (Diener et al. 1985) and the Marital (Partnership) Satisfaction Scale (Schumm et al. 1986) were used. The first and second findings do not show that separation of parents in childhood negatively affected mothers’ coping with their children’s unpleasant emotions and the development of self-compassion. However, the connection between several dimensions of self-compassion and the dimensions of ways of coping with children's unpleasant emotions has been shown. This means that mothers who are more compassionate and kinder to themselves are more encouraged to express emotions and less often resort to unsupportive ways of dealing with their child’s unpleasant emotions, such as punishing, ignoring, devaluing emotions, and reducing problems. They also seldom provoke the mother's stress response or put her in distress. The analysis of the data showed that mothers who are more satisfied with their lives and with the marriage or partnership, are more compassionate towards themselves and responding to the child’s unpleasant emotions in more supportive ways. While parental separation in the mother’s childhood did not significantly affect their satisfaction.
- Published
- 2021
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