3 results on '"Črepnjak, Tina"'
Search Results
- Author
Črepnjak, Tina and Treven, Sonja
- Subjects
stress - stress at work - types of stress - characteristics of the stress - the effects of stress - SKEI ,stres - stres na delovnem mestu - vrste stresa - značilnosti stresa - posledice stresa - SKEI ,udc:331.4 - Abstract
Stres je v današnjem času naš vsakdanji spremljevalec. Moderen življenjski slog od nas zahteva, da živimo hitro, da smo dobri in uspešni prav na vseh življenjskih področjih. Zaradi hitrega tempa življenja in drugih dejavnikov smo nenehno izpostavljeni stresu, ki pa je lahko pozitiven ali negativen. Če te hitre spremembe doživljamo kot pozitivne ter nam predstavljajo izziv, se soočamo s pozitivnim stresom, ki je koristen. Nekoristen oziroma nevaren je stres takrat, kadar imamo občutek, da so zahteve okolja večje od naših zmožnosti. Dejavnikom stresa, tako imenovanim stresorjem, smo torej izpostavljeni povsod, tako doma kot na delovnem mestu, na poti itd. Ene izmed vedno večjih dejavnikov stresa postajajo organizacije, saj se zaradi modernizacije, torej novih tehnologij, procesa dela in drugih sprememb delo venomer spreminja, kar postaja za zaposlene vedno bolj stresno. Zaposleni morajo zaradi sprememb opravljati različne naloge, obvladovati zahtevnejše novejše programe ali stroje, delovati v različnih vlogah, se prilagajati delovnemu času ipd. ali pa celo organizacijo zapustiti. Prav zaradi teh sprememb, ki zahtevajo nenehne in hitre spremembe znotraj organizacij, so organizacije postale ene izmed večjih povzročiteljev stresa. Med drugim je za zaposlene stresno tudi usklajevanje dela z domom in družino. Zaradi zgoraj navedenega je stres postal eden izmed resnejših bolezni današnjega časa, ki lahko zelo negativno vpliva na posameznika in posledično tudi na organizacijo. Posledice stresa, ki se pojavijo pri posamezniku, so lahko fizične, čustvene in vedenjske. Vse tri navedene oblike posledic vplivajo na delo posameznika v organizaciji in posledično na rezultate organizacije, ki se lahko občutno poslabšajo. Vse posledice stresa, ki negativno vplivajo na rezultate organizacije, niso vidne, zato je pomembno, da stres preprečujemo oziroma premagujemo, še preden se pojavi in povzroči škodo. Cilj magistrske naloge je preučiti stres pri zaposlenih, članih sindikata SKEI. Raziskali bomo pojav stresa glede na velikost organizacije ter glede na spol. Skozi raziskavo bomo med drugim spoznali tudi najpogostejše dejavnike in posledice stresa pri zaposlenih, članih sindikata SKEI. Stress is today our daily companion. Modern lifestyle requires of us to live fast and that we are good and successful at all life challenges. Because of a fast tempo of life and other factors, we are exposed to stress, which can be positive or negative. If we experience these rapid changes as positive and they represent a challenge to us, we are faced with a positive stress, which is useful and welcome. Useless or even harmful stress is when we feel that the requirements of the environment are beyond our capabilities. To stress factors so-called stressors we are exposed everywhere, both at home and at work, also on the way etc. Organizations become one of the biggest stress factors, as a result of new technologies, work process and other changes because of which is work constantly changing and becoming more and more stressful for employees. Employees need to, because of the changes, perform different tasks, handle demanding newer programs or machines, operate in multiple roles, adapt working hours, etc. or even leave the organization. Because of these changes that require constant changes in the organization, the organization has become one of the major causes of stress. For employees can be stressful also to coordinate between the work and home - family. Therefore, the stress has become one of the most serious diseases of our time, which can have very negative impact on the individual and the consequential negative impact on the organization. Consequences of stress, which affects an individual, can be physical, emotional and behavioural. All three forms of the consequences have the indirect influence on the work of individuals within the organization, which in turn affects the results of the organization, which may significantly deteriorate. All the effects of stress, which adversely affect the results of the organization, are not visible, so it is important to prevent or overcome stress before it occurs and causes damage. The objective thesis is to examine the stress at employees, union members SKEI. We will investigate the phenomenon of stress, depending on the size of the organization, and gender. Through research, we will realize the most common factors and consequences of stress at employees, union members SKEI.
- Published
- 2012
3. (Manager and leadership of a company)
- Author
Črepnjak, Tina and Uršič, Duško
- Subjects
poslovni sistemi ,komuniciranje ,orodja ,vodenje ,kontrola ,podjetje ,delovna organizacija ,organizacija ,naloge ,modeli ,strategija ,lastnosti ,medosebni odnosi ,poslovni proces ,sodobnost ,podp ,teamsko delo ,tehnika ,delovne skupine ,uspešnost poslovanja ,ocenjevanje ,manager ,razvoj ,planiranje poslovanja ,kadri ,kadrovska politika ,udc:005.3 ,organiziranost ,zaposlenost ,stilistika ,sposobnosti ,teorija ,interakcije ,poslovne funkcije ,strokovnjaki ,poslovodni delavci ,teorija podjetja ,učinkovitost ,management - Published
- 2012
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