1. Moisture measurement methods and devices
- Author
Čačić, Filip and Ćorluka, Venco
- Subjects
liquids ,mjerenje ,vlaga ,pretvornici ,humidity ,TECHNICAL SCIENCES. Electrical Engineering. Power Engineering ,psihrometar ,plin ,krutine ,tekućine ,solids ,moisture ,gas ,converters ,TEHNIČKE ZNANOSTI. Elektrotehnika. Elektroenergetika ,measurement ,psychometer - Abstract
Vlagom označujemo sadržaj vode u nekoj tvari. S obzirom da mjerenje vlage u zraku ima neke specifičnosti u odnosu na mjerenje u krutim tvarima, važno ih je razmatrati odvojeno. Iznimno velik utjecaj na mjerenje vlage imaju određena svojstva materijala. Prilikom mjerenja vlage važno je uzeti u obzir da je voda u stalnom međudjelovanju s okolinom, što uvelike ovisi o tlaku i temperaturi okoline. Sve se ovo mora uzeti u obzir prije nego što se provedu mjerenja vlage. Postoje različiti načini i izvedbe mjerila vlažnosti, neki od njih su: mjerenje relativne vlažnosti pomoću točke rosišta, psihrometri, razni higrometri, pretvornici vlage, nuklearni te mikrovalni uređaji itd. Unatoć već poznatim metodama poput: metode na temelju otpornosti, napona, toplinske metode, dijagnostičke itd. svakodnevno se provode istraživanja o poboljšanju mjerenja vlažnosti. Napredak mjerenja vlage tijekom posljednjih desetljeća se temelji na tehnikama koje su poboljšane kako bi značajno proširile područje primjene. Primjena optičkih vlakana, lasera, novih kompozitnih materijala, napredak poluvodičke litografije i napredak u nanotehnologiji stvorili su novu generaciju instrumenata za mjerenje vlage. Moisture denotes the water content of a substance. Since the measurement of humidity in air has some specificities with relation to measurement in solids, it is important to consider them separately. The properties of the material have an extremely large influence on moisture measurement. When measuring moisture, it is important to take into account that water is in constant interaction with the environment, which largely depends on the pressure and temperature of the environment. All this must be taken into consideration before moisture measurements are carried out. There are different ways and types of humidity meters, some of them are: relative humidity measurements are used by dew points, psychrometers, various hygrometers, humidity converters, nuclear, microwave devices, etc. Despite of already known methods such as: methods based on resistance, voltage, thermal method, diagnostic, etc., research is being carried out daily to improve humidity and moisture measurements. The progress of humidity and moisture measurement over the last decades is based on techniques that have been improved to significantly expand the field of application. The use of optical fibers, lasers, new composite materials, the improvement of semiconductor lithography and improvement in nanotechnology have created a new generation of humidity and moisture measuring instruments.
- Published
- 2019