11 results on '"écoles juridiques"'
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2. Ašhab b. ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz (m. 204/820) et l'évolution du maḏhab mālikite (IIIe-VIe/Ixe-XIIe siècle).
- Author
Salah, Clément
- Subjects
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LEGAL authorities , *EDUCATIONAL law & legislation , *SOCIAL context , *LAW schools , *ISLAMIC law - Abstract
Although recognized as an important legal authority in the formative period of Mālikī legal doctrine (2nd-3rd/8th-9th century), Ašhab b. ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz (d. 204/820) is portrayed in narrative sources after the 4th/10th century as a scholar who diverged from or even contradicted the master's doctrine, Mālik b. Anas (d. 179/795). This article examines Ašhab's divergence and independency through the analysis of seven anecdotes consigned in the Mālikī biographical literature between the 4th/10th and 6th/12th centuries. By placing these anecdotes in their political, social and doctrinal contexts of writing we emphasize that: 1. Ašhab's divergence is a historical construction that is 2. the corollary of the evolution of Mālikī legal doctrine between the 3rd/9th and 6th/12th centuries. In fine , we show that an interconnection exists between the biographical tradition built on Ašhab and the evolution of the Mālikī maḏhab (doctrinal school of law). [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2023
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3. Une tradition coranique égyptienne ? Le codex de ʿUqba b. ʿĀmir al-Ǧuhanī.
- Author
Tillier, Mathieu
- Abstract
Résumé: La découverte de nombreux fragments coraniques anciens à Fusṭāṭ semble aller à l'encontre du discours véhiculé par les sources littéraires, qui n'accordent à l'Égypte qu'un rôle mineur dans l'histoire de la constitution du Coran. Le présent article tente de résoudre ce paradoxe en retraçant l'histoire de l'introduction du Coran en Égypte dans la seconde moitié du Ier/VIIe siècle. Il met en évidence l'existence d'un codex pré-canonique attribué au gouverneur ʿUqba b. ʿĀmir al-Ǧuhanī (m. 58/677-8), un Compagnon considéré comme une des principales autorités dont se réclamaient les savants égyptiens de l'époque omeyyade. Le codex de ʿUqba, qui n'était vraisemblablement qu'un exemplaire à usage privé, sombra dans l'oubli après que le gouverneur ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz b. Marwān eut fait réaliser une copie officielle du Coran conforme au canon ʿuṯmānien. The discovery of numerous ancient Qur'anic fragments in Fusṭāṭ apparently contradicts literary sources, according to which Egypt played only a minor role in the constitution of the Qur'an. This article addresses this paradox by reviewing the history of the introduction of the Qur'an in Egypt in the second half of the first/seventh century. It highlights the existence of a pre-canonical codex attributed to the governor ʿUqba b. ʿĀmir al-Juhanī (d. 58/677-8), a Companion regarded by Egyptian scholars of the Umayyad period as one of their main authorities. The codex of ʿUqba, which was presumably only a copy for private use, fell into oblivion after the governor ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz b. Marwān had an official copy of the Qur'an produced in accordance with the ʿuthmānian canon. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2022
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4. Un traité de droit mālikite égyptien redécouvert : Aṣbaġ b. al-Faraǧ (m. 225/ 840) et le serment d'abstinence.
- Author
Tillier, Mathieu and Vanthieghem, Naïm
- Abstract
The present article offers the edition of two legal papyri regarding repudiation, preserved in the Michaelides collection of the Cambridge University Library. The first one, a title page dating to the middle of the third/ninth century, suggests that the second one, an excerpt regarding the oath of abstinence (īlāʾ), may be attributed to the Egyptian Mālikī jurist Aṣbagh b. al-Faraj (d. 225/840). This sample, that may be so far the only surviving pages of this author's Samāʿ or Nawāzil , alternates quotations from Mālik's Muwaṭṭaʾ with the argumentation of another authority, perhaps Aṣbagh himself. It also preserves traces of legal controversies both in the milieu of Medinese scholars and in that of Egyptian jurists. These two papyri thus offer an unprecedented testimony to the formation of a Mālikī madhhab in Egypt and to the dialogical relationship that was established in the first half of the third/ninth century between jurists who claimed to follow the Medinese master. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
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5. L'histoire de la judicature musulmane revisitée: l'exercice de la justice sous les Abbassides.
- Author
Daaif, Lahcen
- Subjects
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ISLAM , *ABBASIDS , *ISLAMIC law , *POWER (Social sciences) , *LAW schools - Abstract
While it is true that little is known about justice (qada) and how it functioned in the first century of Islam, this is no longer the case for Iraq during the Abbasid period (up to the arrival of the Büyids in 334/945), the subject of Mathieu Tillier's recent study. In the following pages, I will provide a presentation that traces, chapter by chapter, the history of the judicial institution during this period according to the author's outline, both in the evolution of its practices and of its means of expression and in its troubled relationship, often one of subordination to political power. When necessary, I will examine points that seem subject to debate and I will suggest some small improvements and formal corrections. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2013
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6. Les quatre Écoles juridiques comme base juridictionnelle en terre d'Islam
- Author
Benkherfallah, Sami, Benkherfallah, Sami, Université de Tlemcen, Université de Poitiers - UFR Sciences Humaines et Arts (Poitiers UFR SHA), Université de Poitiers, Centre d'Etudes Supérieures de Civilisation médiévale (CESCM), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université de Poitiers, and Centre d’Etudes et de COopération Juridique Interdisciplinaire (CECOJI)
- Subjects
Droit islamique ,Madhab ,[SHS.DROIT]Humanities and Social Sciences/Law ,Coran - Sunna ,[SHS.DROIT] Humanities and Social Sciences/Law ,écoles juridiques ,[SHS] Humanities and Social Sciences ,[SHS.RELIG] Humanities and Social Sciences/Religions ,[SHS]Humanities and Social Sciences ,[SHS.RELIG]Humanities and Social Sciences/Religions - Abstract
National audience; Les États musulmans se sont forgés au fil des siècles, une juridiction complexe basée principalement sur le Coran et la tradition prophétique (dite la « sunna » ).Ainsi, le droit musulman de tradition sunnite est historiquement régi par quatre grandes écoles, appelées maḏhab (pl. maḏâhib). Elles jouèrent un rôle prépondérant dans la formation de la législation musulmane et continuent d’influencer le quotidien de nombreux musulmans tant sur le plan des « actes rituels » (= ibādāt) que des « rapports sociaux » (= mu'āmalāt).
- Published
- 2020
7. 'O nosso papel é empurrar a história (...) a serviço da causa da humanidade' : construção, reprodução e reação à doutrina neoconstitucionalista no Brasil
- Author
Fernandes, Henrique Montagner and Flores, Alfredo de Jesus Dal Molin
- Subjects
Legal mode of production ,Teoria do direito ,Doctrine néo-constitutionaliste ,Constitutionnalisme brésilien ,Mode de production juridique ,Écoles juridiques ,Constitucionalismo ,Brazilian constitutionalism ,Lawyers' training systems ,Système de formation de juristes ,Neoconstitucionalismo ,Neo-constitutionalist doctrine ,Legal schools - Abstract
Ce travail s’agit d’une investigation historique et juridique sur le phénomène juridique contemporain, la naissance et diffusion du néo-constitutionalisme au sein du mode de production juridique brésilien, ainsi que sur les réactions à cette réalité. Ayant comme la base du néo-constitutionalisme la doctrine de Luís Roberto Barroso et les apports de António Manuel Hespanha et Quentin Skinner comme approche méthodologique, le processus intellectuel de leur constitution fut restitué afin de souligner les outils intellectuels employés par ces auteurs. Tout à la suite, l’on passe à l’analyse du processus de reproduction de la doctrine néoconstitutionaliste associée au système de formations de juristes, étant lui-même un outil institutionnel, et aux outils intellectuels et matériaux déployés à chaque cycle de direction. Prochainement, il est vérifié la constitution de l’image public de l’École de droit constitutionnel de l’UERJ, composée en particulier par les élèves dirigés par Luis Roberto Barroso, basée sur la doctrine néo-constitutionaliste. À la fin, la réaction à cette doctrine se manifeste à travers des projets éditoriaux distincts, l’un représenté par les Écoles de droit de la FGV se plaçant dans un paradigme néo-constitutionnel à partir d’une perspective anglo-saxonne, et l’autre représenté par l’école de l’IDP qui travaille avec les catégories néo-constitutionnalistes en dialogue avec la tradition romano-germanique. Este trabalho materializa uma investigação histórico-jurídica sobre fenômeno jurídico contemporâneo, qual seja, o surgimento e difusão do neoconstitucionalismo no modo de produção jurídico brasileiro, bem como as reações a esse fenômeno. Tendo por caso central do neoconstitucionalismo a doutrina de Luís Roberto Barroso e por orientação metodológica António Manuel Hespanha e Quentin Skinner, o processo intelectual de sua construção foi reconstituído a fim de evidenciar os instrumentos de natureza intelectual e material empregados pelo autor. Na sequência, passou-se à análise do processo de reprodução da doutrina neoconstitucionalista associado ao sistema de formação de juristas, consistente por si em instrumento de natureza institucional, bem como nos instrumentos de natureza intelectual e material mobilizados a cada ciclo de orientações. No momento seguinte, verificou-se a consolidação e constituição da imagem pública da Escola de Direito Constitucional da UERJ, composta fundamentalmente pelos alunos formalmente orientados por Luís Roberto Barroso e assentada na doutrina neoconstitucionalista. Na última etapa, a reação à referida doutrina manifestou-se em projetos editoriais distintos, um representado pelas Escolas de Direito da FGV, atuando no interior daquele paradigma doutrinário, mas em perspectiva anglo-saxã, e o outro representado pela Escola do IDP, também atuando com categorias daquele paradigma, porém em diálogo com a tradição romano-germânica. This work comprises a historical-legal research about a contemporary legal phenomenon, that is, the emergence and diffusion of neo-constitutionalism in the Brazilian legal mode of production, as well as reactions to this phenomenon. With Luís Roberto Barroso's doctrine as the central case of neo-constitutionalism and António Manuel Hespanha and Quentin Skinner as methodological guidance, the entire intellectual process of its construction was reconstituted in order to highlight the intellectual and material instruments used by the author. Then, it proceeded to the analysis of the reproduction process of the neo-constitutionalist doctrine associated with the lawyers' training systems, which itself consisted an institutional instrument, as well as to the analysis of the intellectual and material instruments mobilized in each cycle of academic supervision. At the next step, there was the consolidation and constitution of the public image of UERJ School of Constitutional Law, composed mainly of students formally supervised by Luís Roberto Barroso and based on the neo-constitutionalist doctrine. In the last stage, reactions to that doctrine were manifested in different editorial projects, one represented by the FGV Law Schools, acting within that doctrinal paradigm in an Anglo-Saxon perspective, and the other represented by the IDP School, acting with neo-constitutionalist categories in dialogue with the Romano-Germanic legal tradition (i.e., Civil Law tradition).
- Published
- 2020
8. Entre raison et texte
- Author
Diez, Martino, Diez Martino (ORCID:0000-0002-4662-6119), Diez, Martino, and Diez Martino (ORCID:0000-0002-4662-6119)
- Abstract
In his "Al-Insāf fī bayān asbāb al-ikhtilāf", the major Indian thinker Shāh Walī Allāh ad-Dihlawī (1703-1762) retraces the essential stages in the formation of classical Islamic law and the Sunni juridical schools. He argues that diversity of opinions, up to a point, is not an evil, but a necessity.
- Published
- 2018
9. Legal Knowledge and Local Practices under the Early ʿAbbāsids
- Author
Mathieu Tillier, Institut Français du Proche-Orient (IFPO), Ministère de l'Europe et des Affaires étrangères (MEAE)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Institut de Recherches et d'Etudes sur les Mondes Arabes et Musulmans (IREMAM), Sciences Po Aix - Institut d'études politiques d'Aix-en-Provence (IEP Aix-en-Provence)-Aix Marseille Université (AMU)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Philip Wood, European Project: 219480,EC:FP7:PEOPLE,FP7-PEOPLE-2007-2-1-IEF,RELLAP(2008), MIN AFF ETRANG-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Tillier, Mathieu, Regionalism in Early Islamic Law and Piety - RELLAP - - EC:FP7:PEOPLE2008-09-01 - 2010-08-31 - 219480 - VALID, Institut de Recherches et d'Etudes sur le Monde Arabe et Musulman (IREMAM), and Aix Marseille Université (AMU)-Sciences Po Aix - Institut d'études politiques d'Aix-en-Provence (IEP Aix-en-Provence)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
- Subjects
régionalisme ,droit musulman ,regionalism ,écoles juridiques ,16. Peace & justice ,Judiciary ,cadi ,legal schools ,justice ,maḏhhab-s ,califat ,Islamic law ,caliphate ,[SHS.HIST] Humanities and Social Sciences/History ,qadi ,miḥna ,[SHS.HIST]Humanities and Social Sciences/History ,elites - Abstract
In this article, I investigate the way Muslims living in major Abbasid cities represented themselves when it came to legal matters. Was there any sort of legal identity evident between one place and another? To answer this question, I propose to focus the connection between the local urban elite and the government. I seek to investigate the role that the urban elite in several Iraqi and Egyptian cities played in selecting and appointing the qāḍīs during the early Abbasid period (132-218/750-833). It appears that during the second half of the second/eighth century, appointments to the judiciary were the subject of strenuous competition between the local elite and the central government. The caliphate tried to increase its authority in the main provincial cities and reduce legal heterogeneity in the empire. The local learned elite resisted this policy in order to preserve its traditional power and local interests. The Abbasids had to negotiate, and the provincial elite succeeded in keeping some of its special prerogatives in the selection of qāḍīs for some time. In the third/ninth century, however, the reinforcement of caliphal authority and the evolution of political structures resulted in a definitive marginalisation of the local elite.
- Published
- 2013
10. L’histoire de la judicature musulmane revisitée: l’exercice de la justice sous les Abbassides
- Author
Lahcen Daaïf, Histoire, Archéologie et Littératures des mondes chrétiens et musulmans médiévaux (CIHAM), École normale supérieure de Lyon (ENS de Lyon)-Université Lumière - Lyon 2 (UL2)-École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS)-Université Jean Moulin - Lyon 3 (UJML), and Université de Lyon-Université de Lyon-Avignon Université (AU)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
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Cultural Studies ,History ,qaḍ āʾ ,barīd ,Literature and Literary Theory ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Subject (philosophy) ,mad̠ hab ,écoles juridiques ,Economic Justice ,Language and Linguistics ,qaḍāʾ ,califes abbassides ,traditionnistes ,Power (social and political) ,Politics ,judge ,Judicature ,Institution ,qadi ,ṣ āḥ ib al-ḫ abar ,Theology ,sāḥ ̣ib al-ḫabar ,law schools ,mad̠hab ,media_common ,Religious studies ,Islam ,cadi ,Subordination (finance) ,Abbasid caliphs ,juge ,[SHS.HIST]Humanities and Social Sciences/History ,Humanities ,Period (music) ,traditionists - Abstract
International audience; While it is true that little is known about justice ( qaḍāʾ ) and how it functioned in the first century of Islam, this is no longer the case for Iraq during the Abbasid period (up to the arrival of the Būyids in 334/945), the subject of Mathieu Tillier’s recent study. In the following pages, I will provide a presentation that traces, chapter by chapter, the history of the judicial institution during this period according to the author’s outline, both in the evolution of its practices and of its means of expression and in its troubled relationship, often one of subordination to political power. When necessary, I will examine points that seem subject to debate and I will suggest some small improvements and formal corrections.; S’il est vrai que l’on a peu de connaissance sur la justice (qaḍāʾ) et son fonctionnement au premier siècle de l’Islam, cela ne concerne plus désormais l’Iraq à l’époque abbasside (jusqu’à l’avènement des Būyides en 334/945), époque à laquelle a été consacrée l’étude récente de Mathieu Tillier. Dans les pages qui vont suivre, nous donnerons une présentation qui retrace, chapitre par chapitre, l’histoire de l’institution judiciaire de cette période suivant le plan de l’auteur, aussi bien dans l’évolution de sa pratique et de ses moyens d’expression que dans ses relations troubles, maissouvent de subordination au pouvoir politique. Au besoin, nous nous interrogerons sur des points qui nous semblent sujet à débat tout en proposant quelques menues améliorations et corrections d’ordre formel.
- Published
- 2013
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11. Une loi descendue du ciel
- Author
Benkheira, Mohammed Hocine, Groupe Sociétés, Religions, Laïcités (GSRL), École pratique des hautes études (EPHE), Université Paris sciences et lettres (PSL)-Université Paris sciences et lettres (PSL)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Benkheira, Mohammed Hocine, and École pratique des hautes études (EPHE)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
- Subjects
Sunna ,écoles juridiques ,[SHS.RELIG] Humanities and Social Sciences/Religions ,ijtihâd ,droit islamique ,[SHS.RELIG]Humanities and Social Sciences/Religions - Published
- 2005
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