39 results on '"Özler, Ali"'
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2. Nadir görülen letal iskelet displazisi: Roberts-SC fokomeli sendromu
- Author
Başaranoğlu, Serdar, Özler, Ali, Görük, Neval Yaman, Tunç, Senem Yaman, Ağaçayak, Elif, Dicle Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi, Cerrahi Tıp Bilimleri Bölümü, Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum Ana Bilim Dalı, Başaranoğlu, Serdar, Özler, Ali, Görük, Neval Yaman, Tunç, Senem Yaman, and Ağaçayak, Elif
- Subjects
Roberts syndrome ,Prenatal tanı ,Phocomelia ,Fokomeli ,Prenatal diagnosis ,Fetal anomali ,Fetal anomalies ,Roberts sendromu - Abstract
Amaç: Postpartum dönemde yapılan fizik muayene bulguları ve görüntüleme yöntemleriyle Roberts-SC sendromu düşünülen bir olgunun sunumunu amaçladık. Olgu Sunumu: Yirmi sekiz yaşında, G5P2 olan gebe hasta dış merkezden polikliniğimize iskelet displazisi ön tanısıyla refere edildi. Yapılan ileri düzey ultrasonografik (USG) değerlendirmede fetusun ortalama 19 hafta ile uyumlu olduğu, her iki üst ve alt ekstremitelerin proksimal ve distalinde ileri derecede kısalık (şiddetli mikromeli), vertebral kemik yapılarda demiyelinizasyon, bilateral koroit pleksus kistleri ve toraks ön-arka çapının azaldığı izlendi. Mevcut bulgularla fetal letal iskelet displazisi düşünüldü. Anormal USG bulguları nedeniyle aileye fetal kromozom analizi önerildi, fakat kabul edilmedi ve gebeliğin devamı yönünde karar alındı. Mükerrer sezaryen endikasyonuyla 2700 g, 42 cm boyunda, 3-4 APGAR skorlu bir kız bebek sezaryenle doğurtuldu. Yenidoğan postpartum 24 saat içinde kaybedildi. Sonuç: Roberts-SC fokomeli sendromu değişik klinik bulguların bir arada bulunduğu nadir görülen otozomal resesif (OR) kalıtım gösteren bir hastalıktır. Prenatal ultrasonografik değerlendirme ve sitogenetik incelemelerde erken sentromer ayrılmasının bulunması diğer iskelet displazilerden ayrımını sağlayabilir. Hastalara sonraki gebeliklerinde fetal anomalinin erken tespiti ile genetik danışmanlık hizmetinin verilmesi önem göstermektedir. Objective: We aimed to present the case who was thought to have had Roberts-SC syndrome with postpartum physical examination and imaging findings. Case: A 28-year-old pregnant patient with gravida-5, parity-2 was referred to our clinic with the diagnosis of skeletal dysplasia. At advanced ultrasonographic examination, fetal development was at 19 weeks. There was severe shortness (micromelia) in both the upper and the lower parts of both upper and lower extremities, demineralisation in vertebral bony structures, bilateral choroid plexus cysts and decreased anteroposterior chest diameter. Lethal skeletal dysplasia was considered with the present findings. Due to the abnormal USG findings, fetal chromosome analysis was recommended but the family didn’t accept the test and decided to continue with the pregnancy. Due to the previous cesarian sections, repeat cesarian section was indicated and a 2700 gr, 42 cm baby girl was born with an Apgar score of 3-4. The newborn died within 24 hours. Conclusion: Roberts-SC phocomeia syndrome is a rare disorder with autosomal recessive inheritance and varying clinical findings. Early centromere separation on cytogenetic analysis and prenatal ultrasonography could help differentiate this entity from other skeletal dysplasias. Genetic counselling is important in order to be able to detect any possible fetal anomaly in future pregnancies.
- Published
- 2014
3. PelvikAktinomikoz
- Author
ÖZLER, Ali, YALDIZ, Şadi, CİNBİŞ, İsmail Oğuz, and DÜZCAN, S. Ender
- Subjects
Pelvik aktinomikoz,overde kitle,rahim içi araç ,Pelvic Actinomycosis,ovarian mass,intrauterine device - Abstract
Actinomiches is a patogen for pelvis while it is a member of normal oropharingeal flora. Pelvic actinomycosis is a very rare form of actinomycosis with only 3% of all actinomycosis cases. Actinomycosis becomes a solid mass which is stuck to surrounding organs with perioverian chronic granulomatous reaction, and it is commonly confused with malignancy. In present study, we reported a case with pelvic actinomycosis that was operated for differential diagnosis of a mass lesion in over and diagnosed by post-operative histological examiantion., Aktinomiçes orafaringeal floranın bir üyesi iken pelvis için patojendir. Pelvik aktinomikoz tüm aktinomikoz olgularının %3\'ünü oluşturan daha nadir şeklidir. Aktinomikoz oluşturduğu perioverian kronik granülomatöz reaksiyonla çevre organlara yapışık, solid kitle haline gelir ve bu görüntüsü nedeniyle malignite ile karıştırılır. Bu sunumda overde kitle ayırıcı tanısı için ameliyat edilen ve cerrahi sonrası tanı patolojik muayene ile konan pelvik aktinomikoz olgusunu irdeledik.
- Published
- 2015
4. Abdominal wall endometriosis; A Case Report
- Author
- Subjects
Abdomainal wall,endometrozis,diagnosis ,Karın duvarı,endometriozis,tanı ,fungi - Abstract
A woman aged 34 years, with a history of Caesarean section seven years ago, were admitted with an enlarging, painful mass located 6-7 centimeters above the Phannenstiel incision in the midline of abdominal wall. The cyclical nature of pain, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and sonographic features of the lesion led to the diagnosis of abdominal wall endometriosis. Total excision and histopathologic examination of the specimen confirmed endometriosis. Endometriosis should be kept in mind in the differential diagnosis of abdominal wall masses., Yedi yıl önce sezaryen ile doğum yapma öyküsü olan 34 yaşındaki kadın hasta phannenstiel kesi yerinden 6-7 cm yukarısında, orta hatta ağrılı ve zamanla büyüyen kitle ile başvurdu. Ağrının özellikle adet döngüsü ile ilişkili olması, ultrasonografi ve manyetik rezonans görüntüleme (MRG) bulguları ile hasta endometriozis ön tanısıyla yatırıldı. Kitle total eksize edildi ve patolojik incelemeyle endometriozis tanısı doğrulandı. Batın ön duvarı kitlelerinin ayırıcı tanısında endometriozis akılda tutulmalıdır.
- Published
- 2015
5. Meckel-Gruber Sendromu: Dokuz olgu sunumu ve literatürün incelenmesi
- Author
Ağaçayak, Elif, Turgut, Abdulkadir, Tunç, Senem Yaman, Özler, Ali, Dicle Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi, Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum Anabilim Dalı, and 0-Belirlenecek
- Subjects
Meckel Gruber Sendromu ,Meckel-Gruber Syndrome ,congenital, hereditary, and neonatal diseases and abnormalities ,Meckel Gruber Sendromu,Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesi,akraba evliliği ,Relatives marriage ,Southeastern Anatolia Region ,Meckel-Gruber Syndrome,Southeastern Anatolia Region,Relatives Marriage ,Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesi ,digestive system ,Akraba evliliği - Abstract
Objective: The Meckel-Gruber syndrome is an autosomal recessive lethal syndrome which characterized by systemic malformations. Nine patients observed at six months period in our region that consanguineous marriage are common. We aim to present this rare syndrome with current literature knowledge. Methods: We presented that prenatally diagnosed with Meckel-Gruber syndrome of nine fetus in Dicle University Faculty of Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology Department between January 2013 and June 2013. Results: The rate of Meckel Gruber Syndrome was found as 1/3500 in our region in one year. Conclusion: Our result showed that consanguineous marriages might be an important factor leading to increase rate of Meckel-Gruber syndrome. Families having these patients should be offered genetic screening for possible recurrences., Amaç: Meckel-Gruber Sendromu sistemik malformasyonlar ile karakterize otozomal resesif, ölümcül bir sendromdur. Akraba evliliklerinin sık olduğu bölgemizde 6 aylık bir sürede 9 olguda tanı konulmuştur. Mevcut veriler ışığında bu nadir sendromu, literatür eşliğinde sunmayı amaçladık. Yöntemler: Ocak 2013-Haziran 2013 tarihleri arasında Dicle Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum polikliniğinde in utero tanısı konan ve diğer hastanelerden tanısı konulup ünitemize sevk edilen dokuz Meckel-Gruber Sendromlu olgu literatür eşliğinde sunuldu. Bulgular: Meckel-Gruber Sendromunun sıklığının; bölgemiz yıllık doğum oranına oranlayacak olursak yaklaşık 1/3500 oranında olduğu görüldü. Sonuç: Bölgemizde sık olduğu bilinen akraba evliliğinin ciddi sakatlığa yol açan bu sendromun artış göstermesinde önemli bir faktör olabilir. Tekrar etme olasılığı olan bu sendrom için etkilenen ailede genetik tarama önerilmelidir.
- Published
- 2015
6. Tekrarlayan gebelik kayıplarında etiyolojik nedenlerin değerlendirilmesi
- Author
Obut, Mehmet, Evsen, Mehmet Sıddık, Soydinç, Hatice Ender, Sak, Muhammet Erdal, Özler, Ali, Fidanboy, Mehmet, Balkan, Mahmut, Türkyılmaz, Ayşegül, Gül, Talip, Dicle Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi, Cerrahi Tıp Bilimleri Bölümü, Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum Ana Bilim Dalı, Obut, Mehmet, Evsen, Mehmet Sıddık, Soydinç, Hatice Ender, Sak, Muhammet Erdal, Özler, Ali, Fidanboy, Mehmet, Balkan, Mahmut, Türkyılmaz, Ayşegül, and Gül, Talip
- Subjects
Tanı ,Recurrent pregnancy loss ,Etiology ,Diagnosis ,Tekrarlayan gebelik kaybı ,Etiyoloji - Abstract
Öz:Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı tekrarlayan gebelik kaybı (TGK) olan hastalarda etiyolojik nedenlerin değerlendirilmesidir. Gereç ve yöntemler: Dicle Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Hastanesi kadın hastalıkları ve doğum kliniğine, 2008'den 2011 tarihine kadar başvuran hastaların verileri incelendi. Tanıya yönelik tüm testleri hastanemizde yapılmış olan 114 hasta çalışmaya alındı. Etiyolojiye yönelik ebeveyn kromozom analizi, annede antifosfolipid antikor pozitişiği, kongenital uterin anomaliler için histerosalfingografi, trombofilik bozukluklar (faktör V leiden mutasyonu, protrombin gen mutasyonu) ve endokrinolojik (diabetes mellitus, tiroit endokrinopatisi) yönden tetkikleri değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Hastaların ortalama yaşı ve abortus sayıları sırasıyla 29.7±6.6, 3.2±1.3 idi. Elli (%43.9) hastada en az bir etiyolojik neden saptanırken, 64(%56.1) hasta idiopatik olarak değerlendirildi. Majör kromozom anomalisi olarak; dört ebeveynde dokuzuncu kromozomda inversiyon saptandı. Diğer patolojilerin oranı; kongenital uterus anomalisi:14 (%12.3), faktör V Leiden mutasyonu:7 (%6.1), protrombin gen mutasyonu: 6 (%5.3) ve 10 (%8.8) hastada antifosfolipid antikor pozitişiği idi. Ebeveynlerin %34,2'sinde karyotip analizinde 9qh+ izlendi. Sonuç: Major kromozomal anomali, kongenital uterus anomalileri, trombofilik bozukluklar ve çalışmada değerlendirilen diğer patolojik durumlarının oranı daha önce yayınlanmış veriler ile benzer olduğu saptandı. Ebeveynlerin 39'unda (%34,2) 9. kromozomda qh+ (sentromer bölgesinde heterokromazi) polimorfizmi izlendi. Bu sonucun çalışılan toplumun genetik polimorfizmimi? yoksa TGK ile ilişkilimi? olduğunu anlamak için daha ileri çalışmalara ihtiyaç vardır. Abstract:Objective: The aim of the present study is to evaluate etiologic factors in patients with recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL). Material and methods: The records of patients admitted to Obstetrics& Gynecology Clinic of Dicle University Medical Faculty Hospital, from 2008 to 2011 were evaluated. Of the 114 patients who all tests were applied for diagnosis in our hospital were enrolled to study. For etiologic evaluation; Parental chromosome analysis, maternal antiphospholipid antibodies, hysterosalpingography for mullerian anomalies, thrombophilic disorders (factor V leiden mutation, prothrombin gene mutation) and endocrine (diabetes mellitus, thyroid hormone disorder) tests applied to patients. Results: The mean age and mean number of abortus were 29.7±6.6, 3.2±1.3 respectively. Fifty (43.9%) patients had at least one etiologic factor where as 64 (56.1%) were idiopathic. Major chromosomal aberrations were detected in four (%3.5) couples as inversion of the ninth chromosome. The frequency for other pathologies; mullerian anomaly:14 (%12.3), factor V leiden mutation:7 (%6.1), prothrombin gene mutation:6 (%5.3) and antiphospholipid antibodies in 10 (%8.8) patients. Conclusion: The prevalance for major chromosomal aberrations, mullerian anomalies, thrombopylic disorders and other pathologic conditions which evaluated in the study were found similar to reported previously. Polymorphism of 9qh+ (heterochromatic centromeric regions) was seen in 39 (%34.2) parents. Further studies are needed to understand that, if this result related to the genetic polymorpisym of the study population? or the pathology associated with RPL?.
- Published
- 2013
7. Tubo-ovaryan abseler: Risk faktörleri, klinik özellikler ve tedavilerinin retrospektif analizi
- Author
Soydinç, Hatice Ender, Evsen, Mehmet Sıddık, Özler, Ali, Sak, Muhammet Erdal, Turgut, Abdulkadir, Görük, Neval Yaman, Gül, Talip, Dicle Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi, Cerrahi Tıp Bilimleri Bölümü, Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum Ana Bilim Dalı, Soydinç, Hatice Ender, Evsen, Mehmet Sıddık, Özler, Ali, Sak, Muhammet Erdal, Turgut, Abdulkadir, Görük, Neval Yaman, and Gül, Talip
- Subjects
Surgical treatment ,Medikal tedavi ,Pelvik kitle ,Pelvic mass ,Cerrahi tedavi ,Tubo-ovarian abscess ,Tubo-ovaryan abse ,Medical treatment - Abstract
Tubo-ovaryan abse (TOA), tuba, over ve çevre dokuları içine alan ciddi bir inflamatuar hastalıktır. Bu çalışmada TOAli olguların risk faktörleri, klinik bulguları ve tedavi yaklaşımlarını sunmayı amaçladık. Ocak 2007 Haziran 2012 tarihleri arasında TOA tanısı ile takip edilen 31 hastaya ait dosyalar retrospektif olarak incelendi. Hastalara ait risk faktörleri, klinik ve laboratuar sonuçları, uygulanan tedavi yöntemleri ve gelişen komplikasyonlar kaydedildi. Medikal tedavi alan hastalar, başarılı ve başarısız tedavi grubu olarak iki gruba bölündü. Gruplar, demografik veriler, risk faktörleri ve kitle özelliklerine göre karşılaştırıldı. Hastaların ortalama yaşı 33.12±10.43 idi. Yirmisekizi (%90.3) evli ve 27si (%87) multipardı. Kontraseptif yöntem olarak evli olan 28 hastanın 11inde rahim içi araç (RİA) (%35.5) kullanımı mevcuttu. Son 6 ay içinde geçirilmiş intrauterin veya intraabdominal girişim veya operasyon 9 (%29) ve pelvik inflamatuar hastalık (PİH) 15 hastada (%48.4) mevcuttu. Hastaların başvuru sırasında, tümünde pelvik ağrı (%100), 24ünde vajinal akıntı (%77.4), 17sinde ateş (%54.8), 14ünde düzensiz menstrüel kanama (%45.2) mevcut idi. TOAlı hastalarda klinik bulgular olarak; %54.8 ateş, %61.3 lökositoz, %71 yüksek sedimentasyon hızı, %71 C-reaktif protein yüksekliği tespit edildi. Olguların hospitalize edildiklerindeki ilk tanıları; 14ünde (%45.2) TOA, 5inde rüptüre TOA, 7sinde RİA translokasyonu ve TOA, 1inde perfore apandisit komplikasyonu şüphesi, 4ünde pelvik kitle (teratom, myom dejenerasyonu, over kanseri, endometrioma) idi. Medikal tedavinin 13 hastaya uygulandığı ve başarı oranının %46.2 olduğu bulundu. Başarılı ve başarısız tedavi grupları arasında, demografik veriler, risk faktörleri ve kitle özellikleri açısından anlamlı fark saptanmadı. Yapılan cerrahi girişimler; %22.6 laparoskopik abse drenajı, %32.3 laparotomi ile abse drenajı, %12.9 unilateral salpingoooferektomi ve %12.9 total abdominal histerektomi-bilateral salpingooferektomi idi. Postoperatif komplikasyon olarak %6.5 barsak hasarı ve sepsis, %6.5 dehisens ve %3.25 yara yeri enfeksiyonu geliştiği izlendi. TOAde, PİH ve RİA kullanımı yanında pelvik kitleler de risk faktörü olabilir. TOA, klasik enfeksiyon semptomları olmaksızın pelvik kitle ve ağrı ile başvurabilir. Bu nedenle, pelvik kitle ayırıcı tanısında akla getirilmelidir. Tanısı TOA olan hastalarda ilk tedavi tercihi medikal; şüpheli olgularda ve rüptüre abselerde cerrahi olmalıdır. Tubo-ovarian abscess (TOA) is a serious inflammatory disease of the female reproductive system including the ovary, fallopian tube, and the surrounding tissues. In this study, we aimed to present risk factors, clinical features and treatment approaches in TOA. The files of 31 patients with a diagnosis of TOA were analyzed retrospectively from January 2007 to June 2012. The patients risk factors, clinical details, treatment modalities, laboratory results, and complications were recorded. The medically treated patients were divided into two groups: successful and unsuccessful treatment groups. Groups were compared according to the demographic data, risk factors, and mass characteristics. The mean age of patients was 33.12±10.43. Twenty-eight patients (90.3%) were married and 27 of them (87%) were multiparous. Intrauterine device (IUD) were used as contraceptive method in 11 of married patients (35.5%). Nine patients (29%) had history of prior intrauterine or intraabdominal intervention within 6 months. Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) were in 15 patients (48.4%). At admission, pelvic pain in 31 (100%), vaginal discharge in 24 (77.4%), fever in 17 (54.8%), irregular menstrual bleeding in 14 (45.2%) of patients were recorded. Laboratory findings were elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate (71%), and increased C-reactive protein level (71%), leukocytosis (61.3%) respectively. The initial diagnosis of hospitalized patients were observed TOA in 14 (45.2%), ruptured TOA in 5, IUD translocation and TOA in 7, the suspicion of a complication of perforated appendicitis in 1 and pelvic mass (teratoma, fibroid degeneration, ovarian cancer, endometrioma) in 4 of patients, respectively. Medical treatment was applied in 13 patients and reached 46.2% success rate. There was no significant difference in between successful and unsuccessful treatment groups with respect of demographic data, risk factors, and the mass characteristics. Surgical procedures were laparoscopic abscess drainage (22.6%), laparotomy and drainage of abscess (32.3%), unilateral salpingooopherectomy (12.9%), and total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-ooferectomy (12.9%), respectively. The bowel injury and sepsis (6.5%), dehiscence (6.5%), and wound infection (3.25%) were observed as postoperative complications. The pelvic masses may be a risk factor in addition to PID and the use of IUD for TOA. The patients with TOA may present with the pelvic mass and pelvic pain without the classic symptoms of infection. Therefore, TOA should be considered in the differential diagnosis of pelvic masses. Although the medical treatment should be the first choice in patients with TOA, suspected cases and ruptured abscesses should be treated by surgery.
- Published
- 2013
8. A case of acute viral hepatitis interfering with acute fatty liver disease of pregnancy
- Author
TURGUT, Abdulkadir, ÖZLER, Ali, GÖRÜK, Neval Yaman, TUNÇ, Senem Yaman, PEKER, Nurullah, TEKİN, Recep, Dicle Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi, Cerrahi Tıp Bilimleri Bölümü, Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum Ana Bilim Dalı, Turgut, Abdulkadir, Özler, Ali, Görük, Neval Yaman, Tunç, Senem Yaman, Peker, Nurullah, and Tekin, Recep
- Subjects
Hepatit A ,Akut yağlı karaciğer hastalığı ,Pregnancy ,fungi ,Hepatit A,gebelik,akut yağlı karaciğer hastalığı ,Hepatitis A ,Hepatitis A,pregnancy,acute fatty liver disundefinedease ,Acute fatty liver disease ,Gebelik - Abstract
Acute hepatitis A is a rarely seen infection during pregnancy. In terms of clinical and laboratory findings, it can be interfere with acute fatty liver disease which can be quite mortal during pregnancy. Since liver function tests are elevated in both conditions, hepatitis A infection should also be kept in mind in differential diagnosis. We present a 30 year-old pregnant woman with 35 weeks of gestation who presented to our clinic with a suspection of acute fatty liver disease but finally diagnosed as acute hepatitis A infection. J Clin Exp Invest 2013; 4 (1): 123-125, Gebelikte akut hepatit A enfeksiyonu oldukça nadir görülmektedir. Klinik ve laboratuar bulgularıyla gebelikte oldukça mortal seyredebilen gebeliğin akut yağlı karaciğer hastalığı ile karışabilmektedir. Karaciğer fonksiyon testlerinde yükseklik izlenen her iki durumun ayırıcı tanısı yapılmalı ve bu tabloyla gelen bir hastada hepatit A enfeksiyonu da akla gelmelidir. Kliniğimize başvurusunda, gebeliğin akut yağlı karaciğer hastalığı tanısı sonrasında akut hepatit A tanısı alan, 30 yaşında 35 haftalık gebeliği olan bir olgu sunulmuştur.
- Published
- 2013
9. Preterm erken membran rüptürü olan gebelerde maternal ve fetal sonuçlar
- Author
Turgut, Abdulkadir, Özler, Ali, Başaranoğlu, Serdar, Tunç, Senem Yaman, Ağaçayak, Elif, Görük, Neval Yaman, Yıldızbakan, Ahmet, Gül, Talip, Dicle Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi, Cerrahi Tıp Bilimleri Bölümü, Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum Ana Bilim Dalı, Turgut, Abdulkadir, Özler, Ali, Başaranoğlu, Serdar, Tunç, Senem Yaman, Ağaçayak, Elif, Görük, Neval Yaman, Yıldızbakan, Ahmet, and Gül, Talip
- Subjects
Maternal ve fetal sonuçlar ,Preterm erken membran rüptürü ,Maternal and fetal outcomes ,Preterm birth ,Erken doğum ,Preterm premature rupture of membrane - Abstract
Öz:Amaç: Preterm doğum, neonatal morbidite ve mortalitenin önemli ve sık bir nedeni olan Prematür Erken Membran Rüptürü (PEMR) nün maternal ve fetal sonuçlarının incelenmesi. Materyal Metod: Çalışmada Dicle Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum servisine Ocak 2011-Aralık 2012 tarihleri ara¬sında başvuran PEMR li 94 hasta retrospektif olarak incelendi. Hastaların yaşı, gravidası, paritesi, abortus sayısı, yaşayan çocuk sayısı, obstetrik hikayeleri, doğumdaki gebelik haftası, klinik bulguları ve laboratuvar değerleri, doğum şekli, sezeryan endikasyonu, bebeğin doğum ağırlığı ve boyu, 1.-5. dk APGAR skorları irdelendi. Bulgular: Hastanemizde PEMR insidansı 3.8 % idi. Hastalarımızda ortalama doğum haftası 31.5±3.1, izlem süreleri 6.1±2.2 gündü. Hastalarımızın başvuru esnasında C-reaktif protein değeri 3.2±4.4 mg/dl, beyaz küre değerleri 13626.9±3369.7/mm3 idi. Otuzdördüncü gebelik haftasından küçük 66 hastaya (70.2%) fetal akciğer maturasyonu amacıyla steroid uygulandı. Ondört hastada (14.9%) 37,5 oC üzerinde ateş geliştiği gözlendi. Onüç hastada (13.8%) vaginal ve servikal kültürde üreme olduğu ve tamamında E.coli ürediği gözlendi. PEMR olgularında 51 hasta (54.3%) normal doğum ile 43 hasta (45.7%) ise sezaryenle doğurtuldu. Yenidoğanların 48 i (51,1%) gözleme, 46 sı (48.9%) yenidoğan yoğun bakıma alındı. Yoğun bakıma alınan 14 (14.9%) yenidoğanın postpartum 24 saat içinde ex olduğu, 5 (5.3%) yenidoğanın sepsis sonrası ex olduğu tespit edildi. Ex olan yenidoğanların ortalama gebelik haftaları (26.7 ±1.6) idi. Gestasyonel hafta arttıkça 1. dk (r = 0.660, p = 0.000) ve 5. dk (r = 0.695, p = 0.000) APGAR değerlerinin arttığı gözlendi. Sonuçlar: PEMR maternal-fetal morbidite ve mortaliteye yol açan ve hala güncelliğini koruyan bir obstetrik problemdir. Başvuran hastalar dikkatli bir şekilde değerlendirilmeli, tanı mutlaka kesinleştirilmeli, gebelik haftası ve enfeksiyon bulguları başta olmak üzere gebeliği komplike edebilecek tüm faktörler göz önünde bulundurularak hastaya özgü uygun tedavi yöntemi uygulanmalıdır. Bu olgular erişkin ve yenidoğan yoğun bakım servisi hizmetinin verildiği ileri merkezlerde takip ve tedavi edilmelidir. Abstract:Objective: To analyze maternal and fetal outcomes of PPROM (preterm premature rupture of membranes), which is an important and frequent cause of preterm birth, neonatal morbidity and mortality. Material and methods: In this study, 94 PPROM patients who had consulted to the Gynecology and Obstetrics Clinics of Dicle University Faculty of Medicine between January 2011 and December 2012 were analyzed retrospectively. Ages, number of gravidas, parities, miscarriages, living children, obstetrical histories, gestational weeks at childbirth, clinical findings, laboratory values, types of deliveries, indications of C-sections, fetal birth weights and fetal lengths and 1.-5. minuteAPGAR scores were assessed. Results: The incidence of PPROM was 3.8 % in our hospital. Mean gestational week at birth and follow-up period of our patients were 31.5±3.1 weeks and 6.1±2.2 days, respectively. Mean C-reactive protein value and White Blood Cell count of our patients on admission were 3.2±4.4 mg/dl and 13626.9±3369.7/mm3, respectively. Steroid therapy was given to 66 (70.2%) patients with gestational age of < 34 weeks so as to achieve fetal pulmonary maturation. Febrile episodes (> 37.5 oC) developed in 14 (14.9%) patients. Growth of E.coli strains was observed in vaginal and cervical cultures of 13 (13.8%) patients. Patients with PPROM were delivered via normal vaginal route (n=51; 54.3%) or cesarean section (n=43; 45.7%). Newborns were brought into observation room (n=48; 51.1%) or neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) (n=46; 48.9%). Fourteen (14.9%) newborns monitored in the NICU died within 24 hours after birth. Five (5.3%) newborns were lost because of sepsis. Mean gestational age of the deceased newborns at delivery was 26.7±1.6 weeks. One- and five minute -APGAR scores increased in parallel with longer gestational weeks of the newborns at birth (r=0.660, p=0.000 and r=0.695, p=0.000, respectively) Conclusion: PPROM is still considered as a prevalent obstetrical complication which leads maternal and/or fetal morbidity and mortality. The patients who seek medical care should be attentively assessed, definitive diagnosis should be absolutely established and patient-specific treatment should be instituted in consideration of all complicating factors of pregnancy predominantly gestational week and infectious manifestations. These cases should be monitored and treated in advanced centers which can provide healthcare services in their adult and neonatal intensive care units.
- Published
- 2013
10. Jinekolojik kanserli olguların retrospektif analizi: 11 yıllık deneyim
- Author
Turgut, Abdulkadir, Özler, Ali, Sak, Muhammet Erdal, Evsen, Mehmet Sıddık, Soydinç, Hatice Ender, Alabalık, Ulaş, Gül, Talip, Dicle Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi, Cerrahi Tıp Bilimleri Bölümü, Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum Ana Bilim Dalı, Turgut, Abdulkadir, Özler, Ali, Sak, Muhammet Erdal, Evsen, Mehmet Sıddık, Soydinç, Hatice Ender, Alabalık, Ulaş, and Gül, Talip
- Subjects
Over kanseri ,Cancer epidemiology ,Serviks kanseri ,Ovarian cancer ,Uterin kanser ,Uterine cancer ,Cervical cancer ,Kanser epidemiyolojisi - Abstract
Amaç: Hastanemizde izlenen jinekolojik kanserlerinin epidemiyolojik özellikleri hakkında fikir vermek amacıyla bu çalışmamızı planladık. Gereç ve yöntem: Çalışmamızda Dicle Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum Kliniğinde Ocak 2001 ile Kasım 2011 tarihleri arasında jinekolojik kanser ön tanısı ile ameliyat edilen 231 hasta geçmişe yönelik incelendi. Bulgular: 2001-2006 yılı ilk yarısı arası dönemi kapsa- yan ilk grup jinekolojik kanserler arasında en sık tanı ko- nan over kanserleridir. 2006 yılı ikinci yarısından 2011 yılı sonuna kadar olan dönemi kapsayan ikinci grupta ise en sık jinekolojik kanser yine over kanserleridir. Ancak en- dometrium kanseri oranında artış olduğu bulundu. Over kanserli hastaların büyük bölümünü ileri evreli olgular oluştururken, endometrium kanserli olguların büyük bö- lümünün ise evre 1 olgulardan oluştuğu bulundu. Ağrı şikâyeti ile başvuran Endemetrium kanserli 6 olgunun 4’ ünde hastalık ileri evrede tanınmıştır. Tüm dünyada ve özellikle de sosyoekonomik düzeyi düşük toplumlarda en sık jinekolojik kanser olan serviks kanseri bölgemizde sık- lık bakımından endometrium kanserinden sonra 3. sırada yer almıştır. Sonuç: Sonuç olarak, bölgemizde son yıllarda en sık ar- tış gösteren jinekolojik kanser endometrium kanseridir. Kötü beslenme, sosyoekonomik düzeyin yükselmesi gibi nedenlerle artan obezite sıklığı ile endometirum kanseri sıklığı artışı ilişkili olabilir. Özellikle over kanserli olguların erken evre de tanı konulabilmesi için sağlık çalışanları ve halk bilgilendirilmelidir. Objectives: We planned this study with the aim of obtaining knowledge about epidemiological characteristics of gyne- cological malignancies followed up in our hospital. Materials and methods: In our study we analyzed 231 patients that were operated with the appraisal diagnosis of gynecological cancer in Gynecology and Obstetrics Depart- ment of Dicle University Medical Faculty between the dates of 2001, January and 2011, November. Results: The mostly diagnosed gynecological malignancy was ovarian cancers among the gynecological cancers seen in the first group compassing the period between the year 2001 and the first half-term of the year 2006. In the second group compassing the period from the second half- term of the year 2006 to the end of the year 2011, ovarian cancers were again the most frequently seen gynecological cancers. On the other hand it was found that there was an increase in the percentage of endometrial cancers. While cases with advanced staged constituting the major part of the patients with ovarian cancer, it was seen that the major- ity of the patients with endometrium cancer were consisting of stage 1 cases. In the 4 of 6 cases having endometrium cancer and applying with the complaint of pain, the disease was noticed in the advanced stage. Being the most fre- quently seen gynecological cancer all over the world and especially in the societies with lower socio-economic sta- tus, the cervix cancer was taking place in the 3rd order after endometrium cancer in terms of frequency in our region. Conclusion: Consequently, in the recent years the gyne- cological cancer showing the most frequent increase was endometrium cancer in our region. The increase in the fre- quency of obesity, relating with the reasons like the improper nutrition behavior, the increase in the socio-economic sta- tus, may be associated with the increase in the frequency of endometrium cancer. The healthcare personals and the public body must be instructed to diagnose the gynecologi- cal cancer cases especially the ones having ovarian cancer in the early stage.
- Published
- 2012
11. Bilateral Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia: A Rare Case Report
- Author
AĞAÇAYAK, Elif, ÖZER, Mehmet, TURGUT, Abdulkadir, ÖZLER, Ali, and YAMAN TUNÇ, Senem
- Subjects
Bilateral congenital diaphragmatic hernia,Pulmonary,hypertension ,Health Care Sciences and Services ,Bilateralkonjenitaldiyafragmahernisi,Pulmoner,hipertansiyon ,Sağlık Bilimleri ve Hizmetleri - Abstract
Konjenital diyafragma hernisi nedeni bilinmeyen, oldukça nadir görülen bir doğumsal anomalidir. Diğer anomaliler ile ilişkisi ve farklı klinik desenleri ile çeşitli nedenleri olabileceğini düşündürmektedir. Konjenital diyafragma hernisi 2.500 canlı doğumda 1 görülür. Olguların% 85’inde defekt [1] sol taraflıdır. Konjenital diyafragma hernisi vakalarının çoğu sporadiktir. Aileselkonjenital diyafragma hernisi, tüm vakaların sadece % 2‘ sini [2] oluşturur, oldukça nadirdir. Bu konjenital anomali hemen hemen her zaman doğum öncesi ultrasonografik muayene ile tanınabilir. Tedavisi ile sonuçlar herninin derecesine göre değişkenlik gösterir. Bilateral konjenital diyafragma hernisi kötü prognozile, nadir bir doğumsal anomalidir. Biz sağ taraflı konjenital diyafragma hernisi operasyon sırasında keşfedilen bilateral konjenital diyafragma hernisi olgusu sunulmuştur. Diyafragmatik defekt onarıldı ve bir prolen örgü abdominal kompartman sendromu önlemek için karın yara yerleştirildi. Hasta yine de ameliyat sonrası ciddi pulmoner hipertansiyon nedeniyle öldü. Öncelikle olgu sınırlı sayıda olup bilateral konjenital diyafragma hernisi, son derece nadirdir. CDH hasta bakımı yenidoğan ve cerrahlar için çok zordur. Olgumuzu sunmamızın amacı özellikle bilateral konjenital diyafragma hernisi olan hastaların tedavi ve sonuçlarını değerlendirmektir., Congenital diaphragmatic hernia is a relatively rare birth defect with unknown etiology. Its association with other anomalies and distinct clinical patterns suggest that several causes may be involved. Congenital diaphragmatic hernia occurs in 1 in 2500 live births. In 85% of cases the defect is left-sided [ 1]. Most cases of congenital diaphragmatic herniaare sporadic and familial congenital diaphragmatic herniais rare, comprising only 2% of congenital diaphragmatic herniacases[2]. Thiscongenital anomaly can almost always be recognized with prenatal ultrasound screening. There is a high degree of variability in both treatment and outcomes. Bilateral congenital diaphragmatic hernia is a rare birth defect, with grim prognosis. We describe a case of bilateral congenital diaphragmatic hernia discovered while repartitioning right sided congenital diaphragmatic hernia. The diaphragmatic defect was repaired and a prolene mesh was placed on the abdominal wound to avoid abdominal compartment syndrome. The patient nonetheless died post operatively due to severe pulmonary hypertension. Bilateral congenital diaphragmatic hernia, priorly identified through a limited number of case reports, is extremely rare. The care of congenital diaphragmatic hernia patients is very difficult for neonatologists and surgeons. Our report particularly the management and outcome of patients with bilateral congenital diaphragmatic hernia.
- Published
- 2014
12. Can aquaporins be used as diagnostic and prognostic markers for uterine smooth muscle tumours?
- Author
Alabalık, Ulaş, primary, Türkcü, Gül, additional, Keleş, Ayşe Nur, additional, İbiloğlu, İbrahim, additional, Özler, Ali, additional, Urakçı, Zuhat, additional, and Büyükbayram, Hüseyin, additional
- Published
- 2016
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13. The role of hysterosalpingography in the evaluation of infertile women without risk factors for tubal pathology
- Author
Küllahçıoğlu, Mehmet İrfan, primary, Özler, Ali, additional, Sakar, Mehmet Nafi, additional, Balsak, Deniz, additional, and Gül, Talip, additional
- Published
- 2016
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14. Proliferatif, sekretuar ve hiperplazik endometrial dokuda leptin ekspresyonu
- Author
Özler, Ali, Kuşcu, Kemal, and Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum Ana Bilim Dalı
- Subjects
Leptin ,Pathology ,Obstetrics and Gynecology ,Endometrial hyperplasia ,Patoloji ,Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum - Abstract
Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı proliferasyon fazı ve sekresyon fazı endometrium dokularında leptin ekspresyonu varlığını araştırmak ve ek olarak hiperplastik endometrium dokularında normale göre leptin ekspresyonu açısından fark olup olmadığını ortaya koymaktır.Gereç ve Yöntem: Hastanemizde 2002-2007 yılları arasında tanı almış 17 adet proliferasyon fazında endometrium, 23 adet sekresyon fazında endometrium ve 18 adet endometrial hiperplazi dokusu ele alındı. Bu örnekler leptin ekspresyonu açısından immünohistokimyasal boyama yöntemi ile değerlendirildi. Boyanmanın yoğunluğu ve dağılımı göz önüne alınarak endometrial bezler ve yüzey epiteli için 0: negatif, 1: minimal boyanma, 2: hafif boyanma, 3: güçlü boyanma, stroma için 0: negatif, 1: hafif boyanma, 2: güçlü boyanma olarak kabul edildi.Bulgular: Leptin ekspresyonu açısından en az boyanma erken PFE dokularında gözlendi. Boyanma derecesi orta PFE örneklerinde erken PFE tanılı örneklere oranla daha yüksek, geç PFE dokularında ise en yüksek olarak gözlendi. Boyanma derecesi erken SFE dokularında belirgin olarak düşüktü. En yüksek boyanma derecesi ise geç SFE tanılı örneklerde izlendi. Adet döngüsü sürecinde endometrial leptin ekspresyonunun erken proliferasyon fazından itibaren arttığı, geç proliferasyon fazında en yüksek dereceye çıktığı ve ovulasyon ile belirgin olarak azaldığı bulundu. PFE, SFE ve EH tanılı örnekler arasında leptin ekspresyonu açısından istatiksel anlamda bir fark tespit edilmedi (P
- Published
- 2008
15. A rare and catastrophic finding of HELLP syndrome: subcapsular hematoma and/or hepatic rupture
- Author
Turgut, Abdulkadir, primary, Özler, Ali, additional, Başaranoğlu, Serdar, additional, Yaman Tunç, Senem, additional, Ağaçayak, Elif, additional, İçen, Mehmet Sait, additional, and Yalınkaya, Ahmet, additional
- Published
- 2014
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16. Retrospective analysis of deliveries with congenital anomalies at a tertiary center
- Author
Özler, Ali, primary, Başaranoğlu, Serdar, additional, Karaçor, Talip, additional, Yaman Tunç, Senem, additional, Yaman Tunç, Neval, additional, Palancı, Yılmaz, additional, Evsen, Mehmet Sıddık, additional, and Yalınkaya, Ahmet, additional
- Published
- 2014
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17. A life-threatening abdominal abscess secondary to forgotten placental tissue during cesarean section: A case report
- Author
Ağaçayak, Elif, primary, Özler, Ali, additional, Tunç, Senem Yaman, additional, Turgut, Abdulkadir, additional, Bozkurt, Fatma, additional, and Fındık, Mehmet Fatih, additional
- Published
- 2013
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18. Long-term changes in sexual functions following complicated pregnancies and deliveries
- Author
Özler, Ali, primary, Evsen, Mehmet Sıddık, additional, Em, Pınar, additional, Turgut, Abdulkadir, additional, Başaranoğlu, Serdar, additional, Bez, Yasin, additional, Yalınkaya, Ahmet, additional, and Gül, Talip, additional
- Published
- 2013
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19. Can aquaporins be used as diagnostic and prognostic markers for uterine smooth muscle tumours?
- Author
Alabalık, Ulaş, Türkcü, Gül, Keleş, Ayşe Nur, İbiloğlu, İbrahim, Özler, Ali, Urakçı, Zuhat, and Büyükbayram, Hüseyin
- Subjects
AQUAPORINS ,GENETIC markers ,SMOOTH muscle tumors ,LEIOMYOSARCOMA ,UTERINE cancer ,GENE expression ,DIAGNOSTIC immunohistochemistry ,GENETICS ,PROGNOSIS ,DIAGNOSIS - Abstract
Generally, uterine leiomyosarcoma is easily diagnosed. However, uterine smooth muscle tumours which show atypical histological features and unusual growth patterns may mimic malignancy and may not be easily diagnosed. In this study, our aim is to show the expressions of Aquaporin3, Aquaporin7 and Aquaporin9 in uterine smooth muscle tumours, and to investigate if aquaglyceroporins can be used as diagnostic and prognostic markers to start rapidly an appropriate treatment for patients with these tumours in order to extend the survival time. We determined that there had been 74 patients diagnosed with uterine smooth muscle tumours. We divided patients into four groups based on the diagnosis: bizarre leiomyoma, smooth muscle tumour of uncertain malignant potential, leiomyosarcoma and leiomyoma. Aquaporin3, Aquaporin7 and Aquaporin9 were detected by using monoclonal anti-Aquaporin3, anti-Aquaporin7 and anti-Aquaporin9 antibodies, respectively. In leiomyosarcoma group, we observed a statistically significant relation of Aquaporin3 expression with survival time, grade, stage, mitotic index and Ki-67 score. A significant relation of both Aquaporin7 and Aquaporin9 expressions with survival time, grade, stage was not statistically detected in leiomyosarcoma group. The decrease of Aquaporin3 expression can be used as important diagnostic and prognostic marker. Aquaporin7 and Aquaporin9 expressions cannot be used as diagnostic and prognostic markers. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2017
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20. Misoprostol-induced termination of secondtrimester pregnancy in women with a history of cesarean section: A retrospective analysis of 56 cases
- Author
Karaçor, Talip, primary, Yalınkaya, Ahmet, additional, Görük, Neval, additional, Özler, Ali, additional, and Turgut, Abdulkadir, additional
- Published
- 2013
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21. Prolidase, Matrix Metalloproteinases 1 and 13 Activity, Oxidative-Antioxidative Status as a Marker of Preterm Premature Rupture of Membranes and Chorioamnionitis in Maternal Vaginal Washing Fluids
- Author
Soydinc, Hatice Ender, primary, Sak, Muhammet Erdal, additional, Evliyaoglu, Osman, additional, Evsen, Mehmet Sıddık, additional, Turgut, Abdulkadir, additional, Özler, Ali, additional, Yıldız, İsmail, additional, and Gul, Talip, additional
- Published
- 2013
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22. Retrospective Analysis of the patients with gynecological cancer: 11-Year Experience
- Author
Turgut, Abdulkadir, primary, Özler, Ali, additional, Sak, Muhammet Erdal, additional, Evsen, Mehmet Sıddık, additional, Soydinç, Hatice Ender, additional, and Başaranoğlu, Serdar, additional
- Published
- 2012
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- Author
Turgut, Abdulkadir, Özler, Ali, Goruk, Neval Yaman, Tunç, Senem Yaman, Başaranoğlu, Serdar, and Yalınkaya, Ahmet
- Abstract
Aim: To examine the characteristics, management and outcomes of cesarean scar pregnancies at a single tertiary obstetric centre over a three-year period. Method: A retrospective study was performed on 8 cases of cesarean scar pregnancy identified between January 2009 and June 2012 from the medical files. Results: The mean gestational age was 58.2 days (35-120). The average time for β-hCG levels to return to normal values after treatment for cesarean scar pregnancy was 3.4 weeks (2-6). The mean number of previous cesarean sections was 1.9 (1-4) and the mean interval time after the last cesarean section was 20 months (10-48). Laparotomy with excision of the sac and primary repair (n=5) and methotrexate (n=3) were the modalities of management. Conclusion: Cesarean scar pregnancy is a potentially life-threatening complication of pregnancy that constitutes a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. Decision on treatment modality should be determined on individualized basis depending on factors such as gestational age, β-hCG levels, fetal cardiac activity, desire of future fertility and the experience and facilities available. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2015
24. HELLP sendromunun nadir görülen katastrofik bir bulgusu: Subkapsüler hematom ve/veya hepatik rüptür.
- Author
Turgut, Abdulkadir, Özler, Ali, Baflaranoğlu, Serdar, Tunç, Senem Yaman, Ağaçayak, Elif, İçen, Mehmet Sait, and Yalınkaya, Ahmet
- Abstract
Objective: It was aimed to present cases which developed subcapsular hematoma and/or hepatic rupture associated with hemolysis, increased liver enzymes and thrombocytopenia (HELLP) syndrome in a tertiary center. Methods: The data of patients who applied to the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, Dicle University between January 1995 and December 2012 and whose laboratory parameters were compatible with the diagnosis criteria of HELLP syndrome (platelet count <100 billion/L, aspartate aminotransferase >70 unit/L, lactate dehydrogenase >600 unit/L) were evaluated retrospectively. Patients whose clinical symptoms and radiological view were in favor of subcapsular hematoma and/or hepatic rupture were included in the study. Demographic data of patients such as age, gravida and parity, weeks of gestation, antenatal care history, laboratory parameters (full blood, biochemistry), gynecologic and obstetric histories, systolic-diastolic blood pressures, delivery types, postoperative complications, diagnostic imaging finding, medical and surgical treatments applied and similar data were provided from archive files and electronic database of the hospital. Results: It was found out that 53,217 deliveries were carried out at our clinic during the study (1995-2012). It was seen that there were 6637 (12.47%) deliveries due to pregnancy-induced hypertensive diseases, and among them, 5412 (10.17%) deliveries were preeclampsia, 347 (0.65%) deliveries were eclampsia and 878 (1.65%) deliveries were carried out due to the indication of HELLP syndrome. While the incidence of subcapsular hematoma and/or hepatic rupture in all deliveries was 0.015% (8/53.217), this rate was found 0.91% among the pregnants with HELLP syndrome. Four (50%) of the patients included in our series died. Two of them were reported to die due to intraoperative bleeding after hepatic rupture, and other two cases due to disseminated intravascular coagulation. Conclusion: Subcapsular hematoma and/or hepatic rupture is a lifethreatening catastrophic complication. Life-saving surgical and medical treatment support may be provided such patients with an early diagnosis and multidisciplinary approach in the tertiary centers where they are provided healthcare. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2014
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25. Sezaryen sırasında unutulmuş plasental dokuya sekonder gelişen ve hayatı tehdit eden abdominal apse: Olgu sunumu.
- Author
Ağaçayak, Elif, Özler, Ali, Tunç, Senem Yaman, Turgut, Abdulkadir, and Bozkurt, Fatma
- Subjects
- *
CESAREAN section , *ANTI-infective agents , *STERILIZATION (Disinfection) , *PREGNANCY , *OBSTETRICS - Abstract
Techniques for cesarean delivery, reliable anesthesia, blood products and antibiotics has led to the expansion of indications for cesarean birth. Nowadays, to be comfortable in anesthesia, medicine and materials used in, severe sterilization techniques, advances in surgery and postoperative care were reduced mortality and morbidity. However; caesarean section still include infection, bleeding, need for transfusion, thromboembolic risks of a longer stay in the hospital, later to be healing, but rather risks, such as the withdrawal of the pain continues. Postpartum hemorrhage inside the remaining placentas compared to normal primary complaint is that too much. At the same time ultrasonographic examination of the uterine involution does not occur, the uterus larger than normally. The aim of this case report, and the absence of postoperative bleeding, complete involution of the uterus that have not been diagnosed, and threatened her life was to present a case which is characterized by abdominal abscess. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2013
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26. Emergency peripartum hysterectomy: our experiences with 189 cases.
- Author
Turgut, Abdulkadir, Erdal Sak, Muhammed, Özler, Ali, Ender Soydinç, Hatice, Yaman Görük, Neval, Karaçor, Talip, and Yalınkaya, Ahmet
- Subjects
HYSTERECTOMY complications ,HYSTERECTOMY ,VAGINAL hysterectomy ,MOTHERS ,EMERGENCY medical services ,PREOPERATIVE risk factors ,DISEASES - Abstract
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- Published
- 2013
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27. The evaluation of diagnostic and clinical findings in grand multiparous patients with endometrial cancer.
- Author
Özler, Ali, Turgut, Abdulkadir, Ağaçayak, Elif, İçen, Mehmet Sait, Alabalık, Ulaş, Başaranoğlu, Serdar, Peker, Nurullah, and Gül, Talip
- Subjects
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CANCER risk factors , *PREGNANCY , *ADENOCARCINOMA , *FISHER exact test ,DIAGNOSIS of endometrial cancer - Abstract
Objective: The aim of the present study is to evaluate differences in diagnostic and clinical characteristics of the grand multiparous patients with endometrial cancer comparing with the other patients with endometrial cancer. Methods: A total of 34 patients that operated for endometrial cancer between January 2006 and August 2012 in our clinic were included. The patients were divided into three groups according to the number of births; group 1 (nulliparous patients, n=8), group 2 (the number of delivery from one to four, n=12), group 3 (grand multiparous patients, n=12). The diagnostic, clinical and histopathological data of the patients in the group 3 (grand multiparous patients) were compared with those of the other groups. Results: The mean age of the patients in group 3 (grand multipara) was found to be significantly higher than those of the other groups (p<0.05). There was no significant difference in the depth of myometrial invasion of the tumor between all groups (p>0.05). The percentages of patients with the tumor stage 1A in the groups 1, 2 and 3 were found to be 75%, 64.2% and 83.3%, respectively. All of the grand multiparous patients (group 3) were found to have stage 1 tumor. Conclusion: In conclusion, grand multiparous patients were diagnosed at advanced age but their diseases were endometrioid type endometrial cancer at an early stage. The protective effect of pregnancies against endometrial cancer decreases at advanced age. The period of time after last birth may be a factor on the risk of endometrial cancer. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2013
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28. Increased psychological trauma and decreased desire to have children after a complicated pregnancy.
- Author
Tan, Pınar, Evsen, Mehmet Sıddık, Soydinç, Hatice Ender, Sak, Muhammet Erdal, Özler, Ali, Turgut, Abdulkadir, Bez, Yasin, and Gül, Talip
- Subjects
ANXIETY ,CHILDBIRTH ,MENTAL depression ,FEAR ,LONGITUDINAL method ,POST-traumatic stress disorder ,PREGNANCY complications ,QUESTIONNAIRES ,WOUNDS & injuries - Abstract
Copyright of Journal of the Turkish-German Gynecological Association is the property of Galenos Yayinevi Tic. LTD. STI and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2013
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29. Platelet profile in patients with gestational diabetes: a retrospective study.
- Author
Sak, Muhammet Erdal, Soydinç, Hatice Ender, Özler, Ali, Evsen, Mehmet Sıddık, Turgut, Abdülkadir, Sak, Sibel, and Gül, Talip
- Subjects
BLOOD platelets ,GESTATIONAL diabetes ,NONPARAMETRIC statistics ,STATISTICS ,T-test (Statistics) ,U-statistics ,DATA analysis ,RETROSPECTIVE studies ,DATA analysis software - Abstract
Copyright of Journal of the Turkish-German Gynecological Association is the property of Galenos Yayinevi Tic. LTD. STI and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2012
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30. Maternal plasma prolidase, matrix metalloproteinases 1 and 13, and oxidative stress levels in pregnancies complicated by preterm premature rupture of the membranes and chorioamnionitis.
- Author
Soydinç, Hatice Ender, Sak, Muhammet Erdal, Evliyaoğlu, Osman, Evsen, Mehmet Sıddık, Turgut, Abdulkadir, Özler, Ali, Tay, Hayrettin, and Gül, Talip
- Subjects
BIOMARKERS ,ENZYMES ,FETAL diseases ,METALLOPROTEINS ,PREGNANCY complications ,RESEARCH funding ,OXIDATIVE stress ,CASE-control method - Abstract
Copyright of Journal of the Turkish-German Gynecological Association is the property of Galenos Yayinevi Tic. LTD. STI and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2012
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31. Gebeliğe bağlı intrahepatik kolestaz olgularında trombosit sayı ve fonksiyonunun değerlendirilmesi.
- Author
Evsen, Mehmet Sıddık, Soydinç, Hatice Ender, Özler, Ali, Başaranoğlu, Serdar, Karaçor, Talip, Yalınkaya, Ahmet, Uçmak, Derya, and Kaya, Muhsin
- Subjects
NEWBORN screening ,CHOLESTASIS ,INFLAMMATION ,BLOOD platelets ,DISEASE risk factors - Abstract
Copyright of Perinatal Journal / Perinatoloji Dergisi is the property of Deomed Publishing and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2012
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32. Kronik immün trombositopenik purpuralı gebelerde maternal ve fetal sonuçlarının retrospektif analizi.
- Author
Soydinç, Hatice Ender, Sak, Muhammet Erdal, Evsen, Mehmet Sıddık, Özler, Ali, Turgut, Abdülkadir, Başaranoğlu, Serdar, and Gül, Talip
- Subjects
HEALTH outcome assessment ,EVALUATION of medical care ,THROMBOCYTOPENIA ,GESTATIONAL age ,PREMATURE labor - Abstract
Copyright of Perinatal Journal / Perinatoloji Dergisi is the property of Deomed Publishing and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2012
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33. Leptin expression in proliferative, secretory and hyperplastic endometrial tissues.
- Author
Özler, Ali, KuŞçu, Naci Kemal, Temiz, Peyker, Kandiloğlu, Ali Rıza, and Koyuncu, Faik Mümtaz
- Subjects
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Objective: The goal of this study was to detect endometrial leptin expression in proliferative and secretory phases and then to compare the results with that of hyperplastic endometrium. Material and Methods: Seventeen proliferative, 23 secretory phase and 18 hyperplastic endometrial tissues diagnosed in our hospital between 2002 and 2007 were included in the study. These samples were stained with leptin antibody using an immunohistochemical method. Endometrial glandular and surface epithelium and stroma were evaluated for staining distribution and intensity. Conclusion: Staining intensity seen in early proliferative phase samples (2.33±0.51) increased significantly throughout the middle (2.40±0.54) and late phases (2.83±0.40) (p<0.05). Early secretory phase samples had the least staining intensity (1.42±0.53), while it increased significantly in later periods (2.38±0.51) (p<0.05). There was no difference in staining intensity among proliferative, secretory and hyperplastic tissues (p>0.05). Conclusion: Although endometrial leptin expression was observed in a differential manner throughout the whole menstrual period, no difference was seen in endometrial hyperplasia. We consider that leptin does not play a role in hyperplastic transformation of the endometrium. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2011
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34. Gebeliğin akut yağlı karaciğer hastalığı ile karışan akut viral Hepatit A olgusu.
- Author
Turgut, Abdulkadir, Özler, Ali, Görük, Neval Yaman, Tunç, Senem Yaman, Peker, Nurullah, and Tekin, Recep
- Subjects
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VIRAL hepatitis , *FATTY liver , *PREGNANCY complications , *LIVER function tests , *HEPATITIS A - Abstract
Acute hepatitis A is a rarely seen infection during pregnancy. In terms of clinical and laboratory findings, it can be interfere with acute fatty liver disease which can be quite mortal during pregnancy. Since liver function tests are elevated in both conditions, hepatitis A infection should also be kept in mind in differential diagnosis. We present a 30 year-old pregnant woman with 35 weeks of gestation who presented to our clinic with a suspection of acute fatty liver disease but finally diagnosed as acute hepatitis A infection. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2013
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35. Pelvik Aktinomikoz.
- Author
Özler, Ali, Yaldız, Sadi, Cinbiş, İsmail Oğuz, and Düzcan, S. Ender
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PELVIC bones , *ACTINOMYCOSIS , *OVARIAN diseases , *INTRAUTERINE contraceptives , *HISTOLOGY - Abstract
Actinomiches is a patogen for pelvis while it is a member of normal oropharingeal flora. Pelvic actinomycosis is a very rare form of actinomycosis with only 3% of all actinomycosis cases. Actinomycosis becomes a solid mass which is stuck to surrounding organs with perioverian chronic granulomatous reaction, and it is commonly confused with malignancy. In present study, we reported a case with pelvic actinomycosis that was operated for differential diagnosis of a mass lesion in over and diagnosed by post-operative histological examiantion. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2011
36. Karın duvarı endometriozisi: Olgu sunumu.
- Author
Özler, Ali, Yaldız, Şadi, and Değirmencioğlu, A. İhsan
- Subjects
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ENDOMETRIOSIS , *CESAREAN section , *MAGNETIC resonance imaging ,ABDOMINAL wall abnormalities - Abstract
A woman aged 34 years, with a history of Caesarean section seven years ago, were admitted with an enlarging, painful mass located 6-7 centimeters above the Phannenstiel incision in the midline of abdominal wall. The cyclical nature of pain, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and sonographic features of the lesion led to the diagnosis of abdominal wall endometriosis. Total excision and histopathologic examination of the specimen confirmed endometriosis. Endometriosis should be kept in mind in the differential diagnosis of abdominal wall masses. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2010
37. Meckel-Gruber Sendromu: Dokuz olgu sunumu ve literatürün incelenmesi.
- Author
Ağaçayak, Elif, Turgut, Abdulkadir, Tunç, Senem Yaman, and Özler, Ali
- Subjects
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GENETIC disorder diagnosis , *SYNDROMES , *GENETIC testing , *FETAL abnormalities , *DISEASES in women - Abstract
Objective: The Meckel-Gruber syndrome is an autosomal recessive lethal syndrome which characterized by systemic malformations. Nine patients observed at six months period in our region that consanguineous marriage are common. We aim to present this rare syndrome with current literature knowledge. Methods: We presented that prenatally diagnosed with Meckel-Gruber syndrome of nine fetus in Dicle University Faculty of Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology Department between January 2013 and June 2013. Results: The rate of Meckel Gruber Syndrome was found as 1/3500 in our region in one year. Conclusion: Our result showed that consanguineous marriages might be an important factor leading to increase rate of Meckel-Gruber syndrome. Families having these patients should be offered genetic screening for possible recurrences. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2013
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38. The evaluation of hysterosalpingography results of patients with risk factors and without risk factors in term of tubal infertility
- Author
Külahçıoğlu, Mehmet İrfan, Özler, Ali, Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum Anabilim Dalı, Dicle Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi, Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum Anabilim Dalı, and Külahçıoğlu, Mehmet İrfan
- Subjects
Fallop tüpleri ,Fallop tüpü hastalıkları ,Fallopian tubes ,Fallopian tube diseases ,Kısırlık ,Risk factors ,Histerosalpingografi ,Infertility ,Obstetrics and Gynecology ,Risk faktörleri ,Hysterosalpingography ,Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum - Abstract
İnfertilite korunmasız düzenli cinsel ilişkiye rağmen bir yıl boyunca gebe kalamama durumudur. İnfertilite reprodüktif dönemdeki çiftlerin yaklaşık %10-15 `ini etkiler. Bu çalışmamıza Mayıs 2011-Kasım 2011 tarihleri arasında Dicle Üniversitesi Kadın Hastalıkları Ve Doğum Anabilim Dalı jinekoloji polikliniğine çocuk sahibi olamama şikayetiyle başvurup infertilite tanısı alan ve sadece tubal patensinin değerlendirilmesi için HSG planlanan 174 olguyu dahil ettik ve bu olguları tubal obstrüksiyon için her hangi bir risk faktörünü taşıyanlar ve taşımayanlar olmak üzere iki gruba ayırdık. Grup 1(n:47) risk faktörü taşıyan, Grup 2(n:127) risk faktörü taşımayan hastalardan oluşturuldu. Risk faktörü taşıyan (Grup 1) ve risk faktörü taşımayan (Grup 2) olguları yaş ortalaması, ortalama evlilik süresi ve ortalama infertilite süresi açısından değerlendirdiğimizde iki grup arasında belirgin farklılık yoktu. HSG sonuçlarından, infertilite açısından standart ilk değerlendirme sonrası başlayacağımız tedaviye en önemli katkıyı tespit edilen iki taraflı tubal obstrüksiyon sunar. Risk faktörü taşıyan grupta HSG de bilateral tubal obstrüksiyon oranı, risk faktörü taşımayan gruba göre anlamlı şekilde fazlaydı. Ayrıca risk faktörü taşımayan olguların % 92, 9' da her hangi bir tubasından geçiş tespit edildi ve HSG sonucu tedavi şeklimizi değiştirmedi. İnfertilite tanılı olgular öykü, jinekolojik muayene ve vajinal ultrasonografi ile dikkatli değerlendirilir ve tubal patoloji için yüksek risk grubu oluşturulursa, bu olgular için HSG anlamlı sonuçlar verecektir. Her hangi bir tubal risk faktörü taşımayan olgular ise anlamlı katkıyı sağlamayan, ağrılı ve radyasyon tehlikesi göz ardı edilemeyen HSG işleminden korunmuş olacaktır. Infertility is the inability of a couple to become pregnant after 1 year of unprotected sexual intercourse. Infertility affects 10-15% of couples in reproductive age. In our study we examined 174 patients whom apply to Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Dicle University between May 2011-November 2011 with the complaint of inability to become pregnant and we planned HSG for only evaluation of tubal patency. We seperated the cases in two groups; group with risk factors, group without risk factors. Group 1 (n:47) was group with risk factors. Group 2 (n:127) was group without risk factors. There was no difference in terms of average age, average duration of marriage, average duration of infertility between two groups. The most important HSG result is bilateral tubal obstruction for starting the treatment of patient. Bilateral tubal obstruction ratio was significantly higher in group with risk factors. Tubal patency in HSG was %92,9 in group without risk factors. This result did not change our treatment type. We should evaluate infertile patients by using infertility history, gynecological examination, vaginal ultrasound and if they have risk factors HSG will be useful for these cases. The patients without risk factors will be protected from HSG that cause pain and spread radiation 45
- Published
- 2012
39. Effects of adnexal torsion on the Fallopian tube in rats: a histologic and immunohistochemical study.
- Author
Tunç SY, Ağaçayak E, Yaman NS, Deveci E, Kalkanlı S, and Özler A
- Subjects
- Animals, Fallopian Tubes metabolism, Female, Ischemia metabolism, Ovarian Diseases drug therapy, Rats, Reperfusion methods, Fallopian Tubes physiopathology, Ischemia physiopathology, Ovarian Diseases physiopathology
- Abstract
Objective: To investigate histopathological and immunohistochemical changes in the Fallopian tube structure following ovarian torsion., Study Design: Thirty fertile, female, adult Wistar albino rats, weighing 200-220 g, were randomly divided into 3 equal groups (n = 10): sham, torsion, and detorsion. In the torsion and detorsion groups, bilateral adnexal torsion (3-hour ischemia) was carried out. Bilateral adnexal detorsion (3-hour reperfusion) was performed in the detorsion group. Fallopian tube sections were stained hematoxylin and eosin, periodic acid-Schiff, Mallory-Azan and immunohistochemically-stained desmin, α smooth actin, and CD68 antibodies., Results: In the sections of the ischemic group, degeneration of epithelium, loss of cilia, dilation of blood vessels, and hemorrhages were observed. Image analysis of the studied Fallopian section revealed a significant decrease in density of desmin in the torsion group. Moreover, strong positive cytoplasmic CD68 expression was observed in the torsion group., Conclusion: The use of effective antiinflammatory treatments may contribute to the conservative surgery in preservation of ovarian reserve and tubal structure.
- Published
- 2014
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