6 results on '"ÖNAL, Haydar Kazım"'
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2. Malign karotis cismi tümörü: Olgu sunumu
- Author
UĞUZ, M. Zafer, ARSLANOĞLU, Seçil, ÖNAL, Haydar Kazım, and GÖKÇE, Hünkar
- Subjects
Carotid body tumor/diagnosis/pathology/therapy,paraganglioma,extraadrenal/diagnosis/pathology/ theraphy,embolization,therapeutic ,Karotis cisim tümörü/tanı/patoloji/tedavi,paragangliom,adrenal dışı/tanı/patoloji/tedavi,embolizasyon,tedavi edici - Abstract
Malign karotis cismi tümörleri, karotis bifurkasyonun- daki kemoreseptörlerden kaynaklanan nadir görülen neoplazmlardır. Boyunda kitle şikayeti ile başvuran 61 yaşında erkek hasta malign karotis cismi tümörü tanı- sı aldı. Eşlik eden lenf nodları ile birlikte kitle çıkarıldı. Ameliyat sonrası izlemde tümör nüksü ya da uzak metastaz gözlenmedi, Malignant carotid body tumors are rare neoplasms which originate from the chemoreceptor cells at the carotid bifurcation. A 61-year old man presented with a neck mass which was diagnosed as malignant carotid body tumor. Surgical resection of the mass with accompanying lymph nodes was performed. No evidence of local recurrence or distant metastasis were detected during the follow-up period.
3. Larenks kanseri ve larengosel birlikteliği: Radyolojik ve patolojik araştırma
- Author
UĞUZ, M. Zafer, ÖNAL, Haydar Kazım, KARAGÖZ, Saliha, GÖKÇE, Hünkar, and FIRAT, Uğur
- Subjects
Carcinoma,squamous cell/radiography/ surgery,dilatation,pathologic,hemia/radiography/surgery,hoarseness/etiology,laryngeal neoplasms/complications/ surgery,larynx/abnormalities,tomography,x-ray computed ,Karsinom,skuamöz hücreli/radyografi/cerrahi,dilatasyon,patolojik,herni/radyografi/cerrahi,ses kısıklığı/etyoloji,larenjeal neoplazmlar/komplikasyon/cerrahi,larenks/anormallik,bilgisayarlı tomografi - Abstract
Amaç: Larenks kanserli hastalarda ve normal kiflilerde larengosel sıklığını arafltırmak, boyunda lenfnodu metastazı üzerinde ve tiroit kıkırdak invazyonunda larengoselin etkinliğini belirlemek.Hastalar ve Yöntemler: Larenks kanseri tanısıylaameliyat edilen 52 hastada ameliyat öncesinde bilgisayarlı tomografi ile BT larengosel varlığı arafltırıldıve çıkarılan larenks örneklerinin histopatolojik incelemesi yapıldı. Ayrıca, boyunda lenf nodu metastazıve tiroit kıkırdak invazyonu arafltırıldı. Larenksindepatoloji bulunmayan 50 kiflide BT ile larengosel varlığı arafltırıldı.B u l g u l a r : Histopatolojik incelemede 17 olguda %32.7 , bilgisayarlı tomografi ile 16 olguda %30.7 larengosel saptandı. Kontrol grubunda üç olguda %6 larengosel bulundu. Histopatolojik incelemedelarengosel saptanan olguların %47’sinde lenf nodunda metastaz, %23.5’inde tiroit kıkırdak tutulumusaptandı; larengosel saptanmayan olgularda ise lenfnodu metastazı ve tiroit kıkırdak tutulumu her bir durum için %22.8 bulundu p>0.05 .Sonuç: Larenks kanseri ile larengosel arasında gözlenen birliktelik, boyun BT’sinde asemptomatik larengosel saptanan hastalarda larenks kanseri açısından daha dikkatli olunmasını gerektirmektedir, Objectives: We investigated the incidence of laryngo cele in patients with laryngeal cancer and in healthy Controls and evaluated the role of laryngocele in neck metastasis and thyroid cartilage invasion.Patients and Methods: The incidence of laryngo cele was investigated by computed tomography CT preoperatively in 52 patients 49 men, 3 women; mean age 56 years; range 36 to 79 years with laryngeal cancer. The findings were compared with those of histopathologic studies; moreover, neck metastasis and thyroid cartilage invasion were sought. İn addition, the incidence of laryngocele was examined in 50 normal Controls.Results: Histopathologic examination showed laryngo cele in 17 patients 32.7% . The incidence of laryngo cele by CT was 30.7% n=16 . Computed tomography showed laryngocele in three cases 6% . Of patients with laryngocele, lymph node metastasis and thyroid cartilage invasion were detected histopathologically in 47% and 23.5%, respectively, whereas lymph node metastasis and thyroid cartilage invasion were found in 22.8% of patients without laryngocele p>0.05 .Conclusion: The association between laryngeal cancer and laryngocele requires a detailed evalua tion for laryngeal carcinoma in patients in whom an asymptomatic laryngocele had been detected by CT.
4. Parotis kitlelerinde ince iğne aspirasyon biyopsisinin duyarlılık ve özgüllüğü
- Author
UĞUZ, M. Zafer, ÖNAL, Haydar Kazım, ÖZGER EROĞLU, Özlem, and ETİT, Demet
- Subjects
Biopsy,needle,parotid neoplasms/pathology,sensitivity and specificity ,İğne biyopsisi,parotis neoplazileri/patoloji,duyarlılık ve özgüllük - Abstract
Amaç: Parotiste kitle saptanan hastalarda ince iğneaspirasyon biyopsisinin İİAB tanısal duyarlılık veözgüllüğü değerlendirildi.Hastalar ve Yöntemler: Çalışmaya parotiste kitlenedeniyle İİAB ve parotidektomi uygulanan 29 hastaalındı. Tüm hastalarda ayrıntılı öykü alındıktansonra, kulak burun boğaz ve sistemik muayeneleryapıldı. Boyun ultrasonografisi ve gerektiğinde boyun bilgisayarlı tomografisinden yararlanıldı. Ameliyat öncesinde tüm hastalara İİAB yapıldı. Yirmi hastaya yüzeyel, dokuz hastaya total parotidektomi uygulandı. Bulgular: İnce iğne aspirasyon biyopsisi sonuçları 21hastada %72.4 benign, altı hastada %20.7 malign,iki hastada %6.9 kuşkulu olarak bildirildi. Ameliyatsonrası patoloji sonuçları 17 hastada %58.6 benign,12 hastada %41.4 malign idi. Parotis kitlelerinin değerlendirilmesinde İİAB’nin duyarlılığı %54.6, özgüllüğü %100 bulundu. Ameliyat sonrası patoloji sonuçlarına göre en sık rastlanan tümörler pleomorfik adenom n=7, %24.1 , mukoepidermoid karsinom n=4, %13.8 ve Warthin tümörü n=3, %10.3 idi.Sonuç: Parotis kitlelelerinde ameliyat öncesi İİAB yapılması cerrahi planlamada önemli bir role sahiptir, Objectives: We aimed to determine the sensitivity and specificity of fine needle aspiration biopsy FNAB in patients with parotid masses.Patients and Methods: The study included 29patients 15 males, 14 females; mean age 52 years; range 20 to 83 years who underwent FNAB and parotidectomy for parotid masses. After a detailed history taking, otorhinolaryngologic and systemic examinations were performed. Neck ultrasonogra- phy and, when needed, neck computed tomography were used. Superficial parotidectomy was per formed in 20 patients and total parotidectomy in nine patients.Results: The results of FNAB were reported as benign in 21 patients 72.4% , malignant in six patients 20.7% , and suspicious in two patients 6.9% . Postoperative histopathologic diagnoses were reported as benign in 17 patients 58.6% and malignant in 12 patients 41.4% .The sensitivity and specificity rates for FNAB were 54.6% and 100%, respectively. The most common histopathological diagnosis was pleomorphic adenoma n=7, 24.1% , followed by mucoepidermoid carcinoma n=4,13.8% , and VVarthin’s tumor n=3, 10.3% .Conclusion: Preoperative FNAB for parotid masses plays an important role in planning surgery.
5. İnverted papillomlu dört olgunun sunumu
- Author
UĞUZ, M. Zafer, ÖNAL, Haydar Kazım, GÖKÇE, Hünkar, DENİZ, Ali, and TUNAKAN, Mine
- Subjects
Airway obstruction/etiology,carcinoma,squamous cell,epistaxis/etiology,maxillary sinüs,nasal polyps/complications,nasal septum,papilloma/pathology/surgery,paranasal sinuses/pathology ,Havayolu tıkanıklığı/etyoloji,karsinom,skuamöz hücreli,epistaksiz/etyoloji,maksiller sinüs,nazalpolip/komplikasyon,nazal septum,papillom/patoloji/cerrahi,paranazal sinüsler/patoloji - Abstract
İnverted papillom nazal kavite ve paranazal sinüsle- rin benign neoplastik bir lezyonudur. Literatürde ag- resif davranıflı ve maligniteye dönüflümü vurgulan- mıfltır. Bu yazıda yaflları 45-68 arasında değiflen bi- ri erkek dört hastada karflılaflılan inverted papillom sunuldu. Bu olguları, hem genifl bir görüfl avantajı, hem de radikal bir çıkarım sağlayan, aynı zamanda yüzde en az skar bırakan degloving yöntemini kulla- narak ameliyat ettik. Takibe düzenli gelen olgularda ameliyat sonrası dönemde nüks gözlemedik. Burun poliplerinde histopatolojik incelemenin ihmal edilme- mesi gerekir, İnverted papilloma is a benign lesion of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses. Its aggressiveness and association with malignancy have been emphasized in the literatüre. İn this paper, four patients 3 females, 1 male with inverted papilloma are presented. Their ages ranged between 45 and 68 years. Surgery was performed using the degloving method which enables a wide exposure and radical resection with minimal scar on the face. No recurrences were detected in the postoperative period in patients with regular Controls.The importance of postoperative histopathologic exam- ination is addressed with a review of the literatüre.
6. [Repair of incus long arm defects by hydroxyapatite bone cement].
- Author
Olgun Y, Pınar E, İmre A, Önal HK, Aslan H, and Ateş D
- Subjects
- Adolescent, Adult, Bone Conduction physiology, Female, Follow-Up Studies, Hearing Loss, Conductive surgery, Humans, Male, Mastoid surgery, Middle Aged, Ossicular Replacement methods, Plastic Surgery Procedures methods, Retrospective Studies, Stapes Surgery methods, Treatment Outcome, Tympanoplasty methods, Wound Healing physiology, Young Adult, Bone Cements therapeutic use, Ear Diseases surgery, Hydroxyapatites therapeutic use, Incus surgery
- Abstract
Objectives: This study aims to evaluate our ossiculoplasty results using hydroxyapatite bone cement., Patients and Methods: Data of 29 patients (16 males, 13 females; mean age 28 years; range 17 to 57 years) who were performed ossiculoplasty using hydroxyapatite bone cement in İzmir Katip Çelebi University Atatürk Training and Research Hospital Department of Otorhinolaryngology between January 2010 and December 2013 were retrospectively evaluated. Of the 29 operated patients, bone cement was administered in 23 patients during tympanoplasty, in two patients during open technique tympanomastoidectomy, and in four patients during exploratory tympanotomy. Hydroxyapatite bone cement was only used to repair defects between incus and stapes no longer than one third of incus long arm length. Mean follow-up time was 6.5 months (range 2-32 months)., Results: Success of ossiculoplasty was evaluated by Belfast 15/30 dB rule of thumb. Preoperative air-bone gap was 45.1 dB (range 35-55) and postoperative air-bone gap was 17.7 dB (range 6-40). Air-bone gap was below 10 dB in six patients, between 10-20 dB in 14 patients, between 20-30 dB in seven patients, and between 30-40 dB in two patients., Conclusion: Ossiculoplasty using hydroxyapatite bone cement is a safe and effective method for the repair of particularly small incus long arm defects.
- Published
- 2015
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