50 results on '"Çeçe, Hasan"'
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2. Impact of contrast enhanced MRI on lymphocyte DNA damage and serum visfatin level
- Author
Yildiz, Sema, Cece, Hasan, Kaya, Ihsan, Celik, Hakim, Taskin, Abdullah, Aksoy, Nurten, Kocyigit, Abdurrahim, and Eren, Mehmet A.
- Published
- 2011
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3. Pseudotumor Cerebri Secondary to Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis
- Author
Ayçiçek, Ali, Işcan, Akın, and Çeçe, Hasan
- Published
- 2009
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4. Moyamoya disease associated with antiphospholipid syndrome
- Author
ABUHANDAN, Mahmut, ÇALİK, Mustafa, ÇEÇE, Hasan, GÜZEL, Bülent, KATI, Mahmut, and İŞCAN, Akın
- Subjects
fungi ,Moyamoya,antiphospholipid syndrome,hemiparesis,convulsion ,Moyamoya,antifosfolipid sendrom,hemiparezi,konvülzyon - Abstract
Moyamoya (MMD) is a disease that often involves the vascular structures of anterior cerebral circulation, particularly the proximal segments of anterior and middle cerebral arteries. The etiology of the disease is unknown. MMD often presents with cerebral ischemia and rarely with cerebral hemorrhage. The pathology is termed Moyamoya syndrome (MMS) when the pathological cerebral angiography findings are accompanied by meningitis, neurofibromatosis, neoplasm, Down syndrome or polycystic kidney disease. Autoimmune diseases including Graves\' disease, Behcet\'s disease and antiphospholipid syndrome might also lead to the development of MMS. In this manuscript, we presented an interesting case of MMD associated with antiphospholipid syndrome, which is quite a rare cause of acute cerebral infarction in childhood., Moyamoya hastalığı (MMH) çoğunlukla ön serebral dolaşıma ait vasküler yapıları özellikle de ön ve orta serebral arterlerin proksimal segmentlerini tutan bir hastalıktır. Etiyolojisi net olarak bilinmemektedir. Hastalık sıklıkla serebral iskemi, nadiren de serebral hemoraji ile ortaya çıkmaktadır. Serebral anjiografideki patolojik bulguların menenjit, nörofibromatozis, neoplazmlar, Down sendromu ve polikistik böbrek hastalığı gibi durumlarla bir arada bulunması halinde Moyamoya sendromu (MMS) olarak isimlendirilmektedir. Graves hastalığı, Behçet hastalığı ve Antifosfolipid sendrom (AFS) gibi otoimmün hastalıklar da MS gelişmesine neden olabilmektedirler. Kliniğimizde Antifosfolipid sendrom ile beraber MMS tanısı alan ve çocukluk çağı akut serebral infarkt nedenleri arasında oldukça ender görülen bu hastalık ilginç bulunarak sunuldu.
- Published
- 2015
5. Severe neurobrucellosis in a young infant
- Author
Calik, Mustafa, Iscan, Akin, Gul, Mustafa, Derme, Turan, Cece, Hasan, and Torun, M. Fuat
- Published
- 2012
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6. Strategies to Limit Radiation Dose in Pediatric Computed Tomography Applications
- Author
ÇEÇE, Hasan, TÜRKSOY, Özlem, YILDIZ, Sema, and Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit Üniversitesi
- Subjects
bilgisayarlı tomografi,çocukluk çağı,radyasyon ,computed tomography,childhood,radiation ,Genel ve Dahili Tıp - Abstract
Bilgisayarlı tomografi, pediyatrik yaş grubunda kullanımı gün geçtikçe artan bir görüntüleme tekniğidir. Pediatrik yaş grubunun radyasyona duyarlı olması ve radyasyonun kanser riski oluşturmasında kümülatif dozun etkin olması verilen doza dikkat edilmesini gerektirmektedir. Çocuklara erişkin protokollerinin uygulanması, kilo bağımlı değişikliklerin yapılmaması, verilen dozun ölçümünde ve riskin belirlenmesinde standartların belli olmaması, yüksek dozlar için cezai müeyyidenin olmaması önemli sorunlardır. Ancak gerekli durumlarda, -sadece- hedef vücut alanlarının bilgisayarlı tomografi ile değerlendirilmesi, parametrelerin çocuklar için yeniden düzenlenmesi ve her çocuğa özel protokol değişikliklerinin yapılması ile radyasyon dozu önemli ölçüde azaltılabilir. Radyasyonu azaltmada, kullanılan tomografi aletinin teknik parametre değişiklikleri (tüp akımı, kilovolt piki, masa hızı) iyi bilinmeli ve dikkatlice uygulanmalıdır. Anahtar Kelimeler: bilgisayarlı tomografi, çocukluk çağı, radyasyon, SUMMARY, Computed tomography is an increasingly used imaging modality in childhood. Since pediatric population possess increased radiosensitivity and radiation-related cancer risk is related with cumulative dose, the radiation exposure must be carefully established. Use of the same CT settings for adults and children, deficiency of weight adjusted protocols, lack of consensus for the measurement of dose and related risks of radiation, and absence of penalties for higher doses are essential problems. Radiation dose can significantly be decreased with evaluation of -onlytargeted part of the body in appropriate conditions, rearrangement of the scanning parameters for children, and subject based protocol and dose adjustment for each children. The alternations in technical parameters of CT device like tube current, kilovoltage peak, table speed should be well-known and carefully applied for limitation of the radiation dose.
- Published
- 2012
7. A Case With Right Subcostal Rectus Muscle Schwannoma Mimicking Acute Abdomen
- Author
ÖZGÖNÜL, Abdullah, SÖĞÜT, Özgür, ÇEÇE, Hasan, GÜLDÜR, Muhammet Emin, YALÇIN, Metin, and UZUNKÖY, Ali
- Subjects
Schwannoma,Acute Abdomen,Total Excision,Rectus Muscle ,Schwannoma,Akut Karın,Total Eksizyon,Rektus Kası - Abstract
Giriş: Schwannoma, sinir kılıfındaki schwan hücrelerinden kaynaklanan soliter, düzgün sınırlı ve genellikle yavaş büyüyen iyi huylu bir tümördür. Herhangi bir lokalizasyonda karşımıza çıkabilir; ancak intraabdominal organ ve ekstraabdominal kas tutulumu nadirdir. Bu çalışmada, akut karın bulgularını taklit eden sağ subkostal yerleşimli rektus kası schwannoma olgusu sunuldu. Sunulan olgu Türkçe literatürde karın duvarı Schwannoması olarak bildirilen ilk olgudur. Olgu Sunumu: Kırk yedi yaşında bayan hasta şiddetli karın ağrısı ve kusma şikayetiyle acil servise başvurdu. Karın muayenesinde; palpasyonla sağ üst kadranda hassasiyet saptandı. Yapılan üst batın ultrasonografisinde karaciğer sağ lob anterior segmente 2,5x1,5 cm çapında kistik görünümde kitle lezyonu izlendi. Kontrastlı batın tomografisinde kitlenin batın ile ilişkili olmadığı ve rektus kası içi yerleşimli olduğu anlaşıldı. Kitlenin total çıkarılmasını takiben histopatolojik inceleme sonucu schwannoma ile uyumlu olarak saptandı. Sonuç: Abdominal organlara ya da karın duvarına yerleşik shwannomalar akut karını taklit edebilir. Kesin tanı histopatolojik incelemeler ile konulur., ıntroduciton: Schwannoma is a solitary, well-demarcated and generally slow-growing benign tumor arising from the from the Schwann cell in the nerve sheath. It can present in any location; however, the involvement of abdominal organ and extra-abdominal muscle are rare. In this study, we present a case with right subcostal rectus muscle schwannoma mimicking acute abdomen. The present case is the first reported case in the Turkish literature as a schwannoma of the abdominal wall.Case Report: A 47 year old female patient presented to the emergency department with complaints of severe abdominal pain and vomiting. Abdominal examination revealed right upper quadrant tenderness. In her upper abdominal ultrasound, a cystic-appearance mass lesion with a diameter of 2.5x1.5 cm was detected in right lobe anterior segment of the liver. Contrast-enhanced abdominal tomography revealed that the mass was not associated with the abdomen, but localized within the rectus muscle. Following total excision of the mass, histopathological examination demonstrated the diagnosis of schwannoma.Conclusion: Schwannomas localized inside the abdominal organs or in the abdominal wall can mimic the acute abdomen. The definitive diagnosis can be made by histopathological analyses
- Published
- 2011
8. Tracking down the footprints of bad paternal relationships in dissociative disorders: A diffusion tensor imaging study
- Author
Basmacı Kandemir, Sultan, primary, Bayazıt, Hüseyin, additional, Selek, Salih, additional, Kılıçaslan, Nihat, additional, Kandemir, Hasan, additional, Karababa, İbrahim Fatih, additional, Katı, Mahmut, additional, and Çeçe, Hasan, additional
- Published
- 2015
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9. Transient cortical blindness after cardiac catheterization with iobitridol
- Author
Yazıcı, Mehmet, Özhan, Hakan, Kınay, Ozan, Kılıçaslan, Barış, Karaca, Mustafa, Çeçe, Hasan, and Ergene, Oktay
- Subjects
etiology ,administration & dosage ,blood-brain barrier ,contrast media ,drug effects ,cognition disorders ,adverse effects ,cerebral cortex ,iohexol ,coronary angiography ,visual cortex ,diagnostic use ,radiography ,iobitridol ,blindness - Abstract
WOS: 000249788900020 PubMed: 17948092 The occurrence rate of transient cortical blindness after contrast media exposure has been reported to be as high as 1% to 4% after cerebral or vertebral angiography, but such blindness has been described in only a few cases of coronary angiography with modem, non-ionic, low-osmolality radio-contrast agents. In this study we present a case of abrupt cortical blindness after exposure to contrast media during diagnostic coronary angiography; to our knowledge, this is the 1st report in the medical literature that describes transient cortical blindness after iobitridol use.
- Published
- 2007
10. Pulmoner Embolide Tanı Yöntemleri
- Author
- Published
- 2006
11. Ankilozan Spondilitte Ventriküler Fonksiyonların Yeni Ekokardiyografik Metodlarla Değerlendirilmesi
- Author
- Published
- 2005
12. Ankilozan Spondilitte Vücut Kompozisyonunun Biyoelektrik İmpedans Analizi ve Antropometri ile Değerlendirilmesi
- Author
- Published
- 2005
13. Ankilozan Spondilitte Endoteliyal Disfonksiyon
- Author
- Published
- 2005
14. Karotid Arter İntima media Kalınlığının Bilgisayar Programı ile Otomatik Ölçümü
- Author
- Published
- 2005
15. Kas İskelet Manyetik Rezonans
- Author
- Published
- 2004
16. Pulmoner emboli tanısında multi dedektör BT pulmoner anjiografi ve ventilasyon perfüzyon sintigrafisinin karşılaştırılması
- Author
Çeçe, Hasan, Yılmaz, Erkan, and Radyoloji Ana Bilim Dalı
- Subjects
Radyoloji ve Nükleer Tıp ,Radiology and Nuclear Medicine - Abstract
ÖZET AMAÇ: Pulmoner emboli tanısında multi-dedektör bilgisayarlı tomografi (MDBT) anjiografi ve ventilasyon-perfüzyon sintigrafisinin (V-P sintigrafi) etkinliğinin karşılaştırılması. GEREÇ VE YÖNTEM: Pulmoner emboli (PE) şüphesi ile kliniğimize gönderilen 39 hastaya (17 erkek, 22 bayan, yaş ortalaması 54,2), hastaneye başvurusundan sonra 48 saat içerisinde MDBT anjiografi (120 kV, 150 mAs, pitch 1.25, kesit kalınlığı 4X1.3 mm, scan time 0.5 sn.) ve V-P sintigrafi incelemeleri yapıldı. MDBT anjiografi ve V-P sintigrafi incelemeleri ile pulmoner emboli tanısı konulmayan hastalar en az 3 ay klinik olarak takip edildi. Son tamlara klinik, radyolojik ve sintigrafik bulgularla ulaşıldı. MDBT anjiografi ve V-P sintigrafi incelemeleri pulmoner emboli tanısı ve lokalizasyonu açısından birbirleriyle karşılaştırıldı. BULGULAR: 39 hastanın 20'sine (%51,3) PE tanısı konuldu ve 19 hastada (%48,7) PE izlenmedi. PE tanısının belirlenmesinde ince kolimasyon MDBT anjiografinin duyarlılığı %95 (19/20) ve özgüllüğü %100 (19/19)'dü. V-P sintigrafisinin duyarlılığı %65(13/20), özgüllüğü %58(1 1/19) olarak bulundu. SONUÇ: MDBT, PE tanısında V-P sintigrafisinden daha değerlidir ve PE saptanmayan hastaların ayırıcı tanısında ek bulgular sağlar. MDBT, PE değerlendirilmesinde ilk görüntüleme yöntemi olmalıdır. 48 SUMMARY PURPOSE: We compared the effectiveness of multi-detector row computed tomography (MDCT) angiography and ventilation- perfusion scintigraphy in the diagnosis of acute pulmonary embolism (PE). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Thirty-nine patients (17 men, 22 women, mean age of 54,2), in whom acute PE was suspected, underwent MDCT (collimation, 4 x 1,3 mm; pitch, 1.25; scanning time, 0.5 second, 120 kV, 150 mAs) and Ventilation-Perfusion scintigraphy (V-P scintigraphy) within 48 hours after the hospital admission. Patients in whom pulmonary embolism was not found at both MDCT and V-P scintigraphy were clinically followed up at least 3 months. The final diagnosis was reached according to clinical, radiological and scintigraphy findings. MDCT and V-P scintigraphy findings were compared with each other in terms of presence and location of pulmonary embolism. RESULTS: Final diagnosis for the 39 patients were pulmonary embolism in 20 (51,3%) and no pulmonary embolism in 19 (48,7%). The sensitivity of MDCT and V-P scintigraphy in the detection of PE was 95% (19 of 20); and 65% (13 of 20). The specificity of MDCT and V-P scintigraphy was 100% (19 of 19) and 58% (11 of 19). CONCLUSION: MDCT is more accurate than V-P scintigraphy in the diagnosis of acute PE. Additionally, MDCT provides the differential diagnoses for patients without PE. MDCT should be considered the first imaging modality in the assessment of PE. 49 67
- Published
- 2004
17. A case of Swyer-James-MacLeod syndrome diagnosed in adulthood
- Author
BOYACI, Nurefşan, primary, KARAKAŞ, Ömer, additional, KARAKAŞ, Ekrem, additional, YALÇIN, Funda, additional, YILDIZ, Sema, additional, and ÇEÇE, Hasan, additional
- Published
- 2013
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18. Tracking down the footprints of bad paternal relationships in dissociative disorders: A diffusion tensor imaging study.
- Author
Basmacı Kandemir, Sultan, Bayazıt, Hüseyin, Selek, Salih, Kılıçaslan, Nihat, Kandemir, Hasan, Karababa, İbrahim Fatih, Katı, Mahmut, and Çeçe, Hasan
- Subjects
BRAIN ,CHILD abuse ,DISSOCIATIVE disorders ,FATHER-child relationship ,MAGNETIC resonance imaging ,PSYCHOLOGICAL stress - Abstract
Preclinical studies indicate that stress early in life can cause long-term alterations in brain development. Studies have shown alterations in the brain functions of patients after experiencing trauma. Our aim is to examine whether the integrity of white matter tracts might be affected in dissociative disorder (DD) patients. A total of 15 DD patients and 15 healthy controls were studied, with the groups matched by age and gender. Diffusion-weighted echoplanar brain images were obtained using a 1.5 Tesla magnetic resonance imaging scanner. Regions of interest were manually placed on directional maps based on principal anisotropy. Apparent diffusion coefficient and fractional anisotropy (FA) values of white matter were measured bilaterally in the anterior corona radiata (ACR) and by diffusion tensor imaging in the genu and splenium of the corpus callosum. Significantly lower FA values were observed in the right ACR of DD patients versus healthy individuals. We also found an association between bad paternal relationships and lower FA in the genu of the corpus callosum in female patients. Alterations in the right ACR suggest that diffusion anisotropy measurement can be used as a quantitative biomarker for DD. Paternal relationships may also affect the brain’s microstructure in women with DD. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2016
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19. The role of diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging in the classification of hepatic hydatid cysts
- Author
Çeçe, Hasan, primary, Gündoğan, Mehmet, additional, Karakaş, Ömer, additional, Karakaş, Ekrem, additional, Boyacı, Fatıma Nurefşan, additional, Yıldız, Sema, additional, Özgönül, Abdullah, additional, Karakaş, Emel Yiğit, additional, Çullu, Neşat, additional, and Şeker, Ahmet, additional
- Published
- 2013
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20. Lingual Thyroid in Its Normal Position: Report of Two Cases
- Author
EREN, Mehmet Ali, primary, ÇEÇE, Hasan, additional, İNGEC, Muharrrem, additional, YILMAZ, Mehmet Yıldırım, additional, SAN, İmran, additional, and SABUNCU, Tevfik, additional
- Published
- 2012
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21. Olgu sunumu. Hipofizer Makroadenom Tanısı Konulan Primer Hipotiroidizme Bağlı Hipofizer Hiperplazi.
- Author
Torun, Ayşe Nur, Çeçe, Hasan, Eren, Mehmet Ali, Torun, Fuat, and Sabuncu, Tevfik
- Subjects
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Although the association of pituitary hyperplasia and primary hypothyroidism is well known, recognition of hypothyroidism due to pituitary hyperplasia is a rare occurence. We report a case of a probable pituitary hyperplasia who complaint with headache, and found to have pituitary hyperplasia during evaluation of headache and co-incidental hypothyroidism. Pituitary mass image has been shrinked with levothyroxin therapy. Pituitary hyperplasia due to primary hypothyroidism can be confused with coincidental pituitary adenomas. Radiological distinction between hyperplasia and adenomas is difficult. Patient history, hormonal parameters and radiological regression of the mass image with levothyroxin therapy are important clues in differential diagnosis. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2014
22. The effect of extracorporeal shockwaves on cartilage end-plates in rabbits: a preliminary MRI and histopathological study.
- Author
ERTÜRK, Cemil, ALTAY, Mehmet Akif, őZARDALI, įlyas, ALTAY, Nuray, ÇEÇE, Hasan, and IŞIKAN, Uğur Erdem
- Published
- 2012
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23. Impact of Computed Tomography on oxidative stress.
- Author
Yıldız, Sema, Çeçe, Hasan, Aktı, Zeynep, Kaya, İhsan, Çelik, Hakim, Çakır, Hale, Taşkın, Abdullah, and Aksoy, Nurten
- Abstract
Methods: The study included 28 patients undergoing non contrast-enhanced cranial CT with spiral CT (Toshiba Xvision®, Tokyo, Japan). Venous blood samples were withdrawn at baseline (Group I), and after non contrast-enhanced CT (Group II). Serum ceruloplasmin levels were determined with an automatic colorimetric method, whereas serum LOOH levels were determined by the ferrous ion oxidation-xylenol orange (FOX-2) method based on a known principle of the oxidation of Fe II to Fe III by lipid hydroperoxides, under acidic conditions. The concentration of sulfhydryl groups was calculated spectrophotometrically using reduced glutathione as the free sulfhydryl group. Comparison of serum oxidative stress markers among two groups of samples from each case were performed with paired samples t-test. Results: Serum LOOH (4.71±1.43 vs. 5.13±1.53 µmol tBLOOH/L, respectively, p=0.179) and -SH levels (.311±.029 and .305±.025 mmol/L respectively, p=0.084) were not significantly different between Groups I and II. Serum ceruloplasmin was significantly decreased in Group II compared to Group I (741.7±70.7 vs.757.4±63.6 U/L respectively, p=0.015). Conclusions: Besides the previous studies revealing deleterious effects of CT, the present study has shown decreased serum ceruloplasmin levels [besides unchanged serum LOOH and -SH levels] after performing non contrast-enhanced CT compared to baseline that might reveal a novel untoward effect of CT which should be reinforced with further researches. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2012
24. Bilgisayarlı tomografinin oksidatif stres parametreleri üzerine etkisi.
- Author
Yıldız, Sema, Çeçe, Hasan, Aktı, Zeynep, Kaya, İhsan, Çelik, Hakim, Çakır, Hale, Taşkın, Abdullah, and Aksoy, Nurten
- Subjects
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Methods: The study included 28 patients undergoing non contrast-enhanced cranial CT with spiral CT (Toshiba Xvision®, Tokyo, Japan). Venous blood samples were withdrawn at baseline (Group I), and after non contrast-enhanced CT (Group II). Serum ceruloplasmin levels were determined with an automatic colorimetric method, whereas serum LOOH levels were determined by the ferrous ion oxidation-xylenol orange (FOX-2) method based on a known principle of the oxidation of Fe II to Fe III by lipid hydroperoxides, under acidic conditions. The concentration of sulfhydryl groups was calculated spectrophotometrically using reduced glutathione as the free sulfhydryl group. Comparison of serum oxidative stress markers among two groups of samples from each case were performed with paired samples t-test. Results: Serum LOOH (4.71±1.43 vs. 5.13±1.53 µmol tBLOOH/L, respectively, p=0.179) and -SH levels (.311±.029 and .305±.025 mmol/L respectively, p=0.084) were not significantly different between Groups I and II. Serum ceruloplasmin was significantly decreased in Group II compared to Group I (741.7±70.7 vs.757.4±63.6 U/L respectively, p=0.015). Conclusions: Besides the previous studies revealing deleterious effects of CT, the present study has shown decreased serum ceruloplasmin levels [besides unchanged serum LOOH and -SH levels] after performing non contrast-enhanced CT compared to baseline that might reveal a novel untoward effect of CT which should be reinforced with further researches. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2012
25. Pediatrik Yaşta Bilgisayarlı Tomografi Uygulamalarında Radyasyon Dozunu Azaltma Stratejileri.
- Author
YILDIZ, Sema, ÇEÇE, Hasan, and TÜRKSOY, Özlem
- Subjects
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TOMOGRAPHY , *RADIATION doses , *RADIATION protection , *STRATEGIC planning , *CHILDREN - Abstract
Computed tomography is an increasingly used imaging modality in childhood. Since pediatric population possess increased radiosensitivity and radiation-related cancer risk is related with cumulative dose, the radiation exposure must be carefully established. Use of the same CT settings for adults and children, deficiency of weight adjusted protocols, lack of consensus for the measurement of dose and related risks of radiation, and absence of penalties for higher doses are essential problems. Radiation dose can significantly be decreased with evaluation of -only-targeted part of the body in appropriate conditions, rearrangement of the scanning parameters for children, and subject based protocol and dose adjustment for each children. The alternations in technical parameters of CT device like tube current, kilovoltage peak, table speed should be well-known and carefully applied for limitation of the radiation dose. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2012
26. Frequent use of ceftriaxone and gallbladder stone: report of 7 cases.
- Author
Abuhandan, Mahmut, Karakaş, Ekrem, Çeçe, Hasan, Karakaş, Ömer, and Çakmak, Alpay
- Abstract
Copyright of Journal of Harran University Medical Faculty / Harran Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi is the property of Harran University Medical Faculty and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2012
27. Sık seftriakson kullanımı ve safra kesesi taşı: yedi olgunun sunumu.
- Author
Abuhandan, Mahmut, Karakaş, Ekrem, Çeçe, Hasan, Karakaş, Ömer, and Çakmak, Alpay
- Subjects
Copyright of Journal of Harran University Medical Faculty / Harran Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi is the property of Harran University Medical Faculty and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2012
- Author
Özgönül, Abdullah, Yalçın, Metin, Güldür, M. Emin, Bitiren, Muharrem, Çeçe, Hasan, Metineren, Hüseyin, and Uzunköy, Ali
- Subjects
BREAST cancer patients ,MEN'S health ,WOMEN'S health ,CANCER diagnosis ,DUCTAL carcinoma - Abstract
Copyright of Meme Sagligi Dergisi / Journal of Breast Health is the property of Turkish Federation of Breast Diseases Associations and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2010
29. Papillary muscle late enhancement on MRI
- Author
Yildiz, Ali, Yildiz, Sema, and Cece, Hasan
- Published
- 2011
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30. Primary hydatid cyst in the deltoid muscle: an unusual localization
- Author
Sogüt, Ozgür, Ozgönül, Abdullah, Bitiren, Muharrem, Köse, Rüstü, and Cece, Hasan
- Published
- 2010
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31. Spontan regresyon gösteren evre IV nöroblastom: Bir olgu sunumu.
- Author
Ayçiçek, Ali and çeçe, Hasan
- Subjects
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MAGNETIC resonance imaging , *TUMOR classification , *EVALUATION , *NEUROBLASTOMA , *DIAGNOSIS , *THERAPEUTICS - Abstract
Nöroblastoma is the most aggressive tumor of childhood malignancies but can undergo spontaneous regression at stage 4S. It is not stated that stage 4 neuroblastoma regress spontantaneously. A 10-month-old girl presented with lower extremity hypotonias. The magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) workup revealed giant pre and paravertebral mass extending from T2 to T10, which surrounded descendent aorta and extension through the intervertebral foramina into the epidural space with extreme compression of the spinal cord, and multifocal hepatic metastasis. A clinical and radiological diagnosis was stage IV neuroblastoma, but the patient's parents could not to take away the patient to the tertiary health center for chemotherapy/radiotherapy and surgery caused by socioeconomic factors. Fourteen months after the initial presentation, the patient returned with healing findings and but hemiparesis has continued. The second MRI workup revealed the local masses and hepatic metastasis completely regressed. The patient has been followed up and treated with physiotherapy. In this case, we want to emphasize of stage IV neuroblastoma that can undergo spontaneous regression. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2011
32. Akut Karını Taklit Eden Sağ Subkostal Yerleşimli Rektus Kası Schwannoma Olgusu.
- Author
Özgönül, Abdullah, Özgür Söğüt, Çeçe, Hasan, Güldür, Muhammet Emin, Yalçın, Metin, and Uzunköy, Ali
- Subjects
Copyright of Journal of Academic Emergency Medicine Case Reports / Akademik Acil Tip Olgu Sunumlari Dergisi is the property of Acil Tip Uzmanlari Dernegi and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2011
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33. Kendiliğinden kaybolan Fetal Kistik Adenomatoid Malformasyon.
- Author
Yıldız, Sema, Çeçe, Hasan, Kaya, İhsan, and Gündoğan, Mehmet
- Subjects
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HUMAN abnormalities , *ULTRASONIC imaging , *PRENATAL diagnosis , *PREGNANCY complications , *PRECANCEROUS conditions - Abstract
Twenty-four year old pregnant woman admitted to our institution for second step ultrasonographic evaluation. Ultrasonographic examination revealed singleton pregnancy of 25 weeks and 5 days. The volume and echogenity of upper lobe of fetal right lung were increased, and there were multiple anechoic cystic lesions with diameter of less than 10mm at that location. Mediastinal shift to the left and polyhydramnios were also detected. With the above-mentioned findings the fetus was diagnosed as cystic adenomatoid malformation with poor prognostic findings. Spontaneous resolution of lesion was detected on control ultrasonographic examination at 37th week of pregnancy. Herein, we report spontaneous resolution of a case with cystic adenomatoid malformation with poor prognostic findings. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2010
34. İki kız kardeşte lipoid proteinozis.
- Author
Sürücü, Hacer Altın, Yıldız, Sema, Aksoy, Nurten, Güldür, Muhammet Emin, Çeçe, Hasan, and Bilinç, Hasan
- Subjects
LIPIDS ,PROTEIN synthesis ,TEMPORAL lobe injuries ,SKIN diseases ,HYALINE membrane disease - Abstract
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- Published
- 2010
35. Pituitary Hyperplasia Due to Primary Hypothyroidism Which Diagnosed as Pituitary Macroadenoma
- Author
TORUN, Ayşe Nur, ÇEÇE, Hasan, EREN, Mehmet Ali, TORUN, Fuat, and SABUNCU, Tevfik
- Subjects
Hashimoto thyroiditis,primary hypothyroidism,pitutiary macroadenoma,pituitary hyperplasia ,endocrine system ,endocrine system diseases ,Hashimoto tiroiditi,primer hipotiroidizm,hipofizer makroadenom,hipofizer hiperplazi ,hormones, hormone substitutes, and hormone antagonists - Abstract
Primer hipotiroidizm ile hipofizer hiperplazi, arasındaki ilişki oldukça iyi bilinse de, hipotiroid bir olgunun hipofiz hiperplazisine bağlı klİnik semptomları ile fark edilmesi nadir bir durumdur. Yazımızda baş ağrısı nedeniyle değerlendirilirken hipofizer kitle saptanan ve sonrasında hipotiroid de olduğu fark edildiğinden hipofizer hiperplazi olası tanısı ile izlenen bir olgu sunulmuştur. Olguda saptanan hipofizer kitlenin levotiroksin tedavisi ile radyolojik olarak küçüldüğü gösterilmiştir. Primer hipotiroidizme bağlı hipofizer hiperplazi ko-insidental hipofiz adenomları ile karışabilir. Radyolojik olarak hipofiz adenomu-hiperplazisi ayırımı yapmak oldukça güçtür. Ayırıcı tanıda hastanın klinik öyküsü, hormonal parametreler ve kitlenin levotiroksin replasmanı ile küçüldüğünün radyolojik olarak gösterilmesi önemlidir, Although the association of pituitary hyperplasia and primary hypothyroidism is well known, recognition of hypothyroidism due to pituitary hyperplasia is a rare occurence.We report a case of a probable pituitary hyperplasia who complaint with headache, and found to have pituitary hyperplasia during evaluation of headache and co-incidental hypothyroidism. Pituitary mass image has been shrinked with levothyroxin therapy.Pituitary hyperplasia due to primary hypothyroidism can be confused with coincidental pituitary adenomas. Radiological distinction between hyperplasia and adenomas is difficult. Patient history, hormonal parameters and radiological regression of the mass image with levothyroxin therapy are important clues in differential diagnosis
36. Assessment of Bilateral Testicular Volumes by Ultrasonography in Adult Patients with Varicocele
- Author
KARAKAŞ, Ömer, BOYACI, Fatma Nurefşan, DOĞAN, Ferit, KILIÇASLAN, Nihat, ÇEÇE, Hasan, BADEM, Ömer Faruk, and KARAKAŞ, Ekrem
- Subjects
Testis,Varikosel,Volüm,USG ,Testis,Varicocele,Volume,US - Abstract
Objective: In this study, it is aimed to investigate changes in bilateral testicular volume in adultpatients with varicocele.Methods: This cross-sectional study included 51 consecutively recruited patients withvaricocele and 25 healthy control volunteers. In all participants, testicular volumes werecalculated. The following groups were formed: group 1, testicles ipsilateral to varicocele; group2, testicles contralateral to varicocele; and group 3, healthy volunteer controls. The data werenot normally distributed, and therefore, non-parametric tests were performed.Results: There were no statistically significant difference in terms of age, height and weightbetween varicocele patients and healthy volunteers controls. Mean testicular volumes of group1 and group 2 were found to be lower than that of group 3 (both P < 0.001). There was nostatistical difference in terms of testicular volumes between group 1 and group 2 (P = 0,247).Conclusion: Testicular volume measurements using ultrasonography can be used in thedetermination of damaging effects on testes of varicocele, Amaç: Bu çalışmada, varikoseli olan erişkin hastalarda bilateral testiküler volümdeğişikliklerinin araştırılması amaçlandı.Yöntem: Bu retropsektif çalışmaya, 51 hasta ve kontrol grubu olarak 25 sağlıklı gönüllü dâhiledildi. Tüm katılımcılarda testiküler volümler hesaplandı. Üç grup oluşturuldu; grup 1: varikoselolan testisler, grup 2: varikosel olmayan karşı testisler ve grup 3: sağlıklı gönüllü kontroller.Veriler normal dağılımlı değildi ve bu yüzden non-parametrik testler yapıldı.Bulgular: Varikoseli olan hastalar ve kontrol grubunu oluşturan sağlıklı gönüllüler arasındayaş, boy ve kilo açısından istatistiksel farklılık saptanmadı. Grup 1 ve grup 2’nin ortalamatestiküler volümleri, grup 3 göre daha düşük olarak bulundu (her ikisi P < 0.001). Testikulervolümler açısından grup 1 ve grup 2 arasında istatistiksel farklılık yoktu (P = 0,247).Sonuç: USG kullanarak yapılan testiküler volüm ölçümleri, varikoselin testisler üzerinde olanhasar verici etkilerinin tespitinde kullanılabilir
37. Spontan regresyona uğrayan evre IV nöroblastom: Bir olgu sunumu
- Author
AYÇİÇEK, Ali and ÇEÇE, Hasan
- Subjects
Nöroblastom,spontan regresyon,neoplazm,infant ,Neuroblastoma,neoplasm regression,spontaneous,infant - Abstract
Çocukluk çağının en habis tümörlerinden birisi olan nöroblastom evre 4S'de spontan tam regresyon görülebilmektedir. Ancak evre IV nöroblastamada ise spontan regresyon hemen hiç bildirilmemiştir. 10 aylık kız hastanın bacaklarında gevşeklik nedeniyle çekilen manyetik rezonans görüntülemede MRG T2-T10 vertebralar arası pre ve paravertebral alanda ve intervertebral foremenler aracılığıyla spinal kanala doğru uzanım gösteren aynı zamanda aort etrafını da saran dev tümöral kitle ve karaciğerde çok sayıda metastatik odak tespit edildi. Klinik ve radyolojik olarak evre IV nöroblastom tanısı kondu. Ancak sosyoekonomik nedenlerden dolayı hasta ileri bir merkeze götürülerek kemoterapi ve/veya radyoterapi ve cerrahi rezeksiyon yaptırılamadı. İlk tanıdan 14 ay sonra hemiparezi devam etmekle birlikte bacaklarında hareketlerin tekrar başlaması dolayısıyla çekilen MR görüntülemede dev tümöral doku ve karaciğer metastazlarının tamamen kaybolduğu görüldü. Bu vaka ile evre IV nöroblastomda da spontan regresyonun olabileceğini vurgulamak amaçlandı, Nöroblastoma is the most aggressive tumor of childhood malignancies but can undergo spontaneous regression at stage 4S. It is not stated that stage 4 neuroblastoma regress spontantaneously. A 10-month-old girl presented with lower extremity hypotonias. The magnetic resonance imaging MRI workup revealed giant pre and paravertebral mass extending from T2 to T10, which surrounded descendent aorta and extension through the intervertebral foramina into the epidural space with extreme compression of the spinal cord, and multifocal hepatic metastasis. A clinical and radiological diagnosis was stage IV neuroblastoma, but the patient's parents could not to take away the patient to the tertiary health center for chemotherapy/radiotherapy and surgery caused by socioeconomic factors. Fourteen months after the initial presentation, the patient returned with healing findings and but hemiparesis has continued. The second MRI workup revealed the local masses and hepatic metastasis completely regressed. The patient has been followed up and treated with physiotherapy. In this case, we want to emphasize of stage IV neuroblastoma that can undergo spontaneous regression
38. Glutaric aciduria type 1 associated with bilateral temporal arachnoid cysts: Case report
- Author
GÜNGÖR, Hatice Eke, ÇEÇE, Hasan, and İŞCAN, Akın
- Subjects
congenital, hereditary, and neonatal diseases and abnormalities ,Glutaric aciduria type 1,basal ganglia lesion,temporal arachnoid cyst ,Glutarik asidüri tip 1,bazal ganglion tutulumu,temporal araknoid kist - Abstract
Glutarik asidüri tip 1, glutaril-koenzim A dehidrogenaz eksikliğine bağlı olarak gelişen otozomal resesif bir hastalıktır. Glutarik asit ve 3-hidroksiglutarik asit birikimi ile ikincil karnitin eksikliğine neden olur. Çocuklarda özellikle hayatın ilk bir kaç yılı içerisinde ortaya çıkan; hipotoni, makrosefali, motor gerilik, distoni ve diskinezi başlıca klinik bulguları oluşturur. Semptomlar özellikle bazal ganglion tutulumuna bağlanmaktadır. Silvian fissürde genişleme, frontotemporal atrofi ve bazal ganglion tutulumu sıklıkla gözlenen nöroradyolojik bulgulardır. Glutarik asidüri tip 1 tanısı alan vakalarda nadiren temporal loblarda araknoid kistler bildirilmiştir. Bu çalışmada Glutarik asidüri tip 1 tanısı alan iki taraflı araknoid kist saptanan ve bazal ganglion tutulumu olan sekiz aylık kız hasta sunulmuştur, Glutaric aciduria type 1 is an autosomal recessive disorder resulting from a deficiency of glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase. This leads to an accumulation of glutaric and 3-hydroxyglutaric acids and secondary carnitin deficiency. The clinical picture typically shows varying degrees of muscular hypotonia, macrocephaly, motor delay, dystonia, and dyskinesia beginning acutely or gradually in the first few years of childhood. The symptomatology is discussed, especially those resulting from lesion in the basal ganglia. Frequent neuroradiological findings include widened sylvian fissures, frontotemporal volume loss, basal ganglia lesions. Patients with glutaric aciduria type 1 a rare appear to have a bitemporal arachnoid cysts. Here, we present glutaric aciduria type 1 in a 8-month-old girl with bilateral temporal cysts and basal ganglia lesion
39. Akut görme kaybının nadir bir nedeni nöromiyelitis optica Türkçe
- Author
ALMAZ, Veysi, ÇALIK, Mustafa, ÇEÇE, Hasan, and İŞCAN, Akın
40. Sık seftriakson kullanımı ve safra kesesi taşı: yedi olgunun sunumu Türkçe
- Author
ABUHANDAN, Mahmut, KARAKAŞ, Ekrem, ÇEÇE, Hasan, KARAKAŞ, Ömer, and ÇAKMAK, Alpay
- Subjects
Child,ceftriaxone,pseudolithiasis ,Çocuk,seftriakson,psödolitiyazis - Abstract
Seftriakson, birçok enfeksiyon hastalığının tedavisinde parenteral yoldan kullanılan, güçlü antimikrobiyal etkiye sahip, üçüncü kuşak sefalosporinler grubundan bir antibiyotiktir. Seftriakson kullanımına bağlı olarak safra kesesi lümeninde oluşan, genellikle semptoma yol açmadan spontan olarak kaybolan, safra kesesinde geçici taş ya da çamur oluşumu psödolitiyazis olarak adlandırılır. Zaman içerisinde, psödolitiyazisin kimyasal yapısına, oluşum ve kaybolma sürecine etki eden faktörleri, radyolojik seyrini ele alan klinik ve deneysel çalışmalar yapılmıştır Bu çalışmada 3'ten fazla en az beş gün intramüsküler seftriakson tedavisi alan ve buna bağlı safra kesesi taşı oluşan 7 hasta alındı. Haftalık ultrasonografik izlemler ile takip edilen hastaların safra kesesi taşların 3-6 hafta içinde kendiliğinden kaybolduğu görüldü. Sonuç olarak seftriakson verilen hastalarda gelişen safra kesesi taşı beklenen bir komplikasyondur ve tedavisiz kendiliğinden düzelmekte olup; hastalara gereksiz ilaç ve cerrahi müdahalelerden kaçınılması gerektiğini vurgulamak istedik, Ceftriaxone is a third-generation cephalosporin antibiotic with potent antimicrobial activity, which is parenterally administered in the treatment of numerous infectious diseases. Transient formation of stone or sludge within gallbladder, which develops in the gallbladder lumen depending on the use of ceftriaxone and usually disappears spontaneously without causing any symptoms, is named pseudolithiasis. There have been clinical and experimental studies conducted in time, which addressed the chemical mechanism of pseudolithiasis, factors affecting its formation and disappearance, and its radiological progress. In this study, 7 patients were enrolled, who received intramuscular treatment of ceftriaxone more than 3 times for at least five days and hence developed gallstones. Gallstones of patients, who were followed-up with weekly ultrasonographic examinations, were observed to have spontaneously vanished within 3-6 weeks. To conclude, we intended to emphasize that gallstone formation developed in patients receiving ceftriaxone is an anticipated complication and resolves spontaneously without any treatments, and thus that any unnecessary medications and surgical interventions should be avoided
41. Scapular winging in Poland syndrome
- Author
Uludag, Murat, Cece, Hasan, Incebiyik, Serap, Demirkol, Ahmet, Karakas, Ekrem, and Akgun, Kenan
- Published
- 2011
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42. Canavan disease: Magnetic resonance and MR spectroscopy findings.
- Author
Çeçe, Hasan, Yildiz, Sema, and Çalik, Mustafa
- Abstract
Canavan hastalığı aspartoaçilaz enzimindeki eksikliğe bağlı gelişen makrosefalik bir lökodistrofidir. Rutin manyetik rezonans görüntülemede T2 ağırlıklı serilerde beyaz cevherde diffüz ve simetrik intensite artışı izlenir. Proton MRspektroskopide N-asetil aspartattaki artış Canavan hastalığı için tanısaldır. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2011
43. Moyamoya hastalığı ve antifosfolipid sendrom birlikteliği.
- Author
Abuhandan, Mahmut, Çalik, Mustafa, Çeçe, Hasan, Güzel, Bülent, Katı, Mahmut, and İşcan, Akın
- Subjects
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MOYAMOYA disease , *ANTIPHOSPHOLIPID syndrome , *HEMIPARESIS , *SEIZURES (Medicine) - Abstract
Moyamoya (MMD) is a disease that often involves the vascular structures of anterior cerebral circulation, particularly the proximal segments of anterior and middle cerebral arteries. The etiology of the disease is unknown. MMD often presents with cerebral ischemia and rarely with cerebral hemorrhage. The pathology is termed Moyamoya syndrome (MMS) when the pathological cerebral angiography findings are accompanied by meningitis, neurofibromatosis, neoplasm, Down syndrome or polycystic kidney disease. Autoimmune diseases including Graves' disease, Behcet's disease and antiphospholipid syndrome might also lead to the development of MMS. In this manuscript, we presented an interesting case of MMD associated with antiphospholipid syndrome, which is quite a rare cause of acute cerebral infarction in childhood. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2011
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- Author
Karakaş, Ekrem, Karakaş, Ömer, Boyacı, Fatma Nurefşan, Doğan, Ferit, Kılıçaslan, Nihat, Çeçe, Hasan, and Badem, Ömer Faruk
- Abstract
Objective: In this study, it is aimed to investigate changes in bilateral testicular volume in adult patients with varicocele. Methods: This cross-sectional study included 51 consecutively recruited patients with varicocele and 25 healthy control volunteers. In all participants, testicular volumes were calculated. The following groups were formed: group 1, testicles ipsilateral to varicocele; group 2, testicles contralateral to varicocele; and group 3, healthy volunteer controls. The data were not normally distributed, and therefore, non-parametric tests were performed. Results: There were no statistically significant difference in terms of age, height and weight between varicocele patients and healthy volunteers controls. Mean testicular volumes of group 1 and group 2 were found to be lower than that of group 3 (both P < 0.001). There was no statistical difference in terms of testicular volumes between group 1 and group 2 (P = 0,247). Conclusion: Testicular volume measurements using ultrasonography can be used in the determination of damaging effects on testes of varicocele. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2014
45. Karaciğerin hidatik kistlerinde ultrasonografik gharbi sınıflamasının diffüzyon ağırlıklı manyetik rezonans görüntüleme ile korelasyonu
- Author
Gündoğan, Mehmet, Çeçe, Hasan, and Radyoloji Anabilim Dalı
- Subjects
Magnetic resonance imaging ,Liver ,Echinococcosis ,Cysts ,Radyoloji ve Nükleer Tıp ,Radiology and Nuclear Medicine ,Echinococcus ,Ultrasonography - Abstract
Bu çalışmada farklı ultrasonografik tiplerdeki karaciğer hidatik kistlerinin, DA MRG ile ortalama ADC (Apparent diffusion coefficient) değerleri ölçülerek, elde edilen sonuçların Gharbi sınıflamasıyla korelasyonu amaçlanmıştır.Çalışmaya dahil edilen hepatik hidatik kist'li hastaların 32'si kadın ( %72,7) ve 12'si erkek (%27,3) olup yaşları 8-77 arasında değişmekte idi. Hastaların tümüne, US tetkiki ile evrelendirme yapıldıktan sonra Aksiyel T2 Ağırlıklı görüntüleme ile birlikte DAG çekimleri yapıldı. Ortalama ADC değerleri tip 1,2,3,4 ve 5 hidatik kistlerde sırasıyla 2,48x10?³, 2,80x10?³, 2,70x10?³, 2,02x10?³, 2,18x10?³ mm²/s bulunmuştur. Difüzyon ağırlıklı MR görüntülemenin karaciğer hidatik kistlerinin alt tiplerinin belirlenmesindeki tanısal performansı ROC analizi ile değerlendirilmiştir.Çalışmamızda, karaciğer hidatik kisti hastalığında HK tipinin tesbitinde ultrasonografik tiplendirmeye bir alternatif olarak Diffüzyon ağırlıklı MRG ile ADC değeri ölçümünün umut vaad eden bir parametre olabileceği sonucuna vardık. İkili karşılaştırmalarda tip 1, 2 ve 5 hidatik kist grupları, tip 3 hidatik kist grubu dışında diğer tüm gruplardan istatistiksel olarak ayrılırken, tip 4 hidatik kist grubu diğer tüm gruplardan, tip 3 hidatik kist grubu ise yalnızca tip 4 grubundan ayrıldığı görülmüştür. Özellikle Karaciğer hidatik kistlerinin alt tiplerinden tip 1, 2 ve 3 bir arada, tip 4 ve 5 de bir arada olacak şekilde iki ayrı grup oluşturulduğunda bu yeni grupların ortalama ADC değerlerinin istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farklılık gösterdiği belirlendi. Daha fazla sayıda hasta grupları ve 3 Tesla MR cihazı ile yapılacak karaciğer hidatik kisti ADC ölçümü çalışmalarının bu konuda daha da başarılı sonuçlar elde edeceğini düşünüyoruz.Sonuç olarak karaciğer hidatik kisti hastalığında kist tipinin belirlenmesinde DA MRG ile yapılacak ortalama ADC değeri ölçümlerinin yol gösterici olabileceği düşünülmüştür. The correlation of different ultrasonographic typed liver hydatid cysts, measured with DW MRG for average ADC (Apparent diffusion coefficient) value according to Gharbi classification was aimed in this study.32 of the patients with hepathic hydatic cysts involved in the study (72.7%) were female and 12 (27.3) were male and their ages varied between 8 and 77. After staging were carried out in all the patients with US examination, DW MRI shootings were performed along with T2 weighted MRI. The average ADC values were found as 2.48x10?³, 2.80x10?³, 2.70x10?³, 2.02x10?³ and 2.18x10?³ mm²/s in hydatic cysts of type 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, respectively. Diagnostic performance in the sub-types of the liver hydatic cysts of diffusion weighted MR imaging were evaluated with ROC analysis.In our study, we concluded that the measuring for diffusion weighted MRI and ADC values are promising parameters in determination of HK type as an alternative to ultrasonographic typing in liver hydatic cyst disease. In paired comparisons, it was seen that except for type 3 hydatic cyst group, type 1, 2 and 5 hydatic cyst groups differ from all the other groups statistically, type 4 hydatic cyst group differ from all other groups and type 3 hydatic cyst group differ only from type 4. It was determined that especially when two different groups are formed in the manner that types 1, 2 and 3 from sub-types of liver hydatic cysts are used in conjunction as a group and type 4 and 5 as another group, the average ADC values of such new groups differed significantly statistically. We think that measuring studies of liver hydatic cyst ADC will be able to be even more successful when performed with more patients and 3 Tesla MR devices.As a result, we thought that avarage ADC value measurings done with DW MRI for determining the cyst type in liver hydatic cysts will be able to be instructive. 70
- Published
- 2012
46. Serebral palsili çocuk hastalarda subklinik ateroskleroz bulgularından karotid arterin intima-media kalınlığının değerlendirilmesi
- Author
Yetişgin, Abdülkadir, Çeçe, Hasan, and Radyoloji Anabilim Dalı
- Subjects
Carotid body ,Carotid artery diseases ,Radyoloji ve Nükleer Tıp ,Cerebral palsy ,Radiology and Nuclear Medicine ,Atherosclerosis ,Carotid arteries - Abstract
AMAÇ: Bu çalışmanın amacı, serebral palsili çocuk hastalarda erken ateroskleroz ölçütlerinden olan karotis intima-media kalınlığının sağlıklı kontrollerle karşılaştırılmasıdır.YÖNTEM: Çalışmaya 90 SP hastası (6,26± 2,03 yaş, 61 Erkek/29 Kadın) ve 35 sağlıklı kontrol (6,31±2,54 yaş, 23 Erkek/12 Kadın) alındı. Açlık kan şekeri ve serum lipitleri ölçüldü. Ana karotis arter intima media kalınlığı (KİMK) ultrasonografik olarak değerlendirildi.BULGULAR: Yaş, cinsiyet, kan şekeri, serum lipid seviyeleri bakımından SP'li hastalar ve kontrol grupları arasında fark yoktu. SP'li hastalarda ortalama KİMK(SP hastalarında 0,60±0,63 mm, kontrol grubunda 0,40±0,58 mm, p
- Published
- 2011
47. Kronik viral hepatitli hastalarda karaciğer ve dalaktaki diffüzyon mrg ve volumetrik değişikliklerin kontrol gurubu ile karşılaştırmalı değerlendirilmesi
- Author
Ercan, Abdulbasit, Çeçe, Hasan, and Radyoloji Anabilim Dalı
- Subjects
Diffusion ,Magnetic resonance imaging ,Liver ,Diffusion magnetic resonance imaging ,Radyoloji ve Nükleer Tıp ,Radiology and Nuclear Medicine ,Fibrosis ,Spleen ,Hepatitis - Abstract
Kronik viral hepatit halen global bir sağlık sorunu olmaya devam etmektedir. Biz kronik viral hepatitli hastalarda difüzyon ağırlıklı manyetik rezonans görüntüleme bulguları ve volümetrik bulguların, histopatolojik bulgularla karşılaştırılmasını amaçladık.Kronik viral hepatitli 47 hasta ( 18 kadın, 29 erkek, ortalama yaş 38,76) ve 30 sağlıklı gönüllüye (12 kadın, 18 erkek, ortalama yaş 38) üç seri, tek atımlı, spin eko, eko planar (SS-SE-EP), b=1000 s/ mm² değeri ile Diffüzyon Ağırlıklı MR görüntüleme yapıldı. Karaciğer biyopsisi ile hastaların METAVIR skorları belirlendi. Kronik viral hepatitli hastaların hepatik ve splenik ADC değeri ile hacimleri kontrol grubundaki kişilerin ADC değerleri ve hacimleri ile karşılaştırıldı. Kronik viral hepatitli hastalarda tesbit edilen farklı evrelerdeki ADC değerleri ve hacimleri birbirleri ile karşılaştırıldı.Kontrol grubu ile hepatik fibrozisli hastaların ortalama ADC değerleri ( Karaciğer ortalama ADC= 0.919, dalak ortalama ADC= 0,798 x10¯³mm²/ sn) ve hacimleri (Karaciğer ortalama hacmi=1440, dalak ortalama hacmi=250 cm³, dalak hacminin karaciğer hacmine oranı=0,274) arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farklılık (p
- Published
- 2011
48. Kronik viral hepatitli hastalarda diffüzyon ağırlıklı MR görüntüleme bulgularının histopatolojik bulgularla karşılaştırılması
- Author
Doğantürk, Hatice Tülay, Shermatova, Saime, Çeçe, Hasan, and Radyoloji Anabilim Dalı
- Subjects
Radiography ,Hepatitis B virus ,Liver ,Diffusion magnetic resonance imaging ,Hepatitis C virus ,Radyoloji ve Nükleer Tıp ,Histopathology ,Radiology and Nuclear Medicine ,Hepatitis viruses ,Hepatitis - Abstract
Bu çalışmada kronik viral hepatitli hastalarda DAMRG bulgularının histopatolojik bulgularla karşılaştırılması amaç edinilmiştir.Kronik viral hepatitli 38 hasta ( 12 kadın, 26 erkek, ortalama yaş 37) ve 30 sağlıklı gönüllüye (11 kadın, 19 erkek, ortalama yaş 36) üç seri, tek atımlı, spin eko, eko planar ( SS-SE-EP), b=1000 s/ mm² değeri ile Diffüzyon Ağırlıklı MR Görüntüleme yapıldı.Karaciğer biyopsisi ile hastaların METAVIR skorları belirlendi. Kronik viral hepatitli hastaların ortalama hepatik ADC değeri ile kontrol grubundaki kişilerin ortalama hepatik ADC değerleri karşılaştırıldı. Kronik viral hepatitli hastalarda tesbit edilen farklı evrelerdeki ADC değerleri birbirleri ile karşılaştırıldı.Kontrol grubu ile hepatik fibrozisli hastaların ADC değerleri arasında ( p< 0.001) ve farklı evrelerdeki hepatik fibrozisli hastaların ortalama ADC değerleri arasında ( p=0.003) istatistiksel olarak belirgin farklılık vardı. Fibrozis skoru ile ADC değeri arasında negatif korelasyon olduğu gösterildi ( r= -0.347 , p=0.006).Fibrozis skoru arttıkça ölçülen ADC değerinin azaldığı gözlendi. Ve bu; özellikle evre 3 ve üstü grubundaki hastalarda daha belirgindi. Evre I ve 2 hastalarında ölçülen hepatik ADC değeri ( 0.846 ve0.885x10¯³ mm² / sn) kontrol grubu ( 1.039x10¯³ mm² / sn) ile karşılaştırıldığında daha düşüktü ancak evre I ve 2 arasında ADC değerleri açısından istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir farklılık yoktu. Evre 3 hastalarda ölçülen hepatik ADC değeri (0.610x10¯³mm² / sn) ise kontrol grubu ve evre I- 2 de ölçülen ADC değerine göre daha düşüktü ve bu oran istatistiksel olarak anlamlıydı.Sonuç olarak kronik viral hepatitli hastalardaki hepatik ADC değerlerinin ölçümü fibrozisin tesbitinde ve takibinde umut vaat eden bir parametre olabilir.Anahtar kelimeler: Kronik Viral Hepatit, DAMRG, ADC We aimed to compare DWMRG findings with histopathologic findings in cases of chronic viral hepatitis (CVH).Diffusion- weighted magnetic resonance imaging was done in 38 CVH (among them 11 were women and 19 were men, the mean age was 37) and 30 matched volunteers ( among them 11 were women and 19 were men, the mean age was 36). METAVIR score was calculated with liver biopsy. The mean hepatic ADC value of CVH subjects was compared with the controls group. The mean ADC scores in different stages of CVH cases was also compared with eachother.The difference between ADC scores of CVH and that of control group was statistically significant (p
- Published
- 2010
49. A case of Swyer-James-MacLeod syndrome diagnosed in adulthood.
- Author
Boyacı N, Karakaş Ö, Yalçin F, Yildiz S, and Çeçe H
- Subjects
- Age Factors, Diagnosis, Differential, Female, Humans, Lung, Hyperlucent diagnostic imaging, Tomography, X-Ray Computed, Young Adult, Lung, Hyperlucent diagnosis
- Published
- 2013
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50. The effect of extracorporeal shockwaves on cartilage end-plates in rabbits: a preliminary MRI and histopathological study.
- Author
Ertürk C, Altay MA, Özardali İ, Altay N, Çeçe H, and Işikan UE
- Subjects
- Animals, Cartilage, Articular pathology, Dose-Response Relationship, Radiation, Lumbar Vertebrae pathology, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Male, Rabbits, Cartilage, Articular radiation effects, High-Energy Shock Waves, Lumbar Vertebrae radiation effects, Neovascularization, Physiologic radiation effects, Ultrasonic Surgical Procedures
- Abstract
Objective: The aim of this study was to examine the changes in the lumbar intervertebral area after extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT) at different energy levels in a rabbit model using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and histopathological evaluation., Methods: The study included 30 male New Zealand white rabbits divided randomly into five groups: Groups A and C received 1,000 shockwave impulses at an intensity of 14 kV, Groups B and D received 1,000 impulses at 21 kV, and Group E was a sham group. Side effects such as subcutaneous and paravertebral soft-tissue injuries were evaluated using MRI one day after ESWT administration. Neovascularization, edema and fibroblast activity in the intervertebral area were evaluated histopathologically., Results: No change was observed in any group on MRI. Histopathologically, Groups A and C showed no change, whereas Groups B and D showed edema, fibroblast activity and significant neovascularization at the intervertebral end-plate (p<0.05)., Conclusion: Our findings indicate that ESWT caused dose-dependent changes in the intervertebral end-plate. This study constitutes a preliminary evaluation of shockwave therapy to the intervertebral area in an animal model. High-dose ESWT may stimulate angiogenesis at cartilage end-plates in rabbits.
- Published
- 2012
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