[ES] Trabajo de revisión que tienen como objetivo conocer el nivel de evidencia existente sobre los efectos extra-auditivos de la exposición profesional al ruido relacionados con: alteraciones bioquímicas, efectos neuro-piscológicos, salud reproductiva y accidentes de trabajo mediante el análisis sistemático de la producción científica publicada entre 1995 y 2008. La búsqueda de las referencias bibliográficas se realizó mediante términos "Major Topic"y "MeSH" para MEDLINE y términos "Decriptors" para OSH update. Se recuperaron un total de 370 referencias y se incluyeron en la revisión todos los estudios experimentales, estudios de cohortes y estudios casos control y aquellos estudios trasversales que cumplieron al menos con cinco de los nueve criterios que la declaración STROBE establece para los estudios observacionales. Fueron seleccionados para su revisión a texto completo un total de 35 artículos: 14 estudios experimentales, 2 estudios de cohortes, 6 estudios casos control, 12 estudios transversales y 1 estudio de validación. La asignación del nivel de evidencia se realizó de acuerdo a los criterios SIGN. La selección y revisión de los artículos se realizó mediante revisión por pares, los casos de discrepancia entre pares se resolvió mediante consenso. Encontramos un alto nivel de evidencia (1+) para influencia de la exposición profesional al ruido sobre el incremento de la secreción de cortisol y noradrenalina, fatiga y disminución del rendimiento, funciones cognitivas y memoria, disminución en la calidad del sueño, estrés e irritabilidad y percepción de malestar. Con un nivel de evidencia 2++ se relacionó la exposición profesional al ruido con la accidentalidad laboral. No encontramos unos resultados concluyentes para la determinación de la relación entre exposición profesional al ruido sobre la salud reproductiva. Existe una diversidad en los métodos utilizados para la evaluación de la exposición profesional al ruido, empleándose tanto métodos de medición cuantitativos y métodos cualitativos de percepción subjetiva. Nuestros resultados son coincidentes con las revisiones realizadas anteriormente por Smith AP y cols (1991) y Butler MP y cols (1999). Review aimed at ascertaining the level of evidence on non-auditory effects related with occupational exposure to noise concerning: biochemical, neuro- psychology effects, reproductive health and accidents at work through a systematic analysis of the scientific literature published between 1995 and 2008. The search for references was conducted using terms "Major Topic" and "MeSH" terms for MEDLINE and "Decriptors" for OSH update. We retrieved a total of 370 references, were included in the review all experimental studies, cohort studies and case control studies and those cross-sectional studies that had at least five of the nine criteria that the STROBE Statement provides for observational studies. Were selected for full text review a total of 35 studies: 14 experimental studies, 2 cohort studies, 6 case control studies, 12 cross-sectional studies and 1 validation study. The assignment of the level of evidence was performed according to SIGN criteria. The selection and review of articles was done by peer review, cases of disagreement between pairs was resolved by consensus. We found a high level of evidence (1+) about the influence of occupational noise exposure and the increased secretion of cortisol and norepinephrine, fatigue and decreased performance, cognitive function and memory, decreased quality of sleep, stress and irritability annoyance. A level of evidence 2++ was identify for occupational noise exposure and work accidents. We found no conclusive results in determine the relationship between occupational exposure to noise on reproductive health. There is diversity in the methods used for assessing occupational exposure to noise, using both quantitative measurement methods and qualitative methods of subjective perception. Our results are consistent with those previously reported by Smith AP et alt (1991) and Butler MP et al (1999). [EN] Review aimed at ascertaining the level of evidence on non-auditory effects related with occupational exposure to noise concerning: biochemical, neuro- psychology effects, reproductive health and accidents at work through a systematic analysis of the scientific literature published between 1995 and 2008. The search for references was conducted using terms “Major Topic” and “MeSH” terms for MEDLINE and “Decriptors” for OSH update. We retrieved a total of 370 references, were included in the review all experimental studies, cohort studies and case control studies and those cross-sectional studies that had at least five of the nine criteria that the STROBE Statement provides for observational studies. Were selected for full text review a total of 35 studies: 14 experimental studies, 2 cohort studies, 6 case control studies, 12 cross-sectional studies and 1 validation study. The assignment of the level of evidence was performed according to SIGN criteria. The selection and review of articles was done by peer review, cases of disagreement between pairs was resolved by consensus. We found a high level of evidence (1+) about the influence of occupational noise exposure and the increased secretion of cortisol and norepinephrine, fatigue and decreased performance, cognitive function memory, decreased quality of sleep, stress and irritability annoyance. A level of evidence 2++ was identify for occupational noise exposure and work accidents. We found no conclusive results in determine the relationship between occupational exposure to noise on reproductive health. There is diversity in the methods used for assessing occupational exposure to noise, using both quantitative measurement methods and qualitative methods of subjective perception. Our results are consistent with those previously reported by Smith AP et alt (1991) and Butler MP et al (1999). Sí