700 results on '"*ANCHORAGE (Structural engineering)"'
Search Results
2. DP-68 permanent ground anchors.
- Author
Cheney, Richard S.
- Subjects
Anchorage (Structural engineering) ,Guy anchors -- Design and construction. ,Tie-rods -- Design and construction. ,Retaining walls -- Design and construction. - Published
- 1990
3. Soil and rock anchors for mobile homes : a state-of-the-art report
- Author
Kovacs, William D.
- Subjects
Anchorage (Structural engineering) ,Mobile homes -- Foundations. ,Anchorage (Structural engineering) ,Mobile homes -- Foundations. - Published
- 1979
4. Optimització de l'OCULFIX
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament de Resistència de Materials i Estructures a l'Enginyeria, Noxifer, Musté Rodríguez, Marta, Canals Tarragó, Pau, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament de Resistència de Materials i Estructures a l'Enginyeria, Noxifer, Musté Rodríguez, Marta, and Canals Tarragó, Pau
- Abstract
La succió del vent és un aspecte a tenir en compte en l’edificació, i més concretament en les façanes. Existeixen ancoratges que serveixen per retenir els panells prefabricats de formigó, contrarestant l’acció del vent. L’Oculfix és un ancoratge fabricat per l’empresa Noxifer que té com a funció principal evitar el bolc i el desplaçament dels panells sotmesos a la succió del vent. L’objectiu d’aquest treball rau a optimitzar l’Oculfix per tal d’abaratir costs de producció. L’estudi busca reduir la quantitat necessària per fabricar aquest producte i maximitzar la productivitat, disminuint el nombre de processos de fabricació i el temps de cadascun, sempre atenint als requisits, especificacions i normes vigents recollides al plec de condicions. El desenvolupament del treball comença amb una familiarització de l’Oculfix i els accessoris que completen el sistema de retenció, per a després, fer recerca sobre quins són els precedents, i estudiar les propostes de productes que presenten les empreses competidores. Seguidament, es presenten diferents propostes de disseny del nou Oculfix i se’n selecciona una, que és objecte d’estudi. Mitjançant el mètode d’elements finits, es calcula el model introduint la càrrega especificada al plec de condicions, i es verifica les dimensions de xapa que cal utilitzar per poder suportar la flexió que provoca l’acció del vent. Quan s’obtenen els resultats, es dibuixen els plànols, es determina el material amb què es fabrica l’Oculfix i també l’acabat superficial. Finalment, s’avalua les accions que s’han dut a terme per a reduir l’impacte mediambiental durant tota la vida útil del producte., La succión del viento es un aspecto a tener en cuenta en la edificación, y más concretamente en las fachadas. Existen anclajes que sirven para retener los paneles prefabricados de hormigón, contrarrestando la acción del viento. El Oculfix es un anclaje fabricado por la empresa Noxifer que tiene como función principal evitar el vuelco y el desplazamiento de los paneles sometidos a la succión del viento. El objetivo de este trabajo es optimizar el Oculfix para abaratar costes de producción. El estudio busca reducir la cantidad necesaria para fabricar este producto y maximizar la productividad, disminuyendo el número de procesos de fabricación y el tiempo de cada uno, siempre ateniendo a los requisitos, especificaciones y normas vigentes recogidas al pliego de condiciones. El desarrollo del trabajo empieza con una familiarización de la Oculfix y los accesorios que completan el sistema de retención, seguido de una investigación sobre cuáles son los precedentes, y estudiar las propuestas de productos que presentan las empresas competidoras. Seguidamente, se presentan diferentes propuestas de diseño del nuevo Oculfix y se selecciona una, que es objeto de estudio. Mediante el método de elementos finitos, se calcula el modelo introduciendo la carga especificada en el pliego de condiciones, y se verifica las dimensiones de chapa que hay que utilizar para poder soportar la flexión que provoca la acción del viento. Cuando se obtienen los resultados, se dibujan los planos, se determina el material con que se fabrica el Oculfix y también el acabado superficial. Finalmente, se evalúa las acciones que se han llevado a cabo para reducir el impacto medioambiental durante toda la vida útil del producto., Wind suction is an aspect to take into account in the building, and more specifically in the facades. There are anchors that are used to retain the prefabricated concrete panels, counteracting the action of the wind. The Oculfix is an anchor made by the company Noxifer whose main function is to avoid the dump and the displacement of the panels subjected to wind suction. The objective of this work is to optimize the Oculfix in order to reduce production costs. The study seeks to reduce the amount of material necessary to manufacture this product and maximize productivity, reducing the number of manufacturing processes and the time of each one, always attending to the requirements, specifications and regulations in force. The development of the work begins with a familiarization of the Oculfix and the accessories that complete the retention system, and then, carry out research on what are the precedents, and study the proposals of products presented by the competing companies. Next, different design proposals for the new Oculfix are presented and one is selected, which is the object of study. Using the finite element method, the model is calculated by entering the specified load, and the sheet dimensions that must be used to support the bending caused by the action of the wind are verified. When the results are obtained, the plans are drawn, the material with which the Oculfix is manufactured and also the surface finish is determined. Finally, the actions that have been carried out to reduce the environmental impact throughout the product's lifetime are evaluated.
- Published
- 2024
5. Disseny d'un ancoratge per a panells GRC
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament de Resistència de Materials i Estructures a l'Enginyeria, Noxifer, Musté Rodríguez, Marta, Canals Tarragó, Pau, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament de Resistència de Materials i Estructures a l'Enginyeria, Noxifer, Musté Rodríguez, Marta, and Canals Tarragó, Pau
- Abstract
Des de fa poques dècades, existeix el GRC, Glassfiber Reinforced Concrete, un tipus de compòsit que combina el formigó amb fibres de vidre, aconseguint un material molt resistent i més lleuger que el formigó armat convencional. El GRC cada vegada més, està present en el sector de la construcció, normalment en forma d’elements prefabricats que es munten a obra posteriorment. L’objectiu d’aquest treball és dissenyar i desenvolupar un ancoratge per a sustentar el pes dels panells GRC, satisfent les necessitats de les empreses constructores, i aconseguir un producte innovador en el mercat. El procés de desenvolupament comença amb una recerca sobre els productes que fabrica Noxifer, seguidament un estudi sobre el GRC i les seves propietats, i a continuació un estudi de la competència i les solucions que aporten. Es determina els requisits i especificacions que ha de complir l’ancoratge, des de les limitacions geomètriques, les limitacions de posició, fins a determinar les càrregues que ha de suportar durant la vida útil. El pas següent és la presentació de propostes i l’elecció d’una d’elles, la qual s’introdueix al programari de càlcul FEM, a fi i efecte de comprovar si el model creat pot suportar el pes dels panells. Amb els resultats idonis, se segueix amb el desenvolupament del producte, dibuixant els plànols, determinant els materials i acabats superficials, i dissenyant el procés de fabricació. Per acabar, s’avaluen totes les decisions preses per minorar l’impacte mediambiental., Desde hace pocas décadas, existe el GRC, Glassfiber Reinforced Concrete, un tipo de compuesto que combina el hormigón con fibras de vidrio, consiguiendo un material muy resistente y más ligero que el hormigón armado convencional. El GRC cada vez más, está presente en el sector de la construcción, normalmente en forma de elementos prefabricados que se montan a obra posteriormente. El objetivo de este Trabajo es diseñar y desarrollar un anclaje para sustentar el peso de los paneles GRC, satisfaciendo las necesidades de las empresas constructoras, y conseguir un producto innovador en el mercado. El proceso de desarrollo empieza con una investigación sobre los productos que fabrica Noxifer, seguidamente un estudio sobre el GRC y sus propiedades, y a continuación un estudio de la competencia y las soluciones que aportan. Se determina los requisitos y especificaciones que tienen que cumplir el anclaje, desde las limitaciones geométricas, las limitaciones de posición, hasta determinar las cargas que soportar durante la vida útil. El paso siguiente es la presentación de propuestas y la elección de una de ellas, la cual se introduce en el software de cálculo FEM, con el fin de comprobar si el modelo creado puede soportar el peso de los paneles. Con los resultados idóneos, se sigue con el desarrollo del producto, dibujando los planos, determinando los materiales y acabados superficiales, y diseñando el proceso de fabricación. Finalmente, se evalúan todas las decisiones tomadas para aminorar el impacto medioambiental., For a few decades, GRC, Glassfiber Reinforced Concrete, a type of composite that combines concrete with glass fibers, achieving a very resistant and lighter material than conventional reinforced concrete. The GRC is increasingly present in the construction sector, usually in the form of prefabricated elements that are subsequently assembled. The objective of this work is to design and develop an anchoring to support the weight of GRC panels, meeting the needs of construction companies, and achieve an innovative product in the market. The development process begins with a research on the products manufactured by Noxifer, followed by a study on the GRC and its properties, and then a study of the competition and the solutions they provide. The requirements and specifications that the anchoring must meet are determined, from geometric limitations, position limitations, to determine the loads that it must bear during its useful life. The next step is the presentation of proposals and the choice of one of them, which is introduced in the FEM calculation software, in order to check if the model created can support the weight of the panels. With the ideal results, we continue with the development of the product, drawing the plans, determining the materials and surface finishes, and designing the manufacturing process. Finally, all the decisions taken to reduce the environmental impact are evaluated.
- Published
- 2024
6. State of the art review of the large deformation rock bolts.
- Author
Qiru Sui, Manchao He, Pengfei He, Min Xia, and Zhigang Tao
- Subjects
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DEFORMATIONS (Mechanics) , *ROCK bolts , *GEOTECHNICAL engineering , *ENERGY absorption films , *ANCHORAGE (Structural engineering) - Abstract
Rock bolting technique is an important reinforcement measure in the geotechnical engineering practice. New rock bolts have been continuously emerging through the development of rock supporting technology. Complex conditions, such as high crustal stress, extremely soft rock, and strong mining disturbance often occur in the deep mining, resulting in large deformation of the surrounding rock masses. Since the deformation of traditional rock bolts is generally below 200 mm, failure often occurs to the rock bolts because of insufficient deformability. To effectively control the large deformation of surrounding rock masses caused by complex conditions, it is necessary to develop large deformation rock bolts with high constant resistance, also called energy-absorbing bolts. This paper systematically reviews the development of large deformation rock bolts and the structure, energy absorption mechanism, anchorage performance, and mechanical properties of several typical large deformation rock bolts. The advantages and disadvantages of existing large deformation rock bolts are compared and the concept of constant resistance large deformation support is introduced. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2022
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7. Irregular Shape Anchor in Cohesionless Soils
- Author
Hamed Niroumand and Hamed Niroumand
- Subjects
- Anchorage (Structural engineering)
- Abstract
Irregular Shape Anchors in Cohesionless Soils presents a new type of soil anchor that can significantly lower cost and preparation time for application in low cohesion soils. The experimental data provided helps readers design and implement the new devices for their projects. The author introduces the specific problem of soil anchors in low cohesion soils in chapter one. In chapter two, a literature review is presented comparing findings of previous researchers and positioning irregular shape anchors (ISA) within the most traditional types of soil anchors. In chapter three, the methods used for testing ISA are presented together with the specific properties of sands, anchor materials, and the model of the fracture mechanism. The experimental results are covered in chapter four, including comparisons in embedment ration and sand density. The failure mechanism is discussed both for loose and dense sands. In chapter five, the author compares the experimental data with the theoretical and computational results. In chapter six, the author presents his conclusions and recommendations on the usage of ISA to projects. Researchers in geotechnical engineering can use the methods and models presented in the book for their own projects. Practicing engineers will benefit from the compiled experimental data and comparisons with most traditional types of soil anchors. - Introduces a new type of soil anchor - Offers a thorough literature review on soil anchor types - Presents design specifications and practical data that can be used in new projects - Provides engineers with a way to save implementation time and costs in geotechnical projects
- Published
- 2017
8. Design and Construction of Soil Anchor Plates
- Author
Hamed Niroumand, Khairul Anuar Kassim, Hamed Niroumand, and Khairul Anuar Kassim
- Subjects
- Anchorage (Structural engineering)
- Abstract
Primarily designed and constructed to resist outwardly directed loads imposed on the foundation of a structure, anchor plates play an important role in the design of structures (including seawalls, transmission towers, tunnels, buried pipelines, and retaining walls). Design and Construction of Soil Anchor Plates focuses on the various theories based on the design and construction techniques of anchor plates in soil mechanics. The focus of this reference is on design methods, theories, and procedures for constructing permanent or temporary ground anchors and anchored systems. Topics include: General Requirements of Vertical Anchor Plates and Design Criteria, Estimation of Ultimate Capacity in Vertical Anchor Plates, General Requirements of Vertical Anchor Plates and Design Criteria, Type and Length of Inclined Anchor Plates, Early Theories on Anchor Plates in Multi-Layers Soil, and Basic Theories on Passive Pressure in Vertical Anchor Plates. With this reference, researchers and designers will find a valuable guide to the various theories, techniques, and equations for anchor design. - Basic theories on passive pressure in vertical anchor plates - Estimation of ultimate capacity in vertical anchor plates - Uplift capacity for shallow anchor plates - Requirements of vertical anchor plates and design criteria - Type and length of inclined anchor plates
- Published
- 2016
9. Assessment of condition of soil anchorage using centrifuge numerical and field experiments
- Author
Palop Dorado, Kilian Borja
- Subjects
620 ,Anchorage (Structural engineering) ,Shear strength of soils - Abstract
The University of Aberdeen has conducted research into ground anchorage systems since the early 1980's. During this time, the non-destructive GRANIT system (GRound ANchorage Integrity Testing) has been developed for anchorages in rock. The system is based on observing the dynamic response from anchorages to which an impulse of a known intensity has been applied. This technique has been proven to be a reliable system to assess the integrity of rock anchorages, which is then used as a base to study the integrity of soil anchorages. This research aims to implement a non-destructive testing system at small scale size and full scale stress levels by means of centrifuge modelling at the University of Dundee. Accordingly, centrifuge modelling was undertaken to monitor and assess the dynamic response of soil anchorages installed in dry sand reinforcing a retaining wall in 3x3 anchorage array sets, subject to different post tension levels within different bonding ratios and different inclinations. In order to perform non-destructive testing, an In-flight Robotic Manipulator, previously developed, was used to apply a post tension load followed by an impact load to the anchorage head to obtain the dynamic response of the system. Anchor frequency response signatures were then evaluated in order to validate the consistency of results obtained. The practical importance of this research is that non-destructive testing may be usable to assess the soil anchors integrity to define the relationship between both anchor load and geometrical characteristics with frequency response accomplished using centrifuge modelling. This research presents a further development of the physical model in which additional instrumentation is included in order to obtain load/deflection information of the anchor head, which has been proven crucial for monitoring load on rock anchorage. Additionally, load distributions along scaled model soil anchors are measured and found to reduce gradually within the fixed length, similarly as it was reported for the fixed length of rock anchorages. Furthermore, a lumped parameter model for a single soil anchorage was adapted to investigate the dynamic response under the same physical and geometrical characteristics studied during centrifuge modelling. Mode shapes helped to understand the origin of some of the frequency modes present in the frequency response of the centrifuge results. The results from the numerical and centrifuge models were compared and good agreement was observed. Soil anchorage does not show as much frequency shift as was observed for rock anchorages under different post tension load, suggesting that the bonding strength of the fixed length with the surrounding ground plays an important role on the dynamic response of the system. The accomplishment of the assessment of soil anchorage can not be exclusively judged on its ability to diagnose controlled changes under centrifuge and numerical modelling. Therefore a preliminary phase to assess a soil anchorage under field conditions was carried out deploying the GRANIT system. This research showed that the GRANIT non-destructive testing technique has potential for use in soils, but that the results are not as well defined as in rock, necessitating more careful characterization of each anchorage signature response.
- Published
- 2012
10. Dynamic responses of soil anchorages using numerical and centrifuge modelling techniques
- Author
Hao, Jinde
- Subjects
624.16 ,Anchorage (Structural engineering) - Abstract
Ground anchorages are the main support for the structures as tunnels, mines and retaining walls. Both BS8081: 1989 and current practice suggest that there is a need for anchorages to be installed cost-effectively and monitored efficiently in terms of their long-term condition. An EPSRC research project was carried out to investigate the application of the GRANIT system developed at the University of Aberdeen, a proven viable long-term condition monitoring system for rock anchorage, to soil anchorages incorporating soil behaviour.
- Published
- 2008
11. Full-scale test and simulation of a PBL anchorage system for suspension bridges.
- Author
Li, Zhixiang, Zhao, Canhui, Shu, Yang, Deng, Kailai, Cui, Bing, and Su, Yukun
- Subjects
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SUSPENSION bridges , *ANCHORAGE (Structural engineering) , *TENSILE architecture , *CABLE structures , *IRON & steel plates , *BALLAST (Railroads) - Abstract
In suspension bridges, cable anchorage system is the critical structure for cable tension transmission. For traditional rear anchor girder anchorage system and pre-stressed anchorage system, problems such as local compression and inconvenient construction are inevitable. This paper presents the development of a novel PBL anchorage system used in the 4th Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge. This PBL anchorage system adopted grouped perfobond rib shear connectors (known as PBL shear connectors) in the independent perforated steel plate. Two full-scale specimens were extracted from the practical design. The load–slip curves and the strain developments were obtained. The results revealed the reliable load-carrying capacity and very slight residual slip after the cyclic unloading from the design load. The load carried by each row of PBL shear connectors proved the distributed load-carrying capacity. Finite-element analyses were conducted in ANSYS, which agreed well with the test results. Further parametric analyses focusing on the spacing and rows of PBL shear connectors were conducted. Based on the analysis results, the design methods of the PBL anchorage system were suggested. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2020
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12. Model test on the bearing behaviors of the tunnel-type anchorage in soft rock with underlying weak interlayers.
- Author
Han, Yafeng, Liu, Xinrong, Li, Dongliang, Tu, Yiliang, Deng, Zhiyun, Liu, Dongshuang, and Wu, Xiangchao
- Subjects
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ANCHORAGE (Structural engineering) , *BRIDGE bearings , *ROCK deformation , *FAILURE mode & effects analysis , *ROCKS - Abstract
The stability of tunnel-type anchorages is related to the stratum lithology and geological conditions of the anchorage sites. The bearing behavior of tunnel-type anchorages in soft rock with underlying weak interlayers is analyzed in this work using a field model test. Using FLAC3D, we investigate the effects of the geometric parameters (i.e., base angle, β, length, L) of plug bodies and the distance, D, between the right and left plug bodies on the stress states of weak interlayers. The results show four stages of surrounding rock deformation. Furthermore, the vertical displacement of the surrounding rock is less than that in the main cable force direction. In dealing with tunnel-type anchorages in soft rock with underlying weak interlayers, focus should be directed towards controlling the surrounding rock deformation in the main cable force direction. The surrounding rock in the postmedian plug body is the main bearing part of a tunnel-type anchorage. The final failure mode of tunnel-type anchorages in soft rock with underlying weak interlayers is similar to that of an inverted wedge body. Moreover, this final failure mode is slightly related to the plug body's geometric parameters and the distance between the right and left plug bodies. The maximum tensile stress, tmax, inside the weak interlayer decreases as the distance, D, between two plug bodies (or length, L) increases, and it increases as the base angle, β, of the plug body increases. The parameter sensitivity of the plug body to tmax is ranked as β > L > D. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2020
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13. Improving integrity of RC beam‐column joints with deficient beam rebar anchorage.
- Author
Wardi, Syafri, Sanada, Yasushi, Saha, Nandita, and Takahashi, Susumu
- Subjects
BEAM-column joints ,WOODEN beams ,EARTHQUAKE resistant design ,ANCHORAGE (Structural engineering) ,REINFORCED concrete buildings ,EXTERIOR walls ,INTEGRITY - Abstract
Summary: In recent earthquakes in developing countries, severe damage was observed on reinforced concrete buildings. This study focuses on exterior beam‐column joints with substandard beam rebar anchorage and seismic strengthening by installing wing walls. First, a series of experiments was conducted to investigate the seismic behavior of exterior joints with substandard beam rebar anchorage representing typical Bangladeshi buildings. Two 0.7‐scaled exterior joint specimens were tested, and these specimens showed beam rebar anchorage failure and/or joint shear failure. Prior to strengthening of the joint, a series of pullout tests was conducted on postinstalled bonded anchors in low‐strength concrete for strengthening design. Then, an experiment was performed to apply the strengthening method by wing walls to one of the exterior joint specimens to improve the integrity, and this method was intended to prevent the failure of beam rebar anchorage. The strengthening method is proposed to extend the development length of beam longitudinal bars by considering the embedment length along the wing walls. The test results verified the effectiveness and applicability of the proposed strengthening method to upgrade exterior RC beam‐column joints with deficient beam rebar anchorage. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2020
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14. Distribution Pattern of Anchorage Stress and Water Sensitivity Analysis of Red Clay.
- Author
Li, Lifeng, Gong, Weili, Deng, Huilin, Zhang, Xiaohu, and Li, Gan
- Subjects
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WATER analysis , *LEAD in water , *CLAY , *SENSITIVITY analysis , *ANCHORAGE (Structural engineering) , *SHEAR strength of soils - Abstract
Red clay is a special soil layer with complex engineering properties distributed in tropical and subtropical regions. An anchor cable support is a common form of red clay slope support. The effectiveness of the anchor cable support is mainly determined by the anchoring force provided by the red clay stratum. Increase of the water content will lead to the rapid deterioration of the mechanical properties of red clay, which will lead to the reduction of the anchoring force of the slope anchor cable and lead to the failure of the support. Based on the classical Phillips and uniform anchorage shear stress distribution theory, this paper puts forward a uniform-exponential distribution pattern of anchorage shear stress according to the specific characteristics of red clay by using the characteristics of the peak shear strength and residual shear strength of the rock and soil mass. With increasing anchorage force, the dynamic evolution (single exponential distribution ⟶ double single exponential distribution ⟶ uniform index exponential complex distribution ⟶ uniform distribution) of the anchorage shear stress is analysed. Based on the peak and residual test of the cohesive force and internal friction angle, the relationship between the anchoring force and buried depth and water content is established by analysing the factors influencing the anchoring force. It can be found from the field test that, according to the relationship established, the limit anchorage force of the anchor cable in the red clay stratum can be calculated and the water sensitivity of the anchor cable's limit anchorage force can be quantitatively analysed. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2020
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15. A theoretical solution for the pullout properties of a single FRP rod embedded in a bond type anchorage.
- Author
Huang, Pingming, Sun, Yamin, Mei, Kuihua, and Wang, Tao
- Subjects
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AXIAL stresses , *SHEARING force , *ANCHORAGE (Structural engineering) , *RESIDUAL stresses , *CHEMICAL bond lengths - Abstract
This paper proposes a theoretical solution for predicting the pullout properties of a single fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) rod embedded in a bond type anchorage based on a trilinear bond–slip model. The radial variation of the shear stress and reaction of the steel sleeve are considered in the solution. Pullout procedure with elastic, elastic-softening, elastic-softening-debonding, pure softening, softening-debonding, and debonding stages, as well as the corresponding critical stages, are analyzed. In this theoretical solution, the maximum pullout load, shear stress along the rod–grout interface, axial tensile stress of the FRP rod, and load–slip relationship are derived with explicit formulations. Effective bond length of bond type anchorage is also discussed. The solution is validated against experimental results available in literature. The theoretical solution reveals that the anchorage may attain its maximum pullout load in the elastic-softening, pure softening, or elastic-softening-debonding stage. Moreover, the effects of embedded length, ultimate shear stress, and residual shear stress on maximum pullout load closely related with the stage in which the anchorage attains its maximum pullout load. However, the effect of radius of FRP rod on the maximum pullout load increases with the embedded length, no matter in which stage the anchorage attains its maximum pullout load. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2020
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16. Behaviour of CFST column to H-section beam connections with T-shaped vertical anchorage.
- Author
Liu, Jiepeng, Li, Binyang, Zhou, Xiang, Yang, Yuanlong, Cheng, Wei, and Chen, Y. Frank
- Subjects
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ANCHORAGE (Structural engineering) , *FINITE element method , *ENERGY dissipation - Abstract
Three large-scale connections between square concrete-filled steel tubular (CFST) columns and H-section steel beams were tested. T-shaped vertical anchorage was used as the embedded elements and both static and seismic behaviours of the connections were tested in this study. The experimental parameters include length and location of T-shaped vertical anchorage. Based on the experimental data, the strength, ductility, stiffness degradation, and energy dissipation of the connections were calculated. The test results show that the connections exhibit good static and seismic behaviours. Furthermore, a parametric study was conducted using the finite element method where the considered parameters include the height and depth of end anchorage, and the thickness of vertical plate. Based on the study results, a preliminary design method is proposed, which includes the design formulae for calculating the thickness of vertical plate, the thickness of end anchorage, and the punching shear capacity of concrete. In conclusion, with a proper design, the connections with T-shaped vertical anchorage can be reliably used in practical applications. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2020
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17. Load transfer mechanism and critical length of anchorage zone for anchor bolt.
- Author
Xu, Xingliang and Tian, Suchuan
- Subjects
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ANCHORAGE (Structural engineering) , *SHEARING force , *ELASTIC deformation , *ANCHORS , *ZONING - Abstract
The length of anchorage zone of an anchor bolt affects the distribution of axial force and shear stress therein. Based on a shear–displacement model, the load distribution of anchor bolts in the elastic deformation stage was analysed. Moreover, the mechanical response of threaded steel anchor bolts with different anchorage lengths was explored through pull-out test and numerical simulation. The results showed that axial force and shear stress were negatively exponentially distributed within the anchorage zone of anchor bolts in which there were the maximum axial force and shear stress at the beginning of the anchorage zone. In the elastic deformation stage of the anchorage, the longer the anchorage length, the more uniformly the shear stress was distributed within the anchorage zone and the larger the ultimate shear stress; however, there was a critical anchorage length, which, when exceeded, the ultimate shear stress remained unchanged. The calculation formula for the critical anchorage length was deduced and a reasonable anchorage length determined. The research result provides an important theoretical basis for rapid design of support parameters for anchor bolts. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2020
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18. Numerical Simulation Analysis of NPR Anchorage Monitoring of Bedding Rock Landslide in Open-Pit Mine.
- Author
Zhang, Kai, Yang, Xiaojie, Cui, Xuebin, Wang, Yong, and Tao, Zhigang
- Subjects
LANDSLIDES ,SHIELDS (Geology) ,STRIP mining ,NUMERICAL analysis ,COMPUTER simulation ,ANCHORS ,ANCHORAGE (Structural engineering) - Abstract
Nanfen open-pit iron mine is the largest single open-pit mine in Asia. Because of the lag of the extension project, the section has slowly spread in the shape of "V," and disasters such as landslides occur frequently. In this study, first, the NPR anchor cable monitoring, which shows supernormal mechanical characteristics and can realize the monitoring and early warning target for the whole landslide process and early warning curve of bedding rock "2016-1101 landslide" in the lower wall of Nanfen open-pit mine, was analyzed, revealing the failure process of the bedding rock landslide and the force evolution characteristics of the NPR anchor cable. Then, based on the Fish language in FLAC3D and 3DEC software, the mechanical model of the NPR anchor cable was constructed, and numerical simulation was performed on the whole process of "16-1101 landslide" induced by accumulation of old landslide body. The results of this study indicate that the stress monitoring curves and failure characteristics of the NPR anchor cables in the whole process of landslide by the two numerical simulation methods are basically consistent with the field measurement results, providing a theoretical and practical basis for the mechanistic analysis and numerical simulation of other similar slopes. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2020
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19. Novel strategy for anchorage position control of GPI-attached proteins in the yeast cell wall using different GPI-anchoring domains.
- Author
Inokuma, Kentaro, Kurono, Hiroki, den Haan, Riaan, van Zyl, Willem Heber, Hasunuma, Tomohisa, and Kondo, Akihiko
- Subjects
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GREEN fluorescent protein , *YEAST , *SACCHAROMYCES cerevisiae , *ANCHORAGE (Structural engineering) , *BACTERIAL cell walls , *RICE straw , *CHIMERIC proteins , *PROTEINS - Abstract
The yeast cell surface provides space to display functional proteins. Heterologous proteins can be covalently anchored to the yeast cell wall by fusing them with the anchoring domain of glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored cell wall proteins (GPI-CWPs). In the yeast cell-surface display system, the anchorage position of the target protein in the cell wall is an important factor that maximizes the capabilities of engineered yeast cells because the yeast cell wall consists of a 100- to 200-nm-thick microfibrillar array of glucan chains. However, knowledge is limited regarding the anchorage position of GPI-attached proteins in the yeast cell wall. Here, we report a comparative study on the effect of GPI-anchoring domain–heterologous protein fusions on yeast cell wall localization. GPI-anchoring domains derived from well-characterized GPI-CWPs, namely Sed1p and Sag1p, were used for the cell-surface display of heterologous proteins in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Immunoelectron-microscopic analysis of enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP)-displaying cells revealed that the anchorage position of the GPI-attached protein in the cell wall could be controlled by changing the fused anchoring domain. eGFP fused with the Sed1-anchoring domain predominantly localized to the external surface of the cell wall, whereas the anchorage position of eGFP fused with the Sag1-anchoring domain was mainly inside the cell wall. We also demonstrate the application of the anchorage position control technique to improve the cellulolytic ability of cellulase-displaying yeast. The ethanol titer during the simultaneous saccharification and fermentation of hydrothermally-processed rice straw was improved by 30% after repositioning the exo- and endo-cellulases using Sed1- and Sag1-anchor domains. This novel anchorage position control strategy will enable the efficient utilization of the cell wall space in various fields of yeast cell-surface display technology. Image 1 • The GPI-anchoring domain fused with a heterologous protein determines its anchorage position in yeast cell wall. • Proteins fused with the Sed1-anchoring domain predominantly localize to the external surface of the cell wall. • The anchorage position of proteins fused with the Sag1-anchoring domain is mainly inside of the cell wall. • By repositioning EG and BGL in yeast cell wall, the ethanol titer from pretreated rice straw was improved by 30%. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2020
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20. Grid U-Wrap Anchorage for Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened with Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Sheets.
- Author
Kim, Yail J. and Bhiri, Mohammed
- Subjects
CONCRETE beams ,CARBON fiber-reinforced plastics ,ADHESIVES ,STRESS concentration ,ANCHORAGE (Structural engineering) ,CYCLIC loads - Abstract
This paper presents the feasibility and effectiveness of an alternative anchor system for reinforced concrete beams strengthened with carbon fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP) sheets. Continuum U-wrap anchors that enclose the longitudinal CFRP sheets are conventionally employed to impede the premature delamination of the sheets. This method, however, is not cost-effective and completely blocks the bonded region, thereby disrupting any technical maintenance and visual inspections on the shear span of the beam. Grid CFRP U-wraps are proposed to address these concerns. Twenty beams are tested to examine the effects of the following parameters: anchorage types (continuum and grid U-wraps), grid configurations, shear-span coverage ratios (25 to 100%), bonding schemes (epoxy and silyl-modified polymer [SMP] adhesives), and loading conditions (monotonic and cyclic). Of interest are the flexural capacity of the strengthened beams, failure modes and crack propagation, and strain development that represents the behavior of the CFRP-concrete interface. The grid U-wraps alter the failure characteristics of the beams in conjunction with the interrupted formation of diagonal tension cracks. The use of SMP alleviates stress concentrations at the beam corners, preserving the integrity of the grid U-wraps. Cyclic loading brings about the progressive shearing of the CFRP sheet; accordingly, the capacity of the strengthened beams decreases. When SMP-epoxy hybrid bonding is used, the grid U-wraps result in flexural responses comparable with those of their continuum counterparts. Statistical inference techniques clarify the relationship between the anchorage configuration and the coverage ratio. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2020
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21. Study on Anchorage Failure and Bolting Measures of Roadway in Weak Rock.
- Author
Dong, Enyuan and Wang, Weijun
- Subjects
ANCHORAGE (Structural engineering) ,SERVICE life ,ROADS ,MECHANICAL models ,COAL mining - Abstract
A mechanical model for anchorage and surrounding rock was established against the failure of bolting system, the differential equation of load-transfer was solved and the shape and depth of excavation damaged zone (EDZ) of the surrounding rock was analysed. The results show that to achieve full performance of rockbolts materials and to lengthen its service life, two requirements must be met. One is that the load of rockbolt is no more than its load-bearing capacity. The other one is that the anchorage should be located in stable elastic zone. The shape of EDZ is determined by the magnitude and direction of in-situ stress. Reasonable bolting design should abandon the traditional design of uniform support strength. Rather, should adopt coordinated support and nonuniform support design according to the shape of EDZ in field. Based on the above principles, a new type of combination rockbolt with the effect of high resistance and yield pattern was adopted for the new bolting scheme in the main roadway of Puhe Coal Mine. By analyzing the data collected in field, it is concluded that the combination rockbolt can solve the problem that appearing pull-out failure of rockbolts and tensile failure of cablebolts. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2020
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22. Best practice specification, design and installation for post-installed anchors in safety-critical applications
- Author
Lee, Jessey, Heath, David J, and Gad, Emad F
- Published
- 2016
23. The dynamic response of ground anchorage systems
- Author
Ivanović, Ana
- Subjects
623.8 ,Anchorage (Structural engineering) - Abstract
This thesis describes the development of the lumped parameter model and the results obtained from it. In order to fully utilise the response signatures obtained from GRANIT, it is essential to understand the effect of the various components of the 'complete ground anchorage system' such as protruding free and fixed length of the anchorage, anchorage head assembly, affected and non-affected rock mass. In order to monitor each subsystem and its dynamic response to potential changes/failures, the anchorage system, in its simplest form, is represented by the model which comprises seven masses and a number of spring/damper systems replicating the components described earlier. Ordinary differential equations for mass/spring/dash-pot elements were then configured and the model was implemented in software form and then solved for both time and frequency domain. The acceleration response was examined at a number of points in the anchorage system i.e. at the protruding length as well as at the anchorage head, along the free length, along the fixed length and even within the rock mass itself. Several laboratory and field anchorage applications were simulated using the lumped parameter model and the results obtained from the model. A parametric study was then undertaken with regard to addressing mechanisms which are generally present in anchorage applications such as changes of material properties of the resin and concrete, the introduction of defects, such as gaps along the fixed anchorage length or debonding at the proximal fixed anchorage length, and the influence of changes in post tension load on the dynamic response of the anchorages. Furthermore, an investigation of the impulse load was conducted with the aim of further development of the current impact device in order to be able to assess anchorages regarding the mechanisms mentioned earlier.
- Published
- 2001
24. Condition monitoring & integrity assessment of rock anchorages
- Author
Milne, Grant Dean
- Subjects
620.0044 ,Anchorage (Structural engineering) ,Rock mechanics - Abstract
Current methods for assessing the integrity of ground anchorages during service are primarily restricted to monitoring by load cells or load lift-off testing. Both are expensive and lift-off testing is time consuming and can damage the anchorage construction below the anchor head. Hence, only typically 5-10% of anchorages are monitored in service. As a result, The Institution of Civil Engineers reported that non-destructive test methods for ground anchorages need to be developed as a high priority (ICE, 1992). The Universities o f Aberdeen and Bradford have been conducting research since 1986 to investigate the response o f rock anchorages to dynamic loading arising from blasting operations. Full scale field trials were conducted during the construction of two tunnels in North Wales. An important finding from the research revealed that certain characteristics of the dynamic response of a rock bolt resulting from blasting operations, were similar for different blast sequences. This indicates that the dynamic response o f an anchorage system is dependant on the construction of the anchorage and the characteristics of the co-vibrating rock mass. Consequently, the University of Aberdeen has developed a new non-destructive condition monitoring and integrity assessment system for ground anchorages (GRANIT ™). A range of patent applications have been successful world-wide and the system has been exclusively licensed to AMEC Civil Engineering Limited. The system operates by applying an axial tensile impact load to the free end of an intact anchorage immediately after installation. The resulting vibrational response is monitored by an accelerometer, located at the anchorage head, which produces a datum signature for that anchorage. The condition of the anchorage is then inferred by comparing subsequent response signatures with the datum. A change in the signature indicates that there may be a potential change in the integrity of the anchorage. Artificial Intelligence systems are employed to compare response signatures. As part of the research programme, the author conducted commissioning tests on small scale laboratory test rigs and was responsible for the development of a prototype non-destructive test system, which included a means of applying an impact load and recording the vibrational response. In addition, the author conducted full scale laboratory tests and field trials to investigate the effect of prestress on the dynamic response of ground anchorage systems. As a result, the prototype non-destructive test system has been employed to successfully predict the amount of load within an anchorage installation.
- Published
- 1999
25. Earth Anchors
- Author
Braja Das, Sanjay K. Shukla, Braja Das, and Sanjay K. Shukla
- Subjects
- Anchorage (Structural engineering), Foundations
- Abstract
Anchors are primarily used in the construction of foundations of earth-supported and earth-retaining structures. The fundamental reason for using earth anchors in construction is to transmit the outwardly directed load to the soil at a greater depth and/or farther away from the structure. Although earth anchors have been used in practice for several hundred years, proper theoretical developments for purposes of modern engineering designs have taken place only during the past 40 to 45 years. This geotechnical engineering book summarizes most theoretical and experimental works directed toward the development of proper relationships for ultimate and allowable holding capacity of earth anchors.
- Published
- 2013
26. Design of Fastenings for Use in Concrete : The CEN/TS 1992-4 Provisions
- Author
Rainer Mallée, Rolf Eligehausen, Konrad Bergmeister, Frank Fingerloos, Johann-Dietrich Wörner, Rainer Mallée, Rolf Eligehausen, Konrad Bergmeister, Frank Fingerloos, and Johann-Dietrich Wörner
- Subjects
- Fasteners--Design, Concrete construction, Anchorage (Structural engineering)
- Abstract
The European pre-standard CEN/TS 1992-4 for the design of fastenings by means of headed studs, anchor channels as well as post-installed mechanical and chemical anchors is ready for use. The background and interpretation of the provisions related to the determination of actions and resistances based on limit state design, durability, fire resistance, fatigue and earthquake actions as required by CEN/TS 1992 are described in detail. Selected chapters from the German concrete yearbook are now being published in the new English'Beton-Kalender Series'for the benefit of an international audience. Since it was founded in 1906, the Ernst & Sohn'Beton-Kalender'has been supporting developments in reinforced and prestressed concrete. The aim was to publish a yearbook to reflect progress in'ferro-concrete'structures until - as the book's first editor, Fritz von Emperger (1862-1942), expressed it - the'tempestuous development'in this form of construction came to an end. However, the'Beton-Kalender'quickly became the chosen work of reference for civil and structural engineers, and apart from the years 1945-1950 has been published annually ever since.
- Published
- 2013
27. Yachihe Bridge, China: engineering the world's longest cable-stayed steel truss.
- Author
Yu, Xiangmin, Chen, Dewei, and Xue, Menggui
- Subjects
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CABLE-stayed bridges , *ANCHORAGE (Structural engineering) , *TECHNOLOGICAL innovations ,QIANXINAN (Guizhou, China) - Abstract
Yachihe Bridge in China is the longest steel-truss, cable-stayed bridge in the world and the tenth longest overall. Completed in 2016, its 800 m main span carries the new Guiyang-Qianxi dual carriageway over the Yachihe River gorge. It is also the first cable-stayed bridge to be erected using a cable crane, and its concrete-box-girder side spans feature the first use of cable anchorages in the middle of the outer web. Furthermore, geometry alignment during deck closure was achieved by adjusting cable forces rather than by using counterweights. This paper describes the configuration and numerical analysis of the innovative cable anchorage, discusses the challenges and solutions involved in using a cable crane for construction and details the novel closure techniques adopted for the steel-truss deck. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2018
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28. A Study on Failure Surface of Helical Anchors in Sand by PIV/DIC Technique.
- Author
Motamedinia, Hassan, Hataf, Nader, and Habibagahi, Ghassem
- Subjects
TENSION loads ,ANCHORAGE (Structural engineering) ,PARTICLE image velocimetry ,BRACING (Structural engineering) ,SAND ,SURFACES (Technology) - Abstract
Helical anchors have been used to carry tension loads in different applications including transmission tower foundation, pipeline anchors, foundation repair elements, and excavation bracing. There have been numerous changes in the shape and size of helical anchors and piles since their first usage. Several researchers have studied their failure mechanism to find their pullout capacity. In this paper, the uplift capacity of helical screw anchors has been investigated through laboratory testing. Half-cut double-helix anchors were tested in a sand tank by varying helix size, helix spacing, and relative density of sand. A series of images were captured during the process of anchor pullout. The images were used to obtain displacement and strain fields by Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV). Load–displacement curves have been presented and compared to the earlier works. Afterwards, pullout capacity factors were calculated from peak load values. PIV analysis results were used to study the effects of helix spacing, helix size, and relative density of sand on the displacement fields. The results showed that the effect of helix spacing and soil density in increasing pullout load is more than that of helix size. Moreover, failure surfaces were discussed through displacement and strain fields. The findings indicated that failure surface above the top helix of deeply embedded anchors is a truncated cone with the angle of approximately ϕ 3 , with the vertical and the failure surface shape between the two helices dependent on helix spacing. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
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29. An Experiment Study on a Novel Self-Swelling Anchorage Bolt.
- Author
Xu, Shuai, Hou, Pengyuan, Cai, Ming, and Li, Yuanhui
- Subjects
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ROCK deformation , *BOLTED joints , *ANCHORAGE (Structural engineering) , *ROLLING friction , *TENSILE strength - Abstract
Rockbolts can be divided into three types based on the anchorage mechanism - mechanical bolts, bonded bolts and friction bolts (Hoek et al. [7]). A dense and hard grout forms between the bolt and the borehole wall due to the constraint of the borehole wall and the ends of the roll, generating high expansion pressure between the borehole wall and the bolt. High friction between the expanded roll and the borehole wall provides anchorage force to the bolt, which allows the bolt to fulfil the function of controlling rock mass deformation and preventing rock mass failure. The laboratory test results indicate that tensile fracture of the SSAB occurs if the self-swelling roll length exceeds 60 cm. In this case, the ultimate load of the SSAB depends on the ultimate tensile strength of the bolt. [Extracted from the article]
- Published
- 2019
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30. A Comprehensive Review of the Mechanical Behavior of Suspension Bridge Tunnel-Type Anchorage.
- Author
Han, Yafeng, Liu, Xinrong, Wei, Ning, Li, Dongliang, Deng, Zhiyun, Wu, Xiangchao, and Liu, Dongshuang
- Subjects
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SUSPENSION bridges , *ANCHORAGE (Structural engineering) , *FAILURE mode & effects analysis , *BEHAVIOR , *ROCK testing - Abstract
The recent surge of interest towards the mechanical response of rock mass produced by tunnel-type anchorage (TTA) has generated a handful of theories and an array of empirical explorations on the topic. However, none of these have attempted to arrange the existing achievements in a systematic way. The present work puts forward an integrative framework laid out over three levels of explanation and practical approach, mechanical behavior, and calculation method of the ultimate pullout force to compare and integrate the existing findings in a meaningful way. First, it reviews the application of TTA in China and analyzes its future development trend. Then, it summarizes the research results of TTA in terms of load transfer characteristics, deformation characteristics, failure modes, and calculation of ultimate uplift resistance. Finally, it introduces four field model tests in soft rock (mainly mudstone formations), and some research results are obtained. Furthermore, it compares the mechanical behavior of TTA in hard rock strata and soft rock strata, highlighting the main factors affecting the stability of TTA in soft rock formation. This paper proposes a series of focused topics for future investigation that would allow deconstruction of the drivers and constraints of the development of TTA. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
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- Author
Nannan CUI and Shiping HUANG
- Subjects
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CABLE-stayed bridge design & construction , *PYLONS (Architecture) , *ANCHORAGE (Structural engineering) , *STRAIN energy , *MATHEMATICAL optimization - Abstract
The cable-pylon anchorage zone is a typical D-region in a cable-stayed bridge, for which there has been no uniform simplified design method until now. In this paper, based on the extensive statistics of actual projects, topology optimization techniques and principle of minimum strain energy, two precise strut-and-tie models for the cable-pylon anchorage zone are proposed, which can clearly reveal the load-transmitting mechanism of the anchorage zone. Th e explicit geometric parameters of the strut-and-tie models are derived; thus, the designers can directly use these models. A simple design procedure to deploy prestressing tendons in the anchorage zone is also introduced, whose effectiveness and convenience are demonstrated by two design examples. A new design named the "one-way prestressing tendons PC cable-pylon" is also discussed regarding its application scope. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
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32. Study on the weakening mechanism of anchorage interface under the action of water.
- Author
Yao, Qiangling, Tang, Chuanjin, Zhu, Liu, Li, Zhenyu, Niu, Zhijun, and Li, Xuehua
- Subjects
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SHEAR strength , *BOND strengths , *FAILURE mode & effects analysis , *WATER immersion , *ANCHORAGE (Structural engineering) - Abstract
In this paper, pull-out tests of bolt are carried out to investigate the relation between water inflow and bolt-resin interface. Then, water intrusion tests and ring shear tests are sequentially conducted on rock-like specimens to investigate the effects of moisture content on the shear bond strength and failure mode of the rock–resin interface. The results suggest that the shear bond strength is markedly affected by water and failure concentrates on the interface between rock and resin after immersion in water. When comparing shear tests results from specimens with different immersion methods, it is evident that the resins have low hydroscopic behavior. It is also evident that rock weakening after water intrusion is the main cause of shear bond strength reduction of the rock–resin interface. During the failure process of dry specimens, there is evidence of a resin bearing stage, a breaking point and a residual stage that dissipates. Also, the applied load plunges after peak stress is achieved in specimens with increasing moisture content. • the failure of the anchors - anchoring agents - rock interfaces. • the effect of water on anchors. • the effect of water on rock. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
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33. Study on the Effect of Bolt Anchorage in Deep Roadway Roof Based on Anchorage Potential Design Method.
- Author
Li, Hongchao, Zhao, Wei, Zhou, Kai, Liu, Yanan, An, Xinglong, and Gao, Ge
- Subjects
ANCHORAGE (Structural engineering) ,ROOF design & construction ,ROOFS ,ROADS ,ROOFING materials - Abstract
Based on the analysis of bending damage of roadway roof, a design method of roof bolting support by using anchorage potential design method is put forward. The method is then applied to numerical simulation of roadway anchorage parameters and support effect. The effect of numerical simulation on supporting schemes was verified through laboratory tests, and the optimal support scheme for roadway was determined. Field test results show that roadway deformation from roof to floor in the optimal support scheme is 210 mm, which is within the control range. The anchorage forces of bolts and cables are within reasonable load coordination and prestress coordination area and roadway stability is good. The amount of bolting material for roadway roof is reduced by 20% compared with the traditional design. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
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34. Development of a Prestressing CFRP Laminate Anchorage System and Bridge Strengthening Application.
- Author
Li, Fangyuan, Li, Wenhao, Lu, Shaohui, and Shen, Yin
- Subjects
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ANCHORAGE (Structural engineering) , *PRESTRESSED concrete , *LAMINATED materials , *BRIDGE bearings , *REQUIREMENTS engineering , *CARBON fibers , *BRIDGES , *RESEARCH teams - Abstract
For prestressed carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) tendon anchorage systems to become well established and used on a large scale, practical requirements for structure strengthening may be met by performing a relatively easy anchorage technique using prestressing CFRP laminates. From testing performed on a clip-type CFRP laminate anchorage system developed in our research group, it was revealed that this system could achieve the anchorage efficiency and the relaxation met the requirement of specification. Furthermore, the relevant indices of the anchorage system met the prestressed system standards. A test on the load-carrying capacity of a full-scale model beam demonstrated that the load-carrying capacity of the beam increased by more than 60% after it was strengthened with the anchorage system. The prestressing CFRP laminates and the bridge structure deformed and bore stress as a composite and exhibited excellent operating performance when working together. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
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35. Behavior of RC box beam strengthened with basalt FRP using end anchorage with grooving.
- Author
Shen, Dejian, Zeng, Xuan, Zhang, Jinyang, Zhou, Baizhong, and Wang, and Wei
- Subjects
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BOX beams , *CONCRETE beams , *REINFORCED concrete construction , *BASALT , *ANCHORAGE (Structural engineering) , *FAILURE mode & effects analysis , *CRACKS in reinforced concrete , *DEFLECTION (Mechanics) - Abstract
In recent days, many structures are strengthened with fiber-reinforced polymer to make use of the existing reinforced concrete structures to the current needs. Although investigations on the behavior of undamaged fiber-reinforced polymer-strengthened reinforced concrete beams anchored with U-strips have been conducted, study on the behavior of RC box beams strengthened with basalt fiber-reinforced polymer using end anchorage with grooving is still lacking. In the present study, the failure mode, ductility, stiffness, and loading-carrying capacity of an RC box beam strengthened with basalt fiber-reinforced polymer using end anchorage with grooving were experimentally and analytically investigated. Test results and analysis showed that: (1) the average crack spacing, average crack depth, and average crack width of specimen anchored with grooving decreased by 10.3%, 2.8%, and 6.2% when compared with that of specimen anchored with U-strips, respectively; (2) the failure mode of specimen anchored with grooving was basalt fiber-reinforced polymer debonding in pure bending zone; (3) the deflection or curvature ductility of specimen anchored with grooving was 33.9% or 32.7% lower than that of specimen anchored with U-strips; (4) a model based on built-up bars for the load-carrying capacities of BFRP-strengthened beams anchored with grooving was proposed. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
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36. CFRP 筋粘结型锚具的疲劳损伤模型.
- Author
谢桂华, 冯倩红, 唐永生, 刘荣桂, and 卞玉龙
- Subjects
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STRAIN gages , *DAMAGE models , *MATERIAL fatigue , *ANCHORAGE (Structural engineering) , *PREDICTION models - Abstract
Series of constant amplitude fatigue loading tests were carried out on two types of CFRP tendon bonded anchorage systems. The influence of load ratio on fatigue response was investigated by backside strain technology. The prediction model of fatigue damage for the systems with constant amplitude load was deduced based on Goodman equation. The effect of load ratio on fatigue behavior of bonded anchors was investigated by experimental and numerical approaches. The results show that the prediction data are in good agreement with the experimental data. The change of back strain in the fatigue process of bonded anchorage system can well reflect the fatigue damage in the anchorage system, which proves that the back strain gauge technology is suitable for the bonded anchorage system. The fatigue damage model based on backside strain technology can reasonably simulate the effect of load ratio on fatigue response of bonded anchorage systems. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
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37. Load Carrying and Hydrostatic Performances of Innovative Encapsulated Anchorage System for Unbonded Single Strand.
- Author
Kim, Min Sook and Lee, Young Hak
- Subjects
ANCHORAGE (Structural engineering) ,STRESS concentration ,FINITE element method ,ULTIMATE strength - Abstract
A new anchorage system is proposed having a circular bearing plate and curvature between the bearing plate and the anchor head to improve stress concentration. A lid with a screw instead of the grouting method is also proposed to prevent moisture penetration. The details of the anchorage device have been chosen to reduce stress concentration based on the finite element analysis. Static load test, load transfer test, and hydrostatic test of fabricated devices were carried out according to ETAG 013 to evaluate the proposed design. As results, the anchorage slip and stabilization satisfied the recommendations of ETAG 013. The maximum load in the load transfer test was at least 1.1 times the ultimate tendon strength. The results of the hydrostatic test showed that the developed anchorage device is watertight to protect against corrosion. As a result of bursting force test, it was confirmed that the proposed anchorage device has more advantages than the conventional rectangular anchorage devices in terms of stress distribution. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
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38. An Anchorage System for Enhanced Bond Behavior between Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Sheets and Cracked Concrete.
- Author
Haddada, Rami H.
- Subjects
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ANCHORAGE (Structural engineering) , *CONCRETE blocks , *STEEL bars , *CONCRETE , *SUPERABSORBENT polymers - Abstract
The contribution of CFRP wraps, as an anchorage system, to enhancing bond behavior between CFRP sheet and cracked concrete, was investigated. Thirty six concrete blocks (150 x 150 x 200 mm) were cast with 3Φ12 mm steel bars embedded laterally at different spacing along the 200-mm-dimension. Half of theΦmoist-cured blocks were subjected to a cyclic treatment in 3% chloride solution until reinforced sides cracked at an average global crack size 0.54 mm; the remaining ones were immersed in a lime solution for a similar period, as controls. Finally, the blocks were attached at their reinforced surface to CFRP sheets at different bond widths and lengths with CFRP wrap anchorages applied over portions where high shearing stresses persist during pull-off testing. The results indicate that the physical status of concrete, the geometry of main CFRP sheets, and the extension of CFRP wrap anchorage are major factors that shape the benefit from the proposed anchorage technique. Empirical models, developed to predict bond strength and slippage at ultimate stress, show very good predictability of literature data. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
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39. Application of a grey cloud model in the identification of defects in bolt anchorage.
- Author
Xiaoyun Sun, Junyao Zhang, Guang Han, and Mingming Wang
- Subjects
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ROCK bolts , *STRESS waves , *ANCHORAGE (Structural engineering) , *COAL mining , *WATER conservation , *AUTOMOBILE defects - Abstract
Rock bolts are often used to support reinforcements in transportation, water conservation, coal mining and other industries, to reinforce slopes, tunnels and mines. They also play a key role in ensuring soil stability of foundation pits and slopes. Thus, it is very important to identify the defects of rock bolts. In order to address the issue that it is difficult to obtain the fault information of rock bolts, this paper proposes a method based on a grey cloud model to identify anchor defects. First, the coefficients of wavelet packet energy decomposition of the stress wave signal collected by a hammering anchorage system are selected as eigenvalues. Then, the eigenvalues are expanded into feature intervals, which are characterised by the grey cloud model with the peak value, left and right end-point boundary values, entropy and hyper entropy. Finally, the feature intervals are used for cluster and discriminant analysis of the anchorage quality. Optimisation of the model is achieved and the accuracy of the model in solving the problem of anchor rod defect identification is improved. The results show that the proposed method is feasible and effective in the identification of anchor defects. Additionally, this new method is more convenient and faster than the traditional method. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
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40. Investigation and Improvement of Bursting Force Equations in Posttensioned Anchorage Zone.
- Author
Lee, Young Hak and Kim, Min Sook
- Subjects
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ANCHORAGE (Structural engineering) , *FINITE element method , *EQUATIONS - Abstract
In posttensioned concrete members, the high local stress under the anchorage causes transverse tensile stress. Therefore, it is very important to predict the bursting force to determine appropriate reinforcement details. In the present work, the existing equations of the bursting force for the anchorage zone were evaluated and an equation for the bursting force based on finite element analysis was proposed to improve the model's accuracy. Parametric analysis was performed considering the anchorage shape, tendon angle, and eccentric distance. The analytical results indicate that the existing equations underestimate or overestimate the bursting force. The proposed equation is able to predict the bursting force reasonably well for an anchorage zone with rectangular bearing plate, cavity, and eccentric distance. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
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41. Reinforcement of orthogonal ties in steel-fiber-reinforced reactive powder concrete anchorage zone.
- Author
Geng, Xiangri, Zhou, Wei, and Yan, Jiachuan
- Subjects
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POWDERS , *ANCHORAGE (Structural engineering) , *IRON & steel bridges - Abstract
Experiments were performed to investigate the behavior of prismatic blocks with steel-fiber-reinforced reactive powder concrete subjected to centrally applied pressure in a limited area. The objective was to understand the reinforcement effect of orthogonal ties in reactive powder concrete anchorage zone. The three experimental variables were the volumetric ratio of the orthogonal ties, ranging from 4.63% to 5.83%; the ratio of the gross supporting area A b to the bearing plate area A l (local area aspect ratio); and the ratio of core area A cor to the bearing plate area A l (core area aspect ratio). The steel-fiber ratio by volume was 2%. Block behavior in terms of cracking and crack width is related to the bridging effect of the steel fibers and the confining influence of the orthogonal ties. No visible crack and constant stiffness of the specimen prior to cracking were observed. Possible brittle failure was improved to ductile failure, as measured by appearance of major cracks on the sides and ends of the blocks. The orthogonal ties have distinct effect of confining the core of the reactive powder concrete when the ratio of the area of the bearing plate to the area of the reactive powder concrete core surrounded by the orthogonal ties exceeds 1.0. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
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42. Effect of mounting brackets on thermal performance of buildings with ventilated facades.
- Author
Nowak, Katarzyna and Byrdy, Aleksander
- Subjects
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BRACKETS , *FACADES , *ANCHORAGE (Structural engineering) , *CONSTRUCTION , *BRIDGES - Abstract
Ventilated facades systems have become a widely used solution for elevations of commercial buildings. Yet, those systems use metal frames and brackets that interrupt continuity of thermal insulation by creating point thermal bridges. The influence of anchorage systems on the total performance of walls is either neglected or simplified upon assumption that their influence is not important because the thermal insulation is thick enough. This article, based on three-dimensional analyses, demonstrates a significant impact of point bridges created by the anchorage systems of ventilated building facades on the heat loss. The results emphasize the need for individual calculations. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
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43. Efficiency of the confinement reinforcement in anchorage zones of posttensioning tendons.
- Author
Marchão, Carla, Lúcio, Válter, and Ganz, Hans R.
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ANCHORAGE (Structural engineering) , *REINFORCING bars , *REINFORCED concrete , *TENDONS , *ZONING - Abstract
In order to study the efficiency of the confinement reinforcement in anchorage zones of posttensioning tendons, using both ordinary reinforced concrete (ORC) and high‐performance fiber reinforced concrete (HPFRC), an experimental research has been performed on the bearing strength of concrete prismatic specimens. This research also intended to assess both ultimate capacity and adequate serviceability of the local anchorage zone when reducing the concrete cross section and the confining reinforcement, both specified by the anchorage device supplier, by using an HPFRC. The experimental program included ORC prismatic specimens with 305 mm × 305 mm × 650 mm reinforced with spirals and a combination of spirals and stirrups, and HPFRC specimens with 210 mm × 210 mm × 420 mm reinforced with stirrups. The reinforcement steel strains were measured to monitor the steel yielding, to assess the relation between the strains of the inner (spiral) and outer (stirrups) levels of reinforcement and the uniformity of the confinement forces along the confined length. A comparison between the bearing strength obtained by experimental tests and by models found in the literature is also presented. From the strain measurements, it can be concluded that in the case where there are, simultaneously, two types of confinement reinforcement, the outer reinforcement is not as effective as the inner one. Therefore, when computing the bearing strength, the linear superposition of contributions of both spiral and stirrups for confinement can be nonconservative, leading to too high estimated load capacity. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
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44. Shear Characteristics of Cuneiform Reaming Anchorage Bolts in Coal Mine Roadways.
- Author
Liu, Shaowei, Fu, Mengxiong, Jia, Housheng, and Li, Wenbin
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COAL mining , *ANCHORAGE (Structural engineering) , *STRESS concentration , *SHEAR strength , *SHEARING force , *BALLAST (Railroads) - Abstract
Shear failure is the main failure mode of anchorage bolts in coal mines. To improve ground control, it is crucial to improve the shear strength of roadway anchorage systems. In this study, theoretical analysis, numerical simulation and laboratory experiments were carried out to study the shear characteristics of the cuneiform reaming anchorage. The results show that the cuneiform reaming anchorage can reduce the maximum shear stress on the cross section of the anchorage to improve the shear strength. The stress concentration near the joint planes can be transferred to middle parts of the bolts. Moreover, the cuneiform structure can also prolong the period in which the shear load of the anchorage decreases and shorten the period in which the shear load increases, thus reducing the shear load of the anchorage. This paper provides a new economical and practical method for raising the shear strength of an anchorage system and enhancing roadway stability. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
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45. Evaluation and prediction of carbon fiber–reinforced polymer cable anchorage for large capacity.
- Author
Feng, Bo, Wang, Xin, and Wu, Zhishen
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CARBON fiber-reinforced plastics , *ANCHORAGE (Structural engineering) , *RADIAL stresses , *STRESS concentration , *SUBMARINE cables , *COMPRESSION loads - Abstract
Aiming to address the problems of stress concentration on conical wedge anchorage, a fiber-reinforced polymer cable anchorage with segmental variable stiffness of the load transfer medium was proposed. The key parameters that affect the anchorage behavior were investigated. The mechanical properties of the carbon fiber–reinforced polymer tendon and load transfer medium were tested. The failure mode, anchoring efficiency, stress, and displacement in the anchor zone were studied. The parameter optimization was performed using an experimentally verified finite element simulation. The parameters of the anchorage system with large capacity were evaluated. The results demonstrate that the compressive strength of the load transfer medium is the designed stress limit for the anchorage system. The cable does not slip or become damaged in the anchor zone, and the anchoring efficiency reaches 91%. The distribution of the shear and radial stress on the cable surface is smooth, and the stress concentration is greatly relieved. The result of the finite element simulation is consistent with the experimental values when the friction coefficient is 0.15, and the material and geometric parameters of the anchorage system with cable forces of 5000, 10,000, 15,000, and 20,000 kN are suggested. The geometric parameters of the anchor system with diverse cable capacity can be preliminarily designed based on the fitting equations. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
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46. 基于期望函数的土遗址锚固参数组合优化方法.
- Author
芦 苇, 赵 冬, 李东波, and 毛筱霏
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FACTORIAL experiment designs , *ANCHORAGE (Structural engineering) , *GOAL programming , *ANCHORS , *DIAMETER - Abstract
Aimed at the needs for anchoring engineering in rammed earth sites, a composite optimization method for anchorage parameters based on desirability functions was proposed. The main purpose of the method is to obtain a good balance between the maximum anchoring force and the minimum site damage through optimization of the combination of anchor lengths and anchor hole diameters. The full factorial design was used in the experiment, and the response surface method was applied to build the analysis model. Then the desirability function in statistics was introduced into the optimization of anchor parameters, and the relationship between the multi-objective response and the anchoring parameter level was established. The results show that, when the anchoring force maximization and the site damage minimization goals are respectively satisfied, there will be a conflict between the corresponding anchoring parameters. The multi-objective response optimization can determine the feasible ranges of the anchoring parameters under the goal of response demand, which is convenient for engineering designers to visualize the anchoring parameters according to the actual engineering conditions. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
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47. Numerical Simulation Study on the Anchorage Mechanism of Yield Supporting in Deep Tunnel.
- Author
Zhu, Xunguo, Chen, Zhuoli, and Ren, Yan
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ROCK deformation ,TUNNELS ,HIGH speed trains ,COMPUTER simulation ,STRESS concentration ,ANCHORAGE (Structural engineering) ,ROCK analysis - Abstract
In order to study the influence of yield supporting on the zonal disintegration of tunnel surrounding rock under layered lithology in deep tunnel and its anchoring mechanism. Through the analysis of the rock strain/displacement around the tunnel, it's clear that the combined support form of the rigid lining and the yielding anchor bolt has the best supporting affection in the four supporting forms, which can effectively suppress the zonal disintegration of the deep surrounding rock. At the same time, stress transfer is realized and the zonal disintegration trend of surrounding rock is weakened. Through the analysis of the internal force calculation results of the support structure, it shows that the combined yield supporting structure plays a supporting and anchoring role to the surrounding rock, and realizes the stress distribution, so that the stress field around the tunnel is more uniform. At the same time, the yielding anchor bolt can prevent the failure of the bolt in the deformation because of premature yielding, thus improving the supporting strength of the supporting structure. The research shows that the new combined support structure with rigid lining and pressure/yielding anchor is of great significance for inhibiting/suppressing zonal disintegration of deep rock tunnel. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
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48. Bond performance of NSM FRP bars in concrete with an innovative additional ribs anchorage system: An experimental study.
- Author
Wang, Qiang, Zhu, Hong, Li, Ting, Wu, Gang, and Hu, Xiuxiu
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WALLS , *REINFORCING bars , *ANCHORAGE (Structural engineering) , *CONCRETE fatigue , *STRESS concentration , *REINFORCED concrete - Abstract
• A novel anchorage system called additional ribs was proposed for FRP bars in NSM strengthening system. • Pull-out tests were conducted to evaluate the effect of different parameter, especially the additional ribs on the bond performance NSM FRP bars in concrete. • The local bond stress distribution and the transfer mechanism of specimens using additional ribs was analysed and expounded. Bond failure due to a lack of anchorage capacity is often observed when using FRP reinforcement as a strengthening method in RC structures, thus restricting the efficiency in upgrading their structural performance. To address this issue, our research group has recently developed a simple and innovative additional ribs anchorage system for FRP bars, which has been verified to have the high efficiency of improving the anchorage performance of FRP bars reinforced in concrete. As a promising strengthening method in RC structures, the near-surface mounted (NSM) fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) technique has become popular. However, bond failure also exists in the NSM FRP strengthening system. It is also important to initiate a study on the bond performance of NSM FRP bars which are mounted in concrete using the proposed additional ribs. In this study, a total of 36 direct pull-out specimens and 12 beam pull-out specimens were employed. In particular, the influences of additional ribs on the bond behavior of FRP bars mounted in concrete in terms of the failure modes, local bond stress distribution, and load-slip curves were discussed. Several important parameters expected to affect the bond performance were investigated, namely, the type and the bonded length of the FRP bars, groove size and section configuration, and adhesive species. The test results and corresponding analysis in this paper demonstrated the feasibility and significant efficiency of using the proposed additional ribs anchorage system to enhance the bond performance of NSM FRP bars in concrete. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
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49. Nonlinear FEA of mechanical anchorages on CFRP-to-concrete bonded joint.
- Author
Yilmaz, Tolga, Arslan, Barış, and Anil, Özgür
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INTERFACIAL bonding , *WOODEN beams , *CONCRETE beams , *ANCHORAGE (Structural engineering) , *CONCRETE fatigue , *FAILURE mode & effects analysis , *CHEMICAL bond lengths - Abstract
The debonding of carbon fibre-reinforced polymer (CFRP) strips from the surface of concrete is one of the main premature failure modes for concrete beams that are externally strengthened with CFRP strips. Many anchorage systems are developed to prevent or delay the debonding process in these beams in order to improve the ultimate load capacities. In this study, nonlinear finite-element analyses (FEAs) are performed by employing ABAQUS software to describe the load-deflection behaviour and ultimate loading capacities of concrete beams whose flexure has been strengthened using externally bonded CFRP strips with mechanical anchorages. First, the nonlinear finite-element model results are validated using the results of an experimental study previously carried out by the authors. In the experimental study, the variables investigated are the CFRP strip width and the number and the arrangement of the mechanical anchorages. A good agreement is demonstrated between the numerical and the experimental results. Then, a parametric study is conducted to investigate the effects of the mechanical anchorages on the ultimate load capacities of concrete beams. Consequently, the variable, the CFRP bonding length, is included into the finite-element models that are corrected with the experimental results, and equations involving many variables concerned with the ultimate loading capacities are suggested. Finally, an ultimate load capacity multiplier is proposed enabling the calculation of the ultimate load capacities of beams mechanically anchored with CFRP strips, with regard to the CFRP strip width, the bonding length, the number of mechanical anchorages and the arrangement of the variables. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
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50. Design optimization and experimental validation of a novel wedge-shaped bond anchorage system for prestressed CFRP plates.
- Author
Li, Chenggao and Xian, Guijun
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INTERFACIAL bonding , *ANCHORAGE (Structural engineering) , *PLATE , *STRESS concentration , *TENSILE tests , *EXPERIMENTAL design - Abstract
Abstract An efficient anchorage system plays a significant role in the strengthening and repair of existing structures in prestressed carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) plates. In the present study, a novel wedge-bond anchor was proposed to provide a reliable anchorage load-bearing capacity for the prestressed CFRP plate. Accordingly, interface bond tests were conducted to optimize the anchor parameters. The results revealed that the minimum bond length of the wedge-bond anchor was 100 mm and 120 mm for the adhesives Tc and T1, respectively. After optimization, the weight of the anchor was reduced by 58.3%. A mechanical model was built to analyze the load transfer path and evaluate the anchorage bearing capacity. Based on these, the ultimate anchorage bearing capacity was predicted to be higher than 4.70 GPa and 4.10 GPa for the adhesives Tc and T1, respectively. Tensile tests of the optimized anchor showed that a) the stress in the anchorage zone of the CFRP plate was distributed uniformly, and b) the stress concentration of CFRP in the anchor was avoided, which provided a higher anchorage bearing capacity. The extension applications of wedge-bond anchor were carried out for a larger size of CFRP plates (100 mm × 1.4 mm). Accordingly, it successfully led to CFRP bursting, yet no debonding occurred in the anchor. Highlights • A novel wedge-bond anchor was designed and optimized to provide a reliable anchorage capacity for the prestressed CFRP plate. • Mechanical analysis revealed the anchorage capacity of the anchor satisfied the rehabilitation requirements of CFRP plates. • Tensile validation tests showed the rational load transfer and the decreased stress concentration of anchoring system. • The wedge-bond anchor was successfully extended the application of the CFRP plate to larger sizes. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
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