This data book provides statistics on a range of indicators that measure critical aspects of children's lives in each of the 50 states and the District of Columbia. Statistics are provided in the following categories: (1) population and family characteristics (including number of children under age 18 and age 5, percentage of population under age 18, number and percentage of births to unmarried mothers, number of substantiated claims of children abused or neglected, number of children under age 18 in foster care, and number of adoptions of children from foster care); (2) health and disabilities (including number and percentage of children under age 19 lacking health insurance, number of children covered by Medicaid, incidence of early prenatal care, incidence of low birthweight births, infant mortality rate, percentage of toddlers fully immunized, number of young people under age 22 in the Individuals with Disabilities Education [IDEA] Program, number of children in the Supplemental Security Income [SSI] Program); (3) economic security and federal program participation (including number and percentage of children who are poor, median income of families of four, maximum monthly benefit for families of three under TANF, date when TANF benefits are first terminated or reduced due to time limits, number of child support cases and percent with any child support collection, number of children benefiting from the Food Stamp Program, and number of participants in the federal nutrition programs); (4) child care and early childhood education (including total number of children in Head Start, number of regulated child care centers, number of regulated family child care or group homes, training required for family child care providers and teachers in child care centers, number of 18-month-olds allowed per caregiver, and number of participants in the Child and Adult Care Food Program); (5) elementary and secondary education (including enrollment in public and private schools, number of public and private schools, percentage attending private schools, number of charter schools, pupil-teacher ratio in public schools, race/ethnicity of public school students, percentage of fourth-grade public school students performing at or above the basic mathematics and reading achievement levels, and number of children served by Title 1); and (6) youth development (including teen birth rate, juvenile arrests, total number of deaths from firearms of young people, number of homicides and suicides, percentage of high school students who reported carrying weapons on school property, percentage of high school students who smoke cigarettes, and high school completion rate). State rankings in these indicators are included. (EV)