INTRODUCTION . Streptococcus pneumoniae is a pathogen for humans that requires a prior pharyngeal colonization to cause disease, whose mortality is accentuated in children 6 years and older than 65 years of age. OBJECTIVE . To assess the prevalence of pharyngeal carriage of S pneumoniae in two population groups in Ciudad Bolivar, Bolivar State. METHODOLOGY . During the years 2009 and 2010, two groups were evaluated: one which included 66 senior individuals institutionalized in the asylum "San Vicente de Paul" and the geriatric "Carlos Fragachan", with an average of 75 years ± 6 years age and another that it comprised preschool and school aged 2 to 12 hospitalized in Pediatrics and the area of the University Hospital emergency services "Ruiz and Paez". Each individual took a pharyngeal sample, which was processed according to the guidelines established by the American society for of microbiology. 80 exudates from pharyngeal origin were studied. RESULTS . Between elderly individuals 10 cases were identified (15.15%) of S. pneumoniae pharyngeal carriers. 70% (n = 7) corresponded to the male gender. In all the ages were diagnosed cases, often observed in the group between 71 to 80 years of age (n = 4; 40%). 46.2% of pharyngeal carriers concerned smoking history. Were observed significant statistical differences between the pneumococcus`s state carrier and type II diabetes mellitus and vaccination´s state against the bacterium, In the group of preschool and school inpatients, 3 strains of S. pneumoniae that accounted for 3.75% of the total were isolated. The highest percentage of positive specimens was obtained in the group of 2 to 4 years, with a predominance of the male gender (2.5%). Statistically significant differences were observed in the hospitalized children, between the carrier´s state and personal history as asthma, cold common, urinary tract infection and infection of skin and tissue soft. They were not vaccinated against the pneumococcus or met only a single dose. Both studies identified 13 strains of Streptococcus pneumoniae , which showed a profile of resistance to penicillin, by method of disk Oxacillin, of 50%; While all of the isolates were with high resistance to macrolides and clindamycin, sulfonamides, and sensitive to Vancomycin. CONCLUSION : We identified a low prevalence of individuals colonized by Streptococcus pneumoniae , however should be consider the research of colonization of the pharynx by Pneumococcus as a good method to be simple and easy to obtain bacterial samples and to reflect the progression of bacterial resistance in risk groups. INTRODUCCION. Streptococcus pneumoniae es un patogeno para el ser humano que precisa de una previa colonizacion faringea para causar enfermedad, cuya morbimortalidad se acentua en los menores de 6 anos y los mayores de 65 anos de edad. OBJETIVO. Determinar la prevalencia de portadores faringeos de Streptococcus pneumoniae en dos grupos poblacionales en Ciudad Bolivar, Estado Bolivar. METODOLOGIA. Durante los anos 2009 a 2010, se evaluaron dos grupos: uno que incluyo a 66 individuos de la tercera edad institucionalizados en el Asilo “San Vicente de Paul” y Geriatrico “Carlos Fragachan”, con una edad promedio de 75 anos ± 6 anos y otro que abarco a preescolares y escolares de 2 a 12 anos hospitalizados en los Servicios de Pediatria y del area de emergencia del Complejo Hospitalario Universitario “Ruiz y Paez”. A cada individuo se le tomo una muestra faringea, la cual fue procesada segun los lineamientos establecidos por la Sociedad Americana de Microbiologia. Se estudiaron 80 exudados de origen faringeo. RESULTADOS. En el grupo de los individuos de la tercera edad se identificaron 10 casos (15,15%) de portadores faringeos de S. pneumoniae. El 70% (n=7) correspondia al genero masculino. En todas las edades se diagnosticaron casos, frecuentemente observados en el grupo entre 71 a 80 anos de edad (n=4; 40%). El 46,2% de los portadores faringeos de la tercera edad refirieron antecedentes tabaquicos. Se observaron diferencias estadisticas significativas entre el estado de portador de neumococo y la diabetes mellitus tipo II y estado de vacunacion contra la bacteria, En el grupo de los pacientes preescolares y escolares hospitalizados, se aislaron 3 cepas de S. pneumoniae que represento el 3,75% del total. El mayor porcentaje de muestras positivas se obtuvo en el grupo de 2 a 4 anos, con predominio del genero masculino (2,5%). En el grupo de la poblacion infantil hospitalizada, se observaron diferencias estadisticamente significativas entre el estado de portador y antecedentes personales como asma, resfriado comun a repeticion, infeccion urinaria e infeccion de piel y tejido blando. No estaban vacunados contra el neumococo o solo cumplieron una sola dosis. En ambas investigaciones se determinaron 13 cepas de Streptococcus pneumoniae, las cuales mostraron un perfil de resistencia a la Penicilina, por metodo del disco de Oxacilina, del 50%; mientras que la totalidad de las cepas aisladas resultaron con alta resistencia a Macrolidos, Clindamicina y Sulfamidas, y sensibles a Vancomicina. CONCLUSION : Se identifico una baja prevalencia de individuos colonizados por Streptococcus pneumoniae , sin embargo, se debe considerar la investigacion de colonizacion faringea por neumococo como un buen metodo por ser simple y facil de obtener muestras bacterianas y poder reflejar la progresion de la resistencia bacteriana en grupos de riesgo.