438 results on '"FEAST"'
Search Results
402. There Are Game of Thrones Pop-Up Feasts Happening in San Francisco.
- Author
Steinmetz, Katy
- Published
- 2016
403. instantaneous shot during the gleam of sun at the maki (great feast) on the Uripiv Island, Malekula Island. Two westerners visible at left of image
404. maki (great feast) on Uripiv Island.
405. maki (great feast) at Uripiv Island, Malekula Island.
406. To sit in splendor : the ivory throne as an agent of identity in Tomb 79 from Salamis, Cyprus
- Author
Johnson, Christina Ruth
- Subjects
- Salamis, King, Throne, Chair, Object agency, Identity, Luxury, Ivory, Luminosity, Monumentality, Scale pattern, Lotus, Sphinx, Guilloche, Burial ritual, Feast
- Abstract
The objects discovered in Tomb 79 at the necropolis of Salamis, Cyprus have garnered much attention since their discovery. The material from this tomb, however, needs an in-depth, object-by-object analysis that will lead to a greater understanding of the burial as a whole. In my thesis, I offer a detailed case study of a single item, an ivory-covered wooden chair—so-called Throne Γ—as exemplifying an approach to this analysis. Based on the excavation team’s exacting reconstruction, the chair is four-legged with armrests and a slightly curved backrest. Ivory overlays the entirety of the chair except on a few sections of the backrest where the wood shows through. Here as well, both figural and geometric designs decorate the ivory, and the top bar was originally overlaid with gold. As a whole, Throne Γ would have appeared as a solid ivory object, embellished with wood and gold, and was likely draped with textiles. In this study, I analyze Throne Γ as an agent of identity. To do so, I follow the example of other scholars such as Irene Winter and Marian Feldman and employ the theory of object agency, addressing Throne Γ as an affective entity. When placed in a social context—i.e., when involved in human interaction—such agentive objects actively influence their surroundings. In this case, I analyze how Throne Γ affected the individual in whose tomb it was buried. I argue that through its various affective “mechanisms”—its nature as a luxury object, the value of its ivory material, its sensory qualities (including luminosity, texture, and fragrance), its iconography, and its ritual function—Throne Γ projected a king-like identity upon the deceased individual from Tomb 79. His actual political and social power during his lifetime, however, may have been less than that suggested by the mechanisms of the chair. The inclusion of Throne Γ in the burial was therefore a conscious choice and the identity the chair projected deliberate. It was meant to agentively mark, and thus legitimize, the deceased as a politically-able, diplomatically-savvy, and divinely-touched figure in the early days of monarchy on Cyprus.
- Published
- 2013
407. REVIEW: The Huggable Marshmallow Robot of Disney’s Big Hero 6.
- Author
Corliss, Richard
- Abstract
This sci-fi animated feature has a caregiving android to cry for. And there's a 'Feast' before the film even starts. [ABSTRACT FROM PUBLISHER]
- Published
- 2014
408. 'Feast' your eyes on Disney's new animated short, which stars a very cute puppy.
- Author
Bahr, Lindsey
- Published
- 2014
409. The harvest of the earth: The Feast of Sukkoth in the Book of Revelation.
- Author
Jenney, Timothy Paul
- Subjects
- Book, Earth, Feast, Harvest, Judaism, Revelation, Sukkoth
- Abstract
The Israelite Feast of Sukkoth (alternately Sukkot, Succoth or Succot), also called the Feast of Tabernacles and the Feast of Booths, is the liturgical setting of Revelation. The author traces the development of Sukkoth through 135 CE, categorizing the literature as descriptive, prescriptive or predictive. The appearance of any one of several features can help to identify the pertinent passages: (1) one of the names of the feast, (2) one of the liturgical passages for the feast (e.g. the enthronement psalms), or (3) an otherwise unlikely combination of themes or practices from the feast. The first section concludes by reconstructing the celebration and interpretation of Sukkoth in the first century CE. The themes of the feast had long included harvest, light, water, creation, the exodus, fertility, marriage, rest and the presence of God, the Shekinah. Sukkoth is also the origin of the Day of the Lord, the source of Israel's eschatology. The popular interpretation of the feast in the first-century CE was heavily eschatological, as evidenced by the events surrounding Jesus' triumphal entry. This was due in part to the rebuilt Temple, the unstable times and the Roman promulgation of their own eschatology through the imperial cult. Sukkoth, with its historic link to Jewish independence, the enthronement of the Israelite king, and the Davidic messiah, was an obvious choice for Israel's counter-propaganda. Sukkoth is also the Sitz im Leben of Revelation, as evidenced by the appearance of its name, vocabulary, themes, liturgy and practices in the book. The author hypothesizes that Jesus deliberately used the messianic themes of Sukkoth, but his unexpected death forced his followers to use Passover as a motif for his ministry instead. They deferred their Sukkoth expectations to an anticipated second coming. Revelation uses Sukkoth as a motif because it portrays this second coming. The book challenges the Christians of Asia Minor to reinterpret their situation: the Romans are harvesting them, their blood is the wine of the festival libations and a heavenly celebration of Sukkoth is the soon-to-come end of this grim harvest.
- Published
- 1993
410. Ceremonial Currency (Tailpun)
- Author
Unidentified Artist, Pacific (Yangoru) and Unidentified Artist, Pacific (Yangoru)
- Abstract
This archival material has been provided for educational purposes. Ball State University Libraries recognizes that some historic items may include offensive content. Our statement regarding objectionable content is available at: https://dmr.bsu.edu/digital/about
- Published
- 1900
411. ResPublica/Civitas Socialis – Strachotín, l. p. 2017
- Author
Nový, Vítězslav, Havlíček, Tomáš, Kisová, Barbora, Nový, Vítězslav, Havlíček, Tomáš, and Kisová, Barbora
- Abstract
Diplomová práce navazuje na projekt předdiplomní, ve kterém byly podrobně zpracovány analýzy potenciálů obce, ze kterých plyne, že nejdůležitějším místem, které obec potřebuje oživit pro další rozvoj je samotná náves. V současném stavu se na jasně vymezené ploše návsi nachází shluk budov, které vnáší do urbanistické struktury chaos a zmatek. Budova obecního úřadu přestala přes vrstvy přístaveb a dostaveb se stavbou bývalé ZŠ komunikovat. Plocha mezi stavbami, dříve určená pro místní obyvatelé k pořádání slavností, nyní slouží jako manipulační dvůr. Cílem práce je vyčistit plochu návsi, navrátit jí původní ztracený charakter a urbanistickou strukturu doplnit o stavbu, která bude sloužit jak místním obyvatelům, tak turistickým návštěvníkům., The diploma thesis follows the project of the pre-diploma, in which detailed analyzes of the potential of the village were made, from which it follows that the most important place that the village needs to revive for further development is the village square itself. In the current state, a cluster of buildings is built on a clearly defined area of the village, which brings chaos and confusion to the urban structure. The building of the municipal office stopped communicating through the building of the former elementary school. The area between buildings, formerly designed for local residents to hold festivals, now serves as a handling yard. The aim of the work is to clean the area of the village, to restore its original lost character and to add the urban structure to a building that will serve both local inhabitants and tourist visitors.
412. spices&species
- Author
Kubíková, Zuzana, Zálešák, Jan, Dudová, Julie, Kubíková, Zuzana, Zálešák, Jan, and Dudová, Julie
- Abstract
Bakalářská práce se zaměřuje na posílení vnímání jídla, jednotlivých surovin a času stráveného stravováním. Spolu s tím se věnuje otázce, jak se mění reakce našich myslí na chutě, na jejich kombinace a čas, ve kterém je vnímáme. Skrze teoretické zamyšlení nad kulturou vaření a stravování se autorka věnuje faktorům, které mohou ovlivnit přístup k vaření a posílit tak jeho udržitelnost. Ambicí autorky je věnovat se kulinářské představivosti, tedy osvojení si umění párování chutí bez potřeby receptů. Takovou praxi totiž vnímá jako udržitelnější. Sama autorka pracovala jako šéfkuchařka. Bakalářská práce se tedy opírá i o zkušenost z praxe. Tématu vaření a společného sdílení pokrmů se věnuje autorka i v rámci jejího ateliéru, ze kterého pochází jedna z hlavních motivací se tímto tématem zabývat., The bachelor thesis focuses on enhancing the perception of food, individual ingredients and time spent eating. Along with this, it addresses the question of how our minds' reactions to tastes, their combinations and the time in which we perceive them change. Through a theoretical reflection on cooking and eating culture, the author explores the factors that can influence attitudes towards cooking and thus enhance its sustainability. The author's ambition is to address the culinary imagination, that is, mastering the art of pairing flavours without the need for recipes. She sees this practice as more sustainable. The author herself has worked as a chef. The bachelor's thesis is therefore also based on practical experience. The topic of cooking and sharing meals is also addressed in the author's studio, which is one of the main motivations for her work on this topic.
413. ResPublica/Civitas Socialis – Strachotín, l. p. 2017
- Author
Nový, Vítězslav, Havlíček, Tomáš, Kisová, Barbora, Nový, Vítězslav, Havlíček, Tomáš, and Kisová, Barbora
- Abstract
Diplomová práce navazuje na projekt předdiplomní, ve kterém byly podrobně zpracovány analýzy potenciálů obce, ze kterých plyne, že nejdůležitějším místem, které obec potřebuje oživit pro další rozvoj je samotná náves. V současném stavu se na jasně vymezené ploše návsi nachází shluk budov, které vnáší do urbanistické struktury chaos a zmatek. Budova obecního úřadu přestala přes vrstvy přístaveb a dostaveb se stavbou bývalé ZŠ komunikovat. Plocha mezi stavbami, dříve určená pro místní obyvatelé k pořádání slavností, nyní slouží jako manipulační dvůr. Cílem práce je vyčistit plochu návsi, navrátit jí původní ztracený charakter a urbanistickou strukturu doplnit o stavbu, která bude sloužit jak místním obyvatelům, tak turistickým návštěvníkům., The diploma thesis follows the project of the pre-diploma, in which detailed analyzes of the potential of the village were made, from which it follows that the most important place that the village needs to revive for further development is the village square itself. In the current state, a cluster of buildings is built on a clearly defined area of the village, which brings chaos and confusion to the urban structure. The building of the municipal office stopped communicating through the building of the former elementary school. The area between buildings, formerly designed for local residents to hold festivals, now serves as a handling yard. The aim of the work is to clean the area of the village, to restore its original lost character and to add the urban structure to a building that will serve both local inhabitants and tourist visitors.
414. Ritual Calendar - Oracle Tablet
- Author
Unidentified Artist, Malaysian (Dayak) and Unidentified Artist, Malaysian (Dayak)
- Abstract
This archival material has been provided for educational purposes. Ball State University Libraries recognizes that some historic items may include offensive content. Our statement regarding objectionable content is available at: https://dmr.bsu.edu/digital/about
415. Fêtes et contextes anthropologiques
- Author
Douville, Olivier and Douville, Olivier
- Abstract
RésuméL’auteur définit ce qu’est une fête dans des contextes anthropologiques différents. Prenant appui sur les travaux de R. Caillois et de L. Levi Makarius, il montre les limites du parallèle entre fête et transgression, et contraste les fêtes modernes (rave party) et la commémoration par rapport à la dimension de la mémoire., SummaryThe author defines what constitutes a feast in different anthropological contexts. Relying upon the works of R. Caillois and L. Levi Makarius, he shows the limits of the parallel between feast and transgression, and contrasts the modern rave-party and remembrance with regard to the dimension of the memory., ResumenEl autor define lo que és una fiesta dentro de contextos antropológicos diferentes. Apoyandose sobre los trabajos de R. Caillois y de L. Levs Makarius ; el nos muestra los límites del paralelo entre la fiesta y la trangresión y el contraste entre las fiestas modernas (rave party) y conmemoración en relación a la dimensión de la memoria.
416. Law Library Blog (December 2019): Legal Beagle's Blog Archive
- Author
Roger Williams University School of Law and Roger Williams University School of Law
- Abstract
Includes the following articles: Exam Time Reminders! Remembering to Take a Breath! Holidays
417. ResPublica/Civitas Socialis – Strachotín, l. p. 2017
- Author
Nový, Vítězslav, Havlíček, Tomáš, Nový, Vítězslav, and Havlíček, Tomáš
- Abstract
Diplomová práce navazuje na projekt předdiplomní, ve kterém byly podrobně zpracovány analýzy potenciálů obce, ze kterých plyne, že nejdůležitějším místem, které obec potřebuje oživit pro další rozvoj je samotná náves. V současném stavu se na jasně vymezené ploše návsi nachází shluk budov, které vnáší do urbanistické struktury chaos a zmatek. Budova obecního úřadu přestala přes vrstvy přístaveb a dostaveb se stavbou bývalé ZŠ komunikovat. Plocha mezi stavbami, dříve určená pro místní obyvatelé k pořádání slavností, nyní slouží jako manipulační dvůr. Cílem práce je vyčistit plochu návsi, navrátit jí původní ztracený charakter a urbanistickou strukturu doplnit o stavbu, která bude sloužit jak místním obyvatelům, tak turistickým návštěvníkům., The diploma thesis follows the project of the pre-diploma, in which detailed analyzes of the potential of the village were made, from which it follows that the most important place that the village needs to revive for further development is the village square itself. In the current state, a cluster of buildings is built on a clearly defined area of the village, which brings chaos and confusion to the urban structure. The building of the municipal office stopped communicating through the building of the former elementary school. The area between buildings, formerly designed for local residents to hold festivals, now serves as a handling yard. The aim of the work is to clean the area of the village, to restore its original lost character and to add the urban structure to a building that will serve both local inhabitants and tourist visitors.
418. spices&species
- Author
Kubíková, Zuzana, Zálešák, Jan, Kubíková, Zuzana, and Zálešák, Jan
- Abstract
Bakalářská práce se zaměřuje na posílení vnímání jídla, jednotlivých surovin a času stráveného stravováním. Spolu s tím se věnuje otázce, jak se mění reakce našich myslí na chutě, na jejich kombinace a čas, ve kterém je vnímáme. Skrze teoretické zamyšlení nad kulturou vaření a stravování se autorka věnuje faktorům, které mohou ovlivnit přístup k vaření a posílit tak jeho udržitelnost. Ambicí autorky je věnovat se kulinářské představivosti, tedy osvojení si umění párování chutí bez potřeby receptů. Takovou praxi totiž vnímá jako udržitelnější. Sama autorka pracovala jako šéfkuchařka. Bakalářská práce se tedy opírá i o zkušenost z praxe. Tématu vaření a společného sdílení pokrmů se věnuje autorka i v rámci jejího ateliéru, ze kterého pochází jedna z hlavních motivací se tímto tématem zabývat., The bachelor thesis focuses on enhancing the perception of food, individual ingredients and time spent eating. Along with this, it addresses the question of how our minds' reactions to tastes, their combinations and the time in which we perceive them change. Through a theoretical reflection on cooking and eating culture, the author explores the factors that can influence attitudes towards cooking and thus enhance its sustainability. The author's ambition is to address the culinary imagination, that is, mastering the art of pairing flavours without the need for recipes. She sees this practice as more sustainable. The author herself has worked as a chef. The bachelor's thesis is therefore also based on practical experience. The topic of cooking and sharing meals is also addressed in the author's studio, which is one of the main motivations for her work on this topic.
419. spices&species
- Author
Kubíková, Zuzana, Zálešák, Jan, Kubíková, Zuzana, and Zálešák, Jan
- Abstract
Bakalářská práce se zaměřuje na posílení vnímání jídla, jednotlivých surovin a času stráveného stravováním. Spolu s tím se věnuje otázce, jak se mění reakce našich myslí na chutě, na jejich kombinace a čas, ve kterém je vnímáme. Skrze teoretické zamyšlení nad kulturou vaření a stravování se autorka věnuje faktorům, které mohou ovlivnit přístup k vaření a posílit tak jeho udržitelnost. Ambicí autorky je věnovat se kulinářské představivosti, tedy osvojení si umění párování chutí bez potřeby receptů. Takovou praxi totiž vnímá jako udržitelnější. Sama autorka pracovala jako šéfkuchařka. Bakalářská práce se tedy opírá i o zkušenost z praxe. Tématu vaření a společného sdílení pokrmů se věnuje autorka i v rámci jejího ateliéru, ze kterého pochází jedna z hlavních motivací se tímto tématem zabývat., The bachelor thesis focuses on enhancing the perception of food, individual ingredients and time spent eating. Along with this, it addresses the question of how our minds' reactions to tastes, their combinations and the time in which we perceive them change. Through a theoretical reflection on cooking and eating culture, the author explores the factors that can influence attitudes towards cooking and thus enhance its sustainability. The author's ambition is to address the culinary imagination, that is, mastering the art of pairing flavours without the need for recipes. She sees this practice as more sustainable. The author herself has worked as a chef. The bachelor's thesis is therefore also based on practical experience. The topic of cooking and sharing meals is also addressed in the author's studio, which is one of the main motivations for her work on this topic.
420. ResPublica/Civitas Socialis – Strachotín, l. p. 2017
- Author
Nový, Vítězslav, Havlíček, Tomáš, Nový, Vítězslav, and Havlíček, Tomáš
- Abstract
Diplomová práce navazuje na projekt předdiplomní, ve kterém byly podrobně zpracovány analýzy potenciálů obce, ze kterých plyne, že nejdůležitějším místem, které obec potřebuje oživit pro další rozvoj je samotná náves. V současném stavu se na jasně vymezené ploše návsi nachází shluk budov, které vnáší do urbanistické struktury chaos a zmatek. Budova obecního úřadu přestala přes vrstvy přístaveb a dostaveb se stavbou bývalé ZŠ komunikovat. Plocha mezi stavbami, dříve určená pro místní obyvatelé k pořádání slavností, nyní slouží jako manipulační dvůr. Cílem práce je vyčistit plochu návsi, navrátit jí původní ztracený charakter a urbanistickou strukturu doplnit o stavbu, která bude sloužit jak místním obyvatelům, tak turistickým návštěvníkům., The diploma thesis follows the project of the pre-diploma, in which detailed analyzes of the potential of the village were made, from which it follows that the most important place that the village needs to revive for further development is the village square itself. In the current state, a cluster of buildings is built on a clearly defined area of the village, which brings chaos and confusion to the urban structure. The building of the municipal office stopped communicating through the building of the former elementary school. The area between buildings, formerly designed for local residents to hold festivals, now serves as a handling yard. The aim of the work is to clean the area of the village, to restore its original lost character and to add the urban structure to a building that will serve both local inhabitants and tourist visitors.
421. ResPublica/Civitas Socialis – Strachotín, l. p. 2017
- Author
Nový, Vítězslav, Havlíček, Tomáš, Nový, Vítězslav, and Havlíček, Tomáš
- Abstract
Diplomová práce navazuje na projekt předdiplomní, ve kterém byly podrobně zpracovány analýzy potenciálů obce, ze kterých plyne, že nejdůležitějším místem, které obec potřebuje oživit pro další rozvoj je samotná náves. V současném stavu se na jasně vymezené ploše návsi nachází shluk budov, které vnáší do urbanistické struktury chaos a zmatek. Budova obecního úřadu přestala přes vrstvy přístaveb a dostaveb se stavbou bývalé ZŠ komunikovat. Plocha mezi stavbami, dříve určená pro místní obyvatelé k pořádání slavností, nyní slouží jako manipulační dvůr. Cílem práce je vyčistit plochu návsi, navrátit jí původní ztracený charakter a urbanistickou strukturu doplnit o stavbu, která bude sloužit jak místním obyvatelům, tak turistickým návštěvníkům., The diploma thesis follows the project of the pre-diploma, in which detailed analyzes of the potential of the village were made, from which it follows that the most important place that the village needs to revive for further development is the village square itself. In the current state, a cluster of buildings is built on a clearly defined area of the village, which brings chaos and confusion to the urban structure. The building of the municipal office stopped communicating through the building of the former elementary school. The area between buildings, formerly designed for local residents to hold festivals, now serves as a handling yard. The aim of the work is to clean the area of the village, to restore its original lost character and to add the urban structure to a building that will serve both local inhabitants and tourist visitors.
422. ResPublica/Civitas Socialis – Strachotín, l. p. 2017
- Author
Nový, Vítězslav, Havlíček, Tomáš, Kisová, Barbora, Nový, Vítězslav, Havlíček, Tomáš, and Kisová, Barbora
- Abstract
Diplomová práce navazuje na projekt předdiplomní, ve kterém byly podrobně zpracovány analýzy potenciálů obce, ze kterých plyne, že nejdůležitějším místem, které obec potřebuje oživit pro další rozvoj je samotná náves. V současném stavu se na jasně vymezené ploše návsi nachází shluk budov, které vnáší do urbanistické struktury chaos a zmatek. Budova obecního úřadu přestala přes vrstvy přístaveb a dostaveb se stavbou bývalé ZŠ komunikovat. Plocha mezi stavbami, dříve určená pro místní obyvatelé k pořádání slavností, nyní slouží jako manipulační dvůr. Cílem práce je vyčistit plochu návsi, navrátit jí původní ztracený charakter a urbanistickou strukturu doplnit o stavbu, která bude sloužit jak místním obyvatelům, tak turistickým návštěvníkům., The diploma thesis follows the project of the pre-diploma, in which detailed analyzes of the potential of the village were made, from which it follows that the most important place that the village needs to revive for further development is the village square itself. In the current state, a cluster of buildings is built on a clearly defined area of the village, which brings chaos and confusion to the urban structure. The building of the municipal office stopped communicating through the building of the former elementary school. The area between buildings, formerly designed for local residents to hold festivals, now serves as a handling yard. The aim of the work is to clean the area of the village, to restore its original lost character and to add the urban structure to a building that will serve both local inhabitants and tourist visitors.
423. 'To Empower And Amplify LGBTQ+ Voices' 09-16-2022
- Author
Choate, Michelle and Choate, Michelle
424. Law Library Blog (December 2019): Legal Beagle's Blog Archive
- Author
Roger Williams University School of Law and Roger Williams University School of Law
- Abstract
Includes the following articles: Exam Time Reminders! Remembering to Take a Breath! Holidays
425. Detail, Signature from Right Lancet of Feast in Cana or Hilda Constance Stiles Window
- Author
Simon, Ellen
- Subjects
History of Religion ,History ,Fine Arts ,Canadian History ,Toronto ,Cana ,Signature ,Feast ,Williams ,Genealogy ,Inscription ,St. Olave’s ,Digital Humanities ,Religion ,Public History ,Stained Glass ,Architecture ,Art and Design ,Arts and Humanities ,side aisle ,History of Art, Architecture, and Archaeology - Abstract
Location: South aisle, 1st window from entry. Lead Investigator and Photgraph: C. Cody Barteet (cbarteet@uwo.ca). https://ir.lib.uwo.ca/y_williams_stainedglass_on_toronto_stolaves/1077/thumbnail.jpg
- Published
- 1965
426. Detail, Inscription from Left Lancet of Feast in Cana or Hilda Constance Stiles Window
- Author
Simon, Ellen
- Subjects
History of Religion ,History ,Fine Arts ,Canadian History ,Toronto ,Cana ,Feast ,Williams ,Genealogy ,Inscription ,St. Olave’s ,Digital Humanities ,Religion ,Public History ,Stained Glass ,Architecture ,Art and Design ,Arts and Humanities ,side aisle ,History of Art, Architecture, and Archaeology - Abstract
Inscription: To the GLORY of GOD and. Location: South aisle, 1st window from entry. Lead Investigator and Photgraph: C. Cody Barteet (cbarteet@uwo.ca). https://ir.lib.uwo.ca/y_williams_stainedglass_on_toronto_stolaves/1079/thumbnail.jpg
- Published
- 1965
427. Detail, Inscription from Right Lancet of Feast in Cana or Hilda Constance Stiles Window
- Author
Simon, Ellen
- Subjects
History of Religion ,History ,Fine Arts ,Canadian History ,Toronto ,Cana ,Feast ,Williams ,Genealogy ,Inscription ,St. Olave’s ,Digital Humanities ,Religion ,Public History ,Stained Glass ,Architecture ,Art and Design ,Arts and Humanities ,side aisle ,History of Art, Architecture, and Archaeology - Abstract
Location: South aisle, 1st window from entry. Lead Investigator and Photgraph: C. Cody Barteet (cbarteet@uwo.ca). https://ir.lib.uwo.ca/y_williams_stainedglass_on_toronto_stolaves/1078/thumbnail.jpg
- Published
- 1965
428. Arte, guerra y fiesta en la Baja Edad Media:: aproximación a la relación entre la poliorcética y el fasto caballeresco
- Author
Carmen Vallejo Naranjo and Universidad de Sevilla. HUM429: Museum
- Subjects
media_common.quotation_subject ,Fiesta ,Art ,Guerra ,Chivalry ,Feast ,Poliorcética ,Poliorcetici ,Caballería ,Arte ,War ,Humanities ,media_common - Abstract
En la Baja Edad Media, la caballería ocupó con plena madurez el papel político-militar al que había ido accediendo como máximo estamento civil. La imagen lúdica de la institución se incorporó a su repertorio iconográfico representativo y el fasto caballeresco, como producción artística, se convir - tió en el medio de expresión estética por excelencia de la fiesta tardogótica. Presentamos este episodio interdisciplinar entre el medio guerrero y el precortesano del estamento caballeresco y su cultura de la guerra, a través de la reutilización de materiales, estructuras y estrategias militares con tratamiento y finalidad artística que las fuentes gráficas y escritas nos ofrecen. In the late Middle Ages, chivalry fully assumed the political-military role which it had gradually attained as supreme civil class. The ludic imagery of this institution was incorporated into its repre- sentative iconographic repertoire and chivalric pageantry, considered as an artistic production, be- came par excellence the means of aesthetic expression of late Gothic festivals. This paper presents an interdisciplinary episode dealing with both chivalry’s warlike and pre-courtly means and culture of war through the artistically purposed reuse of materials, structures and military strategies provided by graphic and written sources.
429. Three tones to narrate the fiesta: Agustín Yáñez, Juan Rulfo y Juan José Arreola
- Author
Carmen Alemany Bay, Universidad de Alicante. Departamento de Filología Española, Lingüística General y Teoría de la Literatura, and Estudis Transversals: Literatura i Altres Arts en les Cultures Mediterrànies
- Subjects
Rulfo ,Literature and Literary Theory ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Literatura Española ,narrativa mexicana ,Art ,Mexican Narrative ,Yáñez ,Atmosphere (architecture and spatial design) ,Feast ,Subject matter ,Arreola ,Rhetorical question ,Narrative ,fiesta ,Value (semiotics) ,Humanities ,media_common - Abstract
Tres narradores jaliscienses, representantes de la mejor narrativa mexicana de los años cincuenta y sesenta -Agustín Yáñez, Juan Rulfo y Juan José Arreola-, abordan la temática de lo festivo en parte de su obra. Yáñez lo hace en algunos de los relatos de Los sentidos al aire; Rulfo se detiene en el malditismo de lo festivo en algunas escenas de Pedro Páramo así como también en algunos relatos de El Llano en llamas. Por su parte Juan José Arreola recurrirá en su novela La feria a las festividades de Zapotlán para resaltar el valor de lo idiosincrático así como la pugna entre lo religioso y lo festivo. Numerosos son los puntos de concurrencia entre los textos citados, y a ellos acudiremos, pero principalmente queremos resaltar los diferentes tonos que convergen en sus ficciones para abordar un mismo tema, las diversas atmósferas y perspectivas así como las estrategias narrativas. En definitiva, reconocer sus diferentes capacidades retóricas para desentrañar el valor metafórico de la fiesta. Three narrators from Jalisco, representative of the best Mexican narrative of the fifties and sixties, Agustín Yáñez, Juan Rulfo and Juan José Arreola, tackle the festive subject matter in part of their work. Yáñez will do this in some of the stories of Los sentidos al aire, Rulfo will dwell on an aura of doom of the festive in some scenes of Pedro Páramo, as in some stories of El Llano en llamas, and, lastly, Arreola, in his novel La feria, will resort to Zapotlán festivities to stand out the idiosyncratic as well as the confrontation between the religious and the festive. There is a great number of coincidencies among the texts mentioned, and we will deal with them, but, mainly, we want to stand out the value of the idiosyncratic that converge on their stories to tackle the same topic, the different atmosphere and perspectives as well as narrative strategies. All in all, we want to identify their different rhetorical abilities to get to the bottom the metaphoric value of the festive.
430. Jorė - (re)konstrukcija ar tradicijų tąsa?
- Author
Gintare Duseviciute-Neimontiene
- Subjects
(Re)construction of 'traditions' ,feast ,Liaudies kultūra / Folk culture ,Neopagan community ,Tradicijų (re)konstravimas ,Jorė ,tradicijos ,Molėtai ,Lithuanian traditions ,Jurginės ,Lietuva (Lithuania) ,Šventės. Atmintinos dienos / Festivals. Holy days ,Lietuva ,'Jorė' festival ,St. George's Day ,Neopagonių bendruomenė ,Tradition - Abstract
Straipsnyje nagrinėjama Lietuvoje vykstanti pavasario šventė, renginys ir projektas „Jorė“. Nuo 1997 metais Kulionių k., Molėtų r. surengtos pirmosios Jorės šventės populiarumas išaugo, išsiplėtė švenčiančiųjų ratas, pobūdis ir geografinis šventimo arealas. Straipsnyje keliamas klausimas, ar „Jorė“ yra tradicinių lietuviškų (baltiškų) papročių (re-)konstrukcija, ar, kaip teigia patys švenčiantieji, – tradicijų tąsa? Straipsnyje aptariama „Jorės“ etimologija, analizuojama šventimo sklaida, vietos ir laiko pasirinkimo motyvai, nagrinėjamas turinys ir forma. Darbo pagrindą sudaro lauko tyrimų metu 2008– 2014 m. surinkti etnografiniai duomenys. Autorės manymu, „Jorei“ bandoma pritaikyti nemažai tradicinių lietuvių Jurginių papročių, nors tiek turinys, tiek forma gana laisvai perkuriama, interpretuojama, modifikuojama ir kūrybiškai pateikiama šiuolaikiškam žmogui priimtina forma.
431. Regional application of the first european air traffic controller selection test in Bulgaria
- Author
Stefan Raychev, Yuriy Chynchenko, and Volodymyr Kharchenko
- Subjects
FEAST ,Air Traffic Management ,Air Navigation System ,ComputerSystemsOrganization_MISCELLANEOUS ,General Medicine ,Bulgaria ,human error ,Air Traffic Control ,EUROCONTROL - Abstract
Understanding Human Error in Air Traffic Control – the nature of human error was explored and the different types of error were clarified. The modelling of human error was explained and the most comprehensive approach within the Air Traffic Management system was described.
432. Wensen en present-eren. Een kleine cultuurgeschiedenis van de nieuwjaarsbrief
- Author
Marc Jacobs, Sociaal-culturele voedingsstudies, and History, Archeology, Arts, Philosophy and Ethics
- Subjects
feast ,new year ,tradition ,christmas ,Children - Abstract
History of the new year's letters and traditions related to it.
433. O Divino, o patrimônio e a cidade: uma análise de modulações culturais provocadas por eventos críticos
- Author
José Rogério Lopes, Rodrigo Manoel Dias da Silva, and André Luiz da Silva
- Subjects
feast ,H1-99 ,media_common.quotation_subject ,General Engineering ,Social Sciences ,tradition ,Art ,cultural heritage ,identity agency ,Social sciences (General) ,General Earth and Planetary Sciences ,Humanities ,General Environmental Science ,media_common - Abstract
O artigo analisa modulacoes culturais em uma festa devocional na cidade de Sao Luiz do Paraitinga (SP), Brasil, impactadas por um evento critico (enchente) que atingiu a cidade, em janeiro de 2010. A enchente derrubou parte do patrimonio cultural da cidade, que era referente para a realizacao da tradicional Festa do Divino Espirito Santo. Essa perda permitiu que varios agenciamentos religiosos e de politicas culturais emergissem no processo de recuperacao da cidade, produzindo fluxos que introduziram novos referentes para a reinvencao da Festa. Aqui, busca-se descrever e analisar a dinâmica desses agenciamentos, evidenciando a importância do patrimonio cultural para a afirmacao da estima social da cidade e da sua populacao. Palavras-chave: tradicao, patrimonio cultural, festa, agenciamentos identitarios.
434. Автоматизація процесів професійного відбору авіаційного персоналу цивільної авіації
- Subjects
авіаційний персонал ,відбір персоналу ,FEAST ,ICAO ,цивільна авіація ,автоматизація ,авіадиспетчер ,EUROCONTROL - Abstract
Запропоновано принципи побудови цільової моделі авіаційного диспетчера та керівника польотів. Розглянуто особливості професійної діяльності керівника польотів диспетчерської зміни служби руху України.
435. Des rituels funéraires à la fête patronale Les miroloyia, lamentations vocales et instrumentales de l’Épire, Grèce
- Author
Hélène Delaporte
- Subjects
feast ,Social Sciences and Humanities ,Greece ,miroloyia ,tsigane ,mort ,gypsy ,General Medicine ,lament ,exile ,lamentation ,death ,Sciences Humaines et Sociales ,Grèce ,fête ,exil - Abstract
En Épire, le terme miroloyia désigne deux types de lamentations appartenant à des contextes très différents. Les premières sont le fait des femmes qui se lamentent lors des rituels funéraires ou au quotidien en cachette des hommes, les secondes sont jouées par des musiciens tsiganes dans les fêtes patronales. L’article s’interroge sur l’articulation entre ces deux formes de miroloyia et met en évidence le rôle différencié des femmes et des hommes face à la mort. Si les femmes gèrent la mort alors qu’elle vient de surgir et s’adressent directement aux défunts, les hommes sont alors très en retrait. En revanche, c’est à l’occasion des fêtes patronales que les hommes pleurent leurs morts. Ils ne s’adressent pas directement à eux mais passent par un intermédiaire, le clarinettiste tsigane, à qui ils confient la gestion de leurs émotions., In Epirus, the word miroloyia refers to two types of laments, performed in very different circumstances. The former are women’s laments, occurring during funerary rituals or, unknown from men, in everyday life ; the latter are played by gypsy musicians during patronal feasts. This article questions the link between both types of miroloyia and shows up the differentiated roles of women and men as regards death. Women manage death when it has just happened and speak directly to the dead persons, while men stand aside. On the other hand, patronal feasts give men the opportunity to weep over their dead. They do not directly speak to them but do it through an intermediary, the gypsy clarinet player, whom they entrust with managing their emotions.
436. Das Tapirfest der Uni Eine funktionale Analyse
- Author
Frank, Erwin H.
- Published
- 1987
437. Formes rituelles et comportementales dans la fête populaire. Le carnaval de Binche (Belgique) comme exemple-type
- Author
Piette, Albert
- Published
- 1988
438. The llama and the Deer: dietary and symbolic dualism in the central Andes
- Author
Goepfert, Nicolas
- Published
- 2010
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