237 results on '"BRANKOV, MILAN"'
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202. Reaction of susceptible maize inbred lines to herbicides
- Author
Dragicevic, Vesna, primary, Simic, Milena, additional, Jovanovic-Radovanov, Katarina, additional, Brankov, Milan, additional, and Srdic, Jelena, additional
- Published
- 2017
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203. Efekti primene herbicida i folijarnih đubriva na samooplodne linije kukuruza
- Author
Vrbničanin, Sava, Simić, Milena, Jovanović-Radovanov, Katarina, Dragičević, Vesna, Kresović, Mirjana, Brankov, Milan Z., Vrbničanin, Sava, Simić, Milena, Jovanović-Radovanov, Katarina, Dragičević, Vesna, Kresović, Mirjana, and Brankov, Milan Z.
- Abstract
Reakcija samooplodnih linija kukuruza na primenu triketona (mezotrion i topramezon) i sulfonilurea (rimsulfuron i foramsulfuron) herbicida u preporučenoj i dvostrukoj dozi sa i bez primene folijarnih đubriva je praćena u trogodišnjem poljskom ogledu na lokalitetu Zemun Polja u periodu 2010. – 2012. godina. Paralelno, reakcija najosetljivije linije je ispitivana u kontrolisanim uslovima. Nakon primene herbicida i folijarnog đubriva vizuelno je ocenjena fitotoksičnost i izvršeno je uzorkovanje materijala za ispitivanje morfoloških parametara (površine listova, visine, sveže nadzemne mase biljaka), kao i biohemijskih parametara (sadržaja rastvorljivih proteina, slobodnih tiolnih grupa, rastvorljivih fenola i fitinskog fosfora u listovima linija kukuruza) da bi na kraju vegetacione sezone bio izmeren prinos zrna. Prema dobijenim rezultatima, triketoni i sulfonilurea herbicidi su različito uticali na posmatrane parametre linija kukuruza. Triketoni su u manjem stepenu negativno uticali na smanjenje posmatranih morfoloških parametara, dok prinos zrna nije umanjen ni pri primeni preporučenih, kao ni dvostrukih doza herbicida. S druge strane, primenjene sulfoniluree su značajno uticale na smanjenje posmatranih parametara linija kukuruza. Linije su prema osetljivosti na sulfonilurea herbicide podeljene u tri grupe: na osetljive, srednje osetljive i tolerantne. Kod najosetljivijih linija ne preporučuje se primena sulfonilurea herbicida, kod srednje osetljivih mogu se bezbedno primeniti preporučene doze sulfonilurea, mada je potreban dodatan oprez, dok se kod tolerantnih linija mogu bezbedno primeniti. U cilju smanjenja herbicidnog stresa kod ispitivanih linija zajedno sa herbicidima primenjena su folijarna đubriva. Pozitivne reakcije ispitivanih linija su zabeležene u tretmanima sa aminokiselinskim đubrivom Activeg. U slučaju merenja morfoloških parametara i prinosa zrna, primenjeno đubrivo je uticalo na povećanje merenih parametara, dok su prilikom ocenjivanja vizuelnog ošteć, Maize inbred lines reaction on herbicides triketons (mesotrione, topramezone) and sulfonylures (rimsulfuron, foramsulfuron) in recommended and double dose with and without foliar fertilizers was examinated in three year on experimental field of Maize Research Institute „Zemun Polje“ during 2010.-2012. year. Parallel with that, reaction of the most sensitive line was performed in controled conditions. After herbicides and foliar fertilizers application phytotoxicity was assessed visually and samples for testing morfological parameters (leaf area, height, plant fresh mass) and biochemical parameters (content of soluble proteins, free thiol groups, soluble phenols and phytic phosphorus in maize leaves), and grain yield at the end of vegetation season. According to results, triketons and sulfonylureas influenced differently to observed maize parameters. Triketons had lesser negative impact on morphological parameters reduction, while grain yield was not reduced in recommended or double doses of mesotrione and topramezone. On the other hand, applied sulfonylurea herbicides significantly influenced decrease in observed maize lines parameters. Lines were divided into three groups according to their sensitivity towars those herbicides: sensitive, medium sensitive and tolerant. In sensitive lines sulfonylurea herbicides application is not recommended, in medium sensitive recommended doses could be safely applied, and in tolerant lines application is allowed. In order to reduce herbicides stress in tested lines together with herbicides foliar fertilizers were applied. Positive reaction were recorded in treatments with amino acid fertilizer Activeg. In case of meashured morphological parameters and grain yield foliar fertilizer influenced the increase in meashured parameters, while only in visual assessement results were not as ecpected. In controlled conditions the most sensitive line showed higher tolerance to herbicide in treatment with foliar fertilizer. Weaker maize respo
- Published
- 2016
204. Crop rotation influence on annual and perennial weed control and maize productivity
- Author
Simić, Milena, Simić, Milena, Spasojević, Igor, Brankov, Milan, Dragičević, Vesna, Kovacević, Dusan, Simić, Milena, Simić, Milena, Spasojević, Igor, Brankov, Milan, Dragičević, Vesna, and Kovacević, Dusan
- Abstract
Crop rotation is important part of integrated weed control strategy. Sequences with diverse crops require application of different measures that influence weed community composition. The study was conducted in order to investigate the effects of crop rotation and low rate of herbicide application on maize infestation with annual and perennial weeds. A trial was settled on the experimental field of the Maize Research Institute Zemun Polje, Belgrade, Serbia in 2009. The basic treatment was a plant production system: maize continuous cropping (MC), maize-winter wheat rotation (MW), and maize-soybean winter wheat rotation (MSW). Different weed control methods represented treatments in sub-plots. Number of weed species and their biomass were estimated 45 days after the application of herbicides when rotation cycle was closed in each cropping system in 2011 for MW, in 2012 for MC and MSW. Each crop rotation differently influenced number of weed species and weed biomass. The best effects showed MSW rotation in which biomass of perennial and annual weeds was significantly lower after three years, especially with the application of recommended rate of herbicides. Crop rotation significantly increased maize yield - MW by 20.1% and MSW by 29.6% in comparison to maize monoculture.
- Published
- 2016
205. Possibility and effectivenes of herbicde Lumax in maize weed control
- Author
Simić, Milena, Brankov, Milan, Spasojević, Igor, Dumanović, Zoran, and Ivanović, Miroslav
- Subjects
korovi ,herbicide ,herbicid ,kukuruz ,weeds ,maize ,control ,suzbijanje - Abstract
The presence of weeds in crops affected by the reduction quantity and quality of the grain yield. Weed control is an integral part of the technology of maize production. The presence of weeds sometimes solves with constant application of the same measure, the most common is the herbicide use, which has a number of consequences. Often weed control is integrated with other measures, where the most important place belongs to the application of herbicides. The aim of experiment was to examin the possibility of applying herbicides Lumax whose basis is the triple combination of active ingredients (s- metolachlor , mesotrione and terbuthylazine), for control weeds in maize. The effects of herbicide applied after planting and before crop emergence (BBCH 00-09) and applied in the initial stages of crop growth and development (BBCH 11-13), were examined in experiment, as well as the effect of different amounts of herbicides on the most common types of weeds in maize. According to obtained results it can be concluded that the herbicide Lumax effectively suppresses all annual weeds, especially applied after corn emergence. Prisustvo korova u usevima utiče na smanjenje količine i kvaliteta prinosa. Suzbijanje korova je obavezna mera i sastavni deo tehnologije gajenja kukuruza. Problem zakorovljenosti se nekada rešava stalnom primenom jedne iste mere, najčešće primenom herbicida, što ima brojne posledice. Neretko se korovi planski suzbijaju kombinovanom primenom više mera, među kojima važno mesto pripada primeni herbicida. U ogledu je ispitivana mogućnost primene herbicida Lumax čiju osnovu čini trojna kombinacija aktivnih materija (s-metolahlor, mezotrion i terbutilazin), namenjenog suzbijanju uskolisnih i širokolisnih korova u kukuruzu. Upoređivani su efekti primene herbicida tretiranjem zemljišta posle setve a pre nicanja (BBCH 00-09) i primene posle nicanja useva (BBCH 11-13), kao i delovanje različitih količina herbicida na najzastupljenije vrste korova u kukuruzu. Iz dobijenih rezultata se može zaključiti da herbicid Lumax efikasno suzbija jednogodišnje korovske vrste, naročito ako je primenjen u početnim fazama rastenja i razvića kukuruza.
- Published
- 2014
206. Integrated application of crop rotation and herbicides for weed control in maize
- Author
Simić, Milena, Spasojević, Igor, Brankov, Milan, and Dragičević, Vesna
- Subjects
crop rotation ,herbicides ,korovi ,herbicid ,kukuruz ,weeds ,plodored ,maize - Abstract
Research on nonherbicidal weed management strategies that integrate other weed management systems with herbicide use are still actual. Crop rotation is important measure within IWMS, aimed to successful maize production and pest control. Sequences with row and grain crops, legumes and cereals allow application of herbicides with different mode of action which directly infl uences weed abundance. Sequence composition is important as much as number and type of crop because of applied measures and their carry over effects. Effects of maize monoculture and three crop rotation maize-wheat-soybean and maize-soybean-wheat, integrated with herbicide application at recommended and low rates on annual and broadleaf maize weed control, were studied. The best effects on maize weed control showed MSW rotation, especially with the application of the recommended rate of herbicides. In this production system, biomasses of the annual and perennial weeds were significantly lower after one cycle of rotation, in all herbicide treatments. Cereal crop such as wheat together with herbicides used for its production, is much better preceding crop for maize weed control than soybean. Proučavanja nehemijskih mera za kontrolu korova, kao i njihove integrisane primene sa herbicidima u okviru integrisanog sistema mera za kontrolu korova (Integrated Weed Management System - IWMS), su i dalje veoma aktuelna. Plodored je važna mera za uspešno gajenje useva uz istovremenu kontrolu korova i drugih štetnih organizama. Smena širokoredih useva i strnina, leguminoza i žita omogućava primenu herbicida sa različitim mehanizmima delovanja čime se direktno utiče na zastupljenost korova. Osim broja i vrste useva koje ulaze u sastav plodoreda, veoma je važan i njihov redosled u rotaciji, jer će mere koje se primenjuju u prethodnom usevu imati efekat i na naredne useve. U ogledu je proučavan uticaj monokulture i dva tropoljna plodoreda kukuruz- pšenica-soja i kukuruz-soja-pšenica uz primenu herbicida, na zastupljenost jednogodišnjih i višegodišnjih korova u kukuruzu. U pogledu kontrole zakorovljenosti, najbolji efekat je ispoljio tropoljni plodored kukuruz-soja-pšenica, posebno uz primenu herbicida u preporučenoj količini. Nakon jedne rotacije useva, biomasa jednogodišnjih, a naročito višegodišnjih korova je značajno smanjena u svim varijantama primene herbicida. Pšenica je, u pogledu kontrole korova, kao gusti usev, uz herbicide koji se primenjuju tokom njenog gajenja, pogodnija kao predusev za kukuruz u odnosu na soju.
- Published
- 2014
207. Effects of crop rotation and mineral fertilizers on leaf area and wheat grain yield
- Author
Spasojević, Igor, Simić, Milena, Dragičević, Vesna, Brankov, Milan, Jovanović, Života, and Dumanović, Zoran
- Subjects
crop rotation ,leaf area ,wheat ,lisna površina ,mineral fertilizers ,pšenica ,plodored ,prinos ,yield ,mineralna đubriva - Abstract
Experiment where we examined effects of crop rotation and mineral fertilizers on leaf area and wheat grain yield was set up 1986. on experimental field of Maize Research Institute in Zemun Polje. In experiment exist two type of cropping systems: maize-wheat crop rotation and maize-soybean-wheat crop rotation. We used two type of mineral fertilizers: N:P:K 15:15:15 (which we applied before wheat sowing) and Urea 46% N (we applied in period of wheat side dressing). Fertilizers used in four different quantities. We examined leaf area of wheat flag leaf, total leaf area and wheat grain yield. In this paper we used one-year results (from 2013). Based on results of examination, crop rotation and mineral fertilizers have had strong influence on leaf area of flag leaf, total leaf area and wheat grain yield. For all examined parameters, with using of maize-soybean-wheat rotation we achieved much better results than with using of maize-wheat rotation. The highest values of leaf area (57,99 cm2/cm2 for flag leaf and 253,66 cm2/cm2 total leaf area) and grain yield (4,28 t/ha) we achieved in maize- soybean-wheat rotation with application of higher doses of fertilizers. The lowest values of leaf area (25,31cm2/cm2 for flag leaf and 123,12 cm2/cm2 total leaf area) and grain yield (1,99 t/ha) we achieved in maize-wheat rotation without application of mineral fertilizers. Ogled u kome su ispitivani efekti primene plodoreda i mineralnih đubriva na lisnu površinu i prinos zrna pšenice zasnovan je 1986. godine na oglednom polju Instituta za kukuruz u Zemun Polju. Ispitivanja su obavljena u dvopoljnom plodoredu kukuruz-pšenica i tropoljnom plodoredu kukuruz-soja-pšenica. Korištena su mineralna đubriva N:P:K 15:15:15 (pred setvu pšenice) i UREA (za prihranu). Oba đubriva su primenjena u četiri različite količine. Ispitivana je lisna površina lista zastavičara, ukupna lisna površina i prinos zrna pšenice. U radu su prikazani rezultati iz 2013.godine. Na osnovu rezultata ispitivanja utvrđeno je da su lisna površina lista zastavičara, ukupna lisna površina i prinos zrna pšenice u visokom stepenu zavisni od primenjenog plodoreda i količine đubriva. Za sve ispitivane parameter, u tropoljnom plodoredu kukuruz-soja-pšenica dobijene su mnogo veće vrednosti nego u dvopoljnom plodoredu kukuruz kukuruz-pšenica. Najveće vrednosti lisne površine (57,99 cm2/cm2 za list zastavičar i 253,66 cm2/cm2 za ukupnu lisnu površinu), kao i prinos zrna (4,28 t/ha) dobijene su u tropoljnom plodoredu, uz primenu većih doza đubriva. Najmanje vrednosti lisne površine (25,31 cm2/cm2 za list zastavičar i 123,12 cm2/cm2 za ukupnu lisnu površinu) i prinos zrna (1,99 t/ha) dobijene su u dvopoljnom plodoredu bez primene đubriva.
- Published
- 2014
208. Importance of IWMS for maize weed control
- Author
Simić, Milena, Dragičević, Vesna, Srdić, Jelena, Brankov, Milan, and Spasojević, Igor
- Subjects
weed control ,kukuruz ,integrated management system ,sistem integrisanih mera ,maize ,kontrola korova - Abstract
Continual application of the same measures in the agricultural practice leads to the disturbances in connexions in agro-ecosystem. For the reason of damaging effects of herbicides, the combined application of the several measures for weed control, as a part of Integrated Weed Management System - IWMS is applying in the world and in our country in recent time. The concept of this system is development of the programs for weed control owing to combined or integrated application of preventive, direct, mechanical, chemical, biological and other measures. According to the presence of great number of weed species in maize crop, which have different life cycles and surviving types, it is unreal to expect that application of one measure solely could have satisfactory effect in weed control and lowering of potential weediness through the lowering of seed reserve and vegetative organs of weed plants in soil. The effect of application of the chosen measures system must not be short-lived, but it has to show results during the longer period. Moreover, it isn’t literal weed eradication, but reduction of the weed number to the level which could be tolerated by the crop, without threatening of the yield and radical disturbing of the balance in agro-ecosystem. Bearing all that in mind, the effects of combined application of the different measures of IWMS (crop rotation, tillage, fertilization, genotype choice, herbicide application) in maize weed control were analysed. Stalna primena istih mera u poljoprivredi vremenom dovodi do narušavanja odnosa u agroekosistemu. Radi smanjenja štetnog delovanja herbicida, u svetu i kod nas se poslednjih godina sve više preporučuje kombinovana primena više mera za kontrolu korova u okviru sistema integrisanih mera (Integrated Weed Management System IWMS). Koncept ovog sistema je razvoj programa za kontrolu korova putem kombinovane ili integrisane primene preventivnih, direktnih, mehaničkih, hemijskih, bioloških i drugih mera. S obzirom da se u usevu kukuruza javlja veliki broj vrsta korova sa različitim životnim ciklusima i načinima preživljavanja, nerealno je očekivati da primena bilo koje mere pojedinačno može imati zadovoljavajući efekat u kontroli korova i smanjenju potencijalne zakorovljenosti kroz smanjenje rezervi semena i vegetativnih organa korovskih biljaka u zemljištu. Efekat primene odabranog sistema mera ne sme biti samo trenutan, naprotiv, mora da ima rezultate i na duži vremenski period. Isto tako, ne radi se o bukvalnom uništavanju, tj. iskorenjivanju korova, već o svođenju njihove brojnosti na nivo koji usev može da toleriše tako da prinos nije ugrožen a ravnoteža u agrosistemu nije radikalno narušena. Imajući sve navedeno u vidu, analizirani su efekti kombinovane primene različitih mera iz sistema integrisanih mera (plodored, obrada, đubrenje, gustina gajenja, izbor genotipa, primena herbicida) u kontroli korova u kukuruzu.
- Published
- 2013
209. Dynamics of water and dry matter accumulation in maize inbreds induced by amino acid foliar fertilizer
- Author
Dragičević, Vesna, Brankov, Milan, Simić, Milena, Vrbničanin, Sava, Jug, Irena, Spasojević, Igor, and Pospišil, Milan
- Subjects
maize ,amino acid foliar fertilizer ,dry matter ,water ,harvest index - Abstract
growth. The aim of this study was to examine the effects of foliar fertilizer with amino acids on dry matter (DM) and free water content in leaves, as well as harvest index (HI) of five ZP maize inbred lines. In inbreds with lowest DM content, fertilizer increased DM accumulation, compared to control. It also induced increase of free water content, up to 17 % leading to better water management, up to anthesis period. During anthesis period, it decreased DM and free water contents in inbreds with higher DM and water accumulation, by better substance conversion present in increase of HI, as yielding parameter.
- Published
- 2012
210. Uticaj različitih načina obrade na sadržaj vlage i azota u zemljištu
- Author
Dragičević, Vesna, Simić, Milena, Videnović, T., Kresović, Branka, Spasojević, Igor, and Brankov, Milan
- Subjects
Yield ,Nitrogen ,food and beverages ,S -- Maize ,Soil moisture ,Tillage - Abstract
The tillage systems differently affect the soil fertility and the maize yield. Irrigation is prominent cropping practice for yield increasing irrespective to fact that rain-fed is still the most broadly applied cultivation practice in the world. The aim of this study was to investigate effects of different tillage systems (conventional, reduced and no-till) and fertiliser levels on changes of the soil N content during three vegetative stages (sprouting, an thesis and harvesting), as well as maize grain yield under rain-fed and irrigation conditions in 2005-2008. The rain-fed cropping only in no-till cropping induced increase of soil moisture during an thesis. The highest N amount in soil in dry season (2008) was kept under conventional tillage in rain-fed cropping. As well, the highest grain yield was observed with conventional tillage practice. Irrigation diminished differences between cropping years and fertilization regimes.
- Published
- 2012
211. Effects of a genotype x sowing density interaction on maize yielding on irrigated chernozem
- Author
Kresović, Branka, Dragičević, Vesna, Simić, Milena, Videnović, Živorad, Spasojević, Igor, and Brankov, Milan
- Subjects
chernozem ,densities ,grain yield ,maize ,irrigation - Abstract
The aim of these studies was to determine the number of plants per hectare that would provide the maximum utilization of the genetic yielding potential of maize hybrids belonging to different FAO maturity groups and would also contribute to a rational use of seeds. The two-factorial trial was performed on irrigated chernozem in the period 2006-2008, according to the split-plot method with four replicates. Hybrids ZP 578 (FAO 500) and ZP 735 (FAO 700) observed in the combination with seven sowing densities (G1 - 40,816 plants ha-1, G2 - 50,125 plants ha-1, G3 - 59,524 plants ha-1, G4 - 69,686 plants ha-1, G5 - 79,365 plants ha-1, G6 - 86,286 plants ha-1 and G7 - 98,522 plants ha-1). Gained results show that statistically very significant differences in maize grain yields were obtained between the studied hybrids and the sowing densities. The lowest yields were recorded for all studied hybrids at the lowest sowing density (40,861 plants ha-1). The yield projection shows that the maximum grain yield of the hybrid ZP 578, i.e. hybrid ZP 735 can be expected at the level of 13.53 t ha-1, i.e. 12.86 t ha-1 at the sowing density of 84,000 plants ha-1, i.e. 72,000 ZP plants ha-1, respectively. In accordance with the rational use of seeds, high yields are obtained by sowing that provides 60,000 plants of ZP 578 ha-1 and 50,000 plants of ZP 735 ha-1. Cilj proučavanja bio je da se utvrdi broj biljaka po hektaru koji stvara uslove za maksimalno korišćenje genetičkog potencijala rodnosti dva hibrida kukuruza različite FAO grupe zrenja i ujedno doprinosi racionalnoj upotrebi semena. Dvofaktorijalni ogled izveden je u periodu 2006-2008 na navodnjavanom černozemu, po metodi razdeljenih parcela u četiri ponavljanja. Isptitivani su hibridi ZP 578 (FAO 500) i ZP 735 (FAO 700) u kombinaciji setve sa sedam gustina (G1 - 40,816 bilj. ha-1, G2 - 50,125 bilj. ha-1, G3 - 59,524 bilj. ha-1, G4 - 69,686 bilj. ha-1, G5 - 79,365 bilj. ha-1, G6 - 86,286 bilj. ha-1 and G7 - 98,522 bilj. ha-1). Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da su između ispitivanih hibrida i gustina setve ostvarene statistički veoma značajne razlike prinosa zrna kukuruza. Najniže prinose ispitivani hibridi su ostvarili pri najmanjoj gustini setve (40,816 bilj. ha-1). Projekcija prinosa pokazuje da se maksimalan prinos zrna hibrida ZP 578 može očekivati na nivou 13,53 t ha-1 pri gustini setve 84.000 bilj. ha-1, a 12,86 t ha-1 hibrida ZP 735 pri gustini 72.000 bilj ha-1. U skladu sa racionalnom upotrebom semena, visoki prinosi hibrida ZP 578 obezbeđuju se sklopom sa 60.000 biljaka, a hibrida ZP 735 sa 50.000 biljaka po hektaru.
- Published
- 2011
212. Effect of the maize vegetative space on weediness and yield
- Author
Simić, Milena, Stefanović, Lidija, Brankov, Milan, and Spasojević, Igor
- Subjects
korovi ,kukuruz ,weeds ,vegetative space ,prinos ,međuredno rastojanje ,maize ,yield ,row space ,vegetacioni prostor - Abstract
The arrangement pattern, i.e. shape and size of vegetative space available to growing plants influences crop-weed competitive interaction and weed abundance. Most researches show that growing row crops such as maize, soybean, sunflower etc., with narrow row space, has as a result lower weed infestation and better yield parameters. In this study the effects of the maize vegetative space, which are achieved with combination of different row spaces and spaces between plants in the row, on the weed distribution and fresh matter and some morphological and productive parameters of maize were investigated. The crop density was the same for all arrangement patterns and herbicide application was included with three levels: full and half of the recommended dose and control without herbicide application. In all three years of investigation, the weed fresh matter declined with decreasing row spaces and was, on average, the lowest for the narrower row space and herbicide application at recommended doses (38,6; 12,8 and 351,1 g m-2). In such arrangement pattern of maize plants, significant influence on the fresh matter of D. stramonium, S. nigrum and A. retroflexus, was achieved. Herbicide application at half of the recommended dose also significantly influenced level of weediness compared to untreated control. The size of maize vegetation space significantly influenced grain yield in 2005 and 2006, otherwise, the herbicide application had a significant influence on maize yield in all years. Grain yield did not differ significantly according to LSD-test between treatments with full and half rate of herbicides. Prostorni raspored odnosno oblik i veličina vegetacionog prostora kojim raspolažu gajene biljke značajno utiče na kompeticijske interakcije između useva i korova a time i na zastupljenost korova. Rezultati većine istraživanja su pokazali da gajenje širokoredih useva kao što su kukuruz, soja, suncokret i dr. sa smanjenim međurednim rastojanjem, utiče na smanjenje zakorovljenosti ali i na parametre rodnosti. U radu je ispitivan uticaj veličine vegetacionog prostora koji je ostvaren kombinovanjem međurednog razmaka i razmaka između biljaka u redu u okviru iste gustine, u uslovima primene herbicida u preporučenim i smanjenim količinama, na zastupljenost pojedinih vrsta korova i njihovu biomasu kao i na neke morfološke i produktivne osobine kukuruza. Najmanja ukupna sveža masa korova je u sve tri godine, utvrđena na varijanti sa najmanjim međurednim rastojanjem i primenjenom kombinacijom herbicida izoksaflutol+acetohlor u preporučenoj količini (38,6; 12,8 i 351,1 g m-2). U takvom obliku vegetacionog prostora, značajno je smanjenja sveža masa vrsta D. stramonium, S. nigrum i A. retroflexus. Primena herbicida u polovini preporučene količine takođe je značajno smanjila nivo zakorovljenosti u poređenju sa netretiranom kontrolom. Veličina vegetacionog prostora značajno je uticala na prinos zrna kukuruza u 2005. i 2006. godini, dok je količina primenjenih herbicida vrlo značajno uticala na visinu prinosa u svim godinama. Međusobna poređenja visine prinosa između varijanti sa primenom herbicida u preporučenoj i polovini preporučene količine, na osnovu LSD-testa, nisu pokazale značajne razlike.
- Published
- 2010
213. Genotype dependent tolerance to herbicides of maize (Zea mays L.) inbred lines
- Author
Brankov, Milan, primary, Simic, Milena, additional, Dragicevic, Vesna, additional, Vrbnicanin, Sava, additional, and Spasojevic, Igor, additional
- Published
- 2015
- Full Text
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- Author
Simić, Milena, primary, Dragičević, Vesna, additional, Spasojević, Igor, additional, Brankov, Milan, additional, Dolijanović, Željko, additional, and Dumanović, Zoran, additional
- Published
- 2015
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215. Effects of different cropping systems and weed management methods on free energy and content of pigments in maize
- Author
Spasojević, Igor, Spasojević, Igor, Dragičević, Vesna, Simić, Milena, Kovačević, Dušan, Brankov, Milan, Spasojević, Igor, Spasojević, Igor, Dragičević, Vesna, Simić, Milena, Kovačević, Dušan, and Brankov, Milan
- Abstract
Rotation is a cropping system that has many advantages and ensures better crop growth and yielding. Its combination with other cropping measures can ensure optimal crop density for maximal growth and photosynthesis efficiency. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of different cropping systems: monoculture and two rotations, including maize, wheat and soybean (MSW and MWS), and different weed management methods (weed removal by hoeing, application of a full recommended herbicide dose (RD) and half that dose (0.5 RD), and weedy check) on weed biomass and maize growth parameters - leaf area index (LAI), free energy, contents of chlorophyll and carotenoids, grain yield, and their possible relationships in two fields of the maize hybrids ZP 677 (H1) and ZP 606 (H2). The lowest LAI and grain yield were found in monoculture, particularly in weedy check, which had relatively high weed infestation. Higher weed biomass was also observed in herbicide treated plots in monoculture. Such high competition pressure indicates a stress reflected on reduced LAI and chlorophyll content, and increased free energy and content of carotenoids. On the other hand, rotation, particularly if it is combined with the application of herbicides or hoeing, had a positive impact on yielding potential by increasing LAI and the contents of chlorophyll and carotenoids, and decreasing free energy., Plodored, kao sistem gajenja ima brojne prednosti koje se ogledaju u boljem rastu i prinosu useva. Njegovom kombinacijom sa drugim merama gajenja moguće je obezbediti optimalnu gustinu za maksimalan rast i efikasnost fotosinteze. Cilj ovog rada je da se ispita uticaj različitih sistema gajenja: monokulture i dva tipa rotacija koja uključuju kukuruz, pšenicu i soju (MSW i MWS), zajedno sa različitim merama kontrole zakorovljenosti (okopavanje, upotreba preporučene (RD), polovine preporučene (0,5 RD) doze herbicida i kontrola bez uklanjanja korova) na biomasu korova, parametre rasta kukuruza - indeks lisne površine (LAI), slobodnu energiju, sadržaj hlorofila i karotenoida, prinos zrna, kao i njihove međusobne odnose kod dva hibrida kukuruza: ZP 677 (H1) i ZP 606 (H2)). Najniži LAI i prinos zrna bili su ostvareni u monokulturi, posebno u kontroli, zajedno sa relativno visokom zakorovljenošću. Veća biomasa korova je bila u tretmanima sa herbicidima u monokulturi. Ovakva situacija bi mogla da ukaže na prisustvo stresa koji se odražava na smanjenje LAI i sadržaja hlorofila, kao i povećanje vrednosti slobodne energije i karotenoida. Sa druge strane, plodored, posebno u kombinaciji sa herbicidima ili okopavanjem ispoljio je pozitivan uticaj na prinos preko povećanja LAI, sadržaja hlorofila i karotenoida i smanjenja slobodne energije.
- Published
- 2014
216. The influence of different tillage practices on the soil moisture and nitrogen status
- Author
Dragičević, Vesna, Dragičević, Vesna, Simić, Milena, Videnović, T., Kresović, Branka, Spasojević, Igor, Brankov, Milan, Dragičević, Vesna, Dragičević, Vesna, Simić, Milena, Videnović, T., Kresović, Branka, Spasojević, Igor, and Brankov, Milan
- Abstract
The tillage systems differently affect the soil fertility and the maize yield. Irrigation is prominent cropping practice for yield increasing irrespective to fact that rain-fed is still the most broadly applied cultivation practice in the world. The aim of this study was to investigate effects of different tillage systems (conventional, reduced and no-till) and fertiliser levels on changes of the soil N content during three vegetative stages (sprouting, an thesis and harvesting), as well as maize grain yield under rain-fed and irrigation conditions in 2005-2008. The rain-fed cropping only in no-till cropping induced increase of soil moisture during an thesis. The highest N amount in soil in dry season (2008) was kept under conventional tillage in rain-fed cropping. As well, the highest grain yield was observed with conventional tillage practice. Irrigation diminished differences between cropping years and fertilization regimes.
- Published
- 2012
217. Thermodynamic characterization of early phytotoxic effects of sulfonylurea herbicides to maize lines
- Author
Dragičević, Vesna, Dragičević, Vesna, Simić, Milena, Brankov, Milan, Spasojević, Igor, Sečanski, Mile, Kresović, Branka, Dragičević, Vesna, Dragičević, Vesna, Simić, Milena, Brankov, Milan, Spasojević, Igor, Sečanski, Mile, and Kresović, Branka
- Abstract
Variations in susceptibility of maize lines to herbicides depend on different factors. Visible signs of phytotoxicity do not occur in the first few days after application when plants are tolerant to some herbicides. The aim of our experiment was to study susceptibility of 16 ZP lines to nicosulfuron and foramsulfuron 48 hours after application in the 2006-2009 period. The alterations in dry matter content, as well as thermodynamic parameters of free energy and enthalpy, were analyzed. The examined parameters show that season had a significant influence on phytotoxicity expression, with high EWRC values obtained together with high values of free energy and dry matter during the cold season with lower precipitation level (period after herbicide application). In susceptible lines, the phytotoxic effect induced an increase in dry matter and free energy. Phytotoxic effects of nicosulfuron and foramsulfuron have basically different impact on system energetic properties: the effects of nicosulfuron could be connected to greater energy consumption, and the effects of foramsulfuron to increasing potential energy, mainly from metabolism, which could be associated with a 'metabolic burst'. From that point of view, the examined parameters can be successfully used as indicators of herbicide stress immediately after application., Variranja osetljivosti linija kukuruza na herbicide zavise od različitih faktora. Prvi znaci fitotoksičnosti, odnosno tolerantnosti na neke herbicide mogu biti prisutni već tokom prvih dana nakon primene herbicida, dok još nisu ispoljeni vidljivi znaci. Cilj rada je bio da se ispita osetljivost 16 ZP linija kukuruza na nikosulfuron i foramsulfuron, 48 sati nakon njihove primene tokom 2006-2009. godine. Analizirane su promene sadržaja suve materije, kao i termodinamičkih parametara tj. slobodne energije i entalpije. Ispitivani parametri su pokazali da sezona ima značajan uticaj na ispoljavanje fitotoksičnosti. Visoke vrednosti fitotoksičnosti su dobijene paralelno sa visokim vrednostima slobodne energije i suve materije tokom hladne sezone sa nižim nivoom padavina u periodu nakon primene herbicida. Fitotoksični efekti su kod osetljivih linija doveli do povećanja suve materije i slobodne energije. Fitotoksični efekti nikosulfurona i foramsulfurona su se suštinski drugačije ispoljili na energetske karakteristike sistema: efekti nikosulfurona bi mogli biti vezani za veću potrošnju energije, dok bi efekti foramsulfurona mogli biti vezani za povećanje energetskog potencijala, uglavnom preko metabolizma, što bi moglo da ukazuje na 'metaboličku eksploziju'. Sa te tačke gledišta, ispitivani parametri bi mogli uspešno da se koriste kao indikatori stresa izazvanog herbicidima, neposredno nakon njihove primene.
- Published
- 2012
218. Adjuvant and nozzle effects on weed control using mesotrione and rimsulfuron plus thifensulfuron-methyl.
- Author
Brankov, Milan, Vieira, Bruno Canella, Alves, Guilherme Sousa, Zaric, Milos, Vukoja, Barbara, Houston, Trenton, and Kruger, Greg R.
- Subjects
Limitations on the available herbicide portfolio for weed control have led to weed control failures. Application techniques such as proper selection of nozzle types, adjuvants, and herbicide selection have been suggested as one of the ways to maximize efficacy. The launch of HPPD (hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase)-tolerant crops will increase HPPD herbicide applications, while effective herbicide tank mixtures might prolong herbicide resistance evolution. Therefore, a greenhouse experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of mesotrione (MES) and rimsulfuron plus thifensulfuron-methyl (RIMTHIF) in tank mixtures with five adjuvants sprayed with three different nozzle types, XR (Extended Range), AIXR (Air Induction Extended Range), and TTI (Turbo TeeJet Induction), on weed control. Five weed species were tested: common lambsquarters (Chenopodium album L.), velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti Medic.), common waterhemp (Amaranthus tuberculatus (Moq.) J.D. Sauer), Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri S. Wats.), barnyardgrass (Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) P. Beauv.), and a grain sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) crop. A dose‒response study using MES and RIMTHIF was conducted to estimate the effective dose to reduce the aboveground biomass by 50% from the nontreated control (ED 50). Another study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of MES and RIMTHIF in tank mixtures with five adjuvants (ammonium sulfate – AMS, crop oil concentrate – COC, drift reducing adjuvant – DRA, methylated seed oil – MSO, and nonionic surfactant – NIS) sprayed with three nozzle types (XR, AIXR, and TTI). The selected nozzles influenced velvetleaf, common lambsquarters, and sorghum, indicating the possibility of applying herbicides with Coarser sprays, avoiding off-target movement. Our findings suggest adjuvants are an essential factor for improving weed control over the active ingredient, up to 18.7% and 38.3% for MES and RIMTHIF, respectively. Barnyardgrass biomass reduction was greater than 98% with RIMTHIF in tank mixtures with COC and MSO compared to 65% when applied alone. Common lambsquarters had 52.1% biomass reduction when RIMTHIF was sprayed alone, while adding adjuvants to the tank-mixture resulted in biomass reduction ranging from 60.1% (COC) to 94.1% (AMS). Velvetleaf biomass reduction was 98% when the MES and RIMTHIF mixture was applied with the addition of MSO, while 87% without the adjuvant added. These results indicate that adding adjuvants in herbicide solution can improve herbicide efficacy (COC and MSO for barnyardgrass; NIS, AMS, and MSO for velvetleaf; and NIS, COC, and MSO for common lambsquaters). [Display omitted] • The efficacy of mesotrione and rimsulfuron plus thifensulfuron-methyl was tested. • The study also tested the influence of five adjuvants and three nozzle types. • Effective weed control as an alternative to commonly used herbicides. • Weed control increased using adjuvants, up to 18.7% and 38.3%. • Coarser droplets presented satisfactory weed control while reducing drift potential. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2023
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219. Effects of different cropping systems and weed management methods on free energy and content of pigments in maize
- Author
Spasojevic, Igor, primary, Dragicevic, Vesna, additional, Simic, Milena, additional, Kovacevic, Dusan, additional, and Brankov, Milan, additional
- Published
- 2014
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220. Options and application of sulfonylurea and triketone herbicides in crop of maize inbred lines
- Author
Brankov, Milan, primary, Simić, Milena, additional, Vrbničanin, Sava, additional, Dragičević, Vesna, additional, and Spasojević, Igor, additional
- Published
- 2014
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- Author
DRAGIČEVIĆ, Vesna, primary, SIMIĆ, Milena, additional, VIDENOVIĆ, Tivorad, additional, KRESOVIĆ, Branka, additional, SPASOJEVIĆ, Igor, additional, and BRANKOV, Milan, additional
- Published
- 2012
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222. Thermodynamic characterization of early phytotoxic effects of sulfonylurea herbicides to maize lines
- Author
Dragicevic, Vesna, primary, Simic, Milena, additional, Brankov, Milan, additional, Spasojevic, Igor, additional, Secanski, Mile, additional, and Kresovic, Branka, additional
- Published
- 2012
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- Author
Simić, Milena, Brankov, Milan, Dragičević, Vesna, Videnović, Živorad, and Kresović, Branka
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TILLAGE , *AGRICULTURE , *CONSERVATION tillage , *SOIL conservation , *AGRICULTURAL chemicals , *CROPPING systems - Abstract
The effects of three tillage systems: no-tillage (NT), rotary tillage (RT) and conventional tillage (CT), and three levels of fertilization (control, 330 and 660 kg NPK ha-1), on the weed infestation level in maize and the maize grain yield were analysed during 2010 and 2011. The cropping systems were continuously conducted during ten years (1999-2011) on the chernozem in Zemun Polje, Serbia. The data showed significant effects of both factors on the weed infestation level and the maize yield. In both years of investigations, a significantly lower number of weed plants per species (p<0.05) was recorded under conditions of conventional tillage. On the other hand, the highest number of weed plants per species was detected in rotary tillage fields. The weed fresh biomass was also the lowest on the area to which conventional tillage was applied, especially in 2011 (5.78 g m-2). The increase of the amount of the applied mineral fertilizer resulted in the increase of the number of weed plants per species and the weed fresh biomass, but also in the increase of the grain yield of maize. The highest yields were observed in the CT variant in both years (10.07 and 10.39 t ha-1, respectively), while maize yields in RT and NT variants were lower. The regression coefficients showed that intensification of tillage resulted in higher grain yields of maize by 29% in the first year of investigation and even by 67% in the second year of investigation (R=0.29 and R=0.67, respectively). The increase of the amount of the applied mineral fertilizer led to the increase of maize grain yields by 83% (R=0.83) and 55% (R=0.55) in the first, i.e. second year of investigation, respectively. The analysis of the influence of the soil tillage systems on the maize production, with respect to the amounts of applied fertilizers, revealed the benefits of CT for the weed infestation reduction and high grain yields obtaining, under given agroecological conditions. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2012
224. The influence of maize – winter wheat rotation and pre-emergence herbicides on weeds and maize productivity.
- Author
Brankov, Milan, Simić, Milena, and Dragičević, Vesna
- Subjects
WINTER wheat ,WHEAT ,HERBICIDE application ,WEEDS ,HERBICIDES ,CROP rotation - Abstract
Crop rotation is a simple and effective part of an Integrated Weed Management (IWM) system. This approach makes it possible to rotate herbicides with different modes of action (MOA), avoiding or postponing herbicide resistance. Besides all the known advantages and benefits, it is still not widely used in maize (Zea mays L.) production. In Serbia, about 20% of total maize production is a continuous cropping. The aim of this research was to test the benefits of growing maize in crop rotation with winter wheat (Triticum vulgare L.) compared with a continuous cropping, combined with pre-emergence herbicide application. Field trials started in 2009, and five maize-winter wheat rotations have been completed. Weeds were controlled with a herbicide mixture of isoxaflutole and S-metolachlor, applied at either the full label rate or half rate, while one plot was kept weed free (manually), and one was a control. Integrating crop rotation and PRE herbicides decreased the biomass of weeds and their density by 98% and 99%, respectively. In continuous maize, perennial weeds became dominant after the first rotation. Crop rotation significantly influenced maize productive parameters, decreasing the variation in leaf area index and grain yield, increasing values with the number of cycles. The biggest differences in the analyzed parameters were observed in 2015, 2017 and 2019, indicating many positive long-term benefits of crop rotation on maize leaf area index and grain yield. Image 1 • Maize - winter wheat rotation significantly reduced weeds density and biomass. • A decreasing tendency of perennial weeds was reported in crop rotation. • Crop rotation with Isoxaflutole and S-metolachlor reduced weeds up to 99%. • In crop rotation appying 1/2 of herbicide rate could be as effective as the full rate. • Maize leaf area and grain yield were significantly higher in crop rotation. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2021
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- Author
PAVLOVIĆ, Natalija, DOLIJANOVIĆ, Željko, SIMIĆ, Milena, KAITOVIĆ, Željko, DRAGIČEVIĆ, Vesna, and BRANKOV, Milan
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SUSTAINABLE agriculture , *ANIMAL feeding , *WATER supply management , *ESSENTIAL amino acids , *AGRICULTURAL productivity - Abstract
Edamame is a vegetable, immature soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) and an excellent plant-based protein source which is low in calories, high in essential amino acids, dietary fibre, phospholipids, vitamins, minerals, and many other bioactive compounds. Secondary metabolites in edamame include various phenolic compounds, isoflavones, and saponins. Besides providing fresh, green and highly nutritious beans as the main product, edamame biomass can be utilized at the same time for animal feeding or as green manure. Germination, seedling emergence and stand establishment are very important initial phases in development that have a great impact on the whole vegetative cycle. Weed management is one of the key elements for reaching full genetic and yield potential. Irrespective that edamame could enrich the soil with N through the N-fixation process, optimal nutrition which includes application of mineral and organic fertilizers, biofertilizers as well as foliar fertilizers are required for successful production. Ensuring timely water supply to edamame is another crucial factor that greatly contributes. Edamame, as a vegetable crop, is highly sensitive to environmental fluctuations, thus optimization and the development of adequate cropping technology are essential for successful production. As nitrogen fixing legume rich in bioactive compounds, with various benefits for human health and suitability for crop rotation, edamame hugely contributes to sustainable agriculture. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
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226. Assessment of Popcorn's Bioactive Status in Response to Popping.
- Author
Vukadinović, Jelena, Srdić, Jelena, Kravić, Natalija, Mladenović Drinić, Snežana, Simić, Milena, Brankov, Milan, and Dragičević, Vesna
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POPCORN , *LUTEIN , *PHYTIC acid , *ZEAXANTHIN , *HIERARCHICAL clustering (Cluster analysis) , *BIOACTIVE compounds , *PHENOLS , *CLUSTER analysis (Statistics) - Abstract
Popcorn is a specialty maize variety with popping abilities. Although considered a snack, popcorn flakes provide a variety of benefits for the human diet. To evaluate the change in content of bioactive compounds in response to microwave popping, the kernels and flakes of twelve popcorn hybrids were assayed. Accordingly, the content of phytic acid, glutathione, phenolic compounds, carotenoids, and tocopherols, as well as the antioxidant activity, were evaluated. In all evaluated popcorn hybrids, the most pronounced significant average decrease of 71.94% was observed for GSH content, followed by 57.72% and 16.12% decreases for lutein + zeaxanthin and phytic acid content, respectively. In response to popping, in the majority of the evaluated hybrids, the most pronounced significant average changes of a 63.42% increase and a 27.61% decrease were observed for DPPH, followed by a 51.52% increase and a 24.48% decrease for β-carotene, as well as, a 48.62% increase and a 16.71% decrease for α-Tocopherol content, respectively. The applied principal component and hierarchical cluster analyses revealed the distinct separation of popcorn hybrids' kernels and flakes, indicating the existence of a unique linkage of changes in bioactive compound content in response to popping. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
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- Author
Mandić, Violeta, Krnjaja, Vesna, Simić, Aleksandar, Petričević, Maja, Gogić, Marija, Brankov, Milan, and Stanojković, Aleksandar
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PH effect , *GERMINATION , *ARABLE land , *SEEDLINGS , *HETEROSIS , *CORN - Abstract
Soil pH is one of the most important limiting factors for crop cultivation, including maize. About 30-40% of the world's arable land is acidic, and over a billion ha is alkaline. Today, there are 205 million ha of arable land under maize in the world, so it ranks third in area after rice and wheat. Maize hybrids have wide genetic variability and high pH tolerance. We tested the tolerance of maize hybrids seedlings of ZP 4708 and ZP 5797 to pH 5, 6, 7, and 8. Results showed that hybrid ZP 4708 has a higher adaptability to low and high pH, due to the higher value of germination energy (GE), shoot length (ShL), shoot fresh weight (ShFW), shoot dry weight (ShDW), germination rate index (GRI), and seedling vigor index (SVI) than hybrid ZP 5797. Results further showed, on average for hybrids, that pH 5 and pH 8 significantly decreased the GE, root length (RL), ShL, root fresh weight (RFW), ShFW, root dry weight (RDW), shoot fresh weight (ShDW), and SVI. These parameters did not differ significantly between pH 6 and pH 7. Seed germination was not affected by the pH, indicating that the seed vigor of both hybrids supports full germination potential. However, it could be expected that exposure to the lowest and highest pH values of the medium could affect seedlings growth in the field conditions, even though germination is high. SVI showed a positive and significant correlation with all investigated parameters, except germination (G) and relative seedling water content (RSWC). [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2023
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228. Impact of deficit irrigation and planting density on grain yield and water productivity of maize grown under temperate continental climatic conditions.
- Author
Tolimir, Miodrag, Gajić, Boško, Kresović, Branka, Životić, Ljubomir, Gajić, Katarina, Brankov, Milan, and Todorovic, Mladen
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SPRINKLERS , *IRRIGATION water , *PLANT spacing , *SPRINKLER irrigation , *DEFICIT irrigation - Abstract
Variable frequent drought periods in Vojvodina region (the southeastern part of the Pannonian Plain, Serbia), severely limit maize (Zea mays L.) production under rainfed conditions. A four-year field experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of sprinkler deficit irrigation and plant density on yield and water use efficiency of maize grown on silty clay loam soil under temperate continental climate. The experiment included fully irrigated crop (I 1), three deficit irrigation treatments (I 2 , I 3 and I 4 corresponding to 80, 50 and 40 % of crop evapontranspiration, respectively) and non-irrigated treatment (I 0), and three plant densities (LPD: 54,900 plants ha–1; MPD: 64,900 plants ha–1; HPD: 75,200 plants ha–1) in four replicates. The results showed that grain yield, CWP (crop water productivity) and IWP (irrigation water productivity) varied significantly with irrigation amounts, plant densities and seasons. The irrigation rates and plant density interact significantly. MPD and HPD differed significantly from LPD in almost all seasons. With increasing irrigation and plant density, yield and CWP showed an increasing trend. The relative values of IWP increased with the rise of plant density and decreased with the amount of irrigation. The highest four-year average yield (15.03 t ha–1) was obtained in the I 1 -HPD treatment, while the lowest (9.30 t ha–1) was obtained in the I 0 -HPD treatment. The highest average values of CWP and IWP were recorded at I 3 -HPD or/and I 2 -HPD. The lowest CWP and IWP values were determined for I 4 -HPD and I 4 -MPD, respectively. In the pedo-climatic conditions of Vojvodina and similar regions, we recommend growing maize under the I 1 -HPDtreatment to achieve high yields. Under the water shortage conditions, the application of I 2 -HPD treatment is a favorable strategy saving 37 % of irrigation water, while reducing maize grain yield by ∼10 %. • Water deficit at the lowest irrigation treatment reduced grain yield by 31 %. • Increasing plants density to 64,900 plants ha−1 raises grain yield by ∼4 %. • High plant densities reduced yield at the low irrigation and rainfed cultivation. • Irrigation amount and plant density significantly affected CWP and IWP. • Grain yield, crop and irrigation water productivity significantly varied over years. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
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- Author
Vesna Dragicević, Simić, Milena, Brankov, Milan, Spasojević, Igor, and Kresović, Branka
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PHOSPHORUS metabolism , *WEEDS , *SEED crops , *EFFECT of herbicides on plants , *BIOSYNTHESIS - Abstract
The presence of weeds complicates seed cropping, while the herbicides could induce stress at inbred plants, dependently on genotype sensitivity and agro-meteorological conditions. The phosphorus metabolism in living organisms could be affected by different stress factors, including herbicides. The aim of the experiment was to determine the influence of five post-emergence herbicides (s-metolachlor + terbuthylazine + mesotrione, topramezone, tembotrione + isoxadiphen-ethyl, nicosulfuron and foramsulfuron + isoxadiphen-ethyl) on dry matter and different phosphorus forms (inorganic and phytic phosphorus) 48 hours after their application in seven ZP maize inbred lines, during 2008 and 2009. Injurious effects of applied herbicides dependent on seasonal influence: in 2008, as year with relative favourable condition during sprouting phase, dry matter content was slightly decreased, together with content of phytic phosphorus, which was followed by slight increase of inorganic phosphorus, signifying possible damaging impact of applied herbicides on phosphorus metabolism and biomass accumulation in maize shoots, but in low degree. Meanwhile, during starting growth in 2009, most of herbicides induced dry matter and inorganic phosphorus decrease, as well as the increase of phytic phosphorus, compared to control, what was particularly emphasized at foramsulfuron + isoxadiphen-ethyl treatment. The negative influence of s-metolachlor + terbuthylazine + mesotrione was mainly underlined during 2009, inducing dry matter and inorganic phosphorus increase in all inbreds, affecting phytate biosynthesis and drying as one of the most important signs of stress. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2011
230. Sowing date as a response to ecological conditions in maize seed production.
- Author
Tabaković, Marijenka, Simić, Milena, Dragičević, Vesna, Oro, Violeta, Stanisavljević, Rade, Brankov, Milan, and Živanović, Ljubiša
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CONDITIONED response , *SEED industry , *CORN , *SOWING , *SEED size , *CORN seeds , *CLIMATE change - Abstract
The environment protection, energy, and resources preservation are especially pronounced under present climate changes. In agriculture, these changes are recognised as drought, high temperatures, occurrence of stormy winds and hail. The aim of this study was to determine variations in seed morphology that are a result of different sowing dates in relation with agroecological conditions of maize (Zea mays L.) cultivation. The material used for the study encompassed three inbred lines (G1, G2, G3) sown every 10 d on five sowing dates (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5) starting from 1 April to 10 May, during 2 yr (Y1: 2018, Y2: 2019). The following physical properties of seeds were estimated: width (W), length (L), thickness (Tk), ratio of small (SF) to large fraction (LF) and grain yield (GY). The width was the highest in all three inbreeds on T4 (1.00, 1.03, 0.99 cm, respectively); T5 was the least favourable date for L (1.09, 1.12, 1.09 cm, respectively) while Tk was the lowest in G1 (0.51 cm) and G2 (0.51 cm) sown on T1. The most significant differences in the formation of physical properties occurred in seeds sown on T5 (p ≤ 0.05). The highest differences were observed in width between T5-T4 (-0.223 cm), in length between T5-T2 (-0.309 cm) and in thickness between T5-T3 (-0.129 cm). Later sowing dates favoured LF (85.2%) in comparison to SF (14.7%). Seed size variability participated with 50% in yield formation (R2 ≥ 0.5). [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2021
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- Author
Spasojević, Igor, Simić, Milena, Dragičević, Vesna, Brankov, Milan, and Filipović, Milomir
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CROP rotation , *CROPPING systems , *SOIL exhaustion , *WEED control , *HERBICIDES , *PLANTING - Abstract
The effects of a two-crop rotation and herbicide application on the reduction weed infestation of maize (Zea mays L.) were studied in this trial. The studies were carried out in the experimental field of the Maize Research Institute, Zemun Polje in the period 2009-2011. The trial encompassed two factors: the application of crop rotations with the maize continuous cropping and the two-crop rotation (maize-wheat rotation) variants, as well as the application of herbicides (isoxaflutole+acetochlor) at the three levels: recommended rate (105 g a.i. + 1536 g a.i.), half the recommended rate of herbicides (52.5 g a.i. + 768 g a.i.) and control, without herbicide use. Herbicides were applied after sowing but prior to maize emergence. During the three years of investigation the hybrid ZP 677 was sown in the continuous cropping variant and the two-crop rotation. The number of weed species, as well as, the number of weed plants per species, and their fresh biomass were determined. In the initial year of investigation (2009) the values obtained in the continuous cropping and the two-crop rotation were uniform in dependence on the level of applied herbicides. However, after the first maize-wheat rotation, changes occurred in 2011, as a result of crop rotation. The number of weed species in the two-crop rotation variant was lower, from three to five, than in variant with the continuous cropping. Furthermore, the number of weed plants per species and fresh biomass of weeds were lower in the two-crop rotation variant than in maize continuous crop especially with application of the recommended rate of herbicides. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2012
- Author
Dragičević, Vesna, Simić, Milena, Stefanović, Lidija, Sredojević, Slobodanka, Brankov, Milan, and Spasojević, Igor
- Subjects
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APPLICATION of pesticides , *WEED control , *CORN diseases , *SULFONYLUREAS , *HERBICIDES , *CORN seedlings , *TEMPERATURE ,CORN growth - Abstract
Susceptibility of maize inbred lines causes a need to study their response to the existing and new active ingredients of herbicides. The present study observes the effects of the application of two sulfonylurea herbicides: nicosulphuron and foramsulphuron on the content of fresh and dry matter in seedlings, as well as, on the EWRC values of eight ZP maize inbred lines during three year study. The differences in susceptibility to applied herbicides were observed among years and genotypes. During 2006, as the season with lower temperatures during the period of starting growth, the applied herbicides induced decrease of average fresh matter (about 19%) and increase of average dry matter (about 4%), compared to the control. Meanwhile, during 2007, average fresh and dry matter were varied up to ± 7%, compared to the control. It is more significant to emphasize, during 2008 fresh matter was increased up to 13%, while dry matter was lower about 1% in both applied herbicide treatments. The observed data are in agreement with negligible lower EWRC values present in 2007 and 2008, compared to 2006. It was also important to underline that most susceptible maize inbred indicated lower tolerance to foramsulphuron, through higher EWRC values, as well as increase of dry matter, which could point desiccation as one of the first signs of a stress. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2011
233. Screening of Nutritionally Important Components in Standard and Ancient Cereals.
- Author
Dragičević V, Simić M, Kandić Raftery V, Vukadinović J, Dodevska M, Đurović S, and Brankov M
- Abstract
Sustainable nutrition and food production involve dietary habits and farming systems which are eco-friendly, created to provide highly nutritious staple crops which could serve as a functional food at the same time. This research sought to provide a comprehensive analysis of whole-grain cereals, and some ancient grains toward important macro- (protein), micro-nutrients (mineral elements), and bioactive compounds, such as dietary fiber (arabinoxylan and β-glucan) and antioxidants (phytic acid, total glutathione, yellow pigment, and phenolic compounds) to provide functionality in a sustainable diet. Genotypes, such as durum wheat, triticale, spelt, emmer wheat, and barley, could be considered important and sustainable sources of protein (ranging 11.10-15.00%), as well as prebiotic fiber (β-glucan and arabinoxylan, ranging 0.11-4.59% and 0.51-6.47%, respectively), essential elements, and various antioxidants. Ancient grains can be considered as a source of highly available essential elements. Special attention should be given to the Cimmyt spelt 1, which is high in yellow pigment (5.01 μg·g
-1 ) and has a capacity to reduce DPPH radicals (186.2 µmol TE·g-1 ), particularly Zn (70.25 mg·kg-1 ). The presence of phenolics, dihydro- p -coumaric acid, naringin, quercetin, epicatechin in grains of oats (Sopot), as well as catechin in barley grains (Apolon and Osvit) underline their unique chemical profile, making them a desirable genetic pool for breeding genotypes. This research provides a comprehensive assessment of different nutritional aspects of various cereals (some of which are commonly used, while the others are rarely used in diet), indicating their importance as nutraceuticals. It also provides a genetic background that could be translated the genotypes with even more profound effects on human health.- Published
- 2024
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234. Combined effect of cover crops and bio-fertilizer on sustainable popcorn maize production.
- Author
Dragičević V, Simić M, Dolijanović Ž, Đorđević S, Stoiljković M, Dimkić I, and Brankov M
- Abstract
Cover crops play an important role in low-input cropping systems, increasing the use of agro-ecosystem services. Due to the lack of information about the impact of cover crops and bio-fertilizers on popcorn maize ( Zea mays everta Sturt.) growth and yield quality, especially the popping volume and nutritive quality, such as concentrations of protein and mineral elements, this research aimed to provide essential information. The interrelation between popcorn maize productivity and quality with important groups of soil microorganisms presents additional novelty. The results demonstrated that field pea is a beneficial cover crop, especially when combined with a bio-fertilizer, supporting the accumulation of maize biomass, chlorophyll, yield potential, and the concentrations of protein, Ca, Mg, Fe, and Zn. In addition, field pea residues promoted N-fixing bacteria, and the number of total microorganisms, especially actinomycetes and decomposing bacteria, which could promote nutrient uptake and grain quality. Residues of cover crop mixtures, common vetch + winter oats and field pea + winter oats, promoted the total number of microorganisms in the soil, and up to the end of vegetation, a greater number of decomposition and ammonification microorganisms were found, especially when the bio-fertilizer was applied, which consequently could support greater maize biomass. Popping volume, as a main trait of popcorn maize, had the highest value in the common vetch + winter oats variant, supporting again the statement that quality traits could be enhanced in sustainable production. Unlike living cover crops, mulch mainly affected soil microbial communities and promoted the development of actinomycetes and cellulolytic microorganisms during the growing season. The results of this research could contribute to the development of sustainable popcorn maize production for improved grain quality. They could also serve as a basis for isolating beneficial soil microorganisms to develop new bio-fertilizers that could improve maize production in synergy with cover crops., Competing Interests: SD was employed by company Agrounik d.o.o. The remaining authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest., (Copyright © 2024 Dragičević, Simić, Dolijanović, Đorđević, Stoiljković, Dimkić and Brankov.)
- Published
- 2024
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235. Common millet and soybean intercropping with bio-fertilizer as sustainable practice for managing grain yield and quality.
- Author
Šenk M, Simić M, Milojković-Opsenica D, Brankov M, Tolimir M, Kodranov I, and Dragičević V
- Abstract
Climate changes are one of the biggest threats to food security. Sustainable agriculture, focused on eco-friendly practices for highly efficient food production, enables greater resilience and safety. This study experimented on intercropping and bio-fertilizer application as convenient ecological solutions for crop yield stability and quality. The experiment was conducted during 2018 and 2020 with soybean and common millet sown in three sowing patterns: alternating rows, alternating strips 1 (2 rows of soybean + 2 rows of millet), and alternating strips 2 (2 rows of soybean + 4 rows of millet), as well as sole crops (control), with or without a bio-fertilizer Coveron. Grain yield and nutrient grain yield response were calculated through land equivalent ratio (LER) and element-LER (E-LER), while quality was estimated based on the concentration of antioxidants (phytate phosphorus, total phenolic compounds, and yellow pigment) and elements in grains, including potential bio-availability of essential elements. Results revealed LER values to be >1 for all sowing patterns, with the highest one achieved in alternating strips 1 (1.38) together with a greater level of all antioxidants in millet grain. Intercropping significantly enhanced Fe and Mn accumulation in both crops and simultaneously decreased the concentration of potentially toxic elements (Al, Cr) in millet grain. Potential bio-availability of essential elements, expressed through the ratio between phytic acid and Ca, Mg, Fe, and Zn revealed smaller values in intercropped soybean and millet with the bio-fertilizer. The bio-fertilizer also increased the concentration of some micro-elements in millet grain, classifying it as a highly dependent plant to microbial inoculation. Interaction of intercropping and bio-fertilizer was most pronounced for LER, E-LER, and accumulation of Fe and Mn in grains. These results highlighted the benefits of soybean-common millet intercropping, especially in combination with the bio-fertilizer, in light of enhanced land utilization and nutrient absorption, thus increasing the resilience of soybean and millet under dry land conditions and low-input systems toward stability and food security., Competing Interests: The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest., (Copyright © 2023 Šenk, Simić, Milojković-Opsenica, Brankov, Tolimir, Kodranov and Dragičević.)
- Published
- 2023
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236. Particle drift simulation from mesotrione and rimsulfuron plus thifensulfuron-methyl mixture through two nozzle types to field and vegetable crops.
- Author
Brankov M, Alves GS, Vieira BC, Zaric M, Vukoja B, Houston T, and Kruger GR
- Subjects
- Vegetables, Crops, Agricultural, Agriculture, Pesticides analysis, Herbicides pharmacology
- Abstract
Potential for off-target movements follows every herbicide application. Because the launch of acetolactate synthase (ALS)- and 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase (HPPD)-inhibiting herbicide-tolerant crops will increase the treated area, there is a need to assess the possible negative consequences of any particle drift from those herbicides. Drift happens with every pesticide application, requiring mitigation. Various factors influence drift. Some, such as nozzle type, working pressure, and boom height, can be managed. Others, such as wind, are not easy to manage. In our study, an herbicide tank mixture of mesotrione with rimsulfuron plus thifensulfuron-methyl was sprayed in a low-speed wind tunnel to simulate drift. The airspeed was set at 4.4 m s
-1 , representing the labeled upper limit for applications. The herbicide solution was sprayed through XR110015 and TTI110015 nozzles. Eight crops were exposed to herbicide drift treatments and biomass data were collected. Droplet size spectra and tracer depositions were evaluated. Tracer deposition was on average threefold higher in all downwind distances (0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, and 12 m) from the XR nozzle in comparison to the TTI nozzle. As a consequence, greater biomass reduction was recorded for applications with the XR compared to the TTI nozzle from 1 to 12 m downwind. At 12-m distance, biomass was decreased by 7-78% using XR nozzle while 1-27% using the TTI nozzle. Because drift can injure crops, it is very important to mitigate drift from application of formulations containing mesotrione and rimsulfuron plus thifensulfuron-methyl in combination. This can be done by selecting the appropriate nozzle and ensuring optimal distances between crops., (© 2022. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature.)- Published
- 2023
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237. Kernel color and fertilization as factors of enhanced maize quality.
- Author
Dragičević V, Brankov M, Stoiljković M, Tolimir M, Kanatas P, Travlos I, and Simić M
- Abstract
Maize is an important staple crop and a significant source of various nutrients. We aimed to determine the macronutrients, antioxidants, and essential elements in maize genotypes (white, yellow, and red kernel) using three different fertilizers, which could be used as a basis to increase the nutrient density of maize. The fertilizer treatments used bio- and organic fertilizers as a sustainable approach, urea, as a commonly used mineral fertilizer, and the control (no fertilization). We evaluated the yield, concentration of macronutrient (protein, oil, and starch), nonenzymatic antioxidants (phenolics, yellow pigment, total glutathione (GSH), and phytic phosphorus), and reduction capacity of the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical, as well as essential elements that are commonly deficient in the diet (Mg, Ca, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, and S) and their relationships with phytic acid. The genotype expressed the strongest effect on the variability of grain yield and the analyzed grain constituents. The red-kernel hybrid showed the greatest accumulation of protein, oil, phenolics, and essential elements (Ca, Fe, Cu, and S) than a yellow and white hybrid, especially in the biofertilizer treatment. The yellow kernel had the highest concentrations of yellow pigment, GSH, phytic phosphorous, Mg, Mn, and Zn (19.61 µg g
-1 , 1,134 nmol g-1 , 2.63 mg g-1 , 1,963 µg g-1 , 11.7 µg g-1 , and 33.9 µg g-1 , respectively). The white kernel had a greater starch concentration (2.5% higher than that in the red hybrid) and the potential bioavailability of essential metals, particularly under no fertilization. This supports the significance of white maize as a staple food in many traditional diets across the world. Urea was important for the enhancement of the antioxidant status (with 88.0% reduction capacity for the DPPH radical) and increased potential Zn bioavailability in the maize kernels (13.3% higher than that in the biofertilizer treatment). This study underlines the differences in the yield potential and chemical composition of red, yellow, and white-kernel maize and their importance as a necessary part of a sustainable human diet. This information can help determine the most appropriate genotype based on the antioxidants and/or essential elements targeted for kernel improvement., Competing Interests: The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest., (Copyright © 2022 Dragičević, Brankov, Stoiljković, Tolimir, Kanatas, Travlos and Simić.)- Published
- 2022
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