401. Professional work with the families of children and youth placed in the correctional institutions in Croatia
- Author
Mudri, David, Pećnik, Ninoslava, Ajduković, Marina, and Majdak, Marijana
- Subjects
children and youth in risk ,problems in behaviour ,socio-ecological model with risky and protective factors ,family involvement in interventions - Abstract
Svrha rada ogleda se u potrebi utvrđivanja kvalitete rada stručnjaka zaposlenih u odgojnim domovima s obiteljima djece i mladih s problemima u ponašanju kojima je izrečena zavodska mjera upućivanja u odgojnu ustanovu kao i ispitivanja zadovoljstva kvalitetom rada i osobnog angažmana djelatnika u njihovom stručnom radu. Potreba se javila radi spoznaje o važnosti uključivanja članova obitelji u intervencije kako bi se maloljetnik iz odgojnog doma vratio u promijenjenu sredinu s optimalnim načinom funkcioniranja za rast i razvoj djeteta ili mlade osobe. Istraživanje se temeljilo na obradi podataka dobivenih ispunjavanjem anketnih upitnika od strane ispitanika, odnosno stručnih djelatnika koji rade s maloljetnicima društveno neprihvatljivog ponašanja u tri odgojna doma u Hrvatskoj: Ivancu, Malom Lošinju i Bedekovčini. Univarijatnom analizom varijance i diskriminacijskom analizom utvrđeno je kako se roditelji u tretmane uključuju neovisno o spolu maloljetnika, izrečenoj mjeri obiteljsko-pravne zaštite ili lokaciji odgojnog doma. Nedostatak se javlja u načinu uključivanja budući da je utvrđeno da se roditelji najčešće uključuju samo kroz informiranje o maloljetniku i kontakte s njim dok se u ostale oblike stručnog rada ne uključuju, a nerijetko se ostale stručne intervencije niti ne provode. Osim toga, utvrđeno je kako su stručni djelatnici zadovoljni kvalitetom rada s obitelji u ustanovi ukoliko su zadovoljni vlastitim angažmanom i stručnim radom što implicira potrebu češćih edukacija i supervizija u radu. Također, iskazuju i potrebu za kvalitetnijom suradnjom s ostalim stručnim djelatnicima uključenima u proces odgoja maloljetnika s problemima u ponašanju, npr. obrazovnim djelatnicima i socijalnim radnicima iz CZSS., The purpose of this work is to determine the quality of work of the experts in the correctional institution with the families of juvenile with problem behaviour in residential treatments as well as the satisfaction of the quality of work and the personal engagement of the employees in their professional work. There was a need to acknowledge the importance of involving family members in interventions in order to return the juvenile from the residential treatment to a changed environment with the optimum way of functioning for their growth and development. The research was based on the processing of data obtained by completed questionnaires by professional employees working with juvenile delinquents in three correctional institutions in Croatia: Ivanec, Mali Lošinj and Bedekovčina. Univariant analysis of variance and discrimination analysis showed that parents get involved in the treatments regardless of the sex of the juvenile, proposed measure of the family legal protection or the location of the residential treatment. The disadvantage occurs in the mode of participation as it has been established that parents get mostly involved only by information about the juvenile and contacts with him while in other forms of professional work they do not participate and other professional interventions with them are often not implemented. In addition, it was established that the professional workers will be satisfied with the quality of work with the family in the institution if they are satisfied with their own engagement and professional work which implies the need for more frequent education and supervision in their work. They also express the need for better co-operation with other key employees involved in the process of residential treatment for juveniles with problems in behaviour, such as educators and social workers.
- Published
- 2017