971 results on '"isp"'
Search Results
352. La responsabilità civile per fatto illecito degli Internet Service Provider e dei motori di ricerca a margine dei recenti casi 'Google Suggest' per errata programmazione del software di ricerca e 'Yahoo! Italia' per 'link' illecito in violazione dei diritti di proprietà intellettuale (Nota a ord. Trib. Milano sez. I civ. 25 gennaio 2011; ord. Trib. Milano sez. I civ. 31 marzo 2011; ord. Trib. Roma sez. spec. proprietà industriale ed intellettuale 20 marzo 2011; ord. Trib. Roma sez. spec. proprietà industriale ed intellettuale 11 luglio 2011)
- Author
TOSI, EMILIO and Tosi, E
- Subjects
violazione diritti proprietà intellettuale ,responsabilità civili ,ISP ,servizi della società dell’informazione ,Internet service provider ,trattamento illecito dati personali ,IUS/01 - DIRITTO PRIVATO - Published
- 2012
353. Implementation of data-collection tools using NetFlow for statistical analysis at the ISP level
- Author
Karlström, Daniel
- Subjects
data collection ,virtuell ,bgp ,libpcap ,route ,insamling ,internetleverantör ,Datorteknik ,peera ,statistical analysis ,datainsamling ,collection ,databas ,scripting ,statistisk analys ,ISP ,linux ,Computer Engineering ,graf ,bash ,database ,mysql ,router ,quagga ,mrtg ,grafa ,attack ,script ,graph ,graphing ,peer ,mdh ,virtual router ,python ,collecting ,data ,routing ,virtual ,virtuell router ,pmacct ,internet service provider ,DoS ,DDoS ,peering - Abstract
Defending against Dos- and DDoS attacks is difficult to accomplish; finding and filtering out illegitimate traffic from the legitimate flow is near impossible. Taking steps to mitigate or even block the traffic can only be done once the IP addresses of the attackers are known. This is achievable by monitoring the flows to- and from the target and identifying the attacker's IP addresses, allowing the company or their ISP to block the addresses itself by blackholing them (also known as a null route). Using the IP accounting and monitoring tool “pmacct”, this thesis aims to investigate whether or not the pmacct suite is suited for larger installations when tracking and mitigating DDoS-attacks, such at an Internet Service Provider (ISP). Potential problems are the amount of traffic that need to be analyzed and the computational power required to do it. This thesis also provide information about the pmacct suite at large. The conclusions are positive, indicating it does scale up to handle larger installations when given careful consideration and planning. Att försvara sig mot DoS-och DDoS-attacker är svårt att åstadkomma; att hitta och filtrera ut illegitim trafik från det legitima flödet är nästan omöjligt. Att vidta åtgärder när en sådan attack upptäcks kan endast göras när IP-adresserna från angriparna är kända. Detta kan uppnås genom att man övervakar trafikflödet mellan målet för attacken och angriparna och ser vilka som sänder mest data och på så sätt identifierar angriparna.. Detta tillåter företaget eller dess ISP att blockera trafiken ifrån dessa IP-adresser genom att sända trafiken vidare till ingenstans. Detta kallas blackhole-routing eller null-routing. Genom att använda redovisnings- och övervakningsprogrammet pmacct syftar denna uppsats på att undersöka hurvida pmacct-sviten är lämpad för större installationer när det gäller att spåra och förhindra DDoS-attacker, såsom hos en Internetleverantör eller dylikt. Potentialla problem som kan uppstå är att mängden trafik som måste analyserar blir för stor och för krävande. Denna avhandling går även igenom pmacct-verktyget i sig. Slutsatserna är lovande, vilket indikerar att den har potential av att kunna hantera sådana stora miljöer med noggrann planering.
- Published
- 2012
354. Bufferbloating : En undersökning av bufferhanteringens inverkan på ett nätverks latenstider
- Author
Månsson, Jimmy
- Subjects
Bufferbloat ,Datavetenskap (datalogi) ,Computer Sciences ,ISP ,TCP - Abstract
Bufferbloat är förekomsten av överdrivet stora buffrar i system för nätverkskommunikation. När TCP-paket fyller buffrarna kommer de inte längre vara användbara och inte längre att ta hand om inkommande/utgående paket vilket leder till fördröjningar. Syftet med denna rapport är att se hur stor påverkan dåligt implementerade buffrar vid flaskhalsar har på latenstiderna i ett nätverk, samt att se hur stor roll en flaskhals har i uppkomsten av bufferbloating. En testmiljö skapades utefter riktlinjer från tidigare forskning och även testerna som utfördes byggdes upp för att efterlikna tidigare forsking. Resultatet av testerna visar att belastningen av nätet inte har påverkat buffertabellen i routingutrustningen nämnvärt, men att flaskhalsen har viss inverkan både på latenstiderna och antalet paket som köats i buffrarna. Men att det inte är ett särskilt akut problem då prestandan över länken inte påverkar märkbart. Inte heller har den ökade belastningen tvingat buffrarna att växa efter konstaterad baseline.
- Published
- 2012
355. Gli ISP si salvano nel P2P. Ma reggeranno allo streaming?
- Author
Calzolaio, Simone
- Subjects
europa ,diritto ,isp ,responsabilità ,streaming - Published
- 2012
356. I.NET
- Author
Sacco, Francesco
- Subjects
e-business ,ISP ,web ,storia dell'e-business - Published
- 2012
357. Säkerställande av upphovsrättigheter : Kan en Internetleverantör åläggas att blockera sina kunders tillgång till tjänster/webbsidor som används för att begå upphovsrättsintrång?
- Author
Sanderson, Ellinor
- Subjects
block ,blockera ,vitesförbud ,interimistic injunction ,interimistiskt vitesförbud ,Upphovsrätt ,Internetleverantör ,immateriella rättigheter ,injunction ,Copyright ,censurförbudet ,censorship ,ISP ,intellectual property rights - Abstract
Informationsplattformen Internet har blivit som en självklarhet för många. Dock har den tekniska utvecklingen medfört omfattande upphovsrättsintrång på Internet och utmaningen att komma till rätta med problemet utgör främst fall där Internetleverantörer eller så kallade mellanhänder av teknikens hjälp endast tillhandahåller uppkoppling till nätet. Med anledning av att Internetleverantörers tjänster utnyttjas av kunder för att begå intrång kan det diskuteras huruvida det är möjligt och eftersträvbart att ålägga dessa leverantörer en blockeringsskyldighet för att begränsa åtkomsten av Internet. Vitesförbudsbestämmelsen 53 b § i upphovsrättslagen och även annan reglering ger begränsat utrymme för att meddela förelägganden mot mellanhänder i den utsträckning som torde vara önskvärd utifrån den olagliga verksamhet som förekommer på Internet. Med stöd av 53 b § har Internetleverantörer förbjudits att tillhandahålla uppkoppling till tjänster som används på ett sätt som innebär upphovsrättsintrång. Domstolen är uppenbart medveten om att ”förbjuda uppkoppling” respektive ”blockera” endast innebär en hårfin skillnad. Även i den situation när tjänsten kommer ifrån ett land utanför EU och torde vara laglig i det landet verkar heller inte påverka svaret på frågan. Det kan anses att EU-rätten talar för en mer generös tolkning med hänsyn till exempelvis ett nyligen avgjort mål från Storbritannien. Dock framgår det av EU-rättspraxis att nationell domstol inte tillåts att i förebyggande syfte och utan utredning om intrång framtvinga blockering eller införande av filtreringssystem. En annan frågeställning som aktualiseras är om en möjlig censur av Internet kan anses förenlig med censurförbudet i grundlagarna och om ett åläggande kan anses förenligt med förbudet för medlemstaterna att ålägga en allmän övervakningsskyldighet för tjänsteleverantörer. Internet as a platform for information has become as obvious to many. However, technological developments have resulted in widespread copyright infringement on the Internet and the challenge to deal with the problem are mostly cases where Internet service providers (ISPs) or known as intermediaries by using technology only provides connectivity to the Internet. As a result of those ISPs whose services are utilized by customers to infringe, it may be arguable whether it is possible and pursued to impose these suppliers a blockage obligation to limit access of the Internet. The rule of injunction § 53 b of the copyright law and other regulations provide limited scope for injunctions against intermediaries to the extent as would be desirable from the illegal activities on the Internet. According to § 53 b, the ISPs are banned from providing access to services that are used in a way that constitutes copyright infringement. The Court is obviously aware of the subtle difference between “prohibit access” and “block”. Even in the situation when the service comes from a country outside the EU and could probably be legal there does not seem to affect the response to the question. It may be considered that EU law could points out a more generous interpretation regarding, for example, a recently determined case from the UK. However, it appears from the EU law that national courts are not allowed to force blocking or introduction of filtering system only in order to prevent a future infringe and without investigation of such an infringe. Another question that arises is whether a possible censorship of the Internet can be considered as consistent with the censorship ban in the constitutions and whether an injunction may be considered compatible with the prohibition for Member States to impose a general monitoring obligation on service providers.
- Published
- 2012
358. MC-link
- Author
Sacco, Francesco
- Subjects
e-business ,ISP ,web ,storia dell'e-business - Published
- 2012
359. Galactica
- Author
Sacco, Francesco
- Subjects
e-business ,ISP ,web ,storia dell'e-business - Published
- 2012
360. Enforcement of copyrights : Can an ISP be imposed to block its customers’ access to services/websites that are used to commit copyright infringement?
- Author
Sanderson, Ellinor
- Subjects
block ,blockera ,vitesförbud ,interimistic injunction ,interimistiskt vitesförbud ,Upphovsrätt ,Internetleverantör ,immateriella rättigheter ,injunction ,Copyright ,censurförbudet ,censorship ,ISP ,intellectual property rights - Abstract
Informationsplattformen Internet har blivit som en självklarhet för många. Dock har den tekniska utvecklingen medfört omfattande upphovsrättsintrång på Internet och utmaningen att komma till rätta med problemet utgör främst fall där Internetleverantörer eller så kallade mellanhänder av teknikens hjälp endast tillhandahåller uppkoppling till nätet. Med anledning av att Internetleverantörers tjänster utnyttjas av kunder för att begå intrång kan det diskuteras huruvida det är möjligt och eftersträvbart att ålägga dessa leverantörer en blockeringsskyldighet för att begränsa åtkomsten av Internet. Vitesförbudsbestämmelsen 53 b § i upphovsrättslagen och även annan reglering ger begränsat utrymme för att meddela förelägganden mot mellanhänder i den utsträckning som torde vara önskvärd utifrån den olagliga verksamhet som förekommer på Internet. Med stöd av 53 b § har Internetleverantörer förbjudits att tillhandahålla uppkoppling till tjänster som används på ett sätt som innebär upphovsrättsintrång. Domstolen är uppenbart medveten om att ”förbjuda uppkoppling” respektive ”blockera” endast innebär en hårfin skillnad. Även i den situation när tjänsten kommer ifrån ett land utanför EU och torde vara laglig i det landet verkar heller inte påverka svaret på frågan. Det kan anses att EU-rätten talar för en mer generös tolkning med hänsyn till exempelvis ett nyligen avgjort mål från Storbritannien. Dock framgår det av EU-rättspraxis att nationell domstol inte tillåts att i förebyggande syfte och utan utredning om intrång framtvinga blockering eller införande av filtreringssystem. En annan frågeställning som aktualiseras är om en möjlig censur av Internet kan anses förenlig med censurförbudet i grundlagarna och om ett åläggande kan anses förenligt med förbudet för medlemstaterna att ålägga en allmän övervakningsskyldighet för tjänsteleverantörer. Internet as a platform for information has become as obvious to many. However, technological developments have resulted in widespread copyright infringement on the Internet and the challenge to deal with the problem are mostly cases where Internet service providers (ISPs) or known as intermediaries by using technology only provides connectivity to the Internet. As a result of those ISPs whose services are utilized by customers to infringe, it may be arguable whether it is possible and pursued to impose these suppliers a blockage obligation to limit access of the Internet. The rule of injunction § 53 b of the copyright law and other regulations provide limited scope for injunctions against intermediaries to the extent as would be desirable from the illegal activities on the Internet. According to § 53 b, the ISPs are banned from providing access to services that are used in a way that constitutes copyright infringement. The Court is obviously aware of the subtle difference between “prohibit access” and “block”. Even in the situation when the service comes from a country outside the EU and could probably be legal there does not seem to affect the response to the question. It may be considered that EU law could points out a more generous interpretation regarding, for example, a recently determined case from the UK. However, it appears from the EU law that national courts are not allowed to force blocking or introduction of filtering system only in order to prevent a future infringe and without investigation of such an infringe. Another question that arises is whether a possible censorship of the Internet can be considered as consistent with the censorship ban in the constitutions and whether an injunction may be considered compatible with the prohibition for Member States to impose a general monitoring obligation on service providers.
- Published
- 2012
361. A Conceptual Analysis about the Organizational Impact of Compliance on Information Systems Security
- Author
Cavallari, Maurizio
- Subjects
Settore SECS-P/10 - ORGANIZZAZIONE AZIENDALE ,ISS ,Settore SECS-P/08 - ECONOMIA E GESTIONE DELLE IMPRESE ,ISP ,security ,information systems ,compliance - Published
- 2012
362. Návrh a realizace stavebnice pro výuku a vývoj aplikací s jednočipovými mikropočítači rodiny Atmel AVR
- Author
- Subjects
akční člen ,isp ,Simac ,USB ,ATmega8 ,automatizace ,spi ,simač ,ATmega32 ,I2C ,mikrokontrolér ,RS232 ,actuators ,atmega8 ,microcontrollers ,SPI ,Atmel AVR programming ,automation ,eagle ,DS18B20 ,FTDI ,atmega32 ,rs232 ,Bascom ,Atmel AVR ,ds18b20 ,programování ,1-wire ,Extreme burner ,i2c ,HD44780 ,ComputerSystemsOrganization_SPECIAL-PURPOSEANDAPPLICATION-BASEDSYSTEMS - Abstract
This thesis is based on the design and production of teaching kits with expansion modules which are based on the Atmel AVR microcontroller. Kit consists of a plate containing processes and basic power modules directly on the board and expansion modules "SIMAČ". "SIMAČ" modules are virtual elements that simulate the real elements and they are commonly used in industrial automation. Because of their cost they are integrated in extension kit as programmable modules. It also contains basic theoretical information about working with ATMEL AVR microcontrollers. Expansion modules with module development board and disc which will be loaded all the schemes, programs and technical documentation for individual districts will be attached to the thesis.
- Published
- 2012
363. Implementation av datainsamlingsverktyg med NetFlow på ISP-nivå för statistisk analys av datatrafik
- Author
Karlström, Daniel
- Subjects
data collection ,virtuell ,bgp ,libpcap ,route ,insamling ,internetleverantör ,Datorteknik ,peera ,statistical analysis ,datainsamling ,collection ,databas ,scripting ,statistisk analys ,ISP ,linux ,Computer Engineering ,graf ,bash ,database ,mysql ,router ,quagga ,mrtg ,grafa ,attack ,script ,graph ,graphing ,peer ,mdh ,virtual router ,python ,collecting ,data ,routing ,virtual ,virtuell router ,pmacct ,internet service provider ,DoS ,DDoS ,peering - Abstract
Defending against Dos- and DDoS attacks is difficult to accomplish; finding and filtering out illegitimate traffic from the legitimate flow is near impossible. Taking steps to mitigate or even block the traffic can only be done once the IP addresses of the attackers are known. This is achievable by monitoring the flows to- and from the target and identifying the attacker's IP addresses, allowing the company or their ISP to block the addresses itself by blackholing them (also known as a null route). Using the IP accounting and monitoring tool “pmacct”, this thesis aims to investigate whether or not the pmacct suite is suited for larger installations when tracking and mitigating DDoS-attacks, such at an Internet Service Provider (ISP). Potential problems are the amount of traffic that need to be analyzed and the computational power required to do it. This thesis also provide information about the pmacct suite at large. The conclusions are positive, indicating it does scale up to handle larger installations when given careful consideration and planning. Att försvara sig mot DoS-och DDoS-attacker är svårt att åstadkomma; att hitta och filtrera ut illegitim trafik från det legitima flödet är nästan omöjligt. Att vidta åtgärder när en sådan attack upptäcks kan endast göras när IP-adresserna från angriparna är kända. Detta kan uppnås genom att man övervakar trafikflödet mellan målet för attacken och angriparna och ser vilka som sänder mest data och på så sätt identifierar angriparna.. Detta tillåter företaget eller dess ISP att blockera trafiken ifrån dessa IP-adresser genom att sända trafiken vidare till ingenstans. Detta kallas blackhole-routing eller null-routing. Genom att använda redovisnings- och övervakningsprogrammet pmacct syftar denna uppsats på att undersöka hurvida pmacct-sviten är lämpad för större installationer när det gäller att spåra och förhindra DDoS-attacker, såsom hos en Internetleverantör eller dylikt. Potentialla problem som kan uppstå är att mängden trafik som måste analyserar blir för stor och för krävande. Denna avhandling går även igenom pmacct-verktyget i sig. Slutsatserna är lovande, vilket indikerar att den har potential av att kunna hantera sådana stora miljöer med noggrann planering.
- Published
- 2012
364. A reusable web hosting control panel with billing system
- Author
Aymerich Gubern, Marc, Navarro Moldes, Leandro, and Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors
- Subjects
Django ,panell de control d'allotjament ,reusable ,Servidors web ,Serveis web ,web ,control panel ,Web services) ,ISP ,hospedatge ,reutilitzable ,Informàtica::Arquitectura de computadors [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] ,Web servers ,hosting - Abstract
El projecte és patrocinat per pangea.org A reusable web hosting control panel with billing system based on Django applications.
- Published
- 2012
365. Open Access Concerns Delay AOL-Time Warner Merger
- Subjects
ISP ,Time Warner Inc. ,Business ,Business, international - Abstract
WASHINGTON, D.C., U.S.A., 2001 JAN 5 (NB) -- By Brian Krebs, Newsbytes. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has asked an association of small Internet service providers (ISPs) to draft language [...]
- Published
- 2001
366. Exploiting Local IPv4-only Access Networks to Deliver IPv6 Service to End-users
- Author
Hamarsheh, Ala, Goossens, Marnix, and Electronics and Informatics
- Subjects
Hardware_MEMORYSTRUCTURES ,ComputerSystemsOrganization_COMPUTER-COMMUNICATIONNETWORKS ,IPv6 host ,IPv6-in-IPv4 tunnels ,ISP ,Local IPv4-only access networks ,IPv6 deployment ,Throughput ,IPv4 host ,latency - Abstract
This paper introduces a new IPv6 deployment protocol called E4Deliver6, which stands for Exploiting Local IPv4- only Access Networks to Deliver IPv6 Service to End-users. The protocol intends to help the Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to rapidly start providing IPv6 service to the end_users. E4Deliver6 tunnels the IPv6 traffic into IPv4 traffic to transit the IPv4-only access network infrastructure. The new protocol offers IPv6 service alongside IPv4 service to the end-users, economical solution, and requires simple and automatic configurations at both end-users' hosts and ISP sides at the time of setup. E4Deliver6 connected hosts will be able to communicate with other IPv6-only servers outside their local IPv4-only access network. The performance analysis of E4Deliver6 showed that the performance parameters (e.g. Latency and Throughput) are acceptable in comparison to other stateless protocols (e.g. 6rd) and it is much better than other stateful protocols (e.g. BDMS) performance parameters.
- Published
- 2011
367. Deploying IPv6 Service Across Local IPv4 Access Networks
- Author
Hamarsheh, Ala, Goossens, Marnix, Alasem, Rafe, and Electronics and Informatics
- Subjects
Hardware_MEMORYSTRUCTURES ,Local access networks ,ComputerSystemsOrganization_COMPUTER-COMMUNICATIONNETWORKS ,IPv6 host ,IPv6-in-IPv4 tunnels ,ISP ,IPv6 deployment ,Latency ,Throughput ,IPv4 host - Abstract
This paper introduces a new protocol called D6across4, which stands for Deploying IPv6 Service across local IPv4 access networks. The protocol aims to encourage Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to start deploying IPv6 service to their customers (end users). It utilizes the automatic IPv6INIPv4 tunnels to transport IPv6 traffic (data and control information) over local IPv4 access networks. The key aspects of this protocol include: providing IPv6 service to end-users equivalent to native one, stateful operation, and requiring simple configurations on both end user's host and ISP sides at the time of setup. D6across4 connected hosts can communicate with other IPv6 hosts outside their local IPv4 access network. The simulation results showed that D6across4 performance parameters (e.g. latency and throughput) are acceptable in comparison to both IPv4 and IPv6 performance parameters.
- Published
- 2011
368. Proposal for new protections against identity theft for ISPs
- Author
Biri, Aroua, Services répartis, Architectures, MOdélisation, Validation, Administration des Réseaux (SAMOVAR), Institut Mines-Télécom [Paris] (IMT)-Télécom SudParis (TSP), Département Réseaux et Services de Télécommunications (RST), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Institut National des Télécommunications, Hossam Afifi, and STAR, ABES
- Subjects
Canaux hors bande ,[INFO.INFO-NI] Computer Science [cs]/Networking and Internet Architecture [cs.NI] ,DNSSEC ,Out-of-band channels ,Fournisseurs de services Internet ,Mécanismes d'appairage ,Peering mechanisms ,Protocoles de routage ,[INFO.INFO-NI]Computer Science [cs]/Networking and Internet Architecture [cs.NI] ,Routing protocols ,Cryptography ,ISP ,Hotspots ,Cryptographie ,Usurpation d'identité ,Identity theft - Abstract
More and more organizations are computerized and more an organization is great, plus it can be the target of Internet attacks. Moreover, some of them have a growing number of electronic equipments that can be connected to the Internet from various locations (home, car, workplace, etc.). These devices form a so-called personal area network that allows the development of new applications centered on users. The ISPs can then expand their service offerings by providing a secure supply of such networks. According to the report of the firm “Arbor Networks”, entitled "Worldwide Infrastructure Security Report ", the most severe threats are related to distributed denial of service. This type of attack aims to make available a service by preventing legitimate users from using it. It uses the technique of identity theft that involves the creation of packages (like IP, ARP, etc.) with a forged source address and that in order to usurp the Identity of the issuer or of the computer system. Thus, the technique of identity theft allows to render a service unavailable, to listen, to corrupt, to block traffic from Internet users or to undermine the legitimate operation of routing protocols and personal networks. Moreover, the technique of identity theft is also used for prohibited activities by "HADOPI" law in France and related to illegal downloading issues. Thus, the ISPs have a duty to protect their customers from attacks based on the technique of identity theft. The mechanisms of protection against spoofing attacks for access networks are crucial for customer adoption of new applications offered by Internet service providers. This part of the doctoral thesis is part of the European project “MAGNET Beyond" whose vision is to put into practice the concept of personal networks, with the ultimate objective to design, develop, prototype and validate the concept. In the context of user equipment’s access to the network of an Internet services provider from a public place, we proposed a cross-layer protocol based on the principles of information theory. This protocol fixes the security hole not addressed by other proposals that is the attack of identity theft that occurs at the beginning of communication and thus protects users against the middle man attacks. We proposed that the person who wants to have secure access to the Internet must be on a specific circle has been called "RED POINT" so that the attacker is not able to be on the same circle at the same time. The proposed cross-layer protocol can be divided into three phases: the phase of checking the position of the user, the extraction phase of the shared secret of the physical layer and the phase of the derivation of the shared key at the MAC layer. We subsequently validated our solution through a formal tool AVISPA and presented the results of its implementation. In a private context, communication between devices convey users' personal data which may be confidential, so we must prevent equipment not belonging to the legitimate user to access its network. Thus, we proposed two mechanisms of protection against attacks based on spoofing so that illegitimate equipment is unable to impersonate legitimate equipment. The first phase will be dedicated to personal networks and the second will be dedicated to the particular case of medical networks. Regarding the mechanism dedicated to personal networks, we have proposed the use of a protocol based on out-of-band channel in order to provide certificates to user equipments. We derive bilateral key for personal network’s equipments of the same site and between equipments at remote sites. Concerning the particular case of medical networks, we proposed to cover their deployment phases and their operational phases. This proposal was submitted to the IEEE 802.15.6 working group that conducts research for the standardization of medical networks […], De plus en plus d’organisations sont informatisées et plus une organisation est grande, plus elle peut être la cible d’attaques via Internet. On note également que les internautes utilisent de plus en plus Internet pour faire des achats sur des sites de commerce électronique, pour se connecter à l’administration en ligne, pour voter de manière électronique, etc. Par ailleurs, certains d’entre eux ont de plus en plus d'équipements électroniques qui peuvent être raccordés à Internet et ce dans divers sites (domicile, voiture, lieu de travail, etc.). Ces équipements forment ce qu’on appelle un réseau personnel qui permet la mise en place de nouvelles applications centrées sur l’internaute. Les fournisseurs de services Internet peuvent ainsi étoffer leurs offres de services en présentant une offre de sécurisation de ce genre de réseau. Selon le rapport du cabinet « Arbor Networks » intitulé « Worldwide Infrastructure Security Report », les menaces identifiées comme les plus sévères sont relatives aux attaques de déni de service distribué. Ce type d’attaque a pour but de rendre indisponible un service en empêchant les utilisateurs légitimes de l'utiliser. Il utilise la technique de l’usurpation d’identité qui consiste en la création de paquets (de type IP, ARP, etc.) avec une adresse source forgée et ce dans le but d’usurper un système informatique ou d’usurper l’identité de l’émetteur. La technique de l’usurpation d’identité permet ainsi de rendre un service indisponible, d’écouter, de corrompre, de bloquer le trafic des internautes ou de nuire au bon fonctionnement des protocoles de routage et des réseaux personnels des clients. De plus, la technique de l’usurpation d’identité est également utilisée pour des activités interdites par la loi « Hadopi » en rigueur en France comme le téléchargement illégal. De ce fait, les fournisseurs de services Internet se doivent de prémunir leurs clients des attaques basées sur la technique de l’usurpation d’identité. Ces dits fournisseurs comptent sur les protocoles de routage qu’ils déroulent pour participer au bon acheminement des données de leurs clients. Cependant, le protocole intra-domaine OSPF et le protocole inter-domaine BGP sont vulnérables aux attaques utilisant la technique de l’usurpation d’identité qui peuvent conduire à l’acheminement des paquets vers des destinataires non légitimes ou au déni de service. Nous proposons donc deux mécanismes dédiés respectivement au protocole intra-domaine OSPF et au protocole inter-domaine BGP. D’une part, afin de protéger les routeurs OSPF contre les attaques utilisant la technique d’usurpation d’identité, nous avons préconisé le stockage de l’identité et du matériel cryptographique dans un coffre-fort électronique que sont les cartes à puce. Les cartes déroulent ensuite un algorithme de dérivation de clés avec les cartes des routeurs voisins ainsi qu’avec celle du routeur désigné. Les clés dérivées entre les cartes à puce servent à signer les messages OSPF et à authentifier le niveau MAC. Nous avons décrit par la suite la plateforme du démonstrateur et les scénarios de tests adoptés pour évaluer les performances de notre prototype et les comparer avec ceux du logiciel Quagga sur la base de trois critères : le temps requis pour traiter une annonce d'état de liens, le temps de convergence ainsi que le temps de re-calcul d’une table de routage après un changement. Ces temps augmentent peu avec l’introduction de la carte à puce implémentant les fonctions de sécurité proposées. Ainsi, cette solution permet de renforcer la sécurité du protocole OSPF avec un impact raisonnable sur les performances. D’autre part, afin de protéger les routeurs BGP contre les attaques utilisant la technique d’usurpation d’identité, nous avons préconisé la « clustérisation » des domaines Internet et la sécurisation des liens entre les clusters ainsi qu’au sein de chacun d’eux grâce aux paradigmes de « web of trust » et de la cryptographie sans certificats […]
- Published
- 2011
369. Design of required recommendations for it solution deployment in a multinational environment
- Author
Valladares Perales, Juan, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Telemàtica, Hurtarte Carrillo, Ricardo Gilberto, and Hesselbach Serra, Xavier
- Subjects
Industrial management ,Multinacional ,Empreses -- Direcció i administració ,Quality control ,Firewall ,Recommendations ,Antispam ,Control de qualitat ,Networking ,Control de processos ,Economia i organització d'empreses::Direcció d'operacions::Anàlisi de processos de negoci i de fabricació [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] ,Antivirus ,Redes ,Recomendaciones ,Process control ,ISP ,Portal ,Solution ,Economia i organització d'empreses::Gestió de la qualitat [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] ,Solución - Abstract
Català: El present projecte pretén donar una solució a una empresa multinacional que ha procedit a la adquisició de vàries fàbriques a diferents països arran d'Europa i el Nord d'Àfrica i es troba en un caos tecnològic degut a la variada naturalesa de components i proveïdors en matèria de telecomunicacions degut a les esmentades adquisicions. L'objectiu del projecte es la definició d'una sèrie de requisits que hauran de complir tots el elements involucrats per facilitar la feina de comparar entre diferents fabricants i escollir en cada cas el producte mes adient. Afegit a aquestes recomanacions per provar la bondat de les mateixes es duu a terme la posta en marxa d'una de les seus adquirides basant-se en els components escollits. Castellano: El presente proyecto pretende dar solución a una empresa multinacional que tras la adquisición de varias fábricas en diferentes países en Europa y Norte de África se halla sumida en un caos tecnológico debido a la variada naturaleza de componentes y proveedores en materia de telecomunicaciones derivada de dichas adquisiciones. El objetivo del proyecto es la definición de una serie de requisitos que deberán cumplir todos los elementos involucrados para poder comparar entre diferentes fabricantes y escoger en cada caso el producto más adecuado. Como añadido a la definición de las recomendaciones y a modo de prueba de las mismas se lleva a cabo la puesta en marcha de una de las sedes adquiridas basándose en los componentes escogidos. Encglish: The aim of current project is to give a solution to a multinational company that has recently acquired many factories around Europe and North Africa and itâ s currently in a technological chaos due to different nature of components and providers in telecommunications environment of recently acquired factories. The objective of the project is to define main requirements that should meet all involved components to be able to compare among manufacturers and to choose the right product in each field. Add to this recommendations definition and in order to verify the goodness of them, the implementation of one of them is carried out based on chosen components.
- Published
- 2011
370. Internet: il bilanciamento tra responsabilità e libertà
- Author
TOSI, EMILIO and Tosi, E
- Subjects
responsabilità civili ,ISP ,servizi della società dell’informazione ,Internet service provider ,IUS/01 - DIRITTO PRIVATO - Published
- 2011
371. Notice and Take Down, on Certain Aspects of Liability of Online Intermediaries
- Author
Elbert, Tomáš, Hendrychová, Michaela, and Tichý, Luboš
- Subjects
ISP ,hosting ,směrnice o elektronickém obchodu ,e-Commerce Directive ,služby informační společnosti ,NTD - Abstract
5 Abstract The final thesis addresses certain aspects of current topic of online intermediaries' liability for user-generated content ("UGC"). Under Act No. 480/2004 Coll., on certain information society services ("2004 Act on ISS"), which transposes e- Commerce Directive 2000/31/EC, online intermediaries in the Czech Republic benefit from "safe harbours". Essentially, it means that online intermediaries can be held liable for UGC only if they had actual or constructive knowledge of illegality of the content. This rule implicitly creates the so called "Notice and Take Down" procedure ("NTD"). Online intermediary upon receiving a notice, and thereby learning about the illegality of the content, is obliged to expeditiously take down the illegal content in order to preserve his immunity. However, NTD is neither expressly regulated within the ECD nor within the 2004 Act on ISS. Therefore, the purpose of the thesis is to illuminate NTD procedure and provide guidelines for it successful application within the Czech Republic. The thesis should be helpful not only to online intermediaries, but also to aggrieved parties serving notices. For this purpose the thesis looks not only at the ECD and its transpositions in various Member States, but also at American Digital Millennium Copyright Act 1998 that has been the...
- Published
- 2011
372. Hops-ohjaus : osaamista, yhteistyötä ja hyvinvointia
- Author
Penttinen, Leena, Skaniakos, Terhi, Ansela, Maarit, and Plihtari, Elina
- Subjects
HOPS ,opiskelijat ,opinto-ohjaus ,högskolor ,opinto-ohjaajat ,suunnittelu ,opiskelu ,korkeakouluopiskelu ,handledning ,ISP ,studievägledning ,universitet ,ohjaus ,korkeakoulut ,högskolestudier ,yliopistot - Published
- 2011
373. Performance Analysis of an ISP-based Distributed Sloppy Hash Table
- Author
- Subjects
DHT ,Lookup Time ,DSHT ,ISP - Abstract
Distributed Hash Table (DHT) systems are the basics for routing protocols in peer-to-peer network, suitable for flat design (non-hierarchical systems) ensuring evenly distributed file storage. But a well structured and hierarchical system providing for scalability, fault tolerance and to cater adequately for web cashing and multicast resource control in Internet applications in mobile environment is the use of distributed sloppy hash table (DSHT). In our work we will be working on how a well structured overlay application that will perform better in terms of scalability, lookup time and ease of use. We will focus on the application of real time usage with the incorporation of ISP (internet service provider) based partitioning for DSHTs. The sloppy hash DHT is employed to take advantageous use of low round trip times. The ISP bash DSHT yields some additional benefits to regular DHTs. These benefits include the use of pointers to reference keys in particular layers, thereby avoiding data replication at nodes for bandwidth utilization. Also, effective use of spillover in concentric rings is employed for load balancing and the phenomenon of distance optimization by the introduction of geographical proximity. 0046737150581
- Published
- 2011
- Author
Flack, Jo-Anne
- Subjects
ISP - Abstract
How do you teach sales promotion to someone just out of college? No one seems to know, since those in the industry are not at all sure what should be […]
- Published
- 2000
375. Dial-up ISPs give their anemic business models a major transfusion. -- THE BLEEDING EDGE
- Author
McKay, Jason P.
- Subjects
ISP ,Computer network equipment industry ,Business ,Telecommunications industry - Abstract
It wasn't that long ago that getting into the consumer dial-up Internet access business was about the hottest thing a service provider could do. The first companies that moved into [...]
- Published
- 2000
376. ISP Products Bring Profits
- Author
D'Alessandro, Jennifer
- Subjects
ISP ,Reality Research and Consulting - Abstract
Product sales are not often identified with players in the new economy, but a hefty chunk of ISP agents' revenue is tied to Internet connectivity services-and product sales are often […]
- Published
- 2000
- Subjects
Aptech Ltd. ,ISP - Published
- 2000
- Subjects
ISP ,Pacific Internet (Hong Kong) Ltd. ,Time Engineering Bhd. - Published
- 2000
379. ERAP Trust Fund to provide assistance to informal sector
- Author
Conclara, Jacqueline P.
- Subjects
ISP ,Business ,Business, international - Abstract
The Informal Sector Coalition of the Philippines (ISP) is set to receive some P100 million worth of financial assistance from the Effective Response to Alleviate Poverty (ERAP) Trust Fund for [...]
- Published
- 2000
- Subjects
ISP ,Business ,Business, international - Published
- 2000
381. Cisco promises support for local ISP segment
- Subjects
ISP ,Business, international - Abstract
CISCO System Inc will continue to support the Internet Service Provider (ISP) segment in Malaysia with the necessary training and investment to meet their needs, Malaysia country manager Ong Teng [...]
- Published
- 2000
382. Gigabitový směrovač na bázi RouterOS
- Author
Michalek, Libor, Bilík, Stanislav, Michalek, Libor, and Bilík, Stanislav
- Abstract
Tato bakalářská práce pojednává o základních charakteristikách a možnostech nastavení operačního systému RouterOS. V tomto textu je pozornost zaměřena na platformu x86 s komunikačním rozhraním 1Gbps. Možnosti využití jsou prezentovány na modelových ukázkách, kdy směrovač zastává funkce NAT a retranslační stanice s integrováním firewallem, autonomním směrováním a dalšími funkcemi, které se v běžné praxi vyskytují. Je zde také nastíněna možnost používání protokolu IPv6 a využití autokonfigurace tohoto protokolu na koncových PC., This thesis discusses the basic characteristics and possibilities RouterOS operating system settings. In this text, attention is focused on the x86 platform with communication interface gigabyte. Options are presented using the model shows, which takes the NAT router and relay station integrating firewall, routing and other autonomous functions that occur in everyday practice model with these situations. It also outlines the possibility of using IPv6 autoconfiguration and use this is protocol on the PC., Ve zpracování, Import 26/06/2013
- Published
- 2013
383. Georeferenciación y análisis de la pobreza urbana y rural de las provincias: Pichincha, Guayas y Azuay a través del método de necesidades básicas insatisfechas, y contraste de sus resultados con una metodología multidimensional de pobreza 2010
- Author
Orellana Bravo, Mercy Raquel, Méndez Urgiles, Xavier Santiago, Patiño Enríquez, Alex Fabián, Orellana Bravo, Mercy Raquel, Méndez Urgiles, Xavier Santiago, and Patiño Enríquez, Alex Fabián
- Published
- 2013
384. Implementación de herramienta de monitorización en Eurona
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Telemàtica, Machado Sánchez, Sergio, González Campins, Estefanía, González Floriano, David, González Piña, David, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Telemàtica, Machado Sánchez, Sergio, González Campins, Estefanía, González Floriano, David, and González Piña, David
- Abstract
El objetivo de este trabajo es la implementación del sistema monitor Zabbix en la red de la empresa Eurona. Esta empresa, tiene la necesidad de tener un sistema unificado para la supervisión y comprobación del correcto funcionamiento de sus dispositivos en las diferentes localizaciones geográficas en las que se extiende su red. En este documento, se detalla los pasos realizados para conseguir el perfecto funcionamiento del sistema en los diferentes escenarios que se nos presentaron, comenzando en un escenario de integración con un número reducidos de dispositivos de red y localizaciones; finalizando con un entorno de producción con la red completa de equipos, alertas reales y nuevos incidentes que solucionar. En primer lugar, se explica en que consiste la herramienta Zabbix, como son los servidores donde está instalada, que elementos lo forman propiamente de la herramienta y los que la complementan (PHP, PostgreSQL, Apache, etc.) y cuál es su filosofía en el ámbito de la monitorización. El siguiente punto, narra los entornos en que se desarrolla la herramienta y como se configura y adapta a las condiciones acordadas con Eurona. Se comentan los tipos de dispositivos a introducir en la herramienta y como referenciarlos con los elementos propios de Zabbix, además del sistema de obtención de datos y la configuración de alertas. Se finaliza el documento con un balance de los objetivos cumplidos y mejoras y ampliaciones. Nombrar como objetivos cumplidos el conseguir tener la red completa en el sistema monitor, un análisis de los datos obtenidos, un sistema de notificación de alertas por correo electrónico y una herramienta multiusuario utilizada por varios de partamentos de Eurona. Como ampliaciones, añadir a la herramienta las nuevas zonas en las que comienzan a operar, como Italia e Irlanda., English: The main goal of this project is to implement the Zabbix network monitoring tool in Eurona's network. This company needs to unify monitoring tools and check the right devices operation in different geographical locations over the network. This document details the steps taken to achieve the system configuration in different scenarios, starting from an integration scenario with a reduced number of network devices and locations, ending with a production environment with entire network of devices, real alerts and new resolve incidents. First of all, we explain Zabbix philosophy , such as servers where it is installed, in detail we could find monitoring control elements of the tool itself and other components (PHP, PostgreSQL, Apache, etc...). Next point relates environments in which it operates and how the tool is configured and adapted to the conditions agreed with Eurona. We discuss the types of devices to be introduced into the tool and reference them with the elements of Zabbix, additionally the collection data and alert settings. We finish with accomplished goals, improvements and extensions. Is important to remark as accomplished goals that finally we have full network monitor system configured, and we did a full analysis of obtained data, a new system alert notification via email and a multiuser tool used by several departments in Eurona. Important to say that the new will be deploy in Italy and Ireland.
- Published
- 2013
385. Problematika protokolu BGP
- Author
Horálek, Josef, Snášel, Jakub, Horálek, Josef, and Snášel, Jakub
- Abstract
Záměrem této bakalářské práce je představit problematiku protokolu BGP. Úvodní kapitoly nejprve popisují základní strukturu Internetu a podrobné vysvětlení protokolu BGP s jeho vlastnostmi a možnostmi základního nastavení. Následné kapitoly jsou zaměřeny na politiku samotného směrování, redistribuci a filtraci cest., The intent of this bachelor thesis is to propose problems of BGP protocol. Introductory chapters describe the basic structure of the Internet and a detailed explanation of BGP protocol with its abilities and options of its basic configuration. The following chapters are focused on the actual routing policy, redistribution and routes filtering., Katedra informačních technologií, Bakalářská práce byla vypracována na požadované úrovni. Úkolem bylo podrobně představit protokol BGP jako zástupce rodiny protokolů EGP. Cíl práce byl splněn. Autor detailně představil zástupce EGP protokolů, konkrétně BGP, čím se mu podařilo vytvořit vysoce odborný a relevantní materiál poskytující jak souhrn teoretických znalostí, tak praktická řešení vybraných úloh.
- Published
- 2013
386. Određivanje reputacije autonomnih sustava temeljeno na praćenju sustava DNS
- Author
Stublić, Mislav
- Subjects
reputacija ,sigurnost ,ISP ,autonomni sustavi ,Internet ,DNS - Abstract
Na temelju grešaka u DNS prometu izrađen je sustav za ocjenu reputacija autonomnih sustava. Prikupljene greške su analizirane te je ustanovljeno podudaranja najgorih autonomnih sustava s postojećim izvorima na Internetu.
- Published
- 2010
387. Collaborating ISPs Supporting Various Real-Time Services
- Author
Cheema, Ansar Zaman and Saqib, Imran Ullah
- Subjects
Engineering ,Collaborating ,ISP ,Network ,Computer Engineering ,Datorteknik - Abstract
These days, internet service providers (ISPs) face the challenge about how to increase profitability while hey must ensure a good quality service at the same time and scale up their network. The study involves previous research papers. On the bases of those papers,the comparison is made between different alternatives. The purpose on this study is to find a solution that combines different methods and configurations about how several ISPs could cooperate. Its implementation includes how different ISPs can configure their networks to cooperate on service provision supporting various real-time services.
- Published
- 2010
388. Web 2.0 and the ISP liability : the challenges
- Author
Dariusz Kloza, Schweighofer, Erich, Geist, Anton, Staufer, Ines, Metajuridica, Law Science Technology and Society, and Faculty of Law and Criminology
- Subjects
Web 2.0 ,intermediary service provider ,HRC ,ComputingMilieux_LEGALASPECTSOFCOMPUTING ,ISP ,liability ,Law and Political Science - Abstract
Contemporary Internet is highly interactive. This research concerns the impact of development of the Internet on the liability of intermediary service providers (ISP) for illegal user-generated content (e.g. copyright infringement or defamation) adopting a multidisciplinary approach (legal, social, technical, etc.). The main question is how to shape the ISP liability in «the Web 2.0 era»? This introductory essay forms a part of the author’s research for the master thesis in law and technology at the Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society (TILT).
- Published
- 2010
389. IgLou says BellSouth ices rivals
- Author
- Subjects
BellSouth Corp. ,ISP ,IgLou Internet Services Inc. ,Business ,Business, regional - Published
- 1999
390. Creating a Legal Framework for Copyright Management of Open Access within the Australian Academic and Research Sector
- Author
Fitzgerald, Brian F., Fitzgerald, Anne, Perry, Mark, Kiel-Chisholm, Scott D., Driscoll, Erin P., Thampapillai, Dilan, and Coates, Jessica M.
- Subjects
publicly funded research ,creative commons ,TRIPS ,information technology ,Electronic Rights Management Information ,open access policies ,WIPO ,methodology for cataloguing ,web interface ,noncommercial ,publishers’ attitudes ,articles ,repositories ,Department of Education ,non ,academic and research sector ,remix ,knowledge dissemination ,digital repositories ,Zwolle Project ,Intellectual Property Law ,Technological Protection Measures ,Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights ,World Summit on the Information Society ,Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition ,NIH ,Australasian Digital Thesis Program ,commercialisation ,Australian funding institutions ,google ,RCUK ,Open access ,intellectual property ,legal framework ,copyright law framework ,IT ,Australian academic and research sector ,Open Access to Knowledge ,WCT ,open content licensing ,Library and Information Science ,practices for managing copyright ,Information and Communications Technology ,World Intellectual Property Organisation ,traditional commercialisation ,ADT Program ,OAK List ,OAK Law ,WTO ,best practice copyright management strategies ,Joint Information Systems Committee ,Moral rights ,electronic theses and dissertations ,commercial ,National Institutes of Health ,DEST ,Wellcome Trust ,WPPT ,digital rights management ,Universal Declaration of Human Rights ,open access ,innovation system ,social development ,Agreement on the Trade ,180115 Intellectual Property Law ,knowledge creation ,theses ,JISC ,blogs ,National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy ,Science and Training ,WIPO Copyright Treaty ,promotion of innovation and creativity ,copyright law ,OECD ,Copyright law ,copyright licensing ,model agreements ,networked digital technologies ,WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty ,databases ,researchers ,Internet Service Providers ,TPM ,access to knowledge ,knowledge landscape ,A2K ,ISP ,UDHR ,new web based frameworks ,Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development ,ERMI ,datasets ,SURF ,openly accessible ,NCRIS ,ETD ,SPARC ,mashup ,protocols for copyright management ,open sharing of knowledge ,SHERPA list ,FLOSS ,economic development ,World Trade Organisation ,enabling access to knowledge ,DRM ,cultural development ,publishing agreements ,WSIS ,ICT ,Australian research ,180100 LAW ,Free/Libre and Open Source Software ,Law ,Wikipedia - Abstract
This Report analyses the copyright law framework needed to ensure open access to outputs of the Australian academic and research sector such as datasets, articles and theses. It is written in the context of an increasing recognition, in Australia and internationally, that access to knowledge is a key driver of social, cultural and economic development and that publicly funded research should be openly accessible. With the objective of enabling access to knowledge, this Report proposes the development of clear protocols for copyright management (designed as practical and effective tools) for implementation in the Australian academic and research sector The Report explains that with the rise of networked digital technologies our knowledge landscape and innovation system is more and more reliant on best practice copyright management strategies. Furthermore in the 21st century these strategies need to accommodate both the demands for open sharing of knowledge and traditional commercialisation models. To this end, this Report examines the way in which practices for managing copyright, interact with the new web based frameworks that have developed for knowledge creation and dissemination. It focuses on specific areas that are central to the promotion of innovation and creativity in Australia, with emphasis on various types of repositories. More specifically, this Report provides an overview of the principles of copyright law, the concept of open access to knowledge, the recently developed open content models of copyright licensing and proposes a framework for enhancing the management of copyright interests in research and academic output (including electronic theses and dissertations (ETD)). The Report describes a forward work program which, upon implementation, will provide the platform for the development of systems and practices designed to effectively promote open access to knowledge within the Australian academic and research sector. The Report calls upon Australian research and funding institutions to consider their commitment to open access and articulate this in clear polices and copyright management frameworks. It proposes a survey of researchers about their understanding of, attitudes towards and experience with publishing agreements and the provision of model agreements that can facilitate open access and commercialisation objectives. The Report details a methodology for cataloguing and better understanding publishers’ attitudes towards open access. This list aims to be interoperable with the existing SHERPA list based in the UK and accessible through a web interface known as the OAK List. Finally the Report looks at copyright management of open access to ETD and makes proposals for better managing this process. In all of these endeavours the OAK Law Project aims to undertake work that will be of relevance to and can be utilised by key stakeholders.
- Published
- 2009
391. Análisis de los cambios efectuados en la regulación de los servicios de telecomunicaciones y consecuencias sobre un isp a julio 2009
- Author
Zambrano Cantos, Krystel, Carrillo Díaz., Geovanny, and Ramos., Boris
- Subjects
This project is an analysis of changes in the regulation of telecommunications services and the effects they have had on ISPs. Our research has been conducted based on information obtained up until July 2009. The purpose of this research and analysis is to show the current status of telecommunication regulations in the country and how they lead to continual changes for individual users and businesses. In our research, we analyzed Ecuadorian laws relating to the telecommunications sector, and we also looked at how these regulations have changed and evolved over time. Also, we identified key players in the telecommunications sector, detailing each of the roles they play in today's market. Finally, we analyzed current issues facing ISPs, such as limitations and restrictions on obtaining permits, which ISPs need to in order to perform their services. We also discussed possible solutions to these issues.
- Published
- 2009
392. Sistema de apoyo logístico basado en mapas para un ISP
- Author
Sánchez Arévalo, Christian Julián, Bazurto Blacio, Voltaire Alejandro, and Arce Bastidas, Adrián
- Subjects
El diseño de un sistema de apoyo logístico basado en mapas, facilita la gestión de la información geográfica, relacionada con una empresa de servicios, en este caso particular para un ISP. El caso de estudio fue la empresa Transtelco S.A. y se realizaron todas las fases correspondientes al desarrollo de un sistema: levantamiento de información, análisis y diseño del sistema, desarrollo, prueba, depuración y publicación del sistema. La etapa de análisis y diseño junto con la fase de levantamiento de información, establecieron crear un sistema web que haga uso del servicio de mapas brindado por Google. El desarrollo del sistema, enfatiza el uso de tecnologías de software libre tales como: Linux, PHP, Zend Framework, MySQL, DojoToolkit y BIRT. Su implementación obtuvo un repositorio centralizado de la información geográfica accesible desde cualquier parte con acceso a internet. El ISP maneja la información relacionada a la cobertura de su red con mayor facilidad y seguridad entre los miembros de su personal técnico, beneficiando a la gerencia con los reportes estadísticos emitidos desde el propio sistema, con la información de la demanda de servicio de internet en la ciudad de Guayaquil. Los clientes consultan si su domicilio, negocio u oficina se encuentra dentro de la cobertura del proveedor de servicios de manera rápida y automática a través del sistema. El proyecto demuestra la efectividad y beneficios del uso de software libre que reducen el costo en licencias y un rendimiento igual o superior al de tecnologías propietarias.
- Published
- 2009
393. Proyecto: plan de negocios para la creación de una microempresa de instalaciones de última milla en la ciudad de Guayaquil
- Author
Campoverde Peñaloza, Javier S., Castro Balseca, Maria De L., Lopez Rodriguez, Francisco X., and Salazar Meza, Enrique Genaro
- Subjects
El Plan de Negocios que se ha desarrollado se enfoca en la necesidad de obtener ingresos económicos por medio de una microempresa, que por su estructura simple es más factible ponerla en funcionamiento a corto tiempo. Nuestra microempresa está dirigida al campo de los servicios de la informática y las telecomunicaciones. El avance de la informática y la tecnología en el área de las telecomunicaciones ha producido que las personas puedan acceder a una computadora y con esta a servicios como el Internet, que antes solo era potestad de grandes compañías. Estos avances han traído abaratamiento de costos en equipo y creación de nuevas empresas, lo que ha dado como resultado la competencia y por ende el abaratamiento de las tarifas de los servicios que dan los Proveedores de Internet. Los Proveedores de Internet por la demanda de sus servicios se han visto en la necesidad de la contratación de empresas y/o personas independientes para la realización de las actividades de Instalación de equipos electrónicos en los hogares de los clientes que contraten sus planes de conectividad al Internet. Teniéndose como referencia lo antes expuesto, un grupo de tecnólogos palpamos como una oportunidad de negocio la creación de una microempresa (IPexpress, Instalaciones Profesionales de Ultima Milla) de instalaciones de equipos electrónicos en los hogares de los clientes de los proveedores de Internet; además, ofrecerle los servicios de Reparación por medio de visitas técnicas a los clientes que presenten inconvenientes con el servicio y la Pre-venta de planes de conectividad. Para los usuarios de los Proveedores y público en general IPexpress, también tiene la actividad de Soporte Técnico a PC. Para poder cubrir todas las actividades IPexpress tiene un personal capacitado, entrenado y con experiencia en el sector de las telecomunicaciones y atención al cliente. Este plan de negocios demuestra la viabilidad de nuestra propuesta.
- Published
- 2009
394. From MARTE to dynamically reconfigurable FPGAs : Introduction of a control extension in a model based design flow
- Author
Quadri, Imran Rafiq, Meftali, Samy, Dekeyser, Jean-Luc, Contributions of the Data parallelism to real time (DART), Laboratoire d'Informatique Fondamentale de Lille (LIFL), Université de Lille, Sciences et Technologies-Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique (Inria)-Université de Lille, Sciences Humaines et Sociales-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université de Lille, Sciences et Technologies-Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique (Inria)-Université de Lille, Sciences Humaines et Sociales-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Inria Lille - Nord Europe, Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique (Inria), and INRIA
- Subjects
Partial Dynamic Reconfiguration ,MDE ,Control ,Real-Time and Embedded Systems ,FPGAs ,ISP ,[INFO.INFO-ES]Computer Science [cs]/Embedded Systems ,SoC Co-design ,MARTE ,UML - Abstract
System-on-Chip (SoC) can be considered as a particular case of embedded systems and has rapidly became a de-facto solution for implement- ing these complex systems. However, due to the continuous exponential rise in SoC's design complexity, there is a critical need to find new seamless method- ologies and tools to handle the SoC co-design aspects. This paper addresses this issue and proposes a novel SoC co-design methodology based on Model Driven Engineering (MDE) and the MARTE (Modeling and Analysis of Real-Time and Embedded Systems) standard proposed by OMG (Object Management Group), in order to raise the design abstraction levels. Extensions of this standard have enabled us to move from high level specifications to execution platforms such as reconfigurable FPGAs; and allow to implement the notion of Partial Dy- namic Reconfiguration supported by current FPGAs. The overall objective is to carry out system modeling at a high abstraction level expressed in UML (Unified Modeling Language); and afterwards, transform these high level mod- els into detailed enriched lower level models in order to automatically generate the necessary code for final FPGA synthesis.
- Published
- 2009
395. Opensource solution for small ISP
- Author
Vomáčko, Vít, Palovský, Radomír, and Pavlíček, Luboš
- Subjects
Firewall ,Router ,ISP - Abstract
Focus of this work is to create a comprehensive look at open source solutions to enable small companies to make up their ISP routing infrastructure. Aims to explore the available alternatives for routing software and related services. Then describe the important features and characteristics which are taken from real operation of such a solution and analyze it in parts. Shows how to modify other standard Linux distribution to offer the necessary functionality. Describes the security mechanisms to prevent its further spread of the complexity of the system and degrade its performance. Outlining how to address the monitoring infrastructure as well as running services it provides to customers. It also tries to show which areas are not sufficiently operational and offers suggestions for further work in developing such a solution. Working mainly draws on the experience gained from long-term effort to launch the best solution, but do not tie the hands of its creators and allow colleagues to avoid various failures and shutdowns.
- Published
- 2009
396. Reliability and Load Handling Problem in Internet Service Provider’s Network
- Author
Abrar, Mirza Kashif and Pervaiz, Imran
- Subjects
HSRP ,VLAN in VLAN ,ComputerSystemsOrganization_COMPUTER-COMMUNICATIONNETWORKS ,ISP ,Internet Service Provider ,Virtual Local Area Network in Virtual Local Area Network ,QinQ ,Hot Standby Routing Protocol - Abstract
This thesis puts forward a new solution to provide the reliable network to the Internet Service Provider (ISP). This study mainly focuses on the ISPs network to provide reliability and the load balancing. It offers a guide line for the best reliable solution to the ISPs, individual organizations or other types of service providers which are engaged in providing reliable communications to their subscribers. These reliable services may be real time communications which include weather forecasts, tracking systems, online Internet protocol TV (IPTV) programs and many other ISPs services which are totally depend on the reliable network. With the appearance and expansion of Internet subscribers all over the world, ISPs services are becoming more popular. The rapid increase of connection-demand and highly traffic network is the main reason behind the need to scale reliable network. To offer better solutions, a new theoretical and practical approach should be considered that can cover the reliable network. The suggested network structure monitors the links, spreads the network traffic with multiple devices and takes a backup (redundant) link automatically when changes occur in the network topology. In order to support the redundancy, load balancing and reduce the failover time, the hot standby routing protocol (HSRP) is implemented on the suggested network. As we have analyzed that in any network, scalability bringing to raised the network traffic broadcast issue. Broadcast storms can be prevented by setting threshold values of traffic-filters. The threshold level helps to control broadcast traffic in networks. With regard to suggested solutions, it is necessary to observe the limitations and advantages of the recommended reliable network structure. Therefore, this research will include the advantages and limitations of the techniques used to offer ISP services such as scalability, security and IPv6.
- Published
- 2009
397. Leveraging ICT for Growth and Competition in Bangladesh : IT/ITES Industry Development
- Author
Norbhu, Tenzin, Kharbanda, Mohan, Kuek, Siou Chew, Takagaki, Elli, and Hoffman-Kiess, Erika
- Subjects
The objective of this study is to assist Bangladesh in becoming a viable player in the IT/ITES industry in five years by identifying the strategies, programs and investments needed in order for the country to leverage ICT for economic growth and competitiveness, as well as for social development by increasing gender equality and youth employment. Why is it important for Bangladesh to concentrate its efforts in developing the IT/ITES industry? First of all, industry development is aligned with many of the goals for Digital Bangladesh as described in the manifesto, including development of software exports, IT parks, youth employment, etc. Secondly, the global IT/ITES is too large to be ignored - leaving a significant untapped market for which many countries are competing. Beyond direct economic benefits, IT/ITES growth can generate large-scale employment. India and the Philippines are established competitors while China, Vietnam, Sri Lanka and Pakistan are emerging as new threats. To-date, the IT/ITES industry development activities in Bangladesh, while not without its successes, generally lacks widely accepted, centralized leadership or focus. This must change if Bangladesh is going to mount serious competition for an increase in market share.
- Published
- 2009
398. NaMeX: Roma è al centro della rete internet del Mediterraneo
- Author
Arena, Daniele and Goretti, Maurizio
- Subjects
Intenet ,ISP ,NaMeX ,CASPUR ,Roma - Abstract
Il CASPUR è sede di un importante nodo della Internet Italiana ed Europea: il Punto di Interscambio tra Internet Service Provider (ISP) denominato NaMeX (NAutilus MEditerranean eXchange point). Oltre al CASPUR, fanno parte di Namex i maggiori ISP nazionali.
- Published
- 2008
399. File sharing, profili applicativi della legge 31 marzo 2005, n. 43
- Author
RICCI, STEFANO, Bianco, S., Rossetti, A, Ricci, S, and Bianco, S
- Subjects
peer to peer ,IUS/17 - DIRITTO PENALE ,upload ,File sharing ,isp ,condivisione ,download ,internet service provider ,fair use - Abstract
Il contributo ha ad oggetto il complesso sistema di tutela in materia di condivisione di file (file sharing) in violazione del diritto d'autore. Particolare attenzione è rivolta ai profili sanzionatori, sia penali che amministrativi.
- Published
- 2008
400. Sekvensmodellen : en ny metod för att studera institutionella villkor och ömsesidiga förväntningar avseende samverkan mellan professionella och föräldrar
- Author
Carlhed, Carina, Göransson, Kerstin, Carlhed, Carina, and Göransson, Kerstin
- Abstract
Artikeln beskriver en förstudie om genomförande av en modell för att studera de sociala villkoren för institutionella möten mellan professionella och vårdnadshavare/föräldrar inom svensk habilitering. Det övergripande syftet med modellen är att involvera samtliga parter i det institutionella samtalet i forskningen, genom att kritiskt undersöka hur föräldrasamverkan konstrueras inom ramen för institutionella samtal. Modellen består av intervju- och observationssekvenser i mötet mellan föräldrar och professionella. Modellen kan användas i andra institutionella sammanhang där samtalet står i fokus för planering av åtgärder. Artikeln diskuterar de sociala villkoren för institutionella möten och föräldrasamverkan samt individuella planer som verktyg i processer., The sequence model – new ways to research institutional conditions and mutual expectations in a parent-professional collaboration The article describes a pilot study about a model for research on social conditions for institutional encounters between parents/custodians and professionals within habilitation services in Sweden. The main aim in using the model is to involve both parts in the institutional meeting in the research through critical analysis of how parent-professional collaboration is constructed within this frame. The model builds on sequences of interviews and observations of the encounters. The model could easy be applied in other institutional settings, where conversations are in use for planning interventions. The article discusses the social conditions for institutional encounters and parent collaboration and individual plans as tools in the processes., Finansierat av Stiftelsen Sunnerdahls Handikappfond, Ömsesidiga krav och förväntningar i mötet mellan föräldrar till barn med funktionshinder och professionella inom habilitering och skola
- Published
- 2012
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