1,241 results on '"ergonomic"'
Search Results
352. Ergonomic Risk Analysis of Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) Using ROSA and REBA Methods On Administrative Employees Faculty Of Science
- Author
Amri, Achmad Nuzul, Putra, Boy Isma, Amri, Achmad Nuzul, and Putra, Boy Isma
- Abstract
In administrative tasks, computers really need help so they can get the job done quickly and efficiently. Computers in the administration department are managed by a job that runs continuously for eight hours. Improper work posture and posture can cause fatigue and discomfort at work. One of the influencing factors is the working posture and body posture during these activities. This study aims to reduce the level of risk gained by performing Rapid Office Strain Assessments (ROSA) and Rapid Entire Body Assessments (REBA) for clerical staff in engineering departments. Posture analysis data processing using the ROSA (Rapid Office Strain Assessment) method found that five of her employees surveyed were at risk levels and needed to be corrected immediately. The Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA) method shows that five employees are currently at risk of urgent needs and requirements.
- Published
- 2022
353. Disseny d’una butaca de lactància ergonòmica
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Telemàtica, Guasch Murillo, Daniel, Figuerola Alborna, Jordi, Caballero Ferret, Imma, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Telemàtica, Guasch Murillo, Daniel, Figuerola Alborna, Jordi, and Caballero Ferret, Imma
- Abstract
La lactància és una època vital per a totes les persones i en la gran majoria implica una forta connexió entre la mare i el nadó lactant donades les llargues estades junts. Actualment no trobem cap producte destinat especialment al correcte desenvolupament d’aquesta activitat. L’objectiu d’aquest projecte es aconseguir un disseny d’un producte que proporcioni una experiència ergonòmica i còmode per a millorar i facilitar l’alletament de nadons de 0-24 mesos, adaptant-se al màxim a les necessitats de les mares. Per poder desenvolupar correctament aquest projecte s’ha seguit una sèrie de passos per identificar i analitzar tots els conceptes importants propis del disseny centrat en l’usuari. Inicialment s’han fet dues fases d’investigació, la primera basada en una pluja d’idees i conceptes a aplicar basats en l’anàlisi del problema actual, i la segona, analitzant a les usuàries i tots els complements i referents que trobem actualment al mercat disponibles per a aquesta tasca. Un cop establertes les premisses que es volen complir amb aquest disseny, on s’han considerat punts importants com l’ergonomia i la facilitat d’ús, s’han elaborat 6 propostes que compleixen el requisits. Posteriorment gràcies a les ponderacions dels complements i facilitats que incorporen cada una, s’ha millorat i desenvolupat una d’elles en tots el seus aspectes i cuidant tots els detalls. La proposta final compta amb totes les fases necessàries per a ser una proposta viable, aquesta es podria arribar a industrialitzar en un futur, nomes caldria realitzar un parell de simulacions més per a comprovar que totes les parts compleixen les toleràncies de seguretat i reafirmar l’ús dels materials aplicats., Breastfeeding is a vital time for all people. For the most people involves a strong and important connection between the mother and the baby due to the long stays together. We currently cannot find any product specifically designed for the proper development of this activity. The aim of this project is to achieve a product design that provides an ergonomic and comfortable experience to improve and facilitate the breastfeeding of babies from 0-24 months, adapting as much as possible to the mother’s needs. In order to properly develop this project, a series of steps have been followed to identify and analyse all the important concepts of usercentred design. Initially, two phases of research were carried out, the first based on a brainstorming of ideas and concepts that can be applied, based on the analysis of the current problem, and the second analysing the users and all the complements and references that we currently find available on the market for this task. Once the premises have been established, important points such as ergonomics and ease of use have been considered, 6 proposals have been drawn up that meet the requirements. Subsequently, thanks to the weightings of the accessories and facilities that each one incorporates, one of them has been improved and developed in all its aspects and taking care of all the details. The final proposal has all the necessary phases to be a viable proposal, this could be industrialized in the future, it would only be necessary to perform a couple more simulations to verify that all parts comply with safety tolerances and to reaffirm the use of applied materials.
- Published
- 2022
354. Ducha accesible para personas de edad avanzada
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Telemàtica, Aliau Pons, Juan José, Navarro Alfaro, Marc, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Telemàtica, Aliau Pons, Juan José, and Navarro Alfaro, Marc
- Abstract
La finalidad fundamental de este proyecto ha sido desarrollar una ducha accesible para personas de edad avanzada. La mayoría de duchas cumplen la función: el agua cae sobre el sujeto, estando éste de pie y sin producirse acumulación de agua. No obstante, no se tiene en cuenta a las personas de edad avanzada que tienen problemas de movilidad, visión y motricidad. Primeramente, se han evaluado cuáles son las dificultades que tienen las personas de edad avanzada. Algunas de las dificultades más evidentes son la visibilidad y la movilidad. Otras de las dificultades no tan evidentes podrían ser el sentimiento de vergüenza o incapacidad de ser autónomos. El paso siguiente ha sido conocer el entorno en el que se puede necesitar este tipo de duchas accesibles, como podría ser viviendas particulares, hospitales, residencias, campings, etc. La ducha accesible para personas de edad avanzada ha sido diseñada para ser utilizada principalmente en una vivienda particular, entorno que se ha analizado y evaluado a lo largo de este trabajo. Otros aspectos importantes a la hora de realizar este proyecto han sido los componentes que tiene una ducha accesible. Como se ha comentado en el párrafo anterior, esta está dirigida para viviendas particulares, por lo cual, los componentes principales que se han tenido en cuenta son: la ducha, la silla, el toallero, la jabonera, el suelo antideslizante y los asideros. Cada producto ha sido analizado con el objetivo que sea intuitivo, ergonómico y seguro para personas de edad avanzada. Para una visión más amplia de la ducha accesible, se ha diseñado algunas de sus partes, como las manetas y la silla, de forma ergonómica teniendo en cuenta la antropometría del cuerpo humano. Así pues, se ha valorado la autonomía incorporando en la misma silla, un toallero, unas jaboneras y una fijación al suelo. Todo esto, se ha llevado a cabo mediante el estudio de cada producto. Finalmente, se han escogido los materiales para cada tipo de componente y los proceso, The fundamental purpose of this project has been to develop an accessible shower for elderly people. Most showers fulfill the function: the water falls on the subject, while he is standing and without accumulation of water. However, elderly people with mobility, vision and motor problems are not taken into account. Firstly, the difficulties experienced by elderly people have been evaluated. Some of the most obvious difficulties are visibility and mobility. Other not so obvious difficulties could be the feeling of shame or inability to be autonomous. The next step has been to know the environment in which this type of accessible showers may be needed, such as private homes, hospitals, residences, campsites, etc. The accessible shower for the elderly has been designed to be used mainly in a private home, an environment that has been analyzed and evaluated throughout this work. Other important aspects when carrying out this project have been the components that an accessible shower has. As mentioned in the previous paragraph, this is aimed at private homes, so the main components that have been taken into account are: the shower, the chair, the towel rack, the soap dish, the non-slip floor and the handles. Each product has been analyzed with the aim of being intuitive, ergonomic and safe for the elderly. For a broader vision of the accessible shower, some of its parts, such as the handles and the chair, have been designed ergonomically, taking into account the anthropometry of the human body. Thus, autonomy has been valued by incorporating in the same chair, a towel rack, some soap dishes and a floor fixing. All this has been carried out by studying each product. Finally, the materials for each type of component and the most suitable manufacturing processes have been chosen, taking into account aspects such as sustainability, economic viability or product quality.
- Published
- 2022
355. Disseny i desenvolupament d'un exosquelet per a pintors d'interiors
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d’Enginyeria Gràfica i de Disseny, Aliau Pons, Juan José, Quintana, Elisabet, Martret Barón, Pau, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d’Enginyeria Gràfica i de Disseny, Aliau Pons, Juan José, Quintana, Elisabet, and Martret Barón, Pau
- Abstract
Hi han oficis que, a nivell de comoditat, son bastant atractives, ja que només demanen estar assegut en una cadira còmode i treballar davant d’una pantalla. Però hi han altres que exigeixen un treball físic molt gran i acaben essent molt perjudicials per al cos humà, com és el cas dels pintors d’interiors. En aquest projecte es posa el focus en les principals parts del cos que queden més damnificades durant un dia laborable no només quan es pinten les parts interiors d’un habitatge, sino totes les accions que comporta haver de pintar una casa, des que agafa la furgoneta per arribar a l’habitatge en qüestió fins que recull tot el material utilitzat un cop ha acabat la decoració interior i marxar, amb la prioritat que es pugui treure al mercat un disseny que sigui el més lleuger possible i, a més a més, agradable al tacte. A través d’una estratègia de disseny concreta, s’ha recopilat la màxima informació possible sobre l’ofici del pintat en espais interiors, s’han definit les principals zones corporals perjudicades i, finalment, s’han tret diferents dissenys de definien quina forma prendria el producte final que assistirà al pintor. Finalment, s’ha desenvolupat el prototip del que semblava més complet, el qual ha acabat essent un projecte d’exoesquelet que té en compte quins aspectes de l’ofici poden ser perjudicials per a la pròpia estructura, un exoesquelet que s’adapta a la mobilitat del pintor quan aquest es mou en els escenaris més comuns de treball, un exoesquelet pensat per a ésser utilitzat durant tota la vida laborable dels pintors. A més a més, és un projecte que a nivell de disseny es diferencia clarament de la resta que existeixen al mercat. Si bé és cert que avui en dia tots els equipatges externs pensats per prevenir riscos laborals estan pensats per que s’utilitzi en més d’un ofici, no acaben d’ésser lo suficientment atractius per segons quins oficis ni a nivell ergonòmic ni, inclús, a nivell econòmic depenent del preu de mercat, com és el cas dels pint, There are some jobs very attractive in terms of comfort, because it is only a question about taking a sit and work in front of a screen. Nevertheless, there are other jobs that require a great physical effort that finally affect negatively the human body, as it happens with inside-home painters. It is focused in this project the main parts of the body that get over-stressed during a work day not only when painting parts of a flat but every actions that are taken during the process of decorate, since the moment the painter drives the van to the destination until the moment of leaving the house once the work is done, with the priority to add in the market a design as lowweighted as possible and, even more, pleasant when touching it. Through a specific design strategy, the maximum possible information has been gathered about the craft of painting in interior spaces, the main affected body areas have been defined and, finally, different designs have been taken out to define which form would take the final product that will assist the painter. Finally, the prototype of what seemed most complete has been developed, which has ended up being an exoskeleton project thatpays attention to what aspects of the trade can be detrimental to the structure itself, an exoskeleton adapted to the mobility of the painter when he moves in the most common work scenarios, an exoskeleton designed to be used throughout the working life of painters. In addition, it is a project that in terms of design is clearly different from the rest existing in the market. While it’s true that nowadays all external equipments designed to prevent occupational risks are designed to be used in more than one trade, they are not quite attractive depending on which trades neither ergonomically nor even , at the economic level depending on the market price, as is the case of painters. This project, on the other hand, presents an exoskeleton that adapts itself to the trade and, therefore, presents an improvement on
- Published
- 2022
356. Do Job Boredom and Distress Influence Self-Report Individual Work Performance? Case Study in an Indonesia Muslim Fashion Industry
- Author
Sutarto, Auditya Purwandini, Izzah, Nailul, Sutarto, Auditya Purwandini, and Izzah, Nailul
- Abstract
A creative and innovative workforce is a key determinant of the sustainability of the fashion industry in a highly competitive market. Such characteristics have been linked to employees’ well-being. This study aimed at examining to what extent the employees’ boredom, stress, and work performance levels in a medium-scale Muslim fashion Industry. We employed a cross-sectional study design by administering a set of questionnaires consisting of the Dutch Boredom Scale; Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale; and Individual Work Performance in a total sampling of 75 female workers. The association between key variables and demographic factors was analyzed using non-parametric tests while the relationship between boredom, stress, and work performance was analyzed using the regression. Less-educated employees reported more stress and lower work performance while their boredom levels were similar, compared to their counterparts. Job boredom and stress were higher among newly hired employees but no significant difference in self-reported productivity between the two job experience groups was observed. There are also no differences in job boredom, stress, and work performance between sales and non-sales groups. Our regression model shows that job boredom and stress were significant predictors to work performance after controlling age, education, job experience, and type of occupations. These findings support the importance of improving employees’ well-being for better individual performance which may, in turn, lead to any tangible organizational outcomes. Regardless of the case study design, our study may provide insights for other industrial sectors and beyond the context of small and medium enterprises.
- Published
- 2022
357. Ergonomic Evaluation of Musculoskeletal Disorders in Construction Workers Using Posture, Activity, Tools, Handling (PATH) Method
- Author
- Subjects
Ergonomic ,Musculoskeletal disorders ,Construction workers ,Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering ,TD1-1066 - Abstract
Introduction: Musculoskeletal disorders are the major causes of occupational diseases in the work places and they are the most important cause of disability and absenteeism. For the prevention of these disorders and improvement of working, it is necessary to use ergonomics assessment techniques. This study aimed to assess ergonomic risk factors for musculoskeletal disorders in construction workers in Gonabad, Iran, using Postur, Activity, Tools, Handling (PATH) method. Materials and Methods: This was a descriptive– analytical study conducted on 72 construction workers in three groups of jobs including brickwork, joinery and foundation in Gonabad, Iran. Sampling was done randomly. Workplace ergonomic assessment was conducted using PATH method and data analysis was performed by SPSS 20 statistical software and presented with descriptive statics. Results: The mean age of participants was 30.44± 10.21 yr, and the average work experience was 9.26 ±7.20 yr. Legs status assessment showed that neutral state labors make up about 46% of the time. In most jobs, about 39% of labors work in a neutral position and about 50% of labors bear more than 15 kg weight during their work, and about 96% of labors spent their time working with elbows above their shoulder. Conclusion: Mostly, in time of working, trunk state of construction workers was in a non-neutral posture and construction workers are exposed to musculoskeletal disorders. Thus, it is necessary to conduct more studies on these topics in order to prevent musculoskeletal disorders.
- Published
- 2017
358. Disseny d’una butaca de lactància ergonòmica
- Author
Caballero Ferret, Imma, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Telemàtica, Guasch Murillo, Daniel, and Figuerola Alborna, Jordi
- Subjects
Simulations ,Simulacions ,Arquitectura::Disseny::Disseny industrial [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] ,Breastfeeding ,Human engineering ,Lactància ,Wheightings ,Tolerances ,Alletament ,Ponderacions ,Industrialize ,Ergonomic ,Industrial design ,Disseny industrial ,Industrialitzar ,Toleràncies ,Arquitectura::Disseny::Disseny de mobles [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] ,Butaca ,Ergonomia - Abstract
La lactància és una època vital per a totes les persones i en la gran majoria implica una forta connexió entre la mare i el nadó lactant donades les llargues estades junts. Actualment no trobem cap producte destinat especialment al correcte desenvolupament d’aquesta activitat. L’objectiu d’aquest projecte es aconseguir un disseny d’un producte que proporcioni una experiència ergonòmica i còmode per a millorar i facilitar l’alletament de nadons de 0-24 mesos, adaptant-se al màxim a les necessitats de les mares. Per poder desenvolupar correctament aquest projecte s’ha seguit una sèrie de passos per identificar i analitzar tots els conceptes importants propis del disseny centrat en l’usuari. Inicialment s’han fet dues fases d’investigació, la primera basada en una pluja d’idees i conceptes a aplicar basats en l’anàlisi del problema actual, i la segona, analitzant a les usuàries i tots els complements i referents que trobem actualment al mercat disponibles per a aquesta tasca. Un cop establertes les premisses que es volen complir amb aquest disseny, on s’han considerat punts importants com l’ergonomia i la facilitat d’ús, s’han elaborat 6 propostes que compleixen el requisits. Posteriorment gràcies a les ponderacions dels complements i facilitats que incorporen cada una, s’ha millorat i desenvolupat una d’elles en tots el seus aspectes i cuidant tots els detalls. La proposta final compta amb totes les fases necessàries per a ser una proposta viable, aquesta es podria arribar a industrialitzar en un futur, nomes caldria realitzar un parell de simulacions més per a comprovar que totes les parts compleixen les toleràncies de seguretat i reafirmar l’ús dels materials aplicats. Breastfeeding is a vital time for all people. For the most people involves a strong and important connection between the mother and the baby due to the long stays together. We currently cannot find any product specifically designed for the proper development of this activity. The aim of this project is to achieve a product design that provides an ergonomic and comfortable experience to improve and facilitate the breastfeeding of babies from 0-24 months, adapting as much as possible to the mother’s needs. In order to properly develop this project, a series of steps have been followed to identify and analyse all the important concepts of usercentred design. Initially, two phases of research were carried out, the first based on a brainstorming of ideas and concepts that can be applied, based on the analysis of the current problem, and the second analysing the users and all the complements and references that we currently find available on the market for this task. Once the premises have been established, important points such as ergonomics and ease of use have been considered, 6 proposals have been drawn up that meet the requirements. Subsequently, thanks to the weightings of the accessories and facilities that each one incorporates, one of them has been improved and developed in all its aspects and taking care of all the details. The final proposal has all the necessary phases to be a viable proposal, this could be industrialized in the future, it would only be necessary to perform a couple more simulations to verify that all parts comply with safety tolerances and to reaffirm the use of applied materials.
- Published
- 2022
359. Mobilya Endüstrisinde Çevresel Faktörlerin Etkilerinin Ergonomik Açıdan İncelenmesi ve Bir İşletme Uygulaması
- Author
- Subjects
Forest Industry Engineering ,Ergonomic ,Environmental Factors ,Furniture ,Ergonomi ,Çevresel Faktörler ,Mobilya ,Orman Endüstri Mühendisliği - Abstract
This study was prepared in order to clarify the particularly importance of environmental factors in productivity and production quality, promoting competition, and also to preserve the health of the workers in various working areas, and taking measures about these matters. For this purpose the measurements of noise, lighting, dust, relative humidity and air velocity were made. The recommendations were made according to actual results compared with the standards. Measurements of noise and lighting were made in front of all the machinery and designated points in the factory layout plan. A noise map was drawn according to the results and recommendations were made for the points exceeding the standard noise values. For insufficiently illuminated areas, special lighting equipment was recommended. The dust measurements were made in front of dust producing machinery and the values were compared with Maximum Allowable Concentration (MAK) values. The air velocity was measured at the centre of the factory and recommendations were made for special areas that needed ventilation. Moreover, the necessity of the education of employees about the chemicals used and personal safety equipment was stated., Bu çalışma çeşitli çalışma ortamlarında, özellikle verimliliği ve üretim kalitesini arttırmada, rekabet ortamı sağlamada, ayrıca işçilerin sağlığının korunmasında çevresel faktörlerin büyük önem taşıdığını ve bu konuda alınabilecek önlemleri belirtmek için hazırlanmıştır. Bu amaçla mobilya fabrikasında gürültü, aydınlatma, toz, bağıl nem, hava akım hızı ölçümleri yapılmıştır. Tespit edilen değerlerle, standart kabul edilen değerler karşılaştırılarak gerekli öneriler sunulmuştur. Gürültü ölçümleri her makine başında ve atölyenin yerleşim planı üzerinde belirlenen noktalarda yapılmıştır. Tespit edilen değerler doğrultusunda gürültü haritası çıkarılmıştır. Standart değerleri aşan yerler için öneriler sunulmuştur. Aydınlatma ölçümü de her makine başında yapılmış ve aydınlatma düzeyi düşük olan yerler için özel aydınlatma sitemleri öneri olarak sunulmuştur. Toz tespitinde ise toz meydana getiren makinelerde ölçüm yapılmış ve Müsade Edilen Azami Konsantrasyon (MAK) değerlerle karşılaştırılmıştır. Hava akım hızı ve bağıl nem atölye merkezinde ölçülmüş ve gerekli yerlere havalandırma sistemleri takılması öneri olarak sunulmuştur. Ayrıca işyerinde kullanılan kimyasallar ve kişisel koruyucular hakkında işçilerin bilgilendirilmesi gerektiği belirtilmiştir.
- Published
- 2022
360. An Approach to Multimodal and Ergonomic Nomadic Services : A research experience and a vision for the future
- Author
Riva, Marco, Legnani, Massimo, Lawrence, Elaine, editor, Pernici, Barbara, editor, and Krogstie, John, editor
- Published
- 2005
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361. Assessment of knowledge related to ergonomics among dental students of Isfahan university of medical sciences in 2020
- Author
neda karghahi, saeedeh khalesi, kamyar safaeepour, ehsan hekmatian, and hoda jafari
- Subjects
knowledge ,dentistry ,education ,Medicine ,RK1-715 ,ergonomic - Abstract
Background and Aims: Human ergonomics or engineering with proper design and change of work and requirements creates the most productivity based on human physiology. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of awareness of dental students of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences about the basic principles of ergonomics in dentistry. Materials and Methods: In this descriptive-analytical, sectional study, a questionnaire containing 10 questions was distributed and completed by easy sampling method among 74 final year students of the general doctorate of Isfahan school of dentistry. After collecting the questionnaires, the students were given an educational pamphlet. To evaluate the questionnaires, each correct answer was given a score of one and the wrong answers were given a score of zero. Data were analyzed by T-test, Kai Square, and Mann-Whitney statistical tests using SPSS23 software. P
- Published
- 2021
362. Design of a water storage and purification system for rural India
- Author
Vinay, K. B., Srinivasa, and Balappa, B. U.
- Published
- 2013
363. An Effective Model for Ergonomic Optimization Applied To a New Automotive Assembly Line.
- Author
Duraccio, Vincenzo, Elia, Valerio, and Forcina, Antonio
- Subjects
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ERGONOMICS laws , *INDUSTRIAL efficiency , *ASSEMBLY line methods ,ECONOMIC conditions in Italy - Abstract
An efficient ergonomic optimization can lead to a significant improvement in production performance and a considerable reduction of costs. In the present paper new model for ergonomic optimization is proposed. The new approach is based on the criteria defined by National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health and, adapted to Italian legislation. The proposed model provides an ergonomic optimization, by analyzing ergonomic relations between manual work in correct conditions. The model includes a schematic and systematic analysis method of the operations, and identifies all possible ergonomic aspects to be evaluated. The proposed approach has been applied to an automotive assembly line, where the operation repeatability makes the optimization fundamental. The proposed application clearly demonstrates the effectiveness of the new approach. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2016
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364. Comparative Assessment of Ergonomic Experience with Heads-Up Display and Conventional Surgical Microscope in the Operating Room
- Author
Margaret H Ainslie-Garcia, Leighton P Morris, Rana A. Qadeer, Nicole Ferko, Robert J Weinstock, Justis P. Ehlers, and Hang Cheng
- Subjects
Musculoskeletal pain ,medicine.medical_specialty ,microscope ,Computer-assisted web interviewing ,ergonomic ,law.invention ,surgery ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,law ,Ophthalmology ,Medicine ,Multivariable model ,Original Research ,Head-up display ,Surgical microscope ,business.industry ,Human factors and ergonomics ,Clinical Ophthalmology ,heads-up display ,030221 ophthalmology & optometry ,Physical therapy ,musculoskeletal disorders ,business ,030217 neurology & neurosurgery - Abstract
Robert J Weinstock,1 Margaret H Ainslie-Garcia,2 Nicole C Ferko,2 Rana A Qadeer,2 Leighton P Morris,3 Hang Cheng,3 Justis P Ehlers4,5 1Eye Institute of West Florida, Largo, FL, USA; 2Eversana, Burlington, ON, Canada; 3Alcon Vision LLC, Fort Worth, TX, USA; 4Tony and Leona Campane Center for Excellence in Image-Guided Surgery and Advanced Imaging Research, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, USA; 5Vitreoretinal Service, Cole Eye Institute, Cleveland, OH, USACorrespondence: Justis P EhlersCole Eye Institute, 9500 Euclid Ave/I32, Cleveland, OH, USATel +1 216-636-0183Email ehlersj@ccf.orgPurpose: Musculoskeletal pain issues are prevalent in ophthalmic surgeons and can impact surgeon well-being and productivity. Heads-up displays (HUD) can improve upon conventional microscopes by reducing ergonomic stress. This study compared ergonomic outcomes between HUD and a conventional optical microscope in the operating room, as reported by ophthalmic surgeons in the US.Methods: An online questionnaire was distributed to a sample of surgeons who had experience operating with HUD. The questionnaire captured surgeon-specific variables, the validated Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire, and custom questions to compare HUD and conventional microscope. A multivariable model was built to identify variables that were likely to predict improvement in pain-related issues.Results: Analysis was conducted on 64 surgeons (37 posterior-segment, 25 anterior-segment, and two mixed) with a mean 14.9 years of practice and 2.3 years using HUD. Most surgeons agreed or strongly agreed that HUD reduced the severity (64%) and frequency (63%) of pain and discomfort, improved posture (73%), and improved overall comfort (77%). Of respondents who experienced headaches, or pain and discomfort during operation, 12 (44%) reported their headaches improved and 45 (82%) reported feeling less pain and discomfort since they started using HUD. The multivariable model indicated the odds of reporting an improvement in pain since introducing the HUD in the operating room were 5.12-times greater for those who used HUD in > 50% of their cases (P=0.029).Conclusion: This study indicates that heads-up display may be an important tool for wellness in the operating room as it can benefit ophthalmic surgeons across several ergonomic measures.Keywords: heads-up display, microscope, ergonomic, musculoskeletal disorders, ophthalmology, surgery
- Published
- 2021
365. Reducing the physical ergonomic risk by job rotation: a simulation-based approach
- Author
Marcello Fera, Mario Caterino, Roberto Macchiaroli, Marta Rinaldi, Elsevier B.V., Rinaldi, M., Caterino, M., Fera, M., and Macchiaroli, R.
- Subjects
Ergonomic risk ,Physical Ergonomic ,job rotation ,Computer science ,Workload ,Industrial engineering ,Task (project management) ,Ergonomic ,digital human modelling ,ergonomics ,OWAS ,musculoskeletal disorder ,Control and Systems Engineering ,Job rotation ,Simulation based ,Balance (ability) - Abstract
Since years, researchers have proposed job rotation as a solution to balance physical workload and reduce ergonomic risk among operators. Simulation is a strong tool for rapid ergonomic analysis, which allows testing different configurations and evaluating the characteristics of different operators. Thanks to such tool, this study proposes a new approach to improve a real system and reduce the ergonomic risk among operators. A real assembly station has been involved in the study and a postural analysis has been performed considering real variables of the system. Different potential workers with different anthropometric characteristics have been tested. The critical situations have been identified and solved proposing different job rotation solutions. Simulation results confirm that job rotation is a good approach to reduce the ergonomic risk and they provide practical guidelines for task assignment.
- Published
- 2021
366. Design of Ergonomic Chair for Grinding Operation
- Author
Gunawan Budi Susilo, Andrean Emaputra, Taufik Hidayat, and Kemenristekdikti, Indonesia
- Subjects
Risk level ,Technology ,Popliteal height ,Science (General) ,Cutting tool ,Anthropometric data ,Computer science ,Science ,Human factors and ergonomics ,Sharpening ,Sitting ,Manufacturing engineering ,Grinding ,anthropometric data ,grinding operation ,Q1-390 ,T1-995 ,yogyakarta ,adjustable-ergonomic chair ,ergonomic ,industrial engineering ,Adjustable-Ergonomic Chair ,Anthropometric Data ,Grinding Operation ,REBA ,Yogyakarta ,reba ,Technology (General) - Abstract
One of essential production activities is grinding process. This process mainly involves the constant activity of eroding a surface to be smoother or more evenly, cutting a workpiece, creating profiles like angles and arches, sharpening a cutting tool, and finishing a final product. Meanwhile, there is no study evaluating the risk levels of workers working on grinding, and there is no unique chair specifically designed for the process. Therefore, this study aims to assess the risk levels of a grinding worker and to propose the design of an ergonomic chair that is adjustable, comfortable, durable, and keen to be used. The risk levels of the grinding workers were evaluated using REBA, while the ergonomic chair design was based on anthropometric data taken from 4 grinding workers in Bantul, Special Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The researchers selected a buttock-popliteal length (seat depth), lower leg length (popliteal height) and hip breadth sitting as anthropometric measures to make a chair design for the grinding operations. After that, the existing adjustable chair designs were also considered and evaluated to get better adjustable-ergonomic chair design for the grinding operations. The results show that it is important that the stakeholders improve most of the grinding operations of the workers, especially by using an ergonomic chair design for grinding operation that is adjustable, comfortable, durable, and reliable. The chair height can be adjusted from 361-414 mm to adapt with the users, and the variation in product height aims to prevent bending on the back. Finally, the grinding chair can reduce the risk level from the high and medium level to the low-risk levels of working postures.
- Published
- 2020
367. An Analysis of Biomechanical Parameters in OTP Police Physical Intervention Techniques for Occupational Risk Prevention
- Author
José C. Vera-Jiménez, Felipe L. Meléndez-Sánchez, José A. Álvarez, and Jesús Ayuso
- Subjects
Movement ,Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis ,ergonomic ,occupational risk prevention ,police physical intervention ,use of force ,operational tactical procedure ,motion capture technology ,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health ,Humans ,Torso ,Ergonomics ,National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, U.S ,Police ,United States - Abstract
(1) Background: a set of ergonomic parameters that are relevant for risk assessment methods for the prevention of occupational risks, such as REBA or NIOSH, have been measured by means of inertial sensors that allow capturing the movements of the human body. These methods base their assessment on a number of postural and dynamic parameters. In the case of police physical intervention techniques, trunk, legs, arms, forearms and wrists angles, joint contact force and sheer force at the L5-Pelvic junction, asymmetry (angle and factor), and muscle power are the more relevant parameters to be considered. (2) Method: The data have been collected by means of a motion capture suit equipped with 19 inertial sensors. The large amount of data and the 3-dimensional plots have been managed by a powerful software package specific for ergonomic analysis. The police physical intervention technique used was OTP. (3) Results: Five ergonomic parameters in a traditional police physical intervention technique have been analyzed. REBA scores and ergonomic metrics have been recorded and discussed with some prevention risk limits from the literature. (4) Conclusions: the usage of inertial sensors to capture the movements in OTPs provides a new and quite an efficient viewpoint for occupational risk research studies.
- Published
- 2022
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368. Ergonomics workstation environment toward organisational competitiveness
- Author
Zafir Khan Mohamed Makhbul, Md Shafiin Shukor, and Ariff Azly Muhamed
- Subjects
Value (ethics) ,Health (social science) ,Knowledge management ,Workstation ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Medicine (miscellaneous) ,Environment ,law.invention ,Ergonomic ,law ,Perception ,Acoustic ,Human resources ,media_common ,Productivity ,Workstation design ,Nutrition and Dietetics ,Job performance ,business.industry ,Health Policy ,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health ,Human factors and ergonomics ,Stratified sampling ,business ,Psychology - Abstract
The lack of comfort due to workplace environment impact could trim down job performance and organizational productivity. Literature reviews indicate that ergonomic workplace environment that is strongly associated with the job performance. Employees’ perceptions to be examined by the organizations to ensure the excellent job performance. Thus, 295 officers were selected using proportionate stratified random sampling with twosection questionnaire. The data were analyzed using statistical package for the social sciences (SPSS) and analysis of a moment structure (AMOS) software. The research findings show that acoustic is the most crucial factor (0.928) followed by lighting (0.898), workstation design (0.846), working hours (0.670), and chair (0.563). Ventilation is still significant to the whole environment although scored the lowest coefficient value (0.385). These findings provide valuable information to organizations in their attempts to sustain the human resources so that they are always competitive and productive in facing the challenges of the environmental change.
- Published
- 2022
369. Development of a device to reduce the risk of injury in handling unstable loads.
- Author
Ramadan, Mohamed Zaki and Alkahtani, Mohammed
- Subjects
INDUSTRIAL safety ,MUSCULOSKELETAL system diseases ,ANTHROPOMETRY ,ELECTROMYOGRAPHY ,EXPERIMENTAL design ,HEART beat ,LIFTING & carrying (Human mechanics) ,THREE-dimensional imaging ,PRODUCT design ,PREVENTION - Abstract
BACKGROUND: Manual material handling (MMH) task is the most common cause of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). Operators carrying unstable loads were recently shown to be at greater risk of back injury compared to workers carrying stable loads. OBJECTIVE: This study focused on developing a device to minimize trunk muscle activity and cardiovascular demand while handling a 19-liter bottle. METHOD: After evaluating several designs, one was selected to be developed, manufactured and tested through an experimental study. Healthy participants (n = 42) manually carried a 19-liter bottle. The carrying technique (i.e., carrying a lateral load while holding the load using the dominant hand, pulling the load using the developed device, carrying the load on the back using the developing device) was the independent variable. The muscular activities (e.g., neck extensor, upper trapezius, pectoralis major, deltoid medial, rectus abdominis, and erector spinae muscles of the dominant side), cardiac costs, plantar pressures, walking speeds, and subjective measures were the dependent variables. RESULTS: Results show that carrying the developed device like a backpack significantly reduced trunk muscle activity, cardiovascular demand, and plantar pressure compared to the usual practice. The present results suggest that carrying a 19-liter water bottle using the developed device is likely to contribute to lower MSDs. CONCLUSION: Implementation of the develop device recommended to lessen the risk of injury when handling unstable loads such as liquids. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2017
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- Author
Iqbal, Billy Muhamad, Moeis, Armand Omar, and Krissalam, Renalda
- Subjects
AIRPLANE motors ,COMBAT patrols ,ERGONOMICS - Abstract
This study was carried out to examine the ergonomic aspects of the design of the Tactical Commander Console (TACCO) in the virtual environment of medium-range twin-engine - Maritime Patrol Aircraft (MPA). The analysis was conducted using Jack 6.0 software. The evaluation method used in this study is the Posture Evaluation Index (PEI) method that integrates the results of analysis from three methods: Lower Back Analysis (LBA), Ovako Working Posture Analysis (OWAS), and Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA). The purpose of this study is to evaluate the actual design of TACCO and to identify the most ergonomic design configuration, which is reviewed according to the distance and tilt angle of the control panel and the height of the chair. The results of this study show that the optimal ergonomic design for TACCO is as follows: panel at a distance of 10 cm, tilt angle of 60°, and a chair height of 29.5 cm. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2017
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371. Ergonomic investigation of workers in tea factories using REBA and OWAS methods - case study: (Langroud region, Guilan, Iran).
- Author
Soheili-Fard, Farshad, Rahbar, Amir, and Marzban, Afshin
- Subjects
- *
TEA trade , *WORK-related injuries , *PRODUCT quality , *MUSCULOSKELETAL system diseases , *ERGONOMICS - Abstract
Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders (WMSDs) are a leading cause of disability, work time loss and economic loss in both industrialized and developing countries. WMSDs include muscles, bones, joints, nerves and blood vessel disorders. According to the studies done by some researchers, the lack of harmony between technology and the technology users in workplace can degrade the product quality and increase the injuries. In the present study, an ergonomic investigation was conducted and the position and posture of the workers of tea factories were evaluated. REBA and OWAS methods were used for analyzing the postures. The energy expenditure of workers was calculated by heart rate monitoring. In this study, 6 tea factories were considered and totally 48 workers were assessed. Production units of tea factories were classified into three categories, including withering unit, curling and oxidation unit and drying and grading unit. Results showed that 75% of used postures by the workers of tea factories need corrective measurements. Also, based on the OWAS results, 34% of used postures had high and very high risk levels. Worker' back flexion, placing one arm above shoulder and standing on one leg are the most important positions in tea factories, which lead to musculoskeletal disorders. Thus, the corrective measurements should be done to reduce them. Withering unit was the most energy-consuming unit for workers. The average of energy expenditure of tea factories workers was 21.843 kJ min-1. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2017
372. Design for AAL Integrated Furniture for the Care and Support of Elderly and Disabled People.
- Author
Beer, Piotr, Olenska, Sylwia, Podobas, Izabela, and Zbiec, Marcin
- Abstract
Copyright of Wood Industry / Drvna Industrija is the property of Drvna Industrija and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2017
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373. Advanced Industrial Tools of Ergonomics Based on Industry 4.0 Concept.
- Author
Gašová, Martina, Gašo, Martin, and Štefánik, Andrej
- Subjects
ERGONOMICS ,MOBILE apps ,INTERNET of things ,ELECTRONIC equipment ,WORK environment - Abstract
Over the years approach focusing in ergonomics has changed. We still talk about identification - analysis - elimination of the risks on the workplaces. But differences are at the possibilities of modern ergonomics, movement of science and technical possibilities. The options of using a mobile applications, Internet of Things, data gathering and their real time evaluation and their sharing. We present those solutions that combine traditional knowledge and modern technologies. The results are innovative and advanced ergonomic tools based on Industry 4.0 concept. Electronic tools are a new direction in ergonomics. With the support of mobile applications we see a way to create healthy conditions at work for production and also non-production workers, assembly and logistics. At the beginning of 20-th century, majority of us had no idea what the ergonomics is, how many risks occur during our job that they are connected with the health of employees and have not known that special methods and tools for their identification, analysis, evaluation and identification are developed. With the growing development of society we got to stadium when, luckily, majority of companies – employers even know the meaning of ergonomics or work risks, about risks at their workplaces and establish their evaluation and try to eliminate them. We have many methods and tools of modern ergonomics which enable us to realize analysis and optimization of employee's work to their benefit. Considering experience we can surely claim that we know the main problem of these days. It is requisite to realize ergonomic evaluation perfectly, extensively and mainly quickly. Slowness of some solutions discourages managers and directors and makes effective improving of work conditions impossible. The idea of mobile application developing which works as a screening tool came with demands from big companies that have dozens of workplaces and cannot identify work risks by themselves. Ceit ERgonomics Analysis Application, which is described in article, is output of our own research and development. It is a mobile application developed in CEIT Company in collaboration with the University of Žilina and Slovak ergonomic association. It is a screening evaluation of space conditions and work positions of workers at potentially risky workplaces. It is developed at the base of legislation and technical norms, at our own platform, with the support of virtual and augmented reality. The main goal of evaluation by the CERAA usage is to find out if the workplace is risky from the ergonomic view. It is an innovative way of applied augmented reality tools during the ergonomic evaluation of chosen workplaces. Nowadays, the new submodules are being developed. They will identify risks at administrative workplaces, submodule which will evaluate working with loads and other that will evaluate repetitive operations. CERAA is used in several industrial companies in Slovakia and Czech Republic from the second half of 2016. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2017
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- Author
Silveira Gontijo, Tiago, dos Santos, Patrícia Monteiro, Batista Franco, Thiago Augusto, and de Azevedo, Andressa Amaral
- Abstract
Copyright of Revista Producao Online is the property of Associacao Brasileira de Engenharia de Producao and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2017
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375. Skeleton-free RULA ergonomic assessment using Kinect sensors.
- Author
Nahavandi, Darius and Hossny, Mohammed
- Subjects
MUSCULOSKELETAL system injuries ,INDUSTRIAL safety ,ERGONOMICS - Abstract
Ergonomic analysis methods and postural assessments assist in preventing work related musculoskeletal injuries. The primary outcome of this is to provide safer workplace environments and reduce the total number of work related injury occurrences. The dedicated marker-or sensor-based 3D motion capture solutions impose a series of portability and cost challenges when applied to work place environments. The Kinect motion recording system, which was introduced in the Xbox game console, provides a marker-less, portable and low-cost motion capture solution. This technology is capable of recording 3D coordinates of a moving body parts with an accuracy comparable to the state of the art systems. This paper investigates the utilisation of Kinect sensors for real time rapid upper limb assessment (RULA) to aid in ergonomic analysis for assembly operations in industrial environments. Unlike earlier similar attempts, the work presented in this paper does not rely on tracking body parts and extracting a kinematically sound skeleton. In this paper, identifying a RULA score is formulated as a semantic segmentation problem. A random decision forest (RDF) classifier is used to give each pixel a different RULA score based on postures captured with a Kinect camera. Results demonstrate a converging accuracy of 93% for the proposed method. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2017
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376. Review on pen-and-paper-based observational methods for assessing ergonomic risk factors of computer work.
- Author
Rahman, Mohd Nasrull Abdol and Mohamad, Siti Shafika
- Subjects
MUSCULOSKELETAL system diseases ,ERGONOMICS -- Evaluation ,COMPUTERS ,INDUSTRIAL hygiene ,MEDLINE ,SCIENTIFIC observation ,ONLINE information services ,RESEARCH evaluation ,RESEARCH funding ,RISK assessment ,SYSTEMATIC reviews ,INTER-observer reliability ,RESEARCH methodology evaluation ,DESCRIPTIVE statistics ,DISEASE risk factors - Abstract
BACKGROUND: Computer works are associated with Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs). There are several methods have been developed to assess computer work risk factor related to MSDs. OBJECTIVE: This review aims to give an overview of current techniques available for pen-and-paper-based observational methods in assessing ergonomic risk factors of computer work. METHODS: We searched an electronic database for materials from 1992 until 2015. The selected methods were focused on computer work, pen-and-paper observational methods, office risk factors and musculoskeletal disorders. This review was developed to assess the risk factors, reliability and validity of pen-and-paper observational method associated with computer work. Two evaluators independently carried out this review. RESULTS: Seven observational methods used to assess exposure to office risk factor for work-related musculoskeletal disorders were identified. The risk factors involved in current techniques of pen and paper based observational tools were postures, office components, force and repetition. From the seven methods, only five methods had been tested for reliability. They were proven to be reliable and were rated as moderate to good. For the validity testing, from seven methods only four methods were tested and the results are moderate. CONCLUSION: Many observational tools already exist, but no single tool appears to cover all of the risk factors including working posture, office component, force, repetition and office environment at office workstations and computer work. Although the most important factor in developing tool is proper validation of exposure assessment techniques, the existing observational method did not test reliability and validity. Futhermore, this review could provide the researchers with ways on how to improve the pen-and-paper-based observational method for assessing ergonomic risk factors of computer work. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2017
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- Author
Yuhaniz, Hanani, Seraila, Asnawi, Karim, Siti Rafedah Abdul, Muhammed, Suhaimi, and Saleh, Abdul Hamid
- Subjects
The prominent issue of the mismatches of children's body dimensions with school furniture has made people realize the essential factors of providing ergonomic furniture. By evaluating rural and urban areas, school furniture can be designed for both areas based on their anthropometrics, thereby combating mismatches. This quantitative study focused on four regions in Malaysia. A total sample of 2,400 primary school children from seven to eleven years old from both rural and urban schools was evaluated. Six anthropometric aspects were measured: stature, subscapular height, shoulder breadth, hip width, buttock popliteal length, and popliteal height. The measurements were evaluated using SPSS, with which T-tests were performed, to evaluate the anthropometric differences between each province. Each region showed different results when its rural and urban areas were compared. This reveals that anthropometrics are different in certain areas, even when they are in the same country. The importance of knowing such matters will help to ease the sizing of products (such as furniture) based on location, hence, making ergonomic products possible. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2017
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378. Diseño de una suela para calzado femenino casual bajo parámetros de liviandad.
- Author
Vélez López, Juliana, Valderrama Mejía, Sebastián, Castaño Rivera, Patricia, and Páramo Velásquez, Camilo Andrés
- Abstract
Women nowadays develop in different areas, in which professional excellence is combined with the personal presentation. In this last aspect, the footwear is a fundamental and indispensable element. With the purpose to offer women not only an aesthetically Acceptable footwear, but also light and flexible, this Work was developed in two stages: the first validated the need to design comfortable and esthetic shoes for the woman of today, By means of a survey of 50 women of different Professions, which travel long distances in their Daily routine and to which were counted the number Of steps that they regularly execute in the day, through an intelligent adjustment band. As a result, it was identified that the heel height and the number of steps in a day are the relevant factors that influence in the pain level of these women's feet at the end of the working day. In this way, in a second stage Ergonomic women's casual shoes were designed to relieve pain and combine the development of a new sole and a Characteristic shoe of a commercial company. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2017
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379. "Alarm-corrected" ergonomic armrest use could improve learning curves of novices on robotic simulator.
- Author
Yang, Kun, Perez, Manuela, Hubert, Nicolas, Perrenot, Cyril, Hubert, Jacques, and Hossu, Gabriela
- Subjects
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ERGONOMICS , *CONDITIONED response , *SURGICAL robots , *SIMULATION methods & models , *LEARNING curve , *ARM , *CLINICAL competence , *COMPARATIVE studies , *LEARNING , *RESEARCH methodology , *MEDICAL cooperation , *RESEARCH , *EVALUATION research , *EQUIPMENT & supplies - Abstract
Background: In robotic surgery, the professional ergonomic habit of using an armrest reduces operator fatigue and increases the precision of motion. We designed and validated a pressure surveillance system (PSS) based on force sensors to investigate armrest use. The objective was to evaluate whether adding an alarm to the PSS system could shorten ergonomic training and improve performance.Study Design: Twenty robot and simulator-naïve participants were recruited and randomized in two groups (A and B). The PSS was installed on a robotic simulator, the dV-Trainer, to detect contact with the armrest. The Group A members completed three tasks on the dV-Trainer without the alarm, making 15 attempts at each task. The Group B members practiced the first two tasks with the alarm and then completed the final tasks without the alarm. The simulator provided an overall score reflecting the trainees' performance. We used the new concept of an "armrest load" score to describe the ergonomic habit of using the armrest.Results: Group B had a significantly higher performance score (p < 0.001) and armrest load score (p < 0.001) than Group A from the fifth attempt of the first task to the end of the experiment.Conclusions: Based on the conditioned reflex effect, the alarm associated with the PSS rectified ergonomic errors and accelerated professional ergonomic habit acquisition. The combination of the PSS and alarm is effective in significantly shortening the learning curve in the robotic training process. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]- Published
- 2017
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380. Sedestación ó permanecer sentado mucho tiempo: riesgo ergonómico para los trabajadores expuestos.
- Author
Ángel Elorza, Natalia, Bedoya Ortiz, Manuela, Díaz Viloria, José Eduardo, González Ríos, María Alejandra, Martínez Rendón, Estefanía, and Rodríguez Echeverri, Melissa
- Abstract
For this article the literature was taken from scientific databases as Pub- Med and ClinicalKey, also in journals such as The Journal of the American Medical Association and The American Journal of kidney diseases, of the 58 bibliographies that were found, 50 articles and publications were useful based on the content of the title and the abstract, in which it was found that stay in a sitting position for long periods of time has been regarded as sedentary lifestyle, this creates discomfort on bone and muscles and also has implications for the cardiovascular, renal and musculoskeletal system, beside metabolic alterations and even compromise the patient's mental status. Many solutions have been raised to this problem, as increased physical activity and improvements in ergonomics places of study, work or general environments where patients remain seated for more than 8 hours. Making changes against the postural activity and the extension of it, not only avoid the risks mentioned above, but also reduces fatigue levels, postprandial glucose values can be reduce by 16% and prevent atherosclerotic activity, all of this providing a better quality of life. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2017
381. Prevalence and Risk factors for Work Related Musculoskeletal Disorders among Sonographer of Sindh Province Pakistan.
- Author
Junejo, Muneer Ahmed, Tahir, Syed Muhammad, and Behan, Rasool Bux
- Subjects
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DIAGNOSIS of musculoskeletal system diseases , *DIAGNOSTIC ultrasonic imaging personnel , *ERGONOMICS - Abstract
BACKGROUND: The common work related musculoskeletal disorders (WRMDs) among medical profession are pain in neck, elbow, shoulder wrist and back. Sonographers are more vulnerable to develop WRMDs as their work demands series of awkward repetitive movements. OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of work related musculoskeletal disorders (WRMDs) and to identify factors that may contribute to musculoskeletal disorders among sonologists of Sindh Province Pakistan. METHODOLOGY: This questionnaire based study conducted at the Department of Radiology, Liaquat University of Medical & Health Sciences. The target population chosen for this study was sonologists from the Sind province of Pakistan. SPSS used to analyze the data, results presented as frequency for categorical variables and as mean for continuous variables. To identify predictor variable for WRMDs, multiple bivariate regression analysis was performed, the level of significant was set at P <0.05. RESULTS: Among 145 participants, 53.80% were University employed, while 56.54 were performing ultrasonography up to 10 hours. The prevalence of WRMDs disorder in this series was 75.17%, the mean duration of symptoms was 30.48 months. 45.9% reported it as severe. WRMDs were more prevalent and severe in those doing scanning of both abdomen and Obstetric. The Low back ache is the most common site of WRMDs found in this series (53.21%, n=58), followed by neck ache (24.77%) wrist joint (8.25%), finger (7.33%) and shoulder (6.42%). The result of bivariate analysis showed that severity of WRMDs correlated statistically significantly with primary area of expertise, duration of WRMDs, working experience and working hours. CONCLUSION: The prevalence of WRMDs and its severity is significantly high among Sonographers of Sindh province. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2017
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382. Effectiveness of Physical Exercise on Pain, Disability, Job Stress, and Quality of Life in Office Workers with Chronic Non-Specific Neck Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial.
- Author
Alshehre YM, Pakkir Mohamed SH, Nambi G, Almutairi SM, and Alharazi AA
- Abstract
Neck pain is a widespread medical condition among office workers worldwide. This study aimed to compare physical exercises, including basic body awareness, neck-specific training exercises and ergonomic modifications, and ergonomic modifications alone in the management of chronic non-specific neck pain (NSNP) among office workers. Sixty participants were randomly allocated to an experimental group (physical exercises and ergonomic modifications) or a control group (ergonomic modifications) and received the intervention two times a week for eight weeks. The Numerical Pain Rating Scale, Neck Disability Index, Health and Safety Stress Tool, and Short Form Health Survey-36 were used to measure pain, disability, job stress, and quality of life at baseline, and at weeks 4 and 8 of the study period. A repeated measure ANOVA was used to determine the within-group significant differences and an independent t -test was utilized to compare group differences. The baseline data of the experimental and control groups showed no significant difference ( p ≥ 0.05). The 2 × 3 mixed models ANOVA showed a significant difference in pain intensity ( p = 0.001, ηp
2 = 0.042), functional disability ( p = 0.001, ηp2 = 0.052), work-related stress ( p = 0.001, ηp2 = 0.036), and QoL ( p < 0.001). There was a significant improvement in clinical outcomes following the application of physical exercises with ergonomic modifications for chronic NSNP among office workers. This is significant for office workers because it suggests the importance of incorporating physical exercises into their daily routine and making ergonomic changes to their workspaces.ηp2 = 0.025). Four weeks post-intervention, the experimental group showed significant changes in primary (pain intensity and disability) (1.9; 95% confidence interval 1.65-2.14) and secondary (quality of life and work-related stress) outcomes ( p < 0.001). The same gradual improvement in these variables was observed in the 8-week follow-up ( p < 0.001). There was a significant improvement in clinical outcomes following the application of physical exercises with ergonomic modifications for chronic NSNP among office workers. This is significant for office workers because it suggests the importance of incorporating physical exercises into their daily routine and making ergonomic changes to their workspaces.- Published
- 2023
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383. Analysis of Human-Exoskeleton System Interaction for Ergonomic Design.
- Author
Wang Y, Qiu J, Cheng H, and Zheng X
- Subjects
- Humans, Lower Extremity, Leg, Ergonomics, Exoskeleton Device, Spinal Cord Injuries
- Abstract
Objective: Lower-limb exoskeleton systems are defined as gait training or walking-assisting devices for spinal cord injury or hemiplegic patients. Crutches, straps, and baffles are designed to protect subjects from falling. However, skin abrasions occur when the interaction forces are too large. In this study, the interaction forces between the human body and an exoskeleton system named the AIDER were measured to confirm whether the design was ergonomic., Background: The AIDER system is a wearable lower-limb exoskeleton. It secures a subject by binding on the waist, thighs, shanks, and feet., Method: Eight healthy subjects participated in the study. The interaction forces of the waist strap, thigh baffles, shank baffles, and crutch handles were measured by pressure sensors. Ten repetitions were completed in this study. After one repetition, custom comfort questionnaires were completed by the subjects., Results: Although a few of the peak values of the maximum intensities of pressure between the hands and crutch handles reached the minimum value of the pain-pressure threshold (PPT), the average pressure intensities were much smaller than the PPT value., Conclusions: The results indicated that the mechanical structure and control strategy of the AIDER must be improved to be more ergonomic in the future.
- Published
- 2023
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384. Work-related musculoskeletal disorders and risk factors among weavers: A cross-sectional study.
- Author
Kaboré PA and Schepens B
- Abstract
Background: Work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WRMSDs) are a major health issue for low-income countries because of their high prevalence among workers and on account of the scarcity of ergonomic preventative measures in the workplace., Objectives: To determine the prevalence of WRMSDs among weavers, assess their consequences, and analyse the associated occupational risk factors., Method: A cross-sectional survey was carried out among 257 handloom weavers using the Nordic questionnaireand the working conditions were assessed through a descriptive analysis using the key indicator method., Results: The WRMSDs annual prevalence was 85% in all parts of the body, 71% for the low back region, 41% for the shoulders, and 37% for the knees. One quarter of the weavers indicated having stopped work for 1-30 days because of their low back pain (LBP). The prevalence of WRMSDs was associated with the number of hours worked per day, the years of experience, and age. Long working hours, load carrying (> 20 kg - 25 kg), awkward postures, repetitive limb movements, and unfavourable environmental conditions were identified as occupational risk factors., Conclusion: Work-related musculoskeletal disorders are common among weavers and LBP is the most frequently cited disorder and the primary reason for work interruptions and a decrease of activities. The prevalence of WRMSDs is associated with professional and personal factors. Actions based on ergonomic rules are necessary to prevent WRMSDs., Clinical Implications: Our study highlights the issue of WRMSDs and the need for prevention in the informal sector, which constitutes the major part of economic activity in low-income countries., Competing Interests: The authors declare that they have no financial or personal relationships that may have inappropriately influenced them in writing this article, (© 2023. The Authors.)
- Published
- 2023
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385. Editorial: The use of emerging technologies in occupational health and safety, volume II.
- Author
Möckel L, Mohammadi H, and Farhang Dehghan S
- Subjects
- Occupational Health
- Abstract
Competing Interests: The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.
- Published
- 2023
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386. Development of the postural habits and awareness scale: a reliability and validity study.
- Author
Bayar B, Güp AA, Özen Oruk D, İpek Dongaz Ö, Doğu E, and Bayar K
- Subjects
- Adult, Humans, Adolescent, Young Adult, Middle Aged, Aged, Reproducibility of Results, Surveys and Questionnaires, Self Report, Factor Analysis, Statistical, Psychometrics, Awareness
- Abstract
Objectives. The aim of this study was to develop a scale that assesses postural awareness and habits, as well as to establish the validity and reliability thereof. Methods . The 19-item postural habits and awareness scale (PHAS) was developed. The scale has a score range of 0-95, with a higher score indicating good posture and awareness. A total of 278 healthy adults with an age range of 18-65 years were included in the study. The sociodemographic form, short form 36 health survey (SF-36) and body awareness questionnaire (BAQ) were used to test the validity and reliability of this newly developed scale. Results . From factor analyses, it was observed that the items clustered into four factors, which explained 55.99% of the variance. Cronbach's α for each factor of the scale varied between 0.619 and 0.832. A high correlation was observed regarding test-retest reliability of the scale ( r = 0.905). Conclusion. This newly developed self-reported scale allows for the comprehensive determination of both postural habits and awareness together. The PHAS is a valid and reliable scale that can be used by professionals who are interested in posture.
- Published
- 2023
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387. Ergonomics Intervention in Unit Blast Furnace of a Typical Steel Company
- Author
Majid Mo'tamed-Zadeh, Masoud Shafiei-Motlagh, and Ebrahim Darvishi
- Subjects
Ergonomic ,MSDs ,REBA ,NMQ ,Steel ,Therapeutics. Pharmacology ,RM1-950 - Abstract
Objective: Musculoskeletal disorders are a major part of occupational diseases in working environments. Prevention of the occurrence of these problems requires the use of ergonomic assessment techniques and intervention to improve working conditions. The purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders in workers in the blast furnace unit and the intervention to reduce the prevalence of these disorders. Materials & Methods: This study conducted on 24 people working in the furnace unit. Medical records of furnace workers were reviewed and Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaires (NMQ) was completed. Drilling operation and oxygenation task were assessed by using Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA) and workers were given the necessary training. Work stations of oxygenation for 24 workers were redesign and Drilling operation was mechanized. And employed workers with musculoskeletal disorders were changed. REBA and NMQ were used to reassess the intervention effects. Results: According to medical records and results of NMQ about 37.5 percent of workers had musculoskeletal disorders. REBA final score was 11 and 10 for the drilling and oxygenation tasks respectively. After redesigning the workstation, REBA final score was 5 for the oxygenation task and the drilling operation removed by mechanized. With the amendment procedures of musculoskeletal disorders was reduced 17.5 percent. Conclusion: According to REBA Score, the risk of musculoskeletal disorders was reduced by implementing amendments to the furnace unit and prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders also significantly reduced. Keyword: Ergonomic, MSDs, REBA, NMQ, Steel
- Published
- 2013
388. Upper extremities musculoskeletal disorders: Prevalence and associated ergonomic factors in an electronic assembly factory
- Author
Somthus Pullopdissakul, Chatchai Ekpanyaskul, Sasitorn Taptagaporn, Adul Bundhukul, and Arunwongse Thepchatri
- Subjects
repetitive strain injury ,Upper extremity ,electronic assembly ,ergonomic ,Medicine - Abstract
Objectives:To determine the magnitude, distribution and associated ergonomic factors of upper extremities musculoskeletal disorders (UEMSD) among workers of electronic assembly in Thailand. Material and Methods: This was a cross-sectional study. 591 of 853 workers in an electronic and electrical appliance assembly factory in Bangkok, Thailand, participated in this study. A self-administered questionnaire consisting of demographic data and ergonomic factors was collected from October 2010 to January 2011. Clinical examination of each worker was performed by an occupational physician. The criteria for diagnosis of UEMSD came as a result of a consensus reached by a group of orthopedists. The associated factors were analyzed using a multiple logistic regression. Results: The point prevalence of clinically diagnosed UEMSD was as follows: radial styloid tenosynovitis - 13.03% (95% CI: 10.31-15.75), trigger finger - 9.48% (95% CI: 7.11-11.84), carpal tunnel syndrome - 8.12% (95% CI: 5.91-10.33), lateral epicondylitis - 3.38% (95% CI: 1.92-4.85), and medial epicondylitis - 1.69% (95% CI: 0.65-2.73), respectively. The adjusted odds ratio with statistical significance associated with UEMSD was as follows: high force of wrist - 1.78 (95% CI: 1.06-2.99), awkward posture of wrist - 2.37 (95% CI: 1.28-4.37) and contact stress at wrists - 1.75 (95% CI: 1.02-3.00) to develop radial styloid tenosynovitis. For trigger finger, the ratios were awkward posture of fingers - 2.09 (95% CI: 1.12-3.90) and contact stress on finger - 1.86 (95% CI: 1.04-3.34). For medial epicondylitis, it was an awkward posture of using elbows - 3.14 (95% CI: 1.10-8.95). However, this study did not find any associations between repetitive motion and any UEMSD. Conclusions: UEMSD are most commonly found in electronic assembly workers. The relevant parties should provide comprehensive ergonomic resolution for these workers.
- Published
- 2013
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389. The effect of noise on error rate and performance rate using Two-hand coordination test
- Author
E Habibi, H Dehghan, S Eshraghy Dehkordy, and M. R Maracy
- Subjects
noise ,error occurance ,performance rate ,ergonomic ,two-hand coordination test ,Medicine - Abstract
Background and aims : The most important factors that influence human performance are accuracy, speed and ability to perform the skills by individuals. Given the importance of human productivity in improving the production and quality, This study examines the impact of noise on error rate, speed and ability to perform the manual skills. Methods : This experimental study was conducted on 96 students. Sampling was conducted with a Randomized block design. Controlling exposure factors of sound intensity and duration of exposure, the accuracy and speed of performance of the test subjects were evaluated using Two-hand coordination test. Data was analyzed by SPSS18 software using descriptive and analytical statistical methods by ANCOVA repeated measure. Results : The results showed that the increasing of sound level pressure from 65 dBA to 95 dBA increased the work speed significantly (P
- Published
- 2013
390. Psychosocial and Occupational Risk Factors of Musculoskeletal Pains among Computer Users: Retrospective Cross-Sectional Study in Iran
- Author
Isaac Rahimian Boogar and Mehdi Ghodrati Mirkouhi
- Subjects
Somatization ,Alexithymia ,Ergonomic ,Musculoskeletal Pains ,Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering ,TD1-1066 - Abstract
Evaluation an etiological modelwith psychosocial and occupational risk factors has applied implication fortherapeutic intervention. This research was aimed to investigate psychosocialand occupational risk factors of musculoskeletal pains among computer users inSemnan Province of Iran. In this cross-sectional study, 324 computerusers from governmental offices and private industrial/organizationalinstitutes in the province were enrolled by random sampling at the age of 25 to63 yr old. Data were collected by Demographical-Occupational and Musculoskeletalpains history Questionnaire and a set of specialist-validated questions, theDepression Anxiety Stress Scales, Toronto Alexithymia Scale, and theMultidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support. Gathered data were examinedvia binary logistic regression analysis. The mean age was 39.76±7.77 years,48.8% were male and 51.2% were female. Age, duration of occupation, dailycomputer usage, incorrect body posture, work overload, poor ergonomicknowledge, social support, alexithymia, depression and somatization were significantly associated withmusculoskeletal pains (p
- Published
- 2013
- Author
Cruz, Rita, Franqueira, Teresa, and Pombo, Fátima
- Subjects
FURNITURE design ,SHARED workspaces ,SUSTAINABILITY ,ERGONOMICS ,COVID-19 pandemic - Abstract
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- Published
- 2021
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392. Avaliação da postura corporal de violinistas e violistas Body postural evaluation of violinists and violists
- Author
Clarissa Stefani Teixeira, Fausto Kothe, Érico Felden Pereira, and Eugenio Andrés Díaz Merino
- Subjects
ergonomia ,situação de trabalho ,músicos ,ergonomic ,work situation ,musicians ,Music ,M1-5000 - Abstract
Para a prática instrumental há necessidade de acessórios, como a partitura e estante. Assim como em computadores, o trabalho dos músicos necessita ajustes para que posturas desnecessárias não sejam adotadas ao longo da jornada das atividades, causando fadiga ou problemas futuros. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a distância visual, o ângulo visual, a altura da partitura musical e o ângulo cervical de 11 músicos de cordas (violino e viola). Os resultados apresentaram associação entre o ângulo visual e a distância e a altura da partitura, assim como a distância visual com a altura da partitura. Os resultados foram de 100,23±5,46 cm para a altura da partitura, 89,36±8,22 cm para a distância visual, 9,23±0,79° para o ângulo visual e 49,86±5,71° para o ângulo da cervical. Apenas o ângulo da cervical estava fora dos padrões recomendados (indicação máxima de 30º) e deve ser analisado com maior profundidade em estudos futuros. Conforme o ritmo, novas obras, troca de acessórios e/ou instrumento, estas dimensões poderão ser modificadas, mas sem interferir nas condições visuais, físicas e de conforto. As dimensões estiveram dentro dos limites recomendados pela ergonomia.For the instrumental practice there are accessories needs, as the musical score and shelf. As well as in computers, the musicians' work needs fittings so that unnecessary postures are not adopted along the day of the activities, causing fatigue or future problems. The objective this study was to evaluate the visual distance, the visual angle, the height of the musical scores and cervical angle in 11 string musicians (violin and viola). The results presented association between the visual angle and the distance and the height of the musical score, as well as the visual distance with the height of the musical score. The results went of 100.23±5.46 cm to the height of the musical score, 89.36±8.22 cm for the visual distance, 9.23±0.79° for the visual angle and 49.86±5.71° for the cervical angle. Only the cervical angle was out of the recommended patterns (maximum indication 30°) and should be analyzed in greater depth in future studies. According to the rhythm, new works, accessory and/or instrument changes, these dimensions can be modified, but without interfere in the visual conditions, physics and comfort. The dimensions are inside of the limits recommended by ergonomics.
- Published
- 2012
393. Evaluation of motorcyclist's discomfort during prolonged riding process with and without lumbar support
- Author
Karmegam Karuppiah, Mohd S. Salit, Mohd Y. Ismail, Napsiah Ismail, and Shamsul B.M. Tamrin
- Subjects
ergonomia lombar ,apoio ,motociclistas ,Escala CR-10 de Borg ,desconforto ,Ergonomic ,Lumbar Support ,Motorcyclists ,Borg's CR-10 Scale ,Discomfort ,Science - Abstract
OBJECTIVE: The primary aim of this study is to examine the effects of a backrest: using a prototype of a lumbar support presented in author's earlier study on the discomfort rating of the body parts of motorcyclist. METHODS: One hundred motorcyclists participated in this study, all in good physical condition and with no immediate complaint of musculoskeletal disorders. Each participant was asked to sit for 2 hours on a motorcycle in two different sessions (with and without the lumbar support) in a controlled room environment. At every 15 minutes interval the participants were required to rate their discomfort level on the Borg's CR-10 questionnaire. RESULTS: The rate of discomfort level (in all body parts) decreased over time during the testing period with the prototype. In terms of the discomfort 'break point', participants identified low back and upper back as the most affected body parts prior to comfort changes during the testing period with the use of the prototype. CONCLUSIONS: The use of this prototype provides a protective mechanism for the motorcyclist's musculoskeletal system, particularly the spinal column. Therefore, this prototype is capable of providing ideal posture while simultaneously enhancing the comfortability of the motorcyclist during the riding process (by reducing discomfort).OBJETIVO: O objetivo principal deste estudo é analisar os efeitos de um encosto, usando um protótipo de um apoio lombar apresentado em estudo anterior do autor sobre a avaliação de desconforto das partes do corpo do motociclista. MÉTODOS: Cem motociclistas participaram neste estudo, todos em boas condições físicas e sem queixa imediata de lesões músculo-esqueléticas. Cada participante foi convidado a se sentar por 2 horas em uma moto em duas sessões diferentes (com e sem o apoio lombar) em uma sala com ambiente controlado. A cada intervalo de 15 minutos, os participantes foram solicitados a classificar o seu nível de desconforto no questionário de Borg CR-10. RESULTADOS: A taxa de nível de desconforto (em todas as partes do corpo) diminuiu ao longo do tempo durante o período de testes com o protótipo. Em termos de "ponto de ruptura" do desconforto, os participantes identificaram as partes lombar e superior das costas como as mais afetadas do corpo, antes das alterações de conforto durante o período de teste, com o uso do protótipo. CONCLUSÕES: O uso deste protótipo fornece um mecanismo de proteção para o sistema músculo-esquelético do motociclista, principalmente a coluna vertebral. Portanto, este protótipo é capaz de proporcionar a postura ideal, simultaneamente melhorando o conforto do motociclista, enquanto está pilotando a moto (reduzindo o desconforto) durante o seu uso.
- Published
- 2012
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394. A Blessing or Curse? How to Optimize the Enforced Work from Home: Evidences from Ergonomic Perspective.
- Author
Sutarto, Auditya Purwandini
- Subjects
TELECOMMUTING ,ERGONOMICS ,COVID-19 pandemic ,MANAGERIALISM ,WORK-life balance ,CROSS-sectional method - Abstract
To prevent the COVID-19 disease transmission and keep maintaining the business operation, organizations have enforced the implementation of Work from Home (WFH). Such a working arrangement was very slowly adopted in Indonesia mainly due to the cultural and infrastructure barriers. After the pandemic, the estimation of jobs that can be carried out from home for developing countries may account for 16-17% of jobs. Regarding the type of jobs and profession, the likelihood of managerial and professional jobs could work from home account to more than 40%, clerical support workers up to 23%, while technician and associate professionals up to 27%. Although studies have shown the advantages of WFH such as increased work-life balance, enhanced productivity, and better well-being, the sudden and mandatory WFH practice may show the opposite results. This brings new challenges to the safety, health, and well-being of workers for three issues: 1) ergonomic Conditions due to the poor workstation, prolonged sedentary position, 2) Work-life Conflict because of household chores, family care, and 3) WFH Challenges (e.g., lack of dedicated workspace and equipment, difficulty to communicate, limited internet connection. Moreover, few studies are investigating the implementation of WFH during the pandemic in Indonesia. Therefore, more knowledge about WFH is needed to facilitate the implementation of WFH not only in the pandemic but also after the pandemic. Using a macro ergonomic approach for telework at the individual level, we conducted two cross-sectional studies using web-based questionnaires to evaluate employees' well-being and productivity while working from home during the pandemic. In study 1, we collected 485 responses and found the prevalence of depression, anxiety, stress was 18.4%, 46.4%, and 13.1%, respectively, followed by WFH workers' relatively good productivity. Although gender, age, level of education, length of employment, marital status, presence of children, and nature of the organization correlated with the workers' psychological health, these factors were not associated with their productivity. The availability of a dedicated workspace at home affected both outcomes. Our path model indicated the significant association between workers' psychological well-being and productivity. In study 2 we collected 328 WFH workers and 78 non-WFH workers. WFH workers reported better work-life balance, less job insecurity, better wellbeing, and increased job satisfaction compared to non-WFH. However, no significant differences in musculoskeletal symptoms and productivity among both groups were observed. Our studies indicated the potential wider adoption of WFH practice as an alternative working arrangement in the future which is less favorable in the past. To mitigate the challenges and adverse effects, organizations need to design, implement and evaluate WFH with a system-oriented (i.e., macroergonomic approach). Our studies also offer insights for policymakers to support the implementation of telework particularly by establishing access to a fast, reliable, and secure ICT infrastructure for firms and workers and issuing policies regarding Occupational, Safety, and Health. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2021
395. Designing a Rotary Composter Tool With an Ergonomic Approach to the Organic Garbage Processing Process
- Author
Tri Budiyanto and Fajar Aji Prasetiyo
- Subjects
compost ,garbage ,lcsh:T ,lcsh:TA1-2040 ,Computer science ,Process (engineering) ,anthropometric ,lcsh:Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) ,lcsh:Technology ,Garbage ,rotary composter ,Manufacturing engineering ,ergonomic - Abstract
Garbage is one of the problems facing the Indonesian society. The production of garbage resulting from various individual activities is increasing each day. University of Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) Yogyakarta as one of the colleges in Yogyakarta has the potential to produce garbage of large amounts. Under the strategic plan of environmentally insightful campus development, garbage processing will be carried out by the institutions of University of Ahmad Dahlan and academic civitas. The average garbage produced by UAD 4 campus activities is 170 kg/day with an organic waste composition of 22.57 kg and non-organic 147.43 kg. During this time the garbage was directly distributed to the Piyungan landfill without being processed first, as the campus party had not been available garbage processing devices. The purpose of the study was to design organic garbage processing tools into compost fertilizers. The study used an ergonomic approach by utilizing anthropometric data in the determination of size from the design. Anthropometric data used in this study are Tinggi Bahu Duduk (TBD) or Shoulder High Sitting, Lebar Pinggul (LP) or Hip Width, Pantat Popliteal (PP) or Popliteal Butt, Tinggi Siku Berdiri (TSB) or Standing Elbow Height, Panjang Lengan Bawah (PLB) or Lower Arm Length, Lebar Bahu Atas (LBA) or Upper Shoulder Width, and Tinggi Lutut (TL) or Knee Height. The result of the study was an ergonomic Rotary Composter tool design operated by one person manually with dimensions 115 cm long, 148 cm wide, 115 cm tall, 60 cm barrel diameter, seat rest height 58.75 cm, 41.23 cm seat width, seat base length 45.39 cm, the distance between seats, tool height 114.94 cm, with tool 37.33 cm wide, seat rest 50 cm, 13 cm, seat width, and seat height 59.08 cm.
- Published
- 2020
- Author
Fachri Raziq El Ahmady, Sri Martini, and Agus Kusnayat
- Subjects
Physics ,enase ,Technology ,Industrial engineering. Management engineering ,material handling equipment ,General Medicine ,ergonomic function deployment ,musculoskeletal disorders ,T55.4-60.8 ,Humanities ,ergonomic - Abstract
Material Handling Equipment (MHE) adalah alat bantu yang berfungsi untuk meringankan beban kerja suatu pekerjaan. Namun di receiving area Perusahaan X masih melakukan aktivitas bongkar bahan baku dengan cara manual tanpa bantuan MHE, terutama pada bagian proses menurunkan balok kayu dari truk pemasok. Proses tersebut dilakukan berulang-ulang dalam waktu yang lama. Sehingga pekerja berisiko terkena Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs). Selain itu, proses penurunan secara manual dianggap masih kurang efektif dan efisien dengan proses bongkar bahan baku pada sebuah truk dapat menghabiskan waktu berjam-jam karena harus menurunkan balok kayu satu persatu. Untuk itu dilakukan proses perancangan suatu MHE yang ergonomis dengan pendekatan Ergonomic Function Deployment (EFD) yang menerapkan aspek ergonomi yaitu ENASE (Efektif, Nyaman, Aman, Sehat, dan Efisien). Sehingga, dari penelitian ini dihasilkan suatu konsep MHE usulan yang ergonomis yang dapat mengurangi risiko terjadinya Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) yang dapat dilihat dari perubahan nilai REBA postur pekerja dan membuat proses bongkar bahan baku yang lebih efektif dan efisien.
- Published
- 2020
397. Preliminary Study on Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorder and Ergonomic Implementation Program among Wood Carvers in Chiang Mai Province, Thailand
- Author
Jirakrit Leelarungrayub, Prapas Pothongsunun, Kanokporn Ooneklabh, and Samatchai Chamnongkich
- Subjects
Ergonomic ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Chiang mai ,Musculoskeletal disorder ,Work-related musculoskeletal disorder ,business.industry ,Family medicine ,Wood carving ,medicine ,Human factors and ergonomics ,medicine.disease ,business ,Work related - Abstract
Purpose:To survey the work-related risk from wood carving and preliminarily assess the effectiveness of an ergonomic implementation program among wood carvers. Methods:A survey on musculoskeletal disorder (MSD) was conducted by using unstructured conversation, observation, and a focus group. The nature and opinion of the workers, using tools, work station, postures, environment and opinion on adapting to ergonomic factors were investigated and developed for an ergonomic implementation program. Work-related MSD was assessed by the Rapid Upper Limbs Assessment (RULA) at before and after implementation for three weeks. Moreover, the knowledge and, satisfaction on implementation program, and pain sensation were evaluated. Results from the survey result from 25 male wood carvers aged 45.76±8.3 years old showed that. The size, dimension and design of the devices affected to MSD. Most of the wood carvers had low back pain. After ergonomic program was implemented by educated and trained in 14 wood carvers, the knowledge score improved significantly, except total RULA and total pain scores of all regions. But the RULA and pain scores at low back region showed significant improvement. Conclusion:Low back pain was predominantly in wood carvers and a specific ergonomic implementation program can improve posture and reduce pain. Keywords:Ergonomic; Wood carving; Work-related musculoskeletal disorder
- Published
- 2020
398. Design and Implementation of a Portable Digital Scoliometer
- Author
Camargo, Esperanza, Malagón, Johan, Hurtado, Francisco, MAGJAREVIC, Ratko, Editor-in-chief, Ładyzynsk, Piotr, Series editor, Ibrahim, Fatimah, Series editor, Lacković, Igor, Series editor, Rock, Emilio Sacristan, Series editor, Braidot, Ariel, editor, and Hadad, Alejandro, editor
- Published
- 2015
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399. Road ambulances: working conditions of paramedics – pilot studies
- Author
Robert Gałązkowski, Sławomir Pilip, Iwona Grabarek, Sylwia Bęczkowska, and Leszek Szpakowski
- Subjects
Male ,Emergency Medical Services ,Service (systems architecture) ,musculoskeletal discomfort ,Computer science ,Ambulances ,Posture ,lcsh:Medicine ,Medical equipment ,Poison control ,Pilot Projects ,Occupational safety and health ,ergonomic ,Survey methodology ,Surveys and Questionnaires ,medicine ,Humans ,Applied research ,Musculoskeletal Diseases ,Workplace ,lcsh:R ,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health ,Questionnaire ,Human factors and ergonomics ,General Medicine ,medicine.disease ,questionnaire survey ,occupational hazard ,Emergency Medical Technicians ,Female ,paramedics ,Ergonomics ,Poland ,Medical emergency ,Interior Design and Furnishings - Abstract
Objectives The article presents the results of selected pilot studies conducted in medical ambulances. Their aim was to determine the working conditions and identify troublesome factors accompanying the performance of basic medical procedures by rescue teams. Material and Methods The study of working conditions was carried out in Mercedes-Benz ambulances, type S and P. Fifty-one paramedics of the Emergency Medical Rescue Service in Siedlce took part in the research. The questionnaire expert survey method and the direct observation method were used. Results As a result of the applied research methods, knowledge was gained on the irregularities and difficulties that occur at the workplace of a paramedic, i.e., in an ambulance, including the lack of access to essential elements of medical equipment and their different location inside the vehicle, and the diversity of solutions for the spatial structure of ambulances, which all cause difficulties at work. Research has shown that paramedics take, on average, 33 min to familiarize themselves with the location of equipment in an ambulance other than the one in which they are usually on duty. There was no correlation between the lifeguard’s length of service and the time necessary for getting acquainted with the equipment, which was studied using Pearson’s correlation coefficient. In the study, rescuers also pointed to musculoskeletal ailments, mainly spinal pains resulting from taking forced positions during medical activities in an ambulance. Conclusions The results obtained constitute the basis for the author’s methodology of complex research aimed at defining the ergonomic recommendations necessary in the modification process of the operated medical fleet. The next step will be to formulate uniform guidelines for the construction of medical compartments of ambulances, the application of which will lead to the unification of their spatial structure regardless of the vehicle brand. Int J Occup Med Environ Health. 2020;33(1):91–105
- Published
- 2020
400. Global and regional burden of disease and injury in 2016 arising from occupational exposures: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016
- Author
Driscoll, T, Rushton, L, Hutchings, SJ, Straif, K, Steenland, K, Abate, D, Abbafat, C, Acharya, D, Adebayo, OM, Afshari, M, Akinyemiju, T, Alahdab, F, Anjomshoa, M, Antonio, CAT, Aremu, O, Ataro, Z, Quintanilla, BPA, Banoub, JAM, Barker-Collo, SL, Barnighausen, TW, Barrero, LH, Bedi, N, Behzadifar, M, Benavides, FG, Beuran, M, Bhattacharyya, K, Bijani, A, Cardenas, R, Carrero, JJ, Carvalho, F, Castaneda-Orjuela, CA, Cerin, E, Cooper, C, Dandona, L, Dandona, R, Dang, AK, Daryani, A, Desalegn, BB, Dharmaratne, SD, Dubljanin, E, El-Khatib, Z, Eskandarieh, S, Fareed, M, Faro, A, Fereshtehnejad, S-M, Fernandes, E, Filip, I, Fischer, F, Fukumoto, T, Gallus, S, Gebremichael, TG, Gezae, KE, Gill, TK, Goulart, BNG, Grada, A, Guo, Y, Gupta, R, Haj-Mirzaian, A, Hamadeh, RR, Hamidi, S, Hamzeh, B, Hassankhani, H, Hawkins, DM, Hay, SI, Hegazy, MI, Henok, A, Hoang, CL, Hole, MK, Rad, EH, Hossain, N, Hosseini, M, Hostiuc, S, Hu, G, Ilesanmi, OS, Irvani, SSN, Islam, SMS, Jakovljevic, M, Jha, RP, Jonas, JB, Shushtar, ZJ, Jozwiak, JJ, Jurisson, M, Kahsay, A, Karami, M, Karimi, N, Kasaeian, A, Kawakami, N, Khader, YS, Khan, EA, Khubchandani, J, Kim, YJ, Kisa, A, Defo, BK, Kumar, GA, Kumar, M, Lami, FH, Latif, A, Leigh, J, Levi, M, Li, S, Linn, S, Lopez, JCF, Lunevicius, R, Mahotra, NB, Majdan, M, Malekzadeh, R, Mansournia, MA, Massenburg, BB, Mehta, V, Melese, A, Memish, ZA, Mendoza, W, Mengistu, G, Meretoja, TJ, Mestrovic, T, Miazgowski, T, Miller, TR, Mini, GK, Mirrakhimov, EM, Moazen, B, Mezerji, NMG, Mohammed, S, Mohebi, F, Mokdad, AH, Molokhia, M, Monasta, L, Moodley, Y, Moosazadeh, M, Morad, G, Moradi-Lakeh, M, Morawska, L, Morrison, SD, Mousav, SM, Mustafa, G, Najaf, F, Nangia, V, Negoi, I, Negoi, RI, Neupane, S, Nguyen, CT, Nguyen, TH, Nixon, MR, Ofori-Asenso, R, Ogbo, FA, Olagunju, AT, Olusanya, BO, Otstavnov, SS, Mahesh, PA, Panda-Jonas, S, Park, E-K, Prakash, S, Qorbani, M, Radfar, A, Rafay, A, Rahim, F, Reiner, RC, Renzaho, AMN, Roever, L, Ronfani, L, Saddik, B, Safari-Faramani, R, Safi, S, Safiri, S, Salamati, P, Salimi, Y, Samy, AM, Schwebel, DC, Sepanlou, SG, Serdar, B, Shaikh, MA, Shams-Beyranvand, M, Sharif-Alhoseini, M, She, J, Shigematsu, M, Shiri, R, Shirkoohi, R, Si, S, Sinha, DN, Stanaway, JD, Soofi, M, Stokes, MA, Sufiyan, MB, Tabares-Seisdedos, R, Takahashi, K, Tassew, SG, Tehrani-Banihashemi, A, Tran, M-HTBX, Tran, KB, Car, LT, Ullah, I, Valdez, PR, Vasankari, TJ, Venketasubramanian, N, Violante, FS, Vladimirov, SK, Vlassov, V, Vu, GT, Wagner, GR, Waheed, Y, Wang, Y-P, Werdecker, A, Winkler, AS, Yimer, EM, Yip, P, Yirsaw, BD, Yisma, E, Yonemoto, N, Yousefifard, M, Bin Zaman, S, Zamani, M, Zandian, H, Zhang, Y, Zodpey, S, Lim, SS, Driscoll, Tim, Rushton, Lesley, Hutchings, Sally J, Straif, Kurt, Kumar, Manasi, Yisma, Engida, Lim, Stephen S, GBD 2016 Occupational Risk Factors Collaborators, Collaborators, GBD 2016 Occupational Risk Factors, Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland, Clinicum, HUS Comprehensive Cancer Center, GBD 2016 Occupational Risk Factors Collaborator, and Violante FS
- Subjects
Male ,exposure assessment ,Global Health ,medicine.disease_cause ,Global Burden of Disease ,ergonomic ,GBD 2016 Occupational Risk Factors Collaborators ,0302 clinical medicine ,Risk Factors ,1599 Other Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services ,Neoplasms ,METABOLIC RISKS ,Per capita ,Medicine ,030212 general & internal medicine ,Public, Environmental & Occupational Health ,Aged, 80 and over ,education.field_of_study ,Human factors and ergonomics ,Middle Aged ,030210 environmental & occupational health ,3142 Public health care science, environmental and occupational health ,3. Good health ,Occupational Diseases ,COMPARATIVE RISK-ASSESSMENT ,Female ,Quality-Adjusted Life Years ,Risk assessment ,Life Sciences & Biomedicine ,Adult ,COUNTRIES ,noise ,Adolescent ,Population ,cancer ,respiratory tract diseases ,workplace ,Risk Assessment ,Environmental & Occupational Health ,Asbestos ,respiratory tract disease ,1117 Public Health and Health Services ,Young Adult ,03 medical and health sciences ,Age Distribution ,Life Expectancy ,Occupational Exposure ,Environmental health ,Humans ,Disabled Persons ,Sex Distribution ,education ,Aged ,Science & Technology ,business.industry ,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health ,1103 Clinical Sciences ,TRENDS ,Quality-adjusted life year ,Socioeconomic Factors ,Attributable risk ,Commentary ,Life expectancy ,Wounds and Injuries ,CLUSTERS ,business ,Low Back Pain - Abstract
ObjectivesThis study provides an overview of the influence of occupational risk factors on the global burden of disease as estimated by the occupational component of the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) 2016 study.MethodsThe GBD 2016 study estimated the burden in terms of deaths and disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) arising from the effects of occupational risk factors (carcinogens; asthmagens; particulate matter, gases and fumes (PMGF); secondhand smoke (SHS); noise; ergonomic risk factors for low back pain; risk factors for injury). A population attributable fraction (PAF) approach was used for most risk factors.ResultsIn 2016, globally, an estimated 1.53 (95% uncertainty interval 1.39–1.68) million deaths and 76.1 (66.3–86.3) million DALYs were attributable to the included occupational risk factors, accounting for 2.8% of deaths and 3.2% of DALYs from all causes. Most deaths were attributable to PMGF, carcinogens (particularly asbestos), injury risk factors and SHS. Most DALYs were attributable to injury risk factors and ergonomic exposures. Men and persons 55 years or older were most affected. PAFs ranged from 26.8% for low back pain from ergonomic risk factors and 19.6% for hearing loss from noise to 3.4% for carcinogens. DALYs per capita were highest in Oceania, Southeast Asia and Central sub-Saharan Africa. On a per capita basis, between 1990 and 2016 there was an overall decrease of about 31% in deaths and 25% in DALYs.ConclusionsOccupational exposures continue to cause an important health burden worldwide, justifying the need for ongoing prevention and control initiatives.
- Published
- 2020
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