115 results on '"Wobeser, G. A."'
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- Author
WOBESER, G., primary
- Published
- 1969
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103. Congreso sobre cofradías, capellanías y obras pías en la América colonial (México, 19-21 de febrero de 1997)
- Author
Von-Wobeser, G. (Gisela)
- Published
- 1998
104. Contribuciones de la investigación académica a la historia de la Iglesia católica en México
- Author
Von-Wobeser, G. (Gisela)
- Subjects
- Historia de la Iglesia, México
- Published
- 1996
105. Physiological, reproductive and pathological effects of dietary bleached pulp mill effluent on mink (Mustela vison)
- Author
Wobeser, G. A., Schiefer, H. B., and Smits, J. E. G.
- Subjects
- *
LIVER , *PAPER industry , *HISTOPATHOLOGY , *ENZYME activation - Published
- 1995
106. Avian cholera in waterfowl in Western Canada, 1978-1981
- Author
Smith, J. R., Wobeser, G., Leighton, F. A., Nieman, D. J., and Osborne, A. D.
- Published
- 1982
107. Enhanced antibody responses in mink (Mustela vison) exposed to dietary bleached-Kraft pulp mill effluent
- Author
Haines, D. M., Blakley, B. R., Wobeser, G. A., and Smits, J. E. G.
- Subjects
- 1996
108. Проблеми укладання уповноваженою особою постанови про призначення судово-ветеринарної експертизи та шляхи їх вирішення
- Subjects
судово-ветеринарна експертиза ,постанова слідчого ,постанова прокурора ,постанова дізнавача ,спосіб укладання постанови ,forensic veterinary expertise ,resolution of the investigator ,resolution of the prosecutor ,resolution of the inquirer ,method of drawing up the resolution - Abstract
Постановка проблеми. Значний обсяг питань щодо теоретичних, організаційно-правових та праксеологічних засад судово-ветеринарної експертизи потребують розроблення, тлумачення, обґрунтування, апробації, впровадження або удосконалення. Серед них – укладання окремих процесуальних документів щодо призначення та проведення судово-ветеринарної експертизи, зокрема, постанови слідчого чи прокурора про призначення судово-ветеринарної експертизи, враховуючи особливості питань, що ставляться замовником експертизи на вирішення судовому експерту, а також необхідністю застосування до об’єктів руйнівних методів дослідження. Мета статті полягає у формулюванні та обґрунтуванні особливостей змісту структурних елементів постанови слідчого чи прокурора про призначення судово-ветеринарної експертизи. Методологічну основу статті становить діалектичний метод наукового пізнання, методи аналізу та синтезу за допомогою яких здійснено загальнотеоретичне дослідження проблеми укладання уповноваженою особою постанови про призначення судово-ветеринарної експертизи та шляхів їх вирішення. Результатом дослідження є з’ясування особливостей структури постанови уповноваженої особи про призначення судово-ветеринарної експертизи. Висновки. У роботі обґрунтовано підстави для вироблення рекомендацій з призначення судово-ветеринарної експертизи. Стверджується, що постанова уповноваженої особи про призначення судово-ветеринарної експертизи є процесуальним рішенням уповноваженої особи, відповідно до ч.1 і 3 ст.110 КПК України. Так, слідчий або прокурор зобов’язані звернутися до судового експерта для проведення судово-ветеринарної експертизи за наявності підстав, зокрема, для встановлення причини смерті тварини, а також для встановлення тяжкості та характеру тілесних ушкоджень у т. ч. й до такого об’єкта судової експертизи, як тварина. Показано, що для всебічного обґрунтування мотивів складання Постанови про призначення судово-ветеринарної експертизи слідчий чи прокурор мають посилатись на статті Кримінального процесуального кодексу України: 40 (слідчий орган досудового розслідування), 69 (експерт), 101 (висновок експерта), 102 (зміст висновку експерта), 110 (процесуальні рішення), 242 (підстави проведення експертизи), 243 (порядок залучення експерта). Виокремлено систему питань в авторській редакції, які можуть бути поставлені на вирішення судовому експертові під час проведення судово-ветеринарної експертизи, що стосуються живої потерпілої тварини, трупа тварини за насильницької смерті, кормів і кормових добавок для тварин. Виокремлені питання базується на принципах формальної логіки, діалектики, системного аналізу, моделювання, а їх формулювання здатне позитивно вплинути на ефективність проведення і результативність судово-ветеринарної експертизи, надання обґрунтованого й об’єктивного висновку експерта у категоричній формі. Доведено, що дозвіл замовника судово-ветеринарної експертизи (слідчого, прокурора) на застосування руйнівних методів дослідження, що знищують чи пошкоджують об’єкт судової експертизи або змінюють його властивості лише у тій мірі, в якій це необхідно для дослідження, є обов’язковою складовою резолютивної частини постанови, оскільки судово-ветеринарне дослідження таких об’єктів як труп тварини, корми, кормові добавки неможливе без пошкодження, що відповідає одному із принципів судово-експертної діяльності та узгоджується із ст.5 Закону України "Про судову експертизу", абзацом 1 п.4.11, абзацом 6 п.2.2 та абзацом 2 п.4.11 "Інструкції про призначення і проведення судових експертиз та експертних досліджень". Problem statement. A significant amount of questions regarding the theoretical, organizational, legal and praxeological forensic veterinary expertise foundations require development, interpretation, justification, approval, implementation or improvement. Among them is the conclusion of separate procedural documents regarding the appointment and conduct of forensic veterinary expertise, in particular, the resolution of the investigator or prosecutor on the appointment of forensic veterinary expertise, taking into account the specifics of the issues that the customer of the expertise asks the forensic expert to solve, as well as the need to apply to objects destructive research methods. The purpose of the article is to formulate and justify the peculiarities of the content of the structural elements of the resolution of the investigator or prosecutor on the appointment of forensic veterinary expertise. The methodological basis of the article is the dialectical method of scientific knowledge, the methods of analysis and synthesis, with the help of which a general theoretical study of the problem of drawing up a decision by an authorized person on the appointment of forensic veterinary expertise and ways of solving them is carried out. The result of the study is the clarification of the specifics of the structure of the resolution of the authorized person on the appointment of forensic veterinary expertise. Conclusions. The work substantiates the grounds for developing recommendations for the appointment of forensic veterinary expertise. It is claimed that the resolution of the authorized person on the appointment of forensic veterinary expertise is a procedural decision of the authorized person, by parts 1 and 3 of article 110 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine. Thus, the investigator or prosecutor is obliged to contact a forensic expert to conduct forensic veterinary expertise if there are grounds, in particular, to establish the cause of the animal's death, as well as to establish the severity and nature of bodily injuries, including to such an object forensic expertise, like an animal. It is shown that for a comprehensive justification of the reasons for drawing up the Resolution on the appointment of forensic veterinary expertise, the investigator or prosecutor should refer to the articles of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine: 40 (investigative body of pre-trial investigation), 69 (expert), 101 (expert opinion), 102 (the content of the opinion expert), 110 (procedural decisions), 242 (grounds for expert expertise), 243 (procedure for engaging an expert). A system of questions in the author's edition that can be put to the decision of a forensic expert during forensic veterinary expertise related to a living injured animal, a corpse of an animal due to violent death, fodder and feed additives for animals is singled out. The singled-out questions are based on the principles of formal logic, dialectics, system analysis, and modeling, and their formulation can positively affect the efficiency and effectiveness of the forensic veterinary expertise, providing a well-founded and objective opinion of the expert in a categorical form. It has been proven that the permission of the customer of the forensic veterinary expertise (investigator, prosecutor) to use destructive research methods that destroy or damage the object of forensic expertise or change its properties only to the extent necessary for the research is a mandatory component operative part of the resolution since forensic veterinary expertise of objects such as animal carcasses, fodder, feed additives is impossible without damage, which corresponds to one of the principles of forensic expert activity and is consistent with Article 5 of the Law of Ukraine "On Forensic Expertise", paragraph 1 clause 4.11, paragraph 6 of clause 2.2 and paragraph 2 of clause 4.11 "Instructions on appointment and conduct of forensic expertise’s and expert studies"., {"references":["1. Kliuiev, O. M. (2019). Udoskonalennia ekspertnoho zabezpechennia pravosuddia: teoretychni, pravovi ta orhanizatsiini aspekty [Improvement of expert provision of justice: theoretical, legal and organizational aspects]. Teoriia ta praktyka sudovoi ekspertyzy i kryminalistyky, (19), 102–117. http://doi.org/10.32353/khrife.1.2019.08 (in Ukr.).","2. Yatsenko, I. V., Derecha, L. M., & Parylovskyi, O. I. (2021). Novitni naukovi y praktychni zdobutky ta perspektyvy rozvytku sudovo-veterynarnoi ekspertyzy zhyvykh tvaryn v Ukraini [The latest scientific and practical achievements and prospects for the development of forensic veterinary examination of live animals in Ukraine]. Aktualni pytannia ta perspektyvy rozvytku sudovoi ekspertyzy ta kryminalistyky: materialy Mizhnarodnoi naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii (m. Odesa, 3 veresnia 2021 roku). Odesa: Vydavnychyi dim \"Helvetyka\" (s. 368–373) (in Ukr.).","3. Yatsenko, Y., Derecha, L., & Kazantsev, R. (2021). Noveyshiye nauchnyye i prakticheskiye dostizheniya i perspektivy razvitiya sudebno-veterinarnoy ekspertizy trupov zhivotnykh v Ukraine [The latest scientific and practical achievements and prospects for the development of forensic veterinary examination of animal corpses in Ukraine]. Sovremennyye aspekty sudebnoy ekspertizy: teoriya i praktika: Mater. Mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf. sudebnykh ekspertiz (g. Kishinev, 01 oktyabrya 2021 g.). Kishinev: Tipocart Print, 2021. T. 2. (s. 94–100) (in Russ.).","4. Parry, N. M. A., & Stoll, A. (2019). The rise of veterinary forensics. Forensic Sci Int. 2020. 306:110069. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2019.110069","5. De Siqueira, A., Cuevas, S. E.C. Salvagni, F. A., & Maiorka, P. C. (2016). Forensic Veterinary Pathology: Sharp Injuries in Animals. Veterinary pathology, 53(5), 979–987. http://doi.org/10.1177/0300985816655850","6. Wobeser, G. (1996). Forensic (medico-legal) necropsy of wildlife. 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Protsesualnyi poriadok zaluchennia eksperta storonoiu zakhystu u kryminalnomu provadzhenni [Procedural procedure for involvement of an expert by the defense in criminal proceedings]. Kryminalistychnyi visnyk, 2(22), 28–36 (in Ukr.).","14. Makarenko, Ye. I., & Zdor, V. M. (2019). Problemy pryznachennia sudovoi ekspertyzy u kryminalnomu provadzhenni [Problems of appointment of forensic examination in criminal proceedings]. Pravo i suspilstvo, (3), 218–222. http://doi.org/10.32842/2078-3736-2019-3-1-36 (in Ukr.).","15. Pavlova, T. O., & Zhuchenko, O. D. (2020). Pryznachennia sudovoi ekspertyzy v kontseptsii elektronnoho kryminalnoho provadzhennia: teoretychnyi ta praktychnyi aspekty [The purpose of forensic examination in the concept of electronic criminal proceedings: theoretical and practical aspects]. Yurydychnyi naukovyi elektronnyi zhurnal, (3), 390–393. http://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0374/2020-3/94 (in Ukr.).","16. Nesimko O., & Baraniak, V. (2019). Problemni pytannia pryznachennia sudovoi ekspertyzy u kryminalnomu provadzhenni [Problematic issues of appointment of forensic examination in criminal proceedings]. Visnyk Natsionalnoho universytetu \"Lvivska politekhnika\". Seriia: Yurydychni nauky, (22), 195–198 (in Ukr.).","17. Zherebko, O. I. (2010). Sudovo-ekspertna diialnist: sutnist, pryntsypy, orhanizatsiini osnovy [Forensic expert activity: essence, principles, organizational foundations]. Extended abstract of candidate's the-sis (12.00.09). Zaporizhzhia (in Ukr.).","18. Konstytutsiia Ukrainy [Constitution of Ukraine]. Zakon Ukrainy (28.06.1996 No. 254k/96-VR). https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/254к/96-вр#Text (in Ukr.).","19. Kravchenko, O. A. (2013). Pravovi ta orhanizatsiyni problemy rehulyuvannya sudovo-ekspertnoyi diyal-nosti [Legal and organizational problems of regulation of forensic expert activity]. Uchenye zapysky Tavrycheskoho natsyonalnoho unyversyteta ym. V. Y. Vernadskoho. Seryya \"Yurydycheskye nauky\", T. 26, 65(1), 233–237 (in Ukr.).","20. Yatsenko, I. V., & Derecha, L. M. (2019). Mozhlyvosti sudovo-veterynarnoi ekspertyzy yak novoho vydu sudovykh ekspertyz [Possibilities of forensic veterinary examination as a new type of forensic examination]. Teoriia ta praktyka sudovoi ekspertyzy i kryminalistyky, (19), 550–567. http://doi.org/10.32353/khrife.1.2019.044 (in Ukr.).","21. Kryminalnyi kodeks Ukrainy [Criminal codex of Ukraine]. Zakon Ukrainy (05.04.2001 No. 2341-3). https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/2341-14#Text (in Ukr.).","22. Kodeks Ukrainy pro administratyvni pravoporushennia [Code of Ukraine on administrative offenses]. Zakon Ukrainy (07.12.1984 No. 8073-10). https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/80731-10#Text (in Ukr.).","23. Kryminalnyi protsesualnyi kodeks Ukrainy [Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine]. Zakon Ukrainy (13.04.2012 No. 4651–6). https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/4651-17#Text (in Ukr.).","24. Yatsenko, I. V., & Parylovskyi, O. I. (2022). Pravyla sudovo-veterynarnoho vyznachennia stupenia tiazhkosti shkody, zapodiianoi zdoroviu tvaryny (metodychni rekomendatsii) [Rules for forensic veterinary determination of the degree of severity of damage caused to the health of an animal (methodological recommendations)]. Kharkiv: NNTs \"ISE im. Zasl. prof. M. S. Bokariusa\" (in Ukr.).","25. Yatsenko, I. V., Parylovskyi, O. I., & Kolomoiets, D. K. (2019). Obhruntuvannia pytan, shcho stavliatsia v ukhvali sudu ta postanovi slidchoho pry pryznachenni sudovo-veterynarnoi ekspertyzy trupa tvaryny z oznakamy nasylnytskoi smerti vid zhorstokoho povodzhennia [Justification of the issues raised in the court decision and the investigator's decision when appointing a forensic veterinary examination of an animal corpse with signs of violent death due to cruel treatment]. Veterynariia, tekhnolohii tvarynnytstva ta pryrodokorystuvannia, (4), 184–197. http://doi.org/10.31890/vttp.2019.04.34 (in Ukr.).","26. Yatsenko, I. V., Derecha, L. M., & Parylovskyi, O. I. (2021). Novitni naukovi y praktychni zdobutky ta perspektyvy rozvytku sudovo-veterynarnoi ekspertyzy zhyvykh tvaryn v Ukraini [The latest scientific and practical achievements and prospects for the development of forensic veterinary examination of live animals in Ukraine]. Aktualni pytannia ta perspektyvy rozvytku sudovoi ekspertyzy ta kryminalistyky: materialy Mizhnarodnoi naukovo–praktychnoi konferentsii (m. Odesa, 3 veresnia 2021 roku). Odesa: Vydavnychyi dim \"Helvetyka\" (s. 368–373). (in Ukr.).","27. Pro sudovu ekspertyzu [About forensic examination]. Zakon Ukrainy (25.02.1994 No. 4038-12). https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/4038-12#Text (in Ukr.).","28. Instruktsiia pro pryznachennia i provedennia sudovykh ekspertyz ta ekspertnykh doslidzhen [Instructions on the appointment and conduct of forensic examinations and expert studies] / zatverdzheno nakazom Ministerstva yustytsii Ukrainy (08.10.1998 No. 53/5 (u redaktsii nakazu Ministerstva yustytsii Ukrainy vid 26.12.2012 No. 1950/5). https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/z0705-98#Text (in Ukr.)."]}
- Published
- 2022
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109. Piagetiella caputincisum Eichler 1950
- Author
Gonza ́ Lez-Acun, Daniel A. and Palma, Ricardo L.
- Subjects
Insecta ,Arthropoda ,Animalia ,Biodiversity ,Menoponidae ,Psocodea ,Piagetiella ,Piagetiella caputincisum ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Piagetiella caputincisum Eichler, 1950 Piagetiella caputincisa Eichler, 1950: 106, figs 1a, 2a. Piagetiella caputincisa Eichler, 1950: Hopkins & Clay 1952: 292. Piagetiella caputincisa Eichler, 1950: Clay & Moreby 1967: 159, fig. 51. Piagetiella caputincisa Eichler, 1950: Price 1970: 401, figs 13, 18, 24, 27, 30, 39. Piagetiella caputincisa Eichler, 1950: Sep��lveda et al. 1997: 371. Piagetiella caputincisum Eichler, 1950: Price & Palma 1997: 587. Emendation. Piagetiella caputincisum Eichler, 1950: Price et al. 2003: 134. Holotype ♂ probably in ZMHG. Type host: Phalacrocorax atriceps King, 1828. Chilean host: Phalacrocorax gaimardi (Lesson & Garnot, 1828). Other host: Phalacrocorax albiventer (Lesson, 1831). Chilean localities: Bah��a Concepci��n: Region VIII; Valdivia: Region XIV. Geographic distribution: Southern South America; Antarctica. Chilean references: Sep��lveda et al. (1997); this catalogue. Other significant references: Clay & Moreby (1967); Price (1970); Clay (1976: 539); Price & Palma (1997); Price et al. (2003). Remarks: Valdivia is a new locality record for Piagetiella caputincisum in Chile, based on a sample from Phalacrocorax gaimardi held in NHML (Shchedrina et al. 2017). All species of Piagetiella have an unusual feeding behaviour: they develop in the plumage but then migrate and enter the pouch of the host, where they attach firmly, feeding on skin, blood and mucus and, in extreme cases, causing serious damage to the host (Wobeser et al. 1974)., Published as part of Gonza �� Lez-Acun, Daniel A. & Palma, Ricardo L., 2021, An annotated catalogue of bird lice (Insecta: Phthiraptera) from Chile, pp. 1-151 in Zootaxa 5077 (1) on page 38, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5077.1.1, http://zenodo.org/record/5766642, {"references":["Eichler, W. (1950) Uber die endoparasitische Lebensweise der Kormoran-Federlinge. Rivista di Parassitologia, 11 (2), 103 - 108.","Hopkins, G. H. E. & Clay, T. (1952) A check list of the genera & species of Mallophaga. Trustees of the British Museum, London, 362 pp. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 118844","Clay, T. & Moreby, C. (1967) Mallophaga (biting lice) and Anoplura (sucking lice). Part II: Keys and locality lists of Mallophaga and Anoplura. In: Gressitt, J. L. (Ed.), Antarctic Research Series. Vol. 10. Entomology of Antarctica. American Geophysical Union, Washington D. C., pp. 157 - 169 + 177 - 196. https: // doi. org / 10.1029 / AR 010 p 0157","Price, R. D. (1970) The Piagetiella (Mallophaga; Menoponidae) of the Pelecaniformes. The Canadian Entomologist, 102 (4), 389 - 404. https: // doi. org / 10.4039 / Ent 102389 - 4","Sepulveda, M. S., Palma, R. L. & Ochoa-Acuna, H. (1997) New records of feather lice from some seabirds in Chile. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 33 (2), 371 - 372. https: // doi. org / 10.7589 / 0090 - 3558 - 33.2.371","Price, R. D., Hellenthal, R. A. & Palma, R. L. (2003) World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera. In: Price, R. D., Hellenthal, R. A., Palma, R. L., Johnson, K. P. & Clayton, D. H. (Eds.), The chewing lice: world checklist and biological overview. Illinois Natural History Survey Special Publication 24. Illinois Natural History Survey, Champaign, Illinois, pp. 1 - 448.","Clay, T. (1976) Geographical distribution of the avian lice (Phthiraptera): A review. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 71 (3), 536 - 547.","Shchedrina, O., Allan, E. L., Brown, P., Livermore, L. & Smith, V. S. (2017) Dataset: Phthiraptera collection. Natural History Museum Data Portal. Available from: https: // data. nhm. ac. uk / dataset / phthiraptera-collection (accessed 1 November 2021)","Wobeser, G., Johnson, G. R. & Acompanado, G. (1974) Stomatitis in a juvenile white pelican due to Piagetiella peralis (Mallophaga: Menoponidae). Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 10, 135 - 138. https: // doi. org / 10.7589 / 0090 - 3558 - 10.2.135"]}
- Published
- 2021
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110. Ecosystem Health as a Clinical Rotation for Senior Students in Canadian Veterinary Schoolsa.
- Author
Ribble, C., Hunter, B., Larivière, M., Bélanger, D., Wobeser, G., Daoust, P.Y., Leighton, T., Waltner-Toews, D., Davidson, J., Spangler, E., and Nielsen, O.
- Subjects
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BIOTIC communities , *VETERINARY students , *BOTULISM - Abstract
ABSTRACT We describe 4 years of an experimental rotation in ecosystem health offered to senior veterinary students in Canada. Faculty from the four Canadian veterinary colleges collaborated in offering the rotation once annually at one of the colleges. The first rotation was held in Guelph, Ontario, in 1993, followed in successive years by rotations at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Saint-Hyacinthe, Québec, and Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. The rotation is a predominantly field-based experience that allows students to work with veterinary and other role models who are actively engaged in clinical research related to ecosystem health. Five specific field studies that worked particularly well during the rotations are presented. These studies involved investigating mortality in wildlife due to botulism, designing an environmental surveillance system around herds of beef cattle, using belugas to evaluate the health of the St. Lawrence River, dealing with competition for water use by aquaculture and agriculture, and exploring the role of veterinarians during major coastal oil spills. The experience has resulted in our developing the subject matter, field examples, teaching approach, and confidence necessary to make ecosystem health the focus of a productive clinical rotation for senior year veterinary students. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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111. Financiar la cristiandad hispanoamericana. Inversiones laicas en las instituciones religiosas en los Andes (s. XVI y XVII)
- Author
Aliocha Maldavsky, Empires, Sociétés, Nations : Amériques et Méditerranée occidentale (XVe-XXIe siècles) (ESNA), Mondes Américains (CERMA), Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (UP1)-École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS)-Université Paris Nanterre (UPN)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (UP1)-École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS)-Université Paris Nanterre (UPN)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (UP1)-Université Paris Nanterre (UPN)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS)-Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (UP1)-Université Paris Nanterre (UPN)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS), and Mondes Américains
- Subjects
History ,Hispanoamérica-Andes ,economía ,religión ,Historiography ,economics ,siglos XVI y XVII ,Ancien regime ,CONQUEST ,16th and 17th centuries ,Political science ,religion ,Hispanic America-Andes ,encomienda ,[SHS.HIST]Humanities and Social Sciences/History ,Humanities - Abstract
RESUMENEl objetivo de este artículo es reflexionar sobre los mecanismos de financiación y de control de las instituciones religiosas por los laicos en las primeras décadas de la conquista y colonización de Hispanoamérica. Investigar sobre la inversión laica en lo sagrado supone en un primer lugar aclarar la historiografía sobre laicos, religión y dinero en las sociedades de Antiguo Régimen y su trasposición en América, planteando una mirada desde el punto de vista de las motivaciones múltiples de los actores seglares. A través del ejemplo de restituciones, donaciones y legados en losAndes, se explora el papel de los laicos españoles, y también de las poblaciones indígenas, en el establecimiento de la densa red de instituciones católicas que se construye entonces. La propuesta postula el protagonismo de actores laicos en la construcción de un espacio cristiano en los Andes peruanos en el siglo XVI y principios del XVII, donde la inversión económica permite contribuir a la transición de una sociedad de guerra y conquista a una sociedad corporativa pacificada.PALABRAS CLAVE: Hispanoamérica-Andes, religión, economía, encomienda, siglos XVI y XVII.ABSTRACTThis article aims to reflect on the mechanisms of financing and control of religious institutions by the laity in the first decades of the conquest and colonization of Spanish America. Investigating lay investment in the sacred sphere means first of all to clarifying historiography on laity, religion and money within Ancien Régime societies and their transposition to America, taking into account the multiple motivations of secular actors. 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10.5281/zenodo.1312117 ,Cirrhinus mrigala, Acute toxicity, Lead arsenate, Histology - Abstract
Acute toxicity (96 h LC50) of lead arsenate was evaluated in the Cirrhinus mrigala in static bioassay over a 96 –h exposure period using probit method. The 96 h LC50 values (with 95% confidence limits) of lead arsenate for fingerling fish were estimated as 7.21 mg/l respectively. Histopathological investigations revealed various degrees of pathological lesions in different organs like gill, liver, intestine and kidney. The gill showed the fusion, malformation of secondary lamellae at the tips, vaculation, hyperplasia and disintegration of epithelium. The liver of fish exposed to phenol showed cytoplasmic vaculation, necrosis and loss of hepatic cell wall. In the intestine, necrotic lesions in the epithelial layer, swellings and fusion with adjacent villi, fusion and integration of columnar epithelial layer. The kidney showed shrinkage of glomeruli, breakdown of Bowman’s capsule, vacuolization and disintegration of renal epithelium. 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- Published
- 2017
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113. Mercury poisoning in a wild mink
- Author
Wobeser, G
- Published
- 1976
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114. Enteric redmouth disease: outbreak in rainbow trout in Switzerland
- Author
W Meier
- Subjects
Veterinary medicine ,biology ,Fish farming ,Enteric redmouth disease ,Aquatic Science ,biology.organism_classification ,medicine.disease ,Hatchery ,Fishery ,Trout ,medicine ,Rainbow trout ,Yersinia ruckeri ,Salmo ,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics ,Epizootic - Abstract
Yersinia ruckeri, Serovar I or Hagerman strain, has been isolated from the first outbreak of enteric redmouth disease in Switzerland. The disease occurred in rainbow trout Salmo gairdneri Richardson. Relevant epizootiological data are discussed. Since the first description of enteric redmouth disease (ERM) in rainbow trout Salmo gairdnen Richardson in the USA (Ross et al. 1966) the disease has been observed in trout in Canada (Wobeser 1973, McCarthy & Johnson 1982) and in a number of European countries including Italy (Busch 1978), Great Britain (Roberts 1983, Frerichs et al. 1985), West Germany (Fuhrmann et al. 1983), France (Lesel et al. 1983), and Denmark (Dalsgaard et al. 1984). Recently, the agent has also been isolated in Eire from imported goldfish (McArdle & Dooley-Martyn 1985). Material and methods. In'a Swiss rainbow trout farm -in ponds supplied with spring water the mortality of fish suddenly increased in July 1985 from less than 0.5 % to more than 5 % per week. The increase in mortality rate coincided with a rise of the water temperature from 10 to 12 "C and with the start of a partial recirculation of water within the fish farm. Initially, the mortalities occurred among 200 000 fingerlings (8 to 12 cm). However, 5 to 7 d later, older fish (24 to 30 cm) were also affected although to a lower degree. The affected fish had been imported from a German hatchery 2 and 14 mo previously, respectively. Fingerlings on the present farm were again affected in June 1986. Bacteriological examinations of the dying fish were performed using blood agar and bromthymol blue lactase agar; biochemical reactions were determined in standard tube tests according to Fey (1978). Rabbit anti Yersinia ruckeri serum, kindly donated by P. E. V. J~rgensen, Aarhus, Denmark, was used for the slide agglutination test. Results. The major clinical signs were similar to those described for ERM (Ross et al. 1966, Lesel et al. 1983, Fuhrmann et al. 1983) and included hyperaemia around the mouth and in the isthmus. While virological and parasitological examinations of moribund fish gave no clues as to the cause of the mortalities, bacteriological examination yielded pure cultures of a bacterium from ludney, Liver and spleen tissues. The bacterium grew readily (in 2 d) at 25°C on the agars used, but not at 37°C. The bacterium was a Gramnegative, motile rod (0.7 to 1.0 km X 2.0 to 3.0 pm); it was catalase positive and oxidase negative. After 4 d at 25 "C, the following tests of the fermentative bacterium were negative: Voges Proskauer, sorbitol, gas from glucose, indole, urease, lysine, malonate, dulcitol, adonitol, H2S-production, sahcin, sucrose, rhamnose, inositol, d-tartrate and sodium citrate. The following tests were positive: mannitol, KCN, ornithine, galactosidase, nitrate, and gelatin liquefaction. Finally, Simmons citrate and ONPG were weakly positive. In tests run in parallel, the isolate proved identical to Yersinia ruckeri reference strain NCMB 1316 (National Collection of Marine and Industrial Bacteria Ltd., USA). However, because of the negative reaction in the Voges Proskauer test, the present strain was different from the isolates from Britain (Frerichs et al. 1985) and Germany (Fuhrmann et al. 1983). A positive agglutination with a rabbit anti Y. rucken serum prepared against the Serovar I or Hagerman strain further supported the identification of the isolate as Y. ruckeri, serovar I . Discussion. This isolation of Yersinia rucken clearly demonstrates the occurrence of ERM in Switzerland. However, the source of the pathogen is still uncertain. It is generally agreed that ERM may become established in new areas following its introduction with camer-fish (Rucker 1966, Wobeser 1973, Busch & Lingg 1975). However, there is also evidence that Y. ruckeri is widely distributed and that fish-mediated transmission may not always account for its distribution (Bullock et al. 1978). The German hatchery serving as the source of the @ Inter-Research/Printed in F. R. Germany 0177-5103/86/0002/0081/$ 05.00 82 Dis. aquat. Org. 2: 81-82, 1986 rainbow trout has been regularly examined by the local German Fish Health Service. However, to date, the causative agent of ERM has not been detected at the hatchery. The same trout farm also supplies 2 other Swiss farms. The latter have been routinely examined since 1981 but so far, no ERM has been detected in either of them. Notwithstandng this, because the frequency of ERM camer-fish is generally rather low (Busch & Lingg 1975) one cannot exclude the possibility that the infection was introduced into the affected farm by camers from the German farm. The Yersinia ruckeri affected farm, established 5yr ago, uses only spring water and therefore camer fish do not occur in its water supply. Until the ERM disease outbreaks, the farm had been regularly surveyed but signs of ERM disease had never been evident and it had never been possible to isolate Y. ruckeri. Environmental factors probably precipitated the ERM disease outbreak. These factors likely included the rising water temperature and a decreasing water quality as caused by the partial water recirculation and the high stocking density at the hatchery. At present, ERM appears not to be enzootic in Switzerland. Among the more than l500 trout and other feral fish recently tested bacteriologically in Switzerland, the only case of ERM found was the alreadymentioned ERM relapse that occurred at the affected trout farm (June 1986). Unfortunately, the foregoing situation may soon change. Trout, pike, grayling, and ornamental fish are all potential camers of ERM (Roberts 1983, McArdle & Dooley-Martyn 1985), and these fish are constantly imported into Switzerland for consumption and restocking purposes. In addition, fish farming is growing in popularity in Switzerland and heightened activity in this sphere will almost certainly increase the likelihood that the disease will be imported. LITERATURE CITED Bullock, G. L., Stuckey, H. M, , Shotts, E. B., Jr. (1978). Enteric redmouth bacterium: comparison of isolates from dfferent geographic areas. J. Fish Dis. 1: 351-356 Busch, R. A. (1978). Enteric redmouth disease (Hagerman strain). Mar. Fish. Rev. 40 (3): 42-51 Busch, R. A., Lingg, A. (1975). Establishment of an asymptomatic carrier state infection of enteric redmouth disease in rainbow trout. J. Fish. Res. Bd Can. 32: 242S2432 Dalsgaard, I . , From, J., Harlyck, V. (1984). First observation of Yerslnia ruckeri in Denmark. Bull. Eur. Ass. Fish Pathol. 4: 10 Fey, H. (1978). Kompendium der allgemeinen medizinischen Bakteriologie. Verlag Paul Parey, Berlin, Hamburg Frerichs, G. N., Stewart, J . A., Collins, R. 0 . (1985). Atypical infection of rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri Richardson, with Yersinia ruckeri. J. Fish Dis. 8: 38S387 Fuhrmann, H., Bohm, K. H., Schlotfeldt, H. J . (1983). An outbreak of enteric redmouth disease in West Germany. J . Fish Dis. 6: 30S311 Lesel, R., Lesel, M,, Gavini, F., Vulllaume, A. (1983). Outbreak of enteric redmouth disease in rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri Richardson, in France. J. Fish Dis. 6: 38S387 McArdle, J. F., Dooley-Martyn, C. (1985). Isolation of Yersinia rucken Type I (Hagerman strain) from goldfish, Carassius auratus, Bull. Eur. Ass. Fish Pathol. 5: 1&11 McCarthy, D. H., Johnson, K. A. (1982). A serotypic survey and crossprotection test of North American field isolates of Yersinia ruckeri. J. Fish Dis. 5: 323-328 Roberts, M. S. (1983). A report of an epizootic in hatcheryreared rainbow trout, Salmo gairdnen' hchardson, at an English trout farm, caused by Yersinia ruckeri. J. Fish Dis. 6: 551-552 Ross, A. J., Rucker, R. R., Ewing, W. H. (1966). Description of a bacterium associated with redmouth disease of rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri). Can. J. Microbiol. 12: 763-770 Rucker, R. R. (1966). Redmouth disease of rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri). Bull. Off. Int. des Epiz. 65: 825-830 Wobeser, G. (1973). An outbreak of redmouth in rainbow trout ( S a h o gairdne* in Saskatchewan. J . Fish. Res. Bd Can. 30: 571-575 Responsible Subject Edtor: Dr. T. Evelyn; accepted for pnnting on December 5, 1986
- Published
- 1986
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115. Blood Parasites of Wood Ducks
- Author
C. M. Herman, G. D. Knipling, and J. O. Knisley
- Subjects
Veterinary medicine ,Leucocytozoon ,Ecology ,Parasitemia ,Biology ,medicine.disease ,biology.organism_classification ,Plasmodium ,Wood ducks ,Giemsa stain ,Nest ,medicine ,Gametocyte ,General Earth and Planetary Sciences ,Haemoproteus ,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics ,Nature and Landscape Conservation ,General Environmental Science - Abstract
Examination of blood films from wood ducks (Aix spo7ssa) from several northeastern states revealed Haemovproteus, Leucocytozoon, Plasmodium and a trypanosome. Haemoproteus occurred in all areas sampled and birds of the year from Massachusetts demonstrated the highest incidence during the last 2 weeks in August. Leucocytozoon was most prevalent in more northern areas. P. circllmflexllm and a trypanosome are reported for the first time from this host. BLOOD PARASITES OF WOOD DUCKS * Herman et al . 119 and to urinary lead exeretion. Am. J. Clin. Pathol. 50 ( 3 ): 291-301. ROSEN, M. N., AND R. A. BANKOWSKI. 1960. A diagnostic technique and treatment for lead poisoning in swans. California Fish and Game 46( 1 ) :81-90. WATSON, R. JANET, ELIZABETH DECKER, AND H. C. LICHTMAN. 1958. Hematologic studies of children with lead poisoning. Pediatrics 21(1): 4056. WHITAKER, JO ANNE, AND TERESA J. VIETTI. 1959. Fluorescence of the erythrocytes in lead poisoning in children: an aid to rapid diagnosis. Pediatrics 24 ( 4 ): 734-738. WOBESER, G. 1969. Apparent favourable response of lead poisoning in a duck to treatment svith a chelating agent. Wildl. Disease Assoc. Bull. S(2 ) :120. Received for publication March 31, 1970. Plasmodium, Leucocytozoon, and Haemoproteus, occurring in the blood of birds, have also been reported from the wood duck ( Herman 1963 ) . This report extends our knowledge of the prevalence of these parasites in this host species. The authors are indebted to William L. Miller, David Grice, Clark G. Webster, William C. Good, Frank McCilvrey, David Hickok, and Terry W. Johnson, who supplied blood smears, or otherwise cooperated in obtaining specimens that formed the basis for this report. MATERIAL AND METHODS Most blood films were obtained by the puncture of a vein in the wing or toe and were stained with Giemsa's stain. Approximately 20,000 red blood cells (RBC) on each film were examined microscopically with the oil immersion objective (970 x ). Samples included 3S5 blood films from 230 birds from Massachusetts in 1952, and one film from each of the following: 128 and 198 birds, 1952 and 1953, respectively, Vermont; 13 birds, Maine, 1956; 35, Ohio, 1964; 173, New York, 1965; and 114, Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, Maryland, 1965. In addition, blood samples from seven adult wood ducks captured in their nest boxes at the Patuxent Wildlife Research Center on April 21 and A4ay l and 2, 1952, were inoculated into duck embryos following the technique of McChee ( 1949, as in Eichorn 1940). During the summer of 1965, blood samples were obtained from 42 wood ducks at the Patuxent Center and subinoculated, intramuscularly, into mallard ducklings ranging in age from a few days to several weeks. Blood films were taken from the mallards three times a week for at least 60 days following injection, and examined for evidence of Plusmodium. This content downloaded from on Sun, 03 Jul 2016 05:46:00 UTC All use subject to http://about.jstor.org/terms Table 1. Blood parasites from wood ducks. NO. BIRDS H or LOCATION EXAMINED H Sb 12 S0 P P T Maine 1956 13 11 85 9 69 (} O O Massachusetts 1952 230 88 38 1 18 6 0 Vermont 1952 128 18 14 0 3 1 1 Vermont 1953 198 48 24 0 2 0 0 New York 196S 16 0 0 0 0 0 New York 1965 157 13 8 0 0 0 0 Ohio 1964 35 15 43 1 0 0 0 Patuxent Center 1965 114 13 11 0 0 0 0 120 Jo?lrnal of Wildltfe Management, Vol. 35, No. 1, January 1971 from 4, and six from 1 bird. Although these multiple films were obtained at intervals throughout the period, a number of ducks including the bird from which sis films were made, remained negative. Several birds were negative in one or more examinations axld positive in others, either beconing infected during the interim or losing the parasitemia. Some birds were positive at each examination, the longest duration being a month from first to last sample. Plasmodium was observed only in smears of birds from Massachusetts and Vermont. Eighteen of the ducks from Massachusetts were infected. In addition, six birds had young parasites that could not be differentiated from Haemoproteus and may have been P1usmodium. On only one of the birds from Massachusetts was a specific diagnosis possible. Round, mature schizonts, svith 12 merozoites, together with the characteristic round gametocytes displacing the hostcell rlucleus, led us to classify this infection as P. relictum. In the other 17 infections, developing segmenters were observed but insufficient forms were present to pernit a species diagnosis. Many of these wood ducks were also infected with Haemoproteus, which has gametocytes very similar to those of P. circumflexum. However, without the confirming evidence of mature schizonts, diagnosis as P. circumfilexum sras not justified. Plasmodillm was not observed in more than one film of a bird when additional smears were made on other dates. The bird with P. relictum was positive on July 16. Most infections were observed in late August or early September. Irlfections were low level7 with less than 10 parasites per 10,000 RBC. Of the five infections with Plusmodium observed in birds from Vermont, orle was diagnosed as P. relictum, three as P. circumflexum, and one as P. sp. The elongate a = June. b = August-September. H = Haemoproteus, L diu771, T = trypanosomes. Leucocytozoorw, P
- Published
- 1971
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