Ojaniemi, U., Olin, M., Pättikangas, T., Seppälä, M., Taivassalo, V., Aittamaa, J., Ville Alopaeus, Hynynen, K., Jussila, S., Laakkonen, M., Liiri, M., Moilanen, P., Nurmela, A., Pulkkinen, I., Alatalo, H., Hatakka, H., Kallas, J., Laari, A., Sha, Z., Turunen, I., Hermanson, A., Kallio, S., Eloranta, H., Honkanen, M., Saarenrinne, P., Saikkonen, T., and Manninen, Mikko
The project "Modelling of multiphase chemical reactors (ModCheR)" was carried out by research groups from Helsinki University of Technology, VTT, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Åbo Akademi University and Tampere University of Technology. The model development was concentrated on CFD, but population balance models, cell interaction models and simple algebraic reactor models were also included. Extensive experimental work was carried out in order to provide data for model validation. Five topics were studied in the project. In crystallization, the subjects covered single crystal growth, batch crystallization and continuous crystallization. Both experimental work and model development were carried out. As gas-liquid processes, stirred reactors, bubble columns and flotation were studied. The modelling approaches included CFD and multiblock models. Modelling of trickle bed reactors involved both CFD and simpler approaches and important part of the work consisted of developing models for the interaction and dispersion terms in the equations. Work on drag reducing agents included measurements of the DR-effect in stirred reactors and pipe flow and model development for describing the effect of DRA on turbulence. In modelling of fluidised beds, models of turbulent bed and circulating bed were developed and validated, in particular, mixing of gas and solid, drag models, and macroscopic models were investigated. This final report describes the main results of the project. More detailed information can be found in the reports and publications produced in the project and referred to in this report.