334 results on '"Rizzi, Luigi"'
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302. The Null Subject Parameter and Parametric Theory
- Author
Jaeggli, Osvaldo, Safir, Kenneth J., Maling, Joan, editor, Rizzi, Luigi, editor, Jaeggli, Osvaldo A., editor, and Safir, Kenneth J., editor
- Published
- 1989
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303. Arbitrary Null Objects and Unselective Binding
- Author
Authier, J.-Marc P., Maling, Joan, editor, Rizzi, Luigi, editor, Jaeggli, Osvaldo A., editor, and Safir, Kenneth J., editor
- Published
- 1989
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304. Prepositional Infinitival Constructions in European Portuguese
- Author
Raposo, Eduardo, Maling, Joan, editor, Rizzi, Luigi, editor, Jaeggli, Osvaldo A., editor, and Safir, Kenneth J., editor
- Published
- 1989
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305. Movement of and out of subjects in French
- Author
Berthelot, Frédérique, Rizzi, Luigi, and Shlonsky, Ur
- Subjects
Criterial Freezing ,A-bar subject movement ,French"dont" ,Subject inversion ,Subject-object asymmetries ,Subjunctive ,Long genitival relatives ,Marginal null subject ,"que-qui" alternation ,Subject Condition ,Case marked CPs ,Complementizer ,ddc:410 ,Subject position ,Subextraction - Abstract
Cette thèse offre une analyse unifiée des contraintes qui s'exercent sur le mouvement A-bar du sujet d'une part et la sous-extraction hors du constituant sujet d'autre part. Elle propose que le marquage casuel du complémenteur par l'élément extrait permette dans les deux cas de satisfaire formellement la position que le sujet serait sinon contraint d'occuper (SubjP). Le mouvement du sujet ou de son complément peut alors s'effectuer en court-circuitant cette position où l'ensemble du constituant resterait bloqué (Criterial Freezing). L'analyse est soutenue par des données diachroniques et une étude expérimentale qui atteste l'acceptabilité de l'extraction longue du sujet modulo l'alternance que-qui. On montre, par ailleurs, que l'existence de relatives génitives dites longues, l'homme dont on dit que le travail _ est remarquable, est néanmoins compatible avec la proposition que dont, complémenteur casuellement marqué, permette de sauver les sous-extractions hors du sujet.
- Published
- 2017
306. Intervention effects in sentence processing
- Author
Villata, Sandra, Rizzi, Luigi, and Franck, Julie
- Subjects
Retrieval ,Interference effects ,Self-organised sentence processing model ,Intervention ,Cue-based memory model ,Superiority ,ACT-R ,Agreement ,Similarity-based interference ,Attraction ,D-linking ,ddc:150 ,Wh-islands ,Relativized Minimality ,Encoding ,ddc:410 ,SOSP ,Locality - Abstract
My dissertation investigates interference effects in the comprehension and production of long-distant dependencies in adults, integrating insights from theories on formal syntax and cognitive psychology granting a key role to similarity-based interference effects as a source of processing difficulty and/or ungrammaticality. My research mainly focuses on wh-islands' acceptability and attraction effects in agreement, which can both be taken as windows on interference effects in sentence processing. My research suggests that: (i) only similarity on a narrow class of syntactic features has the potential to generate ungrammaticality, while similarity in terms of other features increases processing difficulty without changing the grammatical status of the sentence; (ii) attraction effects can be conceived as the result of similarity-based interference; (iii) encoding interference plays a key role in generating processing difficulties; (iv) self-organised sentence processing models offer a new promising way to implement interference effects in a rigorous mathematical framework.
- Published
- 2017
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307. Intervention effects in language acquisition: the comprehension of A-bar dependencies in French and Romanian
- Author
Jeker Bentea, Anamaria, Rizzi, Luigi, and Moeschler, Jacques
- Subjects
ddc:410 - Abstract
This dissertation investigates the comprehension of subject and object relative clauses and wh-questions in French and Romanian monolingual typically-developing children, as a means to identify the types of information (i.e. morphosyntactic, semantic) that lead children to successfully interpret complex linguistic structures. It brings evidence in favour of the idea that children's selective difficulties with object dependencies stem from intervention effects amenable to effects of syntactic locality determined by the principle of Relativized Minimality (Friedmann et al., 2009; Rizzi, 1990, 2004, 2013; Starke, 2001). Moreover, the findings illustrate that, under specific conditions, intervention effects can be modulated or by-passed by (i) morphosyntactic features such as number, case, animacy; (ii) language-specific properties (like the presence of a post-verbal subject in Romanian); (iii) the degree of specificity of the moved object (whether the object has a more or less specific reference).
- Published
- 2016
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308. Correction to: Chitotriosidase: a biomarker of activity and severity in patients with sarcoidosis.
- Author
Bennett, David, Cameli, Paolo, Lanzarone, Nicola, Carobene, Loredana, Bianchi, Nicola, Fui, Annalisa, Rizzi, Luigi, Bergantini, Laura, Cillis, Giuseppe, d'Alessandro, Miriana, Mazzei, Maria Antonietta, Refini, Rosa Metella, Sestini, Piersante, Bargagli, Elena, and Rottoli, Paola
- Subjects
- *
PERSONAL names , *PATIENTS - Abstract
After publication of our article [1] the authors have notified us that one of the names has been incorrectly tagged. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2020
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309. The acquisition of Jamaican Creole: The emergence and transformation of early syntactic systems
- Author
De Lisser, Tamirand Nnena and Rizzi, Luigi
- Subjects
Jamaican Creole ,Creole language ,ddc:410 ,Language acquisition ,Syntax - Abstract
This study explores the early acquisition of Jamaican Creole (JC) syntax. There is a significant gap in linguistic research investigating the acquisition of creole languages which this research aims to repair. Six children, age ranging from 1;6 – 1;11, were recorded over an 18 month period. 60 minutes recordings were conducted every 10-15 days, thereby establishing the first longitudinal corpus of acquisition data in a creole language. The corpus was subjected to detailed analysis describing both target-consistent and target-inconsistent productions. The phenomena studied included the emergence of tense, aspectual and modal markers, null subjects, focalization, topicalization, interrogation and ‘typical creole features' such as verb serialization, double-negation, etc. The empirical findings provide evidence of early syntactic development and contribute to the on-going debate on Language Universals. This study will have a long-lasting contribution to the linguistic community as it provides an accessible corpus of natural production of JC early syntactic systems.
- Published
- 2015
310. Verbs in child grammar the acquisition of the primitive elements of the VP at the syntax-semantics interface
- Author
Lorusso, Paolo, Mateu Fontanals, Jaume, Rizzi, Luigi, and Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Filologia Catalana
- Subjects
Adquisió del llenguatge ,Verbs ,Lingüística ,Ciències Humanes - Abstract
Un tema en l'estudi de l'adquisició del llenguatge que ha atret molt l'atenció és la naturalesa dels primers verbs. Als 2 anys, els nens comencen a combinar paraules i a produir els primers verbs. Els elements verbals apareixen més tard que els substantius i es refereixen als conceptes relacionals en el món que estan representats a la sintaxi a través de l'estructura argumental. Aquesta tesi té com a objectiu examinar les característiques de les primeres produccions verbals en italià. L'aparició dels verbs implica el domini d'un procediment d'assignació dels papers semàntics a les posicions sintàctiques. El tema objecte d'estudi té conseqüències no només per a la descripció de l’evolució de l'adquisició del lèxic, sinó també per a la definició d'un model general de la interfície entre la sintaxi i la semàntica lèxica en les primeres etapes. La proposta és que les característiques sintacticosemàntiques estan actives en la gramàtica del nen a l’hora de determinar la derivació oracional. Els verbs impliquen significats estructurals i idiosincràtics: mentre que el significat estructural es deriva dels marcs sintàctics (del nombre i característiques dels arguments) en què un verb pot aparèixer, el significat idiosincràtic es troba en les relacions en el món que cada arrel verbal denota. L'arquitectura de la interfície sintaxi-semàntica dels verbs implica un procediment de projecció des d'uns marcs sintàctics a moltes relacions en el món i viceversa. El significat estructural dels primers verbs s’explora mitjançant una anàlisi de la distribució dels arguments manifestos i dels auxiliars en un corpus de parla espontània de nens i adults. Els resultats mostren que les classes lèxiques dels verbs influeixen en la distribució dels subjectes nuls i en l'elecció de la posició oracional en la qual els subjectes s'expressen. Les classes de verbs són rellevants també per a la selecció i la distribució dels auxiliars: els nens seleccionen correctament els auxiliars en funció de la informació lèxica sintàctica codificada en els SV. Quan apareixen els primers verbs, els nens estan aprenent alhora les derivacions sintàctiques que impliquen el SFlexió i les projeccions del SComplementador. Es troben algunes diferències entre la gramàtica del nen i la dels adults en els dominis sintàctics utilitzats per a la expressió dels subjectes a la interfície sintaxi-fonologia: un spell-out inicial més baix pot dificultar les derivacions sintàctiques que impliquen les projeccions oracionals on es comproven els trets semàntics del discurs com a Tòpic i Focus. S’han dissenyat dues tasques experimentals per tal d’observar els efectes de la presència d'un objecte explícit dins el SV en la determinació de la lectura aspectual. La interacció entre l'aspecte perfectiu codificat en el pretèrit perfet (passato prossimo) i l'aspecte lèxic dels SV s’ha investigat en el context de la producció i comprensió dels temps compostos perfectius. Els resultats mostren que els nens no utilitzen el pretèrit perfet amb tots els verbs com els adults: la informació aspectual codificada en el SV, tant la que afecta el significat estructural vinculat a la projecció dels objectes com la que afecta el significat idiosincràtic de l'arrel verbal, influeix en la comprensió infantil de la morfologia aspectual perfectiva fins a l'edat de 7 anys. Les principals conclusions d'aquest treball mostren que les relacions en la interfície sintaxi-semàntica ja estan ben establertes quan els nens produeixen els primers verbs i tenen influència en la distribució dels arguments implícits, en la posició oracional dels arguments explícits i en la interpretació aspectual. Si bé no podem determinar si l’adquisició dels primers verbs està desencadenada per la representació sintàctica o semàntica, sí que podem argumentar que tant els significats estructurals com els idiosincràtics que estan codificats en els SV estan actius en les diferents etapes de l'adquisició d'una llengua., An issue in the study of language acquisition that has attracted much attention is the nature of early verbs. At around the age of 2, children start to combine words and to produce the first verbs. Verbal items appear later than nouns and refer to the relational concepts in the world that are represented in syntax through the argument structure. This dissertation aims to examine the features of the first verbal productions in Italian. Since the appearance of verbs implies the mastery of a procedure of mapping between syntactic positions and semantic roles, the topic under examination has consequences not only for the description of the timeline of the acquisition of the lexicon, but also for the definition of a general model of the interface between syntax and lexical semantics in the early stages. The proposal is that syntactic-semantic features are at work early in child grammar in determining the clausal derivation. Verbs involve structural and idiosyncratic meaning: while structural meaning is derived by the few syntactic frames (number and features of the arguments) which a verb can appear in, idiosyncratic meaning is given by the relations in the world that each verbal root denotes. The architecture of the syntax-semantics interface for verbs implies a mapping procedure from few syntactic frames to many relations in the world and/or vice versa. The structural meaning of early verbs is explored through an analysis of the distribution of the overt arguments and the auxiliaries in a corpus of spontaneous speech of children and adults. The results will show that the lexical classes of verbs influence the distribution of null subjects and the choice of the position in which the subjects are expressed in the sentences. Verb classes also seem at work in the selection and the distribution of the auxiliaries: children properly select auxiliaries depending on the lexical-syntactic information encoded in the VP layer. At the age of the appearance of the first verbs, children are simultaneously learning the syntactic derivations that involve the IP and the CP layers. Some differences between child and target grammar are found in the syntactic domains used for the spell-out at syntax-phonology interface: a lower initial spell-out domain may disfavor the derivations to high clausal positions where scope discourse semantic features like Topic and Focus are checked. Two experimental tasks are designed to observe the effects of the presence of an overt object in the VP in determining the aspectual reading. The interaction between the perfective aspect encoded in the present perfect (passato prossimo) and the lexical aspect of the VPs is investigated in the production and comprehension of perfective compound tenses. The results show that children do not use the present perfect with all verbs like adults: the aspectual information encoded in the VP, both the structural meaning linked to the projection of the objects and the idiosyncratic meaning of the verbal root, influences children’s understanding of aspectual perfective morphology till the age of 7. The main conclusions of the present work show that the relations at syntax- semantics interface are already well established when the first verbs are uttered by children and influence the pattern of distribution of overt/null arguments, the clausal derivation to scope-discourse semantic position, and the aspectual interpretation. While we cannot determine whether the first verbs are bootstrapped by the semantic or the syntactic representations, we can argue that both the structural and idiosyncratic meanings encoded in the VPs are at work in the different stages of acquisition of a language.
- Published
- 2014
311. Structure de la phrase en abidji, langue kwa de Côte d'Ivoire
- Author
Hager, Clarisse and Rizzi, Luigi
- Subjects
Grammaire Générative ,ddc:410 ,Description scientifique ,Syntaxe - Abstract
Ayant pour objectif la description scientifique de l'abidji, langue kwa de Côte d'Ivoire, cette thèse est repartie en 4 parties: d'abord l'étude du système phonologique de la langue, puis l'analyse du système flexionnel et de la couche IP de la langue, et enfin l'analyse de la couche CP dans le but de dresser la cartographie de l'énoncé verbale en abidji. L'étude phonologique de l'abidji a permis de dresser un tableau phonologique de 42 phonèmes dont 24 consonnes et 18 voyelles (cf. tableaux phonologiques à la page 26). L'analyse du système flexionnel, quant à elle, a permis d'une part de distinguer le mode conditionnel du mode contre-factif (éventuel & irréel), et d'autre part de définir les aspects du mode déclaratif (le résultatif, le progressif, l'aoriste, l'habituel, le projectif). Quant à l'analyse de la couche CP (ou périphérie gauche de la phrase), elle a permis d'identifier et de distinguer les constructions Focus/Wh des constructions Topic.
- Published
- 2014
312. The syntactic structures of Russian wh-questions
- Author
Rojina, Nina, Rizzi, Luigi, and Laenzlinger, Christopher
- Subjects
Coordination of wh-elements ,Wh-questions ,Cartographic approach ,Serbo-Croatian ,Superiority effects ,Subjunctive complementizer ,That-trace effect ,ddc:410 ,Russian ,Wh-scope marking construction ,Bulgarian ,Wh-movement - Abstract
This dissertation addresses a number of issues involving the syntactic structure of Russian wh-questions. This work proposes a different perspective on the syntactic structure of Russian wh-questions. The dissertation offers a comparative analysis of Russian wh-questions with other languages involving multiple wh-movement (a.o. Bulgarian and Serbo-Croatian), and argues against the common perception of Russian as a language where a wh-phrase does not undergo wh-movement or show any Superiority effects. The data and analyses presented in this work argue for the opposite. The dissertation adopts the Cartographic approach to the syntactic analysis of wh-phrases in Russian.
- Published
- 2011
313. Deterministic mapping and dependencies : a syntax/semantics interface account of crossover and specificity
- Author
Falco, Michelangelo, Falco, Michelangelo, Rizzi, Luigi, Sportiche, Dominique, Delfitto, Denis, and Bertinetto, Pier Marco
- Subjects
Linguistics ,L-LIN/01 GLOTTOLOGIA E LINGUISTICA ,semantics ,morphosyntax - Abstract
This thesis proposes an analysis of weak crossover (WCO) in terms of conflicting interface economy principles. These principles apply to representations resulting from a transparent mapping between Rizzi’s (2001a) LF syntax for specific vs. non-specific chains and a refined version of Elbourne’s (2005) semantics for traces/copies and pronouns. While pronouns are endowed with a referential index, copies of Q-phrases are devoid of it, due to their quantificational nature. In standard WCO, the underspecified index on the trace is compelled by economy to get a value, through linking (Higginbotham 1983), from the closest potential indexbearing element, that is the intervening WCO pronoun. This local process of valuation yields a redundancy effect with the process of mapping the underspecified copy into the same variable by a generalized version of Heim & Kratzer’s (1998) Predicate Abstraction Rule (Del tto & Fiorin 2009). I argue that WCO effects can be circumvented by overtly moved specific Q-phrases. In order to establish the relevance of specificity in WCO contexts systematically, a formalization of the notion of specificity and a operational definition of specificity are provided, drawing from the literature. Concerning the formalization, specificity is analyzed by enriching the syntactic representation for Q-phrases, extending Elbourne’s (2005) analysis of definites: indefinites are not endowed with a referential index, but they always contain a (usually silent) NP that restricts the domain (Stanley 2000). In Elbourne’s (2005) system, this restriction is of same semantic type of the definite DP index - . With respect to the operational definition, a range of constructions affected by specificity of the extracted DP are used as tests to support the claim that overtly moved Q-phrase circumvent WCO. These facts are explained as a consequence of the LF chains to which specific phrases give rise under Rizzi’s (2001a) treatment, and the format for indefinites: the NP-restriction moves to a Topic position, thus, under Rizzi’s (2001a) mechanism of shrinking, its domain restriction is set free and is made available, as a referential index, for the whole DP. It follows that the intervening WCO pronoun is irrelevant for index-valuation and no redundancy arises in this case. The restriction of covertly moved Q-phrases cannot form an independent chain, as a consequence of the very nature of covert movement. So, the embedded index of the NP-restriction is buried in its original position and the whole DP trace remains devoid of an index, leading to WCO effects.
- Published
- 2009
314. Graph Theory and Universal Grammar
- Author
Franco, Ludovico, Savoia, Leonardo Maria, and Rizzi, Luigi
- Subjects
Humanidades::Outras Humanidades [Domínio/Área Científica] - Abstract
Tese arquivada ao abrigo da Portaria nº 227/2017 de 25 de Julho-Registo de Grau Estrangeiro In the last few years, Noam Chomsky (1994; 1995; 2000; 2001) has gone quite far in the direction of simplifying syntax, including eliminating X-bar theory and the levels of D-structure and S-structure entirely, as well as reducing movement rules to a combination of the more primitive operations of Copy and Merge. What remain in the Minimalist Program are the operations Merge and Agree and the levels of LF (Logical Form) and PF (Phonological form). My doctoral thesis attempts to offer an economical theory of syntactic structure from a graph-theoretic point of view (cf. Diestel, 2005), with special emphases on the elimination of category and projection labels and the Inclusiveness Condition (Chomsky 1994). The major influences for the development of such a theory have been Chris Collins’ (2002) seminal paper “Eliminating labels”, John Bowers (2001) unpublished manuscript “Syntactic Relations” and the Cartographic Paradigm (see Belletti, Cinque and Rizzi’s volumes on OUP for a starting point regarding this paradigm). A syntactic structure will be regarded here as a graph consisting of the set of lexical items, the set of relations among them and nothing more.
- Published
- 2008
315. Optional categories in early French syntax : a developmental study of root infinitives and null arguments
- Author
Rasetti, L. and Rizzi, Luigi
- Subjects
Acquisition ,Early syntax ,Null subjects ,fra - French ,ddc:410 ,Null objects ,Root infinitives ,Optionality - Abstract
Ce travail porte sur l'acquisition de la syntaxe du français comme langue maternelle, plus particulièrement sur l'utilisation optionnelle de la flexion verbale et des arguments dans les premiers stades du développement syntaxique, vers l'âge de 2 ans. Il vise, paralèllement, à identifier le profil de développement normal de l'enfant francophone de manière précise, de façon à établir un cadre de référence pour l'étude des pathologies du développement. Les cas d'omissions optionnelles analysés sont interprétés comme des phénomènes essentiellement syntaxiques. Ils sont le résultat d'un retrait systématique vers des structures plus économiques qui restent soumises à des contraintes grammaticales et compatibles avec la théorie de la Grammaire Universelle. Néanmoins, la stratégie de réduction structurelle est occasionnée par des facteurs externes à la syntaxe ou par des propriétés des interfaces. L'étude s'insère dans le cadre formel de la Grammaire Générative.
- Published
- 2003
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316. A featural account of polarity phenomena
- Author
Bouvier, Yves-Ferdinand and Rizzi, Luigi
- Subjects
ddc:410 - Abstract
This dissertation investigates which syntactic features are concerned with the linguistic expression of polarity by discussing their nature, their combinations, and their hierarchy. A featural machine summarizes the salient properties within a three-part list of some computational conditions involved in the projection of grammatical sentences in natural languages. According to various theoretical and empirical evidences, we argue against unitary concepts of "negativity" and "positivity", which have rather to be split up in several polarity-related features. Then we draw up a polar grammar of French by taking an empirical inventory of about 750 polarity items in the guise of a database; the featural analysis of the contexts where polarity phenomena arise provides the basis to set up a range of criteria allowing to correctly settle the 16'000 switches of the chosen polarity items, so that the database could be processable by the featural machine.
- Published
- 2002
317. Sex-related differences in response to lomitapide in HoFH: A subanalysis of the Pan-European Lomitapide retrospective observational study.
- Author
Pavanello C, Suppressa P, Castiglione S, Di Costanzo A, Tramontano D, Rizzi L, Steward K, Calabresi L, Arca M, Roeters van Lennep J, and D'Erasmo L
- Abstract
Background and Aims: Homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia (HoFH) is a hereditary lipid metabolism disorder characterized by severe elevation of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) and heightened risk of premature atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD). Lomitapide, an inhibitor of microsomal triglyceride transfer protein, has shown promise in reducing LDL-C levels, albeit with variable response in real-world settings. Sex-based differences in treatment efficacy and safety remain unclear., Methods and Results: This post-hoc analysis of the Pan-European Lomitapide Study investigated sex-specific disparities in the efficacy and safety of lomitapide in HoFH patients (N=38 women and N=37 men). Data were collected from HoFH patients receiving lomitapide across Europe. Clinical characteristics, lipid profile, and adverse events were compared between women and men. Results indicate comparable baseline characteristics and cardiovascular risk factors between sexes. While LDL-C reduction was comparable at each time point between the two groups, women exhibited a trend towards greater reduction compared to men, particularly evident at 6 months (-53.0% vs -32.9% p=0.051). Annual LDL-C reduction did not differ between sexes (-4.83% ± 7.02 vs -4.03% ± 9.74 p=0.526). No differences in the median lomitapide dose or the intensity of concomitant lipid lowering therapies were observed between sexes. Notably, gastrointestinal disturbances were more prevalent in women (78 events in women vs 32 in men, p=0.0002), although most adverse events were manageable. Event-free survival curves for ASCVD did not significantly differ between sexes (p=0.363)., Conclusions: Lomitapide demonstrates comparable efficacy in reducing LDL-C levels in men and women with HoFH, with potential sex-specific variations in tolerability., Competing Interests: Declaration of competing interest The authors declare the following financial interests/personal relationships which may be considered as potential competing interests: Daniele Tramontano received speaking fees from SOBI; Marcello Arca received research grant support and lecturing fees from Alfasigma, Amgen, Amryt, Daiichi Sankyo, Ionis Pharmaceuticals/Akcea Therapeutics, Novartis, Pfizer, Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Sanofi, Sobi, Viatris, and Ultragenyx; Laura D'Erasmo received fees or grants from Amryt Pharmaceutical, Akcea Therapeutics, SOBI, Aurora Biofarma, Novartis, Amarin, Daiichi-Sankyo, Bayer, and Sandoz; Ilenia Calcaterra received honoraria for advisory board from SOBI, Bayer e Sanofi; Sergio D'Addato received honoraria for advisory board from Amryt; Livia Pisciotta has participated as PI in clinical trials with Amryt; Genovefa Kolovou has given talks and participated in trials sponsored by Amgen, Lilly, MSD, Novartis, Sanofi, Vianex and nonfinancial support from Amryt; Evangelos Liberopoulos has participated in educational, research and advisory activities sponsored by AstraZeneca, MSD, Lilly, Bayer, Amgen, Sanofi, Boehringer-Ingelheim, Novartis, Novo Nordisk, Viatris and Servier. Anja Vogt received honoraria or travel support from Aegerion, Akcea, Amgen, Amryt, Daiichi-Sankyo, MSD, Novartis, Regeneron/Sanofi; Jaimini Cegla has received speaker/consultancy fees or research grants from: Amgen, Sanofi, Pfizer, Amryt, Ultragenyx, Verve Therapeutics, Sobi, Novartis, Akcea, Silence Therapeutics; Meral Kayikcioglu has received honoraria from Abbott, Abdi Ibrahim, Chiesi, LIB Therapeutics, Novartis, NovoNordisk, TR-pharma, and Ultragenix; research funding from Amryt Pharma, and has participated in clinical trials with Amgen, Ionis, LIB Therapeutics, Novartis, Novo Nordisk; Sergio Martinez-Hervas received fees for speaker or advisory work from Amarin, Amgen, Amryt, Daiichi-Sankyo, Sanofi and Ultragenyx. The other authors have no conflicts of interest to declare., (Crown Copyright © 2024. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2024
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318. Minimal Compositionality versus Bird Implicatures: two theories of ABC-D sequences in Japanese tits.
- Author
Schlenker P, Salis A, Leroux M, Coye C, Rizzi L, Steinert-Threlkeld S, and Chemla E
- Subjects
- Animals, Japan, Songbirds, Vocalization, Animal
- Abstract
It was argued in a series of experimental studies that Japanese tits (Parus minor) have an ABC call that has an alert function, a D call that has a recruitment function, and an ABC-D call that is compositionally derived from ABC and D, and has a mobbing function. A key conclusion was that ABC-D differs from the combination of separate utterances of ABC and of D (e.g. as played by distinct but close loudspeakers). While the logic of the argument is arguably sound, no explicit rule has been proposed to derive the meaning of ABC-D from that of its parts. We compare two analyses. One posits a limited instance of semantic compositionality ('Minimal Compositionality'); the other does without compositionality, but uses instead a more sophisticated pragmatics ('Bird Implicatures'). Minimal Compositionality takes the composition of ABC and D to deviate only minimally from what would be found with two independent utterances: ABC means that 'there is something that licenses an alert', D means that 'there is something that licenses recruitment', and ABC-D means that 'there is something that licenses both an alert and recruitment'. By contrast, ABC and D as independent utterances yield something weaker, namely: 'there is something that licenses an alert, and there is something that licenses recruitment', without any 'binding' across the two utterances. The second theory, Bird Implicatures, only requires that ABC-D should be more informative than ABC, and/or than D. It builds on the idea, proposed for several monkey species, that a less-informative call competes with a more informative one (the 'Informativity Principle'): when produced alone, ABC and D trigger an inference that ABC-D is false. We explain how both Minimal Compositionality and Bird Implicatures could have evolved, and we compare the predictions of the two theories. Finally, we extend the discussion to some chimpanzee and meerkat sequences that might raise related theoretical problems., (© 2024 Cambridge Philosophical Society.)
- Published
- 2024
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319. Role of triglyceride-glucose index in metabolic assessment of sarcoidosis patients.
- Author
Rizzi L, Coppola C, Hbaidi Y, Russo R, Crudele L, Moschetta A, and Suppressa P
- Subjects
- Humans, Female, Male, Middle Aged, Retrospective Studies, Case-Control Studies, Adult, Biomarkers blood, Insulin Resistance physiology, Sarcoidosis physiopathology, Sarcoidosis blood, Triglycerides blood, Blood Glucose analysis, Metabolic Syndrome blood, Metabolic Syndrome physiopathology
- Abstract
Sarcoidosis is a rare granulomatous disease that can affect any organ. It leads to an increased risk of metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance, due to biochemical pathways involved in low-grade inflammation in both diseases. The aim of our retrospective case-control study was to evaluate the utility of triglyceride-glucose (TyG) index, a surrogate of insulin resistance, for metabolic assessment of sarcoidosis patients. A cohort of 90 sarcoidosis patients and a cohort of 90 control subjects were enrolled. Clinical, anamnestic, and biochemical data were collected. Results showed that TyG index values were higher in the sarcoidosis cohort than in the control group (p < 0.001), even after excluding the influence of diabetes and metabolic syndrome (p = 0.018). In the sarcoidosis cohort, TyG index was not correlated with clinical phenotyping (p = 0.358), gender (p = 0.139), radiological stage (p = 0.656), glucocorticoids cumulative dose (p = 0.682) or treatment regimen (p = 0.093), while significant positive correlations with waist circumference (p < 0.001), systolic and diastolic pressure (p = 0.041 and p = 0.029, respectively), Framingham score (p = 0.007) were found. Receiving operating characteristics curve analysis identified a TyG index optimal cut-off value of 8.64 (66.7% sensitivity, 77.8% specificity, area under the curve -AUC- 75%, 95% confidence interval -CI- 65-85, p < 0.001) to detect metabolic syndrome and a cut-off value of 8.69 (64.1% sensitivity, 70.6% specificity; AUC 67%, 95% CI 55-78, p = 0.007) to detect an intermediate cardiovascular risk according to Framingham risk score. Concluding, TyG index can be considered a useful tool for the metabolic assessment of sarcoidosis patients, given its capacity to predict metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular risk., (© 2024. The Author(s).)
- Published
- 2024
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320. Effects of Removable Functional Appliances on the Dentoalveolar Unit in Growing Patients.
- Author
Cardarelli F, Drago S, Rizzi L, Bazzani M, Pesce P, Menini M, and Migliorati M
- Subjects
- Humans, Male, Female, Child, Retrospective Studies, Orthodontic Appliances, Functional, Orthodontic Appliances, Removable, Cephalometry methods, Treatment Outcome, Malocclusion, Angle Class II therapy
- Abstract
Background and Objectives: The objective of this retrospective controlled study is to compare class II growing patients who underwent treatment with two different functional appliances: the Fraenkel regulator (FR-2), utilized as the control group, and the elastodontic device "Cranium Occluded Postural Multifunctional Harmonizers" (AMCOP), utilized as the test group. Materials and Methods: The study sample consisted of 52 patients with class II division I malocclusion (30 males, 22 females, mean age 8.6 ± 1.4 years) who were treated with the two different types of appliances: Group 1 ( n = 27, mean age 8 [7.00, 9.00] years, 12 females, 15 males) received treatment with AMCOP, while Group 2 ( n = 25, mean age 9.2 years [8.20, 10.00], 10 females, 15 males) received treatment with FR-2. The mean treatment duration for Group 1 was 28.00 [21.50, 38.00] months, while for Group 2 it was 23.70 [17.80, 27.40] months. Cephalometric analyses were performed on lateral cephalograms taken before treatment (T1) and after treatment (T2). Results: Significant intragroup differences were observed over time in Group 1 for 1^/PP. Similarly, significant intragroup differences were observed over time in Group 2 for SNB, ANB, and IMPA. Conclusions: Both treatment modalities resulted in the correction of class II malocclusion with dentoalveolar compensation, although the treatment duration with AMCOP tended to be longer on average.
- Published
- 2024
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321. The arduous challenge of seeking for biomarkers in rare diseases.
- Author
Suppressa P and Rizzi L
- Subjects
- Humans, Biomarkers, Rare Diseases
- Abstract
Competing Interests: Declaration of Competing Interest The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.
- Published
- 2023
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322. Cardiovascular risk in rare diseases: a prognostic stratification model in a cohort of sarcoidosis patients.
- Author
Rizzi L, Coppola C, Cocco V, Sabbà C, and Suppressa P
- Subjects
- Humans, Carotid Intima-Media Thickness, Risk Factors, Prognosis, Rare Diseases, Heart Disease Risk Factors, Cardiovascular Diseases etiology, Atherosclerosis, Sarcoidosis complications
- Abstract
Sarcoidosis is a rare granulomatous disease that can affect any organ; as other chronic diseases, it leads to increased risk of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular (CV) disease. The aim of our observational study was to define a prognostic stratification model of sarcoidosis patients based on the evaluation of CV risk through common carotid Doppler ultrasound and cardiovascular risk scores assessment; for this reason, a clinical phenotyping of sarcoidosis patients in four subgroups was done, based on the different organ involvement. A cohort of 53 sarcoidosis patients and a cohort of 48 healthy volunteers were enrolled. Results showed that CV risk was higher in sarcoidosis cohort than in the control group when evaluated through CV risk scores and Doppler parameters: peak-systolic velocity (PSV) and end-diastolic velocity (EDV) were significantly lower in sarcoidosis cohort (p = 0.045 and p = 0.017, respectively), whereas intima media thickness (IMT) showed higher values in sarcoidosis group than in controls (p = 0.016). The analysis of sarcoidosis phenotypes showed no significative differences of CV risk among them when CV risk scores were considered, while partial differences emerged by evaluating subclinical atherosclerosis. Results also highlighted a relationship between CV risk score and carotid Doppler ultrasound parameters: EDV showed an inverse correlation with Framingham score (R = - 0.275, p = 0.004), whereas IMT showed a direct one (R = 0.429; p = 0.001); furthermore, an inverse correlation between PSV and EDV and illness duration (R = - 0.298, p = 0.030 and R = - 0.406, p = 0.002, respectively) was found, so suggesting a higher CV risk in patients with a longer story of disease., (© 2023. The Author(s).)
- Published
- 2023
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323. Comment on: Atherogenic indices can predict atherosclerosis in patients with sarcoidosis.
- Author
Rizzi L, Sabbà C, and Suppressa P
- Published
- 2022
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324. Sarcoidosis and autoimmunity: In the depth of a complex relationship.
- Author
Rizzi L, Sabbà C, and Suppressa P
- Abstract
Sarcoidosis is a chronic granulomatous disease that can virtually affect any organ. Its etiology is unknown, although it has been proposed that environmental or biological agents can act as triggers, ultimately leading to chronic inflammation in genetically predisposed individuals. The main component of sarcoid inflammation is represented by an exaggerated T- lymphocytic cellular response to a putative antigen that could not be efficiently cleared in the patient. However, several clinical and immunological observations, such as the association of sarcoidosis to autoimmune diseases or the presence of autoantibodies in the serum of patients with sarcoidosis, suggest that humoral-mediated immune response might also play a role in the pathogenesis of sarcoidosis. The aim of this review is to deepen the relationship between sarcoidosis and autoimmunity, by analyzing the most recent advances and proposing new fields of research., Competing Interests: The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest., (Copyright © 2022 Rizzi, Sabbà and Suppressa.)
- Published
- 2022
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325. Do infants have abstract grammatical knowledge of word order at 17 months? Evidence from Mandarin Chinese.
- Author
Zhu J, Franck J, Rizzi L, and Gavarró A
- Subjects
- Adult, Child, Preschool, China, Humans, Infant, Language, Vocabulary, Language Development, Linguistics
- Abstract
We test the comprehension of transitive sentences in very young learners of Mandarin Chinese using a combination of the weird word order paradigm with the use of pseudo-verbs and the preferential looking paradigm, replicating the experiment of Franck et al. (2013) on French. Seventeen typically-developing Mandarin infants (mean age: 17.4 months) participated and the same experiment was conducted with eighteen adults. The results show that hearing well-formed NP-V-NP sentences triggered infants to fixate more on a transitive scene than on a reflexive scene. In contrast, when they heard deviant NP-NP-V sequences, no such preference pattern was found, a performance pattern that is adult-like. This is at variance with some of the results from Candan et al. (2012), who only found evidence for canonical word order comprehension at almost age 3 when considering fixation time. Furthermore, within the age range tested, performance showed no effect of age or vocabulary size.
- Published
- 2022
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326. The Layered Syntactic Structure of the Complementizer System: Functional Heads and Multiple Movements in the Early Left-Periphery. A Corpus Study on Italian.
- Author
Moscati V and Rizzi L
- Abstract
In this paper we document the developmental trajectory of the complementizer system (CP-system) in Italian by looking at the earliest spontaneous production of eleven young children, whose transcriptions are available on CHILDES. We conducted a novel corpus analysis, tracking down a number of constructions in which the clausal left-periphery is activated. First, we considered the appearance of the different complementizer particles in the CP-system, which overtly realize the three distinct functional projections ForceP, IntP, and FinP. The analysis revealed that children acquiring Italian correctly use these complementizer particles already in the third year of life. Second, we looked for the simultaneous activation of different functional projections within the CP-system. We went through our corpus searching for complex sentences in which more than one constituent was moved to the left periphery. This option is allowed by the adult grammar of Italian and, as our search revealed, it is also attested in the grammar of young children. Soon after their second birthday, sequences in which a left-dislocated Topic and a Wh- element co-occur are attested, directly supporting the existence of a (high) Topic position above FocusP. Moreover, movement in general conforms to the constraints of the adult grammar, with no attested violation of obligatory inversion (a consequence of the Q-Criterion). Importantly, " why -questions" did not require inversion, much as in the adult grammar of Italian. Taken together, children's use of complementizer particles and their activation of multiple landing sites for movement show that 2-year-olds already possess a richly articulated functional structure of the CP-system, aligned to the layered adult structure. In concluding the paper, we also discuss some temporal differences between constructions activating high and low portions of the CP-system. In particular, we detect a temporal precedence for wh-questions over why-questions. Since the former activate a lower projection, this is consistent with the recently proposed Growing Trees hypothesis, according to which the development of the CP-system proceeds stepwise., Competing Interests: The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest., (Copyright © 2021 Moscati and Rizzi.)
- Published
- 2021
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327. Clinical phenotyping in sarcoidosis management.
- Author
Rana GD, d'Alessandro M, Rizzi L, Bergantini L, Cameli P, Vozza A, Sestini P, Suppressa P, and Bargagli E
- Abstract
Sarcoidosis is a heterogeneous granulomatous disease. Biological markers and clinical features could allow specific phenotypes to be associated with different prognosis, severity and treatment responses. This retrospective multicentre study aims to analyse the clinical and immunological features of sarcoidosis and to identify a routine non-invasive biomarker useful in clinical practice., Materials and Methods: 129 Caucasian patients with sarcoidosis (median age IQR, 56 (47-62)) were enrolled retrospectively in the study. Medical history, routine laboratory findings, lung function results and radiological features from the last examination of October 2019 - February 2020 were gathered from the patients' clinical records., Results: Regardless their clinical status at disease onset, at the last clinical examination we didn't observe any differences in terms of therapeutic management between symptomatic and asymptomatic patients. Stratifying sarcoidosis population according to therapeutic management, the N/L ratio was higher in the treated group than in the non-treated group (p=0.0034). Receiver operating curve (ROC) analysis distinguished these two groups according to N/L ratio with an area under the curve (AUC) of 65.3% and a best cut-off value of 2.21. Peripheral N/L ratio was significantly higher in radiological stages 2-4 than in stages 0-1 (p=0.0090) distinguishing these two groups with an AUC of 64% and a best cut-off value of 2.13., Discussion: In our multicentric cohort study similar periodic follow-up can be suggested for symptomatic and asymptomatic sarcoidosis patients at onset. In the heterogeneous context of this disease, N/L ratio proved to be a useful and simple routine laboratory biomarker related to disease activity and need for treatment., Competing Interests: The authors declared that they have no conflict of interest., (Copyright: © 2021 SARCOIDOSIS VASCULITIS AND DIFFUSE LUNG DISEASES.)
- Published
- 2021
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328. Morphosyntactic weaknesses in Developmental Language Disorder: the role of structure and agreement configurations.
- Author
Moscati V, Rizzi L, Vottari I, Chilosi AM, Salvadorini R, and Guasti MT
- Subjects
- Child, Child, Preschool, Female, Humans, Male, Phonetics, Specific Language Disorder diagnosis, Language Development Disorders diagnosis, Linguistics, Semantics
- Abstract
Agreement is a morphosyntactic dependency which is sensitive to the hierarchical structure of the clause and is constrained by the structural distance that separates the elements involved in this relation. In this paper we present two experiments, providing new evidence that Italian-speaking children with Developmental Language Disorder (DLD), as well as Typically Developing (TD) children, are sensitive to the same hierarchical and locality factors that characterise agreement in adult grammars. This sensitivity holds even though DLD children show accrued difficulties in more complex agreement configurations. In the first experiment, a forced-choice task was used to establish whether children are more affected in the computation of S-V agreement when an element intervenes hierarchically or linearly in the agreement relation: DLD children are more subject to attraction errors when the attractor intervenes hierarchically, indicating that DLD children discriminate between hierarchical and linear configurations. The second experiment, also conducted through a forced-choice task, shows that the computation of agreement in DLD children is more 'fragile' than in TD children (and also in children with a primary impairment in the phonological domain), in that it is more sensitive to the factors of complexity identified in Moscati and Rizzi's (2014) typology of agreement configurations. To capture the agreement pattern found in DLD children, we put forth a novel hypothesis: the Fragile Computation of Agreement Hypothesis. Its main tenet is that DLD children make use of the same grammatical operations employed by their peers, as demonstrated in Experiment 1, but difficulties increase as a function of the complexity of the agreement configuration.
- Published
- 2020
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329. Chitotriosidase: a biomarker of activity and severity in patients with sarcoidosis.
- Author
Bennett D, Cameli P, Lanzarone N, Carobene L, Bianchi N, Fui A, Rizzi L, Bergantini L, Cillis G, d'Alessandro M, Mazzei MA, Refini RM, Sestini P, Bargagli E, and Rottoli P
- Subjects
- Biomarkers blood, Female, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Prognosis, ROC Curve, Retrospective Studies, Sarcoidosis diagnosis, Severity of Illness Index, Hexosaminidases blood, Sarcoidosis enzymology
- Abstract
Background: Serum chitotriosidase is a promising biomarker that has shown high specificity and sensitivity in patients with sarcoidosis. The aim of this study was to investigate correlations between serum chitotriosidase, clinical phenotypes, disease localizations and different radiological lung involvement and to identify clinical features associated with over-expression of chitotriosidase in a large cohort of sarcoidosis patients., Methods: Chitotriosidase activity was evaluated in a population of 694 consecutive patients (males 39%, age 55.8 ± 12.8 years). Clinical and respiratory functional characteristics, Clinical Outcome Scale (COS) classification, clinical phenotypes proposed by the GenPhenResA project, and radiological assessment, including CT scan, were collected. Serum sampling and clinical and functional assessments at follow-up were also included., Results: Significantly higher chitotriosidase activity was observed in sarcoidosis patients than in healthy controls (p < 0.0001). Evidence of lung fibrosis with reticular abnormalities and traction bronchiectasis at High resolution CT, presence of multiple extrapulmonary sarcoid localizations and increased 24-h urinary excretion of calcium were associated with significantly higher chitotriosidase activity (p < 0.005). Patients with remitted or minimal disease had lower values of chitotriosidase than patients with persistent disease. At follow-up, patients who required an increase in steroid dose showed an increase in its activity., Conclusions: Chitotriosidase is a reliable biomarker of sarcoidosis. It is increased in patients with sarcoidosis correlating with disease activity, severity and multiorgan dissemination. Steroid therapy tended to reduce chitotriosidase expression, however it responded in cases of disease relapse.
- Published
- 2020
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330. Treatment of Pyonephritis Complicated by Septic Shock Using Extracorporeal Device Polymyxin B-Hemoperfusion.
- Author
Amoruso G, Di Venosa N, Rizzi L, Lupo G, Gisotti A, Vitobello G, Mastrandrea P, Petta R, and Cinnella G
- Subjects
- Adult, Female, Humans, Pyonephrosis blood, Pyonephrosis complications, Shock, Septic blood, Shock, Septic etiology, Hemoperfusion, Polymyxin B, Pyonephrosis therapy, Shock, Septic therapy
- Abstract
Direct hemoperfusion using polymyxin B-immobilized fiber (PMX-DHP) is an established treatment method for septic shock caused by Gram-negative infections. We report one instance in which PMX-DHP therapy has been used successfully in a 33-year-old woman with septic shock from urosepsis. Although there is lack of recommendations in latest Surviving Sepsis Campaign Guidelines, evidence of PMX-DHP efficacy in this subset of patients is growing., (© 2020 S. Karger AG, Basel.)
- Published
- 2020
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331. Short stems in total hip replacement: current status and future.
- Author
Castelli CC and Rizzi L
- Subjects
- Age Factors, Aged, Arthroplasty, Replacement, Hip adverse effects, Arthroplasty, Replacement, Hip methods, Female, Femur surgery, Follow-Up Studies, Forecasting, Hip Joint physiopathology, Hip Joint surgery, Hip Prosthesis standards, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Needs Assessment, Periprosthetic Fractures epidemiology, Postoperative Complications physiopathology, Postoperative Complications surgery, Radiography, Stress, Mechanical, Treatment Outcome, Arthroplasty, Replacement, Hip instrumentation, Hip Prosthesis trends, Periprosthetic Fractures diagnostic imaging, Prosthesis Design
- Abstract
Short stem hip implants have been introduced as a bone preserving surgery for younger and more active people undergoing hip arthroplasty. Although many short stems are now available, clinical results and long-term survival are controversial. The aim of this paper is to describe the features of the short stems and to analyse their clinical results and long-term survival. The short-stem implants reproduce a stress distribution at the level of the proximal femur more similar to the physiological femur limiting the stress-shielding that occur with conventional cementless stems. Though short stems are an alternative to conventional stems, their use is not yet justified despite the promising short and mid-term survival results. Higher incidence of complications, such as periprosthetic fractures and malpositioning of the stem, and the lack of long-term results do not allow to predict what role in the future short stems in total hip replacement may have.
- Published
- 2014
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332. A person is not a number: discourse involvement in subject-verb agreement computation.
- Author
Mancini S, Molinaro N, Rizzi L, and Carreiras M
- Subjects
- Electroencephalography, Female, Humans, Linguistics, Male, Reaction Time physiology, Young Adult, Cerebral Cortex physiology, Comprehension physiology, Evoked Potentials physiology, Language, Speech Perception physiology
- Abstract
Agreement is a very important mechanism for language processing. Mainstream psycholinguistic research on subject-verb agreement processing has emphasized the purely formal and encapsulated nature of this phenomenon, positing an equivalent access to person and number features. However, person and number are intrinsically different, because person conveys extra-syntactic information concerning the participants in the speech act. To test the person-number dissociation hypothesis we investigated the neural correlates of subject-verb agreement in Spanish, using person and number violations. While number agreement violations produced a left-anterior negativity followed by a P600 with a posterior distribution, the negativity elicited by person anomalies had a centro-posterior maximum and was followed by a P600 effect that was frontally distributed in the early phase and posteriorly distributed in the late phase. These data reveal that the parser is differentially sensitive to the two features and that it deals with the two anomalies by adopting different strategies, due to the different levels of analysis affected by the person and number violations., (Copyright © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2011
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333. Sentence syntax and content in the human temporal lobe: an fMRI adaptation study in auditory and visual modalities.
- Author
Devauchelle AD, Oppenheim C, Rizzi L, Dehaene S, and Pallier C
- Subjects
- Acoustic Stimulation methods, Adult, Female, Functional Laterality physiology, Humans, Image Processing, Computer-Assisted methods, Male, Oxygen blood, Photic Stimulation methods, Temporal Lobe physiology, Time Factors, Young Adult, Adaptation, Physiological physiology, Brain Mapping, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Mental Processes physiology, Psycholinguistics, Semantics, Temporal Lobe blood supply
- Abstract
Priming effects have been well documented in behavioral psycholinguistics experiments: The processing of a word or a sentence is typically facilitated when it shares lexico-semantic or syntactic features with a previously encountered stimulus. Here, we used fMRI priming to investigate which brain areas show adaptation to the repetition of a sentence's content or syntax. Participants read or listened to sentences organized in series which could or not share similar syntactic constructions and/or lexico-semantic content. The repetition of lexico-semantic content yielded adaptation in most of the temporal and frontal sentence processing network, both in the visual and the auditory modalities, even when the same lexico-semantic content was expressed using variable syntactic constructions. No fMRI adaptation effect was observed when the same syntactic construction was repeated. Yet behavioral priming was observed at both syntactic and semantic levels in a separate experiment where participants detected sentence endings. We discuss a number of possible explanations for the absence of syntactic priming in the fMRI experiments, including the possibility that the conglomerate of syntactic properties defining "a construction" is not an actual object assembled during parsing.
- Published
- 2009
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334. Phonological, lexical and syntactic components of language development. Preface.
- Author
Frauenfelder U, Rizzi L, and Zesiger P
- Subjects
- Child, Child, Preschool, Humans, Infant, Speech Perception physiology, Child Language, Language Development, Linguistics
- Published
- 2008
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