151. Body condition and indicators of energy status of cows in advanced gravidity and early stage of lactation
- Author
Prodanović, Radiša, Kirovski, Danijela, Jakić-Dimić, Dobrila, Vujanac, Ivan, Kureljušić, Branislav, Prodanović, Radiša, Kirovski, Danijela, Jakić-Dimić, Dobrila, Vujanac, Ivan, and Kureljušić, Branislav
- Abstract
The objective of the investigations was to establish the validity of certain metabolic and endocrine indicators of energy metabolism in comparison with the body condition of cows during the final stage of pregnancy and the early stage of lactation. For the investigations, three groups of eight cows each were chosen during the dry period (15 days before the expected date of calving), in early puerperium (15 days after calving) and on the 100th day of lactation. All the animals included in the experiment were primipara or at their second delivery. The body condition of the cows in advanced pregnancy and lactation was evaluated according to the Elanco Animal Health Bulletin AI 8478 system. Concentrations of glucose and beta-hydroxybutyric acid (BHB) were determined in samples of fresh blood, and concentrations of total bilirubin, urea, triiodothyronine and thyroxine in samples of blood serum. The blood samples were taken during the dry period, in early puerperium, and on the 100th day of lactation. On the grounds of the obtained results, a high degree of correlation was determined between the body condition of cows in early puerperium and BHB concentrations in blood established 15 days prior to calving (r = 0.898; p lt 0.01). Contrary to this, a significant correlation was established between the body condition of cows in the dry period and the concentration of total bilirubin in cow blood 15 days after calving (r = 0.603; p lt 0.05). Furthermore, a high degree of correlation was established between the difference in the body condition of cows in the dry period and in early puerperium (X = 0.49 ± 0.21 pints) and BHB concentration in the blood of cows prior to calving (r = 0.800; p lt 0.02). It can be concluded on the grounds of the obtained results that changes in the body condition of cows that occur in the peripartal period are in significant correlation with BHB concentration in the blood of cows in the dry period and the concentration of total bilirubin in early pu, Cilj istraživanja bio je da se utvrdi validnost nekih metaboličkih i endokrinih pokazatelja energetskog metabolizma u poređenju sa telesnom kondicijom krava tokom poslednje faze graviditeta i rane faze laktacije. Za ispitivanje su odabrane tri grupe od po osam krava u periodu zasušenja (15 dana pre očekivanog termina teljenja), ranom puerperijumu (15 dana nakon teljenja) i 100. dana laktacije. Sve životinje uključene u ogled bile su prvotelkinje i drugotelkinje. Telesna kondicija krava u visokom graviditetu i laktaciji je ocenjivana prema sistemu Elanco Animal Health Buletin AI 8478. U uzorcima sveže krvi određivana je koncentracija glukoze i beta-hidroksi buterne kiseline (BHB), a u uzorcima krvnog seruma koncentracija ukupnog bilirubina, uree, trijodtironina i tiroksina. Uzorci krvi uzimani su u zasušenju, ranom puerperijumu i 100. dana laktacije. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata visok stepen korelacije utvrđen je između telesne kondicije krava u ranom puerperijumu i koncentracije BHB u krvi 15 dana pre teljenja (r = 0,898; p lt 0,01). Nasuprot tome, značajna korelacija je utvrđena između telesne kondicije u zasušenju i koncentracije ukupnog bilirubina u krvi krava 15 dana posle teljenja (r = 0,603; p lt 0,05). Dodatno je ustanovljen visok stepen korelacije između razlike u telesnoj kondiciji krava u zasušenju i ranom puerperijumu (X = 0,49 ± 0,21 poena) i koncentracije BHB u krvi krava pre teljenja (r = 0,800; p lt 0,02). Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da su promene telesne kondicije krava koje nastaju u peripartalnom periodu u značajnoj korelaciji sa koncentracijom BHB u krvi krava u zasušenju i koncentracijom ukupnog bilirubina u ranom puerperijumu. .
- Published
- 2010