Dissertation, Rheinisch-Westf��lische Technische Hochschule Aachen, 2022; Aachen : RWTH Aachen University 1 Online-Ressource : Illustrationen (2022). = Dissertation, Rheinisch-Westf��lische Technische Hochschule Aachen, 2022, Due to the steadily increasing computing power of modern computers, numerical simulation is nowadays used in all engineering disciplines. For example, digital twins (i.e. the virtual representation of physical objects) are employed in the conception and development phase of products or processes to analyze, design and optimize them in advance. In particular, the finite element method (FEM) has established itself as a well-proven tool for the simulation of technical (coupled multiphysical) problems. However, the accuracy and reliability of the predictions made in the course of finite element analyses are essentially dependent on the underlying material models. Therefore, new models are still developed today, in order to represent increasingly complex phenomena and effects and to achieve predictions that are as close to reality as possible. In particular, the modeling of the material behavior in the context of non-isothermal forming processes (e.g. warm and hot sheet metal forming and thermoforming of thermoplastics or glass) represents a complicated task. Here, the following challenges arise: In general, the materials are formed under large irreversible deformations. Consequently, only finite strain constitutive theories lead to reliable results. Furthermore, complex (time-dependent) inelastic deformation mechanisms occur. For most materials (such as metals and polymers), these irreversible processes lead to significant self-heating of the material, especially at higher forming rates. In addition, the temperature-dependent mechanical properties and the formation of residual stresses in the course of non-isothermal processes must be taken into account. Moreover, temperature dependent microstructural phase transformations occur in metals as well as in polymers during the cooling process, which have a significant influence on the effective properties of the manufactured components. Therefore, a complicated coupling of the mechanical quantities with the temperature and the corresponding phase transformations arises. If damage and crack propagation are to be considered in the course of modeling, the complicating necessity to integrate non-local damage approaches arises, in order to exclude undesired mesh-dependent results. For gradient-extended damage concepts, this leads to the introduction of additional balance equations, which have to be solved in addition to the classical balances of energy and linear momentum. The coupled modeling of these multiple physical phenomena is a challenging and relevant task, which still requires fundamental research. This cumulative dissertation aims to make a valuable contribution in this regards. The overarching objective of the current work is the development of coupled multiphysics modeling approaches for polymers and metals in order to enable more realistic simulations of the above-mentioned processes in the future. Essentially, this work comprises a collection of published research articles by the author (and his co-authors), in the context of the aforementioned topic. In the introduction, the research-relevant questions are elaborated in detail. In addition, an up-to-date literature review is provided. The subsequent first two publications deal with the experimental investigation and modeling of semi-crystalline polymers. In the first paper, extensive experimental data regarding the mechanical behavior of semi-crystalline polyamide 6 is collected. Based on this data, a new isothermal continuum mechanical material model is developed. The underlying formulation is based on a coupled visco-hyperelastic, elasto-plastic approach in which nonlinear relaxation and strain hardening effects are considered. The temperature as well as the degree of crystallinity serve as constant input parameters, which significantly influence the effective material behavior. In the second paper, a thermo-mechanically coupled extension of the former model is proposed. The degree of crystallinity is now treated as a non-constant internal variable, which is dependent on the temperature history. Thus, the processing induced microstructural crystallization kinetics and the corresponding (locally varying) changes in the macroscopic behavior can be represented. In addition, the heat generation due to irreversible deformation processes and exothermic crystal growth is derived from the energy balance. The predicted mechanical behavior, the heat of crystallization, as well as the self-heating due to large irreversible deformations show qualitatively and quantitatively a good agreement with experiments in three-dimensional structural examples. The third and last article in this dissertation deals with the complex interplay between plastic deformations, damage processes and temperature, which occurs in metals during e.g. forming processes. To this end, a gradient-extended thermo-mechanically coupled constitutive framework is developed. The modeling of the mechanical behavior is based on the work of Brepols 2020, where a two-surface damage plasticity approach is proposed. The heat generation of these dissipative processes are derived from the energy balance in a consistent manner. A fully implicit and monolithic algorithm is presented and discussed in detail for solving the three global solution fields (i.e. displacement, temperature, and nonlocal damage variable). In this way, mesh-objective descriptions of the complex interactions between the aforementioned phenomena can be resolved., Published by RWTH Aachen University, Aachen