[Display omitted] • CI engine tests include study of preheating and distinct – WSB, IAA, IT, and EGR. • Novel (Diesel-WSB-IAA) blends test results are analysed by TOPSIS and ANFIS methods. • TOPSIS optimum factors are load-12 kg, WSB-5 %, IAA-15 %, IT-25° bTDC, and EGR-21 %. • Optimum to diesel: CO (14.29 %↓), CO 2 (32.89 %↓), NO x (58.12 %↓), and smoke (38.13 %↓). • WSB5IAA15 blend is the best, according to the analysis of ternary blend graphs. This study investigates the significance of isoamyl alcohol (IAA) in a CI engine by blending with watermelon seed biodiesel (WSB) at preheating and varying load, injection timing (IT), and exhaust gas recirculation (EGR). Adaptive-Network Based Fuzzy Inference Systems (ANFIS), and Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) methods were employed to analyze the test results. From statistical indices data, the ANFIS models predicted more accurately. TOPSIS technique confirmed the preheated optimum ternary blend (POTB) as load-12 kg, WSB-5 %, IAA-15 %, IT-25° bTDC, and EGR-21 %. The closeness coefficient values model R2 = 0.9736. In comparison to diesel, the POTB blend (WSB5IAA15) offers lower viscosity, density, CN, and heating value, with higher oxygen and latent heat of vaporization (Lv), most of which contribute to improved atomized spray and better combustion. Hence, at load-80 %, POTB to diesel results decrease BTE by 0.11 %, CO by 25 %, CO 2 by 16.39 %, NO x by 37.08 %, and smoke by 16.16 %, while increasing BSEC by 0.40 %, and HC by 39.83 %. Further, at load-100 %, the results of POTB to diesel diminish BTE by 2.12 %, CO by 14.29 %, CO 2 by 32.89 %, NO x by 58.12 %, and smoke by 38.13 %, while elevating BSEC by 7.57 %, and HC by 31.30 %. IAA exhibits elevated levels of oxygen, energy density, Lv, and OH active radicals, accompanied by reduced heating value and CN. IAA is crucial in lowering NO x and smoke levels, which are difficult for WSB to control on its own. Lastly, plots are illustrated for each response parameter to dominant (EGR and WSB) concerning ternary blends and diesel data for specific conditions. Ultimately, the POTB demonstrated that it can serve as an effective diesel fuel substitute. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]