U disertaciji je provedeno istraživanje tehničkih i tehnoloških aspekata digitalizacije sustava pomorskih VHF komunikacija. Predloženo rješenje uzima u obzir preporuke ITU-a za istraživanja problematike povećanja broja kanala u pomorskom YHF području, i to: za tehničke karakteristike uređaja, kodiranje govora, karakteristike prijenosnog medija, ocjenjivanje kvalitete signala, raspodjelu frekvencijskih pojaseva. Također su uvaženi i ostali parametri koji ograničavaju raspon mogućih rješenja. Predložak za analizu prednosti i slabosti digitalnih tehnologija prijenosa signala u disertaciji se izvodi iz iskustava kopnenih radiokomunikacijskih sustava budući da su se kopneni radiokomunikacijski sustavi razvijali iznimno brzo u proteklih dvadeset godina, uglavnom neopterećeni starijim tehnološkim rješenjima ograničenjima regulatornih agencija kao što je slučaj u pomorstvu. Istraživanje za potrebe disertacije provedeno je kroz nekoliko sustavno povezanih faza. Utvrđene su najprije karakteristike govornih signala radi odabira prikladnog načina kodiranja. Potom su ispitani i uspoređeni tehnički parametri šest kopnenih komunikacijskih sustava, te se na toj podlozi postavio idejni model digitalnog pomorskog YHF komunikacijskog sustava. Provedena je komparativna analiza kvalitete signala digitalnog sustava, postojećeg analognog sustava i alternativnog analognog sustava s udvostručenim brojem kanala. Izračunom kapaciteta pomoću Erlang C modela potvrđena je temeljna hipoteza da je digitalni sustav sposoban povećati broj raspoloživih komunikacijskih kanala, uz održavanje zadovoljavajuće razine kvalitete informacije. S obzirom na predvidive zahtjeve uspostave predloženog rješenja i probleme koji se mogu očekivati pri planiranju procesa prijelaza, disertacija završava sistematizacijom prednosti i problema implementacije predložene digitalne tehnologije., The dissertation explores the technical and technological aspects of digitalization of maritime VHF communications. The proposed solution takes into account the recommendations of the ITU defining research parameters for increasing the number of channels in the VHF maritime area. These include parameters such as: the technical characteristics of devices, speech coding, the characteristics of transmission media, signal quality assessment, distribution of frequency bands. Other parameters that limit the possibilities of increasing the number of channels in the VHF maritime area are also taken into consideration. Terrestrial radio communication systems have evolved extremely rapidly in the past twenty years, largely unencumbered by older technologic solutions and limitations of regulatory agencies and as such, they represent a valuable source of insight into possible solutions. Therefore, the framework for analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of digital signal transmission technology in the thesis is derived from the experiences of terrestrial wireless systems. The research was conducted through several systematically related phases. The first step was to establish the characteristics of the speech signal in order to select a suitable method of coding. The second part of the research examined and compared the technical parameters of six terrestrial communications systems. This comparison and evaluation later served for proposing a new conceptual model of a digital maritime VHF communications system. ln the third step, a comparative analysis was carried out in order to compare the voice signal quality for three alternative solutions: the proposed digital system, the existing analogue system and the alternative analog system based on a doubled number of channels. Channel capacity was calculated using the Erlang C model. Calculations confirmed the fundamental hypothesis that the proposed digital system is capable of increasing the number of available communication channels, while, at the same time, maintaining a satisfactory level of quality of the information carried. Given the expected hardships in adopting the proposed solution and problems that can be expected during the transition process, the dissertation ends with a systematization of the advantages and problems expected in the implementation of the proposed digital teclmology.