Redpolls (Carduelis flammea and C. hornemanni) are well known for their extensive phenotypic variability. Various explanations have been proposed for the phenomenon, ranging from extreme variability within a single inclusive taxon, to more modest variation within frequently hybridizing or strictly isolated taxa. The predominant view favors the recognition of two largely sympatric and only slightly differentiated species: the Common Redpoll (C. flammea), comprised of the four subspecies flammea, cabaret, islandica, and rostrata; and the Hoary Redpoll (C. hornemanni) comprised of the two subspecies hornemanni and exilipes. We investigated the possible existence of sympatric redpoll forms in a large sample (n = 209) of breeding individuals from Churchill, Manitoba, where the putative forms flammea and exilipes were reported to co-occur. Groups of individuals of specific age and sex were analyzed independently. The sample was not divided a priori into flammea and exilipes subgroups. The pattern of variation within each age-and-sex group is described, and the differences between these groups are analyzed. We show that several pigmentation characters in specific age-andsex groups are not distributed normally, and that pale and dark subgroups of second-year (SY) and after-second-year (ASY) males can be identified in a principal-components analysis (PCA) of seven characters reflecting the extent of melanin and carotenoid pigmentation. The pinkand red-breasted subgroups of ASY males match almost perfectly the pale and dark groups found in the PCA analysis. Further, when ASY males of different breast color (pink vs. red) are analyzed independently, all plumage characters are distributed normally. The analyses of SY and ASY females failed to provide good evidence for a plumage polymorphism. Our results support the idea that two relatively distinct redpoll forms breed at Churchill, which differ in several plumage characteristics involving both melanin and carotenoid pigmentations. These forms are more clearly differentiated in males than in females. They may be specifically distinct (C. f. flammea and C. hornemanni exilipes), as has frequently been suggested, but they also could be the product of different types of intraspecific genetic or ecophenotypic polymorphisms. Preliminary observations are presented that support the idea that plumage variants are largely genetically determined, but experimental work is needed to confirm this suggestion. Received 28 May 1991, accepted 19 February 1992. ORNITHOLOGISTS HAVE long been intrigued by the extensive plumage variability seen in redpolls (Carduelis [flammea] spp.). Based roughly on the same type of data and analytical approach (i.e. colorimetric and morphometric studies), different investigators have described that variation as continuous (e.g. Harris et al. 1965, Troy 1985) or dimorphic (e.g. Todd 1963, Molau 1985, Knox 1988), and have divided the "complex" into one to four species (see Knox 1988:table 1). The taxonomic disagreement comes mainly from the different interpretations given to the origin of birds having intermediate attributes in sympatric populations. Some re1 Present addresses: Department of Biology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104, USA; and Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Unit 0948, APO AA 34002, USA. searchers hold that intermediate birds are common in many populations and represent either hybrids and backcross individuals (e.g. Williamson 1961, Harris et al. 1965), or merely central points in a homogeneous distribution of phenotypic variants within a single highly variable species (Troy 1985). Other investigators (e.g. Molau 1985, Knox 1988) have suggested that, when sexual and age dimorphisms are carefully taken into account, very few redpolls qualify as intermediate, and these probably are convergent variants of distinct sympatric species. The most commonly encountered classification of redpolls is one in which two polytypic species are recognized, the Common Redpoll (C. flammea) comprised of the subspecies cabaret, flammea, and rostrata, and the Hoary Redpoll (C. hornemanni) comprised of the subspecies exilipes and hornemanni (Knox 1988). The taxonomic affinities of redpolls breeding in Iceland are un