Triple Revolution1, both popular and professional interest in cybernation has risen markedly and an expanding literature has been appearing. This indicates an increasingly favorable reception to those ideas which are intrinsic to what has come to be referred to as the coming Age Of Cyberculture. The leading ideas of cybernation have been discussed in this journal earlier2, and the present writer will not review them in any detail. Here it will be sufficient to stress only that cybernation, defined as the combination of the computer and the automated self-regulating machine, has broken the link between work and income. According to cyberculturists, if the West is therefore willing to take advantage of the technical and social possibilities inherent in cybernation, certain dramatic consequences must inevitably follow-consequences which will require drastic social and institutional innovation in the future. Let me mention briefly some of these major consequences. Production in the future will require a new type of social and technical organization, and technically advanced countries, particularly the United States, will have to recognize that only a small percentage of its citizens would have to work at all. Under the new social dispensation promised by cybernation a high standard of living is guaranteed, without any need for the type of backbreaking toil which has historically been recognized as the prerequisite for economic survival. A Great Society is emerging whose dominant characteristic will be leisure for all, and if we have the foresight to use that leisure intelligently, along intellectual, cultural, educational, spiritual, and aesthetic lines, there is literally no limit to what men can accomplish socially. Partisans of the social and technical possibilities inherent in an Age of Cyberculture describe a vision of the human community which surpasses in desirability and novelty anything dreamed of in most of the utopias which have thus far been advanced by thinkers in the