432 results on '"Campisi I"'
Search Results
252. Event Brief of Q3 2005 Sports Authority Earnings Conference Call - Part 2
- Subjects
Nike Inc. ,Athletic shoe industry ,Business ,Business, international ,News, opinion and commentary - Abstract
(From Fair Disclosure Wire) JOHN SHANLEY: Does that also holds true for the physical space of the stores? DAVID CAMPISI: I would tell you this -- and you know, if [...]
- Published
- 2005
253. Design studies on the ERL-FEL test facility at IHEP, Beijing.
- Author
Wang Shu-Hong, Wang Jiu-Qing, Chen Sen-Yu, Chi Yun-Long, Wang Guang-Wei, Cao Jian-She, Liu Sheng-Guang, Gao Jie, Zhai Ji-Yuan, Liu Wei-Bin, Cui Xiao-Hao, Xu Jin-Qiang, Zhou Zu-Sheng, Li Xiao-Ping, Lu Hui-Hua, and Xiao Qiong
- Published
- 2012
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254. Jefferson Lab IR FEL cryomodule modifications and test results.
- Author
Wiseman, M., Benesch, J., Drury, M., Fisher, J., Machie, D., Mammosser, J., Phillips, L., and Preble, J.
- Published
- 1997
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255. [Back cover].
- Published
- 1985
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256. [Front cover and table of contents].
- Published
- 1981
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257. Author index.
- Published
- 1985
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258. Fingers Have the Touch.
- Subjects
BIOMETRY ,COMPUTER security ,SECURITY systems ,ACCESS control ,SECURITY systems industry - Abstract
The article focuses on the use of fingerprint biometrics in physical and computer network access control. Biometrics is much more superior security system compared to PINS, passwords and tokens. Some of its features include advanced security to restrict access only to authorized users for individual or network computers and password management. INSET: Hand Over Finger..
- Published
- 2006
259. Mam, jestem, mogę. Kształtowanie odporności psychicznej u dzieci i młodzieży
- Author
Katarzyna Walęcka-Matyja, Elżbieta Napora and Katarzyna Walęcka-Matyja, Elżbieta Napora
- Abstract
Autorki poruszają problematykę odporności psychicznej i jej wzmacniania. W pierwszej części, teoretycznej, koncentrują się na zagadnieniu stresu w perspektywie dzieci i młodzieży, a także na zróżnicowanych sposobach radzenia sobie z nim. Akcentują rolę odporności psychicznej w pokonywaniu trudności życiowych oraz podkreślają możliwość jej skutecznego wzmacniania i rozwijania poprzez różne formy oddziaływania psychologicznego. W drugiej części publikacji, praktycznej, przedstawiono scenariusze zajęć psychoedukacyjnych. Są one ujęte w formie modułowej i tworzą kompendium specjalistycznej wiedzy psychologicznej dla osób pracujących z dziećmi i młodzieżą. Każdy cykl zajęć warsztatowych dotyczy innego obszaru odporności psychicznej, np. roli środowiska rodzinnego, życiowych wyzwań, poczucia własnej wartości, rywalizacji i współpracy, stabilności emocjonalnej, prawidłowej komunikacji czy zdolności budowania właściwych relacji interpersonalnych. Zaproponowane metody aktywizujące mogą przyczynić się do wzmacniania motywacji dzieci i młodzieży do dokonywania zmian. Książka adresowana jest do osób pracujących z dziećmi i młodzieżą, psychologów, pedagogów, wychowawców, terapeutów. Może być pomocna w kształtowaniu przestrzeni do podejmowania kreatywnej aktywności, a także skłaniać do realizowania nowatorskich działań w obszarze psychologii stosowanej.
- Published
- 2024
260. Tra diritto e propaganda - e-Book : Due studi sull'immagine imperiale
- Author
Giovanbattista Greco and Giovanbattista Greco
- Published
- 2024
261. Stati Generali del Patrimonio Industriale. 2022
- Author
AA.VV, Edoardo Currà, Marina Docci, Claudio Menichelli, Martina Russo, Laura Severi, AA.VV, Edoardo Currà, Marina Docci, Claudio Menichelli, Martina Russo, and Laura Severi
- Abstract
L'Associazione Italiana per il Patrimonio Archeologico Industriale (AIPAI), in occasione dei suoi 25 anni, ha promosso i Secondi Stati Generali del Patrimonio Industriale. Per tracciare un bilancio ed elaborare strategie e visioni ha posto le condizioni per l'incontro tra gli addetti ai lavori e il confronto tra i molteplici ambiti operativi, di ricerca e istituzionali coinvolti. Ci si è riuniti a Roma e a Tivoli con la consapevolezza che il primo lascito dell'età industriale siamo noi, la nostra società con i suoi pregi e le sue contraddizioni, le incredibili conquiste degli ultimi secoli. La risposta è stata ampia e tra i numerosi contributi presentati in questo volume, si possono scorgere studi e appelli, buone pratiche di conservazione e progetti di riuso, percorsi culturali e azioni di valorizzazione del patrimonio intangibile. Il tutto fa ben constatare che pur con impianti metodologici fortemente caratterizzati, sono sempre di più le discipline che convergono sull'oggetto e sui contesti della produzione e gradualmente assimilano i principi consolidati dell'archeologia industriale. Le voci di una comunità segnata dai due anni di pandemia mostrano più incisivamente il divario tra il permanere di emergenze culturali e ambientali, da un lato, e un'aumentata tensione al riconoscimento e al ripensamento dell'eredità industriale, dall'altro. Quest'ultima si conferma sia nella centralità che le memorie e la cultura industriale hanno assunto nelle strategie di ripresa dei programmi nazionali ed europei, sia nelle potenzialità di riscatto sociale economico e ambientale che emergono da una declinazione aggiornata dei progetti di recupero e rigenerazione. The Italian Association for Industrial Archaeological Heritage - AIPAI, on its 25th anniversary, promoted the Second States General of Industrial Heritage. In order to draw a balance sheet and elaborate strategies and visions for the near future, it set the conditions for the meeting of insiders and the confrontation between the many operational, research and institutional spheres involved. We gathered in Rome and Tivoli with the awareness that the first legacy of the industrial age is us, our society with its merits and contradictions, the incredible achievements of the last centuries. The response was wide-ranging, and among the contributions presented in large numbers one can discern in-depth studies and denunciations, good conservation practices and reuse projects, cultural paths, and actions to enhance intangible heritage. All of which makes a good case for the fact that more and more disciplines, even with strongly characterized methodological frameworks, are converging on the object and contexts of production and are gradually assimilating the established principles of industrial archaeology. The voices of a community marked by the two-year pandemic show more incisively the gap between the persistence of cultural and environmental emergencies, on the one hand, and an increased tension to recognize and rethink industrial heritage, on the other. The latter is confirmed both in the centrality that industrial memories and culture have assumed in the recovery strategies of national and European programs, and in the potential for social economic and environmental redemption that emerges from an updated declination of recovery and regeneration projects.
- Published
- 2022
262. Magnetic Materials and Technologies for Medical Applications
- Author
Alexander Tishin and Alexander Tishin
- Abstract
The study of electromagnetic fields in the treatment of various diseases is not a new one; however, we are still learning how magnetic fields impact the human body and its organs. Many novel magnetic materials and technologies could potentially transform medicine. Magnetic Materials and Technologies for Medical Applications explores these current and emerging technologies. Beginning with foundational knowledge on the basics of magnetism, this book then details the approaches and methods used in the creation of novel magnetic materials and devices. This book also discusses current technologies and applications, as well as the commercial aspects of introducing new technologies to the field. This book serves as an excellent introduction for early career researchers or a reference to more experienced researchers who wish to stay abreast of current trends and developing technologies in the field. This book could also be used by clinicians working in medicine and companies interested in establishing new medical technologies. Each chapter provides novel tasks for future scientific and technology research studies. - Outlines the basics of magnetism for enhanced understanding of its applications in medicine - Covers novel magnetic devices as well as technologies still under development, including magnetic brain stimulation, biosensors, and nanoparticles for drug delivery - Explores commercial opportunities and obstacles to market entry for new magnetic materials and technologies for the medical field
- Published
- 2021
263. Una vita da impresario
- Author
Lucio Piccoli and Lucio Piccoli
- Abstract
Appassionato di teatro fin dalla tenera età, Lucio Piccoli si racconta senza riserve intervallando aneddoti divertenti, privati e professionali, a riflessioni profonde. Dal suo esordio, comico solo per caso, ai suoi primi tour nell'hinterland milanese, a bordo della Balilla nera del capocomico, diventa imprenditore di se stesso fondando la sua prima compagnia «Rivista… mai Vista!». Certo che per avere successo sia necessario lavorare con veri professionisti, tra gli anni Sessanta e Settanta convince Lucio Flauto, noto attore cinematografico e teatrale di quel periodo, a presentare i suoi primi spettacoli e, proprio da lui, ottiene la sua prima referenza e il suggerimento di un «nome d'arte» per affermarsi da protagonista. Gira così i suoi primi Caroselli per la televisione, riuscendo a trasformare i peggiori imprevisti in situazioni di comicità, e diventa presentatore in feste popolari dove conosce artisti di grande fama con i quali stabilisce rapporti umani solidi e duraturi. E quando tramonteranno avanspettacolo e rivista, Piccoli si lancia in una nuova carriera, quella di impresario e poi di direttore artistico di Antennatre Lombardia. Una vita da impresario è il racconto autobiografico di un uomo capace di affrontare i cambiamenti, e rimettersi in gioco più volte senza mai rinunciare alla propria passione. Un uomo che ha fatto dell'autoironia, dell'amore per il proprio lavoro e del rispetto dell'artista le chiavi del proprio successo.
- Published
- 2021
264. Cancer Immunology : A Translational Medicine Context
- Author
Nima Rezaei and Nima Rezaei
- Subjects
- Natural immunity, Cancer--Immunological aspects
- Abstract
This book focusing on the immunopathology of cancers is published as part of the three-volume Springer series Cancer Immunology, which aims to provide an up-to-date, clinically relevant review of cancer immunology and immunotherapy. Readers will find detailed descriptions of the interactions between cancerous cells and various components of the innate and adaptive immune system. The principal focus, however, is very much on clinical aspects, the aim being to educate clinicians in the clinical implications of the latest research and novel developments in the field. In the new edition of this very well received book, first published in 2015, the original chapters have been significantly updated and additional chapters included on, for example, current knowledge on the roles of T-helper cells and NK cells in tumor immunity, the part played by oncoviruses in the development of various cancers, and the applications of fluorescent in situ hybridization, bioluminescence, and cancer molecular and functional imaging. Cancer Immunology: A Translational Medicine Context will be of special value to clinical immunologists, hematologists, and oncologists.
- Published
- 2020
265. Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2020 : 20th International Conference, Cagliari, Italy, July 1–4, 2020, Proceedings, Part II
- Author
Osvaldo Gervasi, Beniamino Murgante, Sanjay Misra, Chiara Garau, Ivan Blečić, David Taniar, Bernady O. Apduhan, Ana Maria A.C. Rocha, Eufemia Tarantino, Carmelo Maria Torre, Yeliz Karaca, Osvaldo Gervasi, Beniamino Murgante, Sanjay Misra, Chiara Garau, Ivan Blečić, David Taniar, Bernady O. Apduhan, Ana Maria A.C. Rocha, Eufemia Tarantino, Carmelo Maria Torre, and Yeliz Karaca
- Subjects
- Computer networks, Social sciences—Data processing, Computers, Coding theory, Information theory, Artificial intelligence
- Abstract
The seven volumes LNCS 12249-12255 constitute the refereed proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications, ICCSA 2020, held in Cagliari, Italy, in July 2020. Due to COVID-19 pandemic the conference was organized in an online event.Computational Science is the main pillar of most of the present research, industrial and commercial applications, and plays a unique role in exploiting ICT innovative technologies.The 466 full papers and 32 short papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 1450 submissions. Apart from the general track, ICCSA 2020 also include 52 workshops, in various areas of computational sciences, ranging from computational science technologies, to specific areas of computational sciences, such as software engineering, security, machine learning and artificial intelligence, blockchain technologies, and of applications in many fields.
- Published
- 2020
266. Histopathologische Diagnostik der Prostatastanzbiopsie
- Author
Sven Perner, Verena-Wilbeth Sailer, Sven Perner, and Verena-Wilbeth Sailer
- Subjects
- Pathology, Urology, Internal medicine
- Abstract
Dieses Buch zur Prostatapathologie gibt einen umfassenden Überblick über den aktuellen Stand der Diagnostik und der wichtigsten molekularen Veränderungen sowohl des lokalisierten als auch des fortgeschrittenen und metastasierten Prostatakarzinoms. Einsteiger und Fortgeschrittene aus der Pathologie, der Radiologie, der Urologie und auch der Onkologie, können ihre Kenntnisse zu aktuellen Entwicklungen in der Diagnostik, der Molekularpathologie sowie zu klinischen Behandlungskonzepten des Prostatakarzinoms erweitern und vertiefen. Das Praxisbuch vereint das aktuelle theoretische Wissen Gewebeuntersuchung und Befunderstellung mit der praktischen Arbeit an repräsentativen Abbildungen. Neben Standards zur Aufarbeitung und Befundung von Stanzbiopsien, transurethralen Resektaten und radikalen Prostatektomiepräparaten werden immunhistochemische Zusatzuntersuchungen, diagnostische Pitfalls und molekularpathologische Aspekte diskutiert.Wissen auf den Punkt gebracht: die histopathologische Diagnostik der Prostatastanzbiopsie –praxisnah und wissenschaftlich fundiert. Für Pathologen, Urologen und Onkologen.
- Published
- 2020
267. Handbook of Immunosenescence : Basic Understanding and Clinical Implications
- Author
Tamas Fulop, Claudio Franceschi, Katsuiku Hirokawa, Graham Pawelec, Tamas Fulop, Claudio Franceschi, Katsuiku Hirokawa, and Graham Pawelec
- Subjects
- Medicine—Research, Biology—Research
- Abstract
Immunosenescence is an imprecise term used to describe deleterious age-associated changes to immune parameters observed in all mammals studied so far. It represents a rapidly progressing science in the aging field, with a vertiginous volume of new data, knowledge and concepts concerning these changes. We are poised to be in a position to translate these accumulated data into the clinical setting via better understanding of the contribution of immunosenescence to age-associated pathologies, and their prevention by appropriate interventions. This authoritative handbook seeks to encompass the current state of our knowledge on the multitude of those changes to immunity related to aging, with contributions from experts in the research and clinical areas. This book therefore considers methods and models for studying immunosenescence; cellular immunosenescence of T cells, B cells, neutrophils, antigen presenting cells, NK, NKT and stem cells; genetics; mechanisms including receptors and signal transduction; mitochondria; proteasome; cytokines; neuro-endocrine-immune networks; inflammation; thymus; clinical relevance in disease states including infections, autoimmunity, cancer, metabolic syndrome, neurodegenerative diseases, frailty and osteoporosis; modulation by nutrition, lipids, vaccination and the question “can interventions to influence immunosenescence be realistically proposed based on our current state of knowledge?”.
- Published
- 2019
268. Encyclopedia of Cancer
- Author
Boffetta, Paolo, Academic Press, Hainaut, Pierre, Boffetta, Paolo, Academic Press, and Hainaut, Pierre
- Subjects
- Cancer--Encyclopedias
- Abstract
Encyclopedia of Cancer, Third Edition, Three Volume Set provides a comprehensive, up-to-date overview of the multiple facets of the disease, including research, treatment and societal impact. This new edition comprises 180 contributions from renown experts who present the latest in Mechanisms, Hallmarks of Cancer, Causes of Cancer, Prevention and Control, Diagnosis and Therapy, Pathology and the Genetics of specific Cancers. Readers will find a comprehensive overview of the main areas of oncology, including etiology, mechanisms, prevention, and treatments, from basic science to clinical applications and public health, all set alongside the latest advances and hot topics that have emerged since the previous edition. Topics of interest in the field, including genomics and epigenomics, our understanding of the causes of cancer and the approaches to preventing it (e.g., HPV vaccination, role of obesity and nutrition, molecular markers of environmental exposures), new screening techniques (e.g., low-dose CT for lung cancer) and improvements in the treatment of many cancers (e.g., breast cancer, lung adenocarcinoma) are comprehensively and authoritatively presented. - Comprises 180 contributions from renowned experts who present the latest in mechanisms, hallmarks of cancer, causes, prevention and control, diagnosis and therapy, pathology and genetics - Presents a comprehensive overview of the main areas of oncology, including etiology, mechanisms, prevention, and treatments, from basic science to clinical applications and public health
- Published
- 2019
269. Biomarkers in Toxicology
- Author
Ramesh C Gupta and Ramesh C Gupta
- Subjects
- Toxicology, Biochemical markers
- Abstract
Biomarkers in Toxicology, Second Edition, is a timely and comprehensive reference dedicated to all aspects of biomarkers that relate to chemical exposure and their effects on biological systems. This revised and completely updated edition includes both vertebrate and non-vertebrate species models for toxicological testing and the development of biomarkers. Divided into several key sections, this reference volume contains new chapters devoted to topics in microplastics, neuroimmunotoxicity and nutraceuticals, along with a look at the latest cutting-edge technologies used to detect biomarkers. Each chapter contains several references to current literature and important resources for further reading. Given this comprehensive treatment, this book is an essential reference for anyone interested in biomarkers across the scientific and biomedical fields. - Evaluates the expansive literature, providing one resource covering all aspects of toxicology biomarkers - Includes completely revised chapters, along with additional chapters on the newest developments in the field - Identifies and discusses the most sensitive, accurate, unique and validated biomarkers used as indicators of exposure - Covers special topics and applications of biomarkers, including chapters on molecular toxicology biomarkers, biomarker analysis for nanotoxicology, development of biomarkers for drug efficacy evaluation, and much more
- Published
- 2019
270. Aging, Nutrition and Taste : Nutrition, Food Science and Culinary Perspectives for Aging Tastefully
- Author
Jacqueline B. Marcus and Jacqueline B. Marcus
- Subjects
- Older people--Nutrition--Requirements, Taste, Aging
- Abstract
Approximately 380 million people worldwide are 60 years of age or older. This number is predicted to triple to more than 1 billion by 2025. Aging, Nutrition and Taste: Nutrition, Food Science and Culinary Perspectives for Aging Tastefully provides research, facts, theories, practical advice and recipes with full color photographs to feed the rapidly growing aging population healthfully. This book takes an integrated approach, utilizing nutrition, food science and the culinary arts. A significant number of aging adults may have taste and smell or chemosensory disorders and many may also be considered to be undernourished. While this can be partially attributed to the behavioral, physical and social changes that come with aging, the loss or decline in taste and smell may be at the root of other disorders. Aging adults may not know that these disorders exist nor what can be done to compensate. This text seeks to fill the knowledge gap. Aging, Nutrition and Taste: Nutrition, Food Science and Culinary Perspectives for Aging Tastefully examines aging from three perspectives: nutritional changes that affect health and well-being; food science applications that address age-specific chemosensory changes, compromised disease states and health, and culinary arts techniques that help make food more appealing to diminishing senses. Beyond scientific theory, readers will find practical tips and techniques, products, recipes, and menus to increase the desirability, consumption and gratification of healthy foods and beverages as people age. - Presents information on new research and theories including a fresh look at calcium, cholesterol, fibers, omega-3 fatty acids, higher protein requirements, vitamins C, E, D, trace minerals and phytonutrients and others specifically for the aging population - Includes easy to access and usable definitions in each chapter, guidelines, recommendations, tables and usable bytes of information for health professionals, those who work with aging populations and aging people themselves - Synthesizes overall insights in overviews, introductions and digest summaries of each chapter, identifying relevant material from other chapters and clarifying their pertinence
- Published
- 2019
271. A Pessimistic Guide to Anti-aging Research: Death is Immortal
- Author
Magomed Khaidakov, Author and Magomed Khaidakov, Author
- Subjects
- Aging, Aging--Prevention
- Abstract
This book provides the reader with a broad overview of the biology of aging, and offers a critical analysis of past, present and possible future anti-aging interventions. It begins by evaluating the state of research on aging and anti-aging interventions on the basis of scientific merit and underlying biology, before discussing the shortcomings and drawbacks of existing strategies that sometimes preclude meaningful developments. The volume differs from many existing studies in its more balanced and realistic analysis of current developments in the field of aging.
- Published
- 2019
272. The Receptor RAGE in Vascular and Cerebral Dysfunctions
- Author
Jean-Luc Wautier, Editor and Jean-Luc Wautier, Editor
- Subjects
- Receptor-ligand complexes
- Abstract
After chemistry, the origins of biochemistry began at the end of the 19th century. The first major step was made when glycated hemoglobin, HbA1c, was found to be a precious index to follow an adapted antidiabetic treatment. This discovery led to the identification of cell receptors, present in vascular cells, leukocytes, neuronal cells. One such cell receptor, RAGE, has been shown to be a major contributor in cell alteration, the development of vascular complications in diabetes mellitus, ageing, and Alzheimer's disease. This book shows that the axis AGE-RAGE and the activation of RAGE by other ligands open up a possible new therapeutic approach to prevent complications of diabetes mellitus and ageing. As such, it will particularly appeal to chemists, biochemists, biologists, immunologists, nutritionists, doctors, cardiologists, and neurologists.The collection is the fruit of a collaboration of eminent experts (Ann Marie Schmidt is Professor of Medicine, New York University, USA; Marie-Paule Wautier PhD is an engineer at Institut National de la Sante et de la Recherche Medicale, Paris, France; Eric Boulanger is a Professor of medicine, Lille University, France; Peter Nawroth is a Professor of Internal Medicine at Heidelberg University, Germany; David Stern is Vice-Chancellor for Health Affairs, University of Tennessee, USA; Jean-Luc Wautier is an Emeritus Professor of Medicine, University Denis Diderot Paris, France) who have greatly contributed to the story of the Receptor for Advanced Glycation End products (RAGE).
- Published
- 2019
273. Las causas incidentales : Propuestas para la celeridad del proceso incidental
- Author
Bruceli Benito Ala Gordillo and Bruceli Benito Ala Gordillo
- Abstract
El objeto de estudio es la celeridad de los procesos que solventan las causas incidentales, originadas dentro del proceso de la causa principal, para contribuir de ese modo a una mejor tutela de la justicia. En las causas matrimoniales canónicas, donde se discierne sobre la validez del propio matrimonio atendiendo a razones de verdad, las partes se encuentran con mecanismos jurídicos que pueden acelerar o ralentizar el proceso. Teniendo en cuenta una noción jurídico-legal básica sobre la causa incidental, se realiza un análisis sobre la regulación vigente, la jurisprudencia y las contribuciones de la doctrina canonística sobre los medios para lograr un proceso incidental más ágil y efectivo.
- Published
- 2018
274. Breast Cancer Management for Surgeons : A European Multidisciplinary Textbook
- Author
Lynda Wyld, Christos Markopoulos, Marjut Leidenius, Elżbieta Senkus-Konefka, Lynda Wyld, Christos Markopoulos, Marjut Leidenius, and Elżbieta Senkus-Konefka
- Subjects
- Breast--Cancer--Treatment, Breast--Cancer--Surgery
- Abstract
This textbook provides a comprehensive overview of the state of the art knowledge of breast cancer management for the modern breast surgeon. It covers all aspects of multidisciplinary care including primary breast and axillary surgery, reconstruction and oncoplastic techniques, external beam radiotherapy and newer techniques such as tomotherapy, intraoperative radiotherapy and brachytherapy. In addition, systemic therapies including chemotherapy, the latest biological targeted therapies and endocrine therapies are covered. Readers can find out about other important aspects of breast cancer such as genetics, screening, imaging and long-term health among others.Chapters take the reader through the basics up to the highest levels of knowledge in an easy to understand format with management algorithms to aid clinical care, generous referencing of the best literature and figures and photographs to illustrate each section. Published with the official approval of the European Society of Surgical Oncology (ESSO) and the European Society of Breast Cancer Specialists (EUSOMA), the book is written by a panel of recognised leaders in the field and is an indispensable guide for the practicing breast specialist and senior specialists in training, wishing to update their knowledge with the latest trends or polish off their training before accreditation.
- Published
- 2018
275. Da Camarina a Caucana : Ricerche di archeologia siciliana
- Author
Paola Pelagatti and Paola Pelagatti
- Abstract
Questa raccolta di scritti su scavi e ricerche a Camarina, Santa Croce Camerina-Punta Secca, nelle necropoli sicule di Castiglione e Monte Casasia dell'entroterra e in altri siti del ragusano, consiste in una riedizione di contributi pubblicati in numerose sedi, dal Bollettino d'Arte del Ministero dei Beni Culturali, all'Istituto Italiano di Numismatica, a Kokalos (Istituto di Storia Antica, Università di Palermo), all'Archivio Storico Siracusano, e ad altre riviste, nell'arco degli anni della permanenza dell'Autrice a Siracusa, nella Soprintendenza alle Antichità della Sicilia Orientale. La riedizione è arricchita da testi inediti, integrazioni e appendici frutto di nuovi dati e della continua attività di ricerca. PAOLA PELAGATTI. Allieva di Luciano Laurenzi all'Università di Bologna, ha lavorato per sette anni alla Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene, partecipando agli scavi nel palazzo minoico di Festòs. È stata Soprintendente alle Antichità della Sicilia orientale (Siracusa), del Piemonte (Torino) e dell'Etruria Meridionale (Roma, Museo di Villa Giulia). Ha condotto importanti scavi nella Sicilia Orientale, in particolare a Siracusa, Camarina, Naxos, Taormina, Akrai, Mendolito di Adrano, Mineo-Paliké, contribuendo in modo determinante alla conoscenza dell'urbanistica delle città siceliote e in molti casi ponendo le basi per la tutela degli antichi abitati. Sono fondamentali i suoi studi sulla ceramica greca arcaica, con particolare riguardo alla produzione e diffusione dei vasi laconici, al commercio e al riutilizzo nelle necropoli delle anfore da trasporto greche arcaiche, alla classificazione delle antefisse fittili. Nel decennio 1985-‘95 ha promosso iniziative e convegni per il contrasto agli scavi clandestini e per il rientro di importanti ceramiche greche trafugate dall'Italia. Professore di Archeologia all'Università della Calabria e all'Università della Tuscia. Membro del Consiglio Nazionale per i Beni Culturali, Comitato Beni Archeologici (1987-1996). Cittadina onoraria di Ragusa e di Giardini Naxos. Honorary Fellow della British School di Roma, Socia onoraria della Società di Storia Patria di Siracusa, Socia nazionale della Pontificia Accademia Romana di Archeologia, dell'Istituto Nazionale di Studi Etruschi ed Italici, Corrispondente del Deutsches Archäologisches Institut di Roma, Socia nazionale dell'Accademia dei Lincei.
- Published
- 2018
276. Reputazione, dignità, onore : confini penalistici e prospettive politico-criminali
- Author
Visconti, Arianna and Visconti, Arianna
- Subjects
- Criminal liability--Italy, Reputation (Law)--Italy, Libel and slander--Italy, Offenses against the person--Italy
- Published
- 2018
277. Blue on Blue : An Insider's Story of Good Cops Catching Bad Cops
- Author
Charles Campisi, Gordon L. Dillow, Charles Campisi, and Gordon L. Dillow
- Abstract
In one of the most illuminating portraits of police work ever, Chief Charles Campisi describes the inner workings of the world's largest police force and his unprecedented career putting bad cops behind bars. “Compelling, educational, memorable…this superb memoir can be read for its sheer entertainment or as a primer on police work—or both” (Kirkus Reviews, starred review).From 1996 to 2014 Charles Campisi headed NYPD's Internal Affairs Bureau, working under four police commissioners and gaining a reputation as hard-nosed and incorruptible. During Campisi's IAB tenure, the number of New Yorkers shot, wounded, or killed by cops every year declined by ninety percent, and the number of cops failing integrity tests shrank to an equally startling low. But to achieve those exemplary results, Campisi had to triple IAB's staff, hire the very best detectives, and put the word out that corruption wouldn't be tolerated. Blue on Blue provides “a rare glimpse inside one of the most secretive branches of policing…and a compelling, behind-the-scenes account of what it takes to investigate police officers who cross the line between guardians of the public to criminals. It's a mesmerizing exposé on the harsh realities and complexities of being a cop on the mean streets of New York City and the challenges of enforcing the law while at the same time obeying it” (The New York Journal of Books). Campisi allows us to listen in on wiretaps and feel the adrenaline rush of drawing in the net. It also reveals new threats to the force, such as the possibility of infiltration by terrorists. “A lively memoir [told with] verve, intriguing detail, and a generous heart” (The Wall Street Journal) and “an expose of the NYPD's Internal Affairs Bureaus [that is] enlightening and entertaining” (The New York Times Book Review), Blue on Blue will forever change the way you view police work.
- Published
- 2017
278. The Black Hand : The Epic War Between a Brilliant Detective and the Deadliest Secret Society in American History
- Author
Stephan Talty and Stephan Talty
- Subjects
- Italian Americans--Crimes against--Case studies, Italians--Crimes against--United States--Case studies, Organized crime--United States--Case studies, Mafia--United States--Case studies, Murder--United States--Case studies, Extortion--United States--Case studies
- Abstract
This “gripping account” of the early 20th century organized crime ring chronicles “a lurid and little-known episode in American history” (The Washington Post). Beginning in the summer of 1903, an insidious crime wave stirred New York City, then the entire country, into panic. The children of Italian immigrants were being kidnapped and dozens of innocent victims gunned down. Bombs tore apart tenement buildings. Judges, senators, Rockefellers, and society matrons were threatened with gruesome deaths. The perpetrators'only calling card was the symbol of a black hand. Standing between the American public and the Society of the Black Hand was Joseph Petrosino. Dubbed “the Italian Sherlock Holmes,” Petrosino was an ingenious detective and master of disguise. As the crimes grew ever more bizarre, Petrosino and his all-Italian police squad raced to capture members of the secret society before the nation's anti-immigrant tremors exploded into catastrophe. The Black Hand is a “taut, brisk, and very cinematic” true crime history of America at the dawn of the 20th century (Newsday).
- Published
- 2017
279. La policromia sui sarcofagi romani : Catalogo e risultati scientifici
- Author
Eliana Siotto and Eliana Siotto
- Subjects
- Sarcophagi, Roman, Polychromy
- Abstract
This monograph deals with the polychromy on Roman marble sarcophagi produced in Rome from the beginning of the 2nd century to the end of the 4th century AD. It addresses the issues of colour and gilding by topic, in a discursive way, from a technical and practical point of view. The monograph brings together results and data derived from field observations, scientific analyses combined with archive-bibliographical research by emerging technologies in support of the classic process. For the first time, the study of polychromy is dealt with in a totally new way and the research focuses exclusively on a specific class of archaeological artefacts. This approach does not alter the text of the manuscript broad and complementary examination of the materials studied from a historical and archaeological profile. Thus, the search is configured for its transdisciplinarity constituting a pioneering product for the subject matter, so innovative in content and method. Eliana Siotto is a researcher in the field of the new technologies used for the documentation, management and enhancement of Cultural Heritage for conservation work and museum exhibitions. She is specialised in the study of the ancient colour on the marble surface and on the use of 2D/3D Computer Graphic techniques for the knowledge and the virtual reconstruction of the ancient polychromy. She has a multidisciplinary training and is pioneer in her field of research: she is graduated with honour in Cultural Heritage Preservation (Old Settlement, Restoration Techniques matter), has been a lecturer in the field of Museology applied to Archaeology and holds a PhD in Classical Archaeology at the University of Pisa. At the same time, she had obtained an MSc degree in Geographic Information Systems, has specialized in 2D/3D Computer Graphic techniques and deepened her studies in the field of diagnostic surveys for Cultural Heritage. La monografia si occupa della policromia sui sarcofagi romani in marmo prodotti a Roma dall'inizio del II secolo alla fine del IV secolo d.C. Essa affronta in modo sistematico le problematiche del colore e della doratura per temi, in modo discorsivo, ma sempre da un punto di vista tecnico e pragmatico, riportando risultati e dati derivanti da osservazioni sul campo, da analisi scientifiche unite a ricerche archivio-bibliografiche mediante luso di tecnologie emergenti in supporto alliter corrente. Per la prima volta, lo studio della policromia è affrontato in modo nuovo e la ricerca si è concentrata esclusivamente su una classe specifica di manufatti archeologici. Questo approccio, naturalmente, non toglie al testo del manoscritto unampia e complementare disamina dei materiali studiati sotto il profilo storico-archeologico. In tal modo, la ricerca si configura per la sua transdisciplinarità costituendo, per la materia in oggetto, un prodotto pionieristico, quindi innovativo per contenuti e metodo. Eliana Siotto è ricercatore nel settore delle nuove tecnologie per la documentazione, la gestione e la valorizzazione dei Beni Culturali con particolare attenzione ai fenomeni di degrado per lintervento conservativo e alla conoscenza per una corretta comunicazione dei contenuti su web e in ambienti museali. È specializzata nello studio del colore antico su materiale lapideo e nell'uso di tecniche di grafica computerizzata 2D/3D per lanalisi e la riproposizione virtuale della policromia antica. Ha una formazione eterogenea ed è pioniere nel suo settore di ricerca: si è laureata con lode in Conservazione dei Beni Culturali (vecchio ordinamento, materia Tecniche di Restauro), è stata cultore della materia in Museologia applicata all'Archeologia e detiene un dottorato di ricerca in Archeologia Classica presso l'Università di Pisa. Allo stesso tempo, ha conseguito un master post-laurea di secondo livello in Sistemi Informativi Geografici, si è specializzata in tecniche di Computer Grafica 2D/3D e ha approfondito i suoi studi nel settore delle indagini d
- Published
- 2017
280. Breast Oncology: Techniques, Indications, and Interpretation
- Author
Samantha L. Heller, Linda Moy, Samantha L. Heller, and Linda Moy
- Subjects
- Magnetic resonance imaging, Medicine, Radiology, Oncology
- Abstract
This book presents up to date debates and issues in the world of breast MRI with a very practical focus on how to incorporate current understanding of breast MRI into clinical practice. The book is divided into three key sections, all of which have critical impact for the breast imager: Techniques introduces the reader to the parameters of breast MRI from standard sequences to up-to-date cutting edge techniques. Indications provides a careful review of the accepted indications for breast MRI from High Risk Screening to use of breast MRI, in the context of neoadjuvant chemotherapy with a detailed analysis of the evidence-based support for these indications and a careful look at controversies and debates within the field. MRI Findings, Interpretation, and Management takes on the topics of how to interpret and manage specific MRI findings from benign to malignant disease with a focus on radiologic-pathologic correlation. The section also incorporates a focus on key management dilemmas, including appropriate follow-up intervals for benign findings on MRI and management of probably benign lesions assessed as a Breast Imaging Reporting and Dictating System (BI-RADS)-3 category on MRI.
- Published
- 2017
281. Murder Has Consequences
- Author
Giacomo Giammatteo and Giacomo Giammatteo
- Abstract
For a select few people, friendship lasts forever. Nicky Fusco and Frankie Donovan were friends like that, but that was years ago. Now Frankie's a detective in Brooklyn's Homicide department, and Nicky is a reformed hit man. But when Frankie gets in trouble—and the law can't help him—he turns to Nicky. The problem is that Nicky promised his family, and God, that he'd go straight.
- Published
- 2017
282. An Oneida Indian in Foreign Waters : The Life of Chief Chapman Scanandoah, 1870-1953
- Author
Laurence M. Hauptman and Laurence M. Hauptman
- Subjects
- Hanyoust family, United States. Navy--Biography.--Machinist's m, Oneida Indians--Kings and rulers--Biography, Oneida Indians--History, Oneida Indians--Land tenure, Inventors--New York (State)--Biography, Mechanics--New York (State)--Biography, Indians, Treatment of--New York (State)
- Abstract
Chief Chapman Scanandoah (1870–1953) was a decorated Navy veteran who served in the Spanish-American War, a skilled mechanic, and a prize-winning agronomist who helped develop the Iroquois Village at the New York State Fair. He was also a historian, linguist, philosopher, and early leader of the Oneida land claims movement. However, his fame among the Oneida people and among many of his Hodinöhsö:ni'contemporaries today rests with his career as an inventor.In the era of Thomas Edison, Scanandoah challenged the stereotypes of the day that too often portrayed Native Americans as primitive, pre-technological, and removed from modernity. In An Oneida Indian in Foreign Waters, Hauptman draws from Scanandoah's own letters; his court, legislative, and congressional testimony; military records; and forty years of fieldwork experience to chronicle his remarkable life and understand the vital influence Scanandoah had on the fate of his people. Despite being away from his homeland for much of his life, Scanandoah fought tirelessly in federal courts to prevent the loss of the last remaining Oneida lands in New York State. Without Scanandoah and his extended Hanyoust family, Oneida existence in New York might have been permanently extinguished. Hauptman's biography not only illuminates the extraordinary life of Scanandoah but also sheds new light on the struggle to maintain tribal identity in the face of an increasingly diminished homeland.
- Published
- 2016
283. Eicosanoids, Inflammation and Chronic Inflammatory Diseases: Pathophysiology, Health Effects and Targets for Therapies
- Author
Balisteri, Carmela Rita and Balisteri, Carmela Rita
- Subjects
- Inflammation--Mediators, Eicosanoids, Inflammation
- Abstract
Eicosanoids constitute a large and expanding family of bioactive lipids synthesized from polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) to either pro-inflammatory omega-6 arachidonic acid (AA) or anti-inflammatory omega-3 eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). In these last cases, two essential fatty acids (FAs) (ω-6 linoleic acid (C18:2n6) and ω-3 linolenic acid (LA) (C18:3n3) are utilized as substrates and a series of desaturase and elongase enzymes are essential for their production. Among these different members, the AA-derived eicosanoids operate as potent signaling mediators that provide an efficient way for cells to respond to various stimuli. As a result, they act as part of a complex regulatory network and control a number of important physiological processes. Some of these processes include: •smooth muscle tone •vascular permeability •platelet aggregation •broncho-constriction/dilation •intestine motility •inhibition of gastric acid secretion •uterus contraction •kidney filtration renal blood flow •an increase in hypothalamic •pituitary hormone secretion. Their action is mediated through the binding to specific G-protein-coupled membrane receptors. These receptors can trigger a fluxuation in the rate of cytosolic second messenger generation (cAMP or Ca2+), activation of specific protein kinases or changes in membrane potential. Different cellular types are involved in their production from classical inflammatory cells including polymorphonuclear leukocytes, macrophages (important producers) and mast cells to dentritic cells that represent both a source and target of AA-derived eicosanoids. In addition, human activated T and B cells produce significant amounts of eicosanoids, particularly prostaglandins such as PGD2 and PGE2. This propriety might be principally central to several functions of B cells. However, AA-derived eicosanoids also constitute the optimal amount of immune/inflammatory responses by mediating their effects on macrophages, mast cells, dentritic cells, lymphocytes and natural killer cells. Thus, they are also able to exert both the evocation of immune responses and immune-modulation. In addition to their capacity to elicit biological responses, eicosanoids (in particular AA-derived eicosanoids) are now understood to regulate immunopathological processes ranging from inflammatory responses to chronic tissue remodeling, obesity, insulin resistance, diabetes, and atherosclerosis. Allergic diseases, cardiovascular complications (i.e. coronaropathies, aneurysm, etc.), cancer, rheumatoid and autoimmune disorders are additional bodily functions affected as well. A genetic basis has been postulated for susceptibility to each of these diseases. Each of these medical conditions are syndromic; that is, they are caused by more than one molecular defect. On the other hand, they are multifactorial diseases. Recently, it has been suggested that genetic variants of eicosanoid pathways have a role in the risk of these diseases. Their combinations have been observed in patients affected by these maladies. Thus, they might be used as promising biomarkers in a pre- and post-treatment clinical setting. Indeed, their identifications may hold promise for the realization of a personalized medicine. The evidence is growing in terms of the role eicosanoids play in tissue regeneration and wound healing. It is also interesting how a Mediterranean diet might be suggested as an advantageous and new form of anti-inflammatory therapy. This implies the possibility of using eicosanoids as both health and disease biomarkers and to consider them as potential therapeutic targets. Many of these aspects are summarized in this book. The data described is based on expert opinion derived from the findings of studies on aging, age-related diseases and inflammation.
- Published
- 2015
284. Built Heritage: Monitoring Conservation Management
- Author
Lucia Toniolo, Maurizio Boriani, Gabriele Guidi, Lucia Toniolo, Maurizio Boriani, and Gabriele Guidi
- Subjects
- Historic preservation
- Abstract
This book provides a comprehensive, up-to-date overview on the most pressing issues in the conservation and management of archaeological, architectural, and urban landscapes. Multidisciplinary research is presented on a wide range of built heritage sites, from archaeological ruins and historic centers through to twentieth century and industrial architectural heritage. The role of ICT and new technologies, including those used for digital archiving, surveying, modeling, and monitoring, is extensively discussed, in recognition of their importance for professionals working in the field. Detailed attention is also paid to materials and treatments employed in preventive conservation and management. With contributions from leading experts, including university researchers, professionals, and policy makers, the book will be invaluable for all who seek to understand, and solve, the challenges face d in the protection and enhancement of the built heritage.
- Published
- 2014
285. Consolidamento e restauro delle strutture in legno : Tipologie, dissesti, diagnostica, interventi
- Author
Aldo Aveta and Aldo Aveta
- Subjects
- Wooden-frame buildings--Maintenance and repair, Wooden ceilings--Maintenance and repair
- Abstract
Il miglioramento sismico consiste nell'esecuzione di una o più opere riguardanti i singoli elementi strutturali dell'edificio per conseguire un maggior grado di sicurezza, senza modificarne in maniera sostanziale il comportamento globale. Esso interessa gli edifici monumentali, ma dovrebbe applicarsi all'intero patrimonio edilizio dei centri storici stratificati per non snaturare gli schemi statici tradizionali ed evitare operazioni sostitutive. Ciò riguarda anche le strutture lignee, ovvero solai e capriate presenti nei manufatti storici, alle quali dedica specifica attenzione il volume, che costituisce un utile ausilio per i professionisti e per gli operatori del settore, approfondendo le tematiche di un processo progettuale che va dalla conoscenza all'individuazione degli interventi di consolidamento. Partendo dall'impiego di tali strutture nel corso della storia della tecnica edilizia, se ne precisano caratteristiche, difetti e vulnerabilità, passando poi ad affrontare la fase diagnostica. Un ampio capitolo viene dedicato alle tecniche di consolidamento. Completa il volume una ricca Appendice in cui vengono precisate le norme UNI di riferimento e sono sviluppati esempi di calcolo e di verifica di solai. Hanno collaborato: ~ Raffaele Amore, dottore di ricerca in Conservazione di Beni architettonici, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II ~ Claudia Aveta, dottore di ricerca in Conservazione di Beni architettonici, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II ~ Luciano Maria Monaco, specialista in Restauro dei monumenti e dottore di ricerca in Conservazione di Beni architettonici, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II ~ Maria Chiara Rapalo, specialista in Beni architettonici e del Paesaggio, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
- Published
- 2014
286. Literature 1976, Part 2
- Author
S. Böhme, Ute Esser, Professor Dr. Walter Fricke, U. Güntzel-Lingner, I. Heinrich, D. Krahn, Dr. Lutz D. Schmadel, G. Zech, S. Böhme, Ute Esser, Professor Dr. Walter Fricke, U. Güntzel-Lingner, I. Heinrich, D. Krahn, Dr. Lutz D. Schmadel, and G. Zech
- Subjects
- Astronomy, Astrophysics
- Abstract
Astronomy and Astrophysics Abstracts, which has appeared in semi-annual volumes since 1969, is de voted to the recording, summarizing and indexing of astronomical publications throughout the world. It is prepared under the auspices of the International Astronomical Union (according to a resolution adopted at the 14th General Assembly in 1970). Astronomy and Astrophysics Abstracts aims to present a comprehensive documentation of literature in all fields of astronomy and astrophysics. Every effort will be made to ensure that the average time interval between the date of receipt of the original literature and publication of the abstracts will not exceed eight months. This time interval is near to that achieved by monthly abstracting journals, com pared to which our system of accumulating abstracts for about six months offers the advantage of greater convenience for the user. Volume 18 contains literature published in 1976 and received before March 1, 1977; some older liter ature which was received late and which is not recorded in earlier volumes is also included.
- Published
- 2013
287. Literature 1975, Part 1
- Author
S. Böhme, U. Esser, W. Fricke, U. Güntzel-Lingner, I. Heinrich, F. Henn, D. Krahn, L. Schmadel, H. Scholl, G. Zech, S. Böhme, U. Esser, W. Fricke, U. Güntzel-Lingner, I. Heinrich, F. Henn, D. Krahn, L. Schmadel, H. Scholl, and G. Zech
- Subjects
- Astronomy, Astrophysics
- Abstract
Astronomy and Astrophysics Abstracts, which has appeared in semi-annual volumes since 1969, is de voted to the recording, summarizing and indexing of astronomical publications throughout the world. It is prepared under the auspices of the International Astronomical Union (according to a resolution adopted at the 14th General Assembly in 1970). Astronomy and Astrophysics Abstracts aims to present a comprehensive documentation of literature in all fields of astronomy and astrophysics. Every effort will be made to ensure that the average time interval between the date of receipt of the original literature and publication of the abstracts will not exceed eight months. This time interval is near to that achieved by monthly abstracting journals, com pared to which our system of accumulating abstracts for about six months offers the advantage of greater convenience for the user. Volume 13 contains literature published in 1975 and received before August 15, 1975; some older literature which was received late and which is not recorded in earlier volumes is also included. We acknowledge with thanks contributions to this volume by Dr. J. Bouska, who surveyed journals and publications in the Czech language and supplied us with abstracts in English, and by the Common wealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (C.S.I.R.O.), Sydney, for providing titles and abstracts of papers on radio astronomy. We want to acknowledge valuable contributions to this vol ume by Zentralstelle ftir Atomkemenergie-Dokumentation, Leopoldshafen, which supported our ab stracting service by sending us retrospective literature searches.
- Published
- 2013
288. Prostate Cancer: A Comprehensive Perspective
- Author
Ashutosh Tewari and Ashutosh Tewari
- Subjects
- Prostate--Cancer
- Abstract
Prostate cancer is the commonest male cancer with over 5 million survivors in US alone. Worldwide, the problem is staggering and has attracted significant attention by media, scientists and cancer experts. Significant research, discoveries, innovations and advances in treatment of this cancer have produced voluminous literature which is difficult to synthesize and assimilate by the medical community. Prostate Cancer: A Comprehensive Perspective is a comprehensive and definitive source which neatly resolves this problem. It covers relevant literature by leading experts in basic science, molecular biology, epidemiology, cancer prevention, cellular imaging, staging, treatment, targeted therapeutics and innovative technologies. Prostate Cancer: A Comprehensive Perspective, is a valuable and timely resource for urologists and oncologists.
- Published
- 2013
289. Advances in Cryogenic Engineering
- Author
Peter Kittel and Peter Kittel
- Subjects
- Chemistry, Technical, Condensed matter
- Abstract
The Oregon Convention Center, Portland, Oregon, was the venue for the 1997 Cryogenic Engineering Conference. The meeting was held jointly with the International Cryogenic Materials Conference. John Barclay, of the University of Victoria, and David Smathers, of Cabot Performance Materials, were conference chairmen. Portland is the home of Northwest Natural Gas, a pioneer in the use of liquid natural gas, and Portland State University, where cryogenic research has long been conducted. The program consisted of 350 CEC papers, considerable more than CEC-95. This was the largest number of papers ever submitted to the CEC. Of these, 263 papers are published here, in Volume 43 of Advances in Cryogenic Engineering. Once again the volume is published in two books. CEC PAPER REVIEW PROCESS Since 1954 Advances in Cryogenic Engineering has been the archival publication of papers presented at the biennial CEC!ICMC conferences. The publication includes invited, unsolicited, and government sponsored research papers in the research areas of cryogenic engineering and applications. All of the papers published must (1) be presented at the conference, (2) pass the peer review process, and (3) report previously unpublished theoretical studies, reviews, or advances in cryogenic engineering.
- Published
- 2013
290. Growth Factors and the Ovary
- Author
Anne N. Hirshfield and Anne N. Hirshfield
- Subjects
- Ovaries--Physiology--Congresses, Ovaries--Growth--Congresses, Growth factors--Physiological effect--Congress, Growth Substances--physiology--congresses, Ovary--physiology--congresses
- Abstract
The First Ovarian Workshop was held in June 1976; its goal was to achieve a collective understanding of current thought on ovarian follicular development and function, and to generate clear definitions of the most important areas to be explored in the future. The Ovarian Workshops quickly became a major biennial event for the community of reproduc tive biologists and their students studying ovarian function. As a young graduate student, I gave my first scientific presentation at the First Ovarian Workshop and I have attended all but one of the subsequent meetings. The Workshops provided a unique forum for the sharing ofideas with colleagues studying closely related problems. I was therefore especially pleased to have been asked to organize the Seventh Ovarian Workshop and to be given an opportunity to help perpetuate these important meetings. The Seventh Ovarian Workshop was held on the campus of the University of Puget Sound in Tacoma, Washington on July 31 and August 1, 1988. Serono Symposia USA generously financed and coordinated the meeting. I would like to express my particular thanks to Dr. L. Lisa Kern and Dr. James Posillico for their invaluable help prior to, during, and after the meeting. I would also like to thank Mary Benson and her staff at the University of Puget Sound who made us feel at home in every way.
- Published
- 2013
291. Uomini contro la mafia
- Author
Vincenzo Ceruso and Vincenzo Ceruso
- Abstract
Da Boris Giuliano a Carlo Alberto Dalla Chiesa, da Giovanni Falcone a Paolo Borsellino: storie di eroi in lotta contro la criminalità organizzata Uomini contro la mafia è la storia di una resistenza anomala. Una resistenza che inizia con la nascita della consorteria mafiosa e prosegue fino ai giorni nostri. È la storia di uomini che hanno speso la propria vita affinché la mafia potesse essere sconfitta e che, troppo spesso, sono caduti per difendere le istituzioni democratiche di un Paese distratto e irriconoscente. Servitori dello Stato e uomini di Chiesa, esponenti della società civile e dirigenti di partito, imprenditori e sindacalisti: personalità diverse unite dallo stesso destino. Da Emanuele Notarbartolo a Libero Grassi, da Joe Petrosino a Carlo Alberto Dalla Chiesa, da Salvatore Carnevale a Pio La Torre, da Peppino Impastato a don Giuseppe Puglisi, da Paolo Giaccone a Giovanni Falcone e Paolo Borsellino: i loro ritratti compongono un'epopea unica nel mondo occidentale. Percorsi individuali che si intrecciano in maniera originale, perché Uomini contro la mafia non mette in scena il cammino di eroi solitari, ma racconta il tentativo di dar vita a «un movimento culturale e morale, anche religioso, che coinvolgesse tutti, che tutti abituasse a sentire il fresco profumo di libertà che si oppone al puzzo del compromesso morale, dell'indifferenza, della contiguità, e quindi della complicità» (Paolo Borsellino). Dall'autore del bestseller La Chiesa e la mafia La storia degli uomini che hanno sacrificato la propria vita affinché la mafia potesse essere sconfitta «È un libro durissimo, quello di Ceruso [...]. Ricostruisce le troppe ambiguità a cavallo tra la mafia e una religiosità distorta e oscena.» Gian Antonio Stella, autore di La casta «Un pugno nello stomaco. [...] Una ricostruzione di storie emblematiche che corrono accanto agli ultimi decenni di storia di mafia “ufficiale”.» Attilio Bolzoni, la Repubblica Vincenzo CerusoÈ nato a Palermo, dove vive e lavora. Allievo di padre Pino Puglisi, si è occupato di minori a rischio di devianza, in alcuni dei quartieri più difficili di Palermo. Già ricercatore presso il Centro studi Pedro Arrupe, collabora con l'Osservatorio Migrazioni e scrive di mafia su diverse testate. Per la Newton Compton ha pubblicato Uomini contro la mafia, I 100 delitti della Sicilia; Provenzano. L'ultimo padrino; La mafia nera, Le più potenti famiglie della mafia e, con Pietro Comito e Bruno De Stefano, I nuovi padrini.
- Published
- 2012
292. Inhibitors of Cell Growth
- Author
Alvaro Macieira-Coelho and Alvaro Macieira-Coelho
- Subjects
- Cytology, Cancer, Biochemistry, Oncology
- Abstract
The containment of cell growth is at the core of the homeostatic regulation of metazoans, and considerable progress has been made in the understanding of how this is achieved. Most knowledge comes from the isolation of molecu les with positive and negative regulatory effects on cell proliferation, and most emphasis so far has been on these molecules. Some of these molecules are already available for therapeutic purposes, and others look promising in this respect. This volume gives examples of such approaches. The understanding of the control of cell growth is also fundamental to grasp phylogenic and ontogenic development. Why organisms have developed increasingly sophisticated mechanisms that control their size and that of their organs, how different cells originate, some destined for renewal and repair, others for specialized functions in a postmitotic state or evolving through division, others like the germinal cells waiting for the signal to start another organism. There is one mechanism of growth containment, however, about which we know very little. It concerns the structural characteristics of the cell, i.e. the relationship between structure and function. How structure can change the response to identical signals. The positive and negative growth regulators may be conserved, but the structure and organization of the genetic material and of other cell components differ widely and are responsible to a great extent for the differences in cell proliferative behaviour.
- Published
- 2012
293. Storia della mafia
- Author
Carlo Giuseppe Marino and Carlo Giuseppe Marino
- Abstract
Dall'“Onorata società” a Cosa nostra, la ricostruzione critica di uno dei più inquietanti fenomeni del nostro tempoDi mafie al mondo ce ne sono molte, ma è quella siciliana la mafia storica e la madre di tutte le altre. Per secoli ha alimentato la “Sicilia politica”; dopo l'unificazione nazionale è diventata parte integrante delle vicende del potere in Italia; dall'età dei padrini a quella dei boss, ha via via assunto rilievo internazionale intrecciandosi con le sorti del peggiore affarismo; infine si è addirittura innervata nelle più segrete e inquietanti operazioni “strategiche” dell'Occidente durante la guerra fredda. Il quadro degli eventi è tale da produrre un forte impatto sia sul lettore comune che sullo specialista: un grande affresco di potenti e poveracci, gattopardi e gabellotti, briganti e politici, notabili e preti, affaristi e narcotrafficanti, tangentisti e massoni. Non si tratta, dunque, di un impasto di cronache di criminalità, bensì di una densa materia politica e sociale. Analizzarla significa indagare su processi di cui è protagonista l'Italia intera nel sistema mondiale delle sue relazioni e alleanze. Da questa prospettiva, e pensando anche al filo che lega la mafia ai misteri della prima repubblica, si coglie il dramma dell'antimafia e la reale portata etico-politica della “rivolta legalitaria” dopo il crollo del muro di Berlino. Scrivere tutto questo da italiani, e ancor più da siciliani, è perlomeno imbarazzante, perché costringe a “processare” mentalità radicate e tradizioni di lungo periodo. Nel farlo l'autore controlla la passione civile con l'equanimità di giudizio, in una ricostruzione affascinante, che utilizza criticamente anche la cronaca, realizzando un'opera tra le più insolite e ardite della storiografia italiana contemporanea.Giuseppe Carlo Marinoè professore ordinario di Storia Contemporanea nella Facoltà di Scienze politiche dell'Università di Palermo. Scrittore di storia assai precoce, formatosi all'ombra di Giovanni Spadolini, poi evolutosi su un itinerario culturale segnato dalla fedeltà alla lezione di Antonio Gramsci, si è dedicato in particolare allo studio dei rapporti tra potere e società in Italia. Collaboratore della RAI impegnato sul fronte dell'“uso pubblico” della storia, è autore di numerose opere tra le quali: La repubblica della forza, Eclissi del principe e crisi della storia, È veramente esistita la prima repubblica?, Biografia del Sessantotto e Le Generazioni italiane dall'Unità alla Repubblica. Con la Newton Compton, ha pubblicato anche Storia della mafia e La Sicilia delle stragi.
- Published
- 2012
294. Biochemistry and Genetics of Recq-Helicases
- Author
David B. Lombard and David B. Lombard
- Subjects
- DNA helicases
- Abstract
Biochemistry And Genetics of RecQ-Helicases provides a background into the role of helicases in general and RecQ helicases specifically in DNA repair. Helicases- enzymes which break down hydrogen bonds between nucleic acid strands in a nucleoside triphosphate-dependent manner-are ubiquitous in biology, participating in processes as diverse as replication, repair, recombination, transcription, and translation. The RecQ-family helicases are a group of helicases which have important roles in the maintenance of genomic stability in many organisms. In humans, mutations in three RecQ-family helicases lead to disease. This book thoroughly examines these helicases. Mutations in the BLM gene lead to Bloom syndrome, a disorder characterized by a susceptibility to many types of cancer. Mutations in the WRN gene cause Werner syndrome, a disease which in some respects resembles premature aging. Finally, mutations in a newly characterized RecQ-family member, RECQ4, may lead to the very rare recessive disorder Rothmund-Thomson syndrome, a condition characterized by developmental abnormalities and some aging-like manifestations. This book is intended for any researchers invested in these particular disorders, or with a general interest in DNA.
- Published
- 2012
295. The Macrophage As Therapeutic Target
- Author
Siamon Gordon and Siamon Gordon
- Subjects
- Immunology, Pharmacology, Virology
- Abstract
During the past decade, the rapid growth of molecular and cellular knowledge of macrophages, as a specialized host defense and homeostatic system, has begun to offer attractive targets for therapeutic intervention. Macrophages play a central role in a wide range of disease processes, from genetically determined lysosomal storage diseases, to acute sepsis, chronic inflammation and repair, tissue injury and cell death. Under- or overactivity of macrophage clearance, immune effector functions and responses to metabolic abnormalities contribute to common disorders such as autoimmunity, atherosclerosis, Alzheimer's disease and major infections including AIDS and Tuberculosis. Whilst the goals of therapeutic intervention based on improved understanding of macrophage functions and their contribution to pathogenesis may seem self evident, there are considerable difficulties in producing useful new agents. The present volume covers a range of subjects and provides opportunities for a more focused macrophage-targeted approach. The individual chapters review selected topics briefly, to place cellular processes and molecular targets in perspective. Overall, the volume should provide a broad sample of the state of the art. Useful reviews and references in the literature are cited within individual chapters.
- Published
- 2012
296. Germ Cell Development, Division, Disruption and Death
- Author
Barry R. Zirkin and Barry R. Zirkin
- Subjects
- Spermatogenesis--Congresses, Cell death--Congresses, Spermatozoa--cytology--congresses, Spermatozoa--growth & development--congresses
- Published
- 2012
297. La villa di Vincenzo Giustiniani a Bassano Romano : Dalla storia al restauro
- Author
Agostino Bureca and Agostino Bureca
- Abstract
Viene presentato, al termine del procedimento per l'acquisizione allo Stato della Villa Giustiniani-Odescalchi di Bassano Romano, il risultato del compendioso programma di studi e ricerche promosso e curato dalla Soprintendenza per i Beni Architettonici per il Paesaggio per il Patrimonio Storico Artistico del Lazio. Il feudo bassanese, in origine degli Anguillara, fu acquistato nel 1595 dal ricco commerciante e finanziere genovese Giuseppe Giustiniani, riparato a Roma dal lontano Oriente; la Villa fu restaurata e configurata nello stato attuale dal figlio Vincenzo (Chio 1564-Roma 1637) sul principio del Seicento per farne la propria casa-museo, rappresentativa sede di importanti collezioni antiquarie e di arte contemporanea e aristocratico luogo di riservate e dilettevoli attività e privilegiate frequentazioni. Nell'attesa dell'avvio dei lavori di restauro se ne ripercorrono le passate vicende, dai fasti barocchi alle tristi dismissioni patrimoniali dell'Ottocento, si illustra il prezioso ciclo di affreschi, opera di importanti artisti dell'epoca (FRANCESCO ALBANI, BERNARDO CASTELLO, DOMENICHINO, PAOLO GUIDOTTI BORGHESE, ANTONIO TEMPESTA), si affrontano -quasi a voler preordinare un disciplinare per la tutela - le problematiche connesse ai possibili utilizzi e progetti di valorizzazione culturale nella speranza che non si passi dalla colpevole inerzia degli anni passati al miope consumo utilitaristico di un irripetibile bene culturale. Agostino Bureca, architetto, funzionario del Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali, progettista e direttori dei lavori di numerosi interventi di restauro, svolge attività istituzionali di tutela conservazione e valorizzazione dei monumento presso la Soprintendenza per i Beni Architettonici per il Paesaggio, per il Patrimonio Storico Artistico e Demoetnoantropologico del Lazio.
- Published
- 2012
298. Second Catalogue of X-ray Sources
- Author
Pavel Rafaelovich Amnuel and Pavel Rafaelovich Amnuel
- Subjects
- Astronomy—Observations
- Published
- 2012
299. Handbook of Radioactivity Analysis
- Author
Michael F. L'Annunziata and Michael F. L'Annunziata
- Subjects
- Radioactivity--Measurement--Handbooks, manuals, etc, Liquid scintillation counting--Handbooks, manuals, etc
- Abstract
The updated and much expanded 3e of the Handbook of Radioactivity Analysis is an authoritative reference providing the principles, practical techniques, and procedures for the accurate measurement of radioactivity from the very low levels encountered in the environment to higher levels measured in radioisotope research, clinical laboratories, biological sciences, radionuclide standardization, nuclear medicine, nuclear power, and fuel cycle facilities and in the implementation of nuclear forensic analysis and nuclear safeguards. The book describes the basic principles of radiation detection and measurement and the preparation of samples from a wide variety of matrices, assists the investigator or technician in the selection and use of appropriate radiation detectors, and presents state-of-the-art methods of analysis. Fundamentals of radiation properties, radionuclide decay, the calculations involved, and methods of detection provide the basis for a thorough understanding of the analytical procedures. The Handbook of Radioactivity Analysis, 3e, is suitable as a teaching text for university and professional training courses. - The only comprehensive reference that describes the principles of detection and practical applications of every type of radioactivity detector currently used. The new 3e is broader in scope, with revised and expanded chapters, new authors, and seven new chapters on Alpha Spectrometry, Radionuclide Standardization, Radioactive Aerosol Measurements, Environmental Radioactivity Monitoring, Marine Radioactivity Analysis, Nuclear Forensic Analysis and Analytical Techniques in Nuclear Safeguards - Discusses in detail the principles, theory and practice applied to all types of radiation detection and measurement, making it useful for both teaching and research
- Published
- 2012
300. Sex Hormones and Immunity to Infection
- Author
Sabra L. Klein, Craig Roberts, Sabra L. Klein, and Craig Roberts
- Subjects
- Biochemistry, Communicable diseases, Microbiology, Immunity, Sex differences, Hormones, Sex, Immunity--Endocrine aspects, Autoimmune diseases, Infection
- Abstract
Why sex matters Among human and nonhuman animals, the prevalence and intensity of infection typically is higher in males than females and may reflect differences in exposure as well as susceptibility to pathogens. Elevated immunity among females is a double-edged sword in which it is beneficial against infectious diseases but is detrimental in terms of increased development of autoimmune diseases. The present book critically reviews the evolutionary origin and the functional mechanisms responsible for sexual dimorphism in response to infection. It emphasizes the value of examining responses in both males and females to improve our understanding about host-pathogen interactions in both sexes. The contributors are experts in their specific disciplines which range from microbiology and immunology to genetics, pathology, and evolutionary biology. The book aims at bringing insight to the treatment and management of infectious diseases; it delineates areas where knowledge is lacking and highlights future avenues of research.
- Published
- 2010
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